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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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that is, in the document there is even money that is allocated, amounts of money that are provided for one or another institution to raise this topic, i will not say, i saw, i saw, but as for the dialogue with the russians, what should i talk about with them? they had one, their, their personal opposition politician was in prison, they killed him, and there is no need to say now how, they killed him, by the kremlin, they killed him, and they, and where, where is their answer, as a society, as the public, but simply as people, this is their citizen, i recently... talked to
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journalists in american about this, he also asks me, why me? so you ask those people, he is their countryman, and they, they still live in these suburbs, they will definitely, definitely go to the elections, and you and i know the result, and judging by the messages dictated by the kremlin , then they sound everywhere... 2030 2030 they set the year until which the relevant person will work. bakutv, please. congratulations, mr. president. azerbaijan bakut agency. the second question is, which new countries can be friends in ukraine during these wars? from the list of friends of ukraine, what? what new ones
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countries can be on the list of friends of ukraine? thanks, added? they may not have been added, but they may be added. well, to be honest, for us, thank you for the question, it is very important for us that, no, we would be happy if azerbaijan supported us. aa in the peace formula, we spoke with the president, i think he will support us, because azerbaijan supports the territorial integrity of ukraine, this is the first, second, we are talking about the global south, it is very important for us to have them on board the peace formula and peace summit, we are working on it, and there are countries that you know that... they are still
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balancing and wavering a little bit in latin america and in africa, and we are working to get them to choose a side, the side of peace. thank you. next is turkish jim hurriet, i'm afraid of mispronouncing. good afternoon, mr. president, journalists from turkey. i have a few questions. first, yes. everyone knows that not everything is going according to plan in russia, but not everything is so easy in ukraine either, and you also talked about it, in these conditions, that there will be a victory in ukraine, that is, what will happen so that to say that ukraine won, and how do you assess the role of turkey's mediation, that is , peace processes, the first question and the new new agreement on the grain corridor.
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not everything goes according to plan, not everything depends on us, some things depend on us, some things depend on partners, so there are delays in certain processes, the main thing is to have a plan, and this plan exists, i will not be able to tell you the details of this plan, i 'll explain to you, to be honest. speaking between us, the fewer people who know the plans of the ukrainian army, the sooner the victory will be unexpected result for the russians, and i'll tell you frankly, our counteroffensives last fall were on kremlin steel before the counteroffensives began, full stop , as far as the new grain deal is concerned, so the new grain deal, as i
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said president erdoğan, we are in favor of expanding these corridors more and more, we will be grateful if and... more will appear, but we are not looking for an alternative to what is working now. i believe that president erdoğan, through his mediation, can help us with nikolaev. we talked to open the sea. mykolayiv region is also very important to us. and now we, and now, i know that turkey discussed with secretary general guterres the possibilities of free navigation, shipping in the black sea. we're ready for... that kind of conversation , and i'll be honest with you, we think it could be an issue at the first inaugural summit, it could be resolved, i really hope that president erdogan will be there and that's it, thank you nbc news, whatever please richard mr
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president good to see you, i'm from nbc news, these are really historic times, i was walking around town last night and i remember when we met in the past, and it seemed that the russians would win the war and the russians would capture the capital, this did not happen, you held out , you restrained this offensive, you pushed the russians back to the border, and now, as my colleague from italy asked, i just returned from a temporary yaru, the situation there looks very difficult, in your opinion, you now have fewer weapons, seven to one, and now the russians are advancing further, the question is whether these are the weakest times for
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ukraine at the beginning of the russian full-scale invasion, when the russians almost came to kyiv. and another representative of your government, he said that the first year of the war for ukraine was a year of courage, the second was a year of resistance, stability, how did you describe the third year of this war for ukraine? you have a difficult question. and i don’t think that this is the weakest moment, the weakest, after all, not that it’s going to happen, the shocking moment was on the 24th, two years ago, now is the most difficult moment for our unity, and if we all fall apart
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from the outside with our partners and don’t let god inside, then this will be the weakest moment yet , after the near... sunrise, understanding the absolute attention of the world to this tragedy, and this is a fact, and we understand how important it was for journalists to pay attention to this tragedy, but at the same time, the focus of the leaders also moved away from ukraine, and this is also a fact, and the attention was divided, and in even some regions began to forget that a full-scale revolution was taking place here. war for today, and it seems to me that it was the most difficult period, not because of the middle east, but a lot of things came together, but the end of our counteroffensive actions, the beginning of russia's counteroffensive, by the way, you are talking about now, but their offensive has begun, started on october 8th, i think, i don't remember
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the exact date, in the middle of october, now we 're just seeing the consequences, when we weakened with the number of relevant weapons, and we didn't see this offensive, i mean. i didn't see society for the most part, because they stood firm, but the package weakened, they weakened a little on the battlefield in the directions you mentioned, and now, as for the courage, the steadfastness of god, it is more like a chapter in a book, i would not like to say so, i believe that this whole war is about the courage of people, and there are different moments. and the first year was courage, and all the years of courage, all the years, absolutely, the first year is just survival, absolutely, i think so , was survival, you know, there are some things that are never mentioned, not in interviews , not in
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questions from journalists, but i will tell you, isolated cities of ukraine, with hundreds of thousands of people. without food and water, it was terrible, no one remembers it, and i'm sorry, maybe i said it wrong, we remember, but when we remember. and we talk about other things that are also important, but it was a year of survival, and that was it a terrible, simply terrible year of survival , survivors, the second year of resilience, well, well, well, after the first year and winter, surely, surely, yes, yes, the guys showed resilience in all directions. on the battlefield, the west united, and it was
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very important, they increased the production of various equipment, which was so very important for us, and grew about sustainability, probably the simplicity of the economy, the growth of the budget, growth, gdp, yes, and well, this is serious, and the third year. he, you know, he is a turning point, because as i said, the year of elections, the defocusing of everything immediately, challenges from outside, inside, etc. , some are tired, some talk about it, some are silent about it, and this is such a turning point year, and therefore in a turning point year we need exactly what you said, we also need courage. and stability in order to survive
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will depend on this year, i think the format of the end of the war will depend, i think so, i may be wrong, please, nv, thank you, zabilina yulia, nv, i would like a little about the internal, in in an interview with the rai tv channel, in italian, you announced a certain personnel reset. of the country, high-ranking officials, then the deputy was dismissed, his deputies, are any personnel changes expected in the near future, and if so, who and why, will this mean some kind of change in strategy in certain areas, and finally, questions also regarding personnel, when ambassadors will be appointed to the countries of our strategists. partners, in particular great britain and the czech republic. thanks for the questions about international
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politics, this is my exclusive vertical, sorry for this answer and will be appointed when powerful people are in these positions, it definitely not reduce. and it does not worsen my relations with prime minister rishi, sunak, and i also have strong relations with the czech republic, with the czech republic, to be honest, the process here is now technical, how do we know who will be the ambassador, he will be appointed, it's just technical stuff, it's about the embassies, who and why, well, why is it difficult to answer if you don't know who, and so... when we talk about the reboot depends on some things, i'll be honest with you,
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we have this conversation with the prem by the prime minister, and it is based solely on the shortage of money, if the corresponding deficit will be, will continue, we will do everything so that the infrastructure, and this is not only about the cabinet of ministers, so that the management infrastructure of our state is reduced, and this is such a format, we are preparing for it, reducing the number of ministries , reducing the number of ministers, easier management, or cheaper, let’s say, not easier management, it won’t be easier, more coordinated, yes, yes, denis anatovych, right, and that is why we have a completely open dialogue here, and we are ready for it, i i think that the indicator will be understanding that we will have in the spring, a little later, a month or two, we will understand everything. well, the same goes for the army in the army, and answering all the questions that were raised before about the army, we are waiting for the audit, which
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should also be conducted by the ministry of defense and the head together with the general staff, there will also be answers to these questions, please tell me are there polish journalists who are polish, and your question is, please, yes, yes, yes, here in... polish land, what should poland do to prevent such situations from happening again? thanks for question, what did you feel? well? i don't understand that in me, i also don't understand why, what is all this for, again politics and such an action, you know, such a story, to
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raise something, to be, to show in the media, especially, you know, it's unpleasant in the media of russia, and... and it's very unpleasant that we play on their side with these facts, and i think it's just wrong, just wrong between us, and and and that's all, and when we say how stop, well, it is not located on the territory of ukraine, not on our territory, not because i am comparing us, me i'm just stating a fact, polish grain or other food products are not on our territory. and we will understand how poland will lose,
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it will lose 150 million a year, people will lose, people for what, and we... everything, so as not to block our relations, and it is so, and you understand, in every society there is different people, there are hot heads, but from our side, so that russia does not want, polish goods are leaving, i believe that this issue must be resolved very, very quickly by the new government, because this is the new government that was voted for, the new prime minister -minister. and he, i'm not saying that he needs the state these or other reforms, that's your right, and definitely not our history, but as far as international relations with ukraine are concerned, it's wrong, the fourth time just pour it out, and it's wrong, it can be done thanks to which, the security service, the police, and the border guards, well
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, i think, have enough opportunities. would be willing yes well thank you thank you please bbc mr president you have received a significant amount of military aid despite previous discussions yes but the problem for ukraine has always been due to the speed of delivery of these weapons. and how disappointed you are because of the speed, or any hesitation behind the fact that there were certain supplies, disappointed, the loss of time,
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the loss of men, and this is my greatest disappointment, the long war. more victims , this is probably the second, and the victims are different, both military, and civilians, and children, and the more they are in the occupied territories, the russians, you understand, the more our children are taken somewhere, somewhere to russia, etc., and the longer there is a war, those are the countries that start it to hesitate, that is, time, time is not good for... everyone, absolutely for everyone for everyone, so what else can i be disappointed about? i am grateful that this aid is being kept and it is very important that it comes in time because the war is technological, you are very curious, you are very much waiting for some weapon, some armored vehicle, when it comes, people are already fighting with drones, you are very you wait a long time for a ranged weapon,
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for example, no casts, again, but nevertheless it's a fact, you wait for a ranged weapon... when it comes, people are already fighting by other, by other means, by other missiles , another war, so it seems to me that time cannot be lost, okay, we are ukraine, please, olena chernyakova tv channel we are ukraine, mr. president, you yourself mentioned the audit within the army two weeks ago . you gave such an order, i understand, to the new commander-in-chief and mr. umerov, first of all, how can it help us in the war, can it bring victory closer, what do you want to see there, what are the deadlines and... questions from the military, which i often hear: can fighters officers to be involved in the rate or in the planning of operations? thank you very much, the pond
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is wide enough, and the commands of one or another direction are present there, and they are all combat officers. look, this is an important point, a sufficiently wide bet and and and and more. and there are also some of our partners who, in order to provide us with appropriate weapons, also know some directions of our respective actions, they must know, because they will not allocate the appropriate package, and when such a number of people become very, very, very many, the enemy has more, more, more details, and so it is, and so it was, and this is an absolute fact, and we attach it. sometimes combat guys of different levels, leaders, if it’s an avdiovka, avdivkas join in, but not all of
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them, sometimes we come to them, i think you saw it, you didn’t see everything, but we all come , now with the head, his task, he, well , he conducts an audit, he wants to be in each place, in each brigade in the appropriate direction, in order to understand and draw conclusions that... asked, and what exactly, yes, what exactly, first of all, the question of reserves, the question rotation, everything needs to be put in order and put an end to it, not only is it free and you can, you understand, fight, you just need to rest, a person comes in, he must understand , that’s just the days, then he left, recovered, then transferred, if necessary and so next, these are very important things, just rely on your strength, and for this... you need to prepare the reserves properly, they were not properly prepared, and that is also a fact, we must recognize our weaknesses,
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and they were, they are, and we need to fix them, and in order to fix them it is necessary to understand what is happening, not only on the front line, you understand, that is why reserves, terabarut... what is happening in the dftg, in general, the picture should be an audit after two years, what is in the offices, who is there, why is there , how many people were mobilized, what percentage of them were at the front, a very important question, i think so, and many others, i will tell you this, here is an example, it is about us and about our partners, we had. .. if you can say so, a fist for a counterattack, i will not to say where, everyone knows about the details , and i will not say how much
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was being prepared, until today, from that package, four brigades are empty, four brigades without the equipment that was agreed upon, signed, shook hands, did not arrive, four brigades. people who, well , you already know the details, you understand that for the number of people, four brigades could fight, no, they did not fight these four brigades, yes, they stood and waited for the equipment, i am talking now without anything there, no objections, etc., but we understand that there are questions, and it is necessary ask, and you need to answer some questions, that's what the audit is for.
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recently the command passed to general syrskyi. and we did not hear a clear explanation. why did you dismiss the hard worker, and under the guidance of a new commander-in-chief, what will be your new strategy in this year, the 24th , are you preparing a new counteroffensive, if you can tell me more, there is a plan, the plan is clear, but i can’t tell you the details, i don’t have that's right, but... this plan is related to the change of management, so there are corresponding changes, several plans will be prepared after the round. information, but what about me?
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i'm changing someone, sorry, this is our internal moment, thank you, espresso tv channel, right after you, yes, good afternoon, mr. president, dmytro dodora, espresso tv channel, it's no secret that the russians' target is not only residential objects, which they often hit, and military facilities, in particular our defense industry, journalists found out last year that some defense enterprises are in a single portal, to be precise, a second, the use of public funds, i will not name about which enterprise the point is, however, if
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it is possible, why this happened and whether there will be an answer. law enforcement response to this situation thank you thank you for asking i will pass on all the details if you leave it to me i will pass it on to law enforcement let them deal with this matter nothing to add i don't know why this happened thank you there already next to rai, rai tijuno, thank you, good evening mr. mr. president, there are already a lot of people interested in pro-russian people in italy, do you have any specific names? the second question, according to you, are there any european countries that more susceptible to russian narratives, pro-russian, who did you have. and why are you
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asking me? i can't understand what you want from me, in fact, help us help ourselves, and that's another issue, so we will help you, prepare you. this is not about italians, this is a list of russian propagandists, for the first time, there is such a large document, we want to present it at the level of the eu, the european commission, the european parliament, eu leaders, and also the usa, it is about propagandists, also about companies that have close ties with
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the russians. and which try to bypass sanctions, we can give this list , i don't know in what format yet, we will think about it and share it with you, it's heaven, yes, good, and another question, do you think there are any eu countries that are most under, you know, fall under russian narratives, that is, they are more inclined to listen. to russian narratives, i think there are not many of them, but, well, i, i think, there are many such countries, to be honest, i was there, where i was, first of all, eastern europe, where there was a presence of the soviet union in in due time, there are, yes, there are communities, appropriate, which constantly support russia's narratives, i think
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russia helps them, influences it. just as it was in ukraine before the full-scale war, it was so, and we even had relevant people in the parliament of ukraine, that is, what are you going to do, influence, spend a lot of money, it is everywhere, and it is certainly in europe, and not only the middle east, a lot of money, they spent billions in latin america and continue to do so in africa and the united states, that's how it is everywhere. liganet, please have a good day, valery kondratova ligenet, mr. president, are you in control of the investigation of the history of the spying on the bigusinfo team, do you already know who the customer is, and if it turns out that the head of the special service knew about this special operation, will you change him?


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