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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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i think russia helps them, influences it, and just like in ukraine, it was before the full-scale war, it was like that, and we even had relevant people in the parliament of ukraine, that is, what are you going to do, influence, spend a lot of money, it's everywhere, and it's in europe , certainly, and not only the middle east, a lot of money, they spent billions in latin america and continue to do so in africa and the united states, yes. there is this liganet everywhere, please have a good day, valery kandaratova liganet, mr. president, or are you in control of the investigation of the story with the surveillance of the bigusinfo team, do you already know who the customer is, and if it turns out that the head of the special service knew about this special operation, will you change him?
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i think i already answered, maybe at a closed meeting with ofrek journalists, once again, it wasn’t public, that’s what i say, i answered ofrek, you probably just weren’t there, okay, the leadership of the security service of ukraine, the relevant direction, dznd, it seems to me, yes, dznd, this person, the manager, regardless, this person knew i didn't know about it, i don't want to figure it out anymore. are being investigated, and the law enforcement officers themselves, this person was released. the head of the security service of ukraine malyuk said that he will disband even this department, that is his business. well, i don't care who the customer is, this person has been fired, then the investigation will figure out who did it, if there was an order. thank you. kyiv independent. thank you very much. mr. president, more and more often,
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more and more, we hear from the ukrainian military, in particular in the bakhmud and avdiiv directions, about the lack of good prepared lines of defense, which should not only stop russian advances, but at the same time save their lives and destroy the enemy as much as possible, please tell me what is happening, will we see new... powerful strategic lines of defense along the active front line, and who exactly this is correct, thank you, now the head and the minister of defense will be responsible for this, that is why the audit is being done, after they do it, we will see the weak points, by the way, as far as i know, it is in the kupyan direction, precisely in khortytsia , we had it all. done at a very high
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level, and it is taken as an example for other directions. primattv romania, romania. prana, mr. president, next week, the leaders of the so-called transnistria in moldova will hold elections and they want to become part of russia. if this happens, what will ukraine do? how will your country react to this? are you ready to provide military aid to help moldova in this? we are at war, this is the first, we are at war with the russian federation, this is the second. moldova to us with any similar requests. did not apply
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this is the third, fourth, i'm not sure that next week the transnistrians, or whoever is going there, will go for it, i'm not sure about it, i'll tell you frankly, from the information that i have. art, please, germany, here we go. good evening, mr. president. ard german television, we have an office, mrs. fonderlaen, offered the position of such a commissioner for arms, how do you see it, it is because of the inability of europe to stand up to the threats that will come together, and how do you see it.
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given your desire to join the eu, considering how long it took them to get there and create this position in charge of armaments. we want it. for us, this is a historical choice, a geopolitical choice, it is first of all a choice of our people , and no one will be able to change this course, and even russia did it, but could not, and the bureaucracy in one or another institution of the european union, and any union, alliance , this is a difficult thing, today there are new technologies, new approaches, we all need to ... reload, for example, about a million artillery shells for ukraine as well it has been discussed for a very long time, and there at various sites of the european union, so far we have not received this million, it seems to me that we received about 30 percent, although recently at the last meeting mr. barel
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told me that he will do everything so that by the end of this year, we had this artillery weapon, we are not waiting for it, for this or that bureaucracy. we ourselves produce the corresponding weapons, it is not enough, we understand this, we have separate separate contracts, we count on all these volumes, dear colleagues, half more we have been talking with you for an hour and a half, i think we can finish for 10 minutes so as not to lose momentum, please give us army tv and then bfm tv, mr. president, congratulations. my name is leonid, army tv, and today you already mentioned the mobilization law, uh, the prospects for its approval, and we work a lot with the military, and the message that you said that people just often need to rest because they are basically non-iron, and we can only
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confirm this in fact, because often people are tired, and please tell me, but parallel to that, here in tylo there are groups of people who feel quite free and systematically undermine the mobilization process, whom i mean, i mean all kinds of bloggers, lawyers, who say that there is a war in our country it's not like that , it's kind of illegal, because we have to declare war, and we declared a legal regime of martial law, they give advice to people how to evade mobilization, please tell me, i pay attention... to the fact that it is basically one from threats to national security, disruption of the issue mobilization, what is your vision of how to deal with such people? it is difficult to fight with modern technologies, and it is difficult to fight in
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hybrid wars against russia's resources, and it is difficult when even some representatives of our, well, our public do not understand. but i don’t fully understand how it works, how telegram works, how tiktok works, how russia works with these media, etc., so it is necessary, it is necessary to show the truth, to say how important it is for ukraine to survive, people need to understand, and we have freedom of speech, people can say what they want, although... very important, let those who were at the front or those who are on the front line speak, because most of the time it happens, let's say, in a different way, and after all, when it appears on other platforms, and when it is then tightened people, and when
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a lot of money is invested in youtube, what the russians invest, well, it is not easy to fight with that, so here you are, well, one of such journalists, and we believe that us... journalists will help us so that people receive real information, lived in a normal, clean, well, not clean, completely clean is impossible, but in real information space, and for us it 's important, and i think it is, and from our side, we have to take steps to give opportunities to guys to rest, to have the possibility of substitutions, and that's why rotations are important to bring. there is order in this, to prepare reserves, all this is very important, it is not easy for the fighters, in some directions it is very difficult, it is very necessary to understand, and even we once talked about it, probably in general now the time is different, the time is not about morals,
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the world is more about money, etc., but sometimes, well, when people are on vacation, when someone is in the offing, you probably have to think, well, think... how public it should be, because you understand that someone is protecting you, and you annoy that person because he doesn't rest, and knowing the real consequences, what... will happen if russia will take over our state, from our side we have to take different steps while the audit is going on , while the deputies are discussing, we can do something, let's do it, for example, we had a part in the law on , in this law on mobilization, it was to demobilize conscripts, i believe that this is the correct solution, we extracted it from law, it has already been voted, and we will release the guys, the conscripts, they will... go home, and thank you, yes bfmtv, thank you, mr.
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president, i also have a question about mobilization, what do you think, this reform that you just initiated, will this reform allow the mobilization of an additional 5,000 military personnel, if not, will you be ready to go? mobilization in ukraine has been going on since the first days, mobilization in wartime, it is constantly going on, the changes to the law on mobilization, which he was preparing, were wanted by the military. and wanted the ministry defense, etc., there are many different changes, and they
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were connected with the fact that the issue in the mobilization has not been resolved, not you in the general mobilization, which is an unresolved issue, some issues, some details, such as the issue of conscripts, no one passed or the question of rotation, or the question of more advanced leave, etc., how long to serve. how much training is needed, i mean that the parameters change due to the fact that the law on mobilization was general before the war, and believe me, both in your state and in every state there is a corresponding legislation, but it there is nothing wrong with practice, well no, nothing, but for the most part it does not coincide with the realities of war, so this is not a reform, these are additional norms to the law, which... is in effect in ukraine and in times of war, it is in effect in any which state, and if an audit is needed in order to
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say how many changes are needed and to know the number of people who need to be mobilized additionally, then we have to wait for that. it is very important to look once again where the part of people who were not at the front, but they were mobilized. this needs to be sorted out. yes please, fuji tv japan. thank you, mr. president. we are from japanese television. there were reports, there was evidence that the russians were using weapons and missiles. from north korea, how concerned are you about that and what can be done to
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prevent it in the future? thank you for the question, there are reports, there is evidence, yes, the russians used north korean artillery, and also used guided missiles and struck ukraine with them. there is evidence from there, but what to do with it? you can't do anything about it. to help ukraine as much as possible, what north korea transmitted russia, that's how they transmitted and will transmit. they will not transfer, i think, more than the volume that we know about, because we know in principle the total volume of their artillery, by the way, the soviet union's artillery, yes, and we understand how much they transferred to them, it seems to me that they decided about 1.5 million. transmit, it was the total amount of artillery shells, how many rockets
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are unknown, they used them, it is a fact, let's give the last two questions, channel 24 and further, lithuanian television saw the taboo, but in this has one positive signal, i want to tell my colleagues from japan, if russia is taking care of iranian martyrs, for... north korea for their artillery, for their soviet artillery, if they are taking care of their missiles, it means that this is the year for them. also critical, they also have a big deficit, mr. president, congratulations, ukraine has signed security agreements with britain, france, italy, canada, denmark, and each of these countries is obliged to support ukraine, provide military aid for 10 years, but none of of these countries
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is not ready to side with ukraine in the war, if the re-invasion takes place, please tell me whether there is an issue on this matter, and recently there was an interview with the former ambassador of ukraine to great britain prystayk, where he said that it was london that was considering a similar decision to send its soldiers to ukraine. we are not negotiating with our partners about... the use of their armies on the territory of ukraine. if ukraine will be in nato, for us it is, well, the most powerful security guarantee, so accordingly, i think we will use the fifth amendment. ah, if so will happen, although from experience, what we see, none of the countries that are in nato, none of them
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is attacked by russia. sh- commented. it's difficult for the ambassador, i haven't seen the interview, maybe he knows something, if the british are really already here, great. yes, ltv. we are already today. we are meeting here after the second anniversary of russia's invasion of ukraine, and now is the most difficult situation, if dynamics like this continue and there is insufficient supply of weapons and ammunition, then in what situation will ukraine
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meet the third anniversary, that is, what will happen after year if this trend continues or vice versa if supplies suddenly become sufficient for you unless you think the war will be over within the next year thank you thank you for your question we are going to have a difficult time in the coming months because there are fluctuations. .. in the united states of america, which has an influence on some states, although, although, the european union has shown its ability to be leaders with appropriate support. it will be difficult for us, in march-april, we will go through this period of such waves,
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different waves, both political and financial, and different pressure, so it will be. russia will be ready. counter-offensive actions at the beginning of summer or at the end of the month of may, if they can , they will prepare, we will prepare for their fight, their fight, which began on october 8, did not bring any result, i believe, we, on our part, will prepare our plan and let's go to them, the turning points will be the elections in the united... america, and on this occasion we will understand what will happen after that. i believe that we will be able to hold the first summit, at least we will do everything to to prepare a document for the whole world that can lead to the end of the war, which should end in a just peace for
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us, for everyone, for ukraine. what might this year or the end of this year look like you asked? depends on many things, i will give you one example, if they are against, from air defense, if today in ukraine, or in the coming months, ukraine would be able to get, just one example, one example, and you will understand. the way it works, ukraine would be able to get 10 patriot systems for key industrial centers. of ukraine, i will not say for which, and it is clear , if we could use these systems, closer to the front line, they would not
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approach us, they would retreat, we would break their defense lines and go forward, 10 patriots, it would change dramatically would the situation, i 'm just telling you, peter, it doesn't mean that only systems. patriots decide, i gave you one example, and believe me, two or three such names, and the end of their defense, simply the end, and then you will be able to answer the question, so why does ukraine not have this? well then not everyone needs it, so not everything is possible. or it means it is ahead, that's all, and it depends on what the end of this year will be like.
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colleagues, we will conclude, but i want to conclude on something life-affirming, is there a question, and it was very positive, then, by the way, i could answer differently, it was very positive, it is clear where we are going, what we are about we talk to our partners about what we are pushing for. and where do we see ourselves at the end of the year, well then yes, on such a positive note, cheers, yes, then we conclude, thank you, goodbye, laughter, physical activity, sneezing, even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt, feminost lesson helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro , it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminonost uro - urination under control. ask
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, you just listened to mr. president, he delayed my program for about 45 minutes, well, i'm already allowing it, what to do, after all, the president. ruslan osypenko is visiting us, i hope we will all see him now, diplomat, expert, internationalist, good health, mr. ruslan. congratulations, mr. mykola. well, look, it means that the president radiated confidence and optimism, this is a justified mood of the president, as far as one can talk about optimism, even at the end of the press conference, if it were to say that the question was so difficult, well, not that difficult, but one that forced, forced him to answer, not that everyone would like it, but still he said about
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optimism, i.e. or? has this confidence and optimism been transmitted to society? well, it is difficult to speak for the whole society, but i think that he, as a politician, should maintain such a positive mood in society, because it will really be a difficult year, it is obvious, for experts at least it is obvious that the year will be difficult, as aid will be delayed, moscow, which was a step ahead, will not come in full. we just put our economy on military rails earlier and it will have earlier positive consequences for the army, because it launched all the military factories there, plus before that it established relations with its partners within this personalist block or authoritarian block, there is north korea, i mean tehran, the same china that directly finances russia, supporting its potential, that is, it is not easy for us to compete,
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when our aid and potential are decreasing, and russia's is increasing, therefore , president, i think that as a politician , it was necessary to radiate some, some optimism in order to support society, so that we do not get disappointed, do not give up at all. look, i have one more question for you then, and what would you advise mr. president, if he were to turn to you, what i mean , i mean that many people in the west talk... about variability, ukrainians say that we will fight and win, sooner or later, anyway, in spite of everything, yes, there will be no western , western american weapons, there will be european ones, there will be no american european ones, there will be ukrainian ones and so on and the like, but it is worth, as it were, to let them into society, it is rather for political psychologists, maybe not to you, thoughts about
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what may not turn out that way, what may... have to retreat, may not come out, may not come out, sorry for the taftology, not come out, go out to the borders of the 91st year, and so on, that is, already , as if to say that what happened a year ago, you and i remember it well, when it was full conviction in the success of ukrainian weapons, now if it were not such a complete conviction, it might be worthwhile to sow a little in society... someone, what is this option, and there may be such an option, and there may be such an option, what do you say, well - first, you need to talk to society as adults, honestly, honestly, i think, despite the fact that it is difficult, and at some point it may look painful, but you need to talk honestly, so that there are no inflated expectations, so that there are no later disappointments, hands down, as they say, and whatever i advise, i advise it in
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in every interview and... i advised at the beginning of the 23rd year, i said that the 24th year will be difficult, because there will be a lot of elections, and the geopolitical situation in the world will change in general, because right-wing radicals, left-wing radicals will come to the authorities, and we will see this even in the european parliament, that even europe will change, and therefore the emphasis must be shifted, that we are discussing whether help will come or not, and the outcome will depend on this. war, you have to rely on your own strength, well, strangely enough, i understand that maybe i say strange things, that the country is at war, and i say and rely on our own strength, we will be able to win back our country if we act like israel, who, contrary, contrary to some suggestions there, even their partners, did what was necessary for the survival of their nation, and because of this alone they survived, and only thanks to this they re...


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