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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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diplomatic and diplomatic ways , the strengthening of china and, in general, some forces in the middle east will not change anything, if democracy will retreat even further due to especially such not very decisive western leaders, in which the elections are now held, then the balance of power may change far not in favor of israel and not in favor of ukraine, unfortunately, so it seems to me that the medium-term forecast is somewhere like this, yes, i’m just telling you... i imagine that even trump, who is unprofitable, as everyone says, while we don’t know in ukraine, he is the opposite , in he has excellent relations with israel, and bad relations with iran, so absolutely, in this respect, israel is tougher, if he is about ukraine, we can’t say anything, but the only international successes are big trump’s last term, it’s just the middle east, it’s israel , and... tying up some
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negotiations and so on and so on, so i think that it will not really change much anyway, i don't believe that they will throw ukraine at will, i don't believe that they will throw israel at will , how it will be, i don't know how permissive, not permissive, i can't say, thank you very much, mykhailo yakubovych, candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the department of oriental studies of the university of freiburg. of germany, and everyone who wants to make a wish can do so, because after mykhailo yakubovich, it was the turn of mykhailo prytula, a military expert, that is, two mykhailos, you can make a wish, if he appears, i will ask a question, good health , mr. mykhailo, thank you for finding the time for us, the time for us is on sunday, here we have a controversy again, i keep asking you about some controversial points. prime minister of defense,
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mr. umyerov says that there is a plan for the defense of ukraine for 24 years, and it will give results. somehow it looks optimistic. at the same time, the commander-in-chief, mr. syrskyi says: the situation is difficult, should we be nervous and should we be happy, or should we not be nervous and not happy, but rather watch. the fact is that the plans provide material support for their implementation, that is, it is certain that merov, he is talking about the potential opportunities that exist in the presence, in the actual presence of certain types of weapons, which are needed for the implementation of this plan, if those types of weapons for that plan will not be implemented, then that plan ceases to be... umerov's plan and becomes,
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we move on to what syrsky says, that is, well, there are problems, but i would not dramatize the situation too much now, because the process, as far as i understand, the promised million drones are being prepared there, and a million drones is a very serious force that can solve any situation today, because... well, in russia, there simply will not be such a number, and we see , that where the guys are diligently working with drones, there the process goes, it goes better than where just artillery works , one artyad now, as zelensky said, costs up to 4 00 dollars, and an odendron jet costs 100 dollars, that is, it is a completely different character, and the accuracy is more and so on, so let's hope, that the people will win. let's go back two years ago,
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because we celebrated some anniversaries of the beginning of the great war, and then, well, not immediately, but somewhere in six months, maybe in the summer of 22, a big discussion began inside: what does the west want? the west wants the defeat of russia or not the defeat of ukraine. and two years passed, well one and a half, and i have this question again, because... when we constantly say that there are no weapons, there are problems, there is this, there is this, there is a fifth, there is a tenth, then there is some kind of subconscious belief that the west wants not the defeat of ukraine, not the victory of ukraine, not the exit of ukraine to its borders in 1991, official, namely, let's weaken russia as much as possible, in order to weaken russia as much as possible, and so that... so that russia does not
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start nuclear war, let's give weapons a little so that ukraine holds on and bleeds russia, what do you say? well i agree with this opinion absolutely, because firstly , there are many different situations in this world, which the world is very connected, because in any case the world understands that, for example, what will happen if there is a defeat, for example, of russia, there will be millions of refugees there, they will have to be fed again with bush's wings or bush's legs, they will have to be... saved, because the west cannot help but let them die, they will be hungry there and so on and so forth, i.e. on the other hand , russia is one way or another tied to certain ways of supplying raw materials, it is gradually is becoming the country it should be, well
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, a source of raw materials, but with great ambitions, well, these ambitions should be reduced, would the issue be solved, for example, by supplying ukraine? a large number of weapons, well, to a certain extent it would have decided, but were we ready, were the west ready with its arsenals, its industry, which had already ceased to be a threat before that, well, to a certain extent it was not, and so was putin, he is a collective a person, that is, i don't know, there is a person alive with the last name, once, what was the last name. putin or has it become just a brand? i don't know this, and we don't know, no one knows, maybe that's why carlson came there to find out who, who will be presented to him, is the real putin or not? i don't think that , for example, once, when putin came to power and
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when he was sitting in kissinger's car, dna prints were not taken from him just in case, they probably were, but let's check what putin is up to. or not, who, who this, who can know it, well, too much, too different, sometimes it grows, then it falls, then the weight changes, well, a lot transformation in a person, well , in this way, well, for example, they would give a lot of weapons to ukraine, what would happen next, how would russia react, well, it is certain that there should be some kind of coup, a change of power, only then they will make a gesture of goodwill and run away. and just as the soviet union once fled from afghanistan, just as russia fled from the north of the kyiv region, as it fled from the kharkiv region. it is necessary to push for such a situation, because
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this is the real way to victory and to the exit for the victory of ukraine. in addition, very large, very large, shall we say, great value. i have the very principles of construction and construction of the western world, and it is these principles that putin is attacking now, and it is not just ukraine that must defend these principles, the principles, those principles that were announced by the president of the united states back there on january 6, 1941 , freedom from fear, freedom from conscience, freedom of speech and freedom from gossip, all this must be protected, because it is finance... the basis of this world, the western world, western civilization, putin is going there, it was then that those principles were announced, who were given weapons in due time the soviet union is handed over to ukraine, so it is quite like this, a war, it is not only a war of russia
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against ukraine, it is also a war of worldviews, and if you take a very materialistic point of view, then ukraine is a supplier of lead. the amount of grain on the world market, which feeds a billion people, may be more, and of course putin targeted these lands, this grain, this food, and this issue is already in the security of the whole world, so ukraine will be helped, otherwise not you can at the end of the day, we see that republicans and democrats argue about they argue about which of them will help ukraine better. trump speaks, says that here... we, as republicans, will give ukraine everything that they did not have before, but now the republicans are preventing the democrats from being democrats, it was not the democrats who gave ukraine these weapons, and ukraine did not win until how trump will
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be able to give this, well, so to speak, not very ethical games on the part of the republicans, because this is the price of these games. thousands and thousands of ukrainian lives, but we have what we have, i think that they will all give weapons, me i saw a very nice picture, when you mentioned it at the beginning of the answer, thank you for the answer, first of all, about the possibility of some of... coups, non-coups in russia, you know, i will tell you frankly,
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i am absolutely fi in that sense, that i look very carefully at what the russian so-called liberal economists, economists, financiers, sociologists and so on say, and if there are very many signs of weakness here, such, you know, rust, i would even say the russian regime, on the other hand, i do not ... i see on the battlefield such difficulties on the part of the russians, how about you do you think, as far as i am not asking about the russians as russians, as a nation, that they can go out into the street, they will not go out into the street, it is obvious, but, but some kind of coup there, some there, some, are there already other interests that are not commensurate , not coinciding with putin's, which give an opportunity to think. about the possibility, i apologize for the taftology of a coup or a change of power or the weakening of mr.
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putin? well, if we talk about a specific physical person, then it is clear that it is not known which one, it is a collective putin, because, well, what prevents them from getting one ice cream and another, as there were such interesting versions, well, indeed , such a situation was and has been in muscovy many times, but they... can do such things, can such a thing be or not, you know, a very mysterious russian soul, i don't know what can be at some point to shoot, or some cheering patriots under the banner of strilkov or someone else, well, no one expected, for example, the prigozhin riot, it took place and arose, but it is also possible that some kind of consensus decision was made there, for example, in naryshkin's structures or in patrushev's structures, and
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they will say, well, it's always unprofitable for us, we need something to decide, and in the end his cronies will make such a decision, they will say, here we need to change the flag, we need to change the brand, we are doing another rebranding, and instead of putin's brand there will be some other brand, theoretically , this situation is quite important, the question is when? well, here we have to turn to a mathematician from moscow, volodymyr lefebvre, who went to the united states back in 1982, unfortunately, he has already died, but he made a pretty good algorithm for calculating such questions, and the anacondo plan was actually based on this algorithm there and the fact that the soviet union was collapsing. i will send our readers to the book "algebra of conscience", i hope that... well, let's reveal the secret, he
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wrote his book "algebra of conscience" at the end of putin's regime, or are there such and such predictions? mykola, i looked, i once held a very interesting document in my hands, there were us plans for the collapse of the soviet union, well, it was a real document, so it is not a journalistic one. there was a document, it's not, it's not fiction, it was a real document of soviet intelligence, and there the processes that took place then and are taking place now were described. it is certain that moscow has drawn its own conclusions about how the soviet union collapsed, those processes. we see that putin released from russia a large number of those who thought differently, let them flee, and only those who live either... in a warm environment in moscow and st. petersburg, or are somewhere there in large, on large
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in the expanses of russia, whose opinion is simply not interesting to anyone in principle. if putin touches moscow and touches the mobilization of st. petersburg, then mobilization is possible, but the revolutionary situation is the opposite. this does not mean that they will become friends of ukraine, they will simply try to change the government and destroy it. a threat to themselves, this threat, putin will become a threat to them, well, only such things can apply to the driving forces of the revolution in the swamp. that is, when the upper ones will not be able, and the lower ones will not want to live in the old way. this is the situation. horses will not want, when? when the military successes of the armed forces of ukraine will lead to the fact that they will have to demobilize more and more of the population and touch moscow already, and the coffins will come to moscow, and not only there to spread throughout the territory
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of the russian federation, when there will be a problem in st. petersburg, then they will start thinking about something. and so far, putin has enough of such a greenhouse environment, that is, they have really created moscow, there are no problems, but the problems, well, they are not interested in the papuans there , well, thank you very much, thank you very much, mykhailo prytula, a military expert was with us, not only about the military affairs, talked about various matters, we talked, now we will talk about cultural affairs, 153 years ago lesya ukrainka was born on... and we will talk about it not about lesya ukrainka, but about ukrainian culture as such. dmytro kapranov, writer, publisher, publicist, public figure, blogger, wow, i have known him and his brother for 35 years, and everything is added, everything is added, publisher, writer, publicist, public figure, blogger, what will happen in 10 years, interesting
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, okay, thank you, thank you, mr. dmytro, about the fact that... that you volunteered to meet with us on sunday, i have a question for you, well, we can already see the example of the lesya ukrainka museum in yalta, where 2 km remained from the exposition there, where everything that was there before was demolished, completely, this, i would say, an estate or what to call it, well, in short, a big house, but i very often passed by it when was in yalta when yalta was. this is chekhov, so do we have references to chekhov here, less so, my question is this, lesya ukrainka, happy birthday, i would like to ask you the following, we should do like russians in ukraine with russian culture, because russians with
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ukrainian culture in russia simply want that it would not exist, and in those places seized by the russians from... ukrainians, that there would also be none, that there would be no such word as ukraine and its derivatives, ukrainian, ukrainian woman, ukrainian, and so on. and here the question arises, i really do not know the answer, this is the case when i really do not know, i do not ask, because i know, and even imagine that you would say, and here i do not know whether it is necessary to completely cross out the presence of russian culture in ukraine, or? well, i mean, for example, translating the seagull into the ukrainian language chekhov or whether to leave chekhov in in this form, in russian, this is how we should act, what do you say, not to hear you,
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not to hear, not to hear, not to hear, not to hear, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, and... so hear, oh, yes , hear, hear, first of all i must say that there is no russian culture, because russian culture is nothing more than a potemkin village, in order to cover up all this blasphemy, all this filth, all this obscenity and what is called russia, what we see with our own eyes today, so let us not be misled by these banners on which stretched on the shacks and on which dostoevsky is painted, because whoever read from... dostoevsky's pastoral home, he knows very well that he understood what real russia is, and what function, strictly speaking, this entire history performs, so are we going to preserve potemkin's rural places, which, when we are away from the world, hide, in fact , an inhuman essence, the looting of the planet,
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the deprivation of its forests, minerals, gold, i don't know there human... potential for the sake of the romanovs, putins, there, no matter how, how this dynasty will be called, that is, russian culture is a project with the aim of somehow hiding from us, actually speaking, this disgrace that reigns in our youtube today, so the question of whether to preserve russian culture is a question of whether to keep a banner on the facade of all this hell, which today it is coming to us, do we still want to show people the whole story, what concerns lesya ukrainka, you know, if she was a supporter of preserving, then probably she... would not have been lesya ukrainka, i will remind our listeners that her after all, her real name is blakosach, and her pseudonym, her pseudonym, she took it in honor of
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her uncle drahomanov, who signed himself ukrainian, and drahomanov signed himself ukrainian, it is also very interesting, why? because there is a certain mykola vasilievich gogal in his old age, when he has already weaned himself from this money that the russian empire gave him, when he has already realized that god is not so far away, and he will have to answer for... all his actions, he is in a hotel somehow signed as gogoleen, i.e. ukrainian, he is not like that gogol's autograph, where he finally wrote in ukrainian, and dragamanov in honor of gogol, this signature of gogol, sometimes signed himself in ukrainian, and she took this pseudo in honor of, as a matter of fact, drahomanov, her uncle, and gave us the answer to all these questions, because culture is, well, not... a facade, culture is the essence, and it illustrates this to us with its creativity, its life path and its heritage, as a matter of fact, it
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is not to be read at leisure, it is the essence of a nation, that that she became not kasach, but ukrainian, kasach is a beautiful surname, and it was possible to make her career under the pseudonym kasach, but the fact that she became a ukrainian, she applied to, as a matter of fact, personify and move forward the entire culture, and here i want to draw the attention of our readers to that , that in fact you need to meet lesya ukrainka in person, we will not have enough busts, we will not have enough even a museum in yalta, we will not have enough anthologies, you must get to know her personally, go to the fairytale cemetery, you know, there is this central alley and to the right to the central committee, to the right to prominent figures, to the left to lesya of ukraine, she even in the cemetery we have a separate one, here's who hasn't been, definitely, literally next weekend, go, honor larisa petrivna,
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she's to the left of prominent figures, and she's completely different, and in order to understand her, an important question, yes, if you mean this central avenue, then on the left there is chornovil, there somehow everyone who is on the left, most of who is on the left, they are not like that... the same as on the right, it is somehow very different, listen, but here is the west, yes so-called civilized countries, they will sooner or later accept your point of view about russian culture, because anyway, well, for example, i adore dostoyevsky, because i can't understand putin without dostoyevsky, the only way to understand russians one way or another is simply to read up to... dostoyevsky himself, he is such a dog, such a psychotherapist to a certain extent, i sometimes get lost, but can the west also do this
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, or will they stop listening to tchaikovsky in 50 years for the new year, or how will it be, this nutcracker, for which i love mykola veresny, for the fact that he really read dostoevsky, and my favorite work of dostoyevsky is still a note. from the dead house, and if you if you read the notes from the dead house , you can not read the rest, everything is written there, because these are the notes of skatorga, how he felled the forest, and what kind of brutality there was, well, varlam shala-shalamov, read it, and dostoevsky simply and in a different way, of another era, that is, he actually knew what russia was and actually wrote about it, what to do with that facade, unfortunately, of course, we will not be able to convince the world that it should be forgotten. it has to be like this, well, the example is simple, lini renshter, it would seem very simple and very, but here she is glorified hitler and what to do with her, she
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was exiled, forbidden to make movies, exiled somewhere to africa, she found some very handsome blacks there, well , she filmed incredibly beautifully and everything, but the works remained, this whole olympia, and all these filming , her revolution in cinema, you can't tell rennerstein apart. but the main thing is not this, the main thing is to distinguish lini refenschal from hitler, and not to distinguish and not to deny lini refensthai. if we distinguish dostoevsky from the russian empire and from the project of covering up the inhuman the essence of the essence, yes of terrorism and what is happening there and the inhumane essence of the russian empire in general, so definitely, this is a very interesting psycho, something like freud ... and what is dostoevsky? it's like that, so the dude who was sitting in the zone comes to all these counts, they are clean, they are all beautiful, he says: boys, you know that you are there, because you were under the watch, because
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you are bitches, you have. .. everyone’s armpit stinks, you are all inside myshkin, you are all inside roskolnikov, and you would sit there, you were pariahs, and you would have been left out, and everyone said yes , damn it, sure, these are zekovsky’s stories , this is dostoevsky, we had a french woman we knew in the 90s, and she said, why did i specialize in russian culture, in dostoevsky’s tolstoy , then they , because they are, that is... a little crazy, a little abnormal, and i wonder, this is pure psychoanalysis, those who love freddy, those who love all these things, this is dostoyevsky, this is tolstoy, without questions, mr. dmitri, mr. dmitri, mr. dmitri, wait, v my last question, well, i agree, but demons are also perfectly suited to the present russian, dostoevsky's demons simply, simply , well, it is such an impression that he looked in.
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in 2023 and yes, oh, look, but my last question or a group of questions is very important, and ukraine, ukrainian cultural diplomacy has the power to show europe the non-inferiority of ukrainian culture, what russia has been doing for many centuries, telling what, what in general gogol is ours, and ukrainians... this fat and this hopak, and everything is very interesting, fat too delicious, hopak, we like to watch, but in principle, it is something secondary, so, so small-town, what do you say, ukraine has the potential to endure, without a doubt, today's rockets, today's bombings, today's death will tell the best about ukraine's potential, because it seems to me that we should focus on ukrainians, there are ten of us
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... i will not exaggerate, tens of millions of ukrainians have not yet read lesya ukrainka, they do not know who she is, they do not understand ukrainian culture, it seems to me that the more selfish we are, the more we if we focus on these tens of millions of ukrainians, the sooner europe will accept us, because tell me, please, which of the dutch artists, besides rubens, can you casually say about dutch culture or belgian culture or swedish culture? we have our own history, our own culture, the more we will take care of ourselves, and not you know, was painted, god forbid, something is happening, mr. dmitry, we do not hear you, some, something you started saying bad things about russians, and there are some here, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, let's go
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take care of ourselves, let's take care of the fact that ukrainians grow up to be ukrainians, and how beautiful we are, they will see us later, today we are informed by air alarms , today we are informed by a50 and these planes that we shoot down, today we are informed by air defense searchlights that we have directly above the house they shine on the shahyeds, let's not worry about our image in front of europe, let's worry about our image in front of ourselves, how we will look our children in the eyes, and who are you, i will remind you that... the ukrainian is not the whose grandfathers were ukrainians, who will have children ukrainians, and there they will appreciate us, they will see us, we are not for sale, we are for ourselves, we are for the children, let's talk about it, thank you very much, thank you, on an optimistic note dmytro kapranov ends today's broadcast with mykola verez, writer, publisher, publicist, public figure and blogger, and now the floor is given to anna yavymelnyk, the latest news on espresso tv.
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she will tell you in great detail, and mykola veresyv says goodbye to you, good night, good night, i don't know, you can say good night at 8 o'clock, maybe you can, good night. the interrupted visit of the minister of foreign affairs of germany was pursued by a russian drone. ukrainian grain was scattered again in poland. how did our state react to this act of vandalism and what, according to the pope , will contribute to long-term peace in ukraine. greetings
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to all who are from soap. for your attention , the final news release.


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