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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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the latest news on espso tv, she will tell you in great detail, and mykola veresen says goodbye to you, goodbye, good night, i don't know, you can say good night at 8 p.m., maybe you can, it's okay. the interrupted visit of the minister of foreign affairs of germany was chased by a russian drone: ukrainian grain was scattered again in poland, how did our state react to this act of vandalism, and what does the pope think will contribute to long-term peace in ukraine? greetings
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to everyone who is with us, i am anna yavomelnyk and for your attention the final news release and i will start it with this: president volodymyr zelensky revealed the losses of the ukrainian military in the war. 31 thousand ukrainians died, soldiers died in this war, but nevertheless, each of these losses is... what a loss for us. russians, 180,000 of them died and 500 were wounded. the president of ukraine gave a big press conference today, volodymyr zelenskyi and our correspondent, dmytro didora, listened. he is with us live. my colleague, i congratulate you and await the outcome of the meeting between the head of state and journalists. i congratulate annoeva and our viewers
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i also congratulate you, this is the second press conference of volodymyr zelenskyi in such a short period of time, let me remind you that the last one was on december 19, 2023, today there were a lot of media people, i didn’t have to count them, it was more, more than 100 media, like foreign media , as well as ukrainian ones, however, if we talk about the trend, today there were more questions from foreign journalists. from foreign media, and we also learned a lot today , the president told us both about the help from the united states and about the events at the front, and i will start precisely about the help of the united states, he said that ukraine needs help from the united states within a month, and i quote that there is hope for congress, and he also mentioned the receipt of long-range missiles from america, he says that ...
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he is positive about the recent response of our partners regarding these weapons , they said about the front that the ratio of forces on the front, the intensity of the use of artillery by the russians was approximately one to 12, now it has decreased to one to six, but ukraine needs the ratio of forces to be one to three, so that, as then, when ukraine held counteroffensive actions, and noted. president, that russia is preparing offensive actions for may and june this year, ukraine is preparing for this and has its own action plan, but the turning point will be the elections in the united states of america in the fall. they also asked about the blocking of the border with poland, the president says that this is an internal struggle in poland, but he is grateful to the society of the neighboring country, and at the same time assured that if the countries do not find and settle. this problem, then
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they will protect our business, then direct speech. use ukraine as pressure on european institutions are simply unfair. that's what i'm talking about. i believe that the prime ministers will find appropriate steps. i, as the president, simply say openly that it is very important for us to preserve the union with poland. and if steps are not found, then we will protect our business. president volodymyr zelensky also reacted to the information about his alleged illegitimacy when his term of office expires in may this year without re-election and noted that this is russian propaganda. today, in a comment to espresso, this was confirmed by the head. head office
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intelligence officer kyrylo budanov, he called this case maidan 3 and says that russia pours a lot of money into it, but they did not say what sums were involved. asked about the appointment of ambassadors to great britain and the czech republic, the president noted that they will appoint when there are powerful people for these positions, and says that relations with these countries, not appointing ambassadors, does not deteriorate. they also asked about the high-profile case regarding the surveillance of bigus-info journalists, the president said that he doesn't care who the customer is, the investigation will be sorted out further, and noted that... the head of the department head the protection of national statehood has already been dismissed, the department itself has been disbanded, and that 's all i have time to tell about, but there were a lot of theses, so it's better to watch the full press conference broadcast by the espresso tv channel. colleague, thank you for your work,
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espresso correspondent dmytro dudora about the results of the press conference of president volodymyr zelenskyi. act of vandalism in poland, unknown persons opened eight semi-cars and poured 180 tons of ukrainian grain out of them. the press service of ukrazaliznytsia informs about this. the incident occurred 150 km from the port of gdansk. the grain was brought in transit through the country . ukrzaliznytsia will definitely contact the law enforcement agencies of poland. this is the fourth case of vandalism at polish railway stations. the fourth case of impunity and irresponsibility. the minister of community development, territories and infrastructure oleksandr kubrakov commented on the situation. further on the situation in the regions: one person died and three were injured, the russians hit a farm in the village of malyshivka
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of the shirokiv community in zaporizhzhia, the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. muscovites they also hit residential buildings in the village of korylivka in the kharkiv region, the state emergency service was notified. as a result of the attack, a garage and a car were damaged. the fire covered 20 m2. rescuers managed to extinguish the fire quickly. people were not injured. according to the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin, two people who died in the tug of war in the kherson region, the russians killed a 44-year-old man and a 62-year-old woman. people were fatally wounded just in the yard of their own house. pope francis called for the creation of conditions for a diplomatic solution to russia's war against ukraine in his address to viryan on sunday, he recalled that the full-scale invasion is now in its third year. yesterday, february 24, we sadly
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remembered the second anniversary of the beginning of the full-scale war in ukraine, how many victims, wounded, destruction, suffering, tears there were during this period, which is becoming terribly long and the end of which is still not in sight. it is a war that not only devastates this region of europe, but also raises a global wave of fear and hatred. reviving his most sincere affection for the martyred ukrainian people, and praying for everyone, especially for the numerous innocent victims, i am begging you to find a shred of humanity that will help create conditions for a diplomatic solution in search of justice. minister of foreign affairs of germany, alena berbok, interrupted her visit to the mykolaiv region. posadovitsa's cortege was chased by a russian drone. this was reported by the german media. before that, berbok
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announced a new package of humanitarian aid for the region in the amount of 100 million euros. the diplomat also met with the mayor oleksandr sinkevich. partners discussed safety and implications. after russian shelling , berbok inspected the desalination systems installed by the city council on solar panels. the german organization allocated uah 260 million for the implementation of this project. let me remind you that this month the mykolaiv military administration and the government of lower saxony signed an agreement on humanitarian and economic cooperation and mutual assistance in the development of cities. they save. the lives of our soldiers after being wounded , the charitable foundation of mercy and health handed over six ambulances to the front, these ambulances are equipped with modern medical equipment, which makes it possible to resuscitate the patient and stabilize his condition before arriving at the hospital. the new cars were bought and
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brought to lviv by belgian benefactors from the bfo crane organization. they will be handed over to five different brigades in the donetsk direction. the purpose of these vehicles is to bring patients from dangerous cities with injuries from stabilization points to a specialized medical hospital. they are fully equipped with everything necessary, that is, they are defibrillators, aspirators, monitors patient, there is a complete set of medicines, as well as one of these cars, it will participate in our other project, this is a project on providing psychological assistance to our defenders as part of mobile psychological groups. i accompany the ambulance and medical equipment that will be delivered throughout ukraine. as a representative of the belgian people. i am convinced that ukraine is waging a just war for freedom, and we europeans must help you in this
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battle. for this moment, the news team talked about the most important thing, stay with espresso and beyond see politklub with vitaly portnikov. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel, vitaly portnyk is with you. the third year of russia's great war against ukraine has begun. in our program , we will talk about the main trends of the week, about what awaits us at the front and in the political sphere. in life, our first guest is mykhailo samos, military expert, director of the new geopolitical research network, deputy director for
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international affairs of the center for the study of armies and armament conversion, congratulations, mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, so let’s go let's talk about what is happening at the front, especially since the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces visited there together with the minister of defense, and how to perceive this trip in principle, how important it is from the point of view of a real assessment of the situation, maybe this is exactly the audit that did the president of ukraine speak... today at his press conference? yes, i think that really now the biggest challenge before the new chairman, the new commander-in-chief and, in principle, the minister of defense is the performance of several functions, this is first of all the formation of a new plan, or or we can say so, the scenario for 20-24, that is, for a year that is absolutely critical, this is already recognized by our partners and our management. of our state, that 20 in 24 will have to be achieved, perhaps rather ambitious,
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and some say that these goals cannot be achieved at all, but in any case, it will be necessary to try to surprise russia in this way in order to change the situation on the battlefield, this is of course in those conditions when the united states is in a situation of self-isolation and trying to withdraw from... the russian-ukrainian war, in conditions when europe is facing numerous elections, starting with the european parliament, and then we go to parliamentary, presidential, local and so on in different countries of europe, and in conditions where several very difficult and very critically important issues need to be resolved for ukraine itself, including mobilization, including the arming of new units and the creation of the conditions when we really... will be able to change the situation at the front, that is, change the course of the war, this
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is very ambitious, especially since it was not possible to do it in 23, of course, that really and new the commander-in-chief and the minister of defense, now they work quite closely, from this it can be seen that they have found a common language and are working quite actively, for example, on the same issue that is often raised at different levels regarding the formation and construction of strategic... defense inspection lines , which are, as you know, one of those bottlenecks, which are constantly pointed out to both the president and the military leadership, that russia has a chance to break through the defense, and in order for it not to have a chance to break through the defense, and when ukraine plans some offensive operations, of course, it is necessary to provide really deep echeloned, fortified, modern positional defense in the background. that we really use both maneuver defense and plan offensive operations. and tell
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me, this is how you understand this situation around alastichkin, because the russians said that they occupied it, then there was a denial by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, as far as it is possible to say in principle, whether there was a denial in tavriy, as far as i remember , as far as we can talk about the situation there, is it near avdiivka? well of course, this is actually a continuation of avdia, the russian offensive operation, they are trying to make the most of the tactical situation that has developed. to break through the ukrainian defense as much as possible. from the ukrainian side, of course, the absolutely opposite task is to prevent the further front from breaking through and to occupy profitable, profitable defensive lines, new profitable defensive ones. border, once again, let's hope that the new commander-in-chief, the minister of defense, while conducting the same inspection of the troops, they will deal with precisely the issue that the ukrainian troops, carrying out maneuver defense, which , by the way, they are doing right in lastechkino, that is, in principle, this is not a refutation of what happened, the russians do occupy most of lastechkino, but our command
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says that the russians did not just occupy it, but the ukrainian army simply continues to ... oppose the advance of the russians by maneuvering and destroying the enemy, that is, in fact, the russians cannot easily advance further, even if they occupy most of the settlement of lastechkino, this may continue for a while longer, while the russians will try, especially taking into account the factor of the so-called putin elections, they need new help, new victories, new reports about the offensive there... populated areas, and for us an important task is precisely to reduce this dynamic, this breakthrough that they received during the occupation of avdiyivka, and to fix the front exactly on the advantageous lines from which it will be easier and more effective for the ukrainian troops to destroy the enemy in general, it can be assumed that
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for the russians, the question of occupying the entire donetsk region is a matter of principle, because we perceive it primarily from a political point of view, and it is possible. are they preparing for some strikes in other places that are not so related to this idea of ​​the so-called restoration of the territorial integrity of the territory they annexed? well, we remember that even on february 24, 2022, these so-called warmongering propagandists wrote, it seems that this powerful tatar wrote precisely that the paradox of life is that now rockets are exploding there in kyiv, in lviv, kharkiv and so on, and... it is quiet in donetsk, that is, for them it really is donbas, the occupation of the whole of donbas, their so-called dnpr is a very important propaganda factor that would help putin a lot before the elections, but i think , what can be said about it at the moment, well, i think it is unrealistic from the point of view of the military successes of the russians, they can take lastochkino, but this is
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just one village, and there are a lot of such villages in donetsk region, so... some operational breakthroughs, well, now it's not worth waiting for, so i think that they are not after all can achieve such success before putin's election, which would be characterized by the restoration, as they say, of control over the dpr. and do you understand in general, if we are talking not about politics, but about military tactics and strategy, then what is the meaning of russian actions, if it is obvious, i think, for russian generals also absolutely, that... advancing on the territory of ukraine, even , if we are talking about the donetsk or zaporizhzhia regions, this is always a serious task with huge losses in each specific population points well, as far as we can understand, in principle, from a military point of view, they understand absolutely clearly that it will no longer be possible to occupy any significant territories, ukraine
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is constantly strengthening its defense, not only because they help us, but simply. there is an evolution, let's say, of the development of the armed forces, the ukrainian armed forces, they are becoming more and more experienced, they fight more and more effectively, but here there is a very important international political aspect and the psychological aspect of unity within the country and the unity of the western coalition that supports us, and as far as i understand , the general approach of the russian leadership is that soon they will actually stop supporting ukraine. because trump will come to power, and then really this military onslaught, which is now going on simply with sky-high losses, these are losses that are unthinkable from the point of view of some military tactics, which the russians have, these are all losses, they are not in vain, this pressure he will give, this quantity will turn into quality, roughly speaking, and this pressure he will give a result
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when they stop supporting ukraine, so that if support remains for ukraine, then they will really have to demand it. after all, because i don't know my influences, well, they hope that the trump administration of the future will somehow bring ukraine to the negotiating table, because in fact, from a military point of view, russia cannot achieve success by only dividing us from the inside, and and, of course, ceasing foreign aid to ukraine. and tell me, mr. mykhailo, do you understand what is happening with the supply of f-16 aircraft, but if you somehow summarize it, well... the process is really difficult, in fact, planes are very complex, i remember when poland received f-16 planes back in the late 90s, 2000s, the poles themselves complained a lot. on the fact that the equipment is very fragile, the infrastructure is very complex, the maintenance of these planes is very, very difficult, a very large percentage of the planes were on the ground,
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instead of being in the air, because they are very expensive to maintain and so on and so forth, we just we are, of course, in different conditions, we are now in a state of war, and we, well, there is no need to take into account the cost or complexity, but meanwhile, really, if the biden administration had made a decision not in august 23rd of the year, in august 2nd of the second year, then we would already have these planes, now everything is being done in the right direction, all this is actually being done in an emergency manner and the training of our pilots, no one has ever prepared f-16 pilots in six months, it is several years, it is a very resource-intensive process, no one has ever prepared the infrastructure there in a few months for basing, because it is not just that there is very good coverage at the airfield, it is very very big complex procedure, including with equipment and technical personnel. and so on, so actually the process is going as far as it is possible in real conditions, again, you can plan a lot, but even today
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the president, by the way, talked about the fact that four brigades have not been armed until now since those of the promises that were given to us before our contrast in the 23rd year, that is, you can imagine the percentage of fulfillment of the promises of what was promised and what is actually realized, the same applies ... in the 16th, that is, you could promise one , which, for example, sounded phrases and by christmas, the planes will already be handed over to us, judging by various information, the pilots are already trained ukrainian pilots, their training continues and the number of our trained pilots is scaling up, the infrastructure is being prepared, but when will it become a reality, when will we see the f16 in our skies , especially over the battlefield, well, that probably no one knows, although let's hope... still for this spring, because i will emphasize again, the 24th year is extremely critical from the point of view of achieving a turning point at the front, if no, then we will really be very happy
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it is difficult to maintain a balance at the front and in international affairs, and we will simply be forced to capitulate in reality. and you understand, by the way, if we briefly end our conversation like this, why there is no fulfillment of these duties, in particular, there is a shortage of ammunition. any industrial opportunities, or everything is more expensive and there is not enough money, what is the main reason? industry, that is , industry is not practiced, that is, until the 22nd year, in principle, the entire defense industry of europe was a business, they could, their armies definitely did not need millions of projectiles, well, why would the french or german army have millions of projectiles, if they did not fight in this way, their operations were of a completely different kind, they were air operations, high-precision and so on, and millions, of course. millions of ordinary ammunition, well, it was simply possible to sell them somewhere in the middle east, to africa or to other regions, to saudi arabia or the arab emirates and so on, that is
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, it was a business, and now, when it was necessary to scale up the process of releasing both shells and rockets, they could release 10 rockets a year, it is necessary to produce thousands of rockets a year now, and this is a challenge to the industrial base, to personnel, where to hire these engineers, where to hire trained personnel, where to hire machines in the end. even i think that taiwan will not be able to fulfill the order there or korea so quickly for the production of these high-precision machines that are needed, there are even problems with the basic raw materials that are needed for the production of gunpowder, this is a well-known fact, so it is really not in vain, for example, the president of the czech republic stated that , that the czech republic found 800,000 different ammunition and nato and of soviet calibers, now we are actually talking about if... we are really talking about, for example, i heard about south korea, south africa, if these countries really agree to sell us such a number of shells, then here now the question is about money, because it is necessary to immediately find
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, i think there are several hundred million, and maybe a billion euros to fulfill this obligation, but these 800 thousand will help us a lot, because they will close this gap, which actually arose due to the problems of the european defense industry, and american industry... was left without budgetary funding, because they have their own problems. thank you, mr. mykhailo, mykhailo samos, military expert, deputy director for international affairs of the armaments research center, was on our air. we will now take a break for a couple of minutes, but don't switch away from other interesting, important conversations. and what do you think about lakalut fix? fixes reliably, my dentist advised me, yes... particles of food do not get under the prosthesis, and the price is good, the right choice for my pension, lakalot fix is ​​a new cream for extra strong fixation of dentures and healthy gums, so your choice is lacaralfix. meet
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part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel. with you is vitaly pozhdykov, and our guest, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2014-2019 pavlo klipkin. congratulations pavel. good evening. greetings to all, friends. ot. let's start with today's press conference of the president of ukraine, because, as it seemed to me, it was precisely designed for international audience, there were a lot of journalists from different countries, there was a conversation about aid, there was a conversation about how the world perceives ukraine today, did this meeting achieve its goal, do you think, well, let's see in the coming weeks how it will go in the world the media, how they're going to interpret it, how they're going to comment on it, i'm not sure if
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it's those... the global audience, but not using two years for the messages to really sink in, of course, that's kind of a bad story, so in the coming days 5-7, and for me, you know, what is most interesting, not western, well, that is, western by itself, and as part of professional deformation, we review them, but it is very interesting for me, i know that there were many asian correspondents, there were latin americans there. this is how it will come to them, to those who are actually in a kind of swamp, who are not for anyone, but want to somehow sweat for their own profits, this is for me, if you want, such a criterion will be, but tell me, in principle , when we speak to the american audience, how much do they hear us, because now many compare that interview of vladimir putin tv channel...


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