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tv   [untitled]    February 26, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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disputed territories, but from the point of view of the real, i would say, er, conflict between russia and ukraine, it is so, because these are territories claimed by both states, one from the point of view of international law, the other from the point of view violation of international law, but it claims these territories, russia does not claim transnistria, does not claim abkhazia, south ossetia, promises to protect their sovereignty, and claims donetsk, luhansk, kherson, zaporizhia regions, because any in which dialect russians will always say: i'm sorry, the ukrainians are occupying our lands, this is delusion , this is schizophrenia, but this is a dispute from the point of view of the participants in the negotiations, that is not why we say that there is no other method except force, ugh, and now transnistria and moldova are in such a situation that a candidate member of the european union, and we understand that there is no can, cannot... already has sandu can now
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meet with the president of the self-proclaimed transnistrian moldavian republic vadym krasnosilskyi and talk with him as with the head of the moldavian region, which has some kind of special legal regime there, but nevertheless, and if vadym krasnoselskyi, the governor of the transnistrian moldavian republic, is appointed to this position by decree of the president of the russian federation, how does the contact take place, you understand that everything changes immediately, i am again, i am not saying that it will be so, but in i have... a very serious fear that they will try to activate it again in a big way, that's where it all started. i was in teraspol in 1900-90, when the transnistrian moldavian republic had already been proclaimed, and i met with its then headed by ihor smirnov. and it was obvious to me from these contacts both with him and with his employees that this is actually normal.
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in the summer of 1991, we met again, we all met a lot at that time during the visit of igor smirnov and the then so-called head of the foreign policy department of the pmr, valery litskaya, to moscow, you see, still... in 1991, there was still the soviet union, and transnistria i am already the minister of foreign affairs, ugh, and this visit was related, this must also be understood in order to understand the whole, the complexity of the situation, and a meeting held by smirnov and litskaya with the then chairman of the verkhovna rada of the soviet union, anatoly lukyanov. at this meeting were the heads of all these organizations that were.
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created in order to prevent the soviet republics from leaving the ussr. it was abkhazia, it was south ossetia, it was transnistria. it seems to me that there were leaders of some other intrafronts, i will not talk about all the participants now, but i guarantee these three leaders of transnistria, abkhazia, and south ossetia with certainty. and anatoly lukyanov said that they should prepare for august 1991, when constitutional order will be restored throughout the soviet union and separatist tendencies will be over, because from lukyanov's point of view, the separatist is not smirnov from litskaya, but the president of the republic of moldova mirchasnego, yes, and during this meeting, which would have been quite long, at which they all spoke and promised to support this restoration of constitutional power, which they did in 1991, anatoly lukyanov went to the office for a few minutes and talked with him as in general terms of course, who would you think?
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who is the general secretary of the central committee of the cpsu, the president of the soviet union, mykhailo gorbachev. here's the whole story. ugh. that is, from that very moment, it was a tool that was later used by russian president boris yeltsin to once again prevent these countries from moving far away from russia. after the august putsch, yeltsin sent the vice president of russia to transnistria. of the rutskyi federation, the adviser to the president of russia, serhii stankevich, and they actually gave this gang there, it was a gang that was controlled by the kgb, ussr, guarantees of security and management of this region, and gave them the russian army, which protected them from the legitimate authorities of the country in which they found themselves. and the worst thing, khrystyna, is that ukraine has contributed to this for several decades in a row. ihor smirnov was arrested here in
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kyiv and instead of being extradited to chisinau, he was then transported. back to teraspol, as you understand, under strong pressure from the russian political leadership, and in general we believed that in this way, by supporting the dialogue between kishinev and teraspol, we were influencing moldovan politics, it was completely suicidal delusion, i was just always stunned by this, i talked to a ukrainian politician, i told them about my trips to teraspol, about what these people told me, because they, you know, in the late 80s, early 90s x years ago, everyone was still so stupid that they spoke the truth, because they did not understand the essence of their political actions, and now, when they tell me that there may be some solution here, these
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people do not belong to themselves, ugh, what is a congress deputies at all levels of the transnistrian modatsk, approximately the same as in the dpr gather a congress, well, it is a military dictatorship there, and... there is the ministry of state security of the pmr , which knows, it is a small territory, tiny, everyone knows everyone there, if you have not left there, you are completely a hostage of all this kodl, minister state security, the transnistrian moldavian republic at the time of smirnov, antifeev, before becoming a minister there, was in charge of the riga omons during the soviet era, and was responsible, he had the task of destroying the latvian government. republic in august 1991, after that he moved to transnistria, managed all this, do you know the position in which his political career ended, deputy chairman of the council of ministers, minister of state security of the donetsk people's republic, for sure, what
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else, what else needs to be told about transnistria, but this is not a story about transnistria , you see, this is a story about all of us, this is a story about lubyanka, that is. ears stick out from the first minute, they don't even try to change personnel, because for them that's all, you know, like before in the soviet era, they transferred people from one district committee to another, and you'll be a wretch from one department the rain safety committee to others, here you are now, so you fought there with nationalists in turkistan, in turkmenistan, and now you will fight with nationalists in ukraine, then you will go to the voronezh region to fight with them, with dissidents, ugh, well, the same too, here with... shamy here you mean deal with these moldovans, here now with the ukrainians, well indeed, and we, and we are looking, why am i mentioning this, that we look at it as some independent factor, that's how they there they will think, maybe this vadym krasnoselsky
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will be afraid, it is obvious that he will be afraid, what is he he is not an idiot, he knows exactly where he is, what economic problems he has. well, such balances with balik also know this, who asks them, and who they are interested in at all in this life, they will be sent this, the so-called valuable instruction from the kremlin, what must be said, because in moscow they see that they are losing it in transnistria, you understand, uh, it is economically isolated, the military cannot be changed there, if everything is left to such a situation, then do not forget that if... that they announce such a legal decision, pseudo-right, and that this is the transnistrian region of the russian federation, or that there is a region that needs a corridor, and the question arises again, we need a corridor, build a corridor to the transnistrian region,
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now we will have a corridor in suwalki to the kaliningrad region, we can all our lives to blackmail, we have a corridor here, and now a corridor through odessa, we are needed everywhere, russia... cannot be incomplete, no, and this is again, this is an imitation of the state of a madman, such an exalted, aggressive mood, just an imitation, you don't you need to control transnistria, you need to show this convulsion, ugh, that tomorrow you will be forced to go to odessa, not because you need odessa, you... you need a corridor, you need a corridor, but medvedev says that both kyiv and odessa actually ours , that is, here they are us, well, they are not encrypted at all, well , why should they be encrypted, listen, and why should they be encrypted, uh, they have already shown everything,
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listen, they were the late emperor and former president of the central african republic, jean bedel bokas, who was famous for something, shot some children demonstration, and then ate its participants. in this life, what she still has to show people, well, what they haven't seen, yes, well, it 's the same with putin and medvedev, what else can they say, everything they can still do, what they haven't done yet , to press some nuclear button, well here they are afraid , because well, that, everything else, well, they have already shown everything, well, listen, it was once possible to believe that there was something there, even until 2022, that could stop these people , well , look, yeah, but listen, or look the events of the last few days, well, really, well, this
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unfortunate woman, navalny's mother, we are not talking about politics at all now, just an unfortunate woman who lost her son, not young, as you understand, is flying to the far north so that her son's body can be given to her, and they are just playing with her, and they are just mocking her , ugh, here we will show you these... but we will not give the body, and if you do not obey us, then we will burn this body and will not tell you where at all we are poho, i’m what, it’s frank, they’re just here, we’ve always heard from there some western experts who teach, it was the excess of the executor, that they simply lost control over the troops, and this is what they were losing control over, you know what this is, that putin gave this deputy head of the federal penitentiary service ... the rank of colonel general, well, that is, control was not lost, and they just
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like it, you understand, they are sadists , we saw it in a movie once, when people just like that they cut off their fingers and that, but maybe putin has an understanding that navalny should be quietly buried if the body will bury the mother and in general, family members will not work out, and that is why this mess, sorry, mouse, took place. today she allegedly received a body, and we do not know how they will say goodbye to it, you want to find political expediency in this again, and i, because you see putin, the president of the russian federation, the head of state, and i see virtukhai , maybe i'm just brought up, i even imagine everything he has in his head, now just because he can. and that 's because this one of yours means that this one is yours.
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he is just like a person who had to roast me and lives with living water, feeds on death , our death, these tears of ukrainian mothers, he likes it and now he can see how this woman suffers, is tormented, he imagines it, he likes it. ugh, then the question arises, why can't we talk about kyiv, about odesa, about everything in the world? why, what do these people get out of the fact that they can finally be frank? they encrypted themselves, how many, well, 15 years old, walked on their hind legs, ugh, dressed cribs, unfortunate medvedev, just the poor man communicated with zuckerberg and there and steve jobs, to him the japanese steve jobs. oh god, i don't remember, he was the mod president of modernization, so and so gadgets, he was going
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to this place from apple's headquarters, you can imagine how disgusting it was for him to play this role, the role of a person, it's not a person, it's something on the back paws, everything is in such a terrible way, everything... some hair sticks out everywhere, and it has to be shaved, it’s like sharikov from this work by bolgakov, shave, look clean like that, wear a beautiful suit or to talk about the coexistence of our countries, about friendship, listen to the barrack, listen to that one over there, and now you don’t need it anymore, look, they’ve all thrown off their masks, they don’t need them anymore, lavrov calls journalists... the white man has a microphone, ugh, can you imagine how many years he wanted to do all this, he had to in english, my friends,
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oh, oh, trouble and on the shoulder of a certain stanmeyer, whom he would gladly poison a novice if he had the opportunity, and now he has, now you can have everyone, you know, and nothing for it he will, he came, he killed, that 's what it is, the corruption of the authorities, i'm all the time waiting for the moment when they start killing each other, and when putin wants to be brought to him for dinner, let's say a bear's thigh. well, just eat it, well, it's delicious, it's normal that i visualize it and i'm not disgusted. everyone will sit and say oh, listen, and give us dmitry anatolyovych. it will definitely happen, it 's like that, you know, quoting the famous caucasian writer fazil iskander, it's
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like that, balthasar, all these snacks. ugh, it is it is, and it will definitely be, the russians will wait for it, because they no longer need to play with, uh, civilization, you said about transnistria, putin, moscow, moscow, moscow is losing, uh, i'm lucky such an impression in relation to another country, let's say, which has certain relations with the russian federation. and there are several informational reasons connected with armenia this week, well, first of all, an a50 fell on the farm of trudovaya armenia, it seems to be called that, secondly, there was information from - armenian, in particular media, that the president zelensky can visit both azerbaijan and armenia, and the main thing is that nikol pashinyan basically
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declares that his country's de facto participation in the csto is suspended, although... the russian piskov says that we did not receive any, well, in general, understanding of this fact, but those of ukraine in the cis from the point of view of russia, they also did not receive anything, this is nothing surprising, they never receive anything, but the question is that the armenians were convinced during this time, i will not analyze now azerbaijani-armenian relations, this is a difficult topic, okay, but the armenians for sure, because i analyze the armenian-russian relationship, the armenians have definitely convinced themselves that russia does not care about them. that russia simply perceives it as a tool, as it , by the way, once perceived azerbaijan, all the time it was destabilized, they tried to change the government there, and it simply did not succeed, but it wanted to destroy this unfortunate azerbaijan all the time, all the time for many years in a row, and armenia thought that this meant that russia wanted to be on good terms with it relations, and azerbaijan means not there, he cannot find a common language with russia and that is why
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he will destroy him, and in russia everything is absolutely the same, what in armenia, what in azerbaijan, for her it is just something. colic , which you need to bring to yourself later , and they showed it, and of course, there is a reaction in armenia, armenia is a country that wants to preserve itself, any country in general wants to preserve itself, and by the way, you should notice that pashinyan said all this against the background of the visit of the minister of defense of france to yerevan, just when he was giving an interview to french journalists, because and the french defense minister said: we want you to deal with people who are really interested in your security, and by the way, with people who do not think... that security in armenia is security, it is also a danger to azerbaijan, because russia has always said that if armenia is safe, then azerbaijan is in danger, and if azerbaijan is safe, then armenia must be in danger, which, by the way, if president zelensky could really visit both of these countries, i am sure what would he say there, and it would be a strong position of ukraine, that we
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we believe that security is when armenia is safe and azerbaijan is safe. this is the formula for peace in the caucasus, so that the azerbaijani and armenian peoples, even if they are not friends, i understand that they have friendly relations there for ten years, but coexist for the sake of the security of each of these countries and each of these peoples, because we understand that if this region looked beautiful, if both nations, and of course georgia, there is no doubt here, were safe, this is my dream all my life, which, which never... found enough understanding from armenians and azerbaijanis, when i told them: i want you to be safe, and you to be safe, i don't want to listen to armenian statements that azerbaijanis are all such scoundrels and i don't want to listen to azerbaijani statements that armenians are sycophants , i do not want to discuss your historical disputes with you, i want to tell you that you should live in peace, and this will bring you
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both your countries success both in the international arena and in terms of relations with the world, because ... special relations with turkey are capital, and armenia has special relations with france - this is also capital. armenia can have good relations with iran, and this is capital. and azerbaijan can have good relations with israel, strangely enough, being a muslim country, and this is capital. and imagine that you have combined the capital of these absolutely, as if opposite possibilities, how can you build an economic perspective, which. to build a general portrait of this region, political and economic, you just have prospects, so above the roof, and this is what zelensky's visit can symbolize, the only thing you need to call. ask for one the one great country, the russian federation, uh, because you see, even iran in this region, being a country, to put it mildly, not very pro-west and not very
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pro-stability, there he wants to sort it all out somehow , because it is in his interests, a country that lives all its life under sanctions, is interested in the countries that cooperate with it being stable, mr. vitaly, as early as april 23, the new york times published information, and actually synth analyst, this too... claims that armenia and kazakhstan helps the russian federation to purchase and actually transport western components for armaments. a lot of water has gone since that time and we understand that the situation could have changed, but the other day, and this also somehow went unnoticed, putin had the opportunity to talk with tokayev. well, of course, listen if kazakhstan and armenia are members of the collective security treaty organization and members of the eurasian economic union. this should be said first, by the way. it is absolutely obvious that the mechanisms of this economic interaction in one way or another allow the use of dual -purpose goods for russian purposes, that is why it is important to monitor this, to create mechanisms
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that block these sanctions, and by the way, you say that putin talked to tokayev, but zelensky talked to tokayev, this is also an important thing , yes, if the president of kazakhstan, this must also be understood, is talking to the president of ukraine, do you think that a person who is some... takayev, who was the minister of foreign affairs of his country for many years , the first, it seems to me, even after independence, he does not understand the consequences of such conversations, great, he knows exactly what he's doing, it means that he realizes that the security of his country is not that he helps russia to circumvent sanctions, that he is able to balance in this story, uh, between moscow, washington, kyiv and beijing, yes. and so we must use his desire for balance and the fact that he has the opportunity to balance, on such different, i would say, levels, so that
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kazakhstan ceases to be a tool for russia that allows to circumvent sanctions, and of course, the same applies armenia, because you understand that when armenian officials negotiate with their western visitors, you tell them about help. in armaments and so on, they understand very well that if armenia remains a country that can be instrumentally used to circumvent sanctions, this is a risk for the national security of france, which means that when one window opens, another window automatically begins to close, and this should be a part of both western politics and our politics, that's why i say that it's not easy, because this it is generally difficult for countries to get out of the russian field, but you see. as soon as each of these countries makes either a path to democracy, well, there can be different paths here, when the people themselves decide what kind of power they have, or a path to new
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geopolitical alliances, because president aliyev is certainly not the kind of person who has any political competition, he had long forgotten what it was, and by the way, he didn't know, his father still knew, but it was conditional, but he took a strong step towards a geopolitical alliance with turkey, ugh, and that's it. that gave his power gave him the opportunity to do this, and president tokayev, he took a strong step towards a geopolitical alliance with china, president tokayev went to celebrate his 70th birthday , so that's a sign, and of course, it turns out that as soon as this happens, the russian influence immediately decreases, that there are two possible ways to reduce russian influence, these are democracy and a geopolitical reversal. it can happen simultaneously, it can happen not simultaneously. so, our task, as a state, is to help countries that are either
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democratizing or doing so geopolitical reversal. that is why, by the way, returning to the idea of ​​the visit of the president of ukraine, if it happens, it will be just such a strong signal that we respect democratic aspirations, huh. of the armenian people, and treated it with respect. the choice of geopolitical turn made by the president of the republic of azerbaijan, ilham aliyev. each of these things from the point of view of our state should be treated with respect, we can say, oh, azerbaijan is not a democratic state. yes, there is a problem with democracy. but if azerbaijan makes a successful geopolitical turn, it will be the way to democratization in the future. because russia can no longer influence internal processes sooner or later, azerbaijani society should be its own. choice, will mature to the need for more transparent procedures, in each country it comes at its own time, especially in a country with such experience in state building as azerbaijan, where there were
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democratic elections, and coups, and this is a complicated story. and the same with armenia. the armenian people have shown that they are ready to democracy, to respect, to one's own, to the right to vote, this is what ukrainians also went through, which, by the way, later, later, led us to a geopolitical reversal. so let's hope that this is also, by the way, to some extent the conclusion of two years of war, what are we talking about the great war? we are talking about the fact that in two years the war of the president of ukraine can be expected both in baku and in yerevan, that's for sure. not the result that president putin was hoping for when he issued his criminal order to destroy our country two years ago. thank you, khrystyna, for this conversation. thank you unlimited, vitaly portnikov and khrystyna yatskiv. the saturday political club will definitely return to you literally in a week. be with us, support the armed forces of ukraine and believe and help them win.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. big eter, my name is vasyl zemaye, we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now , yuriy fizar will speak in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money, during the war oleksandr morchyvka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. a review of sports
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events from yevhen postahov. two o'clock. in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on, in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso.
2:00 am
greetings, my name is myroslava barchuk, and this is the own names program, a joint project of ukrainian foam and the espresso tv channel. today we are talking about malevich. just these days, he is turning 145 years old, and i think it is a good opportunity to talk about why he is a ukrainian artist, why he is a person with a ukrainian, at least cultural identity, and will help this is tetyana filevska, my guest, she is the creative director of the ukrainian institute, a researcher of the work of kazimir malevich and the ukrainian avant-garde in general, tetyana, congratulations, good evening, good evening, and i suggest looking at malevich, but through the prism of our own identity, you do you remember the year 2016, when the idea arose to rename
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