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tv   [untitled]    February 26, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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the navy that needs to be finished, there is actually a lot of work, so of course the taurs will not harm us, they will come in handy, because the command posts, and there are also underground ones, they need to be destroyed and it would be good such a weapon, but everything must be in a complex, and actually the enemy must feel this work of these missiles, everything must really be in a complex, and there must be both heavy and light drones, which we are talking about, well, as a saying is already known now, that many ... there are no drones, so we will wait for the result, we will wait for the votes, there will be relevant decisions, i will mention the chancellor of germany , but once again i want to remind the audience, possibly also experts , including colleagues, that no one will meet tausa at the border, for example, with the orchestra, they will start working, and then we will really know about it, it is absolutely that's right, and if we're talking about our sea, then the enemy will certainly follow. that we
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may have something new there, and i hope that this is all in a complex, it will help us to really bring the stage of demilitarization of crimea to a logical conclusion, it is happening today, and we are talking about what in in crimea, in particular, in the black sea, ukraine conducts offensive, i emphasize offensive actions, this is not a counteroffensive, a counteroffensive is a response to the corresponding offensive actions of the enemy, in the black sea we attack, and as you can see, it is used. the rich arsenal that we have today , about which we could only dream in the 22nd year, and in fact also without inflated expectations, there is still a lot of work, there is a constant missile threat, missile carriers, they are at sea, even in novorossiysk, there is a lot of work, but god willing, and tauros will be and everything else, and then we will meet in gurzfa, i agree and i want to join you too, oh, serhiy, i invite you, i even know approximately where, there is such a beautiful embankment, and the view is beautiful there.
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just let's be careful, because we already had people who wanted to drink coffee on the embankment , we still have to be more careful with our statements, we're not talking about that right now, right serhiy, listen to what i wanted to ask, but the new taurus, of course, it's not some kind of as here is a wonder weapon, so nothing is a wonder weapon in reality, and such hopes, they are a bit childish, but here it is in principle soon. have to to fly us together with our f-16 pilots, multi-functional aircraft that are not supposed to change the course of the war, but at least this week there was a meeting with the president, there was a bet that was dedicated to the f-16 for their future use, the term there according to...
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and the conditions of their service there, and i would like to hear from mr. serhiy what, in reality, the change in the situation looks like along the front line, and maybe behind it, in connection with the fact that, actually, again after all , president zelenskyi said that the rule of there will be no air in russia after well... not even local air after we get these f-16s and our our pilots come back, yes, but at the same time i have read information that russia has at its disposal 1000 ee, well, there are planes, fighters , attack planes, etc., well, small ones, i don’t mean transport ones, there are more of them, along with them, but that is, we are not supplied with so many, even if all, everything that... promised
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to come on time and the service will be good, there will not be so much, as in the russians, as, as according to your opinion, sergey, we will dominate the air and squeeze the russians out of it, well, first, we will relieve the tension, i am sure of this, again, without rushing ahead, everything should be and happen on the battlefield, in fact, then we will see the results , the russian aviation will be pushed back , they really have a lot of it, so... and the air force is doing a huge job, they are destroyed practically every day, if you take the average of russian planes, and they are quite modern, quite powerful, so they have a lot of them, and there are even 7-10 destroyed planes, unfortunately do not fundamentally affect the situation with russian aircraft, but on the other hand, we are talking about the line of combat, we are talking about the fact that the cabs that are used, actually, are two more trump cards in fact in russia. of course, it's aviation and
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it's cannon fodder, there's a lot of it, it's what russia uses, and in this way pushes us out of our certain territories, that we are forced somewhere, like, for example, to withdraw to some other positions and have tactical advances in other directions, unfortunately, including, again, it is without betrayal, here it is a war, a situation dynamic, it is changing, actually and literally these minutes, including , pushing back the enemy's aviation, we reduce the pressure precisely with aviation weapons, precisely with those kabs that simply wipe out everything on the ground, hit our positions and respond . but these are our losses in equipment and most importantly in people, when there will be such parity, even if we get close to it, these are also the strikes of our aviation on the front edge of the enemy, i hope, these will also be strikes a little deeper, to the rear, let's say so , base points, today it is
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is happening, but this is not enough, and in fact, our pilots have proven since the 22nd year, especially in the south, that they can destroy enemy pilots and enemy equipment in the sky even on... old soviet planes, i hope so it will be this time, it will be easier, in any case , the direction is absolutely correct and we need to move in it a little, we need more, we need time, this is the most important thing, so that the situation with artillery shells does not repeat itself, that the promises of tsetsyanka, in fact, we have today , respectively, artillery hunger for those or in other directions, this is really a problem, it is good that the generals took up the matter, i am talking first of all about the general who is still performing his duties, in particular the president of the czech republic, peter pavel, he found a solution very quickly, or he has matured it , let's say, canada, as far as we know, will give money, finance it, and
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we will have more shells, at least now my colleagues have calculated, which i also trust as experts, including that this amount will be enough for us today, well, approximately. we don't have 160 days to defend ourselves we are talking about offensives, these are about inflated expectations, it goes without saying that tomorrow we will receive these shells and be near moscow, unfortunately this will not happen, but actually there is a different situation, when there are a lot of military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, according to them you can hit, i am generally a strict supporter of the fact that they should be hit, actually i think, like you, that there is an enemy, stoltenberg, and the secretary general of nato. says that if ukraine receives 16, then actually working on the territory of the russian federation is absolutely, as they say, legal for our country. absolutely that's right, and actually, that's what i'm talking about, that's why, well , you see, we and the secretary general of nato, like you, are moving with blowers, at least in joint such
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movements, in a joint forward. yes, mr. serhiy, i still cannot help but ask, actually, such dubious information has appeared, which the ukrainian military already denies, well , at least they say that they do not observe any superactivity there, the so-called transnistria, and this is february 28, when they allegedly, maybe they should contact the russian federation about joining there , you are a person who knows our the ukrainian, odesa region, in particular , is so well, that is, you and i have talked about it many times, what is this injection for, because it is actually the same... about the proximity to our black sea in general, about the situation in the northwestern part of the black sea , about odesa, about our ukrainian south, why does such information appear in your opinion , and to what extent is it possible, well, in my opinion, it is quite logical, as it is not strange and quite simple
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to explain it, these informational throws to increase again- still the degree of information, because as far as the battlefield is concerned, we can see... that the degree has already been raised to the maximum, by the way, i will now mention a certain medvedev, no matter how we treat him, we understand very well what his mouth is saying , including putin's thoughts and dreams there, odessa was mentioned again, and again this topic of odessa, transnistria again, unrecognized, which is the occupied territory of the republic of moldova, this level of information actually increases. i can even admit it, although there are no such confirmations, and that is the main thing the intelligence agency said about this that there will be a meeting of these deputies, it is unclear who they are there, thieves in law or so, that they will make decisions there, well, they will make decisions, they will shout putin is bringing in
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the army, i say the opposite, we are in the 22nd year was told, please, there will be an amphibious landing in teraspil, how will it end, we perfectly understand our capabilities of air defense systems. they will simply go astray, that is why the situation, it is really heating up informationally, we do not notice any special movements here in the south, in fact, so that everyone appease. my dear friends, you understand that from our side the situation is first under control, ukraine has enough forces and means to react to any provocation, including an armed one, and ukraine has acted and will act within the framework of international law, this too unequivocally, and moldova also wishes to resolve the issue with its temporarily occupied territories, how, this is an internal matter of the republic of moldova. but they have, i think, normal, adequate consultants who can suggest how to act
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and, most importantly, effectively, how effectively. serhiy, servants, i will ask briefly , don’t you think that they are simply in such a way that they distract the attention of our command and simply keep us there to keep more, more troops, for example, i will answer very simply, and we understand this in including, ugh, thank you, thank you very much, serhiy bratchuk , spokesman for the ukrainian volunteer army south, was with us on... communication about the situation in general in the south of ukraine, a person who knows well both crimea and the situation in the black sea, i will only add that the enemy continues to the north of our occupied peninsula to use for concentration and redeployment of forces, for work on the battle line in the south of the mainland , wagnerites were spotted in dzhankoya, and we are very grateful to the atesh movement, which regularly informs us about quite interesting things and trends in russia. the army, so they are partially integrated into it, there are also civil activists, public
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activists who covertly conduct surveillance, wagnerites in jankoi regularly go to the front line, probably in order to mythically take the blame, this is what shaigu stated actually to putin, although i do not understand what this lie was for, listen, they live in their own world, you will never understand this, because such lies are welcome here, and there such lies, in principle, maybe kherson has been returned in this way, that is, i in general, i really don't understand, i'm sorry, i still know english, it's not possible, by the way, we follow , let's say, the new norms of the law on language on television, and therefore we do not apply excessively, exclusively ukrainian, and good, by the way, about the international day. native language 21 we will also remember february after a break, but
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for now we will rest a little and give it to you.
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greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. we continue the joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel together. beraber. we are talking about occupied for now crimea. today we are talking about the second. anniversary of the russian federation's large-scale invasion of ukraine. today we are talking about
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the 10th anniversary of the actual start of russia's armed aggression against ukraine. it all started in crimea on february 20, 2014. and on february 21, ukraine not only celebrates the international mother language day, and for many people in our country , not only ukrainian is their native language, but also crimean. tatar friends, this is definitely the crimean tatar language, when we talk about crimea in general, it is important not to forget that karaites and krymchaks are considered indigenous peoples there, their preservation. as if now they really just need frantic efforts, sometimes these efforts are made exclusively by that small, extremely small number of people who are representatives, well, we have the bitter truth to say that during the stay of crimea under the rule of the russian empire
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, the crimean people were crimean, well, if so to be honest, in principle, these crimean-speaking peoples and languages ​​are very similar. there are nuances associated with religious differences, and so in principle, for example, a total of 25 people in the world know the karaite language, that is, in fact, it was actually killed, i read a book, well, as i read, i saw a book in the ukrainian language, with latin graphics, and it is actually similar to the south coast dialect or a variant of the crimean language, that is.. unfortunately, i have never read the texts in the krymchak language, but my grandmother has a sfia, who was 15 years old when they were exiled, well , we understood when and how, and so the karsu in the bazaar, which is still called biloghirsk, lived there many karaites, krymchuks, crimeans,
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they lived together, and they spoke, they did not speak russian, that is, in big cities there was such a thing, but... no, they communicated with each other in the crimean language, in fact it was the only one, i say only with some religious nuances, and in principle it is necessary to revive , i.e. the revival of the crimean language, this is the revival of the languages ​​of the crimeans and the krymchaks, and here we just need to publish books that will mention some nuances, historical, cultural, cultural heritage, and most interestingly, what concerns the karaites due to the peculiarities of the settlement of the karaites in ukraine in general, and i will remind you that... karaite cinema buildings can be found both in kyiv and in western ukraine, but the karaite language had both a crimean dialect and a galician dialect, and galician is actually considered dead, yes, unfortunately, but crimean is still trying to keep the karaites in some way, and the association of karaites in ukraine, crimea, karaylar, among other things, takes care
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of the preservation of the crimean language and they had a cell in melitopol, which is interesting, well, we understand, it got caught again. well, listen, i want to tell such a story, maybe it will be interesting for the audience too, i am familiar with one of the most experienced female diplomats in lithuania, i don't know how to say it correctly, this is mrs. halyna, i just forgot her last name, you can go for a walk, she was the first lady ambassador to finland, in estonia, lithuania, independent after the collapse of the soviet union, i was at her house and i was at her house, by the way, she is absolutely a karaimka. absolutely without, well, just a corner there in some generation, and there are several hundred people living in lithuania, and among them there are people who do not speak much, but do speak in the crimean language and she translated the little prince antoine in retirement , there is a polish grant for translations into the languages ​​of small
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nations and she did this translation, i actually saw it and talked to her, she is from the crimea, that is. and crimeans and karaites, they all got there at the same time at the invitation of vitovt a long, long time ago, and this is absolutely, the lithuanians are not for nothing, our fraternal people, they are first of all, by the way, and because of the crimea and because of the relations with the kiev principality , this was also the case and even before the foundation of kyiv there were lithuanians, so we don't know a lot, that's who we are connected in fact, crazy, just crazy, i know, i saw grisya mention it. native language day, i want them, there is no one alive anymore, i want to apologize to my forefathers, parents, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, so why do i not know the crimean language well, i hardly know it, that is, i know the words, i understand what it is about, but i can only say the simplest sentence, well, maybe i can say something good about ms. khrystyna, about the espresso tv channel, about ukraine,
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so i... i speak ukrainian much better language, i.e. even 20% 10 do not have the ability to speak their native language. forgive me, my ancestors, i will make amends someday, and now we will talk about raising, or rather, a number of questions with the legal counsel, i will probably start with the topic that we promised you in the last issue of the beraber special project, about the former governor of occupied sevastopol, dmytro ovsyannikov, i'll just remind you that... in 2022, in fact, when russian aggression against ukraine was on a large scale, he somehow managed to get the sanctions lifted of the european union and withdrawal. from this sanction list, he got there, well, obviously, because he was a representative of the occupation administration of sevastopol, and
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the most interesting thing is that the court motivated its decision by the fact that he ceased to be one, and he also took into account the fact that he is ukrainian , he is a citizen of ukraine, he did not come here with a passport that was given to him in crimea, although i do not know what he came with, but he was detained in great britain and already on february 20, literally... a meeting was held to elect him what we call preventive measure, so i will remind you that the royal court of the osazirk district at the court hearing actually found out that, in addition to russian, he also has british citizenship, this ex-governor, a patriot of raseyushka, as they say, under the terms of the bail, which was he was assigned a british russian passport. remains with law enforcement officers, and vsanikov himself must observe a curfew from 21:00 to 05:00 in the morning, staying at home with an electronic bracelet, and are registered daily with the police, in
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great britain, that is, not in the european union, he is in principle suspected of violating the sanctions, i apologize, i must have confused him, he was not a citizen of ukraine, is this ovsyannikov or not? you know , i, well, if, if there was, they all kept, kept their ukrainian passports, they know how everything will end, they... effectively supported the russian occupation, served it, and it escaped virtually any punishment the european union,
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khrystyna is not a british judge, i am sure that the british are not giving up, but the eu is a big question. let's talk about others now topics, in particular about the ongoing repressions in crimea, which are taking place, unfortunately, we are talking about lotva yazodieva. who this week presented a very neat column for the newsweek edition, thank you, by the way, to this publication, which is interested in crimean topics in general, to be honest, lotvie is in crimea, she is a human rights defender from crimean solidarity, an educated, intelligent person who, to the extent of her abilities is trying to fight for people who... are experiencing oppression, and now she obviously needs support too. viktoriya nesterenko, manager, is in touch with us projects of the zmina human rights center. victoria, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes.
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a few words about the case and maybe about some, some information that we have about lotvia azodieva, as soon as she wrote about how she has to sleep dressed, always have things packed, because she can't really... chat, that russian security forces, law enforcement officers will not come to her one day and do what they have been doing to ukrainians and crimean tatars for 10 years in crimea, and it happened, and it happened, that we can we say about this case? unfortunately, unfortunately, this is true, and this is not the first time, because yesterday these people from the counter-extremism center visited her, and before that she was already detained twice, and twice... when she was awarded this administrative administrative fine, and yesterday actually it was supposed to be an inspection but
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in fact they searched her house unfortunately during the search they took some things from there, it's a recorder, cctv, all phones, flash drives and a laptop and also during this search they were not allowed ... her lawyers, that is, they came, but unfortunately they were not allowed in, and two protocols were also imposed on lutfia, one protocol for the fact that in one of the posts on facebook she did not mention that hizbud tahrir is a terrorist organization recognized in russia, and another protocol where she referred to the rfe/rl article, she did not indicate that this organization is a foreign agent. because a few days ago in russia this organization was included in the list of undesirables. ugh. that is, well, ms. victoria, what do you think they lead to
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and... how can it be, well, i don't know, it's an occupation, it's it is clear that this is a great risk, it is a great honor and respect for mrs. lutfie, that she may actually be in danger, and what should we do? in fact, this is another attempt by the russian occupation authorities to intimidate both lutfia and other law enforcers in crimea, because we see that at first a full-scale invasion, the occupation authorities in crimea are trying to pressure. on rights defenders, put pressure on lawyers, several lawyers have already had their lawyer's license taken away and they cannot practice law , and in fact, what should we do, it's only testify to all these cases, talk about them, speak at an international audience, call on the international community to put pressure on the occupying power and on the government. in russia
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to stop and force an end to this persecution of civil society that is against the occupation, and you know, after what putin did to his opponent there, actually killed alexei navalny, we don't treat him very well, but it's political murders and murders of political prisoners, yes, that is, they are in the same conditions... a few dozen, no one knows about them does not mention almost, well, except for us in the world, but there are hundreds of such people, and much less is written about them, they say something, and i do not know how to raise this topic of crimean political prisoners to the international level even more, maybe it will be done there i don't know, on february 26, in connection with the anniversary, well, the day is different.
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occupation of crimea, but i am very, to be honest, scared for our people, and now they are simply, i apologize for such a long preface, that in fact the reich has already been built there, and no one is ashamed to do anything, in fact, a person who falls into their hands, falls in the hands of absolute power over oneself, there are no fuses there, and what do you think? in fact, it is, and it seems to me that this dynamic of repression and persecution will continue to intensify, because, of course, all these persecutions, and human rights activists recorded many different violations of human rights and violations of international law during these 10 years of occupation rights in occupied crimea, and at the expense of political prisoners, we all know the
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conditions they are in, it is terrible. inhuman conditions, this inhuman treatment, this torture, torture, this is not the provision of medical care, in fact, uh, this is a continuation of the genocide of the crimean tatars, which happened a long time ago, uh, because, as far as we know, since the beginning of 2023 , two political prisoners have died in places of detention, and the occupation authorities of russia are trying to further imprison. elderly people, people with disabilities for rather long terms, this is 15, 18 years of imprisonment, that is, people are still in such conditions, and they simply may not live to the moment when they are released. tell me please, actually we have been living for some time after the international court of the united nations in the hague
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announced the decision: in the case in which ukraine accused the russian federation of violating two international conventions on the fight against the financing of terrorism and on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, and we , to be honest, until the end they still did not understand what basic assessment can be given to this decision, it is very half-hearted, and not all, as for us from the ukrainian point of view, absolutely fair demands of our country were taken into account , please tell us what practical ones the consequences of this decision, if you may... in short: actually, uh, i'm not an expert in international law, but we're all realists, and i think it's obvious, that these international court decisions uh, they did not live up to the expectations that our diplomats and our lawyers had hoped for , so it seems to me that it is not appropriate at all.


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