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tv   [untitled]    February 26, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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appropriate plan, ukraine is trying to implement it, but it is clear that we need support, including from western allies. on the other hand, i think that it was really , to some extent, such a preparation , after all, for those processes that are connected with mobilization, and processes that are connected in general with the repulsion of russian aggression, with those discussions that arise in a certain to an extent in the information space, that is, the president tried to somehow cover all these topics, to go through such broad strokes, somewhere... somewhere, i think, it turned out not very much, or due to lack of time, or , including an important option, due to the lack of a clear, unified position that he was ready to voice, so certain questions, they remained somewhere, but in general, it seems to me that after all it was the right step and the press conference, she gave, she gave answers to several important questions that worried society, well, to what extent society was satisfied with these answers, this is a separate topic, because i think that being up to... will be discussed for a long time well
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, try to ask these questions with someone else occasion well, in general, is there any noticeable change in the president’s rhetoric, format, for example, well , i noticed that the president was rather laconic, there was already some humor there, maybe some kind of atmosphere is more relaxed, and maybe this brevity is also a conclusion from previous his speeches and speeches, when , on the contrary, more questions appeared, let's say, after his answer, i think so. it was noticeable that the president listened to these questions very carefully, by the way, he almost memorized each question, it was very brief, maybe, well, somehow they previously agreed with the advisers there that he would really try to give sufficiently clear, concrete answers, and this format, well, it is better accepted than the format when the president could answer one question for 10 minutes at a time, jumping to some other points, and it really caused more additional questions than the answers we had... the opportunity
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to get, so in this context it was probably a successful approach, there was some optimism and humor, well, this is the general tone of everything of this forum, which was organized, it was supposed to be a kind of warning for ukrainians on the one hand, but on the other hand to give them a certain positive, it was noticeable, and why i say that there was even a certain dissonance with the speech of the president from the government officials, the government officials were much more optimistic, they mentioned some beautiful numbers and... many other things, but very rarely gave any specifics and that was a problem, the president was even more specific here, we, starting with the numbers of the dead ukrainian soldiers and ending with some other things that he voiced, so it was obvious that there was an attempt to somehow change the approaches to communicating with journalists, although i absolutely support your position and your opinion that it should be done a little more often, and yet to hold a big press conference where the president will talk to ukrainian
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journalists is a very important moment, because we have accumulated more questions, and it is clear that this question is very different from the questions that are in representatives of the western media, but it was noticeable, by the way, that when ukrainian journalists asked the president questions, he was more, you know, tense, that is , it is easier for him to communicate with the west, because there the topic is primarily related to the war, you understand, there is no topics of such, well, to some extent domestic political nature are so global, but were there unexpected presidents? for example, our colleague lazur actually has the opinion that the tv channel rada did not just ask this question about the number of dead ukrainian soldiers, or didn't that look like a canned question with a canned answer to you? this was 100% a prepared question, i don't know if the rada tv channel should have done it specifically, but the fact that they expected such a question and the president, even if it didn't sound one way or another, would have twisted it , well i have no doubts about this, why, because already earlier...
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this discussion actually started , a thesis was thrown in, including by the head of the pairs, well , david marahamia's faction, that our losses should be voiced, there is no point in hiding them, they are much smaller than the russian ones, this thesis was actively discussed in society, society is in principle ready for this, and it seemed to me that this was done really specifically, well, another question is that the president named only those who died tomorrow, he did not name other numbers, and this already caused, you know, such a certain storm... well, in the discussion of this problem, many people say that there is a small number, they do not believe it, and so on, but you have to understand that the language it was only about those who, well, whose cases the deaths are documented, we unfortunately have a large number of missing persons, there are a large number who are in captivity and we don't know what is really happening to them there, so in that context, well the final numbers, they are clearly higher than all of them, but in general , the fact that such topics began to be raised is the right move, because the society is ours.
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in fact, it is not infantile, the society is mature, and besides, i do not rule out that now this statement will be used to some extent as one of the arguments, including regarding the end of the vote. about the law on mobilization, and the continuation of mobilization in the future. i thank you, mr. igor , for joining, igor reiterovych, political scientist, ukrainian, we discussed and analyzed the president's theses at his press conference yesterday, later on our broadcast my colleague oleg galiv, with short, hopefully positive news. congratulations again, this is news in a minute, here i briefly talk about what is being talked about in the network. sankar from ukraine anton dukach set the national one. a record for ukraine at the stage of the world cup of equestrian sports in the latvian city of sigulda, ukrainian sports media reported. dukach covered the distance in 48.93 seconds. he surpassed the previous national record, which belonged to andriy mandziy. polar scientists from the akademik
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vernatskyi station published photos of 19 chicks of the south polar skua. they hatched on galindes island. their reproduction makes it possible for scientists to monitor the impact of changes. climate on the life of birds. last year, for example, the appearance of chicks was not recorded at all. in stockholm, representatives of the royal family joined ukrainian prayer service. a prayer for the increase of love and peace in the world was held in the royal chapel in the capital of sweden on the second anniversary of russia's large-scale invasion of ukraine. in addition to ukrainians who received asylum abroad, swedish politicians, volunteers and representatives of the royal family also took part in the service. that's all for today, look for more news on our networks: facebook, instagram, tiktok, the x network and the radio liberty website. join our broadcast. let me remind you that from 9:00 a.m. every weekday we are here on the radio liberty channel in youtube, also on the espresso
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tv channel. and then we will talk about the occupied crimea. russian forces in crimea are expecting new surprises. such an announcement was made by the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense before the day of crimean resistance to the russian occupation. kyrylo budanov of ukraine, he emphasizes, one of the priorities is the destruction of the logistics of the russian military on the occupied peninsula and advised civilians not to use the kerch bridge. for a successful defense and counteroffensive, we must control the waters of the black sea and be present at the crimean peninsula. the assigned tasks have been completed. russia lost a quarter of its ships and was forced to withdraw its fleet to the caucasus coast, redeploy aviation, because airfields and... military facilities in crimea are constantly under our fire influence. on the eve of the anniversary of the occupation, the permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, tamila tasheva, mentioned the logistics of crimea. she says that the destruction of the kerch bridge will disprove the myth of russian power on the occupied
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peninsula. we are very closely monitoring what people in crimea say, and we have some classified research, in particular, among both pro-russian and pro-ukrainian groups, which confirms this. that if we destroy the kerch bridge, it will disprove the myth of russian power on the peninsula. but the head of the security service of ukraine, vasyl malyuk, said at the ukraine year 24 forum that the kerch bridge is currently not used by russian forces to move weapons and warheads. he says that after the attacks on the bridge , logistics are carried out at the expense of ferry crossings. ex-prime minister of great britain boris johnson is confident that ukraine can return crimea under its ownership. in the case of continuing to support ukraine with the necessary weapons, he added that ukraine needs more long-range missiles, as well as more heimers, satacoms and stormshadows for this purpose. today, ukraine celebrates the day of crimean resistance to the russian occupation. it was on february 26, 2014
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that a rally was held in front of the building of the verkhovna rada of crimea in support of the territorial integrity of ukraine. then the demonstrators were opposed by pro-russian protesters, supervised. after that russian commandos seized administrative buildings, airports in simferopol and sevastopol, communication and media institutions. this is how the russian occupation of crimea began. denis chistykov, deputy permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, joined our broadcast. denis, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning. how has crimea changed during these 10 years of occupation? well, it should be noted that the crimea... there was a deformation of the reformation, and they are headed, we see that in 10 years it does not move away from ukraine, on the contrary, even after the full-scale invasion, it became even closer, and the residents of crimea, they understand that the return, it is more realistic than it was before the full-scale invasion, they want it. at the same time, it should be noted
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that the resistance began from the first days of the occupation of crimea, from february 2014, which is confirmed by the rally on february 26, 2014 near the verkhovna rada, but... in the future, the number of political prisoners, what glass, we have currently, confirms that the residents of crimea resisted, in particular, more than 200 political prisoners, of which more than 120 are crimean representatives of the crimean tatar people. of a full-scale invasion, resistance also took on new forms, and in connection with this , the occupation administration predicted this and introduced a new administrative criminal liability, this is discrediting the russian army, and to date we already have more than 650 administrative cases in the territory of the then temporarily occupied crimea , and this number is one of the largest in the territory of the russian federation, which indicates that there is resistance in the territory of the occupied crimea on the one hand, and the fact that there is a lot of attention from law enforcement agencies and the russian special services, which are trying to suppress but at the same time, we see that after even after the new year of 2024, given the approach
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of the russian presidential election, the illegal election of the president of the russian federation, they are trying even more pressure, because every day there is information about one or two arrested for discrediting, but this does not decrease the amount of resistance and the desire to resist. as for political prisoners, you already mentioned it at the president's meeting yesterday asked about it, and he spoke about the work on the return of crimean political prisoners. he said that several countries are working on this , they are turkey, uae, qatar, saudi arabia, how difficult these negotiations are and why it happens that russia does not want to return crimean tatars, crimean political prisoners and those who are still before the full-scale invasion were detained by russian forces, including? well, several factors should be noted here, those countries that have been listed, they currently provide assistance and continue to do so. examples of the return of children from the territory of the russian federation who were taken
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to the territory of the russian federation, along with the fact that before the return of civilians, unfortunately, we do not have such examples, the last exchange was in 2019, after that the russian federation refuses to go for negotiations, ukraine is trying to use all possible tools, as well as the states that have already been listed, as well as other international leaders in the world, as well as international organizations, humanitarian organizations are talking about this. which the central authorities on at all levels, but unfortunately, this process does not have positive results yet. also, at the same time, the russian federation, one of the problems that they point out is that they consider these citizens to be citizens of the russian federation, and they don't exchange their citizens, and that's one of the difficulties. at the same time, it should be noted, as indicated by the negotiators, that putin considers them to be personal enemies of the specified people as well. tries in this way, well, this is the essence of putin, who tries in this way to them
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take revenge. well, and about this statement, we heard a lot yesterday from kirill budanov, and from mr. malyuk from the sbu, and about crimea. if we talk about the ukrainians' expectations regarding the destruction of the crimean bridge, the kerch bridge, then in your opinion, it will really happen this year. well, i do not undertake to predict, as it was already noted and... at the beginning of the year and in the information summaries of both the head of state volodymyr zelenskyi and the military command, that most and crimea are the key to the liberation of all occupied territories, that crimea in 2024 will play a significant role in the liberation of the occupied territories, along with the fact that the military command also indicates that the crimean bridge is a key logistical one, but as we have already seen and understand from the information that it should be a complex of measures. and exclusively the destruction of the crimean bridge without other measures, it will not be so
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effective, because as we can see, other components are currently being prepared, after which the destruction may also occur, but the fact that the destruction of the crimean bridge is realistic, we have already given these examples , and now, as we see from reports from the security services of ukraine and ukrainian intelligence that other tools are being developed to make this destruction more effective and realistic. denis, you said. that now more than ever crimeans there are waiting for deoccupation, but still , don't you think that maybe you have certain information about the mood, because when the full-scale invasion of ukraine began, the armed forces resisted the russian forces , then there was more of this hope there according to my contacts than now, now yes it seems that people have already come to terms with the life that exists in such modern realities, or are there more optimistic or pessimistic attitudes among... ukrainians in crimea today, they have not come to terms, but they have become more cautious, because they see the level of persecution in
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the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, but it should be noted that after any cotton, especially successful in the territory of the occupied crimea, pro-ukrainian sentiments grow, in addition, these sentiments fuel another thing, this is panic among collaborators and russian servicemen, which exists, it is realistic, because even after each battle, and especially this was noted by the residents of crimea after the explosions on the crimean bridge. there was significant panic among russian servicemen, conflicts in the military environment, and this is noticed by the local population, and it is precisely such facts that contribute and support. the fighting spirit of the inhabitants of crimea, at the same time, the fact that they do not demonstrate it does not indicate that they are falling, but they hide it precisely because of measures for their own security, that is, they are happy for successes of the armed forces of ukraine, but not publicly, because the further it gets, the riskier it becomes, thank you denis for joining our broadcast on this important day for ukraine, denis chistykov, deputy permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous
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republic of crimea. i thank all our viewers for being with us, for supporting our channel and sharing your likes, comments, links to this video, this is very important for the development of ukrainian-language youtube and for the development of ukrainian journalism. support us in the future with these actions, also write in the comments from where you see us, it is very important, my name is kateryna nekrecha, i and the whole team are free mornings, we wish you a peaceful day and see you soon. thank you colleagues for your work, we continue to collect information for you as well. roman chaika oksana vysuchenska, we are working for you, and actually it is also a very important matter, which we have not talked about today, but it concerns what is happening on our western borders. so, already on the fourth, i will remind you, poles, not only at the border, but also at
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ukrainian grain, ukrainian corn was scattered on the territory of poland, they are scattering unblocked. closed wagons and pour out ukrainian food from there, in this way they protest against the fact that ukraine has the opportunity to export, take out, sell its products on the territory of europe, thereby creating competition for the same poles, and to all of this, the farmers added such a terrible thing to their protest the thing is, they just scattered nails near the border so that the trucks simply couldn't go further, well, it's about the farmers. and carriers announce that from march 1 , polish carriers will again block the border with ukraine, so such an attack is double. meanwhile in kyiv? yes, the anti-corruption court is considering a high-profile case today. prosecutors of sap ask to choose a preventive measure in the form of arrest with the possibility of posting bail for serhiy pashynskyi, ex-people's deputy and head of the national association of defense industry enterprises of ukraine.
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on february 12 , pashynskyi, the former interim head of the administration of the president of ukraine , stated that... that his home was visited by by the sbu and the nabu within the scope of the case regarding the transfer of the so-called kurchenko fuel. he rejects all the accusations, and on february 21, a few days ago, ukrainian enterprises appealed to the higher anti-corruption court with an appeal to prevent the removal of pashinsky from the coordination of enterprises of the defense-industrial complex. the judge just gave the ex-people's deputy his word: let's listen together. your honor, the high court, dear attendees, dear spectators of this process, mr. prosecutor, spent 5 hours proving that i created a criminal organization with the aim of
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acquisition of rosneft's oil products. i very carefully watched the reaction of mr. prosecutor, to certain evidence in quotation marks that he provided, i will not break up his speech for 5 hours, my lawyers laid out the legal part quite expertly and professionally, but i... i will try not to even refute the speech , there is nothing to refute, to draw the attention of you, your honor, and mr. prosecutor, as an institution and not an individual, to the so -called facts that caused him, you know, such direct pleasure, when he
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said some things about which i will stop, he it dawned on me that your honor, my suspicion begins with the fact of my appointment as the acting head of the presidential administration, this is the beginning of the story, the second page or the first, on march 5, what was happening in the country at that time, the country was completely looted and was on the verge of collapse, at that moment... russia had already captured and actually annexed crimea, literally 12 days later they did it with their pseudo-referendum already and under the cover, at that moment in the south and... in the east , separatist movements had already begun, so far without weapons, but already everything was on fire, we didn't have any
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militia in general, according to the report to the national security council of the minister of defense, our army numbered 500 men, i will reveal a terrible secret, numbered 500, but it was not the kind of army to which you could give commands and send it into... battle, then these 500 increased to 150,000 and turned into an army, a special problem, your honor, which at that time, according to my official duties, did not concern me, was the state of the economy and finances of the state left by yanukovych, a well-known fact, on the treasury account after yanukovych left... uah 114,000. international experts, your honor, and this is very important for our case, for this suspicion. this fact i will now tell. it was pointed out that yanukovych
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and his entourage stole 8 billion dollars. your honor, i both agree and disagree, because they meant theft from the state budget, but yanukovych and his entourage simply from... i had to, according to my official duties, organize the replacement of 25 heads of regional state administrations , to appoint
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550 heads of district state administrations, we us called everyone, not only russians, participants in the coup d'état, and we immediately launched the procedure of the presidential election campaign, which was successfully conducted. may 25, these dates are very important for understanding the charges brought against me by the prosecutor's office, by the way, i was one of the people responsible for holding the elections, these are the first elections in the history of ukraine, where there was not a single complaint from the presidential candidates, more it was already a little different, your honor, it was a terrible time of insecurity, a collapsed state, separatism. which turns out to be me did it turns out that i was then planning with such a tyshchenko, i will return to this person again, how to take over
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rosneft's oil products? on the very first day, when i crossed the threshold to the bank, entered the office of former sherbytskyi, i sat down and began to think, what should i get? your honor, the point is, and this is a well-known fact, i have never said this in public. everyone, but the fact is that since april 10, the separatist movements turned into armed separatist movements, girkin came from the crimea and physically captured slovyansk, killing our patriots, in luhansk, our regional sbu handed over a thousand units. small arms and 3 million rounds of ammunition, 10,000 grenades, 6 tons of tnt , which were, it turns out, all this time
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stored in the center of luhansk, we gave the appropriate commands to unblock, defend the state, we then had only, well, a maximum of 200 people who we could give commands, your honor, there was a lot of talk about my... word that i always keep, i confirm, i always keep my word, then three administrations were captured, luhansk, donetsk and kharkiv, in luhansk we sent to we sent the regional alpha, headed by nalyvaichenko, to donetsk, that's all we had, we sent yarema, the first vice prime minister, to donetsk, headed by bars. and avakov went to kharkiv at the head of vinnytsia yahor, their name is sanctified, at night avakov called me
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and... said that he wanted to do this with me and it had something to do with my official duties, with what i was doing. your honor, this person said that since day one i have stolen, stolen and again stolen, your honor, this is according to my obligations, i am finishing this part, let me finish this sentence, please, this is about my word, which my colleagues told here, the minister of internal affairs said that the commander of the jaguar wanted to talk to me, i was a little scared, well, give him the phone, the commander of the jaguar said: "serhii volodymyrovych, if you promise us not to persecution for what we did not do on the maidan, we will liberate you the city of kharkiv. i told him that if there are no murders on them, i guarantee it to them. your honor, two hours later the ukrainian flag was there. and kharkiv region
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is still in a state and now let's move on to the direct validity of the presumption. the fact is that i told you that i am the state's finances, this is the problem of the cabinet of ministers, not the administration of the president or acting as the president, but on april 16 i signed the first combat order, which we somehow fulfilled half-baked under the words in yansk i saw terrible things there, the army, our paratroopers, well, the homeless people at the station looked better, this, it was a disaster, we sent one battalion, which bitterly fought to the teeth, there was no security, no bulletproof vests, no kitchens, no food something happened, i came to kyiv,
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reported at the meeting, turchynov about this , the prime minister, the minister of internal affairs was there, i said, dear members of the cabinet of ministers, if we do not start financing our army now, right now, then in a year we will finance the russian army. i really exerted pressure on the cabinet of ministers constantly, by the way, with a demand: first the army, and then the roads, and by the way. this topic is not only 19-20 years old, in the 14th-19th it was also the same, and now it is very interesting, your honor, that is, i was like that for two months i was thinking, how can i get hold of kurchenko's fuel, that this topic of arrests and confiscation arose only at the end of april. and these are very interesting facts that i will tell you in our
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suspicion. at that moment, your honor, at that moment, 58 kg of gold was arrested in traces from one of yanukovych's ministers , yanukovych's car fleet, his henchmen, helicopters, worth tens of millions of dollars, we are only talking about the highlands, which, by the way, the only thing we kept, everything else was then arrested, moreover... here is the answer of the deputy prosecutor general, mr. stolyarchuk to me, that in addition to what i have listed, in march and april of 2014, at the request of the general prosecutor's office of ukraine, limited sanctions were applied as a result of the introduction of sanctions , and blocked foreign assets and funds totaling $104 million, $122 million francs and 22 million euros. i
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beg your honor to turn. attention to one of these lines of watermelon sg $49 million latvia, this is different, it was switzerland, austria and so on. i will explain later why this is important. and to you, bye things, i will explain why this is important. the president, performing the duties of the president, issued a decree on the development of mechanisms, addressing these colossal. in state budget revenues. 27.04 really the ex-wife, they were divorced then, and with a scandal. tyshchenko was appointed by me as the deputy head of the department on april 27. why was it appointed? because at that time the anti-corruption authority of the cabinet of ministers of tetana chernovol cooperated with her, including on the maidan, and i needed specialists
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who... legislation.


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