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tv   [untitled]    February 26, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EET

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the ukrainian army, which at the beginning of the year was practically invincible, entered the top 30 best armies in the world. in 2014, ukraine launched its own missile program. its goal was to create a deterrent weapon, which ukraine has not had since abandoning its nuclear arsenal in 1994. the vilkha and neptune missiles were successfully tested in 2018. it was two neptune anti-ship missiles that hit the cruiser moscow, the flagship of the russian black sea fleet, in april 2022. what ukraine can destroy with its own weapons russian fleet became, according to western military analysts, a serious success in the war. in 2014, there was an upheaval and a blow to the country, military and economic. the political
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one could have been much stronger, but we must give credit to turchynov, yatsenyuk, and avakov, who held the situation, they were able to become a team that protected the country from a huge, huge disaster. a new economic crisis could occur as early as 2014, when the national currency was rapidly depreciating, and the kremlin because of pro-russian media. promoted a new narrative: ukraine will not be able to avoid default. the external debt of the state was 73 billion dollars. so there were two ways: to declare the country bankrupt, or to negotiate with creditors. the negotiations were extremely difficult, but in the end ukraine received a four-year deferral of payments. in addition, creditors agreed to write off 20% of the principal.
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debt, at the same time, macro-financial assistance from the european union and the united states began to arrive. if we talk about the monetary assistance of the country at that time, it was actually only for debts, that is, we were allowed debts, state the debts incurred by yanukovych were not to be canceled, but to be paid later, that is, all the help was from the west. in general, it was possible to reduce ukraine's debt by 6 billion dollars. production, gdp and budget revenues began to grow. during the two war years, it was possible to carry out reforms that the government was unable to achieve even in peacetime . holding the front with simultaneous economic stabilization became an absolutely unique example of overcoming the crisis in post-war europe. and at the same time, ukraine begins a real movement to europe. i do not know such examples, because ... most of them all
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countries that joined the european union in recent years or decades, all their changes, reforms of countries, negotiations with the european union about these european treaties, about their application in their countries took place in peacetime, and well, if you can say so . in sufficiently comfortable conditions, the fundamental difference between us and the countries, especially of the former warsaw pact, if we are talking about membership or our path to the european union, is that we chose it, facing a real military threats and then a... and they did this at a time
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when russian troops were withdrawn from these countries and military bases were left there, they managed to restore trust in the state, in state institutions, create a volunteer battalion, start restoring the effectiveness of the army and so on, this also a very important moment, this first government, which worked there from 2014 to what year to the 16th, it seems, was the government that had to simply change it... the renamed ukrainian ssr to the real ukraine, because, unfortunately, in 2004- there was no such thing in 2010 the possibility of reformation in the country, because there was simply no, there was very strong opposition to these reforms. for decades, through show business and controlled mass media, russia fed ukrainians and the whole world with propaganda, spread imperial ideas, threatened and humiliated everyone who criticized the actions of the kremlin. in 2014
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, the broadcasting of russian federal channels was banned in ukraine. ukraine also introduced sanctions legislation for the first time in its history. russians and ukrainians who posed real or potential threats got into the restrictions national interests, security and territorial integrity of the state. the next step was decommunization: more than 50,000 cities, towns, districts, avenues and streets had to be renamed. unfortunately, we, as ukraine or the ukrainian people, were under the influence of russia. uh, no, not since 2014, it’s 350 years, it seems, and russia has been trying all this time, this whole ideology is russian, it was spread in different ways, russian, soviet, communist, and it was passed
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down from generation to generation , and in a different way, to the ukrainian people, well... they drilled into their heads that we are a brotherly people, that we are brothers and that we must live together, and we must accept the fact that there is an older russian brother, and therefore, i think that all these decisions and decrees that were adopted after 2014 and were aimed at strengthening or strengthening ukrainian statehood. they played their role and they were on time, absolutely on time, i wrote a long article in the columns of the moscow independent newspaper, a few months after august 1991, in which in in principle emphasized that russia's independence would lead to profound instability and wars
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in the post-soviet space, because it was clear to me what this meant, then after this article was published and it had a great resonance with... i met with boris yeltsin, he said that he would never in his life agree to the fact that russia would exist in some state entity without ukraine, and that with ukraine he is the president of a european state, and without ukraine of an asian state. ideological struggle against kremlin propaganda is not ceased during the next five years. ukraine closed access to russian websites and social networks. and increased the speech quotas on radio and television, and it turned out that the effect is effective, well, effective political actions, effective economic actions did not make us feel how threatening the situation is, that is, you know, it is like a painkiller, they threw a painkiller
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after an injury, and there is no feeling there how serious the injury is, and how quickly everything can end catastrophically, it's a plus that we were able to hold the country how to stabilize, but on the other hand, it made the vigilance of the citizens sleepy, at the end of the 14th, 15th year, even i already then, of course, i went to military meetings, prepared, but all my friends laughed at me, what a world war , there won't be a big war with russia, it will be like now, when 99% of us are doing well in the spheres, and there is one small otos zone, well, it is somewhere far away, and it is not present. in our life, except for isolated cases there, and this hybrid character, everyone in the world was interested in the fact that everything is so and what remained was, you know, a frozen conflict, which in fact is not frozen, well , it simmers, then burns, then stops. the anti-terrorist operation was localized in
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donbas. finally, people in the territory of ukraine lived a normal life, received salaries and pensions on time, shops did not feel empty... ukrainians received gas, water and heat without interruptions. meanwhile, russia, through its fifth column, continued to undermine stability within ukraine, discrediting pro-western reforms and the government team. it happened for according to the classic scheme: russia throws out fakes, they are picked up by the ukrainian media, owned by putin's godfather medvedchuk. when fakes become part of the mass consciousness, they are started. to use even unconscious politicians in public intrigues. by his own admission , yanukovych's former associate regional onyshchenko spent $30 million to discredit yatsenyuk and his cabinet. according to the attitude
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of ukrainians towards arseniy yatsenyuk in particular, i am from, well, probably from... i sat down on the same maidan , and observed that it was always not negative at all, but rather skeptical, mocking skeptical, yes, this skepticism, it just ... turned around, because it is one thing, among ukrainians, not to trust oppositionists, it is quite another thing, representatives of the government, so ukrainians are merciless towards the representatives of the government, but this level, first of all, of such distrust , well , in my opinion, he really was... well, unfair. the government changes in 2016.
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stabilization measures and reforms allow the country to achieve systemic economic growth in all subsequent years, up to february 24, 2022. in 2019, the verkhovna rada approved the constitution of ukraine's course in nato, so that no one tries to divert the country from the european path. on the border with ukraine , putin continues to build up a military contingent and conduct demonstration exercises of the future invasion army. it was absolutely obvious to everyone where this was going because i had been talking about the possibility of such a full-scale attack since 2019. i believed that the results of the presidential and parliamentary elections of 2019 would lead to such a full-scale. i talked about it. and again, not because i blamed v because something wrong will happen there. president, i said that russia can perceive the results of the presidential and parliamentary elections as readiness for the capitulation
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of ukraine. volodymyr zelenskyy won the 2019 presidential election. his program is peace with russia. he is sure that a personal meeting with putin can stop the expansionist appetites of the russian dictator. there is a person sitting in front of you now. which was the first in this country to publicly announce an attack on kyiv, it was october 20 of the first year, the war began on the 22nd, that is, in october 21st, in october 21st, i remember, i came to the pryamy tv channel, there they discussed something like that, in particular, some kind of escalation of the conflict and what about us western partners are warning about this, and... i clearly stated then that you, all of you here in the hall, do not even realize the level of the threat,
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it is not about the escalation of the conflict, it is about the fact that putin is preparing a blitzkrieg , the capture of the capital of ukraine, as i said, through chernobyl, from the right bank, he doesn't need it there is no chernihiv, he does not need to force the dnieper, a very, very short shoulder goes through the chornobyl zone again, the deserted zone, the chernobyl nuclear power plant, the enemy has captured it. on the very first day of the great war and for a month used it as his military base, blackmailing the world, because damage to the nuclear fuel storage or disconnection of power at the station could lead to a new nuclear disaster. perhaps if we were preparing for war, not peace, and showing russia that we are ready to meet it with a much more serious effort, perhaps the president putin didn't... i'm not saying that he didn't plan anything, he would have planned a lot.
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it is obvious that solving the ukrainian question is an existential task for russia. however, there could not be a massive attack, because if you plan a war for 5 days and understand that it will not end in 5 days, then you simply do not conduct it, you have other ideas, political, economic, pressure at the expense of the already occupied territory, but not not an attack. an attack occurs when there is a clear certainty that there is a weak state that will fall, an army that cannot read you, and a population that is ready to receive you with flowers. you remember that the russian soldiers went to the parade, they took their uniform with them. on february 24, 2022 , no one had any illusions left that it is possible to agree on something with russia, neither in the world nor within ourselves. ukraine. president zelensky is rallying the world against russia. putin's russia is becoming
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an exile state in the democratic world. europe and the usa introduce economic sanctions against it and start supplying ukraine with military equipment and ammunition. the total amount of assistance from international partners in 2022 amounted to more than 28 billion dollars. the russian army will gain a foothold in... the east and south of ukraine. the enemy was knocked out of kyiv region, sumy region, and chernihiv region within a month. kharkiv region was liberated in september 2022, and... in november of the same year, kherson and the entire right bank part of the region. the so-called special military operation, which was supposed to end in three days, resulted in colossal losses of personnel and equipment of the russian army. we have now been able to stop, let's say, the offensive, the general takeover
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full surrender of ukraine. the reason that putin...underestimated us a little bit, and why did he underestimate us, and because all his previous scripts worked, all his propaganda scripts worked, everything he wanted to stop in this country, he stopped in this country, well with our own hands, and he simply underestimated us, he did not understand one thing that during these eight years of a successful hybrid war on his part, it was successful, he still rocked the ukrainian army, despite military actions and occupied territories, at the end of september 2023, general... ukraine is closer than ever to membership in the north atlantic alliance, while the west continues to refuse to supply ukraine with much-needed long-range weapons. nato, the civilized democratic world needs to show strength now, it shows, well,
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at best indecision, yes, i don't want to say weakness, well, it shows caution. and we know how the enemy really understands this caution. we have an official definition of victory, that ukraine returns to the borders of 1991, yes the country's leadership said, this view of victory is shared by the vast majority of ukrainian society. i can say absolutely clearly what victory means to me. if the ukrainian state will remain on the political map of the world at all and will be able to have its own independent state. vector of development, and if ukrainians remain on ukrainian soil, it will be our huge victory, this is a war for the final solution of the ukrainian issue. in the first days of the full-scale invasion, millions fled to european countries to escape the war ukrainians, and suddenly many of them abroad realized that ukraine is not only
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nostalgia for the homeland and native home, ukraine has become enough. convenient for the life of citizens, completely different from the tsovkov sample tightly tied to russia 10 years ago. who have we become, how have we changed? the 10 years that have passed since the maidan have shown that ukrainians know how to build their own lives. the kremlin tried to present us as a failed state, a country that has failed and needs to be governed from moscow, despite the loss of crimea. despite the war in donetsk and luhansk, with all these wounds, ukraine after 2014 underwent a historical transformation. we are able to admire the economic achievements of other post-soviet countries, but our traditional skepticism sometimes prevents us from objectively assessing our own merits. in the first two years after
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the maidan, so many changes were made that the european union was forced to recognize ukraine. women deserve visa-free. russia lost the opportunity to siphon money from ukraine through energy. we got back our heroes, our language, music, literature, history, etc identity. they created a system that allows public exposure of corrupt people, simplified relations with state bodies by introducing administrative service centers, and revived their armed forces. it was. a time of change that has yet to be appreciated and realized. by the beginning of 2024 , ukrainians have enough reasons to worry about the future. the russian army is pressing, international support for ukraine is complicated, there is a shortage of shells and ammunition at the front, and the defense forces continue to stand. we are very strong, we
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will never realize how strong we are, we are in for a moment they became the world for courage, determination, and stability, and we must remember this state. indeed, we also do not have too much room for compromise, but there have been 10 years of our sacred struggle for freedom, and we will be able to defend it, no matter what trials fate prepares for us. in the name of heroes and the future. we are the ones on whose side the truth, will and... professional anti-fix cream is an extra
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bam and oskad. there are discounts on fairveks - 15% in podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on lactiale in podorozhnyk bam tashchad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and others. old age analysis of processes that are changing the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu, vitaly portnikov and guests of the project, we
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are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's get out, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. politklub, every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. a separate platoon of unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the fundraising, drones and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! glory to heroes.
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you could see where the war had started, actually... the first rotorcraft flew here. karina lives on the 13th floor in the very center of buchi. prestigious high-rise building with an incredible view from the window. february 24, 2022 became the observation deck of a terrible disaster. the first explosions, black smoke, and the gostomel airfield were visible from here. the girl decided to drive away closer to the evening. i sat in the car on... a brave girl, at first i decided that i was i leave the dog at home, i will return for it tomorrow, i left the entrance and literally went to
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the boulevard nearby just as the flight was arriving, i jumped back into the elevator, took the dog and realized that we were going for a long time. karina comes from luhansk region, from alchevsk, so she knows well what war is like. she started preparing for the big invasion a month in advance, she knew that she would go to her friends in neme. in kyiv region. usually, it takes 12 minutes to get there by car, but on february 24, it took an hour and a half. the woman saw russian tanks advancing along the road. and when i was leaving from track, it seemed to me that we would be relatively safe, because at that moment all the tanks were driving exactly along the warsaw track, but i did not know what the field behind us would be like on this field. so much based on that moment of the occupiers. russians occupied nemishaev already on march 2. there were tanks, we remember the number 38, we counted them and the task
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was done. to sit in the basement so quietly that neither the children, nor the dogs, nor the cats could be heard by the military, because we understood that this might be the last sound in that basement. on march 8 , it became unbearable, they left the colony at 50 cars, without green corridors. we got into the car, and in the rearview mirror i saw the father who serves in this church, our coleon, he baptized, it was visible in the rearview mirror. at that moment it seemed that nothing would work, it seemed that we would not be able to leave, they managed to leave, the column before and after them were shot, the women were sheltered in poland, but there, in safety , we still wanted to go home most of all. 33 days of occupation of buchi, 33 days of obscurity and obscurity, but on march 31 , the blue-yellow flag flew over the city again. the first thing i expected was this
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easter. and i knew that i had to celebrate easter in bucha, it didn't work out, because there was no electricity or water, then some panicky eyes started talking again about the offensive on may 1, i had a date of may 16, when i had to leave bucha, until things, photos, even a hand-drawn calendar, i crossed out the days before our departure home, and i couldn't stand the 13th, we got into the car, at that time... the world shuddered from the horrors and atrocities of the russians in buch, but it was not easy to prepare for what i saw, the most terrible thing that you will see in me the windows of my kitchen overlook the church , under which there was a mass burial, and i could not imagine how you would sit in the kitchen, drink your morning coffee and look at this view, although at the time of buying this apartment , this view from the window was i thought it was very cool.
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despite everything, the residents of buchi are rebuilding their city. karina is the founder of a real estate agency, modestly calling herself a sales manager. she knows how most of the houses in bucha, irpen, and gostomyla were built, she knows many people who bought apartments there. it was very difficult to experience the moment a full-scale invasion. you know every house, how it was built, who built it, what construction technology was used, and if possible. to name, then there was such a game during the occupation, you knew that if there was a flight into this house, then it would stand, if there was not a flight into this house, would it be nearby, then there might be moments, she admits, she was not sure whether will be able to return to work, but the city comes to life and becomes a home for new residents, from mariupol, berdyansk, kharkiv, but the houses, like the cities, wounded by the war, some
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houses are still without windows. doors and facades, the most terrifying thing was to accept what you had been doing all your life, there every house you know, brick by brick, how it was built, you didn't know if those people who once helped me survived got their dream home, and in some places , what we sell still looks like this, kyiv region is recovering, children are walking again in bucha, the house... nishaev is being repaired after being hit by a shell, an exotic garden is even being planted there. they built across the irpin river new bridge life goes on, but no one will ever be able to forget what happened here in february, march 2022. kateryna galko, oscar janson, espresso tv channel.
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greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. for the first time, president volodymyr zelenskyi has released information on losses among the ukrainian military, and this figure is lower than previous estimates published by western journalists. in... so, as the president said during his press conference, 31,000 ukrainian soldiers died at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia. the president added that he could not name the number of wounded soldiers, as russia would know how many people were killed on the battlefield. he also did not name the number of soldiers who went missing. after.


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