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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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of the space needle observation tower, calling to support ukraine in its struggle for freedom and independence. ukrainians are fighting against putin, and iranians live in a country occupied by khamenei, an islamic republic. the islamic republic is helping putin by providing them with drones to kill ukrainian women and ukrainian children. we condemn the atrocities committed by the islamic republic. this event is of great importance to taiwanese people. we support ukraine because you were invaded by russia for no reason. i really i'm sad for the ukrainians, i want to support them. the governor has the means to convey to, for example, members of congress the importance of financing the war for the sake of ukraine's freedom. the governor can support aid to ukrainian americans right here in the state.
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an action in support of ukraine was also held in washington, perhaps the largest for the american capital since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia. in addition to ukrainian and european diplomats, as well as american officials. the passing ukrainian military was invited to the event rehabilitation and prosthetics in the united states. american volunteers, who also went to fight against the russians, came to call for continued aid to ukraine. aggression, says kateryna lisonova. this saturday, february 24, the russian federation's full-scale invasion of ukraine entered its third year. activists from different parts of the united states of america, both americans and ukrainians, came to the capital of the country, the city of washington, to remind, as they say , that the war is still going on and that ukraine still has need help this is the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion. that is why we
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are here today to honor those who gave their lives, our heroes, and also to remind that ukraine will win, it is not a question of if it will happen, it is only a question of when. today, near the memorial of lincoln, the 16th president of the united states of america , american officials and the ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, oksana markarova, as well as activists from both ukrainian communities and those who support ukraine, as well as the ukrainian military, who received wounded during the russian war in ukraine and came to the united states of america for rehabilitation, but even so decided to come and support the motherland here in washington. american veterans who volunteered to fight in ukraine are also present. i am happy, i am happy that i went to the front and have the honor to risk for this struggle, how dare america even think about... not to support this struggle, it is
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our duty, may god bless ukraine, freedom is not a gift , she will be elected, and she belongs to ukraine, and i believe that they will become a superpower in all aspects, they are already a moral superpower, and i will never say on my deathbed that i did nothing in this battle for humanity, the first ever in the states for the first time at such a rally, this is the second anniversary of the start of the war , so you have to pass. to support , so that the american people do not forget, well, this is the memory of those who died, who are now on the battlefield, and well, so that we should remember them, remember the sacrifice that they, if they gave to the state and in general for the democratic values ​​of the whole world, so everyone gets tired, and soldiers get tired, and in ukraine, people get tired, but we should not give up, a very big sacrifice has already been paid.
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in order for us to simply stop, fold our hands and i would say yes, fatigue is felt, but it is not, we cannot talk about fatigue, we have no right to talk about fatigue, only those who defend ukraine in the trenches and on the battlefield, and we must wake up every day with the thought that we are one day closer to victory, and we must each make an effort, everyone who can, everyone, what efforts can be made to talk about ukraine. to convince , to provide support to ukraine, we have no right to talk about fatigue, as you know, it is not easy for anyone abroad, and all ukrainians came here not without good will, and they all want to return, i do not know, for example, such a ukrainian who would not wanted to return to his native land, so whoever, well, whoever has the opportunity, must support it so that ukraine becomes better, so that it is possible to return and live in ukraine, and not live abroad, so that on
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earnings, on earnings are very difficult, the liberation of our land from the occupiers, this is the time and prosperity of our ukraine, so that ukraine... in order for ukraine to really become, such a government came and made it so that, on the contrary, people from abroad came to us abroad. after rallying at the abraham lincoln memorial, activists marched to the residence of russian diplomats to, they say, remind the russian federation who started this war. kateryna lisonova, dmytro melnyk, voice of america, washington. ukraine plans to sign bilateral agreements in the future on security guarantees with the countries of the world, but they are not an alternative to joining nato.
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the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine , dmytro kuleba, said this in an exclusive interview with voice of america. he was in new york for a un security council meeting on the eve of the second anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion. is it in contact? ukrainian authorities with democrats and republicans, and whether there is a response from donald trump to volodymyr zelenskyi's invitation to visit kyiv, asked iryna solomko. mr. dmytro, there is probably no less a diplomatic war at the moment fiercer than on the front line, is ukraine winning on this diplomatic front? of course, look at how much talk there is about reducing the level of support for ukraine, but literally every day. are new support packages and these are packages for very large amounts, for tens and hundreds of millions of dollars, the countries of the group of seven sign agreements with us on cooperation in the field of security or on security guarantees, if it is easier to say, and
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there are specified specific things that, when , as will happen, so we still continue as the military say a strategic initiative on... the diplomatic front, another proof of this is the actual peace formula, the last meeting in davos, 82 students, we started with 15 last summer, grew to 82, and the agreement of the presidents of switzerland and ukraine to hold a summit , also says that we are moving. of course, now the main focus is on the united states, on american aid, whether you see signals now or hear them that it will be unblocked after all. there are a lot of them, they are systemic, they come at all levels and from the democrats, and from republicans, but it's time to move from signals to actual decision-making. we all understand that dynamics are created by ukrainian soldiers, and in order for them to create, to be able to create positive dynamics, they
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must have all the necessary weapons for this. still, you say republicans the same way they say, but in the context of arguments? well, what do they say? the same thing politicians say in any country, they blame each other, i.e. democrats say republicans are the problem, the republicans say that the problem is the democrats, we respect the internal politics of the united states, that's how politics works everywhere, but i'm in all the conversations with american politicians, and it's not always pleasant, you know, pleasant conversations, we... i tell you one simple thing: look, every day, while you are playing domestic politics there, people are dying in ukraine due to the lack of your decision, and if you remember this, i think it
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will speed up the search for an internal political compromise, and they just don't look at it because of that perspective, when you give them that perspective, they realize the price that we... pay for their internal political debate. a less hot topic right now is the blocking of the ukrainian border, you were there, talked, met, how can this situation be resolved at the moment? the situation is very complex and very simple at the same time. it is complicated by the fact that it happened not only in poland, the shedding of all responsibility for the problems of europe. their farmers to ukraine, for some reason they do not talk about russian grain, which enters the european market, for some reason no one fights with it, for some reason no one fights with european farmers with grain from outside europe, which in huge volumes enters the
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european market, but one topic after another that ukraine is to blame for everything, and this belief exists at the level of these protesters. therefore, the first thing that the governments of the respective countries need to do is actually start talking honestly with their farmers that the problem is not that... ukraine is not the key problem, the problem is much broader, and you don't need everything dump on ukraine. we are not, have not been and will not be some kind of scapegoat from buwayl who will tolerate all these baseless attacks. and where it is necessary to act harshly, we will act harshly and then let them not be offended that we showed some character there. this is the difficult part, and the simple part is that, and this is the main conclusion of my conversation in warsaw, it's simple... in the sense that both the polish government and the ukrainian government are working on solutions, because this, this conflict, it's nobody's business is not needed, and there is
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a sincere desire to avoid any, any escalation, but there will be additional provocations, we understand that the russians and their agents will push this whole story, there will be more provocations, so we need to keep a cool head and make quick decisions. ukraine has already signed, we have already set this year and... the package with three countries, these are france, great britain and germany, when can we expect such an agreement to be signed with the united states? chairs in the evening, money in the morning, i.e. chairs in the morning, money in the afternoon. first the money, then the signing. these warranty agreements, they are very specific, there sums are prescribed, specific things are prescribed, on which the participating participants will work . and the united states will be able to conclude this agreement when they have a clear understanding, and
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what resource is at their disposal. this is the logic, but we have no doubt that such an agreement will be signed with the united states of america. but this is as an alternative to. this was ukraine's principled position from the very beginning. both in the vilnius declaration and in every agreement we sign, it is written that this is not an alternative to nato, that it is working on the way of ukraine. to nato, and we must remember very clearly to everyone, we will not agree to any alternatives, these agreements are unprecedented, clear instruments, where countries undertake obligations, what exactly they will help, and in this, these agreements differ from the budapest memorandum. it is an important question, because there is a lot of information about the fact that ukraine is still being pressured to sit down at the table of conflicts, to freeze the conflict, i.e. is this discussion currently ongoing, or is it present off the record on the record. and what is the position of ukraine? there are two of the biggest lies circulating around the world,
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the world media, experts, the first is that ukraine is under pressure, and the second is that everyone is tired of the war in ukraine. therefore, let them write, let us do our own thing, and let us win, so we will not be distracted by these trifles. in the republican primaries in south carolina, donald trump won by a margin of 20%. despite the defeat in her home state, nikki haley said that she is not going to stop the fight and continues to participate in internal party beliefs, for the right to go to president from the republican party. ostap yarysh found out what mood prevails among voters in south carolina and how important it is for them to support ukraine. and vyacheslav filyushkin. oleksandr and make are the owners of a ukrainian-georgian cafe in
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charleston, south carolina. americans are treated to borscht and khachapul. however, after lunch, their place is closed for guests and turns into the office of the public organization charleston for ukraine. specifically, the spouses move from business affairs to activism and volunteering we helped our ukrainian guys who are on the front lines, they signed us thanks. on the flag and sent. oleksandr and maka are also engaged in advocacy of support for ukraine in their city and state. both when working with local authorities and on a personal level, among regular visitors to their cafe. many americans come and ask how to help, what you do, how to donate, what to bring, what you collect. support for ukraine is an extremely important factor in the presidential elections in the usa this year. previously oleksandra imaka supported the democrats, but now. believe that joe biden's administration has not done enough to help ukraine, so i do not rule out that this time
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they will vote for the republican candidate or candidate? have you decided who you will vote for? i don't know, at the moment, niki gels for me, when i listen to her, i like her views on ukraine and on the fact that ukraine should be supported. but i have a wife, what she says, i do. i... just kidding, i don't know, i don't have such a final decision right now, because i don't know, a lot of people are still in favor of trump, i'm against it, and i don't think she'll get there any further, i don't know who niki, niki, yes, i think it will be... again between biden and trump, and it's already a bit boring. in order to compete in the general elections in november, candidates must win the nomination of their party. on the last weekend of february , the republican primary is here in south carolina. the primary fight is between donald trump and nikki haley. despite the fact that south carolina and her home state, all
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polls before the election predict a victory for trump. both candidates are leading here active campaigns. meetings with voters. it is an integral part of any political campaign in the united states. these days, donald trump and nikki haley use such rallies to communicate with their constituents, perhaps convince the undecided and add energy to their campaigns. donald trump'. appeals primarily to the conservative base. nikki haley is counting on moderate republicans and independent voters who are hesitant to vote for whom. trump encouraged putin to attack ours allies this means that trump is siding with the bandit. as a result of putin's invasion of ukraine , half a million people died or were injured.
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trump sides with a dictator who kills his political opponents. a vote for nikki haley tomorrow is a vote for joe biden this november. that's all you do. you are voting for the dishonest joe biden. a vote for trump is a vote to fire rogue joe and put america first. it is important for both candidates to mobilize their supporters in the state as much as possible. on so that the voter turnout at the primaries was as high as possible, they also work in local election commissions. vote, we give them stickers and ask them to wear them with pride so that when they go out in public they can tell others, do n't forget to vote, but i know that charleston and south carolina as a whole are very good at encouraging people to vote and not miss an election and be active republican voters in south carolina say border security and the economy are their top concerns. we asked whether
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foreign policy, in particular, was important to them support of ukraine. i believe that ukraine should be supported, but it should be accountable. i don't like hearing stories about us financing ukrainian pension programs. when you hear things like that, it's troubling. a little after 7 o'clock in the evening, the polling stations in charveston closed, here in the district election commission
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they begin counting votes. the results of the election were announced that evening, although in charles county ... she defeated nikki haley, in general in south carolina there was no miracle. donald trump won with by a margin of 20%. despite the defeat in her native state, nike gailey said that she is not going to stop the fight and continues to participate in the race. but according to the american media, there is little intrigue left here. observers say that after confident victories in four states in a row, donald trump will almost certainly become the republican nominee. supporter. nicky haley, such a prospect is treated differently. if the nominees are donald trump and joe biden, what will be your choice. i will move to canada. i thought about it a lot. i would choose trump over biden. i will be honest. it definitely won't be biden. well,
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you can not vote once. honestly, i don't know. i guess i'll cry myself to sleep. the general mood in the usa is similar. according to various polls, the majority of voters, both democrats and republicans, are not enthusiastic about the possibility of a rematch between trump and biden. oleksandr and maka are of the same opinion. they say that in this case they will most likely choose the opposite. i don't know if there will be biden and trump. i just know that biden is at least helping something and speaking in our direction. and trump - it's a game, it's all politics, a game, it's all like that, you're not very happy with biden, but if there was a choice between biden and trump, probably yes, probably, the primaries in south carolina are over. the next 15 states will vote simultaneously on march 5. these elections can be decisive in determining the nominees. from south carolina. ostab
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yarysh, vyacheslav filyushkin, voice of america. download the voice of america mobile application. the application allows you to automatically bypass blocking thanks to the built-in vpn service. read news, watch informative programs and videos, and listen. castes of the ukrainian voice of america service. on this we conclude in the studio maria prus worked for you. see other stories of the ukrainian voice of america service on our website in social networks, also subscribe to our youtube channel and telegram. thank you for your trust, see you on the air. there are discounts on perfect till original 15% in
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winter's big broadcast. this is the great aether. my name is vasyl zemai, let's get started. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time. many. today we will discuss important topics with you for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, but what is the world living on? now , yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrovech will speak in more detail about what happened in the world, please give me your word, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talking about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov for two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of
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the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zema's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care. espresso in the evening. greetings, my name is myroslava barchuk and this own-name program, a joint project of ukrainian foam and the espresso tv channel. today we are talking about malevich. these days he is turning 145 years old, and i think this is a good opportunity to talk about why he is a ukrainian artist, why he is a person with a ukrainian, at least, cultural identity, and will help me in this. tatiana filevska is my guest, she is the creative director of the ukrainian institute, a researcher of the work of kazimir malevich and the ukrainian avant-garde in general. tatiana, congratulations
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good evening. good evening. ah, i suggest looking at malevich, but through the prism of our own identity. do you remember the year 2016, when such an idea arose to rename boryspil airport to malevich airport. and then there were different opinions, there were terribly heated discussions, i remember such a position that people said, well, to attribute ukrainianness to malevich is such our inferiority complex, malevich is not ukrainian, and in principle and in the end, the airport remained, there was a vote, the airport remained boryspil, but i'm not talking about that, i'm talking about the fact that it's been six months years, and it seems to me that something for these during this time. moved, first of all, in ourselves, and when it moved in us, then museums in the world began to call malevich a ukrainian
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artist, not a russian artist. does it have something to do with how our identity has changed over the past six years? certainly, uh, what we've learned about ourselves in these six years, in the last two years, has a lot to do with how we evaluate the events that came before us, and our past, our attitude toward it, and we reevaluate many, many things, and those events which happened, it also seems to me that it is very important here, our work, which was done in this... direction, because if we talk about kazimir malevich, yes, this is what i do, and i know how much for these there in the last six years, research, publications, and films have been made, and we actually understood that there is ukrainian in malevich and why we can fit him into our context, and how he is connected with it, because it is precisely in these connections that identity is revealed,
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the connection is revealed, but when we... well, nothing about malevich did not know and only heard from researchers from russia that it is impossible to talk about any kyiv period, because there are no documents, there are no archives, how will you prove that he actually did something there and that it had some significance, but that is another matter, when there are published materials of his lectures at the kyiv art institute, which are available in this book in both english and french, this book actually came out in the 16th year, then it was still later. separate translations, who published it, it is an edition of the rodovid publishing house, supported by the nizhny novgorod business school, and actually it took place, and this edition was published together with an international conference dedicated to malevich, actually there have been two such conferences over the years, and it is also very important when malevich researchers from all over the world and avant-garde researchers from all over the world come to kyiv, in order to agree on new ones.
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finds and new discoveries in malevich, if i remember correctly, in the genealogy there was the same published study of the great jean-claude markades in the 12th year of the french researcher of malevich's work, and it was he who started the first, at least i learned from him that malevich can be called a ukrainian artist. well, i think, if we talk about who was the first to pay attention to malevich's connections with ukraine, it would be fair to mention dmytro omilyanovich gorbachev, who in general is the discoverer of the avant-garde. this is a person who with his own hands unrolled these shafts that were destined for destruction, this special fund in the national art museum, this was the avant-garde art that was purposefully destroyed by the bolsheviks in the 1930s, and of which very little actually remained , and the artists themselves were destroyed, their works were destroyed, the archives were destroyed, and this actually made it possible to say that you had nothing here, and how can we talk about
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malevich's kyiv period, if there is nothing to talk about, that's it , but as it turned out, some archives have the ability to emerge from the ashes, appear and actually create history, we will definitely talk about this now, about the fact that there is ukrainian in malevich, yes, why is he ukrainian, but you mentioned dmytro gorbachev, i listened to his beautiful, wonderful simply lectures, i advise everyone in ukrainian, it is now called a non-art institute, and an art academy, yes, and he talks, in particular , about malevich, these are the names. interesting lectures, and it was actually at the art academy, but i remember that you made a film about malevich in the 19th year, yes, and this film is called malevich was born in ukraine, you are the screenwriter of this film, and what struck me that pavlo gudimov tells that in this very art academy there was opposition to the fact that, in the kyiv academy, there was opposition to the fact that malevich often...
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the history of this academy, what malevich taught there, that is, some of the teachers did not know this at all, how could this happen, why did this happen, how could this happen? by the way, these lectures by dmitry gorbachev that you mention, we also organized, i was a co-organizer then, and it was actually an attempt to return malevich to the walls of the academy, actually, when malevich taught in the late 20s, it was a different time, it was another academy of arts, it is not there, for example, a european journalist who came to kyiv called it the kyiv bauhaus, because it was an absolutely unique art school, where volodymyr tatlin, oleksandr bogomazov, mykhailo boychuk, malevich, and a lot of generally prominent artists who gathered in the same walls taught at the same time, and each of them had their own teaching method, it was the period is actually this ukraine.


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