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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EET

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speaking of what he actually did, which was this trans radical change, he broke the connection between art and reality, i.e. all art before malevich, it in one way or another appeals to reality, yes, even if it is conditional abstractions of kandinsky, they all equally appeal to reality, because they appeal to a certain psychological world of ours, how we experience something, what sensations, but... these experiences, sensations, they are all equally caused in a certain way, yes, or if they have some emotional impulse from reality malevich speaks very coldly, mathematically, i would say, very abstractly: i don't even need emotions in order to create something new, color and form and a white canvas are enough for me, that's all, i can endlessly create worlds because i have color and form, and on this he bases his system of suprematism, moreover, he
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understands that this is a complex intellectual construction that not everyone can see in a black square, and he writes a brochure and publishes it together with this exhibition, with this brochure from cubism and futurism to suprematism, in which he explains that it is necessary to read, yes, how art should be understood, this is also a gesture that will later become the basis of modern art, now art does not exist outside the context, outside the additional text, you will not understand if you do not read it, do not do it yourself efforts, yamalevich yes. said that for some reason everyone believes that art should be adapted to our understanding, and i believe that we should adapt ourselves and our heads to the understanding of art, this is amazing, and you know that it is amazing to me, when i read these texts of his, then it's not a nugget that says it, ot he is often called a nugget there, a person who received such a poor education there and everything, but when he writes about art, he is philosophy, he speaks like a philosopher, this is a philosophical thought, but i remember that a...
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was this is benoit, it seems alexander benoit , a russian artist, he is also a writer , and he said that with this black square, malevich blocked everything that was good and tender in art, in art, blocked everything that was good and tender, this is not a verbatim quote, but many people, or were resistance in the art of that time, so even more. military coup even before soviet power, was there resistance to this philosophy of malevich? without a doubt, it was a terrible scandal, that is, the criticism was simply merciless , he was pelted with mud, he was accused of everything there, for whatever reason, it turned him on even more, yes, and as we understand, it did not end there 100 or so years ago , and today at the academy of arts in kyiv , it is the same as if they don't understand, yes, that is, it is the same tradition, but less. he really
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said that all these museums that we have with everyone his madonnas and venuses, all this must be thrown into the trash, because art must be modern, or it does not exist, must, must not exist at all, he rejected this beauty, we would say, yes, this refinement of form, which does not correspond to the spirit, need, malevich in this sense, he was very much so, well, one could say, a constructivist, because he believed that art should be adapted to... well, if art does not serve life, directly here, now, to people, then it no need, so it's not art, it's something, it's decoration, as he said, embellishment, yes , that is, it is something, well, what we now say papsa, popsa, yes, that is, something alienated from a person, yes, his needs, his life, malevich believed that art should be everywhere absolutely a part of our whole life, it is not for nothing that he designed costumes there, for example, hairstyles. clothes, furniture, dishes, that is,
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for him it was either everywhere, or it is not art. and you asked about tatlin, and i want to ask if it is true, or is it, is it a legend that tatlin, the founder of world constructivism, he was a bandurist, i heard it's from dmitri gorbachev, but that they sang songs together with malevich, this is a true story, uh, i want to spoil our film about malevich a little here again, because we have malevich tatlin as one of the main characters, and there we let's touch on this topic as well, and the fact that malevich, that tarlin was a bandura player, is an absolute truth, and this is evidenced by memories and photographs, there are photos of tatlin with a bandura, moreover, he himself made banduras, that is, his e these reliefs of his are so-called, that is, or counter-reliefs, here are these... objects, this is actually
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a bandura disassembled in the cubist sense, yes, that is, if, for example, picasso in his cubist works turns to the guitar, which was part of his culture. spanish or catalan, then for tatlin this kind of prototype of these stretched strings in the corner is the bandura, obviously , that is, he disassembled it, assembled it, he constructed it, it inspired him, but whether malevich was sung by statlin, maybe we do not know about it exactly, but there was a period when they communicated very well, there is even photographs that malevich tried to destroy, but they have come down to our time, where malevich and satlin are at the same party, and it was quite possible... the wind is howling very loudly in the field, dmytro gorbachev says that i don't know this song, but even and even that he, as they say, had not yet died of ukraine, neither fame nor will, he sang in those days, if we spoil, let's go a little further behind the spoiler, who
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is playing malevich, can you reveal? yes, of course, this is already public information, vitaly azhnov plays malevich in the main role here, he is a theater actor, but here we have him correctly, and? tatlin is played by the young actor oleksandr novikov, he is probably less known as a film actor, but he is so structurally similar to tatlin that we just couldn't help but cast him in this role, and he played very well, very well. now i definitely want to ask you about this dramatic story, i know that this is not the first time that you will tell about it, but i think that not so many people know. this story about malevich's will, about how he thought out his funeral and his burial and his grave, and how it all ended? yes, actually malevich was ill for a long time, he knew that the disease was incurable, and he had time to prepare
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for his farewell. he, like a true artist, turned his, his funeral into a performance, and he wrote the inscription himself... gave the funeral scenario, he drew a sketch, he actually left a will, and what to do, where and so on, and actually according to this will, according to this scenario , everything happened, and this was probably also his protest against the regime, against the system, yes, when he was actually able to realize his artistic gesture at the moment when in fact the system has already pressed a person and his freedom to the wall. yes, that is, this is the 35th year, this is the moment when malevich is already outside of any permitted art, that is, he has not been exhibited or talked about for several years, in fact he should have been forgotten by this moment, but nevertheless , thousands of people gather at his funeral who
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remembered him, loved him, respected him, his students, followers, supporters, he was to be buried in such a wide coffin, scattered with roses. hands on the cover of this throne were to be painted a cross, a circle and a square, this actually a supremacist triptych, but the censor did not allow the cross to be painted, because it saw in it a symbol of christianity, although for malevich it had a completely different meaning, and actually one of his students had adapted this coffin a little, and actually according to the sketch of his student, it was implemented, malevich was transported from... from leningrad to moscow, there his body was burned and his body was buried near nemchynivka, this village was near moscow, where their family dacha was, where he liked to visit, and actually behind the village under an oak tree , that is, this is his love for nature, for some free
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spaces, if it was embodied in his last will, this grave was eventually lost, lost, and now there is no desire for it. he does not know the exact place of his burial, and moreover , his last will has not been implemented, in his will it is said to put a vertical column on the grave, that is what he called an architect, an architect is such architectural forms that he created during the 20s years, so here is this form, it is so similar to such a skyscraper, i don't know, it's just a column so tall, and put it above, a telescope so that every... person could see jupiter, that is, his last will was a desire for a person to realize himself as a cosmic unit, as a cosmic entity, instead, they say that where his grave was, there is a residential complex, some russian , yes, and even, i don't know if it's true, oleksandr royburd told me that there
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was almost a parking lot there, that is, the entrance to the parking lot at his masha's grave, and yes, actually there some time ago, several years therefore his family. and some artists did research, aerial photography, trying to at least somehow establish where this grave was, and now they assume that the place where it was, is now the territory of a closed some... from a private residential complex, and it is precisely at this place that there is a parking lot, a playground , that is, these are some such zones and lifestyles, and i know that there was some kind of litigation, some kind of court case between this residential complex, which means that they sought to somehow win back this piece of land, but what is there in the swamps is not of interest to us anymore, but simply as a metaphor russia's attitude towards its artists and not only its own, but also those they want. appropriate, just bright. thank you tetyana , tetyana filetska, the creative director
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of the ukrainian institute, was with us today, thank you for this conversation, thank you to all our viewers who watched, i think it was a wonderful, interesting conversation to understand, first of all, who we are, yes , what is our identity and what are our ukrainian artists. thank you and see you next week. these were proper names. thank you. there are discounts on emolium 25% in pharmacies plantain you and save there are discounts on steam power 20% in pharmacies plantain you and save there are discounts on fervex 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. there are discounts on healpex of 20% in travel fam and savings pharmacies. there are
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discounts on quiet for a calm 10% in pharmacies plantain for you and savings. there are 10% discounts on paracitamdarnytsia in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. there are 15% discounts on perfecttil original in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. there are 15% discounts on uurolessan in pharmacies plantain for you and save. there are 10% discounts on zzilor in psarynskyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of broadcast time, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now it's about the war. let's talk more, serhiy zgurets with us and what the world is doing now , about what happened in the world
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, yuriy fizar, yuriy dobryvecher will speak in more detail, please, you have the floor. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day. guests, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. a separate set of unmanned aerial systems sapsan of the state special service. transport. we appeal to the viewers of the tv channel to join the collection of crowns and
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technical equipment for our unit. thank you. glory to ukraine. to the heroes. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. an apple from an apple tree. what scandalized the judges' children. but as the daughter of a supreme court judge, i inherited a knack for successfully buying real estate, and i am a successful business woman and investor. congratulations, judicial control is on the air. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity is the basis of the judicial reform currently underway in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main thing.
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today we will talk about the requirements for our further path to the eu, how successful the transformation is and whether the moral and professional qualities of the judges meet high standards, but first the news: the former head of the scandalously liquidated district administrative court of kyiv, pavlo vovk, will not become a judge of the administrative court of cassation. the higher qualification commission recognizes. his inappropriate in this position, despite the fact that it is the qualification assessment should have helped the wolf to avoid dismissal, he obviously realized that the chances of getting the position were not enough, he did everything so that the assessment did not take place, or? of his lawyers, vovk appealed to most of the members of the central committee of the russian federation and, in general, to the entire composition of the commission, but the commission in turn refused to challenge each member present. ahead of vovka is a basic check for compliance with his current position. based on its results, the higher quorum commission either recognizes him as suitable, or recommends to the higher council of justice that he be released. we will remind, the ex-head of the district
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kyiv administrative court. pavlo vovk appears in the case of interference in the work of the court and influencing the adoption of certain decisions with... money. in 2020, nabu announced that vovko, his deputy , yevhen ablov, and five other judges of oasku were suspected of being part of a criminal organization and captured by the authorities. oask itself was liquidated at the end of 2022. however, despite all this, the wolf still remains the judge. moreover, he continues to receive wages. for the past year, he received more than uah 1,600,000, doing absolutely nothing. former judge of the babushkin district court. and andriy leonov cannot come to terms with the court verdict for a $15,000 bribe, filed a cassation appeal last year in march, the higher anti-corruption court found leonov guilty of extorting $30,000 and actually receiving a $15,000 bribe for issuing a court decision in a criminal proceeding. leonov was sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment with the deprivation of the right
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to hold the position of a judge for a period of three years and with the confiscation of all property. the appellate court confirmed this verdict. however, leonov is desperately trying to avoid punishment. the supreme court scheduled the cassation appeal for consideration on june 18. the judicial system of ukraine is constantly updated. the higher qualifications commission of judges continues to check the suitability of the current servants of themis and conduct a powerful competition to fill vacant positions, weeding out the unworthy. meanwhile, social networks clearly demonstrate how important updating is. judges who... manage to hide property of dubious origin and remain invisible, manipulating legislation, are exposed by their own children. this is blogger tatiana gubenko, she tells her three hundred thousand subscribers how to successfully invest, become the owner of six apartments in kyiv and sells financial literacy training. tetyana gubenko, daughter of the judge of the cassation economic court,
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nadiya gubenko, a member of the supreme court. we paid attention to nadiya gubenko when she directly... went to the supreme court, because earlier she worked in the higher commercial court, during the times when the famous tatkov imelyanovs worked and ruled there. judge nadiya gubenko has repeatedly found herself at the center of corruption cases scandals, in particular related to dubious housing development. she also figured in the loud conflict surrounding the building on the territory of the oleksandriv hospital in the center of kyiv. gubenko was a member of the panel of judges that overturned the rulings on you. invalidating the decision of the kyiv city council to transfer the land of the medical facility for development, the decision of the judge and her colleagues caused numerous clashes between activists defending the hospital and representatives of the developer. in july 2003 , she transferred a six-hectare plot of land on the territory of the institution to the developer's company and
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in 2017, the construction of scandals began there. which also led to a clash between activists and representatives of the developer, many trees were also planted on the territory of the hospital and the memorial park named after bogomolets, namely, according to the information, 226 trees. judge nadiya gubenko's family owns a lot of real estate, according to the last declaration submitted by her for 2022, together with her sister, she owns three inheritances. plots of land in the brovar district of the kyiv region, on one of which there is a residential building with an area of ​​130 m2. owned husband serhiy gubenko has two plots of land in the kyiv-sviatoshyn district of kyiv region with a house with an area of ​​117 square meters, and the family also has three apartments in the capital, two of which are fully owned by the judge.
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in 2013, gubynka bought an apartment in one of the most expensive elite residential complexes in the capital, novopechersk lybky. 136 m2 allegedly cost her only... 89,800 uah for the house is unlikely, the price is obviously underestimated, at least several times, the price per square meter here started from 1,600 uah, at the stage of putting the house into operation it reached 25 so, according to rough estimates, the apartment cost at least uah 2 million. many other politicians live there, in particular , volodymyr groysman has an apartment there and many other influential people, so this fact is understated. possible underestimation of the price for an apartment , for parking space in this housing complex, we paid attention to it, the public integrity council also paid attention to it, and sent, wrote all about it to him a conclusion regarding the judge, well, but one way or another, she all once successfully participated in this competition, and
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is currently a judge of the supreme court, apparently the judge's daughter also inherited the ability to successfully buy valuable real estate. today, tetyana gubenko says that she has six apartments, $110,000 in an investment portfolio. he also flaunts that he has two plots of land, which he leased to agricultural companies and receives from. we can assume our own, the blogger names her mother's plots of land with an area of ​​more than 4 hectares in the kyiv region, the purpose of which is for farming: yes, i am the daughter of a judge, and yes, i am a successful female entrepreneur and investor, i invested in the apartments are under construction and are still being built, that is, they are not built , we have no questions from law enforcement agencies, my mother passed all the checks and that is why she still works as a judge, and i am a fop, i have a good income and work honestly, i... so that now this is all the mother, and this is the daughter of the judge of the pechersk district court of kyiv, kristina konstantinova, anastasia is an appreciator of the russian rep and considers ukrainians cattle. until i went to the beach,
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i wanted to speak about the events related to one of my favorite russian performers , bastoi, who came to kyiv. i read in in the news, they prove to him, they tell him that crimea is ours, they run after him, they don't let a man rest in some institutions, some of our cattle are ukrainian, calm down, he is an artist'. and speaking in crimea means nothing at all, he is no longer ours, take it easy, it is interesting that while the state, in the midst of a full-scale war , calls not to take money abroad, judge kristina konstantinova keeps most of her savings in italian bank accounts, where she has 21 thousand euros. savings did not prevent her from taking advantage is-support and receive 100 hryvnias of assistance. kastina konstantinova is also quite an odious judge. that she made decisions about activists already after the revolution of dignity, including, if i am not mistaken, she considered the case of roman ratushny, or those
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boys who passed with him, or the accusations, and there are questions about her and about her real estate, so that it is also real estate almost in the center of kyiv, and so about its preservation, including him... another descendant of the already former vinnytsia judge alya chezganova, dmytro chyzganov also loves russian music. he was recently detained with a gun in the middle of vinnytsia while he was singing russian songs. but in a song of his own authorship, chasganov eloquently expressed his attitude to mobilization and made it clear that he had no intention of defending the country. sbu, ministry of internal affairs and vru.
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at the end of last year, a terrible accident with a judge's family happened in ternopil oblast , lawyer dmytro kvyatkovskii, the son of judge lidia kvyatkovskii, while intoxicated. driving an infiniti caused an accident in which a person died. later on his mother, who was traveling with him in the car, also died in the hospital. according to local public activists, this is not the first time that kwiatkovsky has been arrested for drink driving, however , due to the connections of the judge's mother, he has so far managed to avoid punishment. i drove the transpom, that's how you drove, that's what it is, how many people stopped you, well, in connection with what did you stop me? martial law and finally , about how the son of the scandalous judge of the liquidated district administrative court of kyiv, yevhen ablov , celebrated the new year in an unusual way, after which he was arrested on suspicion of
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deliberate murder. according to the case file , during the celebration at the dacha cottage, ablov jr. got into a drunken argument with one of the attendees, took a kitchen knife and stabbed the man in the ribcage. he died on the spot. moreover, ivan ablav was declared wanted. and several weeks, if i'm not mistaken. was wanted, and then after some period of time, he ee appeared like that himself ee to the police ee and said that he did not know that he was wanted, but it looks very strange and funny actually, so that when you kill a person and run away from the place where it happened, it looks very strange. that you may not know that you will be searched and declared wanted. ivan ablov is currently under arrest without bail. it will be recalled that his father is evgeny ablov, the former
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deputy head of scan'. of the now liquidated district administration of kyiv, one of the most odious judges in the country. ablov is a suspect in the case of the wolf films about the attempt to seize state power and interference in the work of judicial bodies. evgeny ablov is the deputy head of the odious, already liquidated company of every administrative court of the city of kyiv, the author of the already well-known catch phrase "boss, let's be surprised", this is a person who... first of all, is the judge of the maidan, because he is the one who, in an hour and a half , will issue a decision ordering the berkut to actually storm and clear the maidan in the night of december 10-11. judge families clearly demonstrate how far the apple falls from the apple tree. we hope that after the complete renewal of the judicial system, in accordance with international standards, we will no longer observe such examples of heredity, but for now
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we have to believe. in the law enforcement system, which should make it impossible to avoid punishment by violators and criminals who are used to using family ties. and for today i have everything, it was judicial control and i, tetyana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report an unscrupulous judge who makes illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to my e-mail address. which you see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week. there are discounts on citramondarnytsia, 10% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. there are discounts on emolium 25% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are
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of the sapsan unmanned aerial complexes of the state special service of transport, appeals to the viewers of the tv channel to join in the collection of crown funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. see this week in the collaborators program. fake ministers, as a journalist headed the propaganda department on kherson oblast? we are again fighting for the right to be russians. but how did the pseudo-minister of labor deport ukrainian children to russia? we will continue our work. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about
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traitors who went to serve the roshi occupiers at the beck and call of a wallet. the left-bank kherson oblast has been under occupation for two years. during this time, the russians, with the help of local collaborators, created occupation administrations, pseudo-organizations, tried to attract local residents to new fake russian institutions. they offered money positions, prospects. those who were pro-ukrainian were kidnapped, tortured and even killed. while the russian boot tramples the ukrainian land, there are also... and those who lick it deliciously. today's issue is about traitors who chose a tricolor rag instead of a blue-yellow flag in the left bank kherson region. the hope that odessa remains, is and remains a russian city. so. she said that odesa is waiting for the release and supports the holding of the svo in every possible way. this is hrybovska.


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