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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 4:00am-4:29am EET

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in biloghirsk, many karaites , krymchuks, crimeans lived there, they lived together, and they spoke, they did not speak russian, that is, in big cities it was like this, in their small city they did not, they communicated with each other in the crimean language, in fact it was the only one, i say only with religious nuances, and in principle it is necessary to revive, that is , the revival of the crimean language, this is the revival of the languages ​​of the crimeans and the crimeans, and here it is necessary to simply publish books. which will mention some nuances of historical, cultural, cultural heritage, yes the most interesting thing about the karaites is due to the peculiarities of the settlement of the karaites in ukraine, in general, and i will remind you that the buildings of the karaite cinemas can be found both in kyiv and in western ukraine, but the crimean language had both a crimean dialect and a galician dialect, and galician is considered in fact, vmerlin, but unfortunately, the crimean people are still trying to keep the karaites in some way. and the association
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of karaites in ukraine, krym karaylar, among other things, it takes care of the preservation of the karaite language, and they had a branch in melitopol, which is interesting, well, we understand, god, it happened again, well, listen, i want to tell such a story, maybe the audience will be interested too, i know one of the most experienced female diplomats of lithuania, this is mrs. halyna, i just forgot her last name, you can go for a walk, she is the first... was the first lady ambassador in finland, in estonia, in lithuania , independent after the disintegration of the soviet union, i was at her house, and i was at her house, by the way, she is karaite, absolutely, absolutely without, well, just a karaite woman there in some generation there, and they live in lithuania several hundred people, and among them there are people who speak little, but speak the crimean language and she translated the little prince anton de centogora. on pension, there is a grant there
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for a polish translation of translations into the languages ​​of small nations, and she made this translation, i actually saw it and spoke with her, she is from the crimea, that is, the crimean regions of lithuania, they all got there at the same time at the invitation of vytautas a long, long time ago, and this is absolutely, that is , the lithuanians are not for nothing, our fraternal people, they are first of all, by the way, and through the crimea and because of relations with - the kiev principality , it was also and even before the foundation of kyiv there were lithuanians, so we don't know much, we are so connected in fact, crazy, just crazy, i know, i saw grisya mention about this - mother tongue day , i want them, there is no one alive anymore, i want to apologize to my great-grandparents, parents, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, so why do i not know the crimean language well, i almost don’t know it, that is, i know the words, i understand what is it about but
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i can only say the simplest sentence, well, can you say something good about ms. khrystyna, about the espresso tv channel, about ukraine ztr, yes, at the moment, i have a much better command of the ukrainian language, that is, even 20% 10 i do not have the command of my native language, forgive me my ancestors, i will correct myself someday, and now we will talk, raise more precisely... a number of questions with the legal counsel, i will probably start with the topic that we promised you in the last issue of the beraber special project, about the former governor of occupied sevastopol dmytro ovsyannikov, i i'll just remind you that in 2022 in fact, when there was a large-scale russian aggression against ukraine, he somehow managed to get the sanctions of the european union removed from him and remove himself from this sanctions list, he got there, well, obviously. because he was a representative
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of the occupation administration of sevastopol, and the most interesting thing is that the court motivated its decisions by the fact that, well, he ceased to be one, and before that he also took into account the fact that he is ukrainian, he is a citizen of ukraine, he did not come here with a passport, which in the crimea, they gave him a present there, right? i don't know what i went with, but he was detained in great britain, and literally on february 20, a meeting was held to elect him what we call... this is a preventive measure, so i will remind you that the royal court of the osazerk district at the court session actually found out that, in addition to russian, he he also has british citizenship, the ex-governor is a patriot of rosyushka, as they say, according to the conditions of the bail that was assigned to him, his british and russian passports remain with the law enforcement officers, and in particular, vsyanikov must observe a curfew. from 21 to
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5:00 a.m., staying at home with an electronic bracelet, is reported to the police every day, in great britain, that is, not in the european union, he is in principle suspected of violating the sanction. listen, i, i, i apologize, i must have confused him, he was not a citizen of ukraine, is this ovsyannikov or not? you know , if i was, if i was, then they all kept, kept their ukrainian passports, they know how everything will end, they disguise themselves, mimic, there is such a thing, that is, well, this type of people, we know, the governor of sevastopol he was from the 17th to the 19th year, that is, for two years, he is obviously a russian statesman and political figure, in the 20th year he was expelled from the united russia party... i am concerned about our ukrainian crimea, i am concerned about a person who actually carried out the russian occupation, served it, and it
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actually got out of any punishment of the european union, khrystyna is not a british judge, i am sure that the british are not cheating, but the eu is. here the question is big, let's talk now about other topics, in particular about the next oppression in crimea, which are taking place, unfortunately, we are talking about lyutfia yazodieva, who this week presented a very neat column for the newsweek publication, by the way, we thank this publication, which is interested in crimean topics in general, to be honest, latvia is in crimea, she... a right-wing activist from crimean solidarity, an educated, intelligent person who, to the best of her ability, tries to fight for people who are experiencing oppression, and now she obviously needs support as well. viktoria nesterenko, project manager of
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the human rights center zmina, is in touch with us. victoria, congratulations you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. a few words about the case and maybe about some. some information that we have about lotvia azodieva, as soon as she wrote that she has to sleep dressed, always have her things packed, because she really cannot rule out that one day russian law enforcement officers will not come to her and commit what they have been doing to ukrainians and crimean tatars for 10 years in crimea, and it happened, and it happened, what can we say about this case, unfortunately, on... that's right, and it's not the first time, because yesterday these people from the counter -extremism center visited her, and before that she was detained twice, and twice she was given these administrative, administrative fines, and
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yesterday was actually supposed to be a review, but in fact, they searched her home, unfortunately, during the search, they seized. there are some things, it is a recorder, video surveillance, all phones, flash drives and a laptop, and also during this search, her lawyers were not allowed, that is, they came, but unfortunately they were not allowed, and lutfia was also imposed two protocols, one protocol for the fact that in one of the posts on facebook she did not mention that hisbut tahrir is a terrorist organization recognized in russia, and another protocol, where she referred to an article by radio liberty, she did not indicate that this organization is a foreign agent, since a few days ago in russia this organization was included in the list of undesirables.
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ugh. that is, well, ms. victoria, what do you think they lead to, and how can it be, well, i don't know, it's an occupation, it's clear that it's a big one. it is a great honor and respect for the lady lutfia, what can actually threaten her, and what should we do? in fact, this is another attempt by the russian occupation authorities to intimidate both lutfia and other human rights activists in crimea, because we see that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the occupation authorities in crimea have been trying to put pressure on human rights activists, to put pressure on them. to go to lawyers, several lawyers have already had their lawyer’s licenses taken away and they cannot practice law , and actually what we should do is only testify to all these cases, talk about them to speak in an international audience,
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to call on the international community to put pressure on the occupation authorities and on the authorities in russia to stop and force... to stop this persecution of civil society that is against the occupation, you know, after what putin did with his there. .. an opponent actually killed oleksiy navalny, we do not treat him very well, but this is a political murder and the murder of a political prisoner, yes, that is, there are several dozen in the same conditions, almost no one mentions them, well, except for us in world, but there are hundreds of them such people, and much less is written, spoken, etc. about them, and i do not know how to raise this topic. crimean political prisoners to the international level even more, maybe it will be done there, i
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don't know, on february 26 in connection with the anniversary, well, day by day of resistance to the occupation of crimea, but i am very, to be honest, afraid for our people, and now they are simple, i apologize for such a long preface, as there is actually already a reig built and no one is ashamed. to do anything, in fact a person who falls into their hands falls into the hands of absolute power above yourself, there are no longer any fuses, and what do you think? in fact it is, and it seems to me that this dynamic of repression and persecution will continue to intensify, and because of course all these persecutions, human rights activists recorded during these 10 years of occupation, a lot of different... violations of human rights and violations of international rights in occupied crimea, and at the expense of political
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prisoners, we all know what conditions they are in, these are terrible inhumane conditions, this is inhumane treatment, this is torture, torture, this is not providing medical care, in fact, this continuation of the genocide of the crimean tatars, which happened a long time ago, because as far as... we know, since the beginning of 2023 , two political prisoners have died in places of detention, and the occupying authorities of russia are trying to further imprison elderly people, people with disabilities on quite long terms, these are 15-18 years of imprisonment, that is, people are still in such conditions, and they simply may not live to the moment when they go out on... please tell me, in fact,
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we have been living for some time after how the international court of the un in the hague announced the decision in the case in which ukraine accused the russian federation of violating two international conventions on the fight against the financing of terrorism and on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, and to be honest, we still did not understand until the end what basic assessment can be given to this decision, it very half-hearted and not all. how, from the ukrainian point of view , were the completely fair demands of our country taken into account, please tell us what practical consequences this decision will have, if possible briefly. actually, i am not an expert in international law, but we are all realists, and i think it is obvious that these decisions of the international court, they did not justify. the expectations that our diplomats and our lawyers were counting on,
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so it seems to me that it is not appropriate at all, and maybe our diplomats will take this into account in the future and will look for some other mechanisms in order to somehow influence russia and attract it to the responsibility, because it is viktoria, thank you, viktoria nesterenko. project manager of the center for human rights the change was from we are in touch, and i would just like to add for sure that relying on and often blaming our international partners, international courts in some decisions must sometimes pull their own legal strap, as they say, and not forget that we have obligations to the indigenous peoples, in particular, and the cabinet of ministers of ukraine is delaying a little the adoption of a decision on consolidating the right... new status of the mezhelis of the crimean tatar people as a representative body of the indigenous
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people, says ryfat chubarov, the head mezhelis, that is, in fact, mezhales operates , it exists, but there is a legal basis for its functioning, in fact it is a shameful situation, it is ancient and shameful, it does not become less shameful because of the term that continues, let 's try to talk about it next time and invite and mr. rifat personally can. he can be. thank you for your attention. thank you, this was a joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel. beraber together. we will continue to keep our finger on the pulse. be with crimea. moncharenko and roman kostenko, as well as executive yevhen magda, director of the institute of world politics. in the second part of our program, which will start literally in an hour. we will have political scientists viktor boberenko, volodymyr refesenko and oleksiy
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holobutsky. however, before we start our big conversation, let's watch a video of how... tilers of the 47th separate mechanized brigade destroy the armed tos-1a sontsepok in the avdiiv direction. let's see.
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friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watch us live there, please like this video and also subscribe to our social networks as well as youtube and facebook. in addition, during the entire broadcast , we are conducting a survey today, we are asking you today about this, do you believe? that this year will be a turning point for ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your comment, leave it on youtube under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think this is the year will be a turning point for ukraine, 0800 211 381, no, 08021382, all calls to these numbers are
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free, call and at the end of the program we will sum up this voice. our first guest, oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine and vice-president of the pariet committee on migration and refugees, is in touch with us. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you, mr. serhiy, just allow me to correct you, i am the president of the committee on migration of refugees of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe. i congratulate you, i'm sorry to call you vice president okay, i was vice president last year, in january i was elected president, you must have an old, old aunt, yes, thank you, president. of the committee on migration and refugees. mr. oleksiy, because we are asking our tv viewers whether they think this year will be a turning point for ukraine. of course, we are starting from what was said and heard from president zelensky. do you think this year will be a turning point for ukraine? look, i
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really want it, but i doubt it. i i think that all this year there will be hostilities . and during this year we must drain the russian army as much as possible against our defensive lines, we must strike deep into russian positions and generally deep into russian territory, we must carry out acts of sabotage, we must buy forces, we must build fortifications, i think that this year is going to be very difficult, i really want to be wrong , i want us to end the war victoriously this year, i will be on... of course i will be happy if it happens, but at the moment, based on what i see, the balance of forces, what is happening, well , my prediction is that there will be hostilities throughout this year, my personal prediction is that the front line will not change significantly by the end of the year, but this is my prediction, that is, you have a moderate prediction, without any extraneous , let's say so, an illusion
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, well, yes, well, but i and... or how are some people's deputies there now scaring us with the loss of kharkiv or some other such things, i believe that this is also absolutely not the answer, not that we are here you can't say that there so as not to scare anyone there, i really think that the russians don't have forces to take kharkiv or some even bigger city, or to break through again to the right bank of the dnieper, or to threaten odessa again, i think that they have no opportunity for this, but the opportunity to crush us in donbas and behind... some other villages in donbas , some other towns in donbas, well, unfortunately, i think that they have such an opportunity, well, if i'm on the wrong side, well... i, you know, i'm for the fact that it's better to be a conservative, it's better, let us live will surprise me, because when i heard this last year, coffee on the yalta embankment, prepare
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your swimming trunks and so on, and so on, i everything was a little disturbing, because i am so a little, well, not a little, i constantly go to the front , we volunteer there, help and so on, and i felt that it was not quite realistic, but unfortunately, i turned out to be right, so if i will err in the direction of... ukrainian successes, i will be the happiest person in the world, so you know, as they say, prepare for a more difficult development of events, and it will be good, so we will be happy about it, but in some catastrophic scenario, that there ukraine will fall, the front will fall apart, the russians will go there, besiege kiev again, capture kharkiv, i think so too unscientific fantasy, i think it is absolutely impossible, at a big press conference, president zelenskyi said that the armed... forces of ukraine are already preparing a new counteroffensive, and have several plans, as information about the plan for last year's offensive was previously leaked. let's listen to what zelensky said. not everything goes according to plan, not
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everything depends on us. some things depend on us, some things depend on partners, so certain processes are delayed. the main thing is to have a plan, and this plan exists. i will not be able to tell you the details of this plan, i will explain it to you. ah,... to be honest, speaking between us, the fewer people who know the plans of the ukrainian army, the faster there will be a victory and an unexpected result for the russians, and i will tell you frankly, our counteroffensive actions last autumn were on the kremlin steel before how did the counteroffensive actions begin, full stop, well , i would like the president to explain after the full stop, because the exits... yes, those who are part of the supreme commander-in-chief's staff knew the counteroffensive plan, if this plan was in the kremlin, then the question is, how he ended up there,
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to be honest, in this statement of the president zelensky, i don't understand, well, almost everything , well, first of all, he is talking about our counteroffensive, and what kind of counteroffensive, if i remember correctly, our counteroffensive began in june of last year, and it actually started in september. and since october , the russians have gone into their own mood, so i don’t understand what kind of counteroffensive he is already talking about, the new counteroffensive that will be this fall, and that is, we are talking about ours, well no, i think, excuse me, but i i argue with you, it seems that you are wrong now, i think he said, he says, as in the past tense, that our plans were on the table last fall, but how do we know where we will be at all? this fall, i don’t really understand, if he talks about this fall, then i don’t understand it three times, i don’t know what will happen this fall, i think that even president zelensky doesn’t know what will happen this fall, he
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said at the beginning about a new counteroffensive, but he said, we won't talk about it, because the previous counteroffensive plan was on the kremlin's table, so yes, well, he said, but there is a sound of wax, well, okay, now as for the plan that is on the table in the kremlin, well, then it means that someone from the highest military and political leadership of ukraine are traitors, they leaked the plan, i... that the president knows this, so, well, i hope they are looking for these people, i don’t know, that is, i don’t really understand, and the first part, he says, we have a plan for counterattacks, even several, i don’t really understand either, and what do you mean by several plans, well, that is, the plans of the abv , well, that's normal, but he says, we have several plans, because the russians can to learn about one of them, well, in general , i'll be honest, i've already come to the following conclusion a long time ago, when the president speaks, that is , he has a prepared... speech, it's usually a very strong, powerful speech, and he speaks well when the president begins to answer questions, to be honest, his opinion, i am not always able to follow
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it and understand to the end, well, that is, he is not a master of impromptu and not a master, a person who skillfully answers in the online mode, well, that is, yes, i don't know, maybe he says that on purpose, i don't really understood his statements. and specifically, including at this press conference, well , i didn’t really understand this one specifically, but of course this is a story about the fact that the russians knew our plans, it is confusing, because, well, we are talking about traitors, or one traitor , and but this traitor is at a high level, so i hope that efforts are being made to find this traitor, and one more statement which, which you and i both correctly understood that the mobilization law is responsible. will be at the verkhovna rada of ukraine, let's listen to another fragment of the speech zelensky. as for the law, well, in
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itself. the questions are all in your question , all the difficulties, you have already said 3000 amendments, well, let the deputies work and then answer the country what will happen next, there are many different changes, and they were connected with the fact that the issue was not resolved in the mobilization, not you in general mobilization, which is an unresolved issue, some issues, some details, such as the issue of conscripts, no one passed, or the issue of... rotations, or the issue of more advanced vacations, etc., how much you need to serve, how much you need training, actually amendments 4195, yaroslav zheleznyak said about this, he said that the consideration of the amendments will begin tomorrow, on march 6 the draft law will be considered in the council, why the supreme commander of the armed
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forces of ukraine is translating the answer. for this law to the verkhovna rada? well, first of all, i do not think that the bill will be considered on the sixth of march, i do not think that there is a chance to consider all the amendments before the 6th of march, and without that the bill cannot be brought to the session hall, i think that the bill will to be considered in the second half of march. second, regarding zelenskyi's words, well, i think everything is obvious here, zelenskyi simply shifts the responsibility to the verkhovna rada, it's probably convenient, they don't like deputies anyway. but this is simply dishonest, because he is the commander-in-chief, and he is responsible for mobilization, and in general he should have submitted the bill to the verkhovna rada, and not the government, which he hung it on, then still sign the law to him, without his signature will not become a law, so i don't understand how he is, well, it looks like a bill that people don't like very much, and some people
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really... don't like it, the president just wants to say, well, that's all the deputies, i'm not here for anything, i, you know, well, that's, sorry, but this is also a certain evasion of responsibility, here we are talking about evaders, well, evaders evade their constitutional duty to protect the country, homeland, well, but to evade their constitutional duty to be responsible for the same mobilization, well, this is also evasion, and i don't think this is right, this is where it should be you know, well together'. position, the president , the parliament, everyone should come out here, say together, the bill should be super prepared, and why 4,200 amendments, and because the bill is of poor quality, and why in general, i think we discussed it with you, mr. serhiy, when i introduced the government for the first time a draft law, if you remember, i said that the very idea of ​​submitting a draft bill on 72 pages about everything in general is a bad idea, i said that let's isolate
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and separate from it. specific parts about conscripts, about basic military training, about the postponement and so on, so look at what is happening now, they singled out latecomers and already adopted the law, so the law was on one page, the law was adopted in two days, well, there are my proposals, thank god, part of my proposals with regard to the postponement , they took into account, but in principle the law was adopted in two days, maybe it was necessary to do so, to introduce 10 different laws that everyone understood. simple and to adopt them a long time ago back in january, instead they arranged all this film, submitted one law of 72 pages, withdrew the new law, 72 pages, it's all deputies, says the president, well, it doesn't look good, that's not how society is presented, yes, it's a difficult thing, yes, it's an unpleasant thing, in general, mobilization is some kind of coercion, nothing.


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