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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. we start the information day with news. khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. a 36-year-old woman was injured in a russian attack in the kherson region. the occupiers attacked the village of novomykolaivka. the victim was on the farm at the time of the shelling, the regional military administration said. consequences
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are clarified. in the evening, the occupiers attacked the novomoskovskiy district of the dnipropetrovsk region. our defenders of the sky destroyed the enemy drone, - said the head of the regional military administration, serhii lysak. air defense forces also shot down two cruise missiles in the kryvorizka district. moldova assured that no russian drone flew into their country that night. this is the ministry of defense of moldova. stated in their social networks. according to them, the ukrainian side allegedly confirmed that all the drones were shot down in odesa region. instead, the air force of ukraine reported the threat of unknown drones moving from moldova towards khmelnytskyi. drones and hail at night attacked russia, the local air defense forces allegedly shot down two drones in the bryansk region. previously, no one was injured,
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the local authorities reported. and in belgorodskaya , six shells from the grad anti-aircraft missile system were apparently destroyed, the russian ministry of defense said. the higher anti-corruption court chose a preventive measure against serhiy pashinsky. the ex-people's deputy will be detained until april 25. it is necessary to deposit a deposit. in 272 million 520 00 hryvnias. pashinsky himself stated that the case against him was fabricated by the russian special services. he did not give details, but said that all the information about it handed over to the sbu. we will remind, on february 12, nabut sbu conducted a search in the residence of the chairman of the association of the defense industry of ukraine, serhiy pashynskyi. he was declared a suspect in the case of the nationalization of oil products of the oligarch kurcha. "the state allegedly
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suffered losses of uah 1 billion, i was slandered that i had funds from the sale of oil products, your honor, thousands of hours of the ussr, including some recent nwt, there is not even a hint of that anywhere, not by anyone, not by bad witnesses , no, what i received, i want to appeal to the people of ukraine, i didn't have, i'm on it..." ready to go to any test in relation to the sale of this fuel, nor to, even more so, the receipt of any illegal funds. i can accurately predict, i am convinced that sooner or later later, pashinsky will be acquitted of this arbitrary , senseless, suspicion. the french president does not rule out sending troops to ukraine.
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emmanuel macron said that during the summit in paris, the leaders of european countries discussed this issue, but no consensus has been reached yet. however, according to him , nothing is possible exclude in the future. western partners have also created a coalition for the supply of long-range weapons to ukraine. these are missiles and bombs that hit the target at medium and long range. according to the president of france, if russia is not stopped now, then european countries will have to prepare for war in a few years on their territories. ukraine received a batch of ammunition from germany, the german government informed. we are talking about 14 thousand 155-caliber artillery shells. intelligence services were also included in the aid package vector drones, demining machines and kits, and 22 counter- drone systems. and the netherlands promised more than
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100 million euros for the purchase of shells for ukraine. this was announced by the prime minister of the country , mark rutte. according to him, putin... is preparing for a protracted war, so europe must show that time is not on his side. the netherlands is already finalizing the text of the agreement on security guarantees with ukraine. rehabilitation is an art, the kirovohrad regional theater involves wounded soldiers in its productions. on stage, they distract themselves from difficult thoughts, professional actors help to get used to the role. ours attended the premiere. journalists, i said goodbye to you a long time ago, my native homeland, dear country, i left you in the early spring, then you were kind of sad, unhappy, military mykhailo is getting used to the stage, after being wounded in donbas, a soldier is undergoing
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rehabilitation in a hospital and preparing for an operation, he was the explosion and the shock wave threw me into the air, and when i was landing, i realized that i had to land... the accident, for him, as for other soldiers, playing in the theater is a new experience. girls like nice, okay, here are the military guys who want to relieve their soul a little, let's say it like this. to change the environment, well, when they come out, it’s a thrill, and it’s like a sedative for us, here you can switch to something else, not think about the war, during the rehearsal, the military are transformed into real actors, learn texts, train
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diction and voice, work over gestures, professional actresses help them to get used to the role, the greatest benefit is the possibility... and normal, everyday communication. a good opportunity to simply make new friends we greeted them with a smile, just as they greeted us with a smile, and we continue our cooperation also with a smile and we will hope that this is not our first and not our last cooperation. physical rehabilitation for both military actors and their fellow viewers, - says assistant physical therapist andriy kasianenko. it is important for them to feel the support of society and receive positive emotions. for those who perform, for those who will watch the military, it is like a way to distract from their thoughts. they
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live there through themselves a role, that's what they take take responsibility. the project coordinator is olena gorbunova. says, they decided to start with mark kropyvnytskyi's first play, give your heart free will lead you into captivity, it is about love, war and has a happy ending, in the future they plan to work on other works as well. this is a classic ukrainian play, where there is drama, where there is love, where there are positive lyrical heroes and opposites. currently , there are four military actors in the theater, everyone is invited to join the rehabilitation in the theater, and we continue to live. from kropyvnytskyi for espresso tv channel. the espresso tv channel
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invites you to join the collection of fpv drones for a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special transport service. these brave warriors. are actively conducting combat operations in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to fividrons, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor. so we have a goal - to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. with your help, we have already collected almost uah 740,000. remember, each of your donations is important. so join in, everyone details can be seen on the screen. this is the end of the episode, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, further in the ether say hello to my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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good morning, we welcome you and oksana vysochanska to our broadcast, and... thank you, roman, and today, we will continue, pick up the information relay started by our colleagues from the news department and will continue to inform about all the most important things, what is happening in our country, outside its borders, but concerns us, and of course we will talk about the front, especially about avdiivka, about the kupyan region, where it is also very, very difficult, because the russians are raising a large number of reserves there, and of course about our black sea , about what is happening there, the night was a little... specifically, if you look at the ukrainian sky, the sky over ukraine, there was a little flying, at first
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they reported about ballistics in the poltava region, but according to the last one, they were, there were explosions, explosions, but according to the latest information from the public no hits were recorded on the territory of poltava oblast, everything is calm, an air alert was announced, an air alert was also issued in the morning already in the eastern regions. and yet there was such a very unusual situation, when bukovyna and khmelnytskyi became red with alarm , without other eastern regions, that is , a detective story, they said that it was flying over moldova, in its entirety, when khmelnytskyi was bukovyna, and on top was rivneshchyna, without zhytomyr oblast and kyiv oblast. officially, kesheneu denies that one of the russian drones flew over the whole of moldova, that is, at night from the 26th to... the 27th, but the monitoring showed that the direction was through moldova, to romania, then it turned around and
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flew to ukrainian territory, the truth is that , in my opinion, the anti-aircraft defense worked correctly there, because there was no more information about any damage to the objects. well, we will also say that there were explosions that night in the south of kherson, in the kherson region, and how it was in the north in the kharkiv region, we will now find out from the deputy of the kharkiv district council, bohdan tkachuk. mr. bohdan, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning. sir bohdan, how was your night, unfortunately, we are already getting used to the fact that kharkiv region is constantly loud, it is constant daily alarms, sometimes there are five, six, seven times, as was the case this time, the alarm rang throughout the night , it seems that there were once or twice, but the shelling of the city was not recorded, nor were there any suburban settlements. that is, the residents of kharkiv slept more or less peacefully, as for the other
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directions, let's say, south, east, excuse me, north, east, then there were hostilities, they are ongoing, shelling is ongoing, the aviation works, the same cabins, that's all we have, i consider it the front line, despite the fact that there we have a border with the so-called belgorod region, but all this can be called one's native land for a long time. the front or the gray zone, and the list of settlements that were affected, well , i won’t list them, they are known, and there were also attacks on the famous sinkivka, which they have been storming for probably about a year, and they still failed to advance in this direction, there were others attacks in other directions are not so powerful, and therefore the defense of our boys what else can be added, they are working quite actively, here is the last video
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of the family of our drones, fidrons, and some interesting information, the video, i think, today everyone will see where the jeep that took away , as you say, the builders, as the people of belgorod said, and came under the obst, there were three dead people, and then we watched the video, well, there were soldiers sitting there, the injured and the dead in this jeep. this is the so-called line of defense, where they are gathering there to somehow defend themselves from our ukrainian military, that is, the builders turned out to be simply military, and the drone shot very well, this is an epic video, i advise everyone to watch it, this video went viral last night, because there was a verified statement that the kyiv regime attacked the poor guys and construction workers there, well, in fact, it was exactly as you told us, but tell me please, what is the mood in general in kharkiv, we talked yesterday with druzhkivka, so people there
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are disappointed, because they believed in a counteroffensive, started their own businesses, rebuilt, and now they are afraid that now the russian peace and torture will come again, and what in the mood in kharkiv? well there are such cautious sentiments about, as you say, the development of business, there or something else, it 's there, let's say there's the construction sector, there's the real estate market and so on, there's such a... people are worried, for example, last year in the summer, then all this there were more such , more positive, more such movements were financial, some others, now it is... people feel, there is one, there is one, let's say a warning, but in general, we believe in the armed forces, yes, somewhere they have retreated, somewhere there are heavy battles, lost avdiivka, but in general no one panics, does not leave, does not abandon everything here, and already well, you will understand that this is not the first month
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of the war, it is already the third year, so the people of kharkiv are, you know, so silent in this regard, but... but they believe in believe in the armed forces, believe in ukraine, although i already i repeat, there are such cautions, let's say, everyone is worried about their relatives, for some property, for the soldiers who are at the front, that is, well, this is the situation, if you describe it, uh, mr. bohdan, if we talk about the front, from the armed forces, from the general staff the message that the russians are now pulling their reserves there, if before we only observed it. near avdiivka, then now the kupyan direction has also become more active, and although the ratio of forces is not as great as it was before, it was reported 1:12 before, now it is 1:7, this is actually what was near avdiyivka, uh, how does it look is it in place, or does it look like they can attack more powerfully, more massively, in the near future, well
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, i think they will attack, i'm not a military man, they will be, i'm not a military man, i'm not there at the front, i'm in kharkiv. i am here, but i still have a feeling, i talked with the military about the preparations for these attacks, it’s not just that the people there are not being ironed points beyond there not only on the contact line, but up to 20 km deep there are populated areas that are suffering, they are trying to bomb some of our objects, logistics routes, and waste these bombs, risk aviation just like that. eh, i think the russians would not have stood up, if not, preparations for some more powerful operations were not underway, but this is still, again, let's put it this way, you and i do not know, the general staff knows this, so we will not to push, let's say the situation already, since this line has been holding for more than a year, then we attacked, now we are being attacked, i i think that the armed forces here will deal with this
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situation, as evidenced in kharkiv, this virus is running, which the center for countering disinformation tells us about, in particular, because at the public level they talked about the fact that the ukrainian authorities have resigned and are preparing to surrender kharkiv, this you are talking about the construction of the road, the repair of the kharkiv-kyiv road, maybe they will throw it in there, yes, i was driving on this road literally the day before yesterday , it is already in a bit of a terrible condition, spring has come, as you know, our asphalt has crawled, and now there are cars with different... technicians are trying to glue these patches, they are doing something there, well, in connection with this, such a map came out that the leaders of the kharkiv region are building a road for their escape, yes, the russians will flee there, i don't know, well, it's quite funny, we don't have to repair the roads , you just have to look at the reaction of our enemies there, well
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, they are something, about, well, as you said, the mood, well... such moods are a little sympathetic on the part of kyiv, here two such actions took place, this is the press conference of our president , and then also the forum, let's say what it was called, made in ukraine, yes, and they are so powerful, there are many journalists, officials from all over ukraine came, soffits, performances, you know, these are powerful blows to the enemy, i can't say anything else, if this is a blog, for example, two years ago. er, it looked quite funny, now, when the enemy is attacking, when we have to go about our business, we gather officials from all over ukraine, there in siniguba , the military leadership from all oblasts went to us there in order to make a powerful speech in kyiv at the forum, to be honest, it's not something that surprises me, i don't care anymore i'm not surprised, but we respond to such blows to the enemy, we even came from the flank
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and delivered two powerful blows this week in kyiv, well... and how do the locals react to all this? i am talking now about the residents of kharkiv, and about the residents of kupyansk, kupinsky district, do people interpret all this calmly, is it possible that there are any movements to leave these territories at least temporarily, just in case, physically, what does this look like reaction, i did not hear the reaction that it is necessary to leave here, maybe i do not have the full range of information, but... well, i don't i heard that everyone is leaving right now, there is an evacuation, the usual one, which happens all the time, people, people are taken out, they themselves leave, then they return to their homes again, there are some things there , some people... some of the relatives stayed, so you know, many residents of these regions moved there to kupyan oblast, others to luhansk oblast occupied here to kharkiv, and they
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live there and are constantly in touch, or go there, that is, the situation is like this, you know, it looks like we live here in kharkov, somewhere we work, we get some kind of social assistance there, somehow we survive, and i am talking about the residents of the kupyan oblast, and we are constantly in touch, we travel, we support some kind of housing there... which i already repeat, that is, this is what it looks like, and there is a mass exodus somewhere abroad, or to lviv fleeing, no, this is not happening , i at least, well, i do not feel these, but these idps, have they already fully adapted, integrated with the local population, what does the situation look like here, i.e. are these people who are going to continue to stay in kharkiv oblast, not even to return to the same luhansk region, yes, after de-occupation, well, it's an individual situation, it's hard for me to say. for everyone , of course there was information that up to half a million residents of the suburban areas of kharkiv are now those who moved from luhansk region,
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donetsk region, from the regions where hostilities are taking place in kharkiv region, but of course they work somewhere, do something, i i can't go on the street, and this person is an immigrant, and this is a person from kharkiv, well, there is no such thing, after all , they are ukrainians, you know, their moods are more or less. patriotic, everyone does their own thing, they will leave here, they will not, well, everyone decides individually, some have the desire to work somewhere in poland , some do not, some say, i will not go anywhere, i have always been here, well, i have lived my life and i will stay here, you know, i have known this trend for quite a long time, when the war began in 14th year, many lugansks from luhansk region, from the city of luhansk itself, moved directly to kharkiv, these... businessmen, these are officials, the prosecutor's office there, the ministry of internal affairs there, many left with their families, abandoned their business there, restored everything here, some of their work, some others
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the question has already been settled, eight years have passed, and now they have to move somewhere again, you know, for the second time, because they are bombing here, because here again, the same situation, this applies not only to kharkov, of course, but to other cities and where they move, like this you said at the beginning of our conversation that you moved from... the business was bombed again, you have to flee from these settlements again, they are moving even further, well, this is the situation, huh, but what do these northern districts of kharkiv look like now, which were the most attacks in their time, i mean prosaltivka and other neighboring districts , are some restoration and construction works taking place there now or are they waiting, they are happening, they are happening, but let's say, these are the two districts that go most to the district road to the north, they are oleksiivka, and northern saltivka, well, as for the northern saltivky, not much is being rebuilt there, the issue of dismantling is going on there first of all, and let's just say,
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very few people live there now, it's such a, you know, knocked out, knocked out area, it's hard to see there, as for oleksiivka, then here despite some losses, some broken houses, but life there, well, they are raging normally, people live. supermarkets are open, transport is running, there is a subway that comes here , that is, it is not far from me, i can see it with my own eyes, this area is more or less being restored, there and well, there was less damage there, after all , you show on saltivka with the streets and houses were demolished , were broken up, and therefore the question is more difficult there, and when it will be restored in this way already more, let's say, more qualitatively, it is unknown, i think that probably after the war there will be some projects for... the construction of this northern saltica and whether anyone will live there, well, everything depends on the armed forces, everything depends on whether the war breaks out. mr. bohdan, thank you for being with the viewers of espresso
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on tuesday, bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council on the situation in the city, in the northern outpost, so in fact, i want to remind now that we are collecting uah 1 million for the south, for zaporozhye , the orihiv direction for the 141st. brigades for infantry and air reconnaissance, they have a lot of combat tasks, and now these tasks are constantly there are more, and they need your and our help, here are the qr codes and card numbers, this will all help you close this collection, now 726 and 148 uah are already in the account, a million, let me remind you, we need, please, who can, how much who estimates at how much the opportunity to go to sleep peacefully, to leave. with time for coffee, going to work, it's banal, yes, now it's also for many people, a luxury, not under alarm signals, but just going to work, going, that's it too. you can
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even say pleasure. we are going on a short break, during this time i am asking for your support our gathering, we will come back later, we will talk about sumy region, there is not just the northern border there either. there are discounts on afida max of 10% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on penger and herpavir. 15% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. there are discounts. napshyk: 10% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. turn on the heart-chilling investigation. the new chapter of the hbo series is already on me. a true detective. find out what secrets the alaskan ice hides. exclusive to meego subscription. there are discounts on glysied and glisied max 15% in pharmacies psarynyk, pam and oskad. there are discounts on rezy stol 15% in pharmacies plantain. pam and
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ochad there are discounts on tantum verde 10% in pharmacies plantain pam and ochad hello. this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from
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abroad. about ukraine. world front society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. a separate group of unmanned aerial systems sapsan. the state special service of transport appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to participate in the collection of funds, crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. the war created a lot.
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calls for us ukrainians, and even more for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and we learn something new. together, we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of
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the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine eneble me ukraine. we return to our viewers. we would like to remind you that the surprise of this night was the information that the direction of attack by night-time shaheds has changed, these are such terrorist attacks that russia carries out either combined or only drone attacks at night. this time, the drones decided to see what the civilians looked like. moldova, the official chisinau from it is not reacts, or rather how it reacts, they deny it, but here is the surprise, nato, so it was said, at least by the mouths of those who gathered yesterday in paris, nato will support moldova if russia tries to annex transnistria. the moldovan direction suddenly becomes interesting for the rest of europe as well, says the deputy general secretary. nato announced
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its support.


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