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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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that the sky can be so protected that aviation, civil aviation, will become safe in ukraine? i don't see any signs yet that our civil aviation can be safe in the country, and the opening of the airport in general, that this is something expedient in our time, and this, i think, was the statement of the head of yermak's office, right? yes, then why do these statements make, why do we every time. we mention the fact that there will be an airport, the airport will resume operations, we have many statements made not only by representatives of the political circle of our country, but there are also a lot of interesting statements from our international partners, who say something about the opening of some large plant of the enterprise in the territory of ukraine, and then two years pass, nothing of the kind happens, and although there were statements that we will open a new plant in the next six months, we will...
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to build an enterprise in ukraine, and this is impossible in a warring country, but this is done in order, first of all, to draw attention to one or another issue when talking about the airport, which we talk about automatically, we we speak about the airspace, when we talk about the airspace, we are talking about safety, and the need to obtain the appropriate amount of air defense, and to ensure that this umbrella is safe, not only to be taken separately. a city or an airport-type facility, along the entire route, that is, so that other regions also have this safety umbrella, that is, it can be considered in this context, but i confirm your words, we also remember, unlike guppy fish, we have all the moves recorded, we still remember how gennadiy bogolyubov together with igor together with kolomoisky, the plant for the production of projectiles was launched, as a result of which there were ...
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expenses, and the plant did not exist, the projectiles did not exist, and they do not exist, and this is from the same field of berries, these statements that make waves in the information space, and then zero at the output. oleksandr, thank you for the conversation , thank you for participating in our broadcast, oleksandr kovalenko, the military-political columnist of the information resistance group was with us, i must clarify, our amount on the account for the 141st brigade is already growing to 968, 900. there are 56 uah a little more than 30 00 must be collected, either you see, the qr code is very, very encouraging, because we are rooting for this collection to be closed, maybe even today, because these are our boys and girls there in the south, about whom we just spoke, this direction for work, well, that’s right they need, a short pause, and we will continue with the izovites, talk also about what is being done at the front, be with espresso.
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savings vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two o'clock in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in the evening on... pressoo verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you
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can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espress. well, we come back, and the news, which may not be so significant in the western world, but personally struck me, is the story of how in great britain, during transportation , they stole right from vehicles from trucks, so for the ukrainian military , we remember that great britain is one of those countries where the more exercises are being conducted for the ukrainian military, so everything needed for these exercises was transported for them, someone stole it from a civilian truck at night, all this, now the case is being investigated there , they are finding out what happened, such a night robbery, they just took the awning and cut
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it, and such and such a story, well, then we will show another story, probably, yes, we will tell about what, what we are talking about on... indeed, we remember the last few days, because the full-scale invasion has been going on for more than two years, it is 730 days of pain and heroism, like any war, this russian-ukrainian war is the confrontation on the field does not lend itself to either analytics or forecasts, western policies and analytics from russia's victories in a few days have reached the point that the struggle can last for years, now such forecasts say that it can drag on for decades, so with what... prices and moods among partners are we starting, we have started the third year of the great war, we tell further in our plot. in the first days of the large-scale invasion, generals from the pentagon declared that kyiv would fall within a matter of days, and already at the beginning of 2023
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they predicted that the armed forces of ukraine would reach crimea. the reality turned out to be different. now everyone is more careful in their forecasts. while the world may have been too optimistic in 2023, it is important that we do not become too pessimistic in 2024. the ukrainians succeeded in ousting the russians from almost 50% of the territory occupied since the beginning of the war. another benefit is that they are capable of deep strikes and key takedowns. today, most western analysts are rather pessimistic. uncertainty about american aid, the prospects of donald trump's return to the white house, the weakness of the european military-industrial complex,
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the ineffectiveness of the sanctions policy and the supply of weapons to russia from iran and north korea, all this gives reason to assume that in 2024 the war will develop on... not according to the ukrainian scenario, the first bell has already rung: avdiyivka, which was an impregnable fortress for 10 years, fell for months, ukraine could hold back. russian attacks until it began to run out of ammunition, especially the artillery types of ammunition needed to prevent russian forces from reaching ukrainian defense lines and capturing those positions. the decision to withdraw from avdiivka is not related to the fact that the ukrainian forces, they say, are not courageous enough in their struggle, or lack military management, tactical courage or combat skills. we warned the congress that in case of its inaction, ukraine would suffer losses on the battlefield, which happened. the confusion of western leaders also affects public opinion. on average, only 10%
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of residents polled in 12 european countries believe in ukraine's victory. the most optimists are in poland, portugal and sweden. instead, twice as many are convinced that russia will win. and the most common answer was that the war would somehow end with negotiations and compromise. however, during the two years of full-scale war, ukrainians learned the truth well. by golda meyer, a native of kyiv. it is impossible to negotiate peace with someone who has come to kill you. therefore, we are simply forced to be optimistic. after two years of the great war, 89% believe in the victory of ukraine. at the same time, the majority is definitely convinced of this. these are the data of a survey conducted in february by the kyiv international institute sociology. he talks about the vital need to win on the battlefield in an interview with the american tv channel fox news this week. and the president, although he recognized
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that the number one task is to continue our priority for 2024 is defense. to defend a successful history on the black sea, we will do it. i will not go into details, but they, the russians, will get surprises. the south is important, the defense of the east, where they have more than 200,000 soldiers, is also very important. and of course, we will prepare a new one. an offensive, a new operation, of course, i'm not saying that we will just standing, it depends on many things. there are indeed many factors that will affect the course of hostilities in 2024. will the united states approve an aid package for ukraine, will europe fully launch its military-industrial complex, or will it finally decide to take collective action to defeat russia? but there are things that depend on ukraine: increasing its own production of weapons, manufacturing. one million drones, the construction of fortifications, the mobilization and reform
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of the armed forces - this is the minimum that is necessary do to survive in 2024 and win in the future. well, these are the realities of war, by the way, it's interesting that in fact, well, this is a logic that has already been established by history, a woman from kyiv, who later became the prime minister of israel, can watch a movie right now. it doesn't leave a lot of room for compromise, and here is a completely putin -wielding man who made statements for which, if he wasn't a fizo, if he wasn't a slovak citizen and with immunity, i think a person should be criminally responsible for these statements , so he says we were in paris. no a word about peace, how to force ukraine to peace, and i am disappointed. now it's about peace, but
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from a slightly different perspective, about peace as seen from the front and how difficult it is to achieve. maksym zhorin is with us, deputy commander of the third assault brigade, ex-commander of the azov regiment and major of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. maxim, welcome to our air. glory to ukraine. i congratulate you. mr. maksym, we are now talking a lot about avdiivka, about... that the russians are taking over the neighborhood, that they are advancing, or have set themselves such goals, i wanted to ask you after everything you went through, when you , your guys, were actually called to help vavdiivka, to stabilize the situation, when there were many new tasks, now from the perspective of a few days, when everything has already happened, how do you see, could something have been done differently , i'm not talking about the last ones. days, i am generally talking about the entire period of the defense of avdiivka,
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well, first of all, it is necessary to understand that for us no rest has begun, after the settlement of tavdiivka disappeared from the information field there, the fact is that for us, even today, the day and night is for the moment continuation of battles in defense and in attempts of assault actions to obtain a more profitable one. tactical position for our troops around avdiyivka, the fact is that the offensive actions of the enemy continue, mainly on the line of the strip of settlements of berdychi, semenivka, orly. and it is quite difficult for all units to obtain the lines of defense here, because the enemy has quite a lot of forces, continues to use a large number of infantry, armored vehicles, artillery, that is, when for the majority of ukraine the issue with avdiivka is over there and informationally, then for us
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nothing ended, and since that time we still haven't had a moment to breathe out there. to sleep or or something else, if we talk about avdiivka, was it possible to do something differently, well, this question is no longer about avdiivka, in general , it is about the front and about the attitude to the war, yes , i believe, it could have been done differently, i believe that it was possible and to make the lines of defense different, i believe that the involvement of units could have been different, but at the moment i am a serviceman, and i am carrying out the orders that i receive from above. to give her there any criticism at the moment, at least i think it would be incorrect, we are not so much about criticism, but about drawing conclusions for the future, and if situations can be repeated, yes, because the russians are acting according to similar schemes in bakhmut as well there was, and in avdiivka, just to draw proper conclusions and maybe in the future it is somehow easier
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to be with less losses, i am talking about this, it is very important, i am my personal opinion, this... you also need to be able to make the right decision in time, so , for example, according to avdiivka, i believe that the received order to regroup, it was correct, i am glad that there was no desire to simply leave all the units that were not in avdiivka to die, and that would have been the end of everything, and yet there was enough will and understanding that having... people, yes, we will be able to return any territories, exactly, and this is exactly what happened. moreover, we, in principle, as a state, as a ukrainian society, must be prepared for the fact that we will sometimes have to make such maneuvers in the future, well, because we have disproportionate forces, we will sometimes have to plan this to do, the only thing we wanted was for it to be no longer at a critical moment, but according to our scenarios
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, according to our plan, when we trap the enemy, and not when we are already pulling out in order to... save our units, but we we must all be prepared for the fact that we will have to take such steps that we will have to leave some territories there in order to destroy the enemy, so that we can then release him, well, because there are a lot of enemies, and in a straight line in a blunt defense, we are definitely we will not take it out, and one way or another they will demolish us, but do it maneuvers, luring the enemy, destroying him, this way we can really achieve. good luck, mr. maksym, look, confirmation of the correctness of your words, we just spoke with the guys from the southern front line, they are acting like that in the work area, that is, they allow the passage of assault groups deeper, later they take them in pincers and already clean them there. however, you have also talked about this more than once, and as of now we are looking at certain advances along this line of
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thin eagles, the so-called birds. north, and i want to understand, it's just them are pushing, have we not reached that line yet, the line where we should, well , i don't know, dig in, is it not ready, accordingly , we still need to build the line along which we will hold positional defense, in today's battles, the ukrainian military is digging in absolutely in every place where he stops at least for a few minutes, that he simply will not survive, this is a condition of your life and existence, that, if you stopped, you are always forced to dig, and it does not matter whether you are in the forest belt or you are in a populated area, but still you need a dungeon in order to save your life and build at least some defense capabilities of your position. if
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we talk about the tactical position, at the moment the enemy is trying to push. our line, i probably do not have the right to tell you where the more fortified line of defense is located, at which line it is located in order not to reveal it to the enemy, but so far, at the moment, the lines of defense that we have determined in part, the enemy manages to push through, and primarily because of the fact that it is involved simply a huge number of units of personnel and... and equipment, and clarify, mr. maksym, when we were gathering information from the lemano-kupinsky direction this morning, we suddenly heard, at least a little note of optimism, when they will increase... the number of bulls, at least twice, it is still not enough to reach parity, but at least something has already appeared, and the arta works, the main thing is that
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it works around the clock, as with bc in your direction, where the enemy already has a hefty group, and his type diversion from near avdiivka to the south, it was faster an information dump, not confirmed by intelligence, you know, bc in the army, at war and at the front. there is never enough bull , there is never such a thing at all, there is never enough equipment, enough bull and everything else, it is always, it is always needed more, at the moment we have the same as in terms of manpower and equipment, yes the very ratio of the capabilities of the artillery and bc to it, it is still disproportionate, absolutely, inadequate, that is how we have it, of course we are working, and the majority... as opposed to the battles in avdiivka itself, where where, the main number of enemy losses we inflicted precisely due to the actions of our assault
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groups, raid actions, ambush actions, and precisely in close contact battles, avdiivka was a story about the heroism of exclusively infantry, which destroyed the enemy on the streets, in houses, absolutely everywhere, wherever we found him, now most of them are lost. still carries from the work of our artillery and unmanned systems, ugh, what else can delay them now, we understand that the sky, that if we had replenishment in the sky, if we had more aviation, to stop them already at a certain distance from the contact line in the sky, it would help, on the ground, what else can delay them, block their ability to make the same undercuts, from the flanks to attack? this is always a complex issue, and i always wanted everyone to understand, including civilians, that , first of all, there is no such weapon or
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ammunition, or maneuver that can solve all issues, ah, so that it becomes easier for in any direction, including ours. certainly it must be a complex, it must be a complex, when we control at the expense of which we control the air, it a complex at the expense of which we can receive defense, accordingly... we must have enough infantry, enough armored vehicles and enough unmanned systems, because today, today, this is an extremely important component in any combat operations, and there, including during the battles here in this direction, so far we have lost a record number of our drones and wings, well, because they are extremely actively used here and the enemy is extremely actively fighting with them er... but it is the complex of all these components, of course, he stops the enemy, i will not say that at least one of these components
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is enough there, ugh, in a certain sense, mr. maksym, thank you for your service, send congratulations to all our defenders, maksym zhorin, deputy commander of the third of the assault brigade, the ex-commander of azov, the major of the armed forces was in touch with us, you see who i voted for, the deputies voted for such... candidates, and obolon chose maryana outright, these are the realities. obolon is drawing conclusions now, don't blink further, stay with espresso ether will continue the news and will tell, in particular, about the farmers' rally in warsaw. stay with us. there are 15% discounts on penger and herpavir in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on tablets of 15%. plantain bam and oskad are available in pharmacies. there are discounts on perfectil original of 15% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on psyk -
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11:00 am
uah 1,490 with the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants: powerful saw strong - what is needed, call. it's 11 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world. at this time , khrystyna parobiy works in the studio. let's start with the situation in the regions of ukraine. three people were injured as a result of enemy shelling in donetsk region. this was reported to the regional police. the russians dropped two guided aerial bombs on turkey. as a result of the attack , 10 private homes were damaged. new settlers, the first occupiers.


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