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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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being in jail, well, but, i understand the court, everything is there, well, but i had to tell you my honest opinion, about him and about that, about his activities that i know, well, yes, well, that is, i understand , that it can be about some , let's say, some competitive or anti-competitive, absolutely, it can be both competitive and anti-competitive, and let's not forget that i would be in place... of the russian federation, i would really like such people, how pashynskyi was excluded from the life of the country, well , surely they would very much like it, if they could they plan some kind of provocation, well , theoretically they can, i do not claim that this is so, i do not have enough evidence, facts for this, but i will repeat what you know, it is very good in our country to throw something at everyone there and tell everyone that everyone bad, unfortunately, i know very few people in the country who did something specific, i apologize to ours. the president
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talked about barbecues, get ready for barbecues, and nothing will happen, and this is an attack on our nerves, this is his address from a month before the invasion, that no one is attacking ukraine, but our nerves are being attacked. and now i'm not up to that we have a president, he is the commander-in-chief , by the way, i want to emphasize that there are no questions about his legitimacy, this is also a russian operation, questioning the legitimacy of the president, he is a legitimate president, he is our supreme commander and so on, but we all remember let's go his actions, words, and if there were more people like pashynskyi, who really tried to prepare the country for war, then i would tell you that maybe you and i would be in different situations now, and some ukrainian cities would be not destroyed, but some ukrainian cities would not have been occupied, that's what i want to say. thank you, mr. oleksiy, it was oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine and president of the pariah committee on migration and refugees. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube platforms. and on facebook,
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throughout the broadcast, we ask you the following: do you believe that this year will be a turning point for ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, vote either yes or no, write your comment under this video, and if you watch us on tv, pick up a smartphone or phone and vote if you believe that this year will be a turning point for ukraine, in favor of ukraine 0800-211-381, no 0800 21138. 72, all calls to these numbers are free, call at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, colonel of the security service of ukraine. mr. colonel, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, here we are asking our tv viewers whether this year will be a turning point for ukraine, because yesterday... both
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the state leadership and first of all president zelenskyy spoke about the fact that the year 24 will not be easy, but it can be a turning point for of ukraine. do you think this year will be a turning point for ukraine in favor of ukraine? well, this is a question that cannot be answered just like that, it all depends on how events will develop in the future, and what is, once again, a turning point, this is what, we will start. the united states has yet to provide aid, and when we don't we see how much weaponry will be provided to us, when we have real problems with ammunition, when russia has air superiority, at this stage, at this stage , it is difficult to say about it, to assert that it will be exactly so, if there are any other water
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if we see that help is coming to us, and uh, we will be more equipped with equipment and ammunition, our partners will help us, then we will be able to say something concrete, it is difficult to say something at this stage, but that that we will stand by it, fight and it will be no worse than it this year last year is a fact, and i consider last year successful in terms of what we stood for, we caused great losses to the russian federation and they lost their great military potential. yesterday, answering questions from journalists, zelenskyi, mr. colonel, said that, i quote: our counteroffensive actions last fall were on the kremlin's table before the counteroffensive actions began. what does that mean, colonel, it means that at the highest level, and that's three or four people, well, at least that's what they said last year... three or four
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of people who knew about the plan of counteroffensive actions, or simply, well, if it is true, then someone should be responsible for it, if the president simply said, well, don't stop. something about some facts , well, he has to explain his position, that 's what you told me last fall, and i was also told this quote, i didn't hear it, i just didn't watch his speech verbatim, i had to go there , to deal with military affairs, we can show it right now on the air, you listen again, i will ask the editor to show it, because this is a very important moment, now we will listen to president zelensky about what he... spoke about the next offensive and what happened last year, please, not everything goes according to plan, not everything depends on us, some things depend on us, some things depend on partners, that's why certain processes are delayed, the main thing is to have a plan, and this plan exists, i
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won't be able to tell you the details of this plan, i 'll explain it to you, to be honest, speaking between us or less. .. people know the plans of the ukrainian army, the sooner the victory will be unexpected result for the russians, and i will tell you frankly: our counter-offensive actions last fall were on the kremlin's table before the counter-offensive actions began, period, everything is very clear, well, look, well, first of all, he probably slandered our actions last fall . the counteroffensive didn't start in the fall, he says that the kremlin was already aware of the fall, the counteroffensive started earlier, maybe he meant in the spring, last year, it's not us, i think you made excuses, because the counteroffensive started earlier, so if they really are
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know that our enemies had a plan, and since before the plan... even danilo himself, i remember, said that a maximum of five people know about it, then our counterintelligence should work here, and if the plan there really was, but the counterintelligence still does not know who did it, so there are questions for our counterintelligence, because there are polygraphs, let's say, there are forms and methods that allow us to detect it, and i think that it should be now for the security services, one of the priority tasks is to find the person who... gave this plan to the russians, and this is quite a serious task when there we remember recently, there are a lot of people there, several people's deputies talked about the fact that we need a plan, we don't have a plan, show us the plan, here the president says that if he knows a lot, then he ends up with
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the russians, then here the question is that counterintelligence should deal with those, all, all those who were involved in this plan and find. people who were involved in the transfer of this plan, he simply could not appear in the russian federation by himself, which means that somewhere someone transferred it or did not fulfill the requirements for the transfer secret information and there from the phone or from some computer, he could get to the russian federation, but if he, if he got there, well, you understand, it's not easy, we don't overestimate when we talk about it so simply, well this is... either treason in the top leadership of the state, or such carelessness during the war, if this has not been investigated until now, then we cannot be sure that the next plan, which will be, will not be handed over to the russian federation, but this is the life of our people, it is quite serious. well, by the way
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about the lives of our people, about the losses in the war, zelenskyi also spoke yesterday during the press conference, for the first time he officially announced the figure of 30,100 losses of the ukrainian army. let's listen to what zelensky said. 31 thousand ukrainians died, soldiers, died in this war. not 300,000, not 150,000, what putin is lying about behind his circle of liars. but nevertheless, each of these losses is a big loss for us. 180,000 russians died, the total number of dead and wounded in russia is 180 deaths, i don’t know how many are missing
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missing from them, and i know that there are up to 500 wounded, immediately after these... figures were announced yesterday by president zelenskyi, there were a lot of comments on social networks that the figure was understated, that they said there were casualties much more , but you as a person who fights and a person who deals with national security and defense, do you say, that is, in this situation we still have to rely on the official source, the official source is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, in time of war, any other interpretations, any other naming of numbers, is it appropriate and is there any basis for a discussion about the losses of ukraine? well, the number
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, well, let's say so, is correct, it's a number that we knew there, including for a long time, but never called it, because we understood that it was there, let's say, it was told to us in such a place where it was not possible , the president has already said about it, and we, well, it has already ceased to be that, so we have. we see how many of our heroes died during the full-scale invasion directly, how many wounded the president did not name, and that i i can say that i myself spoke about the fact that the figure should be named, because many people really approached me and said about 300 thousand, about 500, about and people are also afraid to mobilize, including talking about that, and if they say 500, then this means that 500 of those who... before us have already died somewhere, and now we see that we have a million-strong army
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of security and defense forces that has been fighting for two years, and thanks to our commanders, we have such , well, thanks to our commanders, thanks to the fact that we have ammunition, thanks conducting hostilities, well, in fact , we have less losses than everyone thought, and this is also an achievement, although once again... i repeat, each and every one of our lives is lost - this is a great loss for ukraine. and we must understand now, when even we are talking about the next mobilization, those who, boys and girls, will go to the army now, they must understand that everyone will be lost, we had 31,000 when the enemy at first outnumbered us in everything , in forces, in means, in artillery, when the enemy spent up to 60,000 shells per day, and now he sometimes 6-7. sometimes 10, maybe 15 , he spends in such important directions for himself,
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because he also does not have, when now we have already built, built defense, and it is necessary to build it better, of course, but already when we have trained personnel, when personnel the squad has combat experience, when we already have a war of drones and people are distancing themselves from the front line, when our partners hand over weapons to us and... since ours, with the help of all these factors, we need to do everything possible so that our losses are even more minimal, rather than what we see, it is the task of our commanders, everyone else should see that against the background of our million-strong army and against the background of the enemy coming at us, we are quite successfully resisting from a military point of view. colonel, the new york times published a long article in the... that for the past 10 years, over 10 years, the united states
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of america has maintained a secret intelligence partnership with ukraine, which is now critical to both countries in countering russia, for the last 8 years, the cia built 12 spy bases along the russian border, the publication notes, the cia also helped train ukrainian spies who operated in russia, across europe and elsewhere . i quote what... the publication wrote: now all intelligence networks are more important than ever, since russia has gone on the offensive, and ukraine is increasingly dependent on sabotage and long-range missile strikes, which require spies far behind enemy lines, and they all are more at risk if the republicans in congress stop the military funding of kyiv and the cia, they may have to reduce its activities, here is such a publication appeared in the new york times, and just yesterday there was information about what is becoming... the visit to ukraine was the director of the cia, and, well, what was it about, it was me,
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i don't think anyone knows about it except those who have met him, but you, how do you feel about the release of such information, as far as it reveals our maps on intelligence cooperation with the cia, is it self-evident, what is new york for the times writes, well, you know that recently, probably several months ago the washington post wrote something similar about the cooperation of our special services with the special services of the united states, including... and indeed we had constant cooperation, even before i was elected a people's deputy, i also took part in some of these areas, and i will say that our partners helped us with training, and support, and intelligence information, and they themselves studied, because we directly took part in hostilities, and we were in the war, they
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were observers in this factor, so of course they. .. shared their experience with us and adopted our experience, so why does the new york times write this, well, i think, for this there is some, well, let's say, they also need permission, there is some kind of permission in order to include such things, to highlight this work and maybe to show someone that there is information, there is a job, just to show that a partner. there is also support from our partners, it is also sometimes quite important to show the special services , including the russian federation, in order to act more confidently. well, in order for the congress of the united states of america to finally opened financing for ukraine, it is very important, and i think that it is probably also a part of this big package, 61 billion dollars,
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and therefore the question here is probably about the future. chancellor olaf schulz also spoke about the future today. of the federal republic of germany, he again opposed the transfer of german taurus cruise missiles to ukraine. we should in no way be associated with the goals that this system achieves. it is implied that we should not give the ukrainians tauruses to fight on the territory of the russian state. it amazes me that some people don't think at all about whether what we are doing could in some sense lead to war. although the prime minister of poland donald tusk said. that the west may become the next victim of russian aggression if nato does not increase its defense capabilities in the coming months. let's hear what tusk said. we must not in the coming years, but in the coming months, acquire a defense capability, including the production of ammunition and all types of weapons, which will surpass russian capabilities. otherwise, the west will become
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the next victim of russian aggression and will not be able to help ukraine. no , there is no reason why such rich countries as western countries, such as nato member countries, cannot be able to build together a defense capability that exceeds russian capabilities, well, donald tusk says the right words, about what it prevents them from investing in ukraine, in the defense capability of ukraine and giving an opportunity, firstly, to ukraine to resist, and secondly, to prevent the russian... federation from reaching their borders, what is the obstacle in your opinion? you know, yes there are two such feelings, at the same time donald tusk says the right things, at the same time our grain is scattered on the territory of poland, and here , of course, uh, all these feelings, and the conversations he conducts, they are broken, that
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's what we we really see what is happening on our common border, i believe that a country like poland could solve this issue, understanding what is happening in our country and understanding that if ukraine fell, then there were already historical moments in poland, when they showed that, which means that when russia is on the borders of poland, she was rarely there, v mainly then poland became a part of the russian federation or fell under its influence, and they should be taught this history, and those who do what they do, they should understand how they act. it's obvious, so of course , as far as germany is concerned, you know, sometimes i can't explain to myself why they do that, maybe, you know, someone there said that maybe these missiles don't go anywhere at all, and it's just a myth that's been built , and they are afraid to transfer them there, i sometimes even start to believe in this, because how many
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discussions, when the war is close, they see that the russians are capturing our territories, erasing from the surface of the earth on... our cities, avdiyivka, bakhmut and now they are trying to go further, when there is a threat there in other directions, they talk about what is most important not to provoke the russian federation, everything has already been provoked, the war is already underway, and it is a matter of time when it will reach you, or when you will be dictated by the conditions that you must take such and such gas there, take oil there, pay how much, how much you have there, let's say, cooperate with us in such a way in such areas, and it's all a matter of if the program... ukraine, it will go further, so honestly, despite the fact that germany has done a lot and continues to do a lot, but we understand that russia is raising... has stakes, and we we remain in the same directions, and speaking of the fact that yes, they really help us, but we already see a tank coalition there, i have already talked about it several times, we got
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german leopards there, because only germany in europe, well, not only germany, yes, only germany in europe makes tanks in large quantities, because there is also britain and france, but they not in large numbers, but we got 50 of these tanks for our counterattack, where there were 400 tanks on both sides. we received 50, but we shouted about this coalition, we still haven't received the planes, missiles from germany as well, and this is important now, the situation on the battlefield is tactically structured in such a way that it depends on the bodies that need to be hit, in we, unfortunately, do not have such opportunities, germany does not give, and this, this can lead to such historical consequences, when germany, europe can fall into dependence due to its fear, cowardice let's hope that either short-sighted politics, i just don't know how it is possible, that they will change their position, because literally today emmanuel macron is meeting with partners, including
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ours, in order to change the situation, strengthen the ukrainian defense capability, such statements are already made when you are sure of your position, categorically made a statement, it is bad, it is good that there are british, it is good that there are french, we hope for the americans, but the germans are also claiming leadership in europe, and they have a historical show your leadership, not hide. thank you, thank you, colonel. it was roman kostenko, colonel of the security service of ukraine, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. please support this video by liking and voting in our poll. today we ask you about this, do you believe that this year will be a turning point for ukraine. yes, no, if you watch us on tv, get your hands on it. smartphone and vote 0800 211 381, if you believe that this year will be a turning point in favor of ukraine, no 0.800, 211, 382, ​​all calls to
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these numbers are free, vote, and we are still in touch with yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics, mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, yesterday we witnessed... such a large information field, which was created by the office of the president of ukraine in order to to explain what ukraine is going to do in the 24th year, how she is going to do all this, what do you think zelenskyi's team wanted to say to ukrainians and the world on the day of the second wave of the start of russia's great war against ukraine, what came out of it? you know, it is probably difficult to criticize when you have nothing to do with the preparation of materials and, no, you cannot
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offer an alternative point of view, although before this conversation i seem to have said, including on espresso, that i would like our citizens heard the harsh truth, the harsh truth resulted in the figure of 31 dead of our military personnel, well, not only military personnel, but members of the defense forces of ukraine, i have no moral right to deny it, to discuss it somehow, but let's say that this number, it, well, it can be... absolutely accepted by everyone unequivocally, further, i didn't quite understand whether it was, well, i didn't miss
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the presence of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi during this press conference, the truth is, there was the minister of defense and there was the head of the main intelligence department and the head of the sbu. why, why is he like that the format, well... this is the format proposed by the organizers of this meeting, i'm not quite sure why. i will say that perhaps this conversation could be more serious, more mature, if we heard that the war will continue, unfortunately, for a long time, if ... we heard that there are serious challenges ahead of us , instead of hearing about the fact that, well, we
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depend there on... the supplies of our partners, we depend on other things, i believe that volodymyr zelenskyi's statement that the plans for our counteroffensive were on the table in the kremlin before it starts, this is very serious, and society deserves to understand, thanks to whom, and how it happened, then... i would like to see it and hear the answer to this question, it seems important to me, that is, in we actually have a lot of questions, i think, and i think that the biggest problem with this meeting is not that it was, that there were not fewer questions after it, but maybe more, without a doubt, and about, to
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things, legitimacy. president after may 20, because budanov said yesterday that those who question the legitimacy of the president after may 20, 2024, that this is the russian ipso and maidan 3, even he made such an assumption, let's listen to what general budana said, they expect that there will be some confusion in ukrainian. society and the duplicity of decision-making, and the same will be projected, projected on our army, as they think, the period in the first half of june, to inflict a military defeat in the east, taking advantage of the fact that in the army there should be a double opinion of who is leading us and whose orders we we perform and so on. here is my question, mr. yevgeny, why the ukrainian authorities will not... make
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a statement now, well, for example, because of the decision of the constitutional court or the clarification of the constitutional court, where they would say that the fact that on may 20 the deadline expires zelensky's five-year presidential term does not mean at all that he loses his powers, that he does not lose his legitimacy, because before taking office, the next president of ukraine is there, according to which there is no law, but according to... the constitution, he must hand over his authority to someone. look, mr. sergey, some retrospect is needed here. let 's remember that last year, the ukrainian authorities seriously considered the possibility of holding presidential elections, even in conditions of war. truth? and this, this fact was provoked by only two statements: lynsey graham, the senator and tinney cox, the president of par. it
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caused an appropriate reaction and put the ukrainian authorities in front of the temptation to hold elections and win them quickly, as in the soviet song, it bled with a single blow, but this did not happen, because i think that sociology said other things, and obviously sociology in favor of valery zaluzhnyi said other things, so i want to return to the other, i want... what to return to, in principle, to talk about how this issue could be communicated? first of all, it was necessary to say that the legislation does not provide for presidential elections in wartime, and to explain this, because presidential elections in wartime are in fact the election of a new supreme commander, and if
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these elections are announced. then it is to put the country at risk of the appearance of a huge number candidates, which may be completely disposable in nature, register for the sole purpose of criticizing the current commander-in-chief, i.e. the president. it's a simple enough scenario in my opinion, and it's one that could be played out. this should be absolutely clear. understand, secondly, it could be reminded that the president does not necessarily stay in power for 5 years, for example, after the orange revolution, leonid kuchma overstayed his presidential term, however, for a few months, and nothing of the sort happened extraordinary, that is, it was generally perceived as normal by the society of that time, nothing critical.


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