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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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there are 15% discounts on acc lon in pharmacies, plantain, bam, and savings. there are discounts on citramondarnytsia - 10% in podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on penger and herpavir, 15% in podorozhnyk bam and oschad pharmacies. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following frames can you. shocking news from the scene live, kamikaze drone attacks, political analysis, objective and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and unbiased, you draw your own conclusions. the war created
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many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities, but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get any'. information on disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and true friends together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us. become part of our
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enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. the information day of the tv channel in the eastern direction continues. defense forces have destroyed another russian su-34 fighter-bomber. this was announced by the commander of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, lieutenant general mykola oleschuk. i quote: lieutenant general oleschuk around the 14th. 00 worked alternately su-34 direction the same goal unchanged. with such losses of combat and special aviation, the russians should think about at least temporarily stopping air assaults. well, let's work on until victory. well, later melyschuk published a photo of the downed russian plane. well, we remind you about our collection, here are literally updated data, we have to collect with you less than 900 hryvnias, a million hryvnias, that's it. in fact, it is already, as they say, a drop
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in the ocean, so let's, as they say, a little let's raise the last half hour, while we are still on the air, we ask you to join , i think it will be very beautiful and cool, if already at the end, actually, at the end of our air today, we can announce that we have already collected a million, so we are asking you, please, to join the gathering, it is important for us, it is important for our armed forces, remember that there are no small contributions, well, but we are adding to our broadcast, in fact, mykhailo tsimbalyuk is already in the studio, the people's... a deputy of ukraine, with whom we will talk about many things today actually necessary and important things. i would like to start the conversation today with the demobilization of conscripts. president zelensky eventually signed the law on the demobilization of conscripts, but there are certain nuances, so we understand that there must be a certain presidential decree. in a word , please explain to our viewers how this whole process of remobilization of conscripts will take place in practice? i think this is a very necessary thing. "we do not speak for it, but we stand up and
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fight for two years, because according to the law on martial law, any demobilization ceases under this special regime of martial law, because of that all those conscripts, and there are many of them, so as not to announce the number, these are the guys who have already served that. of conscription and they, for example, were supposed to be dembel from february 24 last year, as they say, and that is what the people say, they were all suspended, and they served some two years more than the established norm, some 2.5, some 3 years , that is, these are the guys who were supposed to be demobilized, ultimately the supreme...
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the president signed the law that we, we passed it last week, and we clearly gave the right to the president, brought to the media. in the law on the special regime of martial law and gave the right to the president as the supreme commander during martial law to demobilize conscripts, and we made an amendment, and i am grateful to all the deputies who supported that after all, these guys, who will be demobilized for 12 months , have the right to a postponement, i.e. in 12 months, they have the opportunity to learn, arrange their lives, some to enter higher education institutions to get an education, some to start a business and work and pay taxes, now we are waiting for the president's decree,
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because this is his competence, he announced a decree on the mobilization of conscripts and now on the demobilization of conscripts, and i am sure that this will be a historic moment, because already conscripts will be a thing of the past, in the past of the ukrainian state, because according to the reform there will no longer be conscription in ukraine, and this is important, now we are eagerly awaiting the presidential decree from day to day, and which will demobilize all these guys, but actually, mr. mykhailo, would it be , so to speak with one decree, could we, i don't know, divide it? on one or the other there, i don’t know, on several, yes, on the wave, for example, or something like that, i think there will be one decree, because the number of conscripts has decreased, because the verkhovna rada has made changes to the current laws and allowed conscripts to sign at will a contract
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for military service, and a certain part, somewhere around a quarter of them, took advantage of this right, and today they have already become fully paid. servicemen under contract, there are those who for one reason or another did not sign a contract, or will do so after demobilization, there is logic in your question, mr. antin, because conscripts of various conscriptions will be demobilized there, yes, but i think that the president will listen to the position of the military, to the position of people's deputies, and still with one decree. mobilizes and 12 months these people, these guys will have the right to deferment, the only thing is a nuance that we are looking forward to, like all conscripts, which will be specified in the decree, whether it will be within a month or within two months, this is the maximum
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term we insisted on in the project of the law regarding changes to demobilization, because this norm. was there, mr. mykhailo, well , they talked about the demobilization of conscripts , let’s talk about the draft law on mobilization, yes, well, a record number of amendments, the main number of amendments were made by representatives of the ruling servant of the people party, yes, this means that they are among themselves, perhaps , they did not fully work out who will make which correction, but the record there is something like four, 1800 from servants of the people, yes from servants, but in general about four. edits, well, they start to sort it out committees, i don't know how long it will take , well, they say somewhere at the beginning of march, they can consider it, yes, well, the beginning of march is already in a few days, a really large number of edits, but as you said, most of
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them are representatives of the servant amendments were submitted to the people, this indicates that the law is debatable even for the authorities. and, but it gives us, on the other hand, a chance to establish the truth and bring some norms into line with the requirements of the constitution, so that there is no violation of human rights, and that in fact changes to the law on mobilization, they have stopped what is happening now, and there are cases of activity of territorial picking centers, which are not completely regulated by the current legislation, that is, many things we believe that... which will be regulated, i think in the next few days, within a week -two, the law has a chance to get into the session hall and be voted on in the second reading, which it will be, i want to believe that most of the objective edits, i'm not talking about
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spam ones, but still edits that concern the only office of the applicant, edit that concerns... persons with disabilities and caregivers of persons with disabilities, everything related to the deferment rights of teachers of higher education. institutions without an academic degree and title, what concerns post-graduate students of all forms of education, i emphasize , all this will be normalized, because as regards teachers and students and post-graduate students, the minister of education and science gave me an answer during question time to the government that all after all , he supports our position, and it is very important that the persons i mentioned. support, and the mayor may not support, arachamia will have its own third
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vision, we understand that you rightly mentioned, mr. mykhailo, about the so-called spam amendments, but for one or another people's deputy this amendment may not be spam, but it may be the cry of his law-making soul , which wants to show its will, so to speak, and they will start to swing by factions, conditionally speaking, well, no one canceled the human factor either, and a plus, well, technically 4,000, that's different. grain from chaff, it takes time, there and well, let even the profile committees, that is, i am about committees, so to speak, defense , intelligence and so on, i am not talking about him, yes, well, but there are more there, i don’t know, there is an educational one there and so on and so on, all the other committees have already done their work, they submitted amendments, and now the main burden is on the committee on national security, defense and intelligence that you mentioned, it is them, they have already started, by the way, this work, and i am sure that... that the practice is already such, they will be grouped by these amendments by articles, by
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directions, by changes to laws, and i do not think that it will be something extraordinary, in session hall, i do not think that all these amendments will be voted on, the main work will still be in the committee, i emphasize once again, the law on improving mobilization issues is very important , the military is talking about it, the e... and experts, and in the end, people should be given a rest for those who have been on the front lines for 2 years, for 2 years we have people who have not, units that have not undergone rotation, we have people who have only been on vacation for 10 days, per year, these are unacceptable things, people burn out psychologically, morally, people need to be replaced, and the improvement law is needed, i emphasize once again. even in order to stop the violations that , unfortunately, are happening today on the part of territorial
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picking centers, but what this law should be, it should be fair, socially fair, and this is what is being worked on now in the committee, social justice, i see that marta is just bouncing, wants to say something, well, social justice, because we have to have a little break now, we have to, unfortunately, take a break, but that doesn't mean that we are releasing mr. mykhailo from our studio. and this only means that we will literally take a break for a couple of minutes in order to go on a break, after which we will talk in more detail about one or another, as they say, amendments to the draft law on strengthening mobilization, and we remind you, our viewers, about our collection, of course, now we'll go on a break and hope that those 900 unfortunates who we can't close will be closed in just four minutes. tired from heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack the tv just for you, you can easily
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there will be a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, he and the liver? and bile protects. alo hool with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. information day of the tv channel in rozpala in the espresso studio, mykhailo tsymbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, we analyze an extremely important bill regarding the mobilization of about 4 thousand amendments. and mr mykhailo, you mentioned a couple of minutes ago. that this bill should be socially just, which is included in the understanding of social justice? well, because there are certain groups that are not subject to mobilization, i do not know how the situation will look like, for example, with the reservation of civil servants, employees of another plan and so on, and so on, it is very difficult, and at the same time there were people walking around offers for,
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so to speak, important business to also book there, i don't know from... what amount is there from 20 or 30 thousand of taxes per month, as it were, social justice and at the same time mobilization, well , in fact, we all have to understand that there is a war in the country, the situation on the fronts is not easy, this is repeatedly said in your studio, but we are talking about the fact that the economic front, this is definitely also important, and in order to provide finances. financial support and others, the armed forces of ukraine and other defense forces need funds, that is, it is clear, but as for civil servants, employees and employees of other law enforcement agencies, etc., everyone has to serve, it is clear, apart from those that ensure security, public
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order today, this is the national police, which, by the way , is fighting because it has its own special units. at the front , it is also very, when we talk about social justice, it cannot be someone who has served 36 months in the rear, in any headquarters unit, and someone who has already been on the front line for two years, be demobilized after 36 months, that's why we clearly filed an amendment and now there's a discussion, 18 months in total, and 12 of those months are in the... war zone, that's it will be fair, and then a person is subject to demobilization, as his right, it is not necessary that he demobilizes, maybe he... will go rest for a month and go to serve again, but the terms of demobilization should be reduced and the time during hostilities should be taken into account,
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participation in hostilities, and we also clearly have to write the terms of rotation in the law , there is a proposal for three months, in three months a month of rotation, in six months - months of rotation, all this will be discussed in the committees by way of, or rather, the amendments that have already been submitted today, this is extremely important, and the discussion is still ongoing, and we think it is wrong, regarding the blocking of accounts, the right to property, etc., of those who did not appear on time at the territorial picking center, i believe that this rule will not pass , because this is a violation. the law, but we need to find an option, how to deal with those people who deliberately avoid passing the service, for this there is an administrative and criminal code,
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it is possible to improve it, but limit it, impose a seizure on accounts, this is not fair, but free-thinking, mr. mykhailo , well, it was possible to give advice to alimenchiks , for example, with forest workers, clearly, they must work, this is also not an easy area and an important area, in general , during martial law, but those boys and girls there must work within the framework of the current legislation, the same , as for the national police and local authorities and state authorities during the mobilization, the authorities of the state and local authorities should contribute and
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not organize the mobilization, this is not their authority. mr. mykhailo, i would also like to you to discuss the situation is rather irritating, i would say, because society perceives the possible mobilization of prisoners or people who have been criminally prosecuted in different ways, and as far as i can remember. does not betray in this bill in the first reading it was actually about suspended sentences, did they work in the committees regarding this category of people, are they possibly planning to adopt some changes in this context and actually involve those people also in the protection of the state? well, my position is that those people who are convicted are not for serious crimes with a suspended sentence, who were not actually in prison. or resigned earlier, have passed the exam period or the departure period, they can be mobilized. now there is
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a discussion about which articles, and what you said were those who were not in prisons, that was the position of the ministry of justice. this norm is being considered by the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, let's see which version will make it to the session. hall, the military or part of the military leadership of the top is not entirely positive, and the former glavkom, he did not perceive such a norm, because of that it did not it was held even earlier than now, we'll wait and see, but i believe that the opinion of both the military and the ministry of justice should be taken into account in order to give these people a chance to defend their state after all. and accordingly, what will we do with the money, at one time, when in the previous political cycle the number of about 500 thousand was announced, well, we understand that there are
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personnel involved who should be called up, well , this is also about huge money , we understand that if we now increase mobilization and increase payments at the same time, because there was such an initiative, the sum of uah 2,000 was mentioned, so i don't know how realistic it is, what do i hear now? about financial provision and closure of both needs, both demobilized and possible new waves. well, let's face it, in fact we are not talking about additional mobilization, it is not about improving the current legislation on registration, mobilization, service by military personnel, including during martial law. because of this bill, which we are talking about today, there is no financial and economic aspect justification, because it is not known when and
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how many there will be. to mobilize people , by the way, the mobilization is currently underway , it is planned, therefore there is no question of additional numbers of personnel, and this is extremely important, because in society different numbers, different amounts are discussed, that is why i emphasize once again, language it's about improvement, but we all have to remember once again why i spoke about... the economic front, because everything that the state, the ukrainian, earns, everything goes to the security and defense sector, for money for, this is only ukrainian money, we do not have the right to use the funds of our borrowers for the security and defense sector, the weapons that help us, the ammunition that helps us, we thank them, the equipment is possible, the funds are not, because of that it is very important that we have,
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and we know that during the war. we have 5 million ukrainians who have lost their jobs, so that today the government is thinking about creating new jobs, improving the sector, so that the military-industrial complex works more actively, jobs are created , so that people pay taxes, and so on of course, now is the time of truth, because those who work and do not pay taxes, they usually do not stand in the army. accounting, or if they are standing, then they did not update their data, which requires a special regime of martial law. thank you, mr. mykhailo, but finally, we would like to briefly hear your reaction to the statement of the minister of internal affairs, klymenko, who stated that after the end of the war , ukrainians will have to surrender their weapons. we remember how difficult the situation was at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, in particular in kyiv. you, as a person who once spoke about... in
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internal affairs, how do you perceive this initiative in general, do you have literally two minutes? i myself, like many people 's deputies and residents of the city of kyiv, on february 24 , 2022, received a weapon, a firearm, a rifled weapon, a machine gun, and a large part of the people, after that i registered it, as required by regulatory documents, many from kyiv and not only kyiv, they did not register this weapon. in the units of internal affairs, it is very important that these people after the end of martial law, preferably now put it on the register, after the war it will have to be surrendered. we are currently working on legislation regarding firearms, including short-barreled ones, we will definitely adopt the law, but ukrainians have the right to keep weapons for self-defense, this was suggested by today's situation, martial law,
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er... russia's attack on ukraine, that people have the first to be able to own a weapon, to have it on legal grounds, to have the conditions for storage in order to be able to protect oneself, one's family and, of course, the state. thank you, mr. mykhailo, mykhailo, tsembalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, was in the espresso studio, but we are actually now reporting to you that we have 5,349 uah left to collect out of a million uah, so we thank everyone who joined this collection. these few hours, well, in principle, who joined this collection, we hope that you will actually join this collection throughout today, i will ask now to show the actual qr-code of this bank for which we are collecting money, but 5 thousand how many times will i repeat 5349, 5349, dear tv viewers, if everyone drops uah 20, i don't know, then it will be possible to close it, i don't know, within half an hour,
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well, if... if there is a financial possibility, of course, then join in, be kind, well, the fighters need it, so we need to organize this whole thing as soon as possible, which we eventually do regularly, yes, well, for today, antin and i are already saying goodbye to you , until tomorrow, we pass the baton to our colleagues, who will inform you about all the most important events of the day during these hours and evenings, so take care and see you tomorrow in this studio. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers and just now about the most important events, the second enemy plane in a day was destroyed by ukrainian defenders. commander of the air
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force. mykola olyschuk of the armed forces of ukraine reported on...


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