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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and we have a news release on a tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. two policemen were killed as a result of russian shelling in sumy oblast. these are police lieutenant colonel oksana novik and lieutenant colonel oleg yurko. another six of their colleagues were wounded, the ministry of internal affairs reported. it was noted there that the investigative team had left to document the effects of the raids on the farm building . at this time, another enemy attack took place. the occupiers hit with artillery. the bodies of two dead law enforcement officers
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got under the rubble. medical aid is provided to the wounded. occupiers killed an elderly woman in the kherson region. a few hours ago, the russians shelled the village of veletenske in the bilozer community. they were fired from artillery - said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the body of an 82-year-old local woman was found in one of the houses that had caught fire. and the second. ukrainian defenders destroyed the enemy plane in a day. the commander of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, mykola oleschuk , reported the downing of a russian su-34 fighter jet in the eastern direction of the front. he too published a photo of the burning board, which was recorded by our drone. in the morning, our defenders landed the same plane of invaders in the same area. the armed forces of ukraine withdrew from the villages of severna and stepove in avdiivsk.
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the direction was informed by the spokesman of the tavria military group, dmytro lykhova. he noted that the fierce fighting for the north had been going on since yesterday evening and during the night. the enemy suffered losses. the current decision is a tactical move, he added. before the war, both settlements had a total of up to 100 inhabitants. in russian in krasnoyarsk, a car carrying russian militant sergei kankeyev was blown up. this is reported by the place. as well as the guerrilla movement that took responsibility for the destruction of the terrorist. he previously openly bragged in his interviews that he killed ukrainian prisoners of war, as well as polish citizens who voluntarily defended ukraine as part of the armed forces of ukraine. kankeev's car was mined, he did not survive the explosion. president volodymyr zelenskyi arrived on a visit to saudi arabia, he was informed
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that he plans to continue the dialogue with his by his highness crown prince mohammed ban bin salam al saud, and the main topic will be the peace formula, as well as the return of captives and deported persons. in addition, together they will discuss promising areas of economic cooperation and the participation of saudi arabia in the reconstruction of ukraine. the government has appointed a new head of the national agency for prevention. corruption, he became the head of nabu's detective department viktor pavluschyk. he previously won the competition for this position. his candidacy was supported by all six members competition commission. from 2008 to 2015 , pavluschyk served in the sbu bodies in operative and managerial positions. after that , he worked as a detective in naboo. half of the complaints of the employees of territorial picking centers. turn out to be false,
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we are talking about an appeal to the verkhovna rada commissioner for human rights, dmytro lubinets. oleksandr kononenko, the representative of the ombudsman, told about it. he noted that all cases are responded to, all cases are responded to and the situation is investigated. however, in 50% of cases , such videos do not correspond to reality. all these the facts are confirmed. and here , too, it is necessary to understand that we are in a state of war and... some of these videos, they are even provocative, not entirely, do not always correspond to the truth and do not always refer to the fact that it is the army or the representatives of the central committee, or those persons who subject to mobilization. almost uah 70 million will be allocated from the capital's budget for the training of drone operators, the drones themselves will be purchased with these funds, as well as computer equipment and machinery, said deputy of the kyiv city council dmytro bilotserkivets. he specified that, in particular,
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plans to equip a laboratory cluster of maintenance management technologies and design and repair of drones, in addition, they will purchase multimedia ones. panels and computers for conducting lessons, as well as minibuses for leaving groups for practical classes and trailers for transporting uav complexes and their equipment. the european parliament approved the transfer of 50 billion euros to ukraine. the decision to allocate a package of macro-financial support to our country was made by an overwhelming majority of votes. 536 deputies voted for, 40 were against, and 39 abstained. reported on the website of the parliament. the support program is designed for four years. the main part of these funds - 38 billion will be directed to the state budget, in particular to the needs of the country's recovery.
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the ukrainian government expects to receive the first tranche of 4.5 billion in march. thousands of people blocked traffic in warsaw. there is a big protest of farmers, miners and hunters also took to the streets of the polish capital with them. the main part of the protest was arranged in the form of a walk. all because there is no way to warsaw now agricultural machinery is launched. the participants of the action lit a bonfire on the parade square and lit fireworks. the police had to intervene in the situation. in general, the protesters have three main demands on the government. they do not want the implementation of the so-called program. exchange rate, and also oppose the import of agricultural products from ukraine and demand support for animal husbandry. we will not agree with the conditions imposed on us by the european union. they are imposing a green
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regime on us, and we want restrictions on the import of grain from ukraine. we have to agree on how many crops can come, how much can not be understood. called puppets of the kremlin, protesters in prague denounced slovak prime minister fitz and hungarian orban during their visit to the czech capital. the prime ministers came there at the invitation of prime minister fiala to participate in the summit of the visegrad four of poland, the czech republic, slovakia and hungary. despite the big differences between sfitso and... orban on the issue of supporting ukraine, fiala believes that the visegrad format is necessary, because there are many issues of common interest that they need discuss together. in kyiv
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, the ohmadyt children's hospital and the church of st. nicholas lit up the orphan disease day. our correspondent tetyana golunova is with us live. tani, i congratulate you and tell you what is going on at the moment. is taking place in the capital, i congratulate ira, and i also congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel, today the world celebrates the international day of rare diseases, so today two iconic buildings in the capital were illuminated with green, purple, pink and blue: the first of them is the ohmadit children's hospital, the second is church of st. nicholas. near whom, near whom we are now, so now i will ask the operator to show in what colors, and now this church is lit, and these colors are a symbol of rare diseases, because their combination in nature, it almost does not happen, or
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it happens, but very rare, so it is a symbol of rarity and it is a symbol of this day, a symbol of rare diseases, in the last days of february , the world celebrates this international day with rare. diseases, so colored lighting is already a tradition for such a day, thus the organizers want to remind to a wide range of people, about people's need for such treatment and support for orphan patients. i will also say that a panel discussion was held today in kyiv for the international day of orphan patients , representatives of the national health service, as well as the ministry of health, and doctors from orf took part in it. directions, they discussed, discussed the sphere of providing and supporting ukrainians who have rare forms of the disease, because i will remind you that in the world today there are more than 300 million people who live with several, and that and
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more rare diseases, currently rare diseases affect almost 6% of the world's population, so such events... so today the certification of such important buildings in the capital, or panel discussions, they give people who have these diseases to... naked to life, and also, well, they also make it possible for them to understand that they are not left alone with themselves, and so iro, i want to remind you once again that we are near the church, it is now illuminated with these colors, and literally in a few minutes are the same the ohmadyt children's hospital will be illuminated with colors, and this is all for the sake of support and for the sake of solidarity with people who have... rare diseases in ukraine. that's all the info for now, so iro, i'm turning the ether over to you.
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thank you, tanya. it was our correspondent tatiana golonova. and we really need to remember and know that there are people with orphan diseases living near us, and despite the fact that there is a war in our country, it is even more difficult for these people to receive treatment at the moment, so let's remember this. and that was all the news for that time, i'm iryna koval, i will say goodbye until tomorrow, but in just a few minutes you will meet my colleague vasyl zymov. there are 15% discounts on penger and herpavir in podorozhnyk pharmacies. memory and savings there are discounts on helpex of 20% in pharmacies of travel stores and savings.
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conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war. but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important things are said every thursday at 21:15 in the project by velikiy lviv on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in the new two-hour format even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict
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with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. two russian planes in one day, and that's it . that only in the evening, but not at night, the armed forces of ukraine were able to stabilize the front in three points, commander osuv khortetsia reports, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi is visiting the saudis. what was the purpose of the trip ? macron says about nato troops on the territory of ukraine? we will talk about this and other things today for the next hour and 50 billion euros are allocated to ukraine, nevertheless, we will talk about this and other things today for the next hour and 45 minutes. this is the great ether program, my name is vasyl zima, and i want to start by saying that i sincerely
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thank you from the bottom of my heart. yesterday i asked that we closed the collection of uah 300 from a car for our soldiers of the 25th separate airborne syacheslav brigade, and you did it during that evening, you collected more than uah 30,000. well done, thank you to the viewers and readers of espresso , you are the best, we, as i said, raised this 300,000 and i hope that we will also receive thanks, well not us, you are first of all from the soldiers of the 25th separate airborne brigade, but for us the greatest thanks that they will win, be alive, healthy and... destroy and drive the enemy from our land, it will be for us, i think the best thanks, if we get involved in this somehow, that's also very cool, and now we are announcing, of course, a new collection, your attention, your interest, your involvement and your finances that you invest, they are really very, very, very valuable ,
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first of all for our army, we are here only as mediators, so espresso calls to join the collection of buggies for... evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits, as well as car and trench rebs for the 12th separate special forces detachment, our defenders, special forces daily destroy the enemy in the eastern direction, this collection will help save human lives and increase the effectiveness of the unit. each donation strengthens the shield with which we restrain the aggressor, i will add from myself, sharpens the sword with which we cut down this aggressor, well, not us, our army cuts down this aggressor. our goal is now a little more, uah 480,000 , but i believe that we will collect this money, especially now it is such a key stage of this war, at this stage, for sure, and we have everything we can, so that you know, then we didn't have it's a shame for us to give this buggy, you can see now on the video how it embroiders on the roads, the passability, the mobility of this car, i think you see and understand,
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let's start, let's start this collection, well, let's start our conversation, and ... with us is oleksandr tolokonnikov, head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. congratulations, vasyl, congratulations. so, the enemy attacked kherson at night. when i was preparing for eter, i checked the information, there was information about one victim, please tell me about this attack, well, in general, it is possible in the kherson region, where there were still enemy strikes there. i still see the enemy somewhere there, too, doing his evil deeds not only in kherson. please. yes, in the very veletensky of belazersky thunder.
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the bright memory of the grandmother, of course, how many such grandmothers and grandfathers live in the kherson region in such... safe settlements, but they do not want to leave, because this is their home, and they say that they want to die in their own land, in their house, and unfortunately, this happens, the russians continue to destroy these coastal settlements, today there is a lot of shelling of the bilodzersk community itself, and the tyaginsk community, there is a village... lviv was shelled with mortars there today, and a farm was damaged, and ah, houses there, luckily , there were no casualties, uh, almost the entire coastline today kherson itself and even the novovorontsov community are being shelled today under artillery shelling, fortunately
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there are no more victims, but as they say, what is luck here if... a grandmother died in the yard of her house, bright memory and sympathy relatives and tell me, please, is this settlement of valetensky over there, is it possible to evacuate those who wish, of course, if a person says that i want to stay, well, as you said, and die in my native house or on my native land yard, or in general in the native village, there, well , obviously, at this age you will not be tied up and taken somewhere, but on the other hand, for those who, perhaps, some other raid says: well, i i will still go, probably the best place now is somewhere a little further west or north, then is there an opportunity to do this effectively to evacuate people, for example, from valetenskyi, that’s what you said there and... well, it’s even easier to evacuate right here from these settlements, we evacuate from all settlements, if there are people willing there and boryslav region, whatever which settlement,
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you just need to either call our hotline or contact it, most of the time there is no connection to contact the headman or inform the neighbors there, or there are always soldiers and police officers, you just have to tell them... about it , they will pass on the information and the police will leave an armored car, or volunteers will come and take it away , there are no problems with that, especially the belazer community, which is nearby, minibuses even run there, that is, although it is dangerous there, there is always an opportunity, so we invite, if people still agree, there is a small one... so today our colleague natalya nagorna went with tsn, they went to beryslav, there exactly three women , three grandmothers decided to go and they just
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took them right away and then we received them here and they went further into the country like that the situation, well, we will move on now to such an important event, well, it's a spectacular event , it's an explosion. kakhovtsi, but before that , a related event is the so-called election of the so-called president of russia, putin, well, it is called putin's election, because we call it the presidential election, there are no elections, there is no one to choose from, but in the temporarily occupied territory of the kherson region , well, these elections have started, the so-called elections, but they write that the local population, ukrainian, first of all citizens, they are not passively involved in this, how does it happen there in general, is there any information about that? well, yes, information there is that this morning started in several communities, the so-called voting for putin. of course, a campaign was held first, where
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collaborators went around and told stories, took a census together with the military, looked into the eyes, told why and for whom one should vote, there were of course no other candidates. or agitators from other candidates, there is also information that even these collaborators, the occupiers told that it is possible to vote with a ukrainian passport, who does not have a russian passport, and of course they they themselves said that if they don't see people at the polling station, then they will come later and ask why people didn't... didn't come and vote for putin, including the military, so people are really scared, they don't want to vote, they don't want to accept
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participation in this, but the most important thing is not to take part in the very organization of these so-called putin elections, of course we understand the people who are scared there, first of all left with these problems now by themselves, unfortunately, we cannot help, but... .if possible avoid participating in these elections, please avoid, if not, then of course, well , the main thing is that it does not harm the health of any action, and then of course, those people who organized this farce will be answerable before the law, well, here is this meeting, they had their headquarters in novaya kokhovka of the united russia and there, as they write , allegedly drones of unknown origin and markings flew there, and according to other information, the explosion was organized by partisans, but the russians do not want to admit that these are partisans,
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because they are so perceptive, that's why it's easier to say that these are drones, and what is actually known about this strike, it is more of a psychological attack on the enemy, did it have any consequences, to be honest, there is no military information about this case, but tomorrow is our day. .. the foundation of a new kokhovka, i think, in this way we, or we, or the partisans, ukrainians congratulated united russia in nova kokhovka, with the day of the city. thank you very much for your comments, thanks also to oleksandr tolokonnikov, head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration, who joined us on the phone, we discussed the current situation in the region, which is constantly under enemy fire, and now we are moving on to another. topics of 50 billion euros for ukraine. the actual issue of providing money to ukraine has been resolved. today , the european union decided to provide
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these 50 billion to ukraine over the next four years. as they say, in parts, today the european parliament approved the corresponding resolution, the creation of the ukrainian fund was promised at the end of last year by hungarian prime minister viktor orbán and was unlocked only in in february, this will allow kyiv to finally receive the first tranche of macrofin from the eu in the 24th year. tetyana vysotska, correspondent of espress in european institutions, works in the halls of the european parliament. tatiana is already in touch with us, i congratulate you, well, please tell me when ukraine receives the long-promised money, what is the further plan of action on the part of brussels, well... you have a word, congratulations vasyl, greetings from strasbourg, from the sidelines of the european parliament yes, today the european parliament approved 50 billion euros for ukraine, but this is official the approval procedure does not end, because now this document must be approved by the council of the european union, and before this inclusion, i just had a conversation with one of the eu officials, who informed me that this is actually news, this has not yet been published in the ukrainian media, that...
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the council of the european union will hold a corresponding vote tomorrow, february 28, the vote will be held according to a written procedure, that is, each eu member state must notify in writing whether it supports the provision of 50 billion to ukraine or not , but there is no actual intrigue here, so that, as you have already rightly noted, viktor orban on february 1, 2024, agreed, approved the allocation of 50 billion to ukraine. euros, and therefore this is more of a formality, voting will end tomorrow at the end of the day, it will be officially announced, and the day after tomorrow, february 29, the document on the creation of the ukrainian ucraine facility fund will be signed by the head of the european parliament and, accordingly, the head of the european council. after that, the following days, or it will already be friday or monday, the document will be published in the official journal of the european union and only the following
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day upon publication, it will be deemed approved. after that, that's not all. ukraine must sign a memorandum of understanding with the european union, and after ukraine signs this document, ukraine can receive the first tranche from the european union. and in fact, the president of the european commission, ursela funderlein, has already clearly stated that the money will arrive in ukraine in march 2024, as the ukrainian authorities expect, and the first tranche will be established. this is the approval procedure, and a few words about ukraine facility, it is given to us, in fact, according to the procedure, money in exchange for reforms. ukraine approves the reformer tatiana's plan, i'll just interrupt you, i'm sorry, because you just brought up a painful topic, we'll just discuss a little later the issue of the fact that european partners do not really understand
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appointments in the accounting chamber. they are not satisfied with the reform there, these are actually the reforms that are needed, and the accounting chamber will, in principle, count the money that will go to ukraine, so what, or was there any reaction, maybe behind the scenes, maybe that's how they communicated with by the press of meps, regarding the pace of reforms in ukraine, because the money is always flowing, and the reforms are always with some kind of promises, so to speak, that there was some substantive discussion of the reforms. no, but here it is very interesting, an interesting point is in the document approved today by the european parliament, it is the issue of control over reforms and control over the use of funds. the european commission will appoint an appropriate board of auditors, which will monitor virtually every penny sent to ukraine, whether it is used in a targeted manner, and if there are suspicions of corruption or
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misuse of european funds, then... the allocation may even be suspended, i.e. reforms by reforms, but europeans want to count their money, and also, for example, ukraine should create a corresponding web portal , on which will be placed the names of individuals and the names of companies that will receive from the european money an amount of €100,000 or more. that is, it will also be such an interesting and, i hope, very effective control mechanism. and as for the reforms, then... they will also be there to observe the european commission, which will report on this annually to the european parliament and the european council, i.e. the next substantive discussion of ukrainian reforms, clearly according to the approved plan, will be in december 2024. thank you very much for your work, thank you for your comments. tetyana vasotska, our correspondent in european institutions, was, well, told about this event, it is very important, of course,
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thank you, well, we are talking about... let's continue to talk about reforms.


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