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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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at least battalions, it is physically impossible to do this work before may or june, and the enemy has no ready strategic reserves today, the operational reserves have actually been spent in battles in the avdiivka and robotyny regions, so it can be said that the enemy will be ready to conduct at least operations in within the framework of one operational direction, well, i am not like that... there is no chance of success, but for september-october this is quite possible, a period of 4-6 months will allow the enemy to deploy reserves, provide them with combat equipment, at least some 50's at least, but it can't be until the fall, so i agree that there will be an advance, but i don't agree that it will be in line. mr. viktor, thank you very much for... your expert
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explanations for the time you took for our audience, and let me remind you that this was viktor kivlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert at the center for defense strategies. these were the main events and conclusions of the day, and more international and economic news will be broadcast later by vasyl, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to his guest, that was the military summary of the day. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, now is the second hour of the great ether, a lot of interesting and important information is waiting for you, the world about ukraine with yuriy fizar. joe biden is convening the convention, what he intends to talk about. yuriy will tell us in detail about the money during the war with oleksandr morchivka. russia is losing promising profits. why and what is it
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connected with, also news from lena chechenino, news of culture, and the weather from natalka didenko. well, now about the most important events this hour i will tell you in detail and we will start, unfortunately, with sad news: in the kherson region, the occupiers killed an elderly woman, a few hours ago the russians shelled the village of veletenske, this is the belozersk community, they fired artillery, said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the body of an 82-year-old local woman was found in one of the houses, which... came under enemy fire, well, under enemy fire, that is, a russian plane came under our fire, the second enemy plane was destroyed in a day by ukrainian defenders of the sky. commander of the air force of the armed forces mykola olyschuk of ukraine reported the downing of a russian su-34 fighter jet in the eastern direction of the front. he also published a photo of the burning board, which was captured by our drone, in the morning our soldiers landed the same board in the same area. izsa moved away
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from the severne and stepove villages in the avdiiv direction, this was reported by the spokesman of tavriy's group troops, dmytro lykhova. he noted that the fierce fighting for the severn had been going on since yesterday evening and the enemy had suffered heavy losses during the night. the current decision is a tactical move - he added in both settlements war, up to 100 people lived in total. important visit ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi arrived on a visit to saudi arabia, he noted that he plans to continue the dialogue with his highness crown prince muhammad bin salman al saud, and the main topic will be the peace formula, as well as the return of captives and deported persons. in addition, together they will discuss promising areas of economic cooperation and the participation of saudi arabia in the reconstruction of ukraine. they are also at the front, two
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policemen, unfortunately, died, six more wounded as a result of the russian shelling of sumy region. the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine reported this. it was noted there that the investigative team had left to document the effects of the raids on the farm building , and at that time another enemy attack had taken place. the occupiers hit the bodies of the two dead law enforcement officers from under the rubble with artillery . i can ready to help , representatives of 52 countries and international organizations joined the meeting of the international platform for the release of prisoners civilians, which took place within the framework of the implementation of the fourth clause of the peace formula. the majority is ready to join the so-called coalition for the return of civilian prisoners. oleksandr kononenko, a representative of the shoemaker, told about it. he reminded that canada and norway. in
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cooperation with ukraine, they have already developed a draft regarding further work on returning captured ukrainians home, he also noted qatar's interest in such cooperation. according to the commissioner from... the russians have already managed to return 147 civilian hostages. international partners and ambassadors, they have some things to agree on, including with the leadership of their countries, regarding the framework of participation, and there are some proposals and everything else. therefore , of course, we expect an increase in the number of participants in this coalition. and the attack on the journalist. the poles detained ukrainian investigative journalist mykhailo tkach at the border near belarus, together with a cameraman , he was filming material on trade between the republic of poland and russia, its satellite belarus, reports ukrainian pravda. law enforcement officers were shown documents and journalist credentials, but according to
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the weaver, they started grabbing cameras and searching the car. all memory cards from cameras, phones and documents were taken away. then the film crew was interrogated by representatives. special services they were held at the commandant's office for at least four hours and only then released. during this time, they were not allowed to contact anyone. all things were returned to the team, but some of the filmed material was deleted. well , the reaction of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, and also of the international community, in particular, should be obvious. polish government statement, reporters without borders. and some other organizations that take care of the fate of journalists, because, forgive me, it is as if there is a war going on with us from the other side, and not with poland, so this behavior in relation to ukrainian journalism wants to show not only that here ukraine turns out to be a lot of grain earns, yes, he just wants to show that you are also certain
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people who earn very well, trading with the aggressor country, obviously, well, it must be shown too, the truth must be from all sides, the truth, not what from that from which it is beneficial to certain people who block ukrainian borders. a missile gunner in zaporizhia was sentenced to 15 years in prison, according to the sbu, in october last year he directed an enemy s-300 missile at an apartment building in the city center. then, unfortunately, five people died, five more were seriously injured. convicted ideological supporter of racism. the man worked for the enemy under the pseudonym palestinian. to collect intelligence, he organized his own group of informants, which included four more residents of the regional center. he was serving his sentence. according to the article about treason, and now i bring to your attention the inclusion, and the summit of the visegrad four took place in prague,
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the heads of the governments of slovakia, poland and hungary arrived in the capital of the czech republic, the main topics of the changes were eu enlargement, the situation in ukraine, regional and defense cooperation. about the results of the meeting. radio liberty correspondent sashko shevchenko knows. he is in direct contact with us. congratulations sasha. what position did the leaders express regarding the war in ukraine. please tell me. greetings vasylia. i also congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. today the four leaders of the visegrad quartet met in prague. for the first time , the czech republic is presiding over this forum. and despite the fact that the announced topics were more about us. truly intra-european problems , problems of relations between the four countries , are still on everyone's lips, and yes, you know, the issue of ukraine was in the air, because the day before the summit convened by french president emmanuel macron in paris was held, and there one of
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the participants of the visegrad four, the prime minister of slovakia, robert fitzo, he said for the first time publicly about the fact that european leaders are discussing the possibility of sending in some perspective, maybe not od'. once, but at a certain point, after a certain time, to send their troops to ukraine, and that in particular, fitzus declared that slovakia would never support this. later, macron confirmed that such talks are indeed taking place within the eu, but there is no solution, it is still being considered, and everyone emphasized that it is not about the deployment of any joint troops, but only on the base, based on bilateral agreements between ukraine , according to each of the western countries there. of the army, and specifically today in prague, all the representatives, all the leaders of the visegrad four were asked this question: are you going to, are you considering the possibility of sending troops, and if there is any consensus today in prague, reached by all four, all four representatives of the visegrad of the four, all four said
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that no, they will not aim their troops at ukraine, but there is a certain watershed between the positions of those leaders who gathered today in prague. if two countries support ukraine in a military way, providing it with weapons, providing it with training for training for the ukrainian military, providing financing for the purchase of other weapons. in particular, it is also about the purchase of projectiles, which are so necessary for the armed forces, now in third countries, the czech republic and poland are here in solidarity with each other, and they say that although they will not send their troops, they will continue to support ukraine and not only humanitarianly, not only accepting refugees from ukraine at home, but also to continue joint efforts and help ukraine exactly in a military way. at the same time, viktor orban and robert fitz. the prime ministers of hungary and slovakia , respectively, said that for them this issue is such a taboo, they will not send military
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support to ukraine under any circumstances, and in fact both spoke in favor of the fact that ukraine should stop providing weapons and generally call for negotiations. specifically , robert fitzov said today in prague , speaking at a briefing, that even if for two years we... he means the european union. if the european union continues to send within two years aid to ukraine, the front will not change, it will not lead to the defeat of russia, in his opinion, but it may lead to tens of thousands of new dead. and that's why both robert fico and viktor orbán are talking about what is necessary, it is necessary to call for negotiations, for a ceasefire. but, by the way, neither viktor orban nor robert fitza. did not answer the journalists' questions, but whether russia is interested in negotiating peace
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, or ceasing fire, and actually here the opinions of donald tusk, with mr. fialla and the opinions of orban and fico were divided. what else is worth to mention today in the context of this meeting in prague, is that viktor orbán, when he arrived here, was met by protesters. such a mad whistle could be heard, well, quite far from even the venue of this event, the protesters who gathered in prague and , to put it mildly, did not accept the fact that robert fitza and viktor orban were invited here. by the way, we managed to talk to one of the protesters, who explained, in fact, what the claim was and what the protesters did not like, they said that, well, in fact, they do not accept the fact that they continue to invite robert fitzo and viktor orbán to prague after all their statements, after all their actions. after their pro-russian actions and statements the same, and that is why they generally talked
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about the fact that this format of the visegrad four, it is supposedly just dead, that the unification of these four countries, if it made sense before, now has no sense, the countries are allegedly too strongly disagree among themselves, in particular on the issue of support for ukraine. radio liberty managed to ask donald a question tusk should be asked whether he believes that vyšehrad is supposedly dead, as it were, if you can put it that way. that he is alive and already during the press conference all the representatives agreed that , strictly speaking, there are issues on which they do not agree, but there are issues on which they agree, and one of the topics on which they disagree is that , that the new green agreement, which was adopted at the level of the european union, threatens the agricultural sector of many countries, including the visegrad countries. beliefs, and donald tusk, in particular, also explained
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that this threatens the polish economy, in particular he said that warsaw can generally consider the option of introducing, well, extending the embargo to other ukrainian products, except for grain, i suggest listening to the actual direct language of what donald tusk said when he was asked how he generally sees the continuation of these negotiations regarding the blocking of the ukrainian polish border and the blocking of the ukrainian border, standards. the standards required of european and polish farmers are very high and there are no standards, none requirements for ukrainian products. we want to help ukraine, it is not discussed, but it cannot be at the price of steps that will be murderous for whole sectors of the polish economy. we are not talking only about grain. ukrainian grain is two and sometimes three times cheaper than what is produced in...
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the four in prague, the next meeting is also planned for next year by the polish presidency. vasyl, thank you very much for such a detailed story. tserko shevchenko, a correspondent of radio liberty, was in touch with us from prague, where this event took place today meeting of the visegrad four. well, we will continue. international topic, and today, in addition to the meeting in prague, there is also a very important meeting to be held in washington, as far as i understand, yuriy fizar is with us, yuriy, you have a word, good evening, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today. in particular, i will talk about the following: will there be european armies on the territory of ukraine? the government of slovakia proposes to organize peace talks on its territory between ukraine and russia, and who in europe is not against good relations with russia. my name is yuriy fizer, it's a world about ukraine and i'll start in a moment. at kona, we have almost 100. financial,
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additional financial aid for ukraine, israel, as well as the countries of southeast asia, including taiwan, or the so-called shutdown, or the termination of funding of american government institutions. the president of the united states of america, joe biden, is currently meeting with the leaders of the republican and democratic parties from both houses of the american congress. and this is the main question and probably not the only one at... the meeting was supposed to start at 18:30 kyiv time , it has shifted a little, maybe even before the end of the big broadcast, the congressmen will go to the press and tell what they agreed on, maybe it will already be in the verdict of serhii rudenko, which will be after the big broadcast, but be sure that tomorrow i will talk about it in detail in the column world about ukraine, well, i really hope that
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after all, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, will find the words with which he will be able to convince the congressmen to unblock this aid, and by the way, information has appeared , several american publications, including the asios publication, said that the white house administration, and in particular the republican, sorry, democrats, well, went for this kind of blackmail, they say to the republicans, if you do not unblock this aid, we will do everything to do not unlock on march 1. e funding of american public bodies and then there will be a so-called shutdown, when some ministries or departments will not receive money, well, let's see what will happen after today's meeting and whether it will still be a ghost shutdown, still hang over washington and will help ukraine be unblocked? i will only
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add that, looking at this already months-long epic, i have the impression that there... it is either being filmed or is currently being realized some series filmed in hollywood, and there, i don't know what it will be called, the johnson factor, there is a congress, somehow, well, you look and every time there is some new circumstance , and they went on vacation , and there they met, talked, no, everything, well, no, no, after all, yes, i think it will be so, but in any time, but you hear, and then joe biden with in such a cowboy hat in the final scene he comes out and says, i said, yes, i said, well, but it's just a pity that because of this, unfortunately, our wars are dying and ukraine is suffering, but we believe that... after all, that's all we will be very confident, all the information may be on the air of spress today. the day before, he made a good noise. after a meeting with his european colleagues at the elysee palace, french president emmanuel macron said that, if necessary, the member states of the european union could send
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ukraine's ground troops. at the same time, he immediately corrected himself, adding that yesterday this issue was discussed in an arbitrary meeting. there was no form and consensus, but - says mr. macron , his quote continues: "with the passage of time , nothing can be ruled out, this is the end of the quote. mr. macron also claimed that western countries intend to do everything necessary so that russia cannot win the war she aggressively launched in 22, and another of his quotes: "anything is possible if it serves our purpose. well. our purpose, per according to mr. macron, and of course, according to us, this is a victory for ukraine. and we are going to it, by the way, this meeting was held yesterday, which was attended by about 20 leaders of countries and governments from the european union and there was also a representative from the united states of america, james o'brien, the main topic is aid to ukraine .
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well, why did i say, make a good noise, because today in many countries of the world... they reacted to what emmanuel macron said that it is possible, at a certain moment in history, european armies, military personnel could would be on the territory of ukraine. so, the european union at the community level did not make any decision regarding the possible deployment of troops to ukraine. this issue is the responsibility of the member states of the european union. this was stated by a representative during a press conference in brussels. there is no decision at the eu level to send troops to ukraine. the question of how to support ukraine militarily is a responsibility. member states and their sovereign decisions. and that's not all, because as i said, there was a lot of reaction during the day. nato does not plan
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to send their soldiers to ukraine. this was reported by the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, jens stoltenberg , in an interview with the associated press agency. this is how he commented on emmanuel macron's statement yesterday. at the same time, mr. stoltenberg. stressed that this is russia's war of aggression against ukraine, which grossly violates international law, and according to international law, he says, ukraine has the right to self-defense, and nato has the right to support ukraine in protecting this right. next is a quote from mr. stoltenberg. nato allies provide an unprecedented support to ukraine. we have been doing this since 2014 and increased this assistance at the beginning of a full-scale operation, but we do not have it. has plans to send nato military forces to ukraine. there will not be a single german soldier on the territory of ukraine, nor will there be
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ground troops and soldiers of european states or nato member states. this was stated by the german chancellor olaf scholz as a journalist during a visit to the city of freiburg imbrasgau. he called yesterday's discussion with his colleagues in paris a chore. shoyu, but at the same time the head of the german foreign ministry, i apologize, chancellor of germany, called it a good step forward that there is this understanding among western countries. he called the opinion at the event very unanimous on this matter. the bundeschancellor also said that western countries are ready to purchase ammunition with european funds outside of europe to ensure support for ukraine. well, that's nice. the call, it was already voiced by the president of the czech republic, petr pavel, now the leaders of other countries have supported this opinion, and olaf scholz, the chancellor
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of germany, is not the only one here, why, listen further. ukraine needs to be given more ammunition polish president andrzej duda said this after yesterday's meeting with his colleagues in paris. according to him, this issue was discussed yesterday and... he, in particular, expressed his hope that the member states of the european union will be able to organize substantial supplies of ammunition to ukraine by joint efforts, because - says the president of the commonwealth of independent states - they are what ukraine needs very much right now. and there is already a reaction to this, the prime minister, acting prime minister of the netherlands, mark rutte, also said the previous evening. about his country, his government volunteered to send 100 million euros to this joint fund for the purchase of ammunition in ukraine.
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he reminded that the netherlands intends to conclude with ukraine even a security agreement similar to those already concluded by ukraine with a number of european and other countries, and the government of the netherlands wants to conclude this agreement in order to cite. mark rutte to continue to support the country for at least the next 10 years, as well as guarantee the future security of ukraine and the netherlands. yes, and about the meeting of leaders countries of the visegrad group, you already had the opportunity to hear a little before my column, i will also say, the countries of the visegrad group, which are hungary, slovakia, the czech republic and. poland has different approaches to the attitude of the russian war in ukraine, said the head of the hungarian ministry of foreign affairs , peter szijártó, in connection with this meeting.
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at the same time, he says: "we are ready to continue cooperation in areas where our national interests coincide." and at the same time, mr. sijarto explained a little what he meant, namely, countries of the visegrad group, in particular all eu countries, can generally sing. to do in many areas, in particular in order to prevent dangerous decisions of the leadership of the european union, well, that is, to cooperate, which means to cooperate, according to petr sijarto, to block these dangerous decisions, and it is very interesting, after this meeting, the prime minister approached the journalists minister of hungary viktor orbán said that we will continue to help ukraine, we will send humanitarian aid. we will accept refugees from ukraine, if available need, but we will not, as before, give weapons, and no weapons will
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pass through the territory of hungary to... ukraine, but one more nuance, he once again emphasized how he does not want russia had a small border with hungary, that is, we do not give weapons, but we do not want russia to approach hungary, because it is very dangerous. well, these are double standards. slovakia sent such a signal to other states. bratislava could be a place where peace talks could be held. between ukraine and russia for the end of the russian war in ukraine, the speaker of the parliament of slovakia, peter pellegrini , said in an interview with the czech tv channel prima cnn, according to him, slovakia and the czech republic, which for some time were part of the same country, can understand the mentalities of ukraine and russia well. here is a quote from the head of the slovak government. these peace talks in ukraine may fail, but we will at least start them. which
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statesman in europe says that it is necessary to try to end this war with peace negotiations, because military we will not achieve this by force, well, this is the opinion of the speaker of the slovak parliament, petar pellegrino, but i don't know, this is one of the opinions that is very often heard from this country, recently, unfortunately, the leadership of the european union to... develop measures that will provide it will be possible to confiscate income from frozen russian assets stored in various banks of the european union, the special envoy of greece for ukraine spiros lampridis told afp. according to him, this process will take several months, and the amount that is planned to be withdrawn from 50 to 60 billion euros, and not only withdraw, but also transfer to ukraine. at the same time
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, he added that the withdrawal of profits from the asset. is a more subtle and safe measure than the confiscation of the assets themselves, which the usa and great britain insist on, and there are more assets there, 300 billion, it seems, at least, but also 50-60 billion of income, it is also not bad if they are transferred later we need every euro, every dollar, nobody wants to have bad relations with russia. such a rather strange, in my opinion, statement was made by the minister of foreign affairs of spain, jose manuel albarez in an interview with the publication levangvardia. at the same time, he emphasized that these relations should be based on the principles of the united nations charter, and this, in my deep conviction, is no longer possible with a country that is simply scornful of these principles to the extent that it does not notice them and does not fulfill them. , but at the same time, and this is even more surprising, the head of the spanish
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foreign flight... department added that ukraine's allies and partners cannot be tired of supporting kyiv. the fact that kyiv is going to support is good, but and wants to continue to be friends with russia, it is somehow incomprehensible. and finally, japan is preparing a new package of anti-russian sanctions, and they are now in the final preparatory stage, during which discussions are taking place. details, this was reported by the minister of foreign affairs of the land of the rising sun, yoko kamikawa, at a regular press conference, and she added that the government of the land of the rising sun will inform about them in the near future, while the head of the japanese foreign ministry once again submitted devastating criticism of action the russian government and its terrorist forces in ukraine. let me remind you that
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the prime minister of japan announced the expansion of anti-russian sanctions a few days ago. well, thank you to everyone who helps us fight for our independence and our freedom. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more, and as always, there will be more in our next broadcast, so don't switch. molo there are discounts on acc long 15% in pharmacies psyllium you and save. there are discounts on power pairs of 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. damn you guys, they don't walk anymore. wait, i'm choking. what, there is no health? but what kind of health is there in the sixth decade. and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital+ phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and the body.


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