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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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the prime minister of japan, fumio kishida, announced a few days ago. well, thank you to everyone who helps us fight for our independence and our freedom. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all for today. there will be more tomorrow and as always there will be more in our next broadcast, so don't switch. well done! there are 15% discounts on acc lon in podorozhnyk pharmacies for you and oshchad. there are discounts on pairs of villages of 20% in pharmacies podorozhnyk you and save. damn the stairs, my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'll do it. what, health no? but what kind of health is there, in the sixth decade. and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital plus is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and blood. organism
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15% discounts on icelandika lozenges in podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. turn on the investigation from which the heart is cold. new chapter of the series hbo is already on me. a true detective. find out what secrets the alaskan ice hides. exclusively in the megogo subscription. there are discounts on quiet soothing 10% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. there are discounts on paracytamoldarnytsia. 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and save. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol, with care and respect, to the liver and gallbladder. good evening, we are from ukraine. as oleg lyashko once said, he is very angry. but today there are themes of being angry, and well, we... with oleksandr morshchevka
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will tell you why and through what actions or inaction money was lost during the war. alexander, i congratulate you, please speak. good evening to the audience, congratulations to vasyl. so, is there pressure on foreign business in ukraine, and you will also find out where and from which cities ashan is coming from. everything in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka. greetings, this is a column about money during the war, really long-awaited. fault and important, with which i begin today's column: the european parliament approved the transfer of 50 billion euros to ukraine, the decision on the allocation of the macrofin package was supported by the majority of deputies, so the support program is designed for four years, the main part of these funds - 38 billion, will be directed to the state budget of our country, in particular to the needs of the country's recovery. the first tranche of 4.5 billion ukrainian government. expects to receive it already in
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march. but the sbi arrested the head office of sinnevo ukraine. this was reported in the press service of the network of medical laboratories. the company warns that it will soon be forced to cease operations in this particular seized building, which will lead to a complete shutdown works of the enterprise throughout the country. there they call the actions of the state bureau of investigation pressure on business. criminal proceedings are conducted on a case-by-case basis. allegedly illegal removal of real estate from state ownership in 2000 in the period from 2016 to 2021. usineva ukraine claims to have purchased the building in 2010, when it was privately owned. a really high-profile case that still needs details. here is the story that yesterday the kingdom of sweden announced that it wants to transfer the gripe aircraft to ukraine, well there it goes... at least it is open about it and also
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transfer of their best howitzer in the world is archer, and here is such a blow to you on the swedish business, because you were once there for the king of peas, some kind of premises, which now of course you are simply billions in the budget, but in... but it was somehow, let 's block everything and start putting pressure on you , well, really, blue ukraine is an international european company, it has branches in many countries, it is a tax payer, it is an investor right now during , then the investor will come to the swedish government there, and i will say, look what is happening, and who investors will come to us now, vasyl, after such cases, of course, we do not touch the legal side, but we are talking about such cases, a delegation will come to the border, they will wait, or what? we are still reacting, we still do, we go to the borders and wait under the camera, well, if we talk about international business, then ashen ukraine is closing stores in zaporizhzhia and kryvyi rih as of march 3. the company says that due to the end of the lease agreement, the network in these cities is switching to an online format
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work the retailer says that customers of these cities have begun to prefer online orders now. auchan ukraine's message states that the network will provide cooperation. jobs already in other regions, in other cities , where there are such mega-markets, too, of course, i am so curious how many people work, provide jobs, and which of the cashiers will go from the crooked corner, for example , even to dnipro or khmelnytskyi, well it seems to me like this, a refusal, well, it is clear that the security situation is in kryvyi rih and zaporizhzhia difficult, people really try not to go to such large markets, where there are crowds of people , where... not to renew the lease agreement, not to continue working in these really difficult points, well, here the question is not unclear,
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except for the islands, we understand that the situation is at the front can change, and so does business, it always acts very carefully, especially since the business is not ukrainian, which has its interests in many countries, well... people were blocked from moving in warsaw, there was a big protest of farmers, together with them on the miners also left the streets of the polish capital hunters the main part of the protest was arranged in the form of a walk. all because agricultural machinery was not allowed to warsaw. in general, the protesters have several main demands on the government. they do not want the implementation of the so-called program. of the green system, and also oppose the import of agricultural products from our country, demand to support animal husbandry, well, let's listen to what the activists said: we will not agree to the conditions imposed on us by the european union, they impose
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a green system on us, and we want import restrictions grain from ukraine. we have to agree on how much grain can come, how much can't be. of course, we are not against ukrainians , we want to help ukraine, we have proven this many times, we want to cooperate, but so that it is on equal terms, and by the way, the minister of foreign affairs of poland, mr. sikorsky , said that the european union should restore trade restrictions on goods from ukraine , in particular for food products, which existed even before the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, the bloomberg agency writes about it, so here is the proposal: the official means that all we have to do is restore import restrictions, they were canceled by the european union in 2022 to allow kyiv to somehow recover and find such alternative ways to ship
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and supply its goods, and the diplomat mr. sikorskyi says that the situation has already improved, so let's return all restrictions, no benefits are needed despite the continuation of the war. well, the topic is still debatable, but the topic discussed yesterday at the economic forum is made in ukraine. mykhailo nepran, the first vice-president of trade and industry, joins us. chambers of ukraine. good evening, good evening, colleagues, good evening, dear viewers. mr. mykhailo, as you know, this topic that you announced is directly related to the polish topic. well , in particular, will we consumers... ordinary ukrainians who spend our money, be able to receive a certain bonus if we buy ukrainian goods, well, at least this monetary bonus was announced by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi yesterday, tell us in detail what is known about it know-how and when it will work, i was at yesterday's meeting on
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presentations, the buy ukrainian platform , we got a little bit of this, i would say, well , consumerism, everyone heard that the president promised that there would be... cashback, you bought ukrainian, you will get something, really these issues are much broader, now in there is such a tendency in the world to buy a national manufacturer, but you understand, that's how we are. history with poland, we have intergovernmental relations, we have european economic relations, we are members of the world trade organization, and in principle we do not have the right unilaterally, for example, to ban driving polish milk, polish cheese or polish pork, but at the same time, nothing prevents ukrainians from showing consumer patriotism, that's what it's called, and buying only ukrainian, not polish, and then polish is everywhere. will not come, because the milk will turn sour, it is good, how will it be processed, because the producers will return it. therefore, when we
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speak ukrainian, it is called consumer patriotism. of course, it would be nice to still have some cashback, but let's look more broadly, and the question was much deeper than just giving you back, roughly speaking, 50 or 60 hryvnias if you went and bought ukrainian food products, there was a question of deeper localization of ukrainian technology. special military equipment, and equipment that provides housing and communal services, the same tractors, and let's say, the same fire engines, and others that are produced here in ukraine, so that they have an advantage when purchasing the system of the ministry of defense, so that they have an advantage when it goes transparently and you have to compete with the same polish, chinese or turkish manufacturers, but this is even more important to me more interesting, because we already have such a high level of consumerism... and look, in response to the polish, such a situation, now in social
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networks, do not buy polish, sabotage polish, buy ukrainian, even without cashback, but this is not enough, for us it is much more important that even at the government level, where there are really large funds, more armored vehicles of non-import production, armored vehicles of ukrainian production, are bought, mr. mykhailo, but it is interesting, the more ukrainians buy ukrainian ones. and all the more , the state budget is being filled at the expense of this taxes and fees, and what amounts can be conditional, although, the conversation went like this, there can only be such estimates, you understand, yes, because the way it goes, well, it is a matter of tens of billions of hryvnias, up to 20 billion hryvnias can be obtained additionally , if you go to the maximum, that is, every time you buy ukrainian. you don't just pay the store, it means you pay vat, it means the store
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will settle with the manufacturer, the manufacturer will pay the taxes, the manufacturer will pay the salary, the manufacturer will pay their social security contributions contributions, and such a whole chain is already starting to work, so buy ukrainian, support our native ukraine, thank you, we will buy and in fact we bought it even before the great war, because ukrainian is of high quality, mykhailo not... the first vice president of trade - chamber of industry of ukraine was in touch. i want to end the issue with such important, interesting information from the world of money, bye. so, more than 3 million dollars. australian businessman and philanthropist andrew forest singled out the latest news of the issue for ukraine. the money will go to help in demining of agricultural areas of our country, aid is aimed at farmers, mainly those who have come under the fire of war. andrew forrest is an australian billionaire, he works. production of iron ore, as well as the production of green energy.
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well, all that remains here is to thank and say that there would be more such philanthropists. this is the last information of the issue about money during the war, i will say goodbye, but the big broadcast continues. vasyl zima will still tell a lot of interesting things. see us. they talked about money here, by the way, the u.s. treasury secretary , the u.s. treasury department is calling, just now, for the european union to unblock russian assets for ukraine, just let's go , well, this is a little alarming, well, we'll see, no, the assets are needed, but if it's just urgent, it's means that perhaps the american aid there will not be so fast, in any case, about aid or not about aid, but what will be discussed in the verdict program, which starts at 8:00 p.m., serhii rudenko will tell us, just now, serhii, good evening, please, good evening vasyl, in 15 minutes we have a big verdict, we are talking about how
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the united states of america is actually going to help the ukrainians, and what is happening now in the congress of the united states of america, because today there is a meeting with the leaders of the factions or with the leaders of the majority of the president of the united states of america joseph biden, well , of course, there is not much talk about it in ukraine now, but we... we will definitely talk about how the meeting with emmanuel macron in paris, where the leaders of european states met and talked about a new security system, that's enough. current topics, taking into account trump's latest statements regarding nato and the prospects of a possible military conflict between russia and the north atlantic alliance, which mean macron's statements that the troops of the north atlantic alliance may be on the territory of the ukrainian state, he did not rule it out, and does this mean that in at some critical moment, the countries that are part of
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the north atlantic alliance, not within the framework of nato, but separately can start their own military contingents on the territory of the ukrainian state, we will talk about all this in the first part of our program with the veteran of the russian-ukrainian war yevgeny dyky and the former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine volodymyr ogrysk, we will also mention how it actually is and what happened during the last week in foreign policy , because there are a lot of different events that form a certain mosaic and another statement of the self-proclaimed president of belarus oleksandr. lukashenko about his intention to run for the presidency of belarus again, this is already in seventh, and you know that he has already been in power for more than 30 years or 30 years in the republic of belarus, in moldova ,
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the so-called congress of people's deputies is supposed to be held tomorrow on the territory of the unrecognized transnistrian moldavian republic, they say that there, as if they will adopt some kind of declaration that... before joining the russian federation, the russian federation denies this, but we know that the kremlin always lies, and what will actually happen tomorrow, no one knows, but on february 29 in moscow, the president putin will deliver an annual message to the federal assembly, and the congress that will take place tomorrow may be decisive for transnistria and for turning to putin, so that putin says in the annual message to the federal assembly that we accept transnistria there i don't know if we are considering this issue or not, but my experts know for sure. i will repeat once again, in the first part of our program we will have yevhen dykiy and volodymyr ogrysko, in the second part of our program, which will start literally at hour, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, oleksandr mereshko, maria ivanova and
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oksana savchuk. let's talk about the new coalition in support of ukraine, it is far-reaching. the coalition and allies are ready to supply us with medium- and long-range missiles, and these are again the results of the conference of european leaders, in addition, a separate topic is the legitimacy of president zelensky, just a few days ago zelensky declared that this is a russian ipso, and the russians want use this story to end the term of the presidency zelensky on may 20, 2024. what this means, how ukraine can fight it, let's talk with our people's deputies of ukraine. literally in 12 minutes, we will start our broadcast, and vasyl's evening of winter continues. vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much, serhiy, so at 20:00 the verdict program with serhiy rudenko. well, now your attention will be paid to cultural news. we waited
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for our lina chechenina, and now i will tell you about what. will be discussed in what will be discussed in this today's program yes, yes, i'm looking here, looking, looking, i've already found it, so, so, not only books, but also movies. in one of the capital's bookstores, at the moment , the film "iron butterflies" is being shown, it tells about how the russians shot down boeing flight mh17, how this format of film screenings works , the story will be shown by lina chechenina, she is in touch with us lina , good evening, please, i'm glad to see you. to vasyl, i congratulate the viewers of espresso, you need to speak very quietly, because in such a format you can hear everything that happens here, but we will show you now how film screenings in a small bookstore generally happen. well as
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you see, enough people have come. all the chairs have already been taken away, and the audience is all sitting, watching, i only saw how they came out, well, somewhere, maybe three people from this show, everyone else is sitting, watching, i looked at the audience, a completely different diverse audience, i can’t even define target audience, but i want to say that this tape, in my opinion, is one of the most interesting documentaries in ukraine, now you can watch the trailer, it is a union in... 13, well-known, well-known cinematographers who they often film the war, they were one of the first to film the revolution of dignity and already the war, the film really tells about the summer. 2014, and iron butterflies, the name comes from the form of shrapnel found in the pilot's target (amage 17), and in general, you know, this
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tape reminded me in some ways of 20 days in mariupol, because this film iron butterflies is also from its time was shown at many film festivals, and this type of russian propaganda is shown there, exactly how they lie and, well, because... they are shown first some documentary footage, and then lies are shown from russian tv channels , it seems to me that this is a very effective way of film language to show foreign audiences how exactly russia with the help of its propagandists distorts reality, and well, this film, since it was shown on so many platforms, i think that he still made an impression. let's watch a clip from this movie if possible. the rut flew to you, in short, damn it, a civilian plane,
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the militias claim to have shot down the ukrainian anti-aircraft forces. well, i want to to say that the film iron butterflies , i have already watched it several times, it is quite artistic, there are many, well, how did you see such scenes where some characters dance, many artistic moments, that is why it is quite original, but how do you you see, quite a lot of people came to watch, because really i'm talking about things that are important to us, and i'll also remind you that we have the movie clone dyke by marina ergorb, or it's also, well, it's kind of about... the mh17 disaster, although in fact this is just a small episode from this movie, there there is indeed a story of a family that can't get out of the dividing line, but in general i
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will tell you that these kinds of film screenings in inappropriate places, for example, in bookstores, these are quite popular stories, because there is a special atmosphere and a certain magic, but however, if you want to watch a quality movie with quality sound and image, then for sure... the theater will be a much better option. well, that's all for me, vasyl, i'll probably go see a movie, especially since i see that a few new viewers are coming. it's a pity, of course, that next to the sloth you can't be a chechen now, you can't watch a movie, but you can listen to what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, and it's actually a very pleasant and useful activity. natalka dyadenko will tell us in detail about the weather, ms. natalya, i'm glad to see you, please give me a word. congratulations to vasyl, congratulations, our dear viewers. well, of course, we will talk
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about the weather that is expected for the next day. now it is especially interesting to hear about the weather, because winter is ending, we are already looking forward to even calendar spring, but about this a little later, and now i am continuing our cycle about the weather stations of the kyiv region and... to make this story available to you, we were kindly helped by our observatory named after boris sreznevsky, for which i am very grateful to them. so, today we will talk about the weather station in the white church and, as always, bring to your attention some historical facts and curiosities, and in general about this weather station, which is located in the white church, it was created in 1871, and is one of the oldest weather stations in general in... the country, for 153 years they have been held here continuously meteorological observations, well, with the exception of course, months, and two months, by
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the way, only during the second world war. during the occupation, in the year 41, the weather station was completely destroyed, but then its team, led by the then chief tovba lydia, restored the station, which was originally created on the base. of the mesly school, and as an independent structural unit has existed since 1927, it is clear that meteorological observations of cloudiness, visibility, air temperature are conducted here, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity , various atmospheric phenomena , the direction and speed of the wind, of course , snow cameras, observations of soil freezing and also conducting observations of air pollution at two stationary posts, that's how it is... the white church, which was created, i repeat, in 1871 and is one of the oldest weather stations in ukraine,
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dear employees. bilotserkivska weather station, we thank you very much for your work. we go further and turn now to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. now to your attention is the prognostic diagram, and i want to say that both the weather and the forecast of magnetic fields in the near future are quite calm and without any fluctuations. now you will see, i hope, this diagram, but even if you do not see it, i assure you, it is enough. native, calm and nothing, oh, thank you very much , well, you see, that is, there is practically nothing to talk about at all, we just take it into account and move on to the actual weather forecast for february 28, if it was a non-leap year, then it would already be tomorrow would be the last day of winter, well we traditionally start the weather forecast from the western regions of ukraine, and now a map will come to your attention, here you see it, and it is clear that tomorrow the air temperature will be in
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the west of ukraine. it will fluctuate between 12-17° of heat, there will be no precipitation and even with sunny clearings, the wind is southeast or light or moderate. in the north of ukraine, of course, it will be fresher, cooler, as befits the north, in sumy oblast, as you can see, it is the coldest, somewhere around six a day maximum, but from 6 to 10° without precipitation and there is also a chance of sunshine. the eastern part of ukraine will be the coldest, with frost at night. to -2 -5°, during the day +5, +6° and also without precipitation, anticyclonic nature of the weather. no precipitation is expected in the central part of ukraine, from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk. the air temperature will range from 6 to 9, from 6 to 10 degrees celsius, and the wind from the southeast will be moderate in the center of ukraine. in the southern part of ukraine, the weather is very similar, as you
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can see, well... the air is clearly higher, but by the way, it does not even reach 17-18 zakaratskih, here somewhere from 12 to 15° is the warmest, of course in crimea, there will be no precipitation and the wind will also be from the southeast, in kyiv, in the capital, tomorrow, as in all of ukraine, without precipitation, with sunny clearings, air temperature about 9, 10° of heat, wind from the southeast, and i want to say that in the coming days, this type of weather in ukraine will hold and prevail, that is, serious precipitation should not be expected, but of course not very much. light clothes, but still the nights will be enough fresh and cool, but during the day the air temperature will fluctuate between 7-12° of heat throughout ukraine, and it will be warmer all the time , it will be warmer in the west, the eastern
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region of ukraine will be the coldest. well, this is the closest synoptic perspective, but of course , be sure to carefully follow the updated forecasts on the espresso channel. many thanks to nata stidenko for the information about the weather, thank you that we have closed the previous collection of 300 00 for a car for the 25th brigade, join this collection that we started today, i think we will ... its soon too we will be able to close the army, now more than ever we need our prompt and high-quality help. thank you for being with us, thank you for watching , thank you for believing in us, trusting us, and stay for an espresso, because i am saying goodbye to you, of course, until tomorrow, but serhii rudenko, his program, will greet you in a few seconds verdict is definitely a must -watch, let's watch together, good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is
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the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. today for the next two hours we're talking about the war, about ukraine, about the west and about how we live in this difficult time. today in the program. ground operation in perspective. macron does not rule out the introduction of nato troops. to ukraine. results of the conference of european leaders. the escalation at the front continues. the russians are advancing in the avdiyivka area and pressing on kupyansk. how long can they hold the initiative? we will lose the third world war. trump scares the electorate with war if biden wins the us presidential election. about this and about other things during the next hour.


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