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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EET

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savings there are 10% discounts on laktiale in psarynsky bam and oskad pharmacies. separate consents of the sapsan unmanned aircraft complexes of the state special service of transport. addresses the viewers of the espresso tv channel. with a request to join the collection of funds for the crown and technical equipment for our unit, thank you, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, great broadcast of vasyl zima, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to catch up on economic news and... sports, two
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hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. and remember, we told you in the morning, in the morning, who was with us, and we are grateful that you are with espresso , that this is our day. became on february 28, advertised by certain pro-russian politicians and useful and useless idiots in transnistria, deputies of all levels were supposed to gather, they reminded us of our war, do you remember 2004 when the deputies of all levels gathered , why do we emphasize this so much, well, the deputies are gathering, it's not just that the deputies are gathering, they wanted to get the same thing, but this is the first time in a very, very long time that all the deputies are gathering.
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good afternoon, congratulations, so what a big noise, a sound storm was made about this event in transnistria, on the way out we see that nothing is happening, and the transnistrians did not ask to be included in russia, and this whole advertised congress deputies of all levels, also something so unclear, what kind of game in transnistria? well, the game is calculated
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to be what is broadcast on national channels, so he will mention this topic, you understand, actually , because what is transnistria today, look literally at the map, this is the english word sandwich prot, zamknul, what a 20 years on smuggling, that smuggling, there are three to four of these residents, transnistria, a very large ukrainian community, in zayska, because for 20 years only russian tv, and here moscow, of course, the only thing it knows how to do is me sorry, put a bunch of shit somewhere, somewhere on someone's doorstep, so she decided that she could impose another one, because there... there is a new front, but you understand,
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if russia was somewhere close and had the opportunity to do it, on such a scale, so that it could be noticed in the mass media, but she has already done it, she is trying, constantly trying, because this money began to be pumped into moldova to undermine the internal situation, not today, but 20-25 years ago, and... and you see , but for 25 years it has been swinging back and forth like this, but now the situation is such that it is obvious in the kremlin, not even in the kremlin, it is on the old square that these issues are resolved, ugh, i say, and to whom all this history will be lost in general, that is, is there any party that would need, would benefit , would have some greater benefit than now, if for example, russia announced that it was annexing transnistria there. russia,
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transnistria, who benefits from this, which group of people? the campaign, it seems to me, is aimed at... the fact that they started talking about the fact that this russia is coming from all sides, and there is nowhere to go, something must be done, nothing you don't need to do it, you understand, it seems to me that even if, as you said, these deputies had gathered there or had not gathered there for a long time, well, they didn't, it was someone who tried to tell them that it was necessary to gather, but... knowing the region, worked twice there as a representative for the transnistrian settlement, well , i know more or less, i don't think that much has changed there in the last 20 years, but if it really came to such a big, well, butch, then
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half of transnistria would already be in moldova by tomorrow , just for security reasons, just took their passports there, which they have. on cars, and moved and waited for it to be there. mr. igor , can you compare the actual mood now, let's say this, in this necon, well, semi-controlled transnistrian territory, almost not recognized by anyone, with moldova, in particular, because transnistria, well, we saw in a certain period, it played a role such a black hole, something like a piece of somalia compressed in order to engage in black imports, drug trafficking and selling weapons illegally on the black market, well, that was it. earlier, and as of today we understand that there are enough of such specific soviet attitudes, they seem as if the ussr is frozen, but the kremlin is far away, there are still poor ukrainians who live there too with the same frozen attitudes, but in moldova itself, god forbid, just
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look at those who vote for communists, or on the mood among the gagauz people, who are small but strong quilters, so if you compare these anti-state sentiments in moldova, in moldova and in transnistria, which is as if detached from it, who is more cotton wool, who is more putin versteierny muscophile? is meant whether moldova, or who is there, it's internal politics, and where are there more putin-like attitudes in moldova or in transnistria? well, do you see the point? transnistria is cut off from information. other than russian, practically all television there is pro-russian, the moldovan signal, the one in romanian , of course, is also received there, but transnistria does not speak romanian,
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historical transnistria, do you remember where it is from it took off, and i remember the 10th year, when i first went to moscow to consult on these processes. the so-called settlement of transnistria to me, this is my first time, this is what i can say now on the air, the general one who was in charge says: let's take igor yuriyovych, your transnistria, and we will take moldova, i say, wait, what about international law, there 's the helsinki act, well, then they lost interest in the future, so they're shaking the situation in moldova, transnistria to them, well, to one place, it's just that... just in case, let it be so that it can be used for to destabilize the situation in the country. it seems to me that now moscow has no opportunity to seriously destabilize the situation in moldova, including this bloody aggression that russia is perpetrating against its good neighbor ukraine, it
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is like that, i just know it from the inside, among those people with whom i have been in close contact for a long time. the brain was cleared so much, of course , mr. igor, we have one more minute, but tell me, please, what prevents moldova from taking it under the rug now, to regain its territorial integrity, and the group is weak and cut off, there is no logistics, and in principle, russia to the east on the ukrainian-russian front, i have a question , this is a question for the government of moldova, this is a very complicated, let's say, internal political topic in moldova, there is also the mechanism that i mentioned, obs'yeshny, the so-called quadrilateral, which died a long time ago, but , but moscow has studied this topic very well, and the only thing it knows how to do is divide on such topics that sow, let's say
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, confusion and discord, and such, well, that is , to play on the nerves with information, just like that . i think it's a big information game, well, an attempt at some kind of big information game small place, but it seems to me that there are no opportunities now. real circumstances in order for something like that to happen there, the most important thing is what we heard from mr. igor as of february 28, with which they tried to scare us, igor kharchenko, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine, we are grateful to you, actually you remember , the closer it was to the 28th, the more people there were, what will happen, what will happen, our intelligence was denied everything, nothing will happen, well, the congress took place, it started, yes, it started, everyone gathered there already. deputies of different levels, maybe now we will even show how it all looks,
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gathered, stood in lines, here to get to a meeting, a meeting, i don’t know what it will be called, and meanwhile, meanwhile, another meeting is very important for us, takes place in another city, so the ukraine -southeastern europe summit in albania in tirana takes place, and our president volodymyr. zelensky also went there immediately after saudi arabia, and already there a meeting of the foreign ministers of albania and ukraine took place, and they discussed, of course, the peace formula. about this we will ask more about our next guest, ihor semivolos, director of the middle eastern studies center, in connection with espresso. mr. igor, we congratulate you. greetings, good day. what to expect from the meetings in tirana, and your predictions about whether zelensky is there with erdogan? will meet, we will see what they will talk about, if this meeting takes place, well, it is quite possible that
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they will not meet with ertogan, what is the problem here, that is, so far, as you know, we do not have such urgent problems with the turkish language that we had b to discuss immediately, and that's it is happening according to the plan, according to previous agreements. and economic and military-technical cooperation, well , it is clear that there is a desire of the turks to join the so-called grain corridor again or to advance their own there, let's say to offer their own mediation, but it seems that as of now it is not so relevant, well, but if you look at the same region, south-eastern. europe, and this, this includes this hybrid
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situation for ukraine and the russian-ukrainian war in the balkans, because there are croats who they absolutely understand it, because they experienced the same thing, they look at it in the same way, and there are big serbian russian brothers who play this card of the russian-ukrainian war and sometimes even spit on the federal channels of solovyov, and in this case these are the ones... he is versatile this south-eastern flank. we heard the statements of the president in serbia, they are also quite strange. so what are you doing, can we decide something with such meetings, or does it not depend on us, it will depend somewhere on the serbs themselves and the european union? well 100% it does not depend on us, it depends first of all, of course, on the serbian citizens, it depends on him.
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russia's intervention in the war, the recent coup attempts in montenegro, and the subsequent intensification of russian propaganda and russian special services in the balkans, it cannot help but worry the representatives of these countries, some of which are really friendly to ukraine, obviously this topic will also be raised under during these... these meetings , the topic of weapons, ammunition, albania in this will be raised as well
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in the sense, it is a very interesting country that has good resources, and i think that this combination of visits by saudi arabia to albania shows that ukraine is persistently looking for additional weapons, but actually we wanted to say that before they flew in albania , saudi arabia was arabia, but in this case , can we... being in a state of war, ask for and receive something specific from the saudis? well, we actively cooperate with the saudis, in... we have a rather lively dialogue, i am at the level of the president and the crown prince, at least saudi arabia wants the unknown in this process, including in the process of reformatting the world order, there was a certain cooling after the start of the war in the gas sector, but now it is obvious that these nuances
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are no longer so relevant, it means bilateral relations. and obviously it was about both hostages and prisoners, that is, the mediation of saudi arabia in this rather delicate area. obviously, it can be assumed that saudi arabia, which is such a hub, is very important for the supply of weapons to africa. obviously, it can be in its warehouses part of soviet equipment, soviet weapons. ugh. well, money is obviously important too. which can be transferred to saudi arabia in one way or another, although of course, they, they rather transfer humanitarian cargo, humanitarian cargo, and transfer quite a lot of money, and the obvious peace formula, it should not be discounted either, because this it is important for us that saudi arabia participates in this forum in the first persons of the first
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persons, well, in fact, it all started there from jeddah. from the near east and generally from these countries, the idea of ​​a peace formula. you have already mentioned something about the fact that an important issue that binds us to saudi arabia is the return of prisoners, the return of ukrainians deported by russia. is it only about prisoners of war? we know that there are also a huge number of civilian prisoners, and the question of their return is very painful, because there is no such scheme now. which would allow these people to return to ukraine, while the war continues? well, unfortunately no, obviously, yes, i understand that the main emphasis is on the return of the children, this is a topic for the muslim the world is painful, sensitive, they emphasize it, but obviously not only, i think that the whole complex of possible,
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possible participation of saudi arabia in these exchange processes was discussed, huh. we had a positive experience with qatar, but i understand that it is simply necessary to expand the geography, because the more countries are involved as mediators, the more people we can return, well , maybe, here in general, we need to be very careful with mediation in the sense of expansion to an infinite number of mediators, because as you know, mediators all have their own own interests, the main thing is to understand one's own interests when offering mediation to a particular country. interest in this, mr. igor, and you are actually saudi arabia, one way or another , had problems with the same aggressive tribes, well, i am talking about these armed tribalists, the houthis, a fairly complex and serious military operation is underway, we talked with you about the fact that it can grow into sufficiently wider fields of conflict,
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and in this case, well, what about the enemy of my enemy, my friend, or some other formulas should work, like here, or at all, for example, ukraine does not consider the same kuzits of yemen in saudi arabia, well, you know, it was a little bit , let's say, at the initial stage, it was the opposite, not wanting to be against saudi arabia, but against saudi arabia, well, yes, but it is important, it is important. but now it seems that saudi arabia has distanced itself, at least trying to maintain the balance without interfering, and understanding that the situation in this part of the peninsula can seriously shake the situation in this region in general, and therefore
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there was obviously an exchange of views, but i do not think that something more, because there are... more serious players, the western coalition, now the european union has joined, so it can be discussed, but what's the point? well, but at one time, even before the war, we often saw that it was in this region in saudi arabia that we tried our armed lobbyists and politicians, who in one way or another are oriented towards weapons in this market, to get there, that is... we understand , that there is also a separate weaponry channel, which would be of interest to ukraine, which needs weapons, or is now in a state of war, clearly in... saudi arabia, as long as you are at war, no such arms contracts, sales through the laying countries, well, that is, through second hands, are not
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considered at all. well, how do we know, this is a question that will not be brought up, especially since it is not customary in saudi arabia to inform, unlike western countries, how much of what they supply and to whom. so you won't know it. if it is possible to learn about it indirectly, if, for example, harsh statements by the russians begin, or an attempt to put pressure on saudi arabia, as was the case with the equator, for example, remember, with bananas, yes, if this happens, if some such sharp statements of some kind are made. i wanted to ask you all the time about one more country of this region and the conflict, but iran says: we do not
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supply anything except shaheds, and we do not supply shaheds, although shaheds do supply, and in this case, our main intelligence says, so far there are some ballistic missiles there and there were no others from iran, except for shahed, that is, iran is changing its behavior or just... who is it trading for and that's it, well, it's hard to say here, in principle, the supply of missiles is a transition of participation iran is entering a new stage in the war, is the leadership of this country ready for such steps, well , it is very difficult to answer this question, my reasoning is that in principle they are cautious, they are careful and they do not want such a powerful intervention. although of course it 's a lot of money, and it's a lot of money, and at least there is a party in iran that is connected to, well , conservatives, such hard conservatives
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connected to the islamic revolutionary guard corps, who insist on more active cooperation, well, i think that hmni man is already of such an age that he should think about the eternal and preparing for the meeting. and salahom and obviously understands that he will be asked including for this, so maybe this holds him back. thank you, mr. igor, for the conversation, igor simevolos , director of the center for middle eastern studies, i would like to add that in albania, in tirana , all the necessary, planned meetings are taking place, and even before arriving for this event, they prepared an exhibition there, ukraine is a war crime, they showed all these photos. photos documenting russia's war crimes in ukraine, and we thank the albanians separately for this, we thank you for that you will donate uah 60,913
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12:00 pm
khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. pokin's envoy is going to ukraine and russia, the ministry of foreign affairs of china announced. the purpose of the visit is the political settlement of the ukrainian crisis. the agency also reported that special representative lihui will visit a number of eu countries, including poland, germany, france, and so on...


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