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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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they are postponing it until march 15th, this funny event takes place in russia, which they consider to be an election, this is a religious ritual, when they will confirm their loyalty to the sovereign for the next six years, they do not want to overshadow this ritual, therefore, summonses will be distributed en masse only after this ritual, if they start distributing summonses at the end of march, we will actually see a new wave of mobs in four months, that is, we count april, may, june, july, but only then can they drive a new one here a sufficiently large wave of mobs, i.e. from april to at least the middle of summer, we will have a window of opportunity when they have already expired and when we could and should go on a counter-offensive, this very much coincides with the fact that most likely it will be in april shells will come to us, yes, no one can guarantee this now, but judging by what is happening, there are not zero chances that... in march they will push the congress, and then
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just one more month for logistics, but the main thing is that even if congress is not pressed, thank god, europe has already begun to find some backup options, but they are already more or less appearing, that is, somewhere in a month it will work just as you like, that is, there will be shells, there will be a window of opportunity, the weakness of the russians somewhere from the middle of april, but here is the question , will anyone come forward at that time, but it is much more open and much more painful for me, and for now then... how are all these mobilization games going on in our country, to be honest, the forecasts are very sad so far, but i even sometimes i wonder so much, well no a politically correct, i would say, very ugly question, what other settlements should we lose, put under occupation, so that our verkhovna rada and the civil authorities in general finally understand that the threat is so serious that it definitely outweighs the loss of ratings. beyond all doubt,
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since over the past few weeks they have been talking about the possibility of the situation developing in the kupyansk direction, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, kyrylo sysonov, who , by the way, is fighting in the kupyansk direction, today on the espresso airwaves assured that the character of the terrain and the powerful line of defense will not allow the invaders to develop an offensive on kupyansk. let's listen to what mr. sazonov said. the kupyan lyman direction is here , well, for six months now, apparently , the assaults have been constant, but we can see that they have not advanced yet, if they dream of advancing somewhere further here, the area is quite open for our artillery, for rocket launchers, for drones, this will be a gift, they everyone will die here, that's why when some people's deputies, who are far from military affairs, say that now it's time after avdiivki will take kupyansk, go and take kharkiv, well, this is... such nonsense that it is better
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to keep quiet about them, well, it is all very brief, i am glad that he has such a mood, but unfortunately, i do not share it, he says that the offensive has been going on there for six months, well, actually, not even six months , a little more, since june, from june last year, the russian offensive on kupensk began, yes, but i will remind you that avdiivka held out for 9.5 years, from the 14th year, and now it has fallen, well , honestly, you shouldn't underestimate the enemy, you shouldn't. here and again, well, with everything, with with all due respect, with all due respect to him , let's say this, after all, there are a lot of things, he says about the open area that allows our artillery, okay, and this artillery now has something to shoot at, that's the first question, well, the second question , as avdiivka showed just now and especially now after avdiivka, well, when the ratio of numbers becomes about one to 20 there, well, it is unrealistic to hold on...
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for a long time, and thank god that it is not like that there at the moment, but after avdiivka, the orcs have certain reserves have been released, and to be honest, we are we do not know in which other directions they will transfer them, which directions will intensify , kupensk may well be one of those directions when they will now transfer the reserves that were released after avdiivka, so god forbid that he is now right in his optimistic forecasts, and i'm better, what 's called blowing on the cold. but what about the statement of deputy ustinova, which he quotes, well, i have an ambiguous attitude towards it, not to the deputy, but to the statement, the point is that on the one hand, well, objectively, as one is not the other, there is me often called a military expert, although i don't consider myself as such, but as a person with some combat experience there, i don't directly see a threat to kharkiv, i see kupyansk, not kharkiv, that is, even if, even if they took. kupensk, it would cost them so much
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that there was definitely no question of further promotion in the coming months, that is, in the coming months , kharkiv is not under threat. but the question is, are we doing the right thing when we emphasize this, or maybe... let our people's deputies really think about what is next for kharkiv, maybe kyiv, dnipro, maybe then they would take a slightly different approach to the mobilization legislation, because sometimes i just get the impression that they wo n't come back until they start attacking kharkiv or kyiv again. you have already mentioned the mobilization resource and how this mobilization resource will, well, develop in ukraine, now you said about... the president has a bill on mobilization of 400 amendments after the first reading by march or by the beginning of april, to be more precise, this law is planned to adopt, well, it is not known in which version this law will be and it is not known whether the president will sign it, that is also a question, that is, there is no game
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, the next question will be, we will see first , let's say this, i am afraid that there will be such a version that the president will easily sign, but there will be little point in it, so, well, but the president says that we will see how the verkhovna rada takes care of it, doesn't it look like we are now in such a situation that we are waiting for the verkhovna rada to the council will do, and how it will do, and the war is going on, and that is, mobilization is necessary, that is exactly what it is , we are losing precious time, and we are not just losing time, we are losing our defenders and we are losing our territories, but in fact this is the time that our defenders are winning now at the cost of... lives, this our people's elected representatives are wasting their time, and here is a big question, again, to be honest, i 'm not sure that the president will sign it, but i have the impression that they will return this bill, or, well, i think not, here
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i have a worse forecast, they will vote just right something that the president will easily sign, but it will absolutely not help the mobilization, one more question, mr. yevgeny, what i wanted to ask you about... the situation in the black sea, because on sunday we hear, wants something more optimistic , agree, we heard, we also heard budanov, general budanov, general malyuk's statement about the crimean bridge and that the black sea basin and the azov basin are important enough for us, how do you assess the possible development of the scenario in the event that the crimean bridge is simply destroyed, well, let it be first destroyed, that's exactly what i have did not like these statements: another announcement: well, we already drank coffee in the christmas tree, no, it did not heal, but i would much rather wake up in the morning and find out from the news that, oops, completely unexpectedly, the crimean bridge ceased to exist, than to hear announcements on the contrary from two different generals, heads of two different services
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, and then wait to see if i will actually be able to do it or not, in fact, as practice has shown, the task is not so easy, there have already been three attempts and three times i managed to seriously damage it, that is, this. .. this is unnecessary, but we haven't really managed to destroy it yet, well, let's be objective, that's why something else is more interesting here, it's more interesting here on the seas, on the seas in fact, for some reason we talk very little about the fact that we have already won the battle for the black sea, we won the battle for the black sea sea ​​and we are currently actually finishing off the russian black sea fleet, that's exactly what it's called, the fact that it is formally more present than not, but even then it's russian. russian fleet lost a third in terms of tonnage, this is in general, this is a fantasy, the point is why it is a fantasy, because a third of the russian the black sea fleet was destroyed by a country that does not have its own navy, this is the first time in history, a country that does not have its own naval forces, i mean real ones, that is, ships, that is
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, a country that does not have its own real military of the fleet was able to sink a third of the foreign, very serious, and just such a classic one, which is called the... navy, and the remaining 2/3 are simply forced to hide in bays, cover themselves with boom barriers, jump out from time to time, well, almost from around the corner to shoot down these own calibers, by the way , pay attention, it was a long time ago that there were no such calibers during these massive missile attacks, and then to hide, well, in fact, this is unique, we did something that no one before us in the world had done and that already right now they are starting to study in the naval academies of different countries. well, god grant that it will continue to be so. thank you sir. evgeny, thanks for the conversation, it was yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in on youtube and on facebook, for those who are watching us live there now, please like this video and also vote in our poll, today we are asking you if you allow
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nato troops to be stationed in ukraine in the near future , so yes, no, if you allow such a possibility, then put yes, no, then no, if... you watch us on tv, take your smartphone and vote yes 0800 211 381 no 08021382 all calls to these numbers are free call. next, we have communications volodymyr ogrysko, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9, head of the russian research center, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, i congratulate you, mr. serhiy, good, good evening, thank you by invitation well, first of all, mr. volodymyr, let 's start with macron, because his statement that he allows the sending of western troops to ukraine in the future, at a meeting of the leaders of european countries. at the forum dedicated to ukraine in paris, gallas made
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a big deal, many are commenting today, me i watch both the russian media and russian politicians, they are trying to ask all the leaders of european countries whether they will send their troops to ukraine, but before you draw your conclusion, pass a verdict on this statement, let's listen to what he himself said macron. today, there is no consensus regarding the officially accepted and approved dispatch of ground troops, but in the future, nothing can be ruled out. we will do everything to prevent russia from winning this war. i never said that france does not support it. i will not to disambiguate today's debate by naming names. i'm just saying it was mentioned as an option. with what, what is this radicalization of macron connected with? you know, mr. serhiy, i think that here we should
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thank, uh, mr. trump, it seems to me that he finally woke up this sleepy european swamp, which all the time sat, lay, slept, and did not want to finally understand , that it's time to wake up, because well... this wild russian muscovite beast, he's already under our noses, he's already standing here under the door, and now when trump finally said that i will not think about you, but about myself, but about you, think about yourselves, and then finally europe began to twitch a little, to understand that the situation would not be happy if they ... were again in this wonderful nirvana and stay in a warm
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bath, now they are starting to gradually but steadily get out of this bath, because really the situation is becoming more and more clear, putin will stop at nothing, unless god proves it, he will advance further in ukraine, so now europe is looking for its new place. and these two politicians which you are currently showing on the screen, this is exactly what can become a new such geopolitical, if you will, challenge for everyone, and for russia and for the united states of america, but in the long run, of course, and it can raise europe much higher in the eyes of the whole world. eh, because a europe that can stand up for itself is already a truly global factor, because until now europe
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hid under the american umbrella, and now it understands that this time is most likely coming to an end, because no one knows what trump will want to do if he will become president nothing, no one knows if the second obama will come, who will be afraid of his own shadow and so on, so europe should think about its own. has a special place in this geopolitical game, and actually it seems to me that macron's statement and his own initiative, let's even talk more about the initiative, to gather the leaders of europe, this seems to me to be a very important signal that europe is beginning to rethink its role , and regarding the troops of nato countries on ukrainian territory, it seems to me... this is a brilliant trolling of russian constant intimidation that tomorrow we will
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drop nuclear bombs, well , you drop bombs on us, and we will deploy our troops to you in ukraine, in my opinion, this is somewhere in this logic, so to speak, because neither one nor the other, i think that now in some foreseeable time there is no need to expect, am i right... mr. volodymyr, that some kind of security structure, something like the european union, only a european alliance can emerge from this meeting in paris. security, or something in that sense, and ukraine can end up there much earlier than in the north atlantic alliance, well, you see the european union has been talking about its european army for a long time, for example, the truth only speaks, that is what, what is the problem of our friends, they talk a lot, but unfortunately, these conversations, the conversations do not
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move forward, this situation, it certainly pushes for... actions, the transition from talk to action, and i cannot rule out that over time, if there are, well, let's say, tendencies intensify in america, which will nullify america's role as a global player and as an umbrella over europe, then i do not exclude that in the end... something will happen under the leadership of france, britain, first of all, as two nuclear powers, certainly germany and the rest, as a certain, well, a kind of european umbrella, which will primarily think about the security of european countries, which a variant
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of a quasi-european nato, why not? well, by the way, we are... far from trump, he already announced that the united states of america will lose the third world war even before it begins, if president biden remains in power, this happened at the conference of the conservative political action. let's hear what trump said. the saddest thing is that the elections are nine months away, and the level of stupidity and destruction they have caused and can cause is simply amazing. so we have to hope that time flies because we have to take power in our hands, they are going to destroy this country , we are going to be in a world war, we are going to be in a third world war, they are going to destroy our country, we have to get out, we have to win . only trump did not say who he should beat, and this is also telling, by the way.
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because he doesn't say who he has to defeat, and trump now in... in the current situation, surprisingly, plays an important role for the consolidation of all those outside the united states of america, because it is clear that the ukrainian state also appeals to our western partners and to the united states of america, but we understand that we need help not only from the united states of america, although we would like to receive it. today, biden was supposed to meet with the leaders of the congress and the representatives of the political forces that are there and convince them. vote for support ukraine, against the background of what trump is saying and against the background of what biden is doing, is it still possible for us to receive these 61 billion dollars, which will come as weapons and ammunition to ukraine. well, you know, mr. sergey, i think that it is still ahead, this, we end
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on tuesday, in america it is just starting, so we still have to wait a little bit... wait for the results of this meeting, somehow it seems to me, well, you know , that this meeting should be really decisive in order to finally make a decision, despite the fact that says trump, with all that is happening there, in all these political corridors, well, we must not forget that he is still... still far from feeling confident, i have already said this more than once, and now i want to repeat once again, the pending legal proceedings against trump, and this may be the tool that will simply remove trump from not only the election
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campaign, but maybe even from free movement in the united states. america, so here i think we still need to be a little more patient. of course, when he speaks, we must seize power, i have some association only with the bolsheviks, there are such very similar formulas that are used, but, but we know from the history of the russian empire, then the soviet empire, that these are the slogans of populists, which then really cost a lot. to those who believe in these slogans. unfortunately, america is no exception in this respect, populism continues to captivate americans, and if they... they still haven't seen that this is a super-populist playing on their emotions, it doesn't bode well.
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unfortunately, the americans, but there is hope that the majority will choose a sober approach, and not such completely inadequate things, which we continue to hear now. mr. volodymyr, this week the german bundestag appealed to the government of the federal republic of germany with a proposal to provide ukraine with long-range, long-range weapons, the tauris were not mentioned, but olaf scholz said that he was not ready to make a decision to provide ukraine with long-range weapons, in particular the taurus, and explained it by saying that we don't want us to joined this war, because these missiles will fly into the territory of the russian state, what do you think it will do? this is scholz's position, and isn't it such a straussian policy, when in principle the whole world is already in this war in one way or another, and to say that
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we will not give long-range weapons to ukraine is simply to delay it, or let's say, to accelerate it faster , to speed up russia's attack on the countries of the european community, well, you see, this is, of course, the position of scholz himself, even... or members of his party believe that that such a position is not correct, adequate , but this is probably some such knot, which is still so strongly tied in scholz's mind that he is afraid of accusations from russia that germany is actually transferring the weapons with which it is being killed russians and beat on russian territory, well, excuse me , but this has been... happening for a long time, and in moscow for a long time, scholz, burbok and all other leaders of the present german germany are considered, well, as they once said,
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henchmen of kyiv , which means the nazi regime in quotation marks, of course, here therefore, he can no longer hide from all this, that is, it is already written there in the kremlin in the lists of all black people. politicians who fight against russia, against the so-called russophobes and the like and so on, so that in reality the rubicon has already been crossed by germany a long time ago, as soon as the first german weapons arrived in ukraine, everything, germany in the eyes of the kremlin became, became an ally of the neo-nazi regime in kyiv , as they say, so it seems to me that it's just , well... kind of illogical and, i'm sorry, somewhat unreasonable approach, because one way or another
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retreat is no longer possible. germany is in a coalition of countries that do not tolerate what is happening in russia, they see what it can all lead to, so pretend that we have given everything that shoots. and this is good, but the fact that it shoots very far away is bad, it looks childish, and for some reason it seems to me that after all, this coalition, which is now announced, at least to provide ukraine, including long-range weapons , she will convince sholtz to do it, maybe they will find some option, they will find it there some way to create some fund, some... there is a common conditional bank where all long-range weapons will be deposited, and then
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by a joint decision, not only by the decision of scholz himself, they will be transferred to ukraine, technology allows you to find a lot of options when you transfer, but it seems you, it's not you, so i guess it's only a matter of time, but it's too bad that this one... is costing us more and more victims. this is scary. mr. volodymyr, let's talk about our closest neighbors, because the self-proclaimed president of belarus , oleksandr lukashenko, has already announced that he will to run in the next presidential elections in the republic of belarus, which will be held in 2025. lukashenko has been in power for 30 years. and we will hear how he talks about his prospects in the following.
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strain you, me and society, the sooner i go to these elections. in 2020, he already went to the elections, after which there were actually violent protests in the republic of belarus, has this discontent, which was then in 2020, disappeared, in your opinion, mr. volodymyr, and with what is happening now... now oleksandr lukashenko is counting on a repressive one a car that he can always take from putin in order to suppress, well , potential protests in the republic of belarus, well , mr. sergey, i don't know if you paid attention, but here are the girls who interviewed him there , not - my, they smiled and laughed at themselves at this sorry word of stupidity, which already, which cannot be given another meaning, well, you remember
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, he declared that he... will not hold onto the chair of his president with bruised hands that he will leave as soon as he finds an opportunity to leave belarus in some reliable place hands there and so on and so on, well, this is a typical story of dictators who promise and leave their promises in history, well , didn't putin promise medvedev that after... after he stays, after the change of power, two terms , medvedev will replace him, and where are his obisinky now, this is also the same, these are things that, well , are actually characteristic only of totalitarian states, and here it is not necessary to count on the fact that totalitarian leaders can simply leave, you understand what is the difference between a democratic leader and a totalitarian , democratic after resignation can
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calm down... go out into the street of your city or another, or go anywhere, sit down in a cafe and drink coffee, but these people, they can't do that, because they understand that their first exit is no longer in quality the president will be the last for them, so they can only be carried forward with their feet, which actually will happen in one and the other case, so there is no sensation, this is a trajectory. development of any totalitarian society headed by such a mustachioed miracle. well, and of course, in this context, i can't help but ask you about something else one potential self-proclaimed president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, because on march 17, the election of the head of state, or, more precisely, the election
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of putin, will be held in oku'. territories of the ukrainian state, and such an opinion has already been heard, in europe they are already talking about it, that they will not recognize the results in these occupied territories, well, if they will not recognize these results in the occupied territories, then the legitimacy of putin will be questioned. what does this mean for putin and for the world? you understand, mr. zryu, it just seems to me that here our western partners are once again... demonstrating their weakness and their fear, they already did this after the 14th year, when the elections were held in the then-occupied territory of crimea and donbas, and they said that they will in no way recognize these elections in the occupied territories, the same thing will happen now, and what will become of putin, sorry to
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say coldly. is it hot, certainly not, if they were to use this argument to say that we recognize the elections in russia that were held, first of all, not democratically, and secondly, they included territories that the russian occupier appropriated and included in the constitution, therefore it does not meet any standards in any way, and we consider these elections to be illegitimate in general. in general, it would be a different story, and then it will just be a repetition of what we have already gone through, and putin, i repeat, this is exactly what he needs, he will think that he was elected, eh, the numbers will drive him to what he needs, and he will tell, at least in the countries of the south, as it was once called, the third world, that he is legitimate, they will shake hands with him, hug him, and i think that this
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will play only... in his hand, it is a pity that our westerners.


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