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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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well, if they, using this argument , said that we recognize the elections in russia, which were held, firstly, not democratically, and secondly, included territories that the russian occupier appropriated and wrote into the constitution, therefore it is not does not meet any standards, and we consider these elections illegitimate, in general, in general, it would be a different story. and so it will just be a repetition of what we have already been through, and putin, i repeat, just needs this, he will think that he was elected, the numbers will push him to what he needs, and he will to tell, at least in the countries of the south, as it was once called, the third world, that he is legitimate, they will shake hands with him there, hug him, and i think that this will only play into his hands, it is a pity that our western...
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partners i i suspect, they are still not ready for decisive, truly serious steps regarding putin's delegitimization as the leader of this half-empire. on february 29, putin is to deliver his annual message to the federal assembly, and on the eve of this event, which is expected in russia, judging by the way they even in the cinemas there have arranged places for to... show the speech of his fuhrer, information appeared about transnistria, tomorrow a so-called congress of so-called people's deputies is to be held in transnistria, an unrecognized republic, the transnistrian moldavian republic, and earlier there was information about that they can turn to russia with a request for accession, then a refutation appeared, i watched a lot of information in the russian press today, that what they write about this, they say that there will be no such ... decision about
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appeal to moscow, although the russians cannot trust never, and we have already been through this more than once, you, mr. volodymyr, do you think that russia can play transnistria in this situation in which we are now, and considering the positions that the russians have there on the eastern front , that they are advancing little by little behind avdiivka. to open another front, the army, part of the 14th army, which or the remnants that are now in the transnistrian republic of moldova, well mr. serhiy, look what is there now, you are right about the remnants, it is not known what and who, if i i'm not mistaken of these remains there, well, about three, maybe a little more, maybe a little less and so on, well, what is it capable of? this army in its feet
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, well, this, this, this is ridiculous, well, nothing can be done in any way, because you can't sail to transnistria, you can't fly to transnistria, because transnistria, if you just look at the map , to squeeze ukraine and romania from both sides, and if these two countries say, stop, we will stop all economic work with you at this point, then about... what are we, what are we talking about, where, where is transnistria, for that it lives, how it functions and so on, so you don't even have to be an academic here to understand that such things are absolutely impossible, in case someone wants to provoke some unpleasant situation, and the government of moldova will turn to ukraine for help , then to me... it seems
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that the transnistrian issue can finally be solved once and for all, well, solved, by the way, let's not forget about such an interesting object that is on the territory of transnistria, which is very close to the border with ukraine , ee kolbasna, you may have heard of such a village, where stored, well, i don't know, i'm not going to talk about the exact number, but hundreds of thousands. cartridges, which we so, so need, so, well , we have to think about everything, and i think that this is also the topic that may suddenly appear on the agenda today. and it may happen that ukraine will help moldova restore historical justice and end the existence of the transnistrian moldavian republic, consider. to the fact that there is this village of kovbasne, where
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there really are, it seems to me, huge arsenals of the remnants of the 14th army of the russian federation, because... because, well, every time it transnistria plays some role there, it used to be a gray zone between ukraine and moldova, now it looks like an appendix of the russians there, which interferes with ukraine, moldova, and romania as well, among other things. actually, mr. sergiu, this is what we are talking about, but it is clear that we cannot do something without a request from moldova. eh, this is the territory of moldova, and we cannot act otherwise than at the request of this country. therefore, i think that, well, even the hottest heads in the kremlin, and even in
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transnistria itself, i think, understand perfectly what is being said. i think that the situation will be slightly different, there will be a call. amicably, peacefully, they will say that they are ready to comply with all moldovan orders, that they will be very happy for the war to end, something in this spirit, and this is all of the usa just so that once again about protesting, what will be the reaction , something, you know, reminds me of the same pro-russian coven that was in severo-donetsk at one time, but let's remember that then nothing came of it, just as it will not come of it now, but how can you protest? it will be reacted to in chisinau, and in
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kyiv, and in bucharest, and in the west as a whole , this, it seems to me, is the purpose of all that is being planned, but nothing more, i will quit. of our conversation, mr. volodymyr, how would you assess the situation on the ukrainian-polish border, because just a few days ago we saw a government delegation leaving for a meeting with tusk, and tusk was not going to that meeting, but ours were there , it means prime ministers, ministers, were they waiting for something, are they behaving so with partners and friends, well, you know, it's an unpleasant situation. er, and to be honest, i really hoped that with the coming to power of the new government in poland, this situation would, er, be corrected and corrected in a civilized way, well, something is not yet visible that this
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will happen, despite the fact that some more or less encouraging statements were made by the polish government. but it seems that, well, these are only statements, but not actions, i think that some politicians from the baltic countries are very right in saying that it is necessary to stop altogether, exports to of the european union, or rather, the import of russian goods into the european union, including primarily agricultural goods , because in fact what... is happening is illogical, the poles block ukrainian sulfur production, but allow russian, this is really nonsense, this something that shouldn't be by definition, so it's a whole mess of problems, i think we
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will gradually approach it, but these recent events will definitely be such a very unpleasant, dark spot eh... in our modern ukrainian- polish relations. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, this was volodymyr ogrysko, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching live there, please like this video right now so that it can be trended on youtube and facebook. well, take part in our survey. today we ask you about whether you allow the deployment of troops. nato in ukraine in the near future, yes , no, everything is quite simple on youtube, or leave your comment under this broadcast, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote, if you allow the deployment of nato troops in ukraine in the near future, call the numbers , which will now appear
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and oskad pharmacies, there are 15% discounts on mukaltin at psyllium bam and oskad pharmacies. big broadcast of vasyl zima, two hours of air time, 2 hours. two hours of your time to learn about the war and what life is like the world, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become a native language to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from
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abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. greetings friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, it is being broadcast today. long-range coalition. the allies are ready to supply ukraine with medium- and long- range missiles. results of the conference of european leaders. legitimacy of zelenskyi. as a russian ipso, whom the president's team suspects of promoting the russian narrative in
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ukraine? to help defend and survive, ukrainians are urged to return home to defend their homeland, what motivates refugees to return? about this and other things, during the next 45 minutes we will talk with our guests, and before introducing our guests, i suggest you take part in our vote, because today we are asking you. about this, do you allow the deployment of nato troops in the country, in ukraine, in the near future? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own version of the answer, please write it in the comments under this video. i... if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphones and vote if you allow this option: 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call us, at the end of the program we will sum up of this vote, i want to introduce today's guests, they are people 's deputies of ukraine, oleksandr mireshko, servant of the people faction, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee
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on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. good evening! mary ionova, people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, member of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation. mrs. maria, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. oksana savchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the verkhovna rada committee on transport and infrastructure. ms. oksana, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. let's start our conversation with a blitz poll. we ask ours. tv viewers about whether they allow the deployment of nato troops, well does not mean the north atlantic alliance, but the troops of the member countries of the north atlantic alliance, because this is a big difference, because in order for nato troops to be in ukraine, a consensus is needed on the decision of the north atlantic alliance, whether you allow the deployment of the troops of the countries , members of the north atlantic alliance in ukraine,
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in the near future. ms. maria, let 's start with you, you know, if... and statements are already being made, it means that such decisions are being worked out. i really wish there were more long-range weapons weapons, in order to save the lives of our military, and the war technologically was still on our side, and so i allow it , but i would like us to still ... such that will lead to results and before the defeat of the russian federation, would be accepted faster and more efficiently. thank you, ms. oksano, and in your opinion, is it possible to have such an option, when the troops of some individual countries of the north atlantic alliance will be on the territory of ukraine during the war with russia, be on the territory of ukraine and defend on
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front and in the trenches, these are two great things. they know the difference, so most likely, even if they are, they will perform functions related to demining, certain training, but they, i do not believe that this year they will actually fight together with our military on the front line thank you, mr. alexander, i certainly admit, as the americans say, such an option should be on the table, that is, at least it should be discussed. and hope that it will. we just need to remind our tv viewers that this whole story may or may not be in the current one situation, whether the troops can be, the member countries of the north atlantic alliance in ukraine or not, it all started with macron. emmanuel macron met yesterday in paris with the leaders
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of european countries, and it was actually about that, it was in the discussion, he was asked, he gave an answer, it's not what he was preparing for there. to say and make a sensation for the whole world, but as it turned out, what he said became a sensation. let's hear what macron said. today, there is no consensus regarding the official, accepted and approved dispatch of ground troops, but in nothing can be ruled out in the future. we will do everything to prevent russia from winning this war. i never said that france does not support it. i will not remove the ambiguity. of today's debate, calling names. i'm just saying it was mentioned as an option. well, what happened in paris, actually, can be clearly seen as an attempt to start a conversation about a new system of collective security in europe, apart from the one that exists within the framework of the north atlantic alliance. madam maria, does
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this mean that the french president is taking over mission to be one of the leaders of this process, on... and donald trump's rather strange statements about nato, that they will not stand up for the countries of the north atlantic alliance, if they do not pay contributions to nato there. mr. serhiy, i think that everyone has already announced that this is indeed such a historic meeting for ukraine in paris, but i believe that it is primarily for europe, because the world, it has heard this courage of western countries, which in fact, such... now what are the limits of the red line for intervention in the defense of ukraine no, it was especially clearly stated that russia cannot win, and it is really gratifying that there are such... measures, you know, which are anticipatory, because before that we reacted more to the war crimes of the russian federation, and also during the meeting, i
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think it was important to hear about the missile alliance, about the new missile procurement strategy, ah , that is, they are also changing their procedures, and it is very good that they finally heard us, because actually since 2014 from a full-scale invasion, we talked about changing the procedures in purchasing and... transferring to us bc and of other military equipment, and therefore, indeed , well, today's meeting, it will be remembered by the leader, indeed macron, who spoke about it, he is the author of this idea, and this initiative really has such a potential opportunity, let's say, directing it to a development and discussions with other countries, and because even... if we now realize that not all countries support in one form or another, let's say, the deployment of troops, as ms.
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oksana said, or demining, or training, or some other such different directions, it is very important that this conversation just started, we can even imagine this hundred hysteria in the kremlin, because in fact what macron said, this virus, it is, let's say, already launched . the process is launched in the information space, and again, over time, the perception of the idea will transform into support, into support from leaders, from the political elite, and we realize that it is very important that this support is not in society, therefore that you and i are aware of what is happening now, and at the same time, i think that... it was not just that today stated in the background what is happening in the united states, and we really hope that all these political, but election races, they
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will not change the focus, but that we should strategically prepare and give and stop the russian federation and restore borders and show that democracy... is capable of fighting and defending and winning, well, this is the story of the meeting of this great one in paris, on the initiative of emmanuel macron, when the leaders of european states met, it is actually a chance not only for them to create this security system there , and ukraine's chance to become one of the main, shall we say, or not the main, well, at least one of the main participants of this future security and... european security system, because it is clear that while the war in ukraine continues, ukraine's prospects in the north atlantic alliance may not be so fast
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, what are the prospects of ukraine in the new european security system, which macron actually spoke about, because they are talking in europe about the fact that we need to prepare, we have several years to prepare for war with russia, sir alexander, as far as he... loyalty is that in europe next to the european union, with the economic union, there will be a separate security union, a parallel security union, because we know that there is a nato system, but we see that there on levels of trump and his prospects in the united states of america, things may not be so simple there, but we have a chance to become one of the founders of this european security system in today's world. well, in theory , it is quite possible to create such a separate european security system, and by the way, within the framework of the european union there is a corresponding policy, a security
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policy, but in my opinion, it is still inappropriate to create or replace the nato system, the nato organization, the european system. i will explain why, because the biggest, most important and most important deterrent in the modern world is the presence of nuclear. weapons, that is, really the security that was created, it exists under the nuclear umbrella of the united states. if we count, for example, the number of warheads, nuclear warheads, we will see that on the russian side it is about 600, on the side of the united states it is about 500, and if we take france and great britain, then these two countries have 500 warheads, that is , we see that without... the nuclear prowess of the united states ,
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it is not possible to provide a deterrent factor and ensure security, including for europe, to date expedient, is not possible. therefore, in my opinion, it is still necessary to strengthen nato, and not to try to replace nato with some other security system. well, that is understandable, but in a situation where china is also gaining momentum, they have their own plans for the production of nuclear warheads, and china is also being considered by the united states the united states of america, china and russia, as possible countries that will have to confront, and it's clear that in this story, the united states of america... view china as a temporary ally of russia, i don't know how long they will be allies, and so here the question is that this parity, which exists, will change in any case, because the world is changing, and obviously, during the change of this world, we also need to get certain guarantees and get certain prospects in the modern world, because there won't be another, we probably won't have nuclear weapons and... there will be,
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ms. oksano, what do you think, you know , there is no need to make promises in advance about what we will have and what we will not have, because in recent years, the war, we have already changed a lot of things in our country, and we still have a lot of things ahead of us, but really the story of what happened in paris, it will really go down in history, because for a long time many actions of russia are still somewhere in fact. did not fully receive the resistance that we expected in ukraine and in those countries that do not have enough weapons and have seen what russia is doing. in fact today, europe i was already very seriously worried, you know, like in that children's game, when children sometimes do not want to perceive everything that is around them, and they create such a hut above their heads and say, i am in
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a hut, everything around me... concerns , and here finally a lot of people understood that it is necessary to get out of this hut and start actively seeing everything that is happening, and fulfill the obligations that were given to ukraine in relation to ammunition, start allocating funds, because if there is a situation with america, which is delayed, it directly affects both europe and those countries where today we have two types of war, one armed, first of all... primarily with ukraine, and the second type of war that russia is waging is hybrid wars, information wars in each country, in particular, therefore the situation is really such that we must finally all unite and start giving signals to the russian federation, putin, putin's entourage, but apart from these words that we heard today, they impress us, we expect clear actions, and if in the near future there can still be such painful
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sanctions, the taking away of our ... russian assets, their direct transfer to ukraine, supplying us with modern weapons, then russia will really begin to believe that this meeting has received, in fact, accordingly, ukraine has received results from this meeting, and this is actually the second task that must be completed as soon as possible, in my opinion, by the way, except for macron's meeting with european leaders. today there was also a meeting between the speaker of the president of the united states of america, joseph payden, and the leaders of the congress, the result, well, as a result, there is a comment from the speaker of the lower house , johnson, who said that it is necessary worry about the needs of america, and only then talk about other countries and about helping other countries. instead, jake salevan
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said in an interview with cnn. that the russian dictator putin will win every day until the house of representatives of the united states of america passes a new aid package to ukraine. let's hear what the adviser to the president of the united states of america , joseph biden, jake salevan had to say. the reality is that putin wins every day that ukraine does not get the resources it needs, and ukraine suffers. representatives is strong a bipartisan majority that is ready to pass this bill if it is brought up for consideration. and this decision rests on the shoulders of one person. history is watching to see if speaker johnson will bring this bill up for a vote. if he does, the bill will pass and ukraine will get what it needs to succeed. if not, then we will not be able to give ukraine the tools to


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