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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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the meeting last monday has already started to take place, where tactical steps are discussed regarding the introduction of a common agricultural policy within the framework of the european union, the main components of which are the most annoying to farmers are the so-called green agreement, the content of which is primarily the processes of decarbonization, minimization of mineral fertilizers , all kinds of... poisonous substances and so on, the next thing is the introduction of organic methods of farming, which minimizes the use of chemicals and so on, and bringing the balance of the use of land resources of each state, i would like to remind you that in accordance with international standards, the soil fertility on the territory of any state should not exceed... 30%. to date
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, a number of european countries have crossed the 50 and 60% mark a long time ago, which can actually lead to an environmental disaster. but what i am telling you now, no one ever explained to the farmers, did not organize the appropriate work with them. moreover, the european union for all this, including the processes... the transition to organic farming provided payments, payments are provided for young farmers, even for women farmers, even for farmers, women, managers, where appropriate subsidies are provided for each head of cattle, from goat to cow, sheep, including for each hectare of land, depending on the type of agriculture. i, when i look at all this. and i know very well that a ukrainian
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farmer, who does not receive a single penny of such money , long ago would have envied such help , which is provided by the european union and national governments to farmers of european countries, i am not talking about things related to individual electricity tariffs , special prices for fuel for agriculture, mr. serhiy. i apologize for taking up your time, but i just want all of us to understand that there is no facebook element in these protests, because what they write on these banners has absolutely nothing to do with real situation thank you, mr. roman, for the conversation, it was roman besmertny, politician, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine to the republic of belarus. friends, we are working live on tv at the same time and here
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and there we are conducting surveys, we are asking you about this, is russia capable of provoking maidan 3 in ukraine? if you are on youtube, everything is quite simple, yes, no, or your version of the answer, write under this stream, and if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote if you think that russia is capable of provoking medan 3 in ukraine 0800 211 381, no 0800 211-382, all calls to these numbers. are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with my colleague, tetyana vysotska, who works in strasbourg. congratulations, tatiana. it happened today session of the european parliament, during which the issues of the future, the future security of the european union, the countries of the european union were considered, and against the background of what, of course, is happening now, there is a lot. statements
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of the leaders of european countries, regarding whether they will send troops to ukraine or not. obviously, we are talking about the creation of a new security architecture, european, perhaps a little bit, separate from nato, because trump's statements, i understand, have scared many in europe that at some point the united states of america will not intervene for the countries that are part of the north atlantic alliance. tell tetyana how this discussion was conducted today, and actually, what was agreed upon, or not... agreed, but what are they agreeing on? yes, actually today's security debates in the session hall of the european parliament proved that the european union is now absolutely in emergency mode and absolutely seriously trying to prepare for putin's possible invasion of the territory of the european union, today, speaking in the session hall, the president of the european commission, ursela vonlein, probably for the first time in my memory, she so diplomatically but clearly stated: a war
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between the european union and russia is something possible, i will even quote her direct language, she stated that the threat of war is probably not inevitable, but it is not. impossible, the risks of war should not be exaggerated, but we must be prepared for them, ursula fonlein said, and in this regard, precisely this new security architecture of the european union, which the eu plans to build over the next five years, europe must wake up and urgently, stressed ursela fondelaien and said that in fact, europe is already waking up, because this year the defense spending of the states of the european union is 20% higher than the spending... last year and also ursela fondelaien announced the news that in the coming days the european commission will submit proposals for the creation of the first ever european strategy of the defense-industrial complex with the corresponding investment plan and this strategy will prioritize
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joint long-term defense procurement, so that every year the european union becomes stronger and stronger, and also ursela fonberlein confirmed the news that... in the next composition of the european commission, there will be a new position of european commissioner for defense. sergey tetiana, even today president zelensky spoke in tirana and met with the leadership of albania, but there was a forum of southern and eastern europe, the countries of southern and eastern europe, and zelensky commented on the words of macron, because everyone reads these words differently, or at least retells them this words. it is clear that this was not the statement of the president of france from. but just in he did not rule out discussion, as they say, he did not rule out, let's listen to what zelensky said in response to macron's statement. i was not at that summit, he said that he would talk about certain new ideas on how to
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strengthen ukraine. and he said that he will share the information with me when he arrives in ukraine. i think he is in the media. has already officially said that he will be here within this, will he be here within march, it is clear that you have obviously talked about this macron initiative and also the military support for ukraine, what statements were made in the european parliament today regarding future or current military aid to ukraine, considering that ukraine is in urgent need of weapons and... ammunition, and yes, actually, very good news came from the mouth of ursula fondeyan this morning , which refers specifically to ammunition. ursula funderlajen said that within the framework of the asap project, within the framework of which ukraine receives its own shells and ammunition from
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the european union, in the near future they are going to sign new contracts with by the end of 2025 to prove the industrial capacity of the european. union up to 2 million shells per year, that is, if ukraine was promised 1 million shells this year and most likely they will have time to provide them by the end of the year, then by the end of 2025 it is quite possible that ukraine will receive twice as much, this is very cool news, because the shells , especially 155 millimeter - this is what ukraine really needs, also another news about ukraine is that the european union defense innovation office will be opened in kyiv. this is another step towards ukraine's integration into the unified defense system of the european union, and already there the european military will learn combat experience in ukraine, this is such interesting news, and the third one is about the use of russian frozen funds, just for a second i want to note that ursela
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funderlajen stated that a decision has almost been made on the use of revenues from these funds for the purchase of military equipment for ukraine, and she said that this... tatyana, yulia navalny, oleksiy navalny's wife, also spoke at the european parliament today, how she was perceived there, and actually what happened there, but this is after we see what mrs. navalna actually said in the european parliament. if... you really want to defeat putin, you need to become innovators, you need to stop being afraid of it. it is impossible to harm him with another package of sanctions or a resolution. it will be no different from what has already been done. he is not a man of morals or principles, he cannot
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be perceived as such. oleksiy realized this a long time ago. you are not dealing with a politician, but with a bloody monster. putin must answer for what he did to my country. putin must answer for what he did to a neighboring peaceful country, and putin must answer for everything he did to oleksii. like tatiana, yulia navalna is already perceived as a new opposition leader. russia in, well, on international platforms , it’s absolutely true, today there was simply unprecedented attention from the media, i will tell you that it is very rare that the press hall in the european parliament is completely filled, there is no place to sit, there are no free seats, the press box in the european parliament in the session hall, during her speech was also completely filled and journalists were seated in the box for visitors, because there were no seats, and i will say that there are deputies present in the hall, they constantly interrupted her speech with applause, and at the end everyone stood up, everyone
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deputies are present, that is, it already clearly signals that for them this person is the next leader of the russian opposition, and after yulia navalnya's speech, a debate took place, during which the deputies discussed the future of the democratic russian opposition and the future russia, and a resolution will be voted on the basis of these debates tomorrow. of the european parliament, it is very interesting what will be included there, because at the time of this inclusion , the final draft of the resolution has not yet been made public, but i saw the draft of the largest political group of the european parliament, the european people's party, and it contained three interesting theses that i really wanted can be seen in the final text: the first thesis is that putin is directly to blame for the death of navalny, the second thesis is that the west should not be afraid of... ukraine's victory over of ukraine over putin, because it opens
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a window of opportunity for russia, its democratic transformations, as navalny dreamed of it, but the most important thesis of the project from the european people's party, about which, unfortunately, there are many discussions, it is not known whether it will be included in the final document, but it is a thesis that the european parliament calls on european institutions to declare the so-called presidential elections in the russian federation illegitimate. and putin as an illegitimate president, but i immediately note that there are discussions about this, because not all the deputies support it, they are afraid, and therefore i am not sure that this thesis will be included in the final text of the resolution, we will wait tomorrow, we will follow the amendments, the debate already during the voting, and i will report on it in one of the following ether, thank you tetyana, it was tetyana vysutska from strasbourg, our journalist who... works at the session of the european parliament. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on
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our youtube and facebook platforms. it is the same with the tv broadcast and broadcasts on our channels voting takes place on social platforms. today we ask you about whether russia is capable of provoking maidan 3 in ukraine. if you watch us on youtube yes, no, or your answer, please write in the comments below this video. if you are voting on a mobile phone and watching our telecast, please bring your mobile phone. and vote if you think russia is capable of provoking ukraine maidan 3, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote us interesting to know your opinion. next, we will be in touch with valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum. mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. yes , thank you for the invitation, good evening, good evening and... about a week, because even a good 10 days, i would say so, because in 10 days the air
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force of ukraine shot down, or the defense forces of ukraine shot down 10 russian planes, and today the spokesman of the air force of ukraine yuriy ignat commented on the success of the armed forces of ukraine in shooting down the russian planes luck in military affairs, it also plays a serious role, so... it is also necessary to be in the right place at the right time, but for that you need experience, skill, planning, operations, and so on, so everything that is managed by those small forces today, which are today in the air force, well, this is certainly true, we really need to thank people, we really have few such tools capable of destroying russian aviation at long distances, but thanks to a combination of factors, actions, well -planned work, and good luck, it succeeds to achieve such results, i want to emphasize that this is not the first time, there has already been such
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a series of downed planes, it was also in odesa, mykolaiv region, it was in the northern direction, when it was possible to land russian planes, of course, not everything is recognized by the enemy, there they there they say that we are a little bit over there, they say , they were shot down there, they were not shot down there, well, as objective control shows, as we later see the obituaries in their pubs, well, everything... then it is confirmed. yuriy ignat probably can't say everything to mr. valery, you can say more to say: you are not the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, but what are the reasons for such successes of... the armed forces of ukraine in shooting down enemy planes, that is, we have new capabilities, missile capabilities, or some other, well no, not only luck, of course , yes, but so that we were bombarded with anti-aircraft missile systems or additional missiles, i have not heard of this yet, for example, we were promised two sumpte complexes
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by the end of last year, but so far that there was no mention of the use of any of them, no ... i did not hear such a message, i.e., for now, as mr. ignat says , we manage with our own modest resources, we improve our tactics, somewhere we take risks, somewhere we seriously risk high-value complexes, but we have to protect our front-line cities and front-line areas, so the risk in this case is justified, so it is not is not a simple simple such a... a gamble, yes, if we were to destroy it, if we were to get it , ah, well, and besides, i see that ah, so far, ah, the number of russian planes is not decreasing, so anyway we need new and new complexes, i hope we do it will be possible to strengthen our air defense, for which, at
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the expense of at least, well, two or three more new patriots, well, we are supposed to receive, according to... promises, new aris complexes, both short-medium and short-range, and yet i am waiting for additional sampte anti-missile complexes. mr. valery, what should be the losses of the russian aviation in order for them to be irreversible, just for them? one hundred percent well, that is, if there are how many planes there, they have 700 or how many planes, now, i’m sorry, i definitely don’t know the statistics, but... but well, several hundred, i don’t i know, 300 were shot down and there are still about 700 flying, that is, they must be destroyed so that they are irreversible, how can they quickly recover, well, that means not those that fall, but those that are made, well but just today i received , i think, the edition of james defense review, yes,
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something jumped out of my head, it clearly indicates the number of aircraft, not exactly exact, but approximately you can ... say that the russians now have about 120 su-34, of all the 7 shot down, we most actively shot down the ces-34, yes, but they started the war having 140 such planes, but in 22nd year they built 10 more and last year at least six more planes, so they make up for these losses from time to time, but some losses they can't make up for. yes , so-25 attack aircraft, they are not subject to restoration, because the production of this aircraft was stopped back in soviet times, but the number of su-35 fighters even increased, compared to the beginning of the war, because we shot down, well, no more than ten, but the russians restored more than one and a half
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dozen such planes, that is, ours the air force still has to work and work on... the destruction of enemy aircraft, unfortunately, the sanctions are still very limited, they only affect the most technological enemy weapons, for example, the fifth-generation fighters that the russians talked about, the su-57 , yes, so the stealth fighters are new, so they built six of them in the 22nd year, in the 23rd year only two, these are planes on... well, on which western radio electronics are mostly used, but here are such machines that, let's say yes, military, there are fighters, ordinary fighters bombers, the fourth generation, they are still able to build, restore and train a flight crew for them. but for sure, mr. valery, they will no longer be able to build the a50, these planes, three planes that were
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disabled, two shot down, and one at... the airfield in belarus, that is, i understand that there are not many of these planes left , six or seven, and in principle, and in principle no, in principle they can no longer renew this big control panel, which control point that flies and points at targets, in principle they already have a limited number of these planes, if they even restore them, because now they have two planes at the factory, and one of them is right... you said it was under repair, maybe it was even out of repair, but what is the situation, well, they restored it, well, they did, let's say , all three planes, they recovered, yes? and apply how? if they start to use it closer than the last plane with flight number 42 was shot down,
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right there near esk, then they will lose another plane again, and if they take it there for 50-100 km, then what will these people see? they simply won't see anything , so the question arises here, the fundamental question is whether the russian air... forces will need such flying radars, because they, if they were monitoring the situation earlier for three approximately 300 km to our rear, yes, now they can see 10, well, if they take the patrol routes even further, they will be able to see 20-30 km at most, and ordinary drones, eagles, can see much better at the same distance and cost a penny compared to these. 100 million 300 million, sorry, 300-350 million is worth such a plane, which is currently taxiing on the runway
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of the airport. natalia gumenyuk, the head of the coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine, says that due to the loss of several a50-u long-range radar detection aircraft, the russian occupiers will be forced to look for their replacements. let's see what. said ms. natalia on the air of our tv channel, they have increased unmanned reconnaissance activities, but this is not an absolute replacement, not a full-fledged alternative to the eyes that the a50th was for them, so they are trying now in our zone responsibility, for example, to launch more than 110 drones per day, we work on those that fall into our zone of damage. and over the past day we have lost a hall and two supercars, so they understand that this cannot be an absolute replacement for a50, obviously they are preparing
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the next one. mr. valery, the current war gives an impetus to the development of new technologies, including for aircraft, that is, both airplanes and drones and various modifications, as the lineup has changed now. of what the russian occupiers use, in our territory, how things have changed over the past two years and how quickly they are able to react and create some new types of weapons and armaments, and how they are used on the battlefield, well, they modernized, for example, the k-52 helicopter, slightly improved its equipment , although it was generally not bad, but they improved it, well... anyway, the number, the number of people shot down by it, it means that it did not increase there, did not decrease, because anyway they are afraid to fly
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even a few kilometers to front line as for the improvement of armaments, well, you see how quickly they were able to create these guided winged aerial bombs in the pub and in the ipc, yes, literally in months they already launched a large production at ... why these bombs, some of them are extremely primitive, and this allows you to build weapons, to release them in large quantities, some of them are quite complex, these are upab, more complex, winged bombs, yes, as for the other thing, well, they say that the mentioned k-52 helicopters received new missiles, but if before they carried 12 missiles, then these new missiles, they are capable of... carry only two, but already this missile flies for more than 30 km, that is, the russians are constantly improving something in their weapons samples,
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and it goes to if in terms of armored equipment, in terms of artillery, it goes in the direction of simplifying the equipment, then in terms of aviation equipment, the equipment goes there is a little bit of such minor, but improvement, that's why our defense complex also needs re'. to clearly respond to the demands of the front, that is, to determine what we need most at the front now, for example, drones, which drones are the best, and also to concentrate on the most effective types of weapons, and not to release everything in a row, because now we will take drones, we now have 200 manufacturers of drones, well, imagine the preparation. that means 200 operators for different types of drones, well, that's a little bit, so it 's unreasonable, it needs to be reduced. to somehow
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group them by type and do something about it so that, after all, the intensity of training and the effectiveness of our weapons also increased constantly. mr. valery, we are all waiting for the f-16 and announced that these planes will already be in ukraine this year, when, no one can say for sure how and whether the situation will change in the sky of ukraine and in... the sky near the borders of the russian federation, from where missiles are launched on our territory , russian planes, how will this change the situation, how many in order to radically change the situation, how many such planes are needed, in order to radically change the situation, the 12 planes that we receive in the first tranches are enough, by the end of the year we were promised 24 planes, these are two squadrons of a brigade, but
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the main thing ... not in the number of planes, but in quality their weapons. if we receive the appropriate weapons, yes, missiles, for example, with a range of 160 km, then this will not be a drastic one-time change, but it will be a qualitative change in the picture, that is, we will already hit the russians at longer ranges than they are capable of shooting at us, you understand , and the situation, how much it will change in a mirror compared to what we have with... when the distance from which the russians shoot at our planes is twice the capabilities of our machines, because our radars do not respond and missiles we have, let's say of the last generation, and if we really receive aircraft with equipment on which modern radio-electronic countermeasures systems, on-board defense systems, modern
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missiles are installed, then... the situation will begin to change, not immediately, but it will begin to change, because the russians have such losses as in the last 10 days , they lost 10 planes, yes, such losses will be a normal rate for them, but if they give us the planes as they were, there are block 50-52 without any improvements, this question will remain, will remain, so say, the future is bright, when we still... and get more effective weapons, that's how the situation is, it doesn't depend on the quantity, but on the quality. mr. general zaluzhnyi also wrote, yes, that a qualitative change is needed in order to break through the front, everything is the same in aviation, there will be new quality, there will be new results. thank you, mr. valery, on this optimistic note we will end our conversation, it was valery romanenko, aviation expert. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as
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well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those watching us now live on youtube and facebook , please like this video, do not accumulate money so that this video is promoted in the trends of youtube and facebook, and please take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether russia is capable to provoke maidan 3 in ukraine, we are conducting this poll, and this poll will be in the second part of our program, now we see the results of the television poll, 16% yes, 84%. no, on youtube, the ratio of whether russia is capable of provoking maidan 3 in ukraine, yes 18%, no, 82%. in 15 minutes we will return to the air, before that there will be a pbc news release from our partners, in the second part of our program there will be political experts maxim rozumny and igor reiterovych, we will also talk about russia's special operation maidan 3
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and much, much more. switch, stay with us. what weapons can ukraine produce during the war on its own and together with western companies, given that russia is aiming at defense. we talk about it live on the bbc. western countries are increasing production weapons not only in order to help ukraine, but also for themselves, replenishing their own arsenals. russia has put its economy on a war footing and is waging a war of attrition. ukraine is testing the latest developments and also producing more weapons, but how much more? this is the general figure president zelenskyy called, summing up the results of the past year.


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