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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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three and many, many things, do not switch, stay with us. what weapons can ukraine produce during the war independently and together with western companies, given that russia is aiming at... we are talking about this on the bbc live from london, i am yevgenia shytlovska. western countries are increasing the production of weapons not only to help ukraine, but also for themselves. replenish their own arsenals. russia has put its economy on a war footing and is waging a war of attrition. ukraine is testing the latest developments and also produces more weapons, but how much more this is the general figure president zelenskyy called, summing up the results of the past year. this year alone
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, thanks to you and everyone who works in our defense sector, it was possible to produce three times more weapons and equipment than last year. this was at a meeting with the employees of the defense-industrial complex at the end of december, so the production capacity of the ukrainian defense industry in general has tripled. but what is the ukrainian defense-industrial complex, who in ukraine produces weapons and which ones. of course, there is a lot of data during the war classified but at the end of the year, the government announced quite specific figures: in the ukrainian defense-industrial complex there are 500 enterprises, 3,000 employees, and mostly private enterprises in the defense industry, four out of five of them. the ukrainian government wants to produce six times more weapons this year, but it cites three key challenges: not enough money, not enough gunpowder and explosives, and constant shelling of enterprises, that is, the ukrainian defense industry operates in such conditions. but let's go back to production possibilities. for the past year, according to the data
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government, in some directions, production has increased tenfold, namely the production of drones by 100 times, 200 companies are creating them in ukraine, prime minister denys shmehal stated this. in addition, the government stated that they began to manufacture more various ammunition, and even more armored vehicles, bter, and even bohdan howitzers, but the ukrainian army needs many times more. bbc correspondent oleg chernysh will explain what all these numbers mean. the statistics on the production of own weapons, announced by the ukrainian authorities, may sound impressively, however, it should be understood that in absolute numbers, ukraine is still very far from fully providing its army with its own weapons and ammunition. ukraine is trying to develop and increase the production of its own weapons in the conditions of a heavy war, but in reality, these indicators are still very far from. desired, in these conditions the country remains
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very dependent on the supply of western partners, in particular, we are primarily talking about 155-caliber ammunition and some other high-tech developments, such as anti-aircraft missiles for air defense systems. trace to note that already now, according to military analysts and western intelligence, ah, russia produces, sometimes seven to 10 times more ammunition on the battlefield than ukraine. at the same time, ukraine is trying to establish its own production of the same ammunition, we are talking about 155 caliber, but of course it does not have such developed capacities, such a large number of factories, as russia, as some western countries, which have been producing this type of ammunition for a long time. we will talk about supplies later. what russia is doing at this time is building up its own production, and it is more than ukrainian capabilities, but at the same time, russia... still
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needs supplies from other countries, i.e. iran, north korea. so how can ukraine, on the one hand , achieve an advantage over russia not in the quantity, but in the quality of weapons, and on the other hand, how to protect its production? in the conditions when ukraine does not have the ability at this stage to achieve parity with russia in the volume and pace of production of its own weapons and ammunition, and kyiv is actually focused on the following two main problems: the first is achievement. technological superiority of own weapons, what is it about? for example, if russia at this stage usually uses the long-range iranian drone missile for attacks on ukraine, then ukraine instead produces several different variants of its own long-range drones, which it has already used in real combat conditions and which are capable of flying 900 and even 1000 km deep into the territory of russia, to overcome its counter-
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defenses and to strike strategic and infrastructural facilities. another important nuance that the ukrainian authorities are working on is the protection of their own defense enterprises. it quite a painful topic. for the ukrainian authorities, since almost all large factories and enterprises that work on the military industry in ukraine, they periodically become the targets of russian missile attacks. so, in such conditions , the ukrainian authorities moved some defense factories from the eastern and southern regions to the west, placed them in fortified premises, so to speak, underground bunkers, and also moved some of them to the territory of neighboring countries. actually, it's no secret that some defense enterprises are located, for example, in the czech republic and poland, and actually they are work and increase production of weapons. let's look at the most famous ukrainian developments and how they affect the course of the war. marine drones have become the basis of the ukrainian
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mosquito fleet: small, fast, inconspicuous. here is a see baby or sea baby. one of its defining characteristics, it can carry 850 kg of explosives, it is... a powerful warhead . according to the sbu, it was this drone that damaged the kerch bridge last summer. then the drone aimed at his support. and this is already magura. it is known that its dimensions are 5.5 m long and 1. m wide. he can carry 320 kg of explosives. actually, here he is. according to the sbu, it was magura that recently sunk a large russian amphibious assault ship. caesarkunnikov in the black sea. and this is not the first russian ship that was hit by ukrainian surface drones, it is ... a relatively cheap weapon that allowed ukraine to reduce and suppress the russian black sea fleet, although, of course, another ukrainian development dealt it the biggest blow at the beginning of a full-scale war. neptune rockets. it was with them, as the ukrainian military says, that they sank moscow, the flagship
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of the black sea fleet of russia, at the end of august last year, these missiles destroyed the russian air defense division in crimea. neptune was the main and actually the only development of ukraine in the rocket industry. before a full-scale invasion, and now the missile was modified to attack not only ships, but also objects on land. and another key ukrainian development is the bohdan self-propelled artillery installation. this is bohdana at the front. what is important, the howitzer works with western, not soviet-style ammunition. for her projectiles with nato caliber 155 mm are required. it was the first ukrainian saw that was tested before a full-scale invasion. according to the ukrainian authorities already. established serial production at the end of last year, producing six bohdans per month, but if we talk about artillery, ammunition is needed for it. yes, ukraine produces shells, but it does not cover the needs of the war. western aid does not cover them either. for example, the eu promised to transfer a million ammunition
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to ukraine by march, that is, already now, but as of the beginning of the year transferred only a third. and, as eu representative josep borel said, these were supplies from own stocks. not all countries are eu members, they said. words also contributed. approximately 200,000 more shells are promised to be delivered to the eu by the end of march, both from warehouses and from new orders, that is, it will be half of the promised shells, and by the end of this year, the eu promises to provide a total of even more than a million. the united states also supplied ammunition to ukraine, but not enough. the lack of shells is one of the main challenges for the ukrainian army, but it is a problem bigger in general, in the world. there is a lack of powder explosives for their production. here's what british defense columnist justin crump has to say about it. of course, global supply and demand is a problem that affects not only ukraine. there is
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a limited supply of raw materials, there are a certain number of places where gunpowder, weapons, projectiles can be made, and the whole world uses them. but of course, now israel is very actively using. ammunition is currently being used in the red sea, other nations are rearming in the meantime, so one of the things that which the british arms manufacturers are paying attention to is the use of automation of modern technologies to build a modern facility that can create many artillery shells very quickly, and much has already been done in this direction. when the projects already appear, they are easy. will begin to build in new places, of course, since there is a shortage of vice, we will have to increase production and extraction, it will not be cheap, that's what you need to understand. but, if there is a demand, the offer will follow it, it makes sense to invest in early-stage facilities and long-term
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mining to support demand that will grow over time. and the longer the conflict lasts, the longer the demand will remain high, and therefore it makes more sense to... close factories, increase the production of traffic, and it will become economically justified again. consequently, market power has re-emerged in these industries throughout the world. now it looks like a global conflict. year will continue, unfortunately, that peaceful time after the cold war is over, and now it makes sense to invest in it again. the problem with with these new plants and technologies such that they were not needed 10 years ago, so no one invested in them for over 30 years, and now there are many opportunities, given the advanced technologies that have appeared in those 30 years, compared to the end of the cold war, when these facilities were closed. ah... i myself was a tank commander in the british army not too long ago and was firing shells
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made in the 1970s, we still have them because we didn't need as many, so we still shoot 50 year old shells ago, and with these changes we will find improved production, we will see better methods, and all this is possible, the question is only in investments. but returning to our question, how does a... country produce weapons during a war, what are the possibilities for joint production of weapons with other countries? here's what justin crump says. the countries cooperate in the field of military supplies, technologies, and system repairs, so battle tanks and armored vehicles are exported for re-equipment outside the country. but turkey takes the most prominent place by making commitments cooperation within the country. germany too. spoke about it, as well as france and others. thus there is a whole wave of support that can
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only increase with time. it is more profitable for ukraine to assemble weapons systems internally, it is cheaper and more convenient. but of course, the operational situation around these objects is such that it is very important to protect them. and they are, of course, under threat from constant russian attacks. especially if russia can continue to replenish the stock of drones, if... it can break the defense of ukraine in in the air ukraine is capable of deterring these attacks to a large extent, so it is not easy for the russians to strike these facilities, but there are risks. if you finance such activities, you will not want to take such risks, so now more is happening outside the country than inside. let's imagine something located within the borders of ukraine to the west of lviv, or if it's just abroad in poland, then in fact. it is not much further from the front line, it is much safer in poland and romania, ukrainians
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can work there. and of course, the stormshadow missile has been successfully integrated into the su-24. it was made outside the country and then brought back and it's not a problem. if we reach a point of conflict where we see, i hate to say this, but if there is a ceasefire, or peace, or... a period of time where the hostilities decrease, it is more likely that then investment can be moved to ukraine itself, although during conflict, it is definitely more difficult, but bilateral technology transfer is probably the most important thing: western countries learn lessons from ukraine and transfer their technologies for use in ukraine, and this can be done regardless of whether it is on the territory of ukraine or on the territory of nato. that's the opinion of british defense watcher justin crump. well, for weapons manufacturers,
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ukraine is now the largest training ground in the world. in a real war environment, they can see how their products work. for ukraine, it is extremely difficult to produce weapons during the war, but own weapons have become critical for the country's defense capability. development of own defense industrial complex production scaling. the ukrainian authorities call it a priority, while russia leads against ukraine. a war of attrition. this is the end of our issue, read more news on our website and subscribe to our pages on social networks so as not to miss the most important news, we are on facebook, instagram, tiktok, youtube , you can watch our broadcast if you suddenly missed it its live. i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow, see you at 9 pm. good bye.
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greetings, friends, live on the tv channel, the verdict program, this is the second part of today's issue, today in program zelensky's legitimacy, special services talk about a russian special operation against the ukrainian government, is russia capable of provoking maidan 3? ukraine? in 2024, the president's team shared a vision of the near future, which is not enough to understand zelensky's plans, to help fight and survive, ukrainians are called to return home to defend their homeland, which encourages refugees to return. for
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the next 45 minutes, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, whom i will introduce literally a minute, you dear viewers , i would like to remind you that during this broadcast we ask you about whether russia is capable of provoking maidan 3 in ukraine. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please write it in the comments under this video . if you watch us on tv, then vote if you think russia is capable of provoking ukraine maidan 3, 0821 381, no, 0821 382. all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program. we will sum up the results of this vote, i want to introduce the guests of our studio today, this is maksym rozumny, political expert , doctor of political sciences and ihor reiterovych, political scientist, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development, gentlemen, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, good evening, well since we are asking our viewers about maidan 3 and
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whether russia is capable of provoking maidan 3 in ukraine, let's start our conversation with that. same question, because our viewers may need to explain a little more about maidan 3 and where it came from, but this we will talk during the program, let's talk about whether russia is capable of provoking maidan 3 in ukraine. maxim is smart, on the one hand , of course, in the headquarters, there around the kremlin they may think that they are capable of this, after all, if we talk about the last in time maidan that is, about the revolution of dignity, then from such a point of view today it is already clear that russia purposefully led the yanukovych regime to such delegitimization and in general contributed to the destabilization of ukraine, so to speak, in various ways, even by forcing yanukovych into
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the last moment to abandon the association agreement, that is, i think that they believe in their... technology, reflexive management and so on, and sometimes the ukrainians give reasons to think that they can be manipulated, but in the current situation, i think that , no, not quite, so to speak, the expectations are justified, because the excuse that the russians chose, well, actually they are trying to find any cracks in the ukrainian language. stick the knife in and expand, in fact, the latest data on how they shook up the situation surrounding the confrontation between the imaginary or real zaluzhnyi and zelenskyi, this is confirmed, so they will try to widen any rift and develop any destabilization, but this time i think they have made wrong bets,
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i mean about the illegitimacy of the president after the end. of his five-year term of office, it is unlikely that this is the topic and the reason that will stir something like that in ukraine and like the maidan. thank you maksym, mr. igor, in your opinion, can russia provoke maidan 3 in ukraine and are there opportunities for this, first of all, human resources that could be there to somehow move and imitate this maidan, it is clear that this is not the maidan we are all used to. i am convinced that this is impossible, first of all, they really do not have such human resources, since the pro-russian political forces, well, they have been knocked out of our political, and in general, as such, information field, including to a large extent, and those who did not leave, well, either they are sitting, or there, you know, there, below the grass, where
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the water is quieter, or they are, well, to this day they are, including there under investigation in of our law enforcement... bodies, well, for some of their previous activities, which were related to the spread of russian propaganda, or , on the contrary, some actions directly aimed at overthrowing the existing state system there, under threat of national sovereignty, and so on, therefore, in this context, the russians have no chance to do this no, use someone who makes some speeches against the current government, the second point, they can’t even informationally, by and large , really disperse this topic, which concerns... the illegitimacy or legitimacy of the current the president, or in general a topic related to the legitimacy of the ukrainian government as a whole, the decisions it makes, the laws that are currently under consideration by the verkhovna rada, bills that will soon become, for example, laws there , but at the same time, we should not rest on our laurels, as they say, you know, because in reality, unfortunately, the russians still have certain
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informational opportunities, they are the only ones, but they are informational, to sow apathy and despair among ukrainians, i.e. dispel any panicky rumors that will happen one way or another tied to again the actions of the ukrainian authorities, and they, that is, this thesis, they illegitimacy, for example, they will be enough. to actively exploit, but not in the context, go to the streets, knock down your illegitimate president there, because it really will not work, in the context that everything is lost, there are no chances, no prospects, there is no sense, it means to continue the war, we must urgently put up with by the russian federation, well, of course, on the terms of the russian federation, or in general, drop everything and flee the country, these things we will to observe, they already exist, and in principle , those who monitor, well, first of all , they are diverse... they can quite calmly see this trend, there is an increase in the volume of certain materials of this nature, and well, all of this contains
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signs of precisely planned information campaign, because it comes out almost on more than one day, it is all based on very similar messages, and it is accelerated with the help of some standard tools that are typical for the work, for example, the same russian propagandists, therefore, there will be such attempts and we will live in this for... several months, and we need to start doing something about it now, since it will not fundamentally change the strong situation, but nevertheless it will have a negative impact on the general background in ukraine. the representative of ukrainian military intelligence andriy yusov in an interview with ukrainian pravda said that in his maidan 3 plan, the kremlin prefers to destabilize the situation inside ukraine, and mass riots inside ukraine and distrust of the government's decisions became a success for the russians. let's listen to what mr. yusov said. if to say that what would be success for them, so for them success would be mass riots inside the country, mistrust in the decisions of the authorities,
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in the institutions that characterize the ukrainian state, in such a situation it would be extremely difficult for the military at the front, in such a situation for the international coalition to continue support would be difficult, but everyone is saying that the reason for this so-called maidan 3 could be... the question of the legitimacy of the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, on may 20, 2024, the five-year term expires zelensky's presidential powers. and why do you think, gentlemen, that the ukrainian authorities did not do everything in order to get an explanation from the constitutional court on this matter, which would clearly place the emphasis or the supreme court of ukraine. after all, there is a war going on, and one could somehow think about the fact that on may 20, 24, well, probably someone will have questions about the legitimacy, or, for example, the russians will leak this topic, that is, there is a decision of the constitutional court or
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of the supreme court of ukraine, and probably constitutionally, because this is the interpretation of the main one the law, that's all, there are no more questions, i.e. there is no reason to say that someone can use this, mr. maksym, i would name three possible reasons, so... why did this happen, why was it not submitted earlier and not now of this decision, the first, the first version , and by the way, they may all be in effect at the same time, but the first version is that the president's office may have considered the possibility of holding these elections until the last moment, at which, according to the data of sociological surveys , current president most likely would have won an easy victory. er, since they were preparing for the possibility of the implementation of such a scenario, they did not file accordingly in order not to narrow their maneuver. another
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version, by the way, it can exist, as i already said in parallel, that they did not think that this could become a serious issue at all, because society, the expert environment, the political class, all unanimously declared that holding elections now is not ... appropriate, and therefore, you should not even bother with this and you should not take any preventive measures. well, the third version, it’s like that, you know, uh , they just didn’t think about it, just because, so to speak, the circle of people who make decisions live in such a pr-reaction mode, but today a question arose, today a problem arose , but today it is being resolved. measures are submitted to the constitutional court, and if it had arisen yesterday, it would have been submitted earlier. well, by the way, there was information that fedir vyadislavskyi, a people's deputy from the servant
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of the people, stated that his faction... will not submit an appeal to the constitutional court regarding the legitimacy of zelenskyi's stay in the position of president, article 108 of the constitution of ukraine answers this question unambiguously, and in the imperative aspect. she says that the president continues to exercise his powers before taking office as the newly elected president of ukraine. this is clearly a binding norm that the president must fulfill. well, if the representatives of the authorities say that the constitution clearly places all the accents. then the question is, what is it about then? sometimes they talk about the legitimacy and illegitimacy of zelenskyi, well , it is the government itself that says that someone will destabilize this situation, and does the absence of this from the verdict of the constitutional court indicate that, after all, they do not leave hope in zelenskyi's team, that the elections may be held there by the end of this year in some way, mr. igor,
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well, look, the problem there is also that... in addition to this article of the constitution, which says, precisely says that elections must be held, and this is precisely the problem that would require an additional solution at the level of the constitutional court of ukraine, that's it the key point of this appeal to this institution, they had to say which of the norms of the constitution, which of the articles of the constitution is, well, let's say, more important, or which, speaking in mathematical language, first. is solved, and then another one is solved. i absolutely support the thesis that this norm, which mr. venislavskyi mentions, in principle gives a clear answer to this question, but this answer needs to be further substantiated, there is nothing wrong with this, there is nothing like this verdict constitutional court, because this piece of paper, relatively speaking , sorry for such a simplified word, we would need it, first of all, to reflect all the measures that will be taken in
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the information space in that... including other countries , not only ukraine, the russian federation, and including this document would be important for us in order to show it to some of our partners, who are not so western partners, who are not so well versed in the intricacies of the ukrainian basic law, and to them some things it is necessary to explain, it is desirable to explain, relying on some documents, and such documents, if it is a decision of the constitutional court, for them it will be the truth of the highest instance, but we know that in these countries, as a rule, the judicial branch of government, the more the constitutional court is treated with piyita there, i.e. these are some such things, even of a semi-sacred nature, and well, there would be no problem to get this decision, well, there probably wouldn’t be, but i don’t rule out that my colleague correctly named all those versions about the occasion and the possibility of further elections, which at any moment can announce and so on, but i would i was not at all surprised if, speaking in a language understandable to some of our representatives of the authorities, they just poked this question
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, sorry, but they really somehow... didn’t think much about it, and then, when they started talking about it, they realized that it was necessary was if it were possible to solve it, but now it may be too late, and maybe there will not be such a decision of the constitutional court, although i will honestly say, from a political point of view, i do not imagine how in a country that has been in a large-scale war for two years, a constitutional the court would make some other decision that would undermine the legitimacy of the current government at least minimally, after all, they have such a wonderful tool called a political-legal decision, which was in the 19th year regarding elections. can be argued from a legal point of view and supported by certain political circumstances, so this is clearly an information error, well, the president's office, that they did not do this, with such a document, we would be much more calm about the challenges that russia will try to put before us and which from time to time will be us to mention including our partners. the authorities quite often talk about the fact that russia can,
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russia has a tool... this is actually the case, but every time i hear the statements of our high-ranking officials, i am always surprised by one question: why the ukrainian authorities, who say about the threat to the national security of ukraine and the fact that russia threatens, threatens ukrainians and threatens ukrainian independence, why the moscow church is still working in ukraine, that is, it is still a mystery to me. because you can say there that the opposition, well, relatively speaking, as the representatives of the authorities like to say, the opposition there can bring someone to the maidan, or russia can take advantage of it, well, the opposition will not do this, everyone is aware that now it is a matter of life and death for ukraine, the question life and death of all ukrainians, so it obviously won't happen, but is this a question of life and death?


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