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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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to such delegitimization and in general contributed to the destabilization of ukraine, so to speak, in various ways, even by forcing yanukovych to abandon the association agreement at the last moment, that is, i think that they believe in their technologies of reflexive management and so on, eh , and sometimes ukrainians give reasons to think that they can be manipulated. but in the current situation, i think that this is, not quite, so to speak, justified expectations, because the excuse that the russians chose, well, actually they are trying any to stick a knife and widen the cracks in ukrainian society, actually the latest data on how they shook the situation around the confrontation. an imaginary or real tyrant and
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zelensky confirm this, so they will try to widen any rift and develop any destabilization, but this time i think that they made wrong bets, i mean about the illegitimacy of the president after the end of the five-year term of his term of office, it is unlikely that this is the topic and the reason that will stir up something like the maidan in ukraine. thank you maxim mr. igor, in your opinion, can russia provoke maidan 3 in ukraine and are there opportunities for this, first of all, human resources that could somehow move there and imitate this maidan, it is clear that this is not the maidan to which we are all used to it, i am convinced that it is impossible, first of all, they really do not have such human resources, since the pro-russian political forces, well, they are knocked out of our political and that and in general. as such a field of information,
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including, to a large extent, those who have not left, well, either they are sitting or there, you know, the grass is lower there, the water is quieter there, or they , well, to date, are under investigation there by our law enforcement agencies, well, for some of their previous activities, which concerned either the spread of russian propaganda, or, on the contrary, some actions there directly aimed at overthrowing the incumbent the state system there is based on... national sovereignty and so on, therefore, in this context, the russians have no chance to do it, to use someone who makes some speeches there against the current government, the second point, they cannot even informationally in a big way to really disperse this topic , which is related to the illegitimacy or legitimacy of the current president, or in general the topic that is related to the legitimacy of the ukrainian government as a whole, those decisions it makes, er... there those laws that are
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currently the day is under consideration by the verkhovna rada, bills that will soon become , for example, laws there, but at the same time, we should not, as they say, you know, rest on our laurels, because in reality , unfortunately, the russians still have certain informational possibilities, well, they are the only ones, but they are there information, to sow apathy and despair among ukrainians, i.e. to dispel some panicky rumors, which one way or another will be tied to the actions of the ukrainian authorities again, and they, that is, they do not like this thesis. things , for example, they will exploit quite actively , but not in the context, go out on the streets, knock down your illegitimate president there, because it really won't work, in the context that everything is lost, there are no chances, no prospects, there is no sense, it means to continue war, there is an urgent need to put up with by the russian federation, well, on the terms of the russian federation, or just drop everything and run away from the country, we will monitor these things, they are already in principle the ones who are monitoring.
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well, first of all, various anonymous telegram channels , they can quite calmly see this trend, there is an increase in the volume of certain materials of this nature, and well , all this contains signs of a precisely planned information campaign, because it comes out almost on more than one day, on all this is based on very similar messages, well, that's it is accelerated with the help of some standard tools that are characteristic of the work , well, for example, the same russian propagandists, so there will be such attempts... and we will live in this for at least a few months, and we need to start doing something about it now, since well, it will not change the fundamentally strong situation, but nevertheless it will have a negative impact on the general background in ukraine. the representative of ukrainian military intelligence , andriy yusov, in an interview with ukrainian pravda , said that in his plan maidan-3 the kremlin prefers to destabilize the situation inside ukraine, and success for the russians would be mass unrest inside ukraine and distrust of government decisions. let's listen to what mr. yusa said. if we say that what would be
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success for them, then for them success would be mass riots inside the country, distrust in the decisions of the authorities, in the institution. which characterize the ukrainian state, in such a situation it would be extremely difficult for the military at the front, in such a situation it would be difficult for the international coalition to continue its support. but everyone says that the reason for this is yes the so-called maidan 3 may be a question about the legitimacy of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi. on may 20, 2024 , the five-year term of zelenskyi's presidential mandate expires. and why do you think, gentlemen, that the ukrainian authorities did not do everything in order to get an explanation from the constitutional court on this matter, which would clearly place the emphasis or the supreme court of ukraine, after all , there is a war going on and it would be possible to somehow think about that ,
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that on may 20, 24, well, probably someone will have questions about the legitimacy, or, for example, the russians will pump up this topic, that is, there is a solution to the constitution. court or the supreme court of ukraine, probably constitutional, because this is the interpretation of the basic law, that's all, there are no more questions, that is , there is no reason to say that someone can use this, mr. maksym, i would name three possible reasons why so it happened, why wasn’t this decision submitted earlier and there is no one now, the first, the first version, and by the way, they may all be active at the same time, the first version is that in the office the president may have considered the possibility of holding these elections until the last moment, in which, according to the data of sociological surveys, the current president would most likely win an easy victory, uh,
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since they were preparing for the possibility of such a scenario, then they did not filed accordingly in order not to narrow their maneuver. er, another version, by the way, it can exist, as i said in parallel, that we did not think that this could become a serious issue at all, because society, the expert environment, the political class, everyone declared with one voice that holding elections now is inappropriate, and therefore it is not worth even bothering about it and it is not worth taking any preventive measures, well, and the third version: it is like this, you know, uh, they just didn’t think, just because, so to speak, the circle of people who make decisions live in such a pr-reaction mode, today a question arose, today a problem arose, today it is solved by pr
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activities and submitted to the constitutional court, and if it arose yesterday, then would have submitted earlier. well, by the way, there was information that fedir vyanislavskyi, a people's deputy from the servant of the people,... stated that his faction will not submit an appeal to the constitutional court regarding the legitimacy of zelenskyi's tenure as president, he gives an unambiguous answer to this question, and in the imperative aspect is answered by article 108 of the constitution of ukraine. she says that the president continues to exercise his powers before taking office as the newly elected president of ukraine. this is clearly a binding norm that the president must fulfill. well, if the representatives of the authorities talk about the fact that the constitution clearly places all the accents, then the question. and what are we talking about when they talk about the legitimacy and illegitimacy of zelenskyi, well , it is the government itself that says that someone will destabilize this situation, and does the absence of this confirmation from the constitutional court indicate that they still do not leave hope in the team zelensky, that
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the elections may be held there by the end of this year in one of the ways, mr. igor, well, look. the problem there is that apart from this article the constitution, the constitution that says, just says that elections should be held, and this is precisely the problem that would require an additional solution at the level of the constitutional court of ukraine, that is the key point of this appeal to this institution, they should have said , which of the norms of the constitution, which of the articles of the constitution is, well, let's put it this way, more important, or which one says: is it first solved in a mathematical language, and then another is solved. i absolutely support the thesis that this norm, which mr. venislavskyi mentions, in principle, it gives a clear answer to this question, but this answer needs to be further substantiated, there is nothing wrong with this , there is nothing like this verdict
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of the constitutional court, because this piece of paper, relatively speaking, yes, sorry for such a thing there is a simplified word, we would need it, first of all, to reflect all the measures that will be taken... in the information space , including other countries, not only ukraine, the russian federation, and this document would be included important to us because in order to show it to some of our partners who are not western partners who are not so well versed in the intricacies of the ukrainian basic law, and some things need to be explained to them, preferably based on some documents, such a document, if this is the decision the constitutional court, for them it will be the truth of the highest instance, we know that in these countries, as a rule, the judicial branch of government, the more so the people there treat the constitutional court, that is, these are some such things, even of a semi-sacred nature, and some kind of problem to get this decision, well, probably... it wouldn’t happen, but i don’t rule out that my colleague correctly named all those versions about the occasion and
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the possibility of further elections, which can be announced at any moment and so on, but i would i was not at all surprised, if speaking in a language that was understandable for some of our representatives of the authorities, they simply pushed this issue, excuse me, but they really did not think much about it, and then when they started talking about it, they realized that it was necessary, if it can be solved, but now it may already be too late, or there may not be such a decision of the constitutional court. although i'll be honest, from a political point of view, i don't see how, in a country that has been in a full-scale war for two years, the constitutional court would make any other decision that would undermine at least minimally the legitimacy of the current government, after all, they have such a wonderful tool called the political-legal decision, which was in the 19th year regarding elections, can be argued from a legal point of view and supported by political certain circumstances, so it is unambiguous an information error of the president's office, that they did not do this... with such a document, we would be much more calm about the challenges that
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russia will try to put before us and that our partners will mention to us from time to time. er, the authorities often talk about the fact that russia can, russia has the tools, that ’s actually the way it is, but every time i hear the statements of our high-ranking officials, i am always surprised by one question: why... the ukrainian authorities , which speaks of a threat to the national the security of ukraine and the fact that russia threatens , threatens ukrainians and threatens ukrainian independence, why the moscow church is still working in ukraine, that is, for me it is still a mystery, because you can say there that the opposition, well, relatively speaking, as they like representatives of the authorities say, the opposition there can bring someone to the maidan, or it can be done by russia, well, the opposition will not do that, everyone is aware that now
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it is a question of life and death for ukraine, a question of life and death for all ukrainians , so this is obvious will not be, but is this question unequivocally life and death for those who represent the branch of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, and why do you think the authorities are delaying this decision, that is , the bill was passed in the first reading there, it is complicated enough, but ... after all, the church headed by onufriy continues to exist in ukraine, and it is the largest agent network in principle of russia now on the territory of the ukrainian state, mr. maksym? i think there are several reasons for this, the main reason being that nevertheless, they associate themselves and their religious feelings with this church. social relations, a significant part , after all, of citizens of ukraine, and what is no less important,
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a significant part of people close to the political class, that is, this church, the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, for a long time was very closely integrated into the ukrainian elite, connected with the political class, with the economic class and... so to speak, to subject it to repression, some kind of political, is to transgress through oneself, through friendly ties and so on, on the other hand, there is it seems to me that the expectation that the problem will be solved by itself, but like this, you know, gradually, without sudden movements, communities will gradually move, the connection with moscow, with... the church itself, well , that is, not to be cut down immediately, will be lost, and somehow let it go
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through an evolutionary path. it is obvious that in this situation this tactic and strategy is wrong, and there is every reason to simply prohibit some elements of the state registration of the relevant communities and the corresponding structure, and not... interfering in canonical issues there, in church life, simply, so to speak speak, to express the attitude of the state towards certain legal entities in this way, such a decision in... it lies on the surface, but it, well, obviously, so far does not dare, or there are no people who would accept it in, so to speak, in the leadership of the state . mr. igor, what do you think about delaying the resolution of this issue, will it have consequences after
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our victory, because as i understand it, there will be no resolution of this issue until the end of the war. and how does it threaten ukraine? well, it will definitely have consequences, and these and these consequences will be negative, why? because , by and large, we are leaving a structure that is not religious, not even church. i will remind you that the church is, by and large , an institution of civil society, if we approach it formally, and it must also, well, in the context of registration there and performing certain actions of a legal or physical nature, it must live according to the laws that is in ukraine, so... we risk simply leaving a structure that is really, well, i won't say that it will be anti-ukrainian, but it definitely won't be pro-ukrainian, and to some extent it will remain pro-russian, since russia and the russian orthodox church, it uses this connection with a political, socio-economic purpose, a humanitarian purpose, and accordingly it will continue
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to hold us by these hooks and bind us to a certain extent to the russian federation, this is one time, secondly, it is for... this structure will remain that enclave or that tool with the help of which they will influence , including certain representatives of our political elite, we can even see it now, some of them are not at all afraid to take pictures there with representatives of this church, they demonstratively raise their connection with it publicly there on the shield, because they understand that this can bring them certain dividends in the future, well , financial ones, i i don't know, maybe even electoral ones, because there are hopes. that sooner or later, when the elections return to ukraine, it will again be possible to use this factor of belonging to one or another confession, if someone says that this has never happened in ukraine, well, that is absolutely it is not true, the church has always actively participated in elections and, with great desire, it was possible to direct whole communities in the right direction there to vote for one or another, let's say individuals, and some
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people's deputies, politicians in general, they are to this day they remember this resource very well and hope... to use it in the future, and indeed, from the point of view of national security in general, the preservation of such a structure, i absolutely agree with mr. maksym that here it was possible purely on the level legally remove these moments and create very uncomfortable conditions for the existence of this structure, and then the process would be natural, it would be significantly accelerated, but those people who are in the power environment today, who do not want to take such drastic steps , are blocking it , who believe that in the future they will be able to... use this resource, but already use it to their advantage, because there is a stage calculation, we would help them today, well, you know, not about not pedaling certain decisions and without bringing them to a logical conclusion, and they in in the future, they will thank us for this and help us stay in power there or solve some other issues there, and by the way, i will say one more moment, this is again, well, to a certain extent, the right
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of the authorities, i think that they do not activate this story, because they are afraid of certain lawsuits and... some kind of reaction from the side, including our partners, who, you know, treat freedom of speech like this, they are so very careful, but we see a lot of manipulation, because this same church or people who support this church, there are oligarchs, but they don't have american ones lobbyists, for example, yes, they have influence there on some candidates there, former candidates for the post of president of the united states, they talk about some religious persecution there, but why is it a problem for the authorities, the authorities had to legally prepare it in such a way that no questions from the side. our partners did not have it, and since these questions remain, well, no one wants to solve this problem, i hope that somehow it will exist there by itself, and then maybe it will go off the agenda and not be as relevant as it is now. one more question, gentlemen, it concerns the actual vision of the 24th year, on sunday a large forum was held with the participation of the president and leaders
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of the ukrainian state, speakers of the ukrainian state, and that was all. is shown and presented as a kind of vision, there is a vision of what people think about the year 2024, in your opinion, did zelenskyi's team manage to convince ukrainians that 2024 will have such, such, such prospects, and that the current zelenskyi team, it's not five or six managers, me i think they are now starting to correct this communication error and start... showing more people in order to say that we have a whole team, we are going to win with this team, we have such and such plans, and these plans are clear to everyone, mr. maxim, did you understand why? did this forum take place at all and did you receive answers to the questions that you, as a citizen of ukraine, definitely have? well, how can i tell you, if
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we talk about strategic plans for the 24th year, especially plans, our military plans, then i do not expected to hear from our management their coverage. what's more, i hoped they wouldn't be revealed, and they wouldn't even be nearly, not even hinted at, because in wartime, to reveal your plans, uh, especially strategic goals, uh, well, it's a suicidal act, all communication strategic during the war, public communication, it is aimed at misleading the enemy, so i did not, no, no... i did not expect to hear such a thing, but was it unexpected for me, did i understand why it was being done, i think i understood, i think this is, again, a pr campaign,
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which was designed and directed on the fly, and its main purpose was to cover up the release of valery zaluzhny, that is, to show that... there is, so to speak, a strong team, there is someone to protect ukraine, and without zaluzhny, well, i 'm not sure if it was successful, but we saw some kind of imitation of confidence. thank you, mr. igor, how did this ukraine 2024 forum impress you and did it impress you? look, he impressed me. i will now say what, that is what you started with, i have finally established myself in the opinion that in the president really has five or six managers , they tried to present just the right broad team,
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but the performances of all those who were before the president and , well, partially the minister of defense, maybe partially, well, fedorova with some conditions there, well, of course yarmaka, by and large we they saw very, very weak preparation. representatives, first of all , of the cabinet of ministers and their understanding of the processes that are currently taking place in the country, some of the statements they made there about the huge number of drones there and the like, well, they are just fluff, on unfortunately, they are shattered by reality, and this is written by people who are directly related to this, including, well, first of all , volunteers, so in this context, well, if they wanted to demonstrate that the entire state body works as a single unit, all... . what and how to do it, it probably didn’t turn out very well, because a certain synchronicity, it was present, and the controversy of the statements, or overly optimistic statements, it was
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visible to the naked eye, so let’s hope, the only thing that was done it was specifically aimed primarily at our partners to show that ukraine itself is doing a lot of things, wants and needs help, but we will do our best to develop them there on our own. or other, let's say spheres, so in this context, well, probably this forum did not work as it was expected, on the other hand, it once again showed that everything is concentrated exclusively there practically at the head of the state, at his office, and some informal powers, informal institutions that exist today in country, they continue to dominate the formal ones, which is certainly not very good, even in the context of a large-scale war, and the reluctance of the president to speak there and give answers to individual questions, well, on the one hand, it should not be surprising in our country, because this was also earlier, but if more serious work and conversations are already starting , and some not very pleasant things are being mentioned, well, it is necessary to go to the end and give
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answers to all the questions asked by both our and foreign journalists, because indeed, there is a story with the zaluzhnym, and with certain military plans there, and so on , the answers, they actually left even more questions, and the feeling of a certain lack of expression, well, it remained after this forum. thank you, mr. igor, gentlemen, after a short break on our tv channel, we will return to the air, i will tell our viewers, do not switch, it will be interesting from now on. there are discounts on bronkhalyk, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, ban and savings. there are discounts on pairs of villages, 20% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. there are 15% discounts on penger and gervir. in pharmacies plantain pam and savings, there are discounts on lactiale 10% in pharmacies on...
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friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow. and other cities of russia, analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, that's why that there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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friends, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us live there, please take part in our vote, today we we ask about this, whether russia is capable to provoke maidan 3 in ukraine, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, if you sit in front of the tv and watch us on tv, vote by phone numbers if you think that russia is capable of provoking maidan 3 in ukraine 0800. 211 381 no 0700-211382. all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. let me remind you that maksym rozumny and ihor reiterovych, the best political experts of ukraine, are our guests today. we are talking about what was said and heard at the 2024 forum from zelenskyi, and of course about what plans zelenskyi's team has for not only this
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year, but also in general. a vision of what the ukrainian government should look like. reduction of the ministry in ukraine depends on the shortage of funds. if the deficit continues, the government will do everything to reduce the entire infrastructure of the state. the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyy, stated this at the press conference at the conclusion of the ukraine year 2024 forum . let's listen to what the president said. we have this conversation with the prime minister. and she is. is based solely on the lack of money, if there is a corresponding deficit , it will continue, we will do everything so that the infrastructure, and this is not only about the cabinet , so that the infrastructure of the management of our state is reduced, and this is such a format, we are prepared for it , reducing the number of ministries, reducing the number of ministers, easier, management, or cheaper,
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let's say. management is not easier, it will not be easier, it will be more coordinated, yes, yes, denys anatolyovych is right, and that is why we have a completely open dialogue here, and we are up to it ready, i think that the indicator will be the understanding that we will have in the spring, a little later, a month or two, we will understand everything. mr. maksym, if zelenskyi had said about this two years ago, exactly two years ago, would it be possible to somehow, well, accept the plans there that it is necessary to reduce the apparatus, because we have it. there are large expenditures on defense, we must do everything to ensure that this defense is strong, in general it would be somehow understandable, and the fact that in the third year of the great war the president is talking about the fact that, well, so far we do not know whether we will to reduce or not to reduce, is ukraine now living the way a state should live in the conditions of a full-scale war, when economy is really too important.


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