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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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let's say so, according to the new norms of the law on language on television, and therefore we do not apply too much, exclusively ukrainian, and well, by the way, we will also mention the international mother language day on february 21 after the break, but for now we will rest a little and give it to you. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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we continue the joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel together. beraber. we speak about the currently occupied crimea. today we are talking about the second anniversary of the russian federation's large-scale invasion of ukraine. today we are talking about the 10th anniversary of the actual start of russia's armed aggression against ukraine. on february 20, 2014
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, everything started from crimea, and on february 21, ukraine not only celebrates the international mother language day, and for many people in our native country, not only ukrainian is the language, for crimean tatar friends, it is definitely the crimean tatar language when we speak about crimea in general, it is important not to forget that karaites are considered to be indigenous peoples there. and the crimeans, the preservation of their languages ​​now, in fact , simply requires maddening efforts, sometimes they, these efforts are made exclusively by that small, extremely small number of people who are representatives, well, we mean, we have the bitter truth to say that during the stay of the crimea under the power of the russian empires, the crimean people, well, to be honest, they are, in principle, crimean-speaking. peoples and languages
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​​are very similar, there are nuances related to religious differences, and so in principle, for example, 25 people in the world know the karaite language, that is, in fact, it was actually killed, i read a book, well, as i read, i saw a book in ukrainian with latin graphics, and it is actually similar to the south coast dialect. or a variant of the crimean language , that is, i, unfortunately, have never read texts in the crimean language, but grandmother maasfia, who was 15 years old when they were exiled, well, it is clear when and how, and so karasov bazari, who now has until which is called biloghirsk, and many karaites lived there, crimeans, crimeans, they lived together and they spoke, they did not speak russian.
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i.e. in big cities it was like that, in their town they didn’t, they communicated with each other in the crimean language, in fact it was the only one, i’m only saying with some religious nuances, and it is necessary to revive it in principle, i.e. the revival of the crimean language, this is the revival of languages ​​and crimeans and krymchaks, and here we just need to publish books that will mention some nuances of historical, cultural, cultural heritage, and most interestingly, what concerns the karaites through settlement features. karaites in ukraine , in general, and i will remind you that the buildings of karaite cinemas can be found both in kyiv and in western ukraine, but the karaite language had both a crimean dialect and a galician dialect, and galician is actually considered a vmerlin, unfortunately, but crimean they are still trying to somehow keep the karaites, and the association of karaites in ukraine, crimea, karaylar, among other things, takes care of the preservation of the karaite language and their center was melit.
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well, listen, i want to tell such a story, maybe the audience will be interested, too familiar with one of on with one of i don't know how to say correctly. of the most experienced female diplomats of lithuania, this is mrs. halyna , i just forgot her last name, you can go for a walk , she was the first lady ambassador to finland, to estonia, to lithuania, independent after the collapse of the soviet union, i was at her house, and i am with her, by the way, she is a karaite, absolutely, absolutely without, well , she is just a karaite in some generation, there are several hundreds of them in lithuania, and among them there are people who speak. a bit, but they speak the crimean language, and she helped the little prince anton desentura, in retirement, there is a polish grant, the translation of translations into the languages ​​of small nations, and she made this translation, i actually saw it, and i spoke with her, she is
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from the crimea, that is, lithuanian we crimeans, they all got there at the same time at the invitation of vytautas a long, long time ago, and this is absolutely, that is , lithuanians are not for nothing... our brotherly people, they are first of all, by the way, and because of crimea and because of relations with - the principality kyivskyi, it was also there and even before the foundation of kyiv there were lithuanians, so we don't know a lot, we are so connected in fact, crazy, just crazy, i know, i saw grisya mention this - mother tongue day, i want them there is no one already alive, i want to apologize to my forefathers, parents, grandmothers, grandmothers, great-grandfathers, so what is it that i do not know the crimean language well, i hardly know it, that is, i know the words, i understand what it is about, but i can only say the easiest is some sentence, well, maybe something nice to say about the lady khrystyna, about the espresso tv channel, about ukraine ztr, yes, at the moment, i have a much better
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command of the ukrainian language, that is, even 20% 10 i do not have the command of a native language, sorry. about my ancestors, i will make amends one day, and now we will talk , or rather, raise a number of issues with the legal counsel, i will probably start with the topic that we promised you in the last issue of the beraber special project, about the former governor of occupied sevastopol dmytro ovsyannikov, i will simply remind you that in 2022 , in fact, when the russian aggression took place large-scale against ukraine, he somehow managed to get rid of his sledgehammer. of the european union and removing himself from this sanctions list, he got there, obviously, because he was a representative of the occupation administration of sevastopol, and the most interesting thing is that the court motivated its decision by the fact that he ceased to be one, and he
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also took into account the fact that he is ukrainian, he is a citizen of ukraine, he did not come here with the passport that was given to him in crimea, although i do not know what he went with, but he was in great britain. detained already literally on february 20 , a meeting was held to choose for him what is called a preventive measure in our country, so i will remind you that the royal court of the sazerk district actually found out at the court session that, in addition to russian, he also has british citizenship, such that ex- the governor is a russian patriot, as they say, under the terms of bail. which was assigned to him, the british and russian passports remain with law enforcement officers, and samovnikov must observe a curfew from 9 p.m. to 50 a.m., staying at home with an electronic with a bracelet, they are marked daily by the police, in great britain, that is, not in the european union, he is in principle suspected of violating
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the sanctions legislation, i apologize, i must have confused him, he was not a citizen of ukraine, is this ovsyannikov or not, you know, i , if there was, they all kept it, kept it for themselves. crimea, i am concerned about a person who actually carried out the russian occupation, served her, and she actually got out of any punishment of the european union, khrystyna is not a british judge, i am sure that the british are not
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are being pumped up, but there is a big question, let's talk now about other topics, in particular about the ongoing oppression in crimea. unfortunately, we are talking about lotvi yazodieva, who this week presented a very neat column for the newsweek publication, thanks, by the way, to this publication, which is interested in crimean topics in general. latvia is in crimea, she is a human rights activist from crimean solidarity, an educated, intelligent person who, to the best of her ability, tries to fight for people who are experiencing oppression, and now she obviously needs support as well. with us on communications viktoria nesterenko, project manager of the human rights center zmina. victoria, congratulations. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. a few words about the case and, perhaps, about some
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information that we have about lotvii azodieva. she just wrote about the fact that she has to sleep dressed, always have her things packed, because she, in fact, cannot rule out that one day russian security forces, law enforcement officers will not come to her and do what they do to ukrainians and crimeans tatars, for 10 years. crimea, and it happened, and it happened, what can we say about this case? unfortunately, unfortunately, this is true, and this is not the first time, because yesterday these people from the counter-extremism center visited her, and before that she was already detained twice, and twice she was awarded these administrative, administrative fines, and yesterday actually , it was supposed to be... a search, but in fact they searched her home, unfortunately, during the search, they seized
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some things, it's a recorder, cctv, all phones, flash drives and a laptop, and also during this search, there were no her lawyers were admitted, that is, they came, but unfortunately they were not allowed, and two protocols were also imposed on lutfiy. one protocol for the fact that in one of the facebook posts she did not mention that hisbud tahrir is a terrorist organization recognized in russia, and another protocol where she referred to a radio liberty article, she did not indicate that this organization is a foreign agent , since a few days ago in russia, this organization was included in the list of undesirables, ugh, that is, mrs. viktora. what do you think they lead to and how is it possible, well, i don't know, it's an occupation, it
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's clear that it's a big risk, it's a great honor and respect for mrs. lutfia, that in fact she may be in danger, and what should we do? in fact, this is another attempt by the russian occupation authorities to intimidate both lutfia and other human rights defenders in crimea, because we see that the occupation authorities are at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. in crimea is trying to put pressure on law enforcers, put pressure on lawyers, several lawyers have already had their lawyer's licenses taken away and they cannot practice law, and in fact, what we should do is only testify to all these cases, talk about them, speak in an international audience, call on the international community to put pressure on the occupation forces. well, the government and the government in russia to stop and
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force an end to these persecutions of civil society, which are against the occupation, you know, after what putin did with his opponent there, he actually killed oleksiy navalny, we are not very good with him we behave, but this is a political murder and the murder of a political prisoner, so that is... and in such cases under the same conditions, there are several dozen , almost no one mentions them, well, except for us in the world, but there are hundreds of such people, and much less is written about them, they say something, and i do not know how to raise this topic of crimean political prisoners on the international level even more, maybe it will be done there, i don't know, on february 26 in connection with... with the anniversary, well, day by day of resistance to the occupation of crimea, but i am very, to be honest, scared for our people, and now
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they are simple, i apologize for such a long preface, that in fact the reich has already been built there, and no one is ashamed to do that whatever, in fact a person who falls into their hands falls into the hands of absolute power over himself, there are no safeguards. well, what do you think? in fact it is, and it seems to me that this dynamic of repression and persecution, it will continue to waver, because of course. all these persecutions, human rights defenders recorded during these 10 years of occupation many different violations of human rights and violations of international law in the occupied crimea, and at the expense of political prisoners, we all know the conditions they are in, these are terrible inhumane conditions, this inhumane treatment, this is torture, torture
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, this is not providing medical care, in fact, this is... the genocide of the crimean tatars, which happened a long time ago, because, as far as we know, since the beginning of 2023, two political prisoners died in places of detention , and the occupying authorities of russia are trying to further imprison elderly people, people with disabilities, for rather long terms, that is 15-18 years of imprisonment. that is, people are still in such conditions and they simply may not live to the moment when they will be released. please tell me, actually we already are we have been living for some time after the international court of the un in the hague announced the decision in the case in which ukraine accused the russian
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federation of violating two international conventions on the fight against the financing of terrorism and on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, and we honestly say. until the end , they still did not understand what basic assessment can be given to this decision, it is very half-hearted, and not all, as for us from the ukrainian position , absolutely fair demands of our country were taken into account, please tell me which ones this decision will have practical consequences, if possible briefly. actually, i'm not an expert in international law, but we're all realists and i... i think it's obvious that these decisions of the international court, they did not live up to the expectations that our diplomats and our lawyers had hoped for, eh , so it seems to me that it is not appropriate at all, and maybe our diplomats will take
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this into account in the future and will look for some other mechanisms in order to somehow influence russia. bring her to justice because yes, victoria, thank you, victoria nesterenko, project manager of the center for human rights zmina was in touch with us, and i would just like to add for sure that relying on and often accusing our international partners, international courts, in some decisions we have to pull our own legal strap, as they say, sometimes and not forget that we have firm obligations. in particular, in front of the indigenous peoples, and the cabinet of ministers of ukraine is delaying the adoption of a decision on establishing the legal status of the mezhelis of the crimean tatar people, as a representative body of the indigenous people. this is what ryfat chubarov, head of the mezhelis, says. that is, in fact, medjalis operates, it exists, but it is precisely the legal basis for its functioning, this is a shameful situation, it is ancient
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and shameful, it does not become less shameful because of the term. which is ongoing, let's try to talk about it next time and invite mr. rifat personally, maybe he will be able to, thank you for your attention, thank you, it was a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel, together beraber, we will continue to hold hands on the pulse, be with crimea.
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he had a happy life, he taught physical education at school and was a martial arts coach, his wife had her own business, on february 24 , 2022, a new life countdown began. paul says that those whom he considered his friends turned out to be traitors and looters. they traded this loot so actively, and with such joy, i wonder where they got it from. this joy. you didn't see what? they were already killing us, and then the regular troops were already brought up, the equipment was already brought up, they were not already brought up they just started
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using modern technology as a mockery, so they will get there, the house is burning, they will get there, whatever was necessary, god knows, the city was constantly bombarded with shells, the russians dropped bombs from airplanes, the cannons and howitzers did not stop . pavlo remembers the day when he and his wife miraculously survived. and a pillar fell on my house and broke the roof, all the windows were blown out , the doors inside were blown out, so that i was wearing a sports cap, i was on the street at that time, well, i didn't see it, i see that my hat is on a tree, then i started to analyze it, it was my mistake, she solved it, how did i stay alive, it was a millimeter, 2 mm, the woman... she was now in the house, the icons saved her. so, the makukh family lived in blockade mariupol for three months, because they could not leave
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svitlana's bedridden old mother. all those who remained in the city had to pass a mandatory check, the so-called filtering. the couple helped the local and ukrainian military. pavlo was also on duty at his school. one day svitlana, together with with other people, she hid in the drama theater, which was soon destroyed. the russians and the children already thought that she had stayed there, and the woman came to the home theater, thought, thought, said, i will remain one of the mothers-in-law, it is hard for me there, she leaves this drama theater, 13-15 kilometers away, goes under bombardments, returns home, at the end of may , a dead body was already standing on the streets. pavlo and his wife were afraid that the city would be closed due to the risk of cholera spreading. however, the couple managed to leave mariupol on may 31 , 2022. she died two days before departure
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svitlana's old mother, and pavlo decided to bury her in his yard. i dug it myself, it 's not very deep, i dug it in the hope that in september, i had something, we had such information that we were going to freedom in september, well, that year, and then i buried it in myself. about this, when we had already harvested the holidays, he said: well , now at least someone will look after the house, we arrived at the customs office, men , there were several buses there, we were taken to a room, we were all divided into underpants, we looked at the pickaxes, i say : yes, what are we to you? here we will offer you a job, stay , don't leave anywhere, and i also answer that to their questions, that i will not stay anywhere, i need to understand myself, all the events that happened, and... the woman is asked: and you where? she is going to the shelter, and he, well , leave, but it was in general, no one could even believe it. husband and wife have been living in germany for less than two years, for the first time during this
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time they met their relatives here in ukraine. svitlana and pavla's son and grandson left mariupol in march. 12-year-old maksym lives with his mother in drohobych, in lviv region. his father went to serve in the army. the guy remembers those humiliations and the long way out of control. in ukraine, there was a large convoy, all the seats were occupied, we were traveling standing, it was night, and then at night we arrived at a russian checkpoint, there was a gas station, and at that time we were told that we would not go any further, and we stood we stayed there for two days, the next morning we were brought water from the sewers, which was not drinkable. then they threw a loaf of bread at us, on the whole bus, so that we we just ate, on the day when that water was brought to us, there was just a vehicle driving in front of us
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, it was a russian military vehicle, we saw it, and we were not allowed to pass because of this, that they just drove the vehicle over. difficult circumstances and the war separated the makukh family, each of them dreams of one thing, when they reunite and return to their native mariupol, ukraine. i dream of restoring my home. this is my dream, and i perfectly understand that they will return there, it will be replaced, the border is 40 km from russia, we will not destroy it for a while by the way, we already have a team of mariupol officials, who enter immediately, only the pre-occupation enters and everyone is engaged in their own business, doctors, education, housing and communal services, well, what is needed for a full life.
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the search for 16-year-old danylo pyatnytsky, who disappeared under very mysterious circumstances in slovakia, where he lived and studied since september 2023, continues. the boy's mother told us that he liked studying at a university abroad, he called her and said that he was fine, but on december 22 of last year , she lost contact with him and since then about nothing is known about him, he didn’t say anything at all before his disappearance, at 12 o’clock in the afternoon we talked with him, he says: mom, i haven’t slept for almost a day, he says, i want to sleep, i ’ll sleep for a couple of hours and call you, i i dialed him in the evening on the same day, but his phone was already turned off. this conversation with
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danyla's mother was recorded a month ago. all this time, of course, we did not stop and do not stop searching for the boy. we immediately contacted our colleagues from the international federation of missing children europe, who in turn posted information about danylo on their internet portal. a request was also immediately made to the police of slovakia. in addition, some slovak public organizations joined the search. here, for example, is a photo. about the search for a boy on the website of one of them: we are doing everything possible to find danylo, and we once again spoke with the boy's mother, she also says that, unfortunately, she does not have any information about her son at the moment, no, well interpol checked in germany, he did not cross the border, he is not there, he came, i received a response from interpol, and i will remind you of the details of danilo's disappearance, there are
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some very suspicious circumstances in this story. last time , the boy's mother said that in the room where dania lived, after his disappearance , clothes and scattered things were found. i was informed that his foreign passport was torn up in his room, everything that could be beaten, although this does not resemble my son's behavior at all, i do not even know what should have happened for him to behave like this. the boy studied in bratislava at the university named after comensky, at the faculty. management, but he lived in a center for children and families in the village of bernolakovo, which is about an hour's drive from bratislava, and he was given housing by the refugee center, and he lived there, and there was food, well, that is, and they gave him a ride, and he said that he liked it, he communicated with the tutors, well , he improved his slovak language,
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well... he communicated in slovak with the slovak language tutors, well, he improved the level of the slovak language, i don’t even know what could such a thing could happen that he behaved like this and disappeared, the boy's mother has no idea where her son could be, she does not understand at all how this could happen, but she assumes that danya could not have contacted this company, that even after his disappearance, it became known that he had not attended classes since november. although he didn't say anything to my mother about it, i don't know, we were already thinking, maybe in some company, he, i don't know, some friends, maybe he has some not very good, not very decent friends, i talked to a girl who studied with him in zaporizhzhia, in our city, they graduated from the gymnasium , and she also went to this university, and she told me that on the eve of his disappearance on december 21, they met, and he said some
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such not ... serious things, that is, that the slovak fsb or the sbr were after him checks that he has a bug on his phone, that is, she said that he had some paranoid, well, there were thoughts, she thinks, maybe there are some narcotic drugs with some company, he contacted. so, if you have any information about danylo pyatnytskyi, or if possible, you live in slovakia, and suddenly see denmark or learn something about it, right away. call 11630. this is the only european hotline for missing children that works in 28 european countries. therefore, if you are in europe and want to report information about a missing child, or god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, do not delay and call the single european missing children line 116/3 from your mobile phone. you will receive professional help, support and...


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