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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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i will say for the area of ​​our brigade, for the past day there were 12 assaults, 12 assaults, yes, yesterday there was almost no equipment involved, only it was used to transport the bc there, they used mtlb there and plus the wheeled equipment was destroyed, the previous, previous days were with equipment, and tanks and bmps , and all this equipment was practically... either destroyed or damaged, and this morning again from 5:00 a.m. new assaults are starting again, and what can i say, we are happy that every day, every hour there are fewer of them , this is probably what we have 736 days, and this is for every day the number of occupiers is still destroyed, remains inactive on this.
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the world and this struggle continues, mr. serhiy , we, here is what you wrote, guys, we are going out to rest, we are going out with our heads held high, this is the 110th brigade, which is side by side with you, but for two years it held avdiivka, now they are leaving on rotation, respectively, how do you deal with it, and to what extent, well, did new rotational forces appear, we do not say how much, where, but whether there are, well, forces are in any way, and they are our brothers 110 , they deserved it, it 's true, they fought with dignity and have the opportunity, then why not, let them rest, for now , let's say, we stay in our place, we, our vacation rotations, sorry, it's interrupted,
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these vacations take place within the brigade, everything is fine with this issue, everything is according to plan, huh , that's why we're standing in our positions for the time being, we're holding our defense line, we're practically holding it, there are no special, let's say such retreats on our part of the front, mr. sergey, we understand that people are staying, but people without equipment, without any additional means. .. it is much more difficult for them to fight and work and stay in the same places, we know that you are currently collecting, that you need to restore a car that was damaged by our neighbors. you can now announce it on our air, more specifically , what is the amount in question, and what kind of car is it, why do you especially need it, so that our very active, in fact, financially, viewers can help, support you, well, at the moment it's even embarrassing. to ask already, but there are less than 100
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thousand left to complete the e-armored e -armored vehicle, which directly fulfills the tasks of e-delivering fighters and bka, and there are our own pilots, eh, our drones are going out on it to destroy the enemy, so please, who can join the gathering so that we can bring him, well, he was hit by her airstrike not indirectly. seizure, and there are nearby, that’s why there are certain ones, and the car is so very, very necessary on the battlefield, that’s why there is a code, the card number is at the bottom of the screen, please scan it for yourself, rewrite it to whomever is more comfortable, and support this collection, sir sergey, you show us a very beautiful shot, you show us a very beautiful blue with light clouds, heaven, we understand that it is somewhere near avdiivka. is such a sky now a regular phenomenon in
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your neighborhood, because we remember that until recently, something was constantly flying up there, something was constantly falling from there, and, unfortunately, i am not talking about the rain, it is falling, it is constantly falling, but in those the airstrikes themselves have decreased at the moment, you can see the active work of the units that destroy these planes of theirs, but they are still afraid to approach the front line directly. therefore at a distance, therefore it still decreases, which means that they shoot only from afar, which means that the accuracy of hits also drops in them, well, you see, in general, when we know these problems, which with great pace, as they say, snowball in this very moscow, then in the hall all this brings our victory closer, mr. serhiy, did it go well. .. to bathe to overlap, why
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are we asking, because some of our veterans communicate with their comrades, they know that they cannot speak openly, they say that in some areas they are retreating or leveling off. the front line, well, let's say so, let's not say bad words, but it was very loudly announced at the prepared lines, had to to dig in in combat mode, as you dug in, we are digging in and we continue to dig in and dug in constantly, it is not only now, it is not only the moment when avdiivka was already occupied, our engineers were directly engaged in this. and during the day and at night, including the second and third lines of defense and minesweeping , and so on, this work, in principle , is carried out constantly, just in case , even if we are preparing for an offensive there, there are always those it is necessary, well, let's say
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actions, so that everything is possible for everyone, this is a war to be, but no, not everything can be predicted in advance, but to make them impossible... there are attempts that they constantly make, we, we, we are engaged in this, why are we asking about it so much, because we have seen maps, engineering and fortification structures , which the russians erected both on their territory and in the temporarily occupied territories, actually along the front line, well , this is not what impresses, it actually looks very creepy, because it is very dense, such a large, rough line of these structures, and the question whether we are actually in... possessing almost the same time as the russians, because maybe two years there therefore, when it all started, it was a little bit wrong, this is this map, then during the next time, well, the last year and a half, there was time for this, is there enough equipment, yes, does it
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have to be done in manual mode, yes, are the tractors rudimentary , concrete, wood, are all these delivered properly and on time, or are our shovels and hands safe? this is what is doing this work now, everything is involved, and, as you say, there are hands and equipment, and very, well, i will say this, in two directions and on the line of the ministry of defense , the necessary is provided there, the means are those that are directly needed for the same fortification structures, and the communities with which we are constantly in contact, from all over ukraine, help us a lot. only dear, our appeal is very prompt to the same same forest, which is needed for the equipment of certain structures there, everyone reacts very quickly, that's why, well, plus plus ours, well, each unit knows what it
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needs to do better, so we won't to reveal our secrets, from what we, how we cover up, how we cover up ours, we will say our own positions, how we at... the same equipment that moves on the battlefield, including i am talking about this machine right now, yes, that is, we are constantly working to make it impossible there, let's say, a threat to the health, first, the health, the life of our servicemen, uh, by the way, let me see, mr. serhiy, i see that glavcom wrote his in the morning, tserskyi writes that he started his work... in the area of ​​hostilities precisely from the avdiyiv direction, and here are the lines we will read from him, from him: certain miscalculations in ownership were discovered during the work of individual commanders the situation and assessment of the enemy, which directly affected the stability of the defense
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in certain directions, i took all measures to correct the situation on the spot, to allocate an additional resource of ammunition and material resources, that is, the additional resource of bc and... material resources after the inspection of the general committee increased with you or still in the process , yes, yes, let's not say what kind of follower , not so much follow our publications , our speeches and your work that it is impossible to even convey it, i applied there it is open dopyskogo and no-n it's normal everything is there is let's say there is. deliver, work , experiment, even, i will say so, a lot of new things, so to say that their fortifications will help them a lot, with modern ammunition today, then probably not, well, for a certain time there is some, we know very carefully
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that they have it done there in their same buildings, where they dig, or where they pour concrete, as i say along the entire contact line, so go home, dear russians, mr. sergey, we still have a few minutes to talk and i want to ask you , actually about go home, disrespectful russians. they are currently in your direction , at least it looks like they are moving along the entire front line, in fact they have closed this ledge for themselves, and it would seem that they could move somewhere there and concentrate on more comfortable roads along the route, but it looks like this is straight the villages are going forward with a wide front, they want to go, or you, having a little more information, watching them closely and in particular receiving intelligence data? have a vision of what their future plans are, whether
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in the future, they plan to expand this strip , will they focus on some direction, if you can of course share this with us and our viewers, look, further there, if we consider the topography of the area in this way, then there have already arisen a little for them and great difficulties are arising, and this can be a very big surprise for them in the first place, our command anticipates this and takes some measures. in order to let's say, well, to make these this in quotes a surprise for them, so yes, they are euphoric, then we are passionate, here pseudo the elections are on their hands, and they probably already want to grab a lot of medals there, but where to grab them, when this morning we started assault operations at 50 am, and literally in the first 15 minutes there was only one of our fpv drones. killed six occupiers, just in front of my eyes, it was very so beautiful, we all
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watched it, well, on the monitors, it was very beautiful, so everything, where, and this is every day, you know, every day it goes, no no, we are not talking about our losses, we do not say, but their losses, they exceed many times, unfortunately, ours, which we have, well... that's the story, so sooner or later it will end with them anyway, no matter how they say that there is a large population there and so on, no, no, oh, and they are less educated after all, more of these mobilized, they will use more people there, who had little training and so on, supplies, now we know that they have there in russia, there are big problems with fuel, both diesel and gasoline, so... everything, everything is moving, where needed, by russian ship. mr. serhiy, thank you for your service, thank
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you for taking part in our program. serhii tsehotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade, this is avdiivka. we hope that after the courage of avdiyiv, the enemies will not have enough of it for a long time with such rates of extermination of the infection on the ground by our defenders. we will take a short break, after which we will talk about a lot. interesting things with our former military prosecutor viktor chumak, stay with espresso. there are discounts on penger and herpavir. 15% at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on icelandika pastilles, 15% in podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. is discounts on zzilor, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, memory and savings. professional cream against fix is ​​an extra strong fixation for all types of dentures. it is applied to wet prostheses. versus
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the viewers of the espresso tv channel are asked to join in the collection of funds for protection and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! glory! vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who... have become like to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day for two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. and we are already back and thank you for espresso, thank you for actively donating and don't forget to keep doing it, we, because it's half a bucket not in
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one of the hot destinations, well actually their too much, now in the eastern and... southern sections of the front. we will talk about this and other things with viktor chumak, the former military prosecutor of ukraine from 19 to 20. maritime center, it was we who received confirmation that during execution of a combat mission in reporting with the russians, well , the commanders, commanders of the ssso confirmed that ours suffered losses. viktor chumak is in touch with our studio. mr. viktor, congratulations. good morning, glory to ukraine. mr. viktor, is it now or when in, well, it’s not all the time about some, options in the style of a single
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marathon to tell about everyone who won and went to... vladivostok, here we have an example when the command of special operations forces under also confirmed his losses, and so it is open in public, it seems to me that it is good that they are talking about it, because it is a practice in which, for example, we at one time it is important not to hide the truth, because this is the truth between people, but i wanted you, wanted you to actually ask, because when we saw some previous tragic stories from the war, and it has been going on for more than 10 years, then it immediately started in the rear, well, let's arrest someone, arrest someone for il, someone for ilovaisk, someone for debaltseve. in this case, this practice is finally over, because we know who is to blame, and where did the infection come from? well, look, to blame for all the deaths, we definitely understand that they are to blame, the culprit of all our deaths is russia, that is
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clear, and it cannot be here. another question that, you understand, i believe that it cannot be like this all the time. but to scare the servicemen and say to the servicemen, let's imprison , let's put somebody there, i don't know, we'll find the culprits in all these deaths of the commanders, you can't scare that, you know, because eventually the commanders will stop making difficult decisions, stop making risky decisions, if i will talk about it every time, but during my time there , the military prosecutors also had one such tragic death in the zone. conducting oos, and this is just when combat took a difficult turn the decision regarding the movement of military personnel there through the urals, a large number of military personnel who were hit by a grenade launcher, well, who were hit by a grenade launcher at the separatists , you know, it was certainly possible to prosecute for such a decision, but this
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decision was due to the need to move military personnel. to another area of ​​defense, because it was dictated by military necessity there, and it was not possible to make a decision to bring this combatant to justice, we made a decision then it is absolutely clear, it is clear that, in principle , the decision was made in a state of military necessity, and even if it entailed the death of personnel, it is absolutely legal and adequate, well , exactly the same here, exactly the same here i am... i didn't see the need to shout at all corners and intersections that let 's condemn someone. ugh. a similar story actually exists with what was announced, actually officially announced. syrsky stated that there were miscalculations by the commanders in the defense, such also happens, because not everyone can always clearly work perfectly. we see, on the example of
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different warriors. and there was also a statement that additional resources are scary. yes, those that were different reserves were thrown there. are the conclusions that our military command is currently drawing from the current, from the current situation, from previous battles, can fundamentally change the situation on the front line, because we are talking about reserves and ammunition, but we understand that there is still not enough ammunition, and well we will have to wait for some time to see if we are in good condition now... hold that front line with what we've got? well, you and i now hear and see that this front line is holding on, just holding on, because they were leading... a shortage of weapons, ammunition, shells, and about what, well, at least about what we see and know from reports and from our
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military, we actually see it and feel it from international negotiations, that today the situation is quite difficult, including the provision of ammunition, moreover, i would like, you know, how can i tell you, you can't be told here we have guarantees that nothing will happen. because war is an unpredictable thing, we can plan one thing, the enemy will do another, and we have to re-plan, or we have to make quite difficult, well quite difficult decisions, yes, including decisions that lead to a loss, a certain loss of territory, but we clearly understand that this is the main thing, the main value in the war is the people who have to be preserved, so i honestly want to tell you that yes, the situation is very... very difficult, the ammunition situation is very difficult, moreover, we were told , that is do you remember the statement that there is an appeal to congress, that a decision
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must be made within a month, because otherwise we will face very difficult times, i hope that such a decision will be made, i hope that in principle, even , if we have any problem with the allocation of congress, additional allocation for just that... ammunition and weapons, i think that after all there should be plans b, and now there is talk about plan b american, in which there are 4 more billions on 4 billion weapons and ammunition warehouses the pentagon, which they can independently provide for ukraine, i see that, in principle , today europe is waking up from a serious enough slump, so i hope that in principle it is all a group... yes, not immediately, not immediately, absolutely definitely not right away, and i may, you know, predict that this is a swing that goes from the top point to the bottom,
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it will last somewhere around the summer, but i definitely believe that, in principle, everything will change for the better. mr. victor, we will return to the front, but i have already chosen your line to ask, as from the military prosecutor general with experience, then i will continue, but we know this principle that... military, not civilian courts should investigate and generally take some actions against the military, but there is one thing, but that is when civilians take advantage of military , but when such a situation arises as we have now, especially with a shortage of bc, well, you just immediately remember how uncle bogolyubov and uncle kolomoisky used to make shells, remember how they trumpeted the whole country that they were starting production plants. and then it turned out that there was nothing like that, and after that, how the luhansk factories were seized by the occupiers, yes, we always have this question of bc cartridges,
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it stands, because there are no such factories, so it is necessary to judge such former ones for the fact that they launched some schemes, mastered some money, as a result, as there were no shell factories , and there are none, roman, we had a cartridge factory in luhansk, not a shell factory and... first of all, secondly, i would like to say that we never produced ammunition there, but the most popular of soviet hummingbirds, these are 122 and 152, we had one line in the 19th year production of a 152 millimeter projectile, but i can't say anything about it, because just like that, regarding this line too, if i'm not mistaken, if it's not completed, a pre-trial investigation is underway. and so to speak , i was reading, but he was going to court, so in this case , as i said, it was going, at least it was going, but
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from what i read, from what i saw and knew there, yes, then in principle, to this day, i still cannot talk about it in any way, because it is not completed, and this is the first thing, well, by the way , there is no god-loving person and kolomoiskyi has the attitude of completely different people to this line, that is. er, and that is why i want to say that yes, without a doubt, in principle, the fact that we do not have ammunition, weapons and so on today is a miscalculation not of today's government, but a miscalculation of the government of the past, the past, in we have been at war for almost 10 years, mr. viktor, maybe we are talking about two different cases, i just even pulled it out of the archive, it was from july 13, 2020, when colleagues from biguus-info announced that they were partners. .. kolomoisky for the production of steel shells the americans who dumped the ukrainian defense industry for more than 8 million dollars, and there is gray fox, the company
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rocket m, we are talking about... the same thing with you now? no, i am talking about a completely different case, i am talking about a completely different case, about what was done a little earlier, and about this i tell you for sure that i do not know well, i will not say anything about this, because i i don't know, but the question is that even if it is done now, well, this is a recent example, but we are talking about the fact that we have been at war for 10 years, nothing has been done in 10 years. therefore by to a large extent, these are political miscalculations, political, i would say military-political miscalculations, and this applies practically to the past government, the past government and so on, i am not talking about the fact that the number of shells that were destroyed in our country were detonations on warehouses, there are various reasons for explosions in warehouses, from, well, let's say this, from the negligence of such
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officials to treason and to direct sabotage on the part of the russian federation. we have literally less than three minutes until the moment of silence and we wanted to ask something about this moment as well front line you actually touched on the topic of why there is a lack of shells, and now there is information that our armed forces are expanding the bridgehead on the left bank. we know that the geography and the situation there are very difficult. do we have enough capacity, in particular, the same shells that were previously destroyed and insufficiently manufactured to maintain what we have, expand and possibly further later and move along the left bank as the armed forces of ukraine plan to do. two minutes, please to answer. look, i don't know who's telling you exactly what we have right now we have enough shells and forces, yes, because such calculations are only in the general staff.
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i want to say that the general staff... if it plans or holds something, it is one calculation of projectiles, if it is a plan to expand, it is a completely different calculation of projectiles or ammunition and in general the forces and means that are necessary to carry out certain operations. i believe in our general staff, you see, i absolutely believe in our general staff, because it has proven, has proven over these two years, that it can properly plan combat operations, that is, plan combat operations actions, it's not only... the chief of the general staff, yes, this basically means the entire general staff, all officers of the general staff, planners, there who will be able to correctly plan certain operations, combat actions, so let's start from the fact that that if we receive these messages , yes, then these messages are based on clear and understandable calculations of the general staff, if we say that the bridgehead that is in krinkre will be received there,
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then it is one thing, and if we say about. .. distribution, then it is completely different, and here it is necessary much more forces and means, but if such a message appears, then it is based on something, on something, so let's believe it. thank you, mr. viktor, we will believe , because actually, we have to trust our general staff, our armed forces, viktor chumak, the chief military prosecutor of ukraine in 19-20 was with us, i will briefly summarize today's morning 54.000 hryvnias you donated for the last two hours on fpv drones for the 81st separate air mobile brigade, don't stop please, because at this rate we very quickly we will be able to convey everything that is being asked for to our defenders, and now we will remember those who died for our freedom, for the independence of our country, all the military and civilians who died
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as a result of... russian aggression. a minute of silence for the dead ukrainians. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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