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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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and from andriy yusov, because they did not ask moscow to include the region in russia. mykhailo shabanov, a political scientist, joins our broadcast at this moment. my greetings to you. congratulations, congratulations. tell me, please, how important is the appeal of the unrecognized transnistria to russia, should it be given so much attention in the information space, ukrainian in particular? you know, first of all, this is really a local initiative. let's say the elites are directed to pay attention from russia, the european union, and moldova to actually a certain subjectivity, especially the political subjectivity of transnistria. in fact, the elites of the region, they are not aimed at following the path of annexation by russia, because they have the corresponding economic and even political benefits of their own.
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native, let's say, the status of an unrecognized republic, that is, there are many economic aspects, interests, again smuggling routes that are controlled by local, let's say, clans, and russia's intervention of a direct nature can cause them a corresponding, let 's say, problem, which they will not be able to already decided in addition, we have not heard from the so-called parliament of transnistria and the so-called... president of transnistria a message about joining, and this is absolutely natural, because the people of transnistria and especially the leadership of transnistria understand that they are part of, let's say yes, moldovans understand this internally, and do not wish to fan the conflict on their territory, do not wish to return to the situation of 91-92, respectively, that is, you do not think that... for
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example, this is an appeal that deputies of all levels, as they call themselves, transnistrians made to russia, it was a customs instruction sent down from the kremlin. well, i think that there was a certain instruction from the kremlin, but it was interpreted at the local level in a certain way, that is, the leadership of the so-called unrecognized republic is trying to juggle between the interests of the kremlin and its own economic and political interests, that is, to keep its certain after all, subjectivity in the relationship with the russian dictator, that is their main task today, and they perfectly understand that russia cannot intervene militarily, because there is not a sufficient number of troops on the territory of transnistria and there is no possibility to really pave any way to transnistria in a military way, so they probably have such... you know, and the backlash for
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hunting and use it in the appropriate way, declaring themselves, again, please tell me, the members of the parliament of moldova, in particular nantoy, in an interview with european truth, said that moscow's recognition of the independence of the so-called transnistria cannot be ruled out in the future, do you agree with this statement, do you think, for example, can putin, during today's address to the federal assembly, say that i don't know there, moscow officially... can officially recognize transnistria as an independent region, you know, fully predict the actions of the so-called russian dictator, considering the degree of inadequate pseudo-historical statements and political statements, it is very difficult, but i think that moscow will really try to use the transnistria issue in order to demonstrate some of its, well, let's say diplomatic... victory in this region
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, again, here the interests of the kremlin will collide with the positions of the locals, and the kremlin also understands that the locals will not really go to them, let's say for a meeting, since at the moment they are in principle able to go to moldova , go to the european union, and they do not need a war in the region. recognition of transnistria, i for... that russia has not yet recognized transnistria, and transnistria is recognized only by some of the same unrecognized republics, ah, moscow can in principle go this way, but this way will mean for transnistria itself, it is already a way out of its state of certain, let's say, shadow, but stability, including for certain entities, economic entities that control... the economy as a whole
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of transnistria, and well here it is also necessary to take into account the economic dependence of transnistria as a whole, also from moscow, that is, from moscow. from certain financings, again, which affect the positions of local deputies, local oligarchs, and accordingly, probably the position of president krasnoselsky. as for ukraine as a whole, this is how ukraine should be treat such appeals by transnistria and what is planned there further, with caution, without caution, as it may be reflected in ukraine today, because an example, for example, kyiv, for example, always officially advocates that from the territory. was the russian military contingent that is there withdrawn from transnistria? well , first of all, you have to be really careful, don't forget that the transnistrian threat exists in principle, and earlier than this 22nd year, that's when russia tried to actualize
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the transnistrian topic, but it is not so is currently acute, and the leadership of ukraine should react in the following way: supporting moldova, supporting, let's say, the return of the left bank of the dniester, transnistria to the jurisdiction of the republic of moldova, respectively, that is, this position, it is absolutely agreed with the leadership and will be agreed with the leadership of the respective country of moldova, that is , with maya sando, and this position is the most successful for ukraine, that is, there is a part of transnistria. moldova, and the appropriate legal regime must be restored there, there simply cannot be another position in ukraine, since moldova is one of our main partners in the region, and it is with moldova that we are potentially heading, including to
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the european space, so there simply cannot be any other position, because we will immediately worsen relations, accordingly, with our partners in the region . this appeal, which was made by deputies, as they call themselves at all levels, was not recognized in transnistria, it was not only to russia, it was also to international organizations, it sounded like how international organizations should react to this, or should they react in general, what is their position can be in this plan, but also, if you can literally 30 seconds, explain this, and international, really the appeal was so twofold, on the one hand to international organizations, including european organizations, and on the other hand to. .. russia, international organizations, i think, react and will react only in the sense of what has already been said, that is, in the sense of the belonging of transnistria, the unrecognized pmr, to moldova, that is, if they do it in a different
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way, then accordingly they will violate already international law and legitimize the regime of the krasnoselsky and transnistrian regimes, and this cannot be done if you... are an important international institution and want to be on this background of civil society for a long time. and why was this appeal twofold? because, again, transnistria is trying to draw attention to itself in this turbulent path, so as not to have , let's say, such military interventions from russia in the future . nekrecha with news in a minute. hello, below are some important and interesting ones news. in lviv, an all-ukrainian open architectural competition was announced for the reconstruction of the museum of the general of the upa, roman shukhevych. it was destroyed as a result of russian shelling on the night of january 1, and the goal is to preserve the authenticity, the hiding place as much as possible, to recreate the museum in its original form. for
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this, after the shelling, the surviving elements were collected. at the same time, thanks to modern means, i want to ensure the inclusiveness of this space. on the 14th. in march, ukraine will present the national pavilion from south to north at the first malta biennale. ukraine will present the project of the artist aleftyna kahidze, which highlights the topic of decolonization and reflections on the imperial past against the background of the russian-ukrainian war. the project symbolically connects malta and odessa from south to north. in such optics, odessa is perceived not as the south of the russian soviet empire, but as the north of the mediterranean region. kyiv dynamo. received permission to hold matches with spectators from the city military administration, so fans will be able to attend the nearest home match of dynamo against odesa on march 2 chornomorets at the valery lobanovsky stadium. tickets cost from 200 to 400 hryvnias, only four
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sectors will be open for spectators. that's all for today, look for more news on our social networks: facebook, instagram, tiktok and the x network. well, in march, ukrainian cinemas will start screening the film stay online directed by eva strelnikova, the authors call this film the first ukrainian film shot in the screenlife genre , this is when the event takes place on the laptop screen. or phone, the trailer for the film was released the other day. the events themselves take place in in ukraine at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, according to the plot, the main character katya risks the lives of loved ones in order to save the missing stranger andriy zbucha, and her laptop falls into her hands. there she learns that he has a son who lost his parents during the evacuation. katya is trying to reunite her family despite the war situation. eva strelnikova, director of the film stay online joins. to our broadcast at this moment, good morning, good morning, tell us
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briefly, if you can retell it, actually, and what is this film about, what is the main message it carries to the audience, both in ukraine and abroad, who have already seen it somewhere, i don't know, in advance screenings, or will see it? well, first of all, when we wrote this story, we really wanted the world to see who ukrainians really are, that is , it was very important for us that a... what is inside us, and the international the viewer could see, hear, because it seems to me that he does not perceive this war as it really is, that is , a hero lives in every ukrainian, and he needs some kind of trigger just for for him to be released, that's probably what we wrote this story about, but the audience, when they leave after the screenings, we conducted a lot of focus groups, they definitely leave with something of their own, so i think there will be a lot of messages here , well, how do movie reviewers write in general? in the world of cinema, this format of screen life, i.e. visual straighttelling, is very rarely chosen, when, for example, everything happens on the screen, i don’t know, laptop or
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phone, why exactly this approach was chosen for remaining online, and isn’t it difficult in general , it was possible to shoot, but everything that was planned was successfully conveyed, ah, why this particular format, well, actually, the first reason was anton skrypiets, who is the author of this idea and the producer of our film, he called me and said, i have a format , i want to shoot in it, i come, we will write a story, and it was chosen because this format is cheaper than the classic film format, and if panto did not find financing, then he would shoot with his own funds, that's it the first reason, but the second reason is actually the main one the reason, after all, is that this whole war was taking place in smartphones, in phones, in laptops, we were all at that moment, we did not leave, did not throw the phone out of our hands, because that was the only way we could.. . what is really happening, yes, we all sat in our rooms, apartments and barricaded ourselves, and every morning
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began with the fact that we make a roll call with our acquaintances, relatives, friends there, are you alive, how are you, what are you doing, near me bang and so on, we saw this war precisely through smartphones, and therefore it seemed to me that this would be a very apt format for to tell that story, actually, please tell me, you said that after you do a focus group, you realize that every audience member comes away with something. after watching it, but the criticism may have been in your direction, i don’t know, in the direction of the creators of the film, maybe somewhere there something did not go as planned, and now the film is being criticized for this, or there is no serious criticism yet, well, so far there is no serious one yet, but we are waiting for it, after all, there will be a premiere on march 28, and after that i think that there will be criticism, then we will talk to you again, here, and regarding the format itself, it was actually quite difficult for us, yes... but it is very interesting, because in ukraine this format has never been filmed in this format, and in general, it is not a very popular
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format in the world, so in general, it was a challenge for us, and we faced many difficulties and problems there, but it was very interesting to solve them, it was a very, very, very big puzzle, actually. er, movies about war in different formats, in different approaches, if speaking, now actually , well, it is gaining popularity, there are various films , how much do you think... these films about the war, they can somehow, i don’t know, strengthen ukrainian cinema today and how the world perceives in general, when they are presented with those films that tell about the events of the great russian-ukrainian war? well , you know, i think, after all, i don't think, i'm sure of this, that cinema is, after all, also a weapon , in fact, and there are many examples in the world when cinema had a very strong influence, and that's why... we when it was shown in canada, we him was shown only in canada, if we are talking about an international audience, and we saw how
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this film affected them, that is, the format itself, first of all, slightly blurred the boundaries between the viewer and the hero, and when after the screening we had a small q&a there and after that , just the audience, the canadians, they were all coming up to us , there were a lot of them, some of them were in such a strong emotional state, some were crying, and everyone came up and talked about the fact that they didn't even... expect that they will see exactly this, is this how it all happens with you, seriously? a canadian came up to me and said that after watching it, i thought i was ukrainian, and that was probably something we didn't even expect. thank you for telling us, in fact , more details about this tape, eva strelnikova, the director of the film "leave online", a guest of our broadcast, thank you to everyone who joined our broadcast, we will hear from you tomorrow, what about us floor
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thanks for watching espresso and thanks for donating, already 56,000 this morning, to the account for the 81st separate aeromobile the brigade has flown in from you, we need 800 thousand , and there are 130 in total, so please follow these details, donate as much as you can and do it every day until we close this collection, our defenders will be grateful and will it is easier, more efficient and more joyful to do your work. we, the fighters of the airborne assault troops of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine, are making a request to you: we are in the luhansk direction, we need efi drones, due to the fact that borog has begun to carry out very active combat operations actions infantry, artillery, and
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heavy armored vehicles are advancing. we will be very grateful to you for your concern and understanding , we need as many drones as possible, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, and i, oksano, know that george orwell would refuse to go today to such an entity, which for some reason is called the russian federation, if you don't believe it, watch the movie again , which was once... according to his novel 1984, and there was exactly what should happen today, today, vladimir putin, or as kirill calls him, vladimir vasiliovich putin, should address the assembly, and this the appeal will be broadcast from all vacuum cleaners, irons, soldering irons and in
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movie theaters, so here are the shots from the movie 1984 from roman, this is actually when people... in rows in the movie theater, a big face tells them something from the screen, so this is absolutely necessary will buy tickets and go to the cinema and sit and listen to this pseudo-historical nonsense for many hours and then tell it at the workplace in order to prove something, it was so good that there is no need to show a synopsis about it, by the way, we will talk a little later on our air, and now the topic of the event is the focus is transcarpathia and hungary, and dmytro tuzhanskyi is with us. director of the institute of central european strategy and an expert on ukrainian-hungarian relations. mr. dmytro, we welcome you to our airwaves. good day. mr. dmytro, you know, you and i have already studied and analyzed these sinusoids of orbanivsky more than once. now orbán's pendulum has swung again in the other direction. he must
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have looked at some historical photos from 1956, or something happened to him, but he says that hungary does not want to have. again a common border with the russian federation, this is orban's swing from great hungary with a scarf of half of europe, and so to such statements, something has changed, is it his classic tactics, nothing has changed, classic tactics, and it is a game, but a game, you know, in such a way, when he is ... very sincere , and such a double language is often used, i.e. the story about the scarf, it is either a coincidence, to be honest, i would not rule it out in reality, or a double language, because the scarf itself is such a story, viktor orban did not want it, he did not then that scandal was profitable, but really
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they are playing with these cards, they are drawing eyes two cards and they will play with these ten... hungarians who, well, not that they are there somehow , the trianon is special for them, they are actually close to revanchism, yes, the trianon is generally a tragedy for the entire hungarian nation, and it is not necessarily there must be revanchism, but for 10-15%, this is revanchism, regarding the common border with russia, you know that, this is the fundamental position of both orbán and hungary in general, so i often tell her, in principle, no. .. certain such, you know, drifts or such phrases that sound from hungary, what well, well, look, territorial claims were never heard from the team. orbán never, that is, it was always a story about the jobbik party, now it is the party of our homeland and about some other marginal politicians, that is, fidesz never
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crossed that red line, he crossed many red lines, but fidesz never crossed this red line. and it's good, it's good, so this phrase of his, this statement of his, it's uh, it's strange that he said that, you know, how i have the opportunity to communicate with some, i don't say, that his political technologists, but here... analysts from the environment of this fidesz, and they say, dima, don't ask us why orbán says one thing at one moment, then something else at another moment, he says what he wants, when he wants, that is, there , you know, it is necessary to read the context very well, because these are really the actions and words of viktor orban, it is not what was written to him there, someone suggested and so on and so on, he decided so, he decided to say it, well, it is interesting , why, i think that's all... after all, this swedish trend, yes, that is, now viktor orban is a reliable ally nato, if it didn't sound paradoxical and strange to us.
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mr. dmitry, what do you think, how do you see it, whether orbán and hungary in general are ready for the fact that russia could apply a scenario in transcarpathia, as it was with the dpr, lpr, now with transnistria, when they will not just be permanently somewhere to feed these separatist movements there, and they will take more active part in this, well, in the near future, do you see the possibility of such a scenario from russia in transcarpathia? i'll start from the end, because it's the most important, in my opinion, and the most dangerous, i don't see any possibilities, but here, you know, your question should be addressed to special bodies, because no matter how skeptical we are of them, after the 22nd year, they are the ones who ensure this kind of, well, to be honest, unprecedented... peace in transcarpathia, unprecedented in a good way in the sense of control and so on, that is, if you look, not a single provocation took place in zakarpattia, i mean such and such an external russian or anti-hungarian one, did not take place in
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the region, unfortunately, that was until 22, and they were smoking here hungarian twice in three weeks cultural center in the very center of uzhgorod, and there were many other promotions, after the 22nd year there is no such thing, that is, all these virtual stories, there are skits and so on, so... it is thanks, in my opinion, to this cooperation of special bodies, bodies the authorities and, to be honest , society, yes, the community, which obviously finds out that after the 22nd year they caught all these people, well, i don’t know how they pass legally now, but these are clearly russian canned goods, i don’t know whether they were recruited or infiltrated here by their, their employees, about what and how hungary evaluates all this and so on and so on, you know, i have had such cases, i will... i will say, it was already after the beginning of the russian aggression, somewhere around the 16th year in budapest, that was all back then, you know, it was different, yes, uh, during the debates, we
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at the institute were already monitoring these russian special operations, operations on the ground, that is , we had indirect evidence, because you know, i will not give you direct evidence, but indirect evidence that the russians work in the region, in transcarpathia, that is, they put all kinds of stelae there, hang something, you know? it was super dangerous, just in time for inciting this inter-ethnic enmity, we were researching in parallel that this enmity does not exist, that is, it is all an artificial story, you understand, and i tell this to the hungarians, i show them that look how, and they frankly they laughed at me, mocked me, i would even say so, it terribly outraged me, but after the 17th year, then the 18th, then in february of the 18th year, it was precisely those kmks that were set on fire and there ... there were stories, uh, by the way, another important point, you know what, why did the hungarians laugh at me, because according to their interpretation of events , it was all done by either ukrainian special services,
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you understand, or ukrainian nationalists, whoever they were, i don't know who it is, we remember this, by order of ukrainian special services, this was such a key narrative official hungarian officials, and when i said that guys, is it the fsb there or not? who is it, because we are here, for example , a serbian line also worked here, so we identified this wing, i don’t, well, i say physically, who worked, i won’t say, well, i’m sorry, we are a public organization, we no, mr. dmytro, but i wanted to remind you, do you remember how there was one of the anti-hungarian provocations, it turned out that it was some kind of youth, citizens of poland, and then it turned out that they were hired by the russians through the german, german alternative. in a word, the chekists sometimes have complicated schemes, i don't have much time, but i wanted to ask you about transcarpathia for a moment, we see that there is a series
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of priests on duty, the security service under... as direct agents of the fsb, well, there , as they say, those fathers of the sidors were propagated to other lines, not so russian world, as this version, which covered destroyed the carpatho-rusians, they threw out whole volumes of pseudo-historical literature for this purpose, and it is like two different lines, this pseudo-hungarian nationalism and this ruthenian nationalism, but they do not bite each other there, and how is it now with the ruthenian... they are playing the ruthenian card, look, i will quickly sum it up, that is, it is very important to understand that in the russian story about transcarpathia, separatism and the subversion of ukraine, carpatho-rusynism or ruthenism and the hungarian question, it is combined, that is, in the ideal of these surkov and so on and so on next, there must be something here, the ruthenian-hungarian people's republic is probably a people's republic, this is important to understand, that is
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, they run these tracks in parallel until... in the 14th year, the ruthenian track was key, now the hungarian track is key, and what is important, here is bringing up this important question about russian influence. after the 18th year, after these arsons , indeed, one of the arsons of the kmcs office in february 2018 was organized and carried out by poles, right-wing radicals who fought in donbas on the part of the russians, and it was ordered by oxen reiter - this is a german assistant of the afd party. which is now taking off there. and this oxelreiter , he returned to russia there, well he returned, he returned, this is to his roots, he already died there, he had time to die, and dugin wrote his obituary, and when all this was proven, the hungarians changed their approach, yes, they they do not admit this, they still know, pretend and speculate that it is some ukrainian nationalists who are doing all this here, i do not rule out that there are certain, you know, hot heads, yes, but they are playing this game, but but they are already serious about
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the russian factor. that's why it is, you know the hope that after all they will not cross the red lines in the situation if, you know, the russians , for example, yes, will recruit someone in hungary for these special operations, well, it is with the hungarians, well, mr. dmitry, we have one more moment, but there are also slovaks near the border, yes, and fico said just like that that the war had started because some radical neo-nazis were running around ukraine, and skabeeva, uncle fico, spat it out, so what to do with it, maybe? does he really believe this or is he just a useful idiot repeating himself? good question does he believe it, he repeats it for political reasons, because his electorate believes it, it actually believes it much more than fico's electorate, and it is a danger for us, that is, it is important for us to explain all this, i will tell you, we they had active communication with such atlantic, liberal circles of slovakia, and they are individual people who believe in this, you see, that's why here we...
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as a slovak, we have to work a lot, and again , well, i don't see that all of them are there you know, there is no slovak separatism or any such context at all, but you understand russia will create any context, where there is no knowledge, there is a void, russia will fill it with this hybrid content, so with words you also have to be careful, attentive and also look at romania in reality, because there are parties like aur and there is a split there now , it is also well, other things can also play in amara’s novel, and mr. dmytro, and i am extremely grateful for the analysis of the situation, dmytro tuzhanskyi, director of the institute of central european strategy, and you see, as he said, where there are empty heads, there are always easy russian shit add informational information, here oleksandr irvanets writes to me from bavaria, about books and more importantly, read simply and then
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education itself will be much easier and... it is important to take care of education and also take care of information, in fact, our colleagues take care of this in particular from the news department, and khrystyna parubiy is ready to voice everything that our colleagues have worked on and collected. thank you, colleagues, the russian summer occupation continues, as well as the loss of weapons and people. the armed forces of ukraine struck olenivka, where they destroyed the occupiers. more details about it in the release, as well as explosions again in russia? i will tell you everything in a moment. wait. news on the espresso airwaves, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll talk about the most relevant things at the moment. the russian plane crash continues, another russian board.


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