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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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that is, as of now , it is more a desire on behalf of sizynpinna that a person talks to the leaders of a number of countries, because he will also meet in brussels, not only in kyiv, but it will also be in brussels, ankara and a number of other countries. thank you, thank you for the conversation, the political expert and journalist vadym denysenko was in touch with us, and we want to do such an interim thing with roman, thank you, because for today, from this morning, until the few hours that we work in ... accumulated in the account for our defenders 103,166 hryvnias, this is a huge amount, in total we need 800 hryvnias to collect, now there are already 178, we made bets that 200 thousand today before the end of our broadcast, that is, until 12:00 there will still be half an hour, we are counting on you, here is qr -code, you see it, please support the collection of drones for the 81st separate aerobatic brigade. drones are like
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ammunition, like shells, they are needed today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. please let us know, we are going to take a short break, we will come back and continue our conversation, stay with espresso. usual affairs become unreal, heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with cream. dolgit, what do you want to lift. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. the average price is uah 82. for muscle spasms , dolgit antispasmodics, dolgiit antispasmodics tablets are used to relax muscles and calves. there are discounts on pairs of villages of 20% in podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts for mukaltyn. 15% at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my advice. lakalut active. lacal active is active.
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of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in the evening verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22. on espresso. gentlemen, let's
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go to barter. you our defenders to... know on fpv drones, and we are good to you, good news from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, who oh, let's remind you first, this is the card number, yes, a qr code for those who know how to scan, or just card and fpv drones in the luhansk direction, we want 50 drones to buy for the boys, and this is 800 thousand, we have already gone somewhere for 178,178, there is 297 uah, so what is the barter? is that on the official page of the armed forces of ukraine, these two su-34 planes were shot down as of 10 a.m., we knew about one su, now oksana and i have a mystery, one su is the one we reported about, he is in this two , is it necessary to work like this 1 +2, well, as kuchma once measured his terms, in fact, they actually write,
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so i already read that it is indeed 1 + 2, i.e. three in total, so we are going for a record with our in total, just a huge amount. we have a country, it is important to remember that it is defended not only at the front, but there is also a political plane, and it is necessary to maintain this rear front, which is very important, and here we investigated salaries in the parliament, thank god that the declarations are now already are open, and we understand that the heads of committees receive
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three to four times less than the heads of the secretariats of these committees, and the salary of the heads of the secretariats can be uah 1.5 million per year, and this imbalance... it is blatant, the head cannot secretariat, which in fact, it is a subordinate of the chairman of the committee to receive such large amounts of money, if the heads of the committees receive there 300,000 per year, 400,000 per year, this was played by populism, and we are already hearing the statements of some people's deputies and committee heads that they are ready to draw up mandates, and this is very a disturbing story, because the parliament, it also protects sovereignty, and we have to make sure that the parliament is working, because we have to make further decisions and in... it is very necessary that our central authorities are paralyzed, that's it you are one of the top 10 salaries of the heads of the secretariats of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and here there are moments when i imagine, as it were, only some 573 hetmans, and a certain ihor priyma, whom no one
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knows in ukraine, 412 million, i think that gitmantsev together with chef sivkovych, you will probably be outraged. look, i think they are well aware of this imbalance, because they did it, or at least the leadership of the parliament did it deliberately, and at the end of the year, when we promised our european partners that we would reform the civil service, and in we will not have sky-high bonuses, because as they say in our country, oh my god, look at the small salaries, and then the bonuses turn out to be millions, then we promised our european partners that we will carry out this reform, but there is always a question in the country... to protect our own , and at the end of the adoption, at the end of the year, when they adopted the budget, they so quietly made corrections to protect the employees of the verkhovna rada apparatus, and then you open the salaries of the employees of the verkhovna rada apparatus, when you see how much they
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received, you understand that there can be 3 million per year, and not 1.5 million, if we talk, for example, about the salary of the head of the artificial apparatus, that is, then, if we take hetmantsev's salary, it is 10 times. more or even the salary of the president is 10 times more, well , we can't pay some people less and others more, because someone wanted to, ms. irina, but i'm cheap, i heard about such nonsense when they talked about greece , which has always fooled the entire european union, and their pyramid consisted in the fact that their relatives were employed in public service, for example, a secretary in a state corporation earned three times more than, for example, a private banker or... the economic sector, the greeks somehow overcame it, do we go along with the greeks here, with our committee secretaries, i won't say anything about the greeks here, but we have the situation is probably much worse, because there is a war in the country, and this definitely undermines our ability
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to hire a high-quality parliament in the future, so what's the problem, honest people who are ready to work for the state, understanding that such an imbalance, will not go. and what's more, the worst thing happens when we are european partners who give us help, it is important for us to have trust, we say that we carried out the reform, in fact, such salaries, yes, and it turns out that, well, that is in the courts. well, not stupid people work, they looked at the country's budget, they know how to read it, these are not the people who don't read the budget, they looked at what they did for their apparatus and think, how can we make it so that in ours too it was no worse, and then they breed heads of departments, heads of departments, in order to bring those salaries up to the level, and it is not because they pay their own more, they just have people, they will leave to work in the apparatus of the verkhovna rada, and there will be no people left in them, so what reform did we do, well... it was not done, well, now the awl has come out, and people look at it from the west
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and say yes, yes, here you did it, here you prescribed, settled, and now let's work, and i understand that later on , there will be a loophole somewhere, where this money will leak out again, so that, as you say, to protect your own, somewhere it can be stopped at the legislative level, well, and of course, to have some control bodies, mostly they are from the public sector, so we already have them of the west, so that what... to settle once and for all , to put a shaft and so on? well, this should be done, for sure, not in the final provisions of the budget , but prescribed normally in the law , because you understand, these amendments, the scheme of amendments, when you can do whatever you want with amendments, then it should not work like that, well, from your side the mirror of the week and i, when we worked on this topic, we plan to publish it in english and send it to partners so that they understand clearly, because partners will not be able to proofread everything before the edits, what is really happening, and it is necessary... fix, because people can't trust us , invest money in our country, in defense, in
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the economy, and not understand that we also play fair, trust, it's important, and we have to explain to them, and explain to the people's deputies, well, because when people's deputies say, we will not regulate our salaries, because people will not understand it, well, populism is never good , but look, this is actually blackmailing the country, the armed forces and the entire people, and the budget is introduced. and it is simply impossible not to vote the budget in a warring country, meanwhile there are five deputies there, five deputies said it's not my fault, i didn't come myself, and as in the sovkov comedy, others say to us , the deputies asked us to insert these blocks for millions, well, you can't not vote, but you can vote like this and it turns out , and what to do with ales poderevyanskyi, who does not believe in the power of words or something else? yes, you can not believe in the power of words, but let's believe in the power of wisdom, well, let's
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at least believe in the power of self-preservation, so that we cannot hold elections, we will not have now of another parliament, we are working with the existing composition, we are talking with our partners, and we hope that wisdom and common sense will win, because this is about self-preservation, it is not about how we will live for the next two or three years, it is about survival, and here is the question, why do you believe in common sense in a country in which common sense was... always at the end of the chain, look, at least now, international partners can voice what the public sector has voiced for a long time in this country, and now there are resource levers of influence, and here we go to hope that wisdom, when we are told that you will receive these resources on such conditions, but these are the conditions that we, the citizens of ukraine, set, this does not mean that the west dictates the conditions to us, we voice to our western partners that the problems are here, here and here , and here and here. it is necessary to support , it is good that they are listening, we hope that at this moment they will also hear us,
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listen, but this is not the limit, this is not all, mrs. irina, we talked with you several times about various draft laws, at that time they were bills that dealt with such a light the opportunity to seize land somewhere during the war, to dispose of it somehow, and here a fresh draft number 9627 was pushed , about what, so there is? simplifying the procedure for changing the purpose of the land , why is energy our sacred cow for industrial and energy enterprises now, because we understand that after last year 's shelling the energy industry had to be protected, accordingly, it was a loophole where something could be done, and what does this mean, this means that i say mykhailivska square will become a target square from tomorrow assignment to children or something, says the company, how is it, how do you see it, we are talking about agricultural.
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the investor does not win from what we accepted 100%, who wins? the winner is the one who clearly knows how to quickly change the purpose of the land, and this is ours, it is definitely not theirs, and... the worse story is that the component of public hearings has been removed here, that is, if the community is against it, it will no longer be able to do anything, moreover, yes, it is written there that we can protect both ecology and archeology, but if it is in the register, but you can imagine how much in natural monuments and archaeological monuments are not yet in the register, and here the community has always acted as a fuse, which says, we
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will not give it, the fuses have been removed, the registers are incomplete, in fact, the investor can very quickly... there in a couple clicks to change it all, and exactly a year ago i was invited to the president's office to talk with mr. rostyslav shurma, i remind you who he is, a former regional official who is now the deputy head of the president's office, and he tried to explain to me that grain yield is not as profitable as crop capacity high-rise buildings or businesses, well, the logic is clear , yes, we understand that it is necessary to plant only once, then they collect money, one time, and while you are in power, you do it quickly, well, as they say, lviv residents, we recognize the handwriting of shurma, that older, younger, you understand, but in this case, well, this, you talked about common sense, and, and i bring you back to common sense again, look, you say there is a need, the minister of finance says, we need 3 billion for every month in the budget to
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survive, that is, it is external money, and so on when we say... give, give, give, then there are certain conditions, and the g7 countries, as well as the public, say, listen, reform this ugliness, which was instead of the tax police, you created the bep, as a result, it was nightmare business is even cooler than before. what did the big seven say? this bill, which slipped out of the office where shurma walks in the corridors, is about a completely corrupt and anti-reformist bill. he is pushed despite the fact that there is a position of the g7 countries, which have no money they, and we all together, will not drive it, that is, where is the common sense here, when they push their bill from under tatarov, push the tank forward. look, something is succeeding, for example , when olena shulyak, the head of the servant of the people party praised the urban planning reform in latka shtuka, and
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we heroically tried for one and a half years so that the president did not sign this bill, it... as of now has not been signed, that is, somewhere we we win, international partners help, the european commission gave its decision, the european parliament gave a decision, the european commission wrote a report, and somewhere we manage to win, why are we losing now, on this particular example of the draft law that shurmoy is driving, 9627, which is about changing the purpose of agricultural land to industry, as it was when it went to the second reading, i am the main author for... . kept asking the project: you have now passed the committee, give the text so that we can analyze what you have done there with those edits, he says: yes, yes, yes, it is being prepared, it will be soon, i will download it immediately, i say, i know everything , you are just finalizing the text, you will go to the hall tomorrow, that's not it don't go to tarologists or astrologers , it will be like that, because this is already an empirical experience, and that's how it happened, they call me in the evening and say,
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the hall is tomorrow, and we sit down overnight, analyze, have time... to give an article before the vote, but there is no time to quickly communicate with partners, where are these risks, and now the biggest problem is that the parliament lives in such a turbo mode that we do not have time to work everywhere, it is now turbo-turbo, if, well, what to do then in this case, fight, as we fight, well, look, a what is left for us, well, we are left , no, well, you said, the public, for example, was removed by this law, and what is left for the public except... i don't know, there are some blockades, pitchforks, and protest actions right there, as they say, in front of with an excavator, more office, more intelligent ways would look, even if the law is adopted, it can be changed, well, we have to believe in this, and because if we do not believe that we are changing the legislative field, then we are definitely not far from the pitchforks we will stop by, so we need to communicate where there are clear risks to westerners
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to the partners that we discovered, to say that it is necessary to change immediately here, here and here and... rule the law, well, we did not have time to block the first reading, on the second, we did not have time to block the signature, this does not mean that this is the end, that there is a legislative plane, and we have to fight in it, yes, ms. iryna, for one second, i just have to remind our viewers that there is a qr code at the bottom of the screen, which must be used to send something to the fpv drones for our defenders, who are now near bilogorivka, already 181.47 hryvnias are in the account, and we need 800, so we are working. and we don't stop, and meanwhile we continue our conversation, we have a few more minutes, and i would like to remember this story with the land near the reservoir, how did it all end and what? yes, you also talked a lot about it then, that it is not possible, that the draft law is not suitable, or is there already a developed route for
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similarly changing other similar projects? and the bill you are talking about was submitted by the head of the servant of the people party, olena shulyak, and the bill is also submitted by the western to partners and society, as the one who is supposed to save us, because it is about seaports, but for some reason seaports should appear on the shores of lakes and rivers, where the sea is... and why not open a port behind our fences? well, everyone understands why this is being done, under this banner of reconstruction, the developers are trying to push through everything, and it is obvious to me that this bill has now passed the committee, but has not yet gone to the first reading, that is, we have a good chance to block it, but you you see that the confederation of builders of ukraine is pushing around in essence, what a good bill this is, well , if it is beneficial to builders, then it is clear who is the key. again, yes, this has already happened, and it is necessary to communicate this to the western partners, and we have already informed the western partners about it, and the people's deputies and the opposition, they know about the harmfulness of this draft law, even
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some of the servants of the people are aware of the risks, and i emphasize that the ecological the committee headed by the servant of the people did not give a positive conclusion to this bill, this is also very important and shows that it is even in the core, while does not have support, and this should be restrained as much as possible, so that later we do not have such a problem as with this... bill that we talked about, but when these new new bills come into effect, and the old sins play out, you know, there is a water code, and if you go to koncha zaspo or further there, then try to go to the bank of the dnieper, which according to this code should be accessible to all citizens, and there are walls like the great wall of china, and then it will , well, you later adopted the law, and we seized this fence and the beach earlier, so what, it will not act, it will act, i will tell you, and here it is necessary ... and they in their practice, and
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this is a practice that applies to all of ukraine, very qualitatively and well prescribed that there is no statute of limitations, because access to resources such as water, which is, well, essentially priceless, because we cannot survive without water we can, but it cannot expire due to the statute of limitations of 3, 5, 10 years no, and they protect not only natural reservoirs, but artificial ones as well, that is, if a quarry is formed, then there is protection there, that's why the supreme court's practice is excellent here, one can only cheer for them to transfer it into law. well, on such a positive note, we would like to thank ms. irina. yes, iryna fedoriv, ​​our colleague, journalist and public activist was in our studio. on this, roman and i say goodbye. we also say goodbye to the sum of 182, and 597 uah and 8. and to the sum of minus three russian dry sums, so have a peaceful, safe day, take care of yourself and be sure to stay with espresso, because in a few minutes khrystyna
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12:00 pm
we summarize the informational morning in ukraine on the air of spresso news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the second enemy plane. ukrainian defenders were shot down within a day. the su-34 fighter-bomber did not return to the base of the occupiers, it was landed in the direction of mariupol. air force commander mykola olyschuk announced this. in the morning, he reported the destruction of the same board near avdiivka. this is already the 12th fighter that was eliminated by the armed forces in a month. russia knew about plans for a counteroffensive with...


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