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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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let's say all three planes, they recovered, yes, and apply how, if they start to apply closer than that last plane with flight number 42 was shot down, yes there near the eska, then they will lose another plane again, and if they still take it there at 50-100 km, then what these planes will see, they simply will not see anything, so here a fundamental question arises, will the russian air force need such flying radars, because they, if they previously monitored the situation at about 300 km in to our rear, yes, now they can see 10, well, if they take the patrol routes even further, then they will be able to see at a maximum of 20-30 km, and ordinary drones, eagles, can see a lot at the same distance. it
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is better and costs pennies in comparison with the many 100 million 300 million, sorry 300-350 million, the cost of such a plane, which is currently taxiing on the runway of the airfield. natalia gumenyuk, the head of the joint coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine, says that due to the loss of several long-range aircraft radar detection a50-u, russian... fans will be forced to look for a replacement for them, let's see what mrs. natalia said on the air of our tv channel. they have increased unmanned reconnaissance activities, but this is not an absolute replacement, not a full-fledged alternative to the eyes that the a50 was for them. that is why they are trying to launch more than 110 drones a day in our area of ​​responsibility, for example. we work
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on those who fall into our zone of damage, and in the past day we have minus the hall and two superkams, so they understand that it cannot to be an absolute replacement for a50, apparently the next one is being prepared. mr. valery, the current war gives an impetus to the development of new technologies, including for aircraft, that is, both airplanes and drones, and... the lineup of what the russian occupiers use in our territory has changed, as in these two years has changed and to what extent are they able to react quickly and create some new types of weapons and weapons, and how is it used on the battlefield? well , they modernized, for example, the k-52 helicopter, slightly improved it the equipment, although it is for... the scrap was
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not bad anyway, but they improved, well, anyway , the number, the number of people shot down because of it, it means that it did not increase there, did not decrease, because anyway they are afraid to fly up by even a few kilometers to the front line. as for the improvement of weapons, well, you see how quickly they were able to create these guided winged aerial bombs, in the pub and in the ipc, yes, literally ... in months they already launched a large production, and these bombs, some of them are extremely primitive, and it allows rebuke to build, produce them in large quantities , some of them are quite complex, these upab are more complex, winged bombs, but as for the other thing, well , they say that the mentioned k-52 helicopters received new missiles so that... it is true,
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if earlier they carried 12 missiles, so these new missiles, they are capable of carrying only two, but already this missile flies for more than 30 km, that is , the russians are constantly improving something in their weapons samples, and if it goes to armored vehicles, it goes to artillery in the direction of simplifying technology, then in aviation equipment, the equipment is getting a little bit better, but the improvement is... that's why our defense complex also needs to respond, clearly respond to the demands of the front, to determine what we need most at the front right now, for example, drones, which drones exactly which showed themselves the best, and also to concentrate on the most effective samples of weapons, and not to release everything in a row, because now we will take drones, we now have... 200 manufacturers of drones, well
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, imagine the preparation, that means 200 and operators for different types of drones, yes, well, it's a little bit. it means that it is unreasonable, it is necessary to reduce the number, somehow, somehow group them by type, and do something about it, so that the intensity of training and the effectiveness of our weapons also constantly increase. mr. valery, we are all waiting for the s-16 and announced that these planes will already be in ukraine this year, when, no one can say for sure how it will change and whether it will change. the situation in the sky of ukraine and in the sky near the borders of the russian federation, from where missiles are launched over our territory russian planes, how will it change the situation, how many in order for
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the situation to radically change, how many such planes are needed? in order for the situation to radically change, 12 planes, which we will receive in the first tranches, by the end of the year, are enough. 24 planes are two squadrons, a brigade, but the main thing is not the number of planes, but the quality of their weapons. if we receive the appropriate weapons, yes, missiles, for example, with a range of 160 km, then this will not be a drastic one-time change, but it will be a qualitative change in the picture, that is, we will already be russians hit at longer ranges than they are capable of shooting at us, you understand, and how the situation is. it will change dramatically compared to what we have now, when the distance from which the russians shoot at our planes is twice the capabilities of our machines, because our radars are not up to par and our missiles are, let’s say, of
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the last generation , and if we really receive aircraft with equipment on which modern anti-radio electronic systems are installed. on-board defense complexes, modern missiles, the situation will not begin to change instantaneously, but it will begin to change, because the russians have such losses, as in the last 10 days, they have lost 10 planes, yes, such losses will be a normal pace for them, but if they give us planes as they were there, block 50-52 without no improvements, this question will remain... there will remain , so to speak, a bright future, when we will still receive more effective weapons, but somehow such a situation, it does not depend on quantity, but on quality, mr. general zaluzhnyi also wrote, yes , that a qualitative change is needed in order to to break through the front, everything is the same in aviation, there will be
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new quality, there will be new results. thank you, mr. valery, on this optimistic note, we will end our conversation, it was valery romanenko, an aviation expert. live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video, don't be stingy so that this video is trending on youtube and facebook, and please take part in our survey, today we ask you about is russia capable of provoking maidan 3 in ukraine, we are conducting this survey, and this survey will be in the second part of our program, we are now seeing the results on television. survey 16% yes 84% ​​no on youtube the ratio of whether russia is able to provoke maidan 3 in ukraine, yes 18%, no - 82%.
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greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the verdict program, this is the second part of today's episode, today in the program. legitimacy of zelenskyi, special services are talking about a russian
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special operation against the ukrainian authorities, or is russia able to provoke maidan 3? ukraine 2024, the president's team shared a vision of the near future, which is not enough to understand zelensky's plans, to help fight and survive. ukrainians are urged to return home to defend themselves. motherland, what motivates refugees to return? about this and other things, during the next 45 minutes we will talk with our guests, whom i will introduce in just a minute, i would like to remind you, dear viewers, that during this broadcast we are asking you about whether russia is capable of provoking the maidan in ukraine 3. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please write it in the comments under this video. if you watch us on tv, please vote. if you think that russia is able to provoke in ukraine maidan 3 0800-211-381,
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no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, they are maksym rozumny, political expert, doctor of political sciences and ihor reiterovych, political scientist, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development. gentlemen, i welcome you, thank you for being here today. with us, congratulations, good evening, well, since we are asking our tv viewers about maidan 3 and whether russia is capable of provoking maidan 3 in ukraine, let's start our conversation. all about the same issue, because our viewers may need to explain a little more about maidan 3 and where it came from, but we will talk about this during the program, let's talk about whether russia is capable of provoking maidan 3 in ukraine. maxim intelligent, on the one hand, of course, in the headquarters , there around the kremlin, they can think that
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they are capable of this, after all, if we talk about the last maidan at the time, that is, about the revolution of dignity, then from such a point of view today, it is already clear that russia purposefully introduced yanukovych's regime to such delegitimization and in general contributed, so to speak, to the destabilization of ukraine in various ways, even by forcing yanukovych to abandon the association agreement at the last moment, that is, i think that they believe in their own. its technology, reflexive management and so on, and sometimes the ukrainians give reasons to think that they can be manipulated, but in the current situation, i think that these are not quite, so to speak, justified expectations,
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because the reason that the russians chose, well , actually they are trying to insert a knife into the ukrainian society and widen it, the latest data on how they shook the situation around the confrontation between the imaginary or real zaluzhnyi and zelenskyi confirm this, so they will try to widen any gap and any destabilization to develop, but this time i think that they made, made wrong bets, i mean about the illegitimacy of the president after... to complete his five-year term of office, it is hardly the topic and the reason that something like that will stir things up in ukraine like the maidan. thank you maxim, mr. igor , do you think that russia can provoke maidan 3 in ukraine, and whether there are opportunities for this, first of all, human resources that
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could somehow move there and imitate this maidan, it is clear that it is not the the square we are all used to. i am convinced that this is impossible, first of all, they really do not have such human resources, since the pro-russian political forces, well, they have been knocked out of our political, and in general, as such, information field, including to a large extent, and those who did not leave, well, either they are sitting, or you know, there below the grass , the water is quieter there, or they, well, to date, are under investigation there by our... law enforcement agencies, well, for some of their previous activities, which concerned or the spread of russian propaganda, or on the contrary, some actions there directly to overthrow the current state system, there is a threat to national sovereignty and so on, therefore, in this context, the russians have no chance to do it, to use someone who there is making some speeches against the current government. the second
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point, they can't even informationally, by and large, really disperse this topic. which concerns either the illegitimacy or legitimacy of the current president, or in general a topic related to the legitimacy of the ukrainian government as a whole, those decisions that it adopts, uh, those laws that are currently under consideration by the verkhovna rada, bills that will soon become, for example, laws there, but at the same time, we should not rest on our laurels, as they say, you know, because in reality , unfortunately, the russians still have certain opportunities, informational, they are the only ones, but they are informational, all of them. apathy and despair among ukrainians, i.e. dispel some panicky rumors, which one way or another will be tied to the actions of the ukrainian authorities, and they, i.e. they illegitimate this thesis, for example, they will exploit actively enough , but not in the context, go to the streets , knock down your illegitimate president there, because it really won't work, in the context that everything
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is lost, there are no chances, no prospects, there is no sense, it means to continue the war, it is necessary urgently put up with the russian federation there, well, on the terms of the russian federation, of course, or give up everything and run away from the country. we will observe these things, they already exist, and in principle , those who monitor, well, first of all , various anonymous telegram channels, they can quite calmly see this trend, there is an increase in the volume of certain materials of this nature, and well , it all contains signs of a planned information campaign, because it comes out almost on more than one day on... very similar messages, all of this is based accordingly, well, it is accelerated with the help of some standard tools that are typical for the work, well, for example, the same russian propagandists, so there will be such attempts, and we will... live in this for at least a few months, and something must be done about it now to start doing, since it will not change the fundamentally strong situation, but nevertheless it will have a negative impact on the general
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background in ukraine. in an interview with ukrainska pravda, the representative of ukrainian military intelligence, andrii yusov, said that in its maidan-3 plan, the kremlin prefers to destabilize the situation inside ukraine, and mass riots inside ukraine and distrust of the government's decisions have been a success for the russians. let's listen to what mr. yusov said. if we say that what would be success for them, then mass riots would be success for them inside the country, mistrust of government decisions , of the institutions that characterize the ukrainian state, in such a situation it would be extremely difficult for the military at the front, in such a situation it would be difficult for the international coalition to continue support, but everyone says that the reason for this so-called maidan 3... there may be a question about the legitimacy of the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. on may 20, 2024 ,
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zelensky's five-year term as president will expire. and why, in your opinion, gentlemen, did the ukrainian authorities not do everything in order to to get an explanation from the constitutional court on this matter, which would clearly set the emphasis or the supreme court of ukraine. after all, there is a war going on, and one could somehow think about the fact that... on may 20, 2024, well, probably someone will have questions about legitimacy, or, for example, the russians will pump up this topic, that is, there is a decision of the constitutional court or the supreme court of ukraine, and probably constitutionally, because this is the interpretation of the basic law, that's all, there are no more questions, that is, there is no reason to say that someone can to use mr. maksym, i would name three possible reasons here. why this happened, why it was not submitted earlier, and there is no such decision now, the first, the first version and, by the way, they may all be in effect at the same time, but
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the first version is that in the office of the president, perhaps until the last at the moment , they were still considering the possibility of holding these elections, in which, according to the data of sociological polls, the current president would most likely win... since they were preparing for the possibility of implementing such a scenario, they did not submit accordingly in order not to narrow the maneuver. another version, by the way, it can exist, as i already said in parallel, that they did not think that it could become a serious issue at all, because society, the expert environment, the political class, all in one voice declared that the holding. now it is inappropriate, and therefore, you should not even bother with this and you should not take any preventive measures, well
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, the third version, it is like this, you know, they just did not think, simply because, so to speak, people who make decisions live around in the regime of such a pr response, today a question arose, today a problem arose, today i will solve it. the pr event is being filed with the constitutional court, and if it had arisen yesterday, it would have been filed earlier. well, by the way, there was information that fedir vienislavskyi, a people's deputy from the servant of the people, said that his faction will not submit an appeal to the constitutional court regarding the legitimacy of zelenskyi's tenure as president, and he gives an unequivocal answer to this question, and in the imperative aspect , the answer is article 108 of the constitution of ukraine. she says that the president continues to exercise his powers before taking office. the newly elected president of ukraine, this is an unambiguously binding norm that the president must fulfill, well, if the representatives of the authorities say that the constitution clearly places all the accents, then the question is,
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what is it about when they talk about the legitimacy, illegitimacy of zelenskyi, well, the government itself says that someone will shake up this situation, and does the absence of this verdict of the constitutional court indicate that still do not leave hope in the team. zelenskyi, that the elections, well, maybe they will be held there by the end of this year in one of the ways, mr. igor? well, look, the problem there is that in addition to this article of the constitution, the constitution, which says, just says that elections must be held, and this is precisely the problem that would require an additional solution at the level of the constitutional court of ukraine, that is, in this is the key... essence of this appeal to this institution, they had to say which of the norms of the constitution, which of articles of the constitution are, well, let's say, more important, or which, speaking
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mathematically. language is first solved, and then another is solved. i absolutely support the thesis that this norm , which mr. vienislavskyi mentions, in principle gives a clear answer to this question, but this answer needs to be further substantiated, there is nothing wrong with it, there is nothing like if there was this verdict of the constitutional court, because this piece of paper, relatively speaking, sorry for such a simplified word, we would need it, first of all, to reflect all the measures that will be taken in the information field. space, including other countries, not only ukraine, the russian federation, and including this document would be important for us in order to show it to some of our partners who are not so western partners who are not so well versed in the subtleties of the ukrainian basic law, and some things need to be explained to them, preferably based on some documents, such a document, if it is a decision of the constitutional court, for them it is
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there will be truth in the higher instance, we know that... in these countries, as a rule, the judicial branch of government, the more so the constitutional court, is treated with respect there, that is, these are some such things, even of a semi-sacred nature, and well, what a problem it is to get this decision, well, it probably wouldn’t be, but i don’t rule out that my colleague correctly named all those versions about and the possibility of elections that could be announced at any moment and so on, but i wouldn’t be at all surprised if, speaking in the language understandable for some of us representatives of the authorities, they just poked this question, sorry, but they are real. somehow they didn't think much about it, and then, when they started talking about it, they realized that it was necessary, if it was possible to solve it, but now it may be too late, and maybe there will be no such decision of the constitutional court, although i will honestly say, with from a political point of view, i do not imagine how, in a country that has been in a large-scale war for two years, the constitutional court would issue some other decision that would undermine at least minimally the legitimacy the current government, after all, they have such a wonderful tool, which is called a political and legal decision, which was made in the 19th year
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regarding elections, it can be argued from a legal point of view and supported by certain political circumstances, so this is clearly an information error of the office of the president, that they did not do this, with such a document we would be much more calm about the challenges that russia will try to put before us and that our partners will mention to us from time to time. power quite often speaks about the fact that russia can, russia... acts with instruments, that is actually all there is to it, but every time i hear the statements of our high-ranking officials, i am always surprised by one question: why the ukrainian authorities, which talk about a threat to the national security of ukraine, and that russia threatens, threatens ukrainians and threatens ukrainian independence, why the moscow church is still working in ukraine,
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that is, for me it is a mystery, because you can say there that the opposition, well, relatively speaking, as the representatives of the authorities like say, the opposition there can bring someone to the maidan, or russia can take advantage of it, well, the opposition will not do that, everyone is aware that now it is a matter of life and death for ukraine, a matter of life and death for all ukrainians, so this is obviously not will, but is it a question of life and death for those who present. of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, and why, in your opinion, the authorities are delaying this decision, i.e. it was adopted there in the first reading of the draft law, it is quite so complicated, but all the same, the church headed by onufry continues to exist in ukraine, and it is the largest agent network, in principle of russia, now on the territory of the ukrainian state. mr. maxim. i think there are several reasons for this,
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the main one. the reason is that , after all , a significant part of the citizens of ukraine, and what is no less important, a significant part of people close to the political class, associate themselves with this church and their religious feelings and their social relations, that is, this church, ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate... for a long time it was very closely integrated into the ukrainian elite, uh, it was connected with the political class, with the economic class, and so to speak, subjecting it to repression, some kind of political, uh, is to cross over themselves, through friendships and so on. uh, on the other hand, uh, there is, it seems to me that the expectation that, uh,...
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the problem will solve itself a.


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