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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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thanks for the detailed information. tetyana vysotska, a press correspondent who is currently in strasbourg and reports to us about the fact that three resolutions were voted in the european parliament today, in particular, one of them concerned ukraine. well, iryna koval will report more news. together with the news editor, they have already managed to prepare relevant information. so iro, we welcome you and give you the floor. thank you, marta, well, it's no secret for anyone that kharkiv region is under constant fire from the occupiers. so that's it issue, we will learn more about the situation in the kupyan district, and there will also be information about the elections, such pseudo-elections in the kherson region, and a lot of other information, so stay tuned.
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in ukraine, at 3 p.m., a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval is for your attention. greetings to all viewers. one person died due to russian shelling in the zaporizhzhia region. the enemy hit the front-line village of yuliivka with guided air bombs, the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. information about the injured and destruction is being clarified. and almost populated areas are under enemy fire every day. kupyan district. yesterday was one of the most massive in recent times. people died. andriy kanashevich, the head of the kupyan district military administration, is in touch with us. and mr. andriy, i welcome you to our air. please tell me whether the final data on the number of dead and injured are already known? yes, congratulations. well, if we are talking about yesterday, of course, we lost. two people died in the city of kupiansky
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and two people died in veliky borluka, and from of these two people , a six-year-old girl died here in veliky borlytsa, unfortunately, one person was also killed, the grandmother of this girl was seriously injured in veliky borlytsa, and in the city of kupyansk we had five wounded, four people were hospitalized and one person received help directly on the spot, the shelling was carried out by guided air bombs, in principle, these are the kinds of shelling that have recently been flying over populated areas of the kupyan district almost every day, especially those populated areas that are close either to the border line or to line of contact, and already today we had shelling, and as a result of this shelling
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, a man was wounded, and in the morning, we can say, under constant shelling , the kindrashivka community arrived to us, moskovka, the village of nechvolo, the village of manachynivka and kindreshchivka itself were shelled , i.e. the situation remains so tense, populated areas are under constant shelling, it's not only shelling, it's not only shelling, er, guided aerial bombs, but also by all means, artillery and so on. sir, mr. andrii, tell me, please please, let's go back to yesterday's shelling, when the russians fired aerial bombs at the train station in the urban-type village of velikiy burluk kupianskyi. region, where, as you said,
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a six-year-old girl died, was there any discussion at all, maybe before or after that, about the forced evacuation of children from the region? yes, we discussed this situation, if you look at the kupinsky district, then in principle, we have a regime of forced compulsory evacuation of children with their parents already in place in the dvorichan community, completely, completely in petropa. covers kupyansk community and korylivsk entirely along the left bank of the askil river, there is a community there. this forced evacuation was partially carried out in april last year along the border of velikoborlutsk vilkhovatsk community. and literally that week we had a meeting of the kupniv district evacuation commission, during which we discussed issues related to the introduction
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of the regime necessarily requires evacuation, which would be for the entire velikoburlutsk community, for the entire vilkhovatsk community, etc. spread, as well as an additional 20 settlements of vilkhovatsk velikoborlutsk communities, we submitted our vision to these 20 settlements, submitted it to the regional military administration in order to consider this issue at the defense council and make an appropriate decision. mr. andrii, one of the enemy's next priorities is the capture of kupyansk. can you tell us how residents who have already been under occupation react to such a situation? well, how to say, well, the residents already understand all these uh stories that we hear, since the de-occupation,
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we hear them that there will be another occupation, we understand that this is all talk, and for now the situation remains stable, the armed forces of ukraine are holding their positions. are in their places, restraining the defense, carrying out counter-attacking actions, that is, at the moment we can talk about the fact that the enemy has the strength and ability to capture the city of kupyansk, to return to the city and capture it again, well, we do not we see such opportunities, we understand that this is no longer the 22nd year and we have a completely different readiness and we have completely different forces and means and completely... different, that is, in communication with the leadership of the armed forces, those brigades that are located in our area, well, they are sure that this will not happen, let's hope that this will not happen and we will do everything for our victory , thank you, mr. andriy,
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we were contacted by the head of the kupyan district military administration, andriy kanashevich, and we move on to the next news, and a rather pitiful and... worthless picture: the russian regime is holding the so-called putin elections on temporarily occupied territory of the kherson region. people are called vote directly on the street and are threatened for not showing up, said the head of the region oleksandr prokhodin. he called on the residents of the left bank to protect themselves and not act on provocations. the defense forces are doing everything possible to liberate the captured territories. in these so- called elections , our defenders will put a decisive tick. and defenders, so it doesn’t matter what the russians decide there, what turnout they draw or support, this theater of the absurd is not recognized by any civilized country, the residents of the left bank understand how difficult it is for you, but don't give up, ukraine always pays back. the air force refused
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to comment on how far from the contact line the enemy aircraft were shot down, but noted that it was quite far behind enemy lines. today. defenders shot down an su-34 fighter-bomber, it was landed in the direction of mariupol, air force commander mykola oleschuk announced. in the morning, he reported the destruction of the same board near avdiivka. this is already the 12th fighter jet that the armed forces of ukraine destroyed in a month. the main task is to be efficient use the combat capabilities of weapons and military equipment of our units and get busy. position to restore the position where we left - said the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi, while staying in the military units in the avdiyiv and kurakhiv areas. according to him, in order to strengthen the defense in the main areas, it is necessary to competently distribute our reserves. as
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the general previously reported, the soldiers of the third assault brigade and the 25th separate brigade were able to knock out the russian invaders from the outskirts of the village orlivka of the pokrovsky district of done. artillery is the god of war. without the supply of shells for heavy artillery, the defense forces of ukraine will be able to conduct only passive defense, not a counteroffensive. ukrainian harmash told journalists of the roits agency about this. the minor successes of the russian occupiers are the result of an insufficient supply of ammunition. the military complains that they need more heavy weapons to support the infantry. and ammunition, as is known, the defense forces pushed back the russian troops from orlivka, which is west of avdiivka, but the situation in the east remains difficult - said today the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. we are trying
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to hold the front, but again everything, everything rests on heavy weapons, there will be heavy weapons, but we will deter and not only deter. and to counterattack, but without such weapons, without aviation, well, sitting in a blind defense, sooner or later we will sag, the front will sag, that is. because, well, people, people can't hold back on their own, we need iron, that was the news at that time, wait for the next issue at 4 p.m., well, then the ether continue my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin barkovskyi, information continues. the day of the tv channel, well, today putin preached to his subordinate
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russian citizens for a couple of hours, so to speak , he didn't say anything particularly new, well, once again he started to scare our european neighbors and friends with a nuclear war, a nuclear threat, but the prime minister's reaction is important donald tusk of poland said that all putin's statements should be taken as his real intentions, quoting donald tusk now, not only aggressive rhetoric, but also decisions, which putin announced regarding the increase. russia's self-sufficiency, the transition of the economy to military lines, the modernization of the army, all this should be taken absolutely seriously, europe must understand - donald tusk emphasized that the arms race that russia is imposing on the world obliges the west to wake up and prepare from a military point of view to potential threats, but in general, so to speak, the situation is not just difficult, but it is critically difficult, and we will also talk about certain scenarios that concern ukraine and ukraine. taras zahorodnyi z
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we are in touch with a political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group. glory to ukraine, mr. taras. we play glory. well, in a couple of weeks, putin will appoint himself to the post. this is not news, so to speak, no one will be surprised, so to speak. the key story will be how putin will be perceived, whether putin will dare to be characterized as a person who seized power and keeps it by force. so and accordingly and whether, for example, they will freeze the membership of the russian federation in the same organization of the united nations, in the same security council. meanwhile, as if the enemy is starting to spin the story about the illegitimacy of the ukrainian government, well , as soon as president zelensky's term ends, so to speak. well, the situation with the verkhovna rada is similar, although somewhat different. so, a certain information storm is approaching, so to speak, from the enemy, from the second. on the other hand, we understand that our society also has a lot of different, legitimate and
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adequate questions for our government, so this is a difficult, difficult vinaigrette, well look, regarding the exclusion of russia from the un, there will be no such thing, they are suspension, freezing , not excluded, no, it is impossible, impossible, read the un charter, it is clearly defined there that any country can be excluded from the un. not only on the recommendation of the un security council, in the un security council it is determined that there is a permanent composition of members, it is permanent, and there is no mechanism to exclude a permanent member of the security council, this is impossible to do now, the only legal loophole, the only legal loophole regarding russia, is to use a precedent to taiwan, and... that's why that taiwan was a member of the united nations for a long time until the 74th year, in my opinion, and was even a member of the united nations
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instead of china, because the official name of taiwan is the republic of china, and there was a legal formula that due to a membership error, well, somehow, turned around and excluded taiwan from the un, theoretically this is possible. despite the fact that russia did not officially join the un, did not go through the entire procedure after the collapse of the soviet union, because there is such a legal case: ukraine has always been a permanent member, well, a member of the un, because it was from soviet times, as was belarus, and there was no separate delegation from russia, the rsfsr, and therefore ukraine in principle did not need to be admitted to the un, to go through the entire procedure, but... russia had to go through the entire procedure, or this was not done,
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so at this stage i still do not see the political will of the un itself to solve the issues of developed countries as well, this is the first thing, regarding whether russia will try to shake the situation, well , it is constantly shaking the situation, you should not underestimate the russians, they are constantly looking points, painful points in ukraine, they are looking for various points. from the circle and actively use it, it is their task, it is not even a question of the authorities, it is a question of creating chaos in general, they want chaos and... they will try to do it. mr. taras, look, today in gur they said that russia will try to destabilize and even is already doing, it is destabilizing the internal situation in ukraine, and in fact, it is such a, let's say, hybrid war that russia is waging against ukraine, and for this , as if the russians will massively buy
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telegram channels and actually attract leaders public opinion to the breaking point'. the situation in the country, how would you comment on the possibility of involving, let's say, certain leaders of public opinion, certain telegram channels in order to dispel certain narratives, and actually, do you think that this will help russia? but i would like to add right away, you know, they like to formulate us very delicately, let's close everything that is not under our control, and after that we will show you a high class of sovereign democracy, that is... we understand, multiple telegram channels are hostile , but there are informative ones, that is, it is necessary here approach very delicately, we remember how at one time three tv channels were taken and thrown out of the t2 broadcasting network, which were not about russian, which were normal, honest ukrainian channels, which broadcast as they can, well, but anyway, that is, when in we
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are beginning to take up, so to speak, the fight against the russian mipso, you know, the main thing is to hold hands and pa'. didn't get circumcised and didn't end up in a telethon mode only in telegram channels before all that, well, that's the position i have, tara, well, look, there are three parts to your, your question, let's go in order, so, firstly, will they try to attract someone, well, theoretically yes, but after all , after the large-scale invasion, many pro-russian so-called bloggers and everything else, they got everywhere... it is necessary to go to the sbu headquarters, oh, not all, not all, sir taras , well, they are working, they are working, well, let’s know there , we know, many have simply already forgotten , well, diana panchenko, so they opened proceedings against her, but forgive her , she has already escaped, and those who did not escape, they are now all sitting around. the sbu conducted educational work there with many were
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closed facebook accounts youtube channels and so on were made ago. those who are willing, who are located, well, recently mr. karniychuk was also arrested, also there on a case and so on, that is why those who want to cooperate so openly, i think that at least those who are in middle countries, of course, there will be very few, because there are precedents , because they see that the moscow popes are imprisoned, and those who spread anti-ukrainian narratives, they still get what they deserve, this is how counterintelligence should work, in relation to those who finds... abroad, the situation is more difficult there, they can be used there , including, well, the same sharia, he is still in spain, for example, they are, and so on, there will be a more difficult situation, but they will act cunningly , they will not say that they are against ukraine, they will say that they are for the people of ukraine and will in various ways also promote, well, covertly pro-russian
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narratives, because they even or... many people will speak with that ukrainian language, because russians also study here, understand that the russian language already does not work as a tool of influence in ukraine, and therefore, of course , they will, but they constantly do it, in reality it may happen that after some time they may come together somewhere, in relation to other structures, social networks and so on, well, i still don't see a technical possibility to do it to cover everything. well , this, well, this, well, it will actually be impossible to do, but to follow, not to react to it, it is of course necessary, because, after all , ukrainian society is used to living in informational and informational competition, and therefore, all these things that are russian technologies
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, they work, but in russia, they work, because there is no competition from the nsr. channels, and not among youtube channels, there are not many sources of information, and therefore it is difficult to make such a general such, such an umbrella in order for it to be completely effective, mr. taras, but please tell me, i have just such a question, here we we see that russia is trying to promote this thesis about the illegitimacy of zelenskyi, we know that, well , we are more than convinced that the pseudo-elections in russia will be absolutely not democratic will be those that putin draws for himself, why? for example, we don't use it as our propaganda, counter-propaganda to what russia is trying to impose on zelensky, for example, to promote the actual correct thesis, that too. that putin will be re-elected as president of the russian federation for the second time, and about the democratic nature of these elections, even i don't think it's worth talking about. well, look, it
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all depends on the position of developed countries, if they decide not to recognize the elections, then so be it, but so far they have not they did, even when they, when donbas and crimea were temporarily occupied, actually recognized the elections as legitimate, well, it was silent... the agreement has already been held there several times since the 14th year, and that is why i think that here the position is in favor of it depends on the western countries , of course we have to remind about it, but whether they will go to the point of not recognizing putin as an illegitimate leader is still an open question, although in europe, if i am not mistaken, there was an interesting, interesting, interesting statement and decision about six months ago in paris or in the european parliament, but definitely not now i can remind you, i remembered... there was a decision to recognize putin after his re-election as a dictator, and this is a completely different status in reality with respect to putin, and it can still
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promote, create a basis for promoting his issue that he is not an illegitimate leader, but regarding zelenskyi, well, listen, we already had a precedent in our country, when in 2004, provision 108 of the constitution of ukraine was used, according to which the president takes office after the election of a new president, this is mr. kuchma, who served his term. mr. taras, i also wanted your opinion about our national bahatrachiomachy, you know, the battle between petrov and others and gordon and others, that is, it has already reached such an almost cosmic level, that is, it means that there is some kind of political process. continues in our country, although elections are not promised, well, but very, very harshly, they began to quarrel with each other, to put it mildly, well, as far as i
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remember, i saw so fleetingly that they have long loved each other in quotes, yes, they had been throwing such accusations at each other for a long time, calling each other names, and now gardon had decided to answer, well, this, well, i don’t think that this is... a manifestation of some kind of political process, well, they ’re fine, if the matter is not serious, then let’s move on to a more serious matter, that is , president zelensky was the first to say that someone leaked plans to the russians counteroffensive, budanov , the head of the main intelligence department under the ministry of defense, confirmed this information today and, accordingly, what could be in this case, well, we understand, if someone gave the president the... information, so to speak, before that, then someone should have check it formulate it so that it is announced by the president , that is, it is serious, but
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there should also be accompanying operational, operational and investigative actions, well, here the question is what is meant by plans, because plans can be of different levels, these are different different levels of information, or integral, in the same place, there in the reality of military planning. it is very complex and there are many layers, here the question is what is meant by sub-plans, is this part there in a certain direction or was it in general, that is, depending on what is already calculated there, who had access to such documents and who could, well, theoretically transfer them, then there is the question of the investigation, if there was one, well, that's clear, and we would also like to ask you about what is happening with transcarpathians? they receive messages with anti-hungarian appeals, this is some new ipso, do you know anything about this ipso, and actually, is this all an element of this big puzzle of russia,
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where it is now trying to shake up the situation in poland, in moldova and transnistria, we now we have some ipso about transcarpathians, is it all one puzzle of this hybrid information war of the russian federation? well, this is... part of a single system, it is much wider, the work is also about western europe , i am sure that they are working on the protests of farmers in europe, i am sure that in the united states they are also actively working, well , they have a real system, in they are a system , they are a task, the general task of russia is to create chaos everywhere, this is how the article was written by this sorkov, i think, two years ago, and he has such a good title... there was an unpacking of chaos, there must be chaos, so what because in chaos , russia is more centralized and mobilized, it will have more chances
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to... get the dividends it wants to get, this is exactly what the hungarian's mailing is about, but the truth is, i have already seen the comments on facebook that they are wrong, even there they wrote in hungarian that not only , you know, it reminded me of this, infernal boryshna, she can’t stand urine, it’s infernal boryshna, that hungarian language experts there laughed, that even there they were wrong, because there, you probably know, as half of the budget was erased on special operation they took people who either used google translate there, or at least couldn’t find native speakers there, well, a counter-offer from our side, we understand, that’s how you have to say in any unclear situation, it’s a russian pso, well, to a certain extent for a period it worked, until a certain period aristovych's velvet baretone worked, so to speak, now we have entered a new situation, new challenges, and
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you know, the skills have remained the same. that is, i do not feel a change in communication, attitude, understanding of the problems and accordingly articulate delivery of them to our esteemed masses. well, we understand that the situation is not easy, and it can really shake up very significantly in the next couple of months. it is necessary to rebuild and reverse, so to speak, to give adequate feedback. well, look, everything comes into contact with the russians, why many things do not... work, because they still do not understand how ukrainian society works, they still think that what works for them, it works in ukraine, it is in ukraine , god forbid 20% of what they think will work 100% because after all, our problem here is not in the communications of the authorities, here in communications and information hygiene and the position of the people of ukraine itself, because if it does not
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work... it should, you know, the authorities explain and do not explain, it will be like that it is clear that it does not work that way, well , some disinformation centers are already working there, which constantly publish newsletters about that ipsoi, about what methods the russians use, so i think that ukrainians have long ceased to react to many things, although some of course everything will be able to work, thank you, mr. taras, taras zagorodniy, political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis agency. group was on the air of espresso, we are moving on , we will have a small break now, but once again we remind you our viewers, and those who watch us on youtube, of course, and those who watch us on television, we remind you that we are currently fundraising for 50fp from drones, this is a very important fundraiser as you understand, so please, if you have the opportunity, join our fundraiser, our goal is 800 uah, we will be very grateful,
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but... but of course , thank you to all those who joined our previous meetings, now we are going on a break and after it we will be back , we will have andriy dubas, the president of the ukrainian banks association, we will talk about money, about money and about our money and about the economic situation in general, so stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak. just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is from uah 1499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with a strong saw,
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