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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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and for today i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report an unscrupulous judge who makes illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine. for your attention, a
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news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. a russian coast guard boat of the fsb border service was on fire in the waters of the sea of ​​azov. the fire engulfed the nave of the vessel. the crew of the boat urgently called for evacuation. the causes of the fire on the russian boat are being established. the main directorate of intelligence intercepted the conversations of the occupiers. according to the records, the russians have injuries. the 10th i am the second reception, i am the tenth reception, the number of victims has increased to five, an emergency emergency group is needed for the localization of the fire . it is known from local telegram channels that the fire started. in the port located in
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the kirovsky district. currently , more than 50 rescuers are extinguishing the fire on the ship. the cause of ignition is called welding work. the air force refused to comment on how far from the contact line the enemy aircraft were shot down, but noted that it was quite far behind enemy lines. today, ukrainian defense forces shot down two su-34 fighter-bombers. one was landed in mariupol. direction, the other near avdiivka. this is already the 12th fighter that eliminated the armed forces of ukraine in a month. russians injured a person in sumy oblast. the enemy fired artillery at the production infrastructure in the vorozhbyan community. the warehouse of the enterprise caught fire, the regional military administration reported. the fire was contained. two
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people were injured as a result of an attack by russians in berezlav, kherson region. the enemy dropped explosives from a drone on the yard of a residential building. a 91-year-old woman and a 58-year-old man suffered contusions, blast injuries and shrapnel injuries to their limbs. they in hospitals doctors assess their condition as moderate, the regional military administration reported. and residents. mykolaivka in donetsk region is recovering from today's shelling. the occupiers dropped a kap500 guided aerial bomb on the town. as a result of the shelling , eight private houses, a hospital, a garage and two civilian cars, gas pipelines and electricity networks were destroyed. windows were broken in houses, roofs, walls and property of citizens were damaged. it's all broken, the windows, even the window sill torn out, he's in that window.
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special tribunal for the crime of russian aggression against ukraine, if it is created, may last several years, prosecutor general andriy kostin announced this at the international conference on war crimes, according to his words. ukraine has identified 511 people suspected of war crimes since the russian invasion in february 2022 and has already handed down 81 sentences, although most of them in absentia. the russian army destroyed more than 900 objects of cultural heritage. cultural losses reach 19 billion dollars. kostin noted that the basis for the work of the special tribunal has already been developed, it remains to wait.
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political decision. we have absolute confidence that this tribunal will be established. second, there is an active discussion about the tribunal model. continues and we are in constant contact with partner countries, thirdly, the very idea of ​​the tribunal already has wide support, because more than 40 countries are not only europe and north america, but also countries from other parts of the world, and this is very important , and fourth, we are wasting no time already preparing the ground for the team of the future tribunal. military units unjustifiably paid additional monetary rewards. separate servicemen, the auditors of the ministry of defense established. in fact, a number of servicemen were and performed their duties in permanent deployment points, which are not related to the conduct of hostilities, but received combat allowances. the facts were discovered in military units in
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kyiv region, zhytomyr region, khmelnytskyi region and poltava region. violations were calculated at over uah 186 million. all audit materials have been handed over to law enforcement agencies. to establish the degree of guilt of those involved and to compensate the state for damages. poland is not excluded introduction of a ban on agricultural products from russia. this was stated by the prime minister of the country, donald tusk, during the visit of latvian collegiate player evika selini to warsaw. let me remind you that latvia has already introduced such a ban. the polish head of government said that he would analyze the latvian example and consider a similar initiative for his country. i want everyone to understand that the problem of surplus food and grain in poland and europe and the problem of unequal competition is not only due to the import of grain and food from ukraine. few people realize that our market is too
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destabilized by products coming from russia and belarus, so we need to take all possible measures to stop this. we see the potential in banning and... some products from russia and thus stifling the russian government and the russian economy. at the same time, we continue to work on more effective implementation of those sanctions that are already in effect. to save the limb and not only. the ukrainian people's health charitable fund has prepared a manual for injured servicemen. such a step-by-step instruction contains advice for each of the stages evacuation, treatment, rehabilitation. experts, doctors and more than two hundred veterans worked on the signpost, who gave advice directly from their experience. its goal is to reduce the number of amputations and help with adaptation after. the guide is being sent to 209 brigades that contributed to the creation of the guide, and
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the text is already available on the website and on the telegram channel of the same name. update regularly, add useful things, add tips. and control, not control, try to gather information, what part of people he helped to save limbs, what what is done here and what is done there, uh, the result is there, it can be different, it seems to me that they are more inventing to save a limb, such a feeling that i no longer feel that it is a war. ecological and smart exercise bikes, such devices were presented by the taiwanese company asr together with the local ministry of digital transformation to the lviv children's hospital and two higher education institutions. such a gift took place with the cooperation of taiwanese partners with the all-ukrainian democratic forum. the exercise bike is capable to charge devices while turning its pedals.
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philanthropists say that such modern developments not only encourage ukrainians to lead a healthy lifestyle, but also to use energy and time sparingly. the first place we wanted to send these exercise bikes to was ukraine, because ukraine today uses backup power, and these exercise bikes are energy-independent and generate electricity themselves. so, for six months, we worked on this idea together with the democratic forum and the taiwanese company acer, which produces quality modern electronics, and it happened. i think this is a great invention, especially for the ukrainian language. the taiwanese and i have implemented a lot of projects, these are projects to help school students, in lviv, poltava, and many other regions, we are currently working on new projects, on training computer science teachers, on supplying new computers, this particular project is interesting because that we
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have supplied some lviv higher education institutions and hospitals not just with exercise bikes, but with modern gadgets that allow you to maintain health, because it exercise bike, charge your computer, your phones, use it and... such was the news at that time, i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, and literally in a few minutes you will meet my colleague. village winter bleeding and inflamed gums - my advice. lakalut active. lacal active actively overcomes bleeding gums, protects against periodontitis and visibly tightens the gums. lakalut aktiv - an action that you feel immediately. novelty. lacquer activ++ with two-phase technology and plus active ingredients for even more
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linex forte of 15% in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. a separate group of unmanned air systems sapsan state special. transport services, appeal to the viewers of the tv channel with a request to join the fundraising for thrones and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on, in the new two-hour format, there will be even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top ones. guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you
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can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. good evening. precisely from ukraine. three russian planes per day. putin addressed the russians, what did he say there? the fair was burning and the russian patrol boat was burning in the sea of ​​azov. and heavy battles at the front. the armed forces of ukraine took krasnohorivka. we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 45 minutes. this is the great ether program. my name is vasyl zima. and we start with the announcement of the collection espresso is called to join the collection on bagi for the evacuation of the wounded and a lift combat kits, as well as car and cover kit for the 12th separate
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special task force, our defenders destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day, this collection will help save lives and increase the effectiveness of the unit, so join in, every donation strengthens the shield with which we deter aggressor, our goal is uah 480,000, so we can donate from this program, but now i am bringing skad shurbekov to the conversation, he is a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, mr. skad, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, today the enemy attacked the national... point of yuliivka in the zaporizhzhia region, there was information that, unfortunately, one person was killed, and also there, if possible, more about this shelling, and also whether there were shellings of other communities of zaporizhzhia region? unfortunately, in fact, the enemy continues to bombard the territory of the zaporizhzhia region on a daily basis, today, it was not an exception, and more than 250
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shelling of communities in general along the front line, and one such shelling by a guided aerial bomb... actually led to the death of a person in the new in the novoaleksandriv community , in yuliivka settlement, it is more than 25 km from the front line there, but the enemy is trying to strike deep into the territory, well, in fact , again in the countryside, in private buildings, there are no infrastructural facilities there, no talking about military or industrial, well, besides that, besides that , there is information in zaporizhzhia that the curfew in zaporizhzhia has been reduced to... five hours on the one hand, well, as it were, but why talk about it, with on the other hand, it is not obvious indicates some positive moments that are happening, or what do you think this is related to, or is it related to some economic, economic factors, the key factor is the security factor unequivocally, in general, for the whole of last year , the curfew was almost exactly until on the 24th, exactly on the 24th, it began, but
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after the escalation on the front line, it seems to me four months ago... a decision was made by the radio defense to increase the duration of the curfew and make it after the 23rd, because with point of view there sabotage and reconnaissance groups, in general, from the point of view of finding people on the streets and in case of increased shelling by the occupiers. now the situation has more or less stabilized, it is safe again, due to this there is an opportunity to reduce the length of madan hours, of course this will have a positive effect on economic life as well, but the safety factor is key. i think that is also important. signal, because the last week around the zaporozhye front line there is a lot of information, let's say, such tension, because the russians they emphasize that they will advance there, this is accompanied by the dog that they will capture the nuts there, repel the robot there and, as it were, reach zaporizhzhia, so of course we see an aggravation on the front line, they are intensively trying
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to increase the number of shelling to break through the line front, but the armed forces did not give them a single meter of our land. and due to this, this is a curfew situation, it is also a signal to the other side that the front line is firmly held in one way or another and in one way or another, but zaporozhye can live relatively peacefully , work to help the front and in general, people felt that there would be no advances there or any breakthroughs of the front from the russian side, well, but on the other hand, people can work calmly at the same time as a large taxpayer, the large ashen network goes from zaporizhzhia, is there any information here, is it a security factor or? is it an economic factor or maybe some other factor will work here, you know, they look like that, yes, a foreign company decided to move here, probably something they know, obviously something like this can happen, so we need to think carefully about whether we should move, as they say, a little away from zaporizhzhia for a certain time, in relation to the situation with
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aushan, this is purely a business factor, in fact still in the 21st a year before the war, auchan announced... that he would leave this trading platform because there were some nuances related to rent, premises and other things. to date, ah, in fact, due to its own economic interests, this chain is closing its store in zaporizhzhia, also in the bloody corner, where the situation is not safe or dangerous there, on the contrary, it is probably much further from the front line, that is, it is a story that is completely related to business, there are relevant explanations from the regional military administration. in general , the representatives of the network there also emphasized that this is in no way related to the security factor. i am sure that in the place of this supermarket there will be other supermarkets, other retail chains there, i do not know what their names are, which can be shown there, but i am sure that the places, even from this point sight will not feel any discomfort, because in fact, despite the difficult situation there, and the proximity to the front line in zaporizhzhia
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, the construction of a high-rise housing stock continues, the construction of one of the shopping... centers is now announced, these are business ideas, these are not state projects, not local projects, of course, because all the money is directed either to defense or to support the municipal sector, but this is a very important indicator that business believes in zaporizhzhia and believes in our armed forces of ukraine, local people should understand this, well about money for defense, there is information that the region and the city will direct more than 1 billion hryvnias to the armed forces of ukraine, decipher this amount, it is a lot, we understand very well that zaporizhzhia is not living at the... fullness of economic power, plus we know , that now certain taxes and fees were taken from local budgets to kyiv, well, to the government, so this is also a minus, if i may be brief. yes, this is a very important step, because with the arrival of the new administration, the new military regional administration of the head of the state administration, such changes actually began, this is increased from
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last year's indicators, now there is a bar so that 17.5% of each local budget is actually directed to the defense needs of our region, to military units, to the construction of fortifications, this applies to the city of zaporizhia itself, it is very important, because these are precisely the priority areas , in order to build more fortifications, bomb shelters, in general to help the military, these will be exactly the funds that will be used in this direction, from where these funds came from, these are funds that were free balances in local budgets, and it is also a significant optimization of both regional institutions and local self-government institutions, today, well, in fact, this is a very powerful signal from zaporizhzhia, because for a very long time zaporizhia, let's say, well, it did not graze the rear, probably this is a bad expression, but let's say, in some aspects, we allocated less money. than some regions, and now zaporizhzhia shows that the security factor is a key priority, both for local communities and for the head of the regional military administration. thank you very much for your comments,
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thank you for participating, skada shurbekov, mp zaporizhzhia regional council, was in touch with us. well, we're moving on, sumy is still our turn, and then we'll have another very important conversation related to the important statement of the european parliament regarding the secondment of ukrainian deputies to volodymyr bitsak, deputy chairman of the sumy district council. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you. the north-east defense post of our state welcomes you. glad to see. well, here is the information about the shelling, today the attack was written as follows: on the industrial infrastructure on the industrial one an infrastructure facility in the sumy oblast is wounded, if not revealing the details, what kind of hit it was, is it possible to have more information about the consequences of the enemy attack? well, there is information that it really is... an agricultural enterprise that was engaged in the production of grain crops, and in terms of warehouses, today there was a roshiy flight, unfortunately, one person
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was injured there, but at the moment there is no information about the dead, thank god, here there is such, by the way, interesting information that budget employees of sumy oblast receive their salaries thanks to donors, this is meant, as now budget employees payments will be financed in the region, what kind of donors are these, who are these donors, how is it in general? well , the idea is good, if people receive money, that's great, but you just need to understand a little bit what's going on there, and why then do you need to ask donors to cover budget expenses? at the moment, i do not have such information about who these donors are, and to which state officials they will transfer these funds, so i will not be able to comment, well, then we will try to find out for ourselves, but it is also important that the metropolitan of the uocp of sumy oblast received a suspicion by inciting enmity, like yours, well, here you know, this is... a reason to question, and in general , the activity of this, as they call themselves the uoc mp, in sumy oblast, how far they will continue to work, whether there are transitions to the ocu, and whether there are indeed those facts, when
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somewhere there the soldiers may not die, as we have seen many times, some clashes are taking place somewhere, because the community wants a temple, and those are all over ukraine, i understand that this is also the case in sumy oblast, well, it is important, that the suspicion was at least handed over, really, finally, thank god, that some kind of dead center moved, question, because i have repeatedly emphasized that the kgb is telling us during the second year of the war, and we are still a nanny, i am waiting with them to see what they think, whether they are good or bad, whether their flock is good or bad, we are in trouble there is one big church of the resurrection, which many people can move to pay tribute to our heroes, for example, on monday, i paid tribute to my godfather, the kingdom of heaven of the deceased on the pod ugledaro, so no... they all fit, there is such a trinity cathedral in sumy, which this is the second year we are asking the regional council put this issue to the consideration of the session , and something doesn't work out for them, and that's the question, as i
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understand it, they forward everything to the people's deputies, and in the end there, and even before the war in the 21st year, i personally watched, i was in one church in sumy and went down to the basement, and there was a portrait of gundyaev hanging there, i asked this father, father, why do you have a portrait of a kgb officer hanging? he says yes, but we are all hgbeshniks here, and i understood, and then i analyzed how much this church costs, what is the external appearance of this uncle, he really the kgb officers, and we, had unfortunate incidents in sumy oblast, in trestyanka, the father corrected the shelling of the artery in the populated area, so why is this being done, we have two years to mourn our boys, who died nowhere, they do not know what they are hiding there. weapons or propaganda, they propagandize people, their believers against, against sovereign ukraine, they
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preach in russian. so why, how can this be in our country, which is in the second year of the war, well, let's see what will happen next after this handed-down suspicion, maybe some there will be continuations of this story, i hope that people's deputies and regional deputies will see each other, respectively, respectively, well, yes , because you know, i was also like that, i went there to the kyiv region, then people say that they are already waiting for some kind of acceptable law to ban of this russian church, because these are all half-measures, they lead to nothing, and you know, one phrase is more sacred. and this is from the words of a person who was nearby, who said, when they asked him, why don’t you transfer to the ocu, his father came to the ocu there, it is in the kyiv region, he he says, and this is what he says, in the presence of the heads of the district's security forces, and he says, who guarantees me that he will be here in two years, and no, well, that's it, and people shine, blink their eyes and say, well, really, who guarantees you, and the person frankly says, so maybe the russians will come at all, right before midnight, not far from belarus, and i, i am already sitting in ambush here, you know, and this is...
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the information that they receive they have cards on which they receive funds, where these funds come from, you can only guess where these funds come from and for what kind of work, well and then we wonder why they allow us to exchange rubles for hryvnias for a while, but i very briefly write that in sumy oblast they are building ukri, they are building fortifications, i will not ask to hand over the locations , but this work is really happening, the work is being carried out at a frantic pace, in such volumes, i want to reassure everyone, well, all the residents of the sumy district , that everything will be fine, everything will be fine in ukraine, the fortifications are really reliable, they are being built, that 's why there is a defense, where there is something to hold and maintain, so everything will be fine, thank you very much for your comments, thanks for joining, volodymyr bitsak, the deputy chairman of the sumy district council was in touch with us, and now there will be another important topic, well, in general, i will tell you
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that i am with you today for... a long time, serhii rudenko will not be here today, he, we hope , will return tomorrow, and today i will be with you until 9 o'clock, therefore, i will try not to bore you, on the contrary, to inform you, to inform you about the most important, the most important thing that will happen during these 2.5 hours, well, what information will we discuss now with our guest, i will introduce her as soon as she appears, she is a folk, and therefore now one second, one second. just a second, we will talk today about the decision, about the advice, now where will it be shared with me, the european parliament decided that the ban on ukrainian deputies to carry out parliamentary activities and diplomatic parliamentary activities, because the verkhovna rada of ukraine has the authority to do so, people's deputies of ukraine can carry out this activities outside ukraine, which prohibits ukrainian mps from leaving the country on diplomatic missions
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. within the limits of his deputy activity, it is inadmissible , inadmissible, and we see how, unfortunately, people's deputies are humiliated, it doesn't matter what party they are from, opposition or non -opposition, this is the humiliation of a people 's deputy, who is told that it is not possible, go back, because there is someone somewhere wrote some letter, and you can't go anywhere. ivana klymposans, people's deputy of ukraine, ms. ivana, i congratulate you, good afternoon, well, these are what i just quoted, regarding the decision of the european parliament. how it is possible, how it can affect the change of management approach of the verkhovna rada, first of all to the implementation by the deputies of their activities , their powers outside ukraine, which is very important, please, well, you know, so far i can only see that the leadership of the parliament is trying to blame those deputies who started talking about these unreasonable
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restrictions and abuses. by the leadership of the parliament regarding the permission or disallowance of trains to this or that on this or that business trip, and this is translated, you know, with a sick head on the road, because they are accused of making those who speak about it, instead of to abandon such a practice, of course, i would like my colleagues to pay attention to... the fact that, as clearly stated in the resolution of the european parliament, this is such a serious remark regarding the actual democracy in ukraine, a violation of the basic principles of democracy in ukraine, a violation of the law in ukraine, you know, it's not just about abuse, it 's actually a violation of the law on the status of a people's deputy, about, it's a violation of the law about martial law, about the state of emergency, that's all...


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