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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EET

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good evening, we are from ukraine, well , the second hour of the great ether is ahead, a lot of interesting and important information awaits you, the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war with oleksandr morchivka, also today there will be cultural news from lina chechenino and the weather from natalki didenko, well, i am also with you today from the 8th to the 9th in the verdict program, so a lot of interesting and important things await you, and now i will tell you in detail about the most important news: a massive... plane crash on the front from the first, since the beginning of the day the armed forces of ukraine shot down three enemy su-34s , the air force reports, the defenders intercepted bombers in one of the eastern directions at night, then in the morning they destroyed two more fighters in the avdiyiv and mariupol directions in the donetsk region. in total , russia lost a record 13 aircraft in february. the russians wounded a person in the sumy region, the enemy fired at a production plant with artillery.
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infrastructure in the vorozhbyan community, the regional military administration reported. the warehouse of the enterprise caught fire. the fire engulfed the roof and ceiling on a large area, the fire was fortunately extinguished. and two people were injured as a result of the russian attack on boreslav, in the kherson region, the enemy dropped explosives from a drone on the yard of a residential building. a 91-year-old woman and a 58-year-old man suffered contusions, blast injuries and debris. they are in the hospital with injuries to their limbs, doctors assess their condition as moderate, the regional military administration reported. military units unjustifiably paid additional monetary compensation to individual servicemen, it was established auditor of the ministry of defense. in fact, a number of servicemen were and performed their duties in permanent deployment points, which are not related to the conduct of hostilities on the front line, but at the same time they received combat allowances for some reason. the facts
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were discovered in military units in kyiv region, zhytomyr region, khmelnytskyi region and poltava region. violations were calculated at 186 million 600,000 hryvnias. all audit materials have been handed over to law enforcement agencies to determine the degree of guilt of those involved and to compensate the state for damages. in zaporozhye, pyrotechnics of the state emergency service destroyed an enemy aerial bomb. as reported in the press service of the agency, experts identified the ammunition as an unexploded high-explosive aerial bomb weighing half a ton. it could not be transported because it was equipped with a modified detonator that could explode at any moment. and this was the difficulty in removing and further destroying a dangerous object, because of this, the pyrotechnicians decided to eliminate the aerial bomb on the spot, by means of controlled detonation. well, as you can see in the video, everything turned out well. artillery, the god of war without the supply of shells.
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for heavy artillery, the defense forces of ukraine will be able to introduce only passive defense, not a counteroffensive. ukrainian harmashi told reuters journalists about this, and the minor successes of the russian occupiers are the result of an insufficient supply of ammunition, the military complains that they need more heavy weapons and ammunition to support the infantry. as you know, the defense forces pushed back the russian troops from zorlivka, west of avdiyvka, but the situation in the east remains difficult. stated commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general oleksandr syrskyi. we try to keep the front. but again, everything rests on heavy weapons. there will be heavy weapons. we will deter and not only deter, but also counterattack. ot. without such weapons, without aviation, well, sooner or later, we will sit on the defensive. we will sag, the front will
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sag, that's because people, people can't hold on by themselves, we need iron. on march 1 , bulgaria and romania will enter the schengen zone, which means a reduction of the maximum duration of visa-free stay in these countries. as you know, they were granted an additional 90 days, guaranteed by the agreement between ukraine and the eu and extended to those who did not apply for temporary protection. now ukrainians can legally stay in... the territory of these two states for only 90 days during a 180-day period, and then issue other permission documents to leave or leave the schengen area. ecological and smart exercise bikes - such devices are made by the taiwanese company acer together with the ministry of digital transformations were presented to the lviv children's hospital and two educational ones. institutions of higher
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education in the city, such a gift became possible thanks to the cooperation of taiwanese partners with the all-ukrainian democratic forum. the exercise bike is capable of charging devices at a steep incline. his pedals. philanthropists say that such modern developments not only encourage ukrainians to lead a healthy lifestyle, but also save energy and time. the first place we wanted to send these exercise bikes to was ukraine, because today ukraine uses backup power, and these exercise bikes are energy-independent and generate electricity themselves. yes, we worked on this idea for six months. together with the democratic forum and the taiwanese company acer, which produces quality modern electronics, and it happened. i think this is a great invention, especially for ukrainian youth. the taiwanese and i have implemented many projects, these are projects to help school students in lviv, poltava, and many other regions. we are currently
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working on new projects, training computer science teachers, and supplying new ones computers this separate project is interesting in that we have supplied some lviv higher educational institutions and hospitals with not just exercise bikes, but modern gadgets that allow you to maintain health, because it is an exercise bike, charge your computer, your phones, use it and work at it like a desk. every day, border guards detain up to 25 men who try to flee ukraine illegally. this was stated by the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko. border guards patrol the ukrainian-romanian border with help unmanned photopass cameras. stock and patrol dogs. our correspondents will tell you how the border defense was strengthened. in this footage, men who tried to enter romania illegally were detained by transcarpathian border guards thanks to a patrol helicopter. some
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conscript citizens try to illegally leave ukraine using forged documents through official checkpoints. however, the cases on the green part of the border are more popular. in the area of ​​responsibility of the state border, there are border guards who protect the state border, in the most dangerous directions, they are detained by the forces of the border guards, the border guards of the hrushevo branch guard the ukrainian-romanian border around the clock, every week they stop men who try to cross the tisza river. this river is a mountain river, it is very cold at this time of the year, and the plus to the coast of the romanian side is about 30-35. meter, the current is very strong and unpredictable. the most common cases are with the help of a wetsuit they put on, so that it is not so cold, stuffing circles, children's stuffing sleeves, mattresses, boats. even at the entrance to the border zone,
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70% of men who try to leave ukraine illegally are stopped at checkpoints , spokeswoman of the mukachiv border detachment, lesya fedorova, said in order to stop the flow of illegals. migrants to romania, the state strengthened the protection of the green border. we use both manned aviation and drones, in addition, we have strengthened engineering barriers on the state border, we also actively use them, and they themselves they show very well, photo posts, as well as installation of bispectral cameras, surveillance. uav oleg ihrak launches a drone into the sky. from a bird's eye view, the border guard detects potential trespassers. for example, if everything is visible from above at night, if it is from a drone with a thermal camera, it sees and can
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see through trees and branches. after the arrest, violators are taken to the branch of inspectors of the state border service. so-called smugglers often help men escape abroad. just last year border guards detained almost 60 such dealers, prices for their services start from 45 dollars and up to 9,000 greens. shippers themselves usually try not to contact their clients, because an attempt to illegally cross the border entails administrative responsibility, and as for the organization of such illegal shipments, they entail criminal responsibility. responsibility. at the beginning of the great war , 24 cases of death of men who tried to illegally cross the state border were recorded in transcarpathia alone, so border guards advise to refrain from such extreme steps. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. well, we
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continue the great ater and now it's time to talk about the fact that outside of ukraine, the world about ukraine with yuri fizer has happened. yury, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today. so, about... is germany afraid of an attack from russia? hungary did not give ukraine several tens of millions of dollars in aid and a balcony drop on russia. my name. yuri fizer and this is the world about ukraine column, i'll start in a moment. well, i'll start with this. no matter who says that the german tabloid bild is a tabloid and should not be trusted, but to tell the truth, this publication was one of the first to publish detailed maps in its columns in december 2000, even in november 2021. with the directions of the advance
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of the russian terrorist forces into ukraine, and they then drew these three directions from the north, from the northeast, from the east, and from the south, and therefore today , should we trust them? sources, and the previous evening bild journalists, citing their own sources , reported that the german government already... has a plan ready in case of a hypothetical attack by russia. it consists of four stages. first, the german government believes that the kremlin will launch a massive disinformation campaign. the second phase will begin with large maneuvers of russian troops on the borders of the alliance. then there will be a direct attack by russia on nato member states. well, the fourth phase is the breakthrough of the troops of the terrorist-terrorist country into the territory of germany. at the same time, no use by russian troops is excluded. biological, chemical and tactical nuclear weapons. in addition, the authors believe that
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the russian federation can use a nuclear electromagnetic pulse, which will be used at an altitude of 50 km and will disable all electronic devices. well, here is such information. i emphasize once again, the publication says that this is only a hypothetical preparation for a hypothetical attack, but when you know the information, then you are... ready, so it is important that the german government prepares for this, for any scenarios. if if russia wins in ukraine, then we can see more soldiers on planet earth, and therefore there should be various options on the table regarding how to help ukraine better and more. prime minister of estonia kaia kalas said this in an interview with the british tv channel sky news. answering the presenter's question about whether... the head of the estonian government includes the possibility that western troops may at some point end up on the territory of ukraine,
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she answered that in the west such a possible step is mostly viewed as an escalation, although, in her opinion, it should rather be regarded as a defensive reaction, well, then the direct speech of the prime minister of estonia kai kalas. russia wants to intimidate me and estonia, and in this way... to force us to refrain from making decisions in support of ukraine, western unity, everything that annoys them very much, and i am convinced that we should not be afraid and we should not refrain from making those decisions because that 's what terrorists want and that's how they operate, they want to see our fear, and the only answer is that we're not afraid, we're doing the right thing, and they are not afraid, and they act correctly, and they know that... russia simply wants to intimidate with its actions, its statements, and that is why these are
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the statements from the prime minister of estonia, from the leadership of the baltic countries, poland, but there are still other countries, hungary and slovakia, which both fight and are afraid, they are definitely afraid that russia may hypothetically approach their borders and do not want it, but at the same time they refuse, they stubbornly refuse to help ukraine. well , that's it, a few more. billions of dollars for ukraine can be found in the pentagon considering the possibility of providing ukraine with military and financial aid for an additional 4 billion dollars. this was reported by journalists of the american tv channel cnn with reference to sources in the ministry of defense of the united states of america. the department began to discuss sending aid even without guarantees of compensation due to the fact that the draft law on financing ukraine. stuck in the congress, the interlocutors of the tv channel emphasized that no decisions
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have been made yet, at the same time they reminded that and what talks about the implementation of this option and several other backup options for providing assistance to ukraine have become more and more urgent in recent weeks, as the situation of the ukrainian troops is becoming more difficult. and from the last thing i saw on the internet before the broadcast, my colleague. an acquaintance of kateryna lisunova from voice of america posted a message on her facebook that she asked mike johnson, the speaker of the lower house of the american congress. after he left the press conference, whether he was going to vote unblocking the issue of unblocking the provision of a package of financial assistance to ukraine, israel and southeast asia, and he once again emphasized that we will do it when the time comes, when that time comes, vasyl,
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well, i just don't know anymore, already the question came when, because there are priorities for them, we understand all this, and... but this is a frank delay without good reasons for it, there is just some such command from above, and i suspect from where, i told you more than once , which i personally think is to be expected from donald trump this process, that is why such statements are made, well, i think that in any case, with the help of our partners in europe, ukraine will first of all stand up, it is just a pity that we will lose our soldiers both dead and wounded, due to the fact that now it is possible to effectively... conduct hostilities in the absence of a certain supply of shells, but in this way, the united states , first of all, makes itself worse, because firstly, the power in europe will increase, secondly, the leaders in europe will rise and, well, in principle, then they will say, so why do we need the united states, sit there and decide for yourself your questions on the border with mexico, actually that's all you can do for a regional player,
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well, actually sooner or later it should come, well, maybe that's what people need, who knows him, well, we're going further, ukraine can. to use the weapons it will receive from finland to attack targets on the territory of ukraine, sorry, russia. several officials from helsinki, for example , antti hekkanen, the minister of defense of the country, said in an interview with yli that such restrictions are mostly introduced by countries that have installed long-range systems in ukraine. salvo fire. he stated that finland is constantly discussing with its allies possible restrictions on the use of weapons in ukraine, but deputy head antihekken emphasized that such restrictions should not be introduced in finland, so we thank our finnish friends for their help and thank our finnish friends for such permission, doro , by the way, another piece of news from finland, the frozen russian assets should be used
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to continue buying arms to ukraine, this was the opinion expressed by the minister of foreign affairs affairs of greenland, elina valton and her quote: "these funds could be spent on weapons, on the supply of defense equipment and, in the long term, on the restoration of ukraine. well, i already spoke about hungary, it continues to put sticks in the wheels. the country's government refused to transfer 18 million dollars to the european peace fund, which could and should then be transferred to ukraine." instead , official budapest will direct them to maintain security and stability in chad, a country in the center of africa. this was reported by the minister of foreign affairs and foreign economic relations of hungary peter szijjártó at a press conference after a meeting with his szczad colleague mahamat saleh annadif, the head of the hungarian foreign policy department in kotre emphasized that his
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country will continue to make maximum efforts to find ways to peacefully end the war in uák therefore , viktor orban's government will not give 18 million dollars for the purchase of weapons for ukraine. there are also those peacekeepers. very interesting news arrived today from armenia. the country's government is ready to expand cooperation with the european union and any steps that will strengthen the national security of armenia after this cooperation. the speaker of the armenian parliament told journalists about this today. according to alen simonyan, in the end, this does not even rule out the country's accession to the european union, but there is no need to hurry in this matter, says speaker simonyan, and at the same time he stated that the issue of withdrawing the russian military base from the territory of armenia is currently not rising. the world doesn't need to drag
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on, the world doesn't need to drag on russian aggression. war in ukraine, and therefore the main goal of chinese shuttle diplomacy is to stop hostilities as soon as possible and bring the parties, i.e. ukraine and russia, to the negotiating table. this was stated by the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of the chinese communist party during the briefing. at the same time , she added that official china continues to play its special role and bring chinese wisdom to the political settlement of the ukrainian crisis and. so she called it a crisis again. i will remind you that the day before it has been reported that china's special envoy for eurasian affairs, lihui , is to visit russia, ukraine and germany this week, and he is holding... negotiations on finding ways to end the war in ukraine peacefully, in addition, he plans to visit brussels and meeting with the leadership
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of the european union. and now a little about trump, lately there has been a lot about him, well , because he himself gives reasons to talk about him a lot. the supreme court of the united states of america is considering the lawsuit of the 45th president of the country, donald trump he has presidential immunity. from criminal prosecution. the first meeting was scheduled for april 22 this year. the ex-owner of the white house must be personally present at it. at the same time, during these hearings, the court suspended consideration of the case against trump on the falsification of the 2020 election results. i will remind you that four criminal proceedings have been opened against trump and the total term of imprisonment of mr. trump, if he is found guilty, may be total. flippers over 100 years. and one more thing, about the courts and trump. well, the illinois court has banned donald
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trump from participating in the republican primaries that are to be held in this state. a number of states, including colorado, have already passed similar decisions. and in general, lawsuits regarding the exclusion of the ex-president from participating in the primaries have already been filed in 16 american states, well, let's see what will come of it. well, he is talking about himself again. the west would like to do to russia what it did to ukraine, bring rozrbarot into our home and weaken us from the inside, but the event was miscalculated. this was one of the theses of the president of the terrorist country , vladimir putin, in his message to the federal assembly. at the same time, he added that everyone. statements coming from the west that bucim are ready for dialogue are demagoguery on the eve of the presidential elections in the usa. according to putin, the united states of america is offering
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russia a dialogue on strategic stability, while at the same time trying to inflict on it - this is putin's quote: a strategic defeat on the battlefield. putin called it hypocrisy and promised that his vassals and pawns will continue to carry out his orders, in particular during the so-called svo of a special military operation, and at about the same moment when putin was giving a speech to his supporters, his assistant, vladimir of medin, came out and declared that he was ready to personally go to negotiations, to peace negotiations with ukraine, if will be rewarded for it when i tell him about it. "they will give an order, let's go, said midinskyi to the tv channel, and to the tv channel a propagandist, propagandists from
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russian life, well, that's it, something already, you understand, china has left, in the west there are increasingly frequent statements that ukraine and russia should finally be brought to the negotiating table, and here putin says that he is not against it, and medinsky says that he is ready to go and meet with and in conclusion, when you have a lot of oil and gas, although you can say in the end, too much oil and gas, but at the same time the houses of the citizens of your country are destroyed in the literal sense of the word. in the city of nyagan, which is rich in hydrocarbons in the khanty-mansiysk region, and this is deep in siberia, one of the houses fell several balconies at once, the poor people could not withstand the weight of the snow. first, the balcony of the second floor fell onto the boat. in the first half hour in the same building, already in the neighboring entrance , two more balconies collapsed, it is known that this building was built 40 years ago, now
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it has been recognized as an emergency, but it is in the queue for demolition, this building is the 53rd, so i suspect , that more than one entrance will fall into it, if in the end it is not a house, that's how, in reality you have a pile, a pile of gas, oil, and you ... you get huge for this gas and oil, even in spite of the sanction of planes, ships, people, and you don't think about the fact that you have people living in a wooden house in a wooden house, in which a barrack like this is lying, i'll be honest, i 've been in ukraine, well, in all regions not everywhere, good people live there, well, but here are such barracks, to be honest, maybe there are somewhere, of course, but in russia it is a common practice, and in yakut they are the same, in buryat, they are the same, where gold is mined for diamonds, but people live in barracks, by the way, this is at best, it happens that it is even worse, well, in fact, it is... yes, well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all for today, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our next broadcast, so don't switch. thank you very much to yuriy
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fizer, i think you will also thank me, now the plot is for your attention: ukraine is striving to restore air traffic and is working on starting the operation of one of the airports, the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak said: since the beginning of the great war, the sky over ukraine closed, well, at least for civilian vessels, and whether ukrainian ones are ready dmytro didora knew air carriers and airports before the open sky, let's give him his word. in 2021, the largest ukrainian airline sky-up transported more than 2.5 million people, which is approximately 16,000 flights. the company prepared for the big war in advance, additionally strengthened security measures. the only possible measure we can take is to reduce the time the planes stay in ukraine directly. that is, if the plane usually
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arrives. i flew to ukraine and stayed there for about 10 hours, 8 hours, 6 hours, we set for themselves as a standard that the plane should stay in ukraine for no more than two hours at this time. at the beginning of the air attack by the russians , the priority of the airlines was to save the employees and planes, then they began to work on the restoration of operations already outside of ukraine. since then, skyup has been entering into agreements for flights on ic terms. contracts, i.e. the ukrainian carrier provides its planes and crews to foreign operators. it was a completely new niche for the skype company, but it helped not only the survival of the company, but helped save jobs for employees, pay taxes to the ukrainian budget. in the company's fleet of 10 aircraft, the air carrier made more than 700 flights in 2023. civil
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aviation in ukraine in general... has lost 30% of its capacity, these are training centers, organizations that maintain aircraft and train technical personnel. the most important thing right now, i stress again, is to keep the staff and the highly qualified staff who work in civil aviation, they are people who have fantastic experience, and in these circumstances, our partners, they have the opportunity to work with our staff, a lot of our pilots, technical staff, even workers... in the civil service, cooperating with foreign partners, foreign partners are even interested, what else can we give, because the qualifications are very high. for the resumption of flights, it is necessary for several factors to coincide, currently various scenarios are constantly being worked out in the state service, the most important condition is safety. this is a specific technical work that is related to the clear identification of threats that exist in the air space, that exist on earth.
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a risk level is identified for each of these threats. it is counted, well, i will not say so, it is more than 20 - identified threats. ukraine is conducting consultations with the american and european security regulators regarding the opening of aviation space, the deputy prime minister for reconstruction, the minister of community development, territories and infrastructure oleksandr kubrakov said. the terms are unknown for objective reasons. it is a complicated process, but ukraine is already taking the first formal steps, and we are submitting official statements in these weeks. risk assessment to the relevant regulators, and boryspil international airport is able to prepare its infrastructure for runways in three weeks. the road to the airport's resumption of operations will be open as soon as an appropriate risk assessment has been carried out and flight permits have been issued. if, for example, we are told that we need to fly, during what time boryspil airport is ready to serve flights on a regular basis.
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and... and according to our calculations, this period is about three weeks, that's why in order to be fully prepared to serve the flights that will be operated as scheduled. for one-off flights, of course, we are ready now precisely because we support the qualifications of the staff, we support the existing equipment. no one can predict exactly when passenger planes will take off in the sky of ukraine, because full-scale russian aggression against our country continues. dmytro. didora oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. there are 10% discounts on bronkhalyk in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings. swear walkers, my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'll do it. what, there is no health? but what kind of health is there, why...


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