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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EET

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per day +6 +8, which is also not bad. in the central part of ukraine , the anti-cyclonic nature of the weather will be maintained, the atmospheric pressure will be high, it will be cold at night, close to zero, maybe even some small minuses, for example, in the poltava region or in the dnipro and the districts, but during the day, as you can see, +8 +12° almost everywhere. in the southern part of ukraine, the air temperature will also be quite high, +10, +12, +10, +13. in the crimea up to 14-15° heat, precipitation is not expected, there will be lots and lots of sun in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow, and in kyiv on march 1 the weather is expected to be dry, sunny, the maximum air temperature will fluctuate around 10-11°c, the south-easterly wind will be moderate , so that in the future, in the coming days, the weather will not change significantly, but of course it will change,
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that is clear, and approximately on march 6, we will expect a small cooling, increasing cloudiness and light precipitation, well, we will talk about this in our daily, updated editions, but i still wish you all once again with the coming beautiful spring, good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, i did not run away, this is the verdict program , today i will conduct it instead of serhiy rudenko, serhiy will definitely return to the air in the near future, but for now, as they say, we will try to replace him, at least at this stage, so the verdict today within an hour we will be with you, we will have guests, very interesting, very important and the main thing is that the topics are relevant, well, we will start with a short announcement about what will be discussed, about accounts... commanders. syrsky outlined
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the reasons for the difficulties in the avdiiv direction. abudanov calls the dismissal correct industrious painful for both parties. poland can completely close the border to ukrainian goods. tusk promises to consider banning the import of russian food. a new world order without russia. putin is blackmailing the west with nuclear weapons in response to nato expansion. how to react? civilized world. fighters of the 63rd separate mechanized brigade hit a russian t-90 tank breakthrough. the explosive video was released by the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine. let's see it too.
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well, that's how the russian tank got there now i will voice the question for you, and we will start, we will move on to a conversation with our guest, first, is a new world order possible, novus ordum, seclorum, as it is called in latin, is a new world order possible without an aggressive russia, yes or no if you want to answer yes. then you dial the number
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0800 211 381 08021381, if you say no, it is impossible, then your number is 0800 211 382, ​​please join, it is very important for us to know your opinion, and now it is very important for us to know the opinion of mykola knyazhyvskyi, that is why we people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the subcommittee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on cultural policy, chairman of the verkhovna rada group on interparliamentary relations invited to the conversation. vasyl, as your former colleague, i always look at the broadcast from time to time with a professional eye, and the question that you voiced and the question that was written on the screen were different questions, so i think that you will explain to the audience further, and we'll fix it now, thank you, mr. mykola, we'll fix it now, i didn't write it, but my colleagues heard it, they 'll do everything now, but let's get started with, or let me ask you to answer this question first, it is important to me. your opinion, is a new
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world order possible without an aggressive russia, or is this new order, well, those people from the formation, on whom his own formation of this order depends. this is a difficult question even for me, i don't even know how to tell the audience, i believe that order is only possible without russia, because russia is a country that sows chaos, both in ukraine and the whole world. trying to contrast one part of society to another, and not only in ukraine, they work in social networks, in many countries, in order to sow chaos in these countries, they can only survive in chaos, that is why order is impossible with russia. without russia, order is possible, it may be a slightly different meaning of the word order than the one you had in mind, but now we can have only one order, that is, when there is democracy, the rule of law , the coexistence of democratic countries, the inviolability of borders, the law of nations on self-liberation, all this
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self-determination and self-liberation is also, by the way, all this is possible without putin , well, let's go to poland now, in fact , a decision was made that the exchange of goods will not be blocked, they will look for some kind of understanding, well, actually, has this search for an understanding begun, and again, how long will we have to wait for it , because the ukrainians are already used to the fact that if there are any key issues, and russia and local elites are still interested, then it is put in a very, very long chest, like , say, the story with the states, again johnson says that, well, we we will not put the issue of ukraine to the vote, we will now to think, and to be honest, it's not that your hands go down, but you just understand that it's something in poland too, it's you. a long story with this solution to the issue without blocking the exchange of goods, is this another stage that will be stretched again, stretched in time, well , look, both the united states of america and poland are our closest allies, and obviously russia is doing everything to sow chaos in different
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way, because if there was, if it depended only on biden, he would have long ago signed the provision of any aid to ukraine, that's right if the situation... depended only on tusk, i think there would be no blocking of borders, but in democratic countries there are different political forces, and these political forces take part in elections, speculate, screw the population, screw different sections of the population, in this case, agricultural producers, when we are talking about poland, and that is why this political drag is precisely because these countries are democratic, and there are people who, i would say so, abuse democracy and are engaged in national egoism and do not take into account the complex one. the situation in which is ukraine, choosing, protecting these values, on which these countries are built. therefore , it is difficult for me to say when this will be resolved in poland. i am absolutely convinced that this issue can be resolved only at the ukraine-nato level, since it is a matter of our national security, and the openness of borders, and the admission of
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various goods to and from ukraine. when talking about agricultural goods , obviously, this is a matter of negotiations, but in... all this hysteria that is unfolding in poland around ukraine is built on false information, on because ukrainian goods flooded poland , which is not true, there is an embargo on most goods there, poland is used only for transit, the fact that only oligarchs produce products in ukraine is also a lie, 23% are made by large enterprises, and the rest by small enterprises , and polish oligarchs, as they say it, i don't consider these people oligarchs, these big land businessmen and litifundists are richer and bigger than... ours by a lot, so when, when the country lives with myths, political hysteria, politicians support it, occurs like this the situation that arises in poland, which is difficult to solve, but i believe that it will be solved, in the end these polish farmers will carve out
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another billion zloty subsidies from the polish government and the european union at the cost of ukraine, somehow it will work out. now we will listen to the prime minister of the republic of poland, donald tusk, he actually talked about... the border, let's listen, then we will continue our discussion. it is no secret that we are discussing with the ukrainian side the temporary closure of the border and the termination of the exchange of goods. tomorrow i will also discuss this with polish farmers. such a decision will be temporary and painful for both parties. i am ready to make even tough decisions when it comes to the border with ukraine. we always consult with the ukrainian... side so that there is no unnecessary tension between warsaw and kyiv, but we must find a solution that will be long-term, in your opinion, this solution should be sought only by ukraine and poland, or at least with the involvement of officials of the european union,
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politicians of the european union countries, because poland also does not exist autonomously in the european union, has subsidies, has aid and has some kind of collaboration and coordination with other countries. well, again, if we join the european union, then we should be equal there with others, and if the borders are open for polish grain and polish products, then they should be open for ukrainian ones, this is the ukrainian position. it is fair because these are the foundations and reasons for which the european union exists. poles are afraid of competition from ukraine, not even on their territory, but among other countries. it's true, this exists, that's why, but the support of poland in the european union is very important to us, because after the elections to the european union , the party headed by tusk will most likely be one of the largest parties in the european parliament, and the position of rusula fonderlajen and many others, it is serious. a powerful political force, despite the fact that all these protests that are taking place were precisely
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initiated by their opponents at first, and now there are various people there, their allies, their opponents, who are not there right now, because of this, poland's position needs to be attentive, but at the same time you need to be fair to yourself and not humiliate yourself, and because of that the most important thing is the negotiations between us, if it is at all possible, and if it is impossible, then we need to talk not only with the european union, with the european union, we must. ..negotiations are economic and we are doomed to it, but we need to negotiate with nato about unblocking the border, because it is the border through which weapons come to us and the border that is the artery for our economy, even outside of agricultural products, and that border is blocked, obviously it's absolutely disgraceful to do that to a country that is at war, what tusk was talking about when he talked about closing the border completely. by the way, our government officials denied it, what is it about? well, it can also remind me of such
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a certain game, because if the border is completely closed, then polish entrepreneurs who import goods to ukraine worth 11 billion will suffer, they are very, that is a lot, it is 10 times less than the turnover of goods between poland and germany, and when they tried to block the border with germany, then polish entrepreneurs revolted, and there the blockade lasted only a few hours, because it kills the polish. economy, and those polish businessmen who trade with ukraine are silent for now, but in the end, if the border is completely closed, i think they will also rebel, and maybe the tusk government is counting on this, so that it is not his own with their hands, and those who really suffer from these thoughtless actions of agrarians are other polish entrepreneurs, and they suffer, so that they, so that someone else could hear voice in poland, because in the media this other voice is not heard, but only falsehood is heard, which is spread by farmers defending their own interests. as they know how, this is their right , the country is democratic, but the society must also hear the truth, and so minister
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kubrakov, the minister of infrastructure, stated that no one from the ukrainian side is conducting negotiations on closing the borders with poland, you know, it is interesting that tusk declares one thing, they say in our country, this is not how we lead, then the ukrainian side will come to the border, there is no one there, and here one gets the impression that sometimes they somehow act autonomously, the ukrainian and polish sides, each, well, it is clear that i am not criticizing the ukrainian authorities there anymore, because it is clear that the situation is critical for ukraine, but... well, there are some statements that do not correlate with the statements of the other side of this conditional conflict, well, ukraine and poland, poland and ukraine, but i also wanted to say, well, just to ask you, as a specialist, perhaps to explain more, whether it will have any connection to the situation that has now arisen in poland, and today the decision of the european commission was adopted, it opened for poland, access to 137 billion euros, this money was previously quite a lot of this money was blocked there due to certain problems, well, in particular, regarding the independence of the courts. systems and reforms of the rule of law, and now they decided at the commission of the european commission that
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poland has taken steps to strengthen and correct the situation and now it will have access to these 137 billion, maybe this will somehow ease the situation, or is it a separate story that by no means won't this money affect what they now want from ukraine, to achieve through ukraine? you two questions at once put, while i was thinking about the second one, i kind of forgot the first one, er, so the first one is about politics. so, tusk makes political statements based on his own political situation, when he says that we will close the border, it can cause a reaction from businessmen who trade with ukraine, from poland, who can express their position in order to calm down the farmers a little. when our government goes to the border, it is an attempt to show its determination to our society, a kind of little theater. i negatively perceive this step, because in theaters are inadmissible for diplomacy, despite the fact that i very... positively perceive shmegal's statement and these five points that he voiced regarding what should be done to settle the conflict,
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this is called skillful preparation and inept presentation. and on the one hand, reasonable and correct proposals are very often neutralized by such diplomatic steps, which the poles themselves cling to, and our relations are deteriorating, but i try to talk with them very often, in fact, and they say, and zelensky was quarreling at the un we were playing our pipe there, i say so and the piper, i told you that we are drowning, well, but you are so-and-so there. taras kachka said such and such, and journalist portnikov said such and such, and we were offended for that, i say, look, the trust between our peoples is still very high, despite all, for all political polls, individuals , whom she... you call very often simply have different points of view, they are far from like-minded and are not allies, and one should not rely on this, one must rely on the essence of the processes taking place, and the essence of the processes taking place in because ukraine is nothing guilty, the warring defends you, and you block the border in order to obtain additional funds for yourself at the cost of ukrainians, but this is precisely the truth in relation to the polish side,
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because of that, but everyone is of course, because it is a political issue, everyone uses political. tusk is there, our government is here, and it would be better, obviously , it would not be better, this is about the first question, and the second question, remind me, about the 137 billion that were unlocked by the european commission, well, that was a separate story , there at one time they froze her, because yes, and now they say that poland has taken certain steps, and access to this money can be opened, we talk a lot about the border here, while polish society talks about other things, there was a competition between two political forces, money. and the grassroots coalition , the grassroots platform, which united two more political forces and they defeated peace, the society is divided, there was a lot of criticism from the european union towards peace because they changed the law on the judiciary and tried according to the statement of european politicians control independent systems, there are courts, media, and because of these accusations, because they
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did not listen to the opinion of brussels, these funds were blocked. and tusk is trying to change the situation in domestic politics, which is why these funds are being unlocked, and the fact that changes are taking place in polish domestic politics is actually positive for ukraine, because we would also like to see more democracy in our country, and we know that, among other things, , the european parliament voted today on a resolution on ukraine, which indicates many things regarding the lack of democratic procedures in in ukraine, for example, there is a ban on people's deputies going abroad to international conferences where ukrainians must be represented. because when there are no ukrainians there, then anti-ukrainian sentiments are born and generated because of that, so the struggle for democracy is one thing, and here, and in us, and in poland, we must continue to do it, and here we must be allies, the struggle for markets and for the economy is something else, as it turned out, it is tougher than the struggle for democracy and sometimes more fateful than the struggle for democracy, and here it is natural to support in this
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polish politics, well, it's extremely difficult , and one more thing, that's the question we have today... we heard about a new world order without a strong russia, or without an aggressive russia, but the russian dictator putin today delivered such a rather lengthy message to the federal assembly of the russian federation, in which he specifically stated that world order is impossible without a strong russia. let us listen to putin and then discuss it . it is obvious that we need to work on the future. new contour of equal and indivisible security in eurasia. we are ready for a substantive conversation on this topic with all interested countries and associations. no strong world order is possible without a sovereign, strong russia. the message, let's say, sovereign, strong russia, that is, he already doubts that russia may not be sovereign and not strong at
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some stage, and however you interpret it, well, in principle, today putin talked more about internal affairs. of russia, although of course he mentioned missiles, air defense systems, and so on. well, look at what putin says, there is no meaning. obviously, this is a person who survived out of his mind and who does not like people and humanity. er, this is a person who destroyed and continues to destroy ukrainians, it is somehow difficult to comment on him even there. but as for russia itself, no one like putin made it as weak as it is now. it is obviously strong militarily. but it has no contacts with civilized countries, no prospects for development. well, yes, they can sell their raw materials there to asian countries, and at the expense of this receive their army, which comes to destroy ukrainians and wants to destroy the whole world, but does this measure the strength of the country? obviously not, so it's just plain demagoguery, which is worthless, i enjoyed today's part of the conversation with tucker carlson, one of the vloggers, who is tucker carlson himself, we have
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everyone here cursing him there and deservedly or scolding him, but he says that he has not seen such insanity as in this interview with putin, and when putin told him about denazification, he could not understand at all what he was talking about, that no nazism exists now, he is trying, how the child, by hanging taurus on ukraine , to justify his aggression, and this is what the far-right taker carlson says, yes, that is, even to those people who would like to sympathize with putin, his madness is obvious from the first day, so there is no great sense in commenting on him, and it is his this sore point, to make a new world order that from his point of view. when russia will rule the whole world and decide for itself, will be the most important in the world and who it wants to destroy, who it wants to support, well, this is a fantasy, a phantasmagoria, the 84th year beyond the urals, no one now it will not... build, it is simply impossible, and such systems as are in russia, despite the fact that they are extremely dangerous, but at the same time they are extremely weak and do not have the potential to have prospects.
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by the way, at the very end, to confirm your words, i will say that today there was information from the publication bloomberg that india will look for new sources of oil imports, because it is afraid of sanctions from the united states of america, and empty ports are large in china, which used to be crowded, because there are also sanctions, well, because there are. understanding that there was some support, obviously from russia, well, this is what hits the cachet, it shows once again that perhaps the fight for markets is really more aggressive, but it can give a greater result, and as a result, russia will sell oil with a surcharge from himself. thank you very much for joining, mykola knyazhetskyi was with us, a people's deputy of ukraine, we discussed current political topics, and i will remind you of the question that we voiced, we asked you today and continue to ask if a new world... order is possible without an aggressive russia yes or no, let's see how you vote , if i can see well, yes, well, at the end there will be
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results, well, you can see the phones, i won't repeat myself, i think everyone can clearly see the screen of their gadget or tv or where you are looking the verdict program, and now we are moving on to the military topic, which is also very important, because the question, let's say, do we shoot down planes, is probably the most common question today. in conversations even between people who are far, as they say, from the battlefield and from military topics in general. mykhailo samus, military expert , deputy director of the army, conversion and disarmament research center, director of the new geopolitics research network, mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, well, there are 13 planes there for how many, in 10 days, if i’m not mistaken, this is how we have such a crop of russian aviation, one version is that it is us... we are spending now, as they say, already to the bottom of the patriot missile for the patriots and the nasems, the second is that it is the s-200, somehow strangely, strangely modified, hits planes, the third one says
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that this is some ukrainian system that no one knows about does not know, well, and fourthly, they say that after all it is an f16 in the sky of ukraine, it’s just that no one tells us about it, your opinion, well , my opinion is that it doesn’t matter what they shoot down, the main thing is that it happens, the main thing is that ... the ukrainian army, air force, stop, or still try to influence the use of cabs by russia, because in reality, this is really good news, but what is behind it is not very good. russia continues not only to reduce, but also to increase the use of corrected air bombs, about 150 air bombs can be used per day, this huge a number that greatly affects the conduct of offensive operations by russia and defensive operations by ukraine. i hope that these effective strikes on russian aviation
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by the ukrainian air force will reduce the use of drones now, although on the other hand, we clearly understand that before the so-called election of putin, russia will throw in any resources, including expensive aircraft , which they don't have time to release at the pace with which ukraine is beating them. but between the one whom putin is most interested in, or the people who are standing around putin, the main thing is that the maximum, the maximum result, the maximum beautiful , let's say, a beautiful process was recorded in the elections, therefore, if we talk about what is being shot down, i think that after all it is not an f-16, but this anti-aircraft missile complexes, which can really achieve such a result in various combinations, you know, but i'm not kidding. i will just say what is obvious, because i think everyone has seen the video, well, the real video was when the ukrainian military took a picture with the help of a drone, and as there is a certain
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a flying object, a flying object that couldn't be determined, because something was hanging in the sky, and well, it's not a fake, i'm just not saying it, and you know, already such thoughts say that it's obvious that some extraterrestrial civilizations are helping us, or some other such thing, of course i'm here a little... uh, i'm trying to cheer up somewhere, but you see these videos now, well, it's hard to understand what it is, or if something is falling , is it something flying, well, it’s definitely not a phosphorus bomb, but some such anomaly in the sky was filmed, here i’ll say it again no, and now you are also seeing a video , recorded by the armed forces of ukraine, of a certain unidentified aircraft, which actually did not fly there, it was hanging in the air, you know, here i am now... i understand that it is useless to say that it is helped, but i will tell you this, my grandfather fought in the second world war and then they told me , even when i was still very small, that quite often during
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the second world war they observed... armies, and not only there of the soviet union, otherwise, some anomalies in heaven, however you comment on it, so you know, people will to say, well, it must be said that anything can be, or is it some kind of simple, something like this has given people, well, we cannot explain everything, we are limited in our intelligence, in fact, we are developing, at least limited in facts, confident in knowledge humanity, which is limited, i.e. i actually read some analysis. and american experts and researchers on this matter, that indeed the american army can often record such phenomena, but there was an explanation that these are really natural phenomena, that is, it can be somehow explained, there some warm air, cold air, well, in principle, again, it is difficult to confirm everything and let's hope that someday we will reach, maybe with the help of artificial intelligence, we will reach those levels.
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an analysis of the kind that makes it clear what it is, yes, the pentagon at least provided a video where there was something like that, and there were senate hearings about it, they heard from the military who had similar experiences, they reported to the senators, but anyway , if something flies there, somewhere helps us shoot down russian planes, well, suddenly, then we are only for absolutely, i will now quote general syrskyi, the commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, after visiting the combat area... in the avdiyiv and kurakhiv directions, where fierce battles are ongoing, he praised the fighters of the third assault and 25th separate airborne brigades, who knocked out the enemy from the outskirts of orlivka and promised to allocate additional reserves to the avdiyiv direction (i quote: during the work , certain miscalculations in mastering the situation and assessing the enemy were discovered in some commanders, which directly affected the stability of the defense in certain directions, i
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took all measures to correct it. the situation on the ground with the allocation of additional resources, ammunition and material resources , as well as the necessary reserves, well, actually, let’s now let’s visit syrsky in general, like you, well here, he is probably in a very hot phase right now, it’s somehow difficult to assess, but everything after all, the arrival of syrskyi in this position in such a responsible period, which would have come anyway, should have been the exit from avdiyivka, regardless of whether it should have been with sirsky, how do you assess his leadership, and so... his stay is actually constantly there , with some exceptions, where the vanguard is, how effective is it? well, at the moment, of course, it is too early to talk about effectiveness or ineffectiveness, in principle, when syrskyi was appointed to the position, everyone agreed that he is one of the most experienced generals, perhaps the most experienced general of the ukrainian army, and therefore his level of professionalism here, his professionalism is second to none
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causes them doubts, that's why now he acts actively at the forefront, some criticize it, i, for example, support it, that in such a hot phase, when the format of hostilities is really changing now, in general, the 24th year is critical from the point of view of the situation on the battlefield, in the conditions, when the united states stopped helping us, we understand that there is a constant shortage of ammunition, other resources, and therefore the presence of the commander, the commander-in-chief. forces, which, in principle , tries to figure out the situation on its own, so that it does not happen later that for some reason there are no prepared lines in some directions, or insufficient attention to engineering, engineering preparation of the territory, or, for example, there are no reserves, his presence and control over the actions of commanders, i believe that this is quite a correct thing, in principle, now he is forming his own, not only a management system, but his
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management atmosphere , let's say ecoco ... system, that is, all commanders must clearly understand the requirements of the commander , the commander-in-chief, respectively, after hearing , perhaps it is better not through some orders personally from him, i think it will create a more effective work in the future already commanders of the lower ranks, well , the main thing is, you know, it is difficult to assess here yet, but the main thing is to understand that he did not lose the helm, and taking it, well, at the will of the president, at the will of the president, in fact, i think so, i think that now. .. stable management continues , including an organized exit, although of course there are some problems from avdiyivka even now, although it seems to many that now some incomprehensible process is going on, when the russians are pressing, and ukrainian troops are withdrawing, in fact, a controlled process is going on, when ukrainian troops occupy really prepared positions and are currently preparing them, that is, there on the map, if you look, you can...


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