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tv   [untitled]    February 29, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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turkish president erdoğan said that he does not abandon the idea that it is necessary to sit down at the transition table. we can also look at his quote, despite the fact that we have entered the third year of the war and despite all our efforts, not enough progress has been made towards the establishment of peace, i remain a supporter of the fact that diplomacy and dialogue must be given a chance, to end the war in a just and lasting way peace he even talks about this peace formula that ukraine previously presented as a state. mr. vitaly, what is the matter here? there is probably no uniqueness to his statements, because he has stated this more than once, but what is his interest, because i heard your answer that he wants this dialogue with putin, what he needs him for, what about will this dialogue be? well, in any case, turkey and russia have serious economic relations. ugh. turkey still receives gas through turkish stream. the turkish economy is one way or another connected with with
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what is happening in the turkish-russian direction. and erdogan needs that for this dialogue, he is still the leader of the country, a nato member that has serious relations with the united states, including military-technical relations. erdoğan is already getting all the latest planes, as you know , so he won't be blamed, he needs a peacemaker role, this is the first point, the second point, even though he keeps talking about diplomacy, for two years in a row, you may have noticed that even in his conversation. with putin on the eve of his speech before the ukraine-southeastern europe summit, he clearly stated how he sees the prerequisites for any negotiations, he said this to putin, this unilateral ceasefires, and that is the formula for a just peace, and by the way, not every leader can say that to putin, because, as you understand, putin absolutely does not agree with the idea of ​​a unilateral ceasefire. of fire, and
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erdogan did not say this in a conversation with zelensky, but specifically in a conversation with putin, it must be realized, so by and large he has his own vision of how it could end, let's say, he may be a supporter of a truce , but this truce is really based on his perception that the fire should stop, and when erdogan talks about a just peace and at the same time about the territorial integrity of ukraine on the borders of 1991 about the ukrainian status of crimea, it seems to me that this proposal, despite everything from... erdogan and putin, this political position of ankara is closer to the position of kyiv than to the position moscow? we will see how it will unfold. thank you, mr. vitaly. vitaly portnikov, a journalist, writer, tv presenter, publicist and political commentator was with us on skype in the first part of our program. literally in a few minutes i i will go to our main site, there are already guests there, we will continue with them, discuss this topic as well, in particular, what this format of negotiations might look like. are we
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ready for it at all, are we ready under what conditions , what do the ukrainian people say about it, write to us in the comments, if you watch this broadcast on youtube, your opinions are important to us, seconds, and i am already in this studio, there are guests here, ready to present them to you so that we can... start a discussion, a conversation about all the important things that concern you, i remind those who watch us in youtube, velikiy lviv is speaking on the youtube channel, thank you for being there with us, like this video, it is important for us, subscribe to our youtube channel, if you haven't already, to everyone who has joined us now, greetings, who is with us today yury oliynyk, candidate of political sciences, head of research programs of the center for ukrainian studies of strategic studies, i congratulate you, mr. yury. taras batenko, people's
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deputy of ukraine, head of the parliamentary group for the future. good evening myroslav cech, polish politician, public figure and journalist of ukrainian origin, member of the seimas of the second and third term. i congratulate you. maryana verkhoturova, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, head of the international activity department of the research institute of public law. i congratulate you, ms. maryana. oleg synyutka, people's deputy of ukraine, european solidarity. ihor koziy, military expert of the institute of euro-atlantic cooperation. mr. portnikov and i discussed, in particular, putin's address today, well , that's the latest that happened today, we have to analyze what our enemy says, does, in order to better understand him, probably this is important, not only we analyze him, all of europe, the united states of america are also watching what he will say, reacting to these statements, and let's see a quote from the prime minister of poland, donald tusk. mm,
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who just commented on this statement by putin to the federal assembly and said that not only the aggressive rhetoric, but also the decisions announced by putin to increase self-sufficiency. of russia, the transfer of the economy to military lines, the modernization of the army, everything it should be taken absolutely seriously. the european union must make decisions that will balance russia's military potential and make europe better prepared for bad scenarios. these are precisely the reactions of europe to what putin said, and the statements that preceded putin's address in the european union, because vitaly. also rightly said that somewhere putin had to react to what he heard, to already give his feedback, his reaction, and this means that it was europe that decided to raise the stakes, what this means for all of us, what will it look like, let
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's try to talk about it, mr. yuriy oliynyk, you have the floor, actually, the reaction of europe, she understood, because america is now crossing such a zone... well , of strong turbulence, when those issues of internal instability, which for years , unfortunately, polarization was growing between not only democratic republicans, but also extreme left-wing democrats and extreme right-wing republicans, who did not understand the situation, how these elections would take place, in what format, and who would win, although everything is more inclined to the fact that... will win or another republican, which, but unequivocally , biden has very little chance if he goes, of course, the usa is focused on itself, for them all these matters are actually, let's be honest and real, in europe, in ukraine, this is an excuse
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to show that the government is good, that cares for democratic values, or that the opposition criticizes the government for their failure, for them it is not an existential issue. for them it is just material for election campaigns, but for europe, on the contrary, they are more and more, although they are a few years ago they did not understand this, now they are beginning to understand that russia is much closer, because they are not the usa, they are not somewhere across the ocean, they are on the same continent, so it is in principle clear here, we see quotes from the poles, quotes from the baltic states-leaders, which clearly already according to different plans... it is not clear how reliable they are, but they are publishing plans for the invasion of russia, well, here i would not predict so, because, but this is a possible option, because literally a week ago, a new rearrangement, which
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from the 24th to the anniversary invasion of ukraine, they again reworked the structure of theirs military districts, the western military district was divided into two, moscow and leningrad, therefore... there near the baltic states, near sweden, a new military district is also such a signal, and in the light of what putin said today, of course, it must be evaluated more than realistic, and as we can see, germany and france are already beginning to think, although they are very uncertain, on the one hand, to think, on the other hand, what to do, whether peace, whether to force russia to make peace with ukraine, or somehow, let's give it a year. we will be able to deliver ammunition, because we have already recognized what macron admitted there, it seems that 300,000 ammunition was delivered instead of the million promised in 2023, that is, a lot of toothless, and on the other hand, certain already realistic speeches at the munich
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conference, later, that is, europe is moving, it seems to me like this the phase of acceptance is not yet, but already of such a post-shock period, and we can hope that in... a few months there will still be some positive result. ihor koziy, how it will affect the situation on the ukrainian-russian front in that regard number, and how much do you think - alarming bells that he hears from europe are actually for putin, not what he says in his address, what he, well, as it were, wants to convey to the audience that listens to him you know, in this format i always support the fact that putin is not just a representative of the people of the russian federation in power, you are first of all a special service officer who is in power, and accordingly understand where the truth is and separate
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truth from falsehood in this question is extremely difficult, here it is necessary first of all, you know, rely on one's own experience, on one's own. the ability to understand what is really happening, because in another sense you can simply get into, to put it mildly, not a very advantageous position, and you need to understand this. as for putin's intentions to create those two new old districts, there is nothing new here , it is clear that in this way he wants to show the seriousness of his intentions, but the question is whether he has enough resources for this, whether there are resources for this, if we are today to look at all this, you see, and not take the appropriate steps to destroy the potential on... the production of certain, certain weapons, regarding not conducting, let's say, certain operations
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on the territory of the russian federation , primarily information operations, it is clear that we will be here, well, a little at a disadvantage, as we can see today day that the position of the russian federation from the point of view of carrying out operations with...deception, i'm not saying that it's ipso, i'm saying operations to deceive the european environment, the european faculty, the faculty of the united states, it has risen significantly in relation to before it was from the very beginning, so it is very difficult to say 100% what he plans or what he has in mind, but it is necessary to really proceed from real actions, the creation of two districts, yes, it carries pe'. a threat, that's for sure, but it will carry a threat when we see the accumulation of associations, connections of
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parts in these districts, which will adopt a certain offensive composition. now we see that the majority, in fact, parts of the associations, connections are at war, tied up in the war with russia, how will he prepare them, will prepare for the urals, will create another one or two'. army, there is already, let's say, a certain challenge, then, this is the task today, well, i will say so, of the intelligence community of ukraine in order to understand his actions. taras botenko, you have a word, precisely with regard to how realistic what putin is talking about is a nuclear threat, this is not the first time we have heard from the russian federation that they are ready to use it, but what was heard today is such a reality he listed the missiles that they have, he confirmed that they launched such a missile at kyiv
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long-term damage, and we understand that either this is a rate hike, or, well, many people are leaning towards the fact that he can, in principle , be capable of everything, regarding the two districts, well, it 's nothing new really, these districts. were at the end of the cold war before the collapse of the soviet union and the moscow military district and the leningrad military district, this only means that putin is returning to the old patterns before the fall of the berlin wall, conditionally before the fall of the berlin wall, if in a broader format, i i believe that putin is showing the world that we are in a state of america, the united states of america and europe, that we are in a state of cold war, and the united states. and europe shows that we are indeed in a state of cold war, this of course indicates that
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approximately the same scenarios are being repeated that were at the beginning, end of the 70s, at the beginning of the 80s, when it began in the soviet union arms race, only then was president reagan, and the stakes were so high that the soviet union simply could not withstand this arms race, as a result, it very quickly collapsed as we entered the capitol. in front of the congress hall, there is a monument to reagan, under it is a piece of the berlin wall. so what does putin want now? i believe that he simply wants a repetition, a reproduction of the situation that was not at the end of the cold war, at the beginning, or eventually before the beginning, when he is ready to negotiate, negotiate new rules of the game in the world, that is, this is his understanding, this is him wants a new format. distribution of influences, which is conventionally called yalta-2, well, we understand
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that after the second, at the end of the second world war, it was yalta-1 that formed a new world order in yalta, which actually existed until today, until recently before the russian invasion of the russian federation into ukraine. now putin wants to show that we can, that he is ready to sit down at the negotiating table, where the bargaining chip will be several geopolitical positions in the united states of america, and the question is only with whom the united states of america negotiates. yes, and in the european union there is a new format of the world order under the conditional name of yalta-2. well, it is only, sorry, putin's big dreams, it can all end badly for... the economy , if, relatively speaking, america wants to show its leadership positions, not to lose them, as the arbiter of the world order in the world, then i believe that this arms race can simply collapse the russian economy sooner or later, the question is only when, a matter of time, and end with the collapse of the russian federation, we are waiting for that, of course, oleg senyutka, well
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, putin has a reassignment, that is, in march he expects a reassignment and probably... the first time , when on it reassignment, he comes out with a slightly different emotional color, because never once, in the end and this time, there was no doubt that this reassignment there 70, 80, 90% will be drawn and everything is ready for it, but before this reassignment navalny was killed, and this is also a very significant thing, and i am convinced that this performance of his is also a story for itself. the electorate of russia so that everything with the reassignment went not just smoothly, it will happen anyway, but also passed under a certain positive sauce, because that is what the first part is about: the first part of his message to the federal assembly, about how strong we are, how we will shoot everyone, how we will kill everyone, and ourselves,
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ourselves, ourselves, and the second part, if we read, the second part is ... a story about how there will be communism in russia by 2030, and this too cannot be dismissed, i.e. probably such promises that are written for the people of moscow, which he made in this federal message, probably no one has told for a long time, as he is starting to tell now , and should we seriously pay attention to putin, of course it is necessary, because he is a madman, and a madman can be expected to... anything, and not to react, not to observe him, well, that would be the height of absolute irresponsibility, it seems to me that of course, what should be read into it, it is necessary study, you need to prepare for this, but let's be honest, nothing has changed in putin, he stopped wanting to destroy ukrainians, no, he stopped wanting to occupy
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the whole of ukraine, no, of course, that is, his goals... kyiv remained like this in three days , as they were in 2014, 2022, they are the same remained in 2024, and i believe that the key task for ukrainians today is to think about what we are, how we are, and what we need to do, and the answer is very simple: the first is the armed forces of ukraine. the armed forces of ukraine is the key thing that exists in ukraine and in ukraine today. the second is the unification of society and resistance to any attempts at division or confrontation within people, between people. well , the third is, of course, unity with the western world, with our western partners. we have a unique chance, we have stable, more than 80% of ukrainians support integration
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into europe and the european union. today we need to... use it in order to enter the standards of europe and the european union as much as possible in a short period of time, and of course, the funds we need, because today, well, unfortunately, we finance a large part of the budget for the aid account of western countries, the weapons we need, and today we see that in 10 days the ukrainians can bury 10 russian bombers, well, in total it is a billion dollars, i am convinced that it is... and for rashi a very serious loss, and the third is sanctions, we see that, unfortunately, russia is suffering from sanctions not as quickly as we would like, but it is clear that military strikes on the territory of russia and economic restrictions will lead to the collapse of this gas stations of the evil empire as soon as possible, which is what
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we need? ms. maryana, i definitely support it. theses of the previous speakers, and in my opinion, putin is trying to successfully bluff and use this global trend of elections and is looking for weaknesses, he is looking weak points that can be influenced by the actual use of weapons or their appearance, but we must also analyze and understand, for example, which missiles are flying over kyiv today, these are far from... already russian-made missiles, if we see that on missiles are flying at us from iran, from korea, we must understand well that not everything is as good in russia as it says... putin, separately , we must understand that his thesis about the need to increase the birth rate, the demographic situation, this is such a stimulus ,
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russian families, is directly reflected in druga's thesis world war, that we don't count the losses, and the women and what they hurt, and this only shows the large number of losses that the russian federation bears, human losses, if... the ghets can still be finished somewhere, bought or negotiated with the same totalitarian regimes , which is the russian federation today, the human resource, although in russia it is much larger, but not critically, than in the ukrainian armed forces, it suffers a lot, and of course, before the elections, putin will try to create the image of such a strong political leader, a military leader, he claims to be... such, let's say, an imperial ruler, of whom we know a few in the history of the russian federation, and usually these leaders acted in the same way
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as putin did, covering up the huge number of victims with some idea of ​​globalization and the imperial greatness of russia, but in fact, when we look at the economic situation in the russian federation, we must understand that economically the russian economy... having resources that are basically not the same as they were at the beginning of the war, there is no way to develop in that direction, in which she developed before the start of the war, and all this must somehow be covered internally, and also what i want to draw attention to is that the world is entering not only the elections in the united states of america, but also a number of european countries will also soon ... experience elections, and here we must understand that even if there will be changes in the political faces of europe or the united
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states of america, support for ukraine against the background of such statements by putin will, on the contrary, only grow, in my opinion, which we can already see in the theses of political leaders. mr. myroslav chakh, to you questions about poland, tusk's statements began with it, with a reaction that should be taken seriously. and this is true, but on the other hand, we have a situation with poland on the border, which is not resolved, we have been talking about it for several weeks, they are talking about it on the air of all, probably, ukrainian tv channels, because it hurts us, it is already called something such a second front that unfolded, and how is it all - connected, not connected, why poland is not ready to stop it by some willful decision of its own. that is happening on the borders, well, the answer is to form a short, succinct and understandable for the ukrainian viewer and the ukrainian audience,
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which in principle does not understand this situation, because the most friendly state to ukraine actually began to block the border in the conditions of russian aggression, a war of attrition, one at the same time causing damage to the ukrainian economy and using forms of trade. war against ukraine, there are three components of this phenomenon: firstly, it is the situation on the market of agricultural products in poland itself, where a large part of farms, fragmented, small, but there are, but there are also large agricultural holdings, today, prime minister tusk today from... stated that there are 9 million tons of grain in polish elevators and in warehouses, which cannot be sold , because the price is small, the internal
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supply, the demand is internal, it is already calmed down and has nothing to do with this grain, the only element they have left is the help of the european union and for the european union to buy these 9 million and send somewhere in africa. or to other regions world, and for this, an element that is so ugly, ethically, morally, and politically in any way, there is, no, there is a cry that this is all the influence of the supply of ukrainian grain, in fact it is a lie, because there is no ukrainian grain in poland since since the month of april, when the embargo was introduced, so there is a tough fight going on here. city ​​hall for their economic interests and nothing more. the second component is the political struggle for the rural electorate.
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parliament was held on october 15. last year's elections on april 4 will be local elections, in june there will be on at the beginning of june there will be european elections, and a year later in june there will be presidential elections, so in poland there is a permanent period of election battles, which have their own rights, and to use this, there is a threat of our losses, but how much they helped ukraine and so on, that is , and you, and you were worse, and we are better, and so on. that is, there is such a very, very brutal struggle going on here, and the third element must be said, unfortunately, that both poland and ukraine missed one very important moment, ukraine is less than much, presence and game of russia, russian agents and russian special services, who are using this moment of blocking, they initiated it, in fact,
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fueled it and... now they are trying to play it off, but i liked today's statement by the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania, who said that because tomorrow is scheduled to block the polish- of the lithuanian border, this is the so-called suval isthmus, mr. chah, here is literally a little pause, we must have an advertisement on the espresso tv channel, we are going to it, after it we will immediately return to our studio, we will continue the discussion, the minister of defense of moldova from past years will also be on skype with us, it will be interesting to talk about transnistria as well. i'm with him, so come back to us in just a few minutes. there are discounts on acc long, 15% in psylshynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on afida max, 10% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my advice, lacal active. lacal aktiv actively overcomes the bleeding
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we are on the broadcast on the express tv channel, we congratulate everyone who is with us now, who joined us and who continues to watch us, we also discuss putin's statements that were heard in their country today, and it is important for us to understand what the dictator is talking about and what are his intentions, how does europe react, statements europe and what's going on, mr. chah, i'll let you finish your thoughts, then? to the ministry, the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania said that the protests on the polish-lithuanian border, and the reason for them is supposed to be the situation that the grain that goes, goes in transit through the territory of poland, gets to lithuania, allegedly turns around, is repackaged in lithuanian cars, is returning to poland, and that is why the polish-lithuanian border is being blocked, the lithuanian foreign minister, on the other hand, said that it all reminds him of gi.


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