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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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the ukrainians will be at an artillery disadvantage and they will also be threatened by the lack of proper air defense. draw attention to the fact that the white house could provide ukraine with another four billion dollars of aid from the powers already approved by congress. what is it about and what is the pentagon's position on this? let's first understand which 4 billion we are talking about, these are not physical funds that are in some account, this is a permit. to provide ukraine with weapons for such an amount, providing weapons from the united states' own warehouses. at the same time, julio, there is no money from the pentagon to replenish these stocks, and they say here that until congress approves this money, they do not want to go into the red and allocate weapons, relatively speaking, into debt, the pentagon spokesman and other administration officials say this, with whom we spoke. we have addressed this question to yulia several times, i personally asked this question, our colleagues from other media also know about... this is constantly being asked
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whether there is an opportunity at the pentagon now to take this permission for 4 billion, to allocate important ammunition, important anti-aircraft systems defense for ukraine and to replenish the united states' reserves, to replenish the warehouses already after the congress approves the aid, this was just recently asked this week on tuesday pat ryder, the pentagon spokesman, let's listen to his words. therefore, we will continue to look for ways to support ukraine in its struggle for freedom and preservation of sovereignty. obviously, funding to provide ukrainians with vital ammunition and capabilities is critically important. so we will continue work with congress on this. as for specific initiatives or potential future initiatives, i have nothing to announce today. in addition to what you have heard secretary austin and other senior u.s. officials. emphasize that we will
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continue to support ukraine in the long term. colipeto ryder was reprimanded that it does not look like congress is going to dump this aid anytime soon. he replied that, again, there is nothing to announce today about the use of those 4 billion, and the united states will apply states to allies in other countries, so that they may assume certain obligations. summing up, in theory, yes, the pentagon can use these existing authorizations for 4 billion to provide ukraine with weapons from its own warehouses, yes, but it does not seem certain today that they are ready to take this step and, after all, here in the pentagon, they are looking at plan a , is the congressional approval of the aid, hopefully it will be soon. ostape, some republican legislators say that aid to ukraine, in particular military aid, should be given as a loan. how do they react? for such proposals in the administration? yes, we heard such proposals, such questions from our viewers, we also heard them, whether it is possible, if there is no funding for it now, whether it is possible to give help on credit or a loan. that
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ukraine then returns these funds. this issue was also addressed to national security adviser jake salley, who was asked if there was such an option. he replied that when it comes to international aid to countries that are in critical need of it, the issue of credits or loans is inappropriate here. he gave an example, in particular aid in gaza. he says that it is inappropriate and incorrect to tell a mother, who is injured and whose child is also injured, and she is waiting for medical help, that this help will go to the credit. another such example. named ukraine, he says that this aid should come not as a loan, not as a credit, but free of charge. let's listen. when it comes to a state that is fighting for its life like ukraine, it is necessary that its economy remains afloat and is mostly intact, so that it does not collapse, so that the whole mass of the country does not collapse together with by her talking about loans instead of providing the necessary cash infusions will only worsen the economic situation. problems of this country at a time
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when we are trying to improve them, because a stronger, more stable and safer ukraine is a fundamental national security interest of the united states, so this is another example where it does not make sense. yulia, let's summarize again, if ukraine turned to the united states with a request to purchase this or that deception or provide that equipment on credit, then in theory the white house could consider such a request, however, again. from what we hear, from the questions we address, it looks like they are now waiting for the actions of congress and are working with congress in order to raise this funding, let me remind you, it is about 60 billion for ukraine, and this funding is not for the near future months, this funding should be calculated for at least half a year or until the end of 2024, so the focus now is primarily on it, these are the answers we hear from the administration, but yuli, no matter what, it remains a fact until congress helps approves ukraine cannot get this
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funding, they are looking for ways b or ways of other options, it seems that they are not here at the moment. thank you ostap, my colleague ostap was on the phone from the pentagon. the day before , several dozen protesters gathered under the walls of the capitol with calls for immediate approval of aid to ukraine. the rally of ukrainians and caring americans was noticed by congresswoman chrissy gulegan. already today at the hearings in the house of representatives, she told what struck her from this protest and called on her colleagues, without delay to approve aid to ukraine. last evening , when i was leaving the polls, it was dark, i was walking to... and then i ran into people with ukrainian flags, and one of them was holding a sign with the inscription: "it's 1939 again, and it really struck me and literally made me i'm in tears because it really is, and it's not an exaggeration to say that it's 1939 all over again
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. when i met with one of the deputy defense ministers in lithuania earlier this month, he also almost had tears in his eyes because of his concern that what will happen if ukraine falls. and what will happen to countries like lithuania, estonia, moldova and all of europe? so what do we do? we sit here hour after hour when 50 of us and all 435 of us could be spending voting for things like ukraine and more funding for ukraine so we can prevent a repeat of 1939. the day we start winning is the day we stop being afraid, this is the position of the minister of foreign affairs. of ukraine in europe and the world. he is convinced that western partners should change their approach in helping ukraine and support kyiv in the wrong way for as long as it takes, namely until victory.
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my colleague iryna solomko spoke with minister lansbergis at the un headquarters. full-scale invasion, how did you find out about it, what were you thinking at the time? we were informed well before february 24th that this could happen. i, along with some european colleagues, tried somehow, if possible, to delay it. we decided to go to kyiv and be there during the week when the invasion was supposed to take place, and we organized the trip of three baltic ministers. they went to kyiv on february 23. i was to join them on the 24th. i woke up in the morning to go to the airport and saw the news. we still went to the airport, but the plane could no longer take off, and then this hell began. did you have the understanding that this was the point of no return that changed everything. you
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can never be ready for this, i can only imagine what it was like to be in kyiv in those days. everyone was shocked, because suddenly everything you knew becomes the world of yesterday, and a new world appears. and these two years we are still trying to understand what this world means. but how have these two years already changed the world? the world after the second world war, especially after the fall of the berlin wall, became a moment of restoration of the independent and free countries of eastern europe. and some might call it a very delicate puzzle that has been put together for decades, and it's hard to believe that this world is broken and we have to put something else together, something new. so many of our partners. friends in western europe, all over the world are still clinging to the reality, the reality of yesterday, that maybe we can still talk to the russians and deal with them, because there was such an experience in the past. some of them remember 1990, when they talked with gorbachev. then germany peacefully
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disunited, we joined nato, this is the reality for them. but for us, especially for the baltic countries, primarily for ukraine, there is a red line that has been crossed. there is no way back. you can glue a broken vase together and everyone has to understand what this new world will look like and we will see that it can be a place where we may have to live with a very dangerous neighbor next door and we have to be sure that we are able protect yourself and our friends, that is why we are reforming the structure of european security so that it is ready to accept the new challenge. these two years gave clear answers to the question of who is a war criminal or aggressor, but the world is still there. is debating whether to help ukraine? i always give two reasons for this. the first - main - fear. suddenly, a hooligan appears in the yard, mocking those who, at least in his opinion, are weaker and unable to defend themselves, and the most powerful, the richest, are afraid. the russians
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were able to instill this fear in many people. with with all these legends about vast lands, the number of people, and weapons, but all empires are collapsing. all empires have weaknesses . if it is used they will fall apart and so will the last empire, there is no other way and the day we start winning is the day we stop being afraid. recently , the minister of defense of lithuania said that good news is waiting for ukraine regarding new weapons, what did he mean? there are people who believe that the glass is half full. i admire that optimism and when you hear positive signals, sometimes from one capital, then from another, it can happen. i am also an optimist, but now is not the best moment for the pride of allies, he will not remember. as a period when we consolidate our strength and support for ukraine, this could be the best moment, but we are not there yet, so
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i do not know what the minister had in mind, but based on this information that i have, he was obviously relying on hope, not concrete facts. one of the key areas of aid is ammunition, the war showed that europe was not ready for it, and the eu is trying to improve the situation with own production. there are objective reasons why we are where we are now. in europe , there are not enough production lines to produce ammunition in the necessary quantities, this is the number one reason. another thing is, we already had 2 years, if during these two years we could have made a decision sooner that we will support ukraine not as much as we need or need, namely until victory, everything would be much easier if you start with end and you know that you have to achieve victory,
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here the question arises, how much is needed weapons to win, how many shells , how many lines to produce them, how many enterprises, and i don't feel this urgency, the understanding that the european future is at stake, and this scares me the most, because we are also very close, we seem to be watching that the door of our neighbor's apartment was broken, children are being stolen from him, everything is being stolen, people are being killed, and we are like this... this is not my apartment, maybe it's mine, but the question is for now, and this is the only question that remains to be answered. if you're hoping you'll be the last in line, well, you are you are a few years old, but not much. previous conflicts on the european continent have shown that we have a mindset that we have to wait for some moment in history that will then wake us up so that we really start to act. i call it the pearl harbor moment. this is very strict. a reminder that in the past we waited long enough to really step in and help those
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in need. the economy is an important component of the struggle, you called for the 13th package of sanctions to be adopted as soon as possible, which other sanctions can be used to put pressure on russia. the 13th package has already been approved, but it doesn't offer much. mostly lists of people. the main issue i would focus on now is the circumvention of sanctions. after all, we see that so many ways were found for russia to bypass them. i am most concerned about military production. ukrainians still find equipment that is either manufactured using western technologies or even has western components. this means that the russians can bypass this direct road that has been blocked. this is what we should focus on. it is not simply because attract third countries, so i 'm glad that for the first time some companies from china are on the sanctions list, it shows
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that europe can when it wants, but we have to be more serious. now they started talking a lot about freezing the conflict. what is your forecast for the development of the situation? there are definitely those who believe in it. i have been asked many times whether there is pressure on ukraine to start negotiations or cease fire. my answer is that... you don't need to do that, because if you just stop the supply of weapons long enough time, it will become a reality. the only question is what the russians will do in this case, why should they stop? therefore, these are again illusions and myths that need to be dispelled. the russians are in no mood to delay, cease fire or freeze anything. they increased defense spending by 70% this year. and it's real money, so it's on the warpath. we could have stopped them when they... they were weaker, but we waited a year to bring the first tanks to ukraine, so now they are stronger and getting
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stronger. even here at the un we hear as much speeches, they say, russia has chosen the wrong path , of course they have chosen it, just like hitler in the second world war, but look how much damage they can do on this wrong path, maybe there will come a time when ukraine will be forced to do something, but this is not depends on me for my part, i have to try to convince my partners. do everything possible to prevent such scenarios from becoming a reality. was 2014 a freeze? no, he was the beginning of the war, and now the russians are ready to go to the end. once a defender on the football field, now a defender of the country under time of war vladyslav vashchuk, a famous ukrainian football player, joined the armed forces of ukraine in may 2022. since then, he has been a soldier and paramedic in the medical brigade
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of the national guard in burevy. his daily task is to accompany severely wounded soldiers in an ambulance and stabilize them. anna kostyuchenko and pavel sukhodolsky asked about the condition on the way to the hospital, about the path from the national team to the national guard. the evacuation group of the boreviy national guard brigade is completing the transportation of the wounded man to the hospital. in ukrainian football player vladyslav vashchuk is known to the group. evacuation paramedic and wounded senior car soldiers , anything can happen during evacuation, there are people on ventilators, well, guys who don’t breathe on their own, and a lot of tubes, we have to follow this, we know how to do everything, and we have brigades that pass training,
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practice and all this we do, vladyslav vashchuk started. professional football career in the early 90s. as part of dynamo kyiv , he became the champion of ukraine nine times. he won the national cup six times, reached the semi-finals of the champions league, and in the t-shirt of the national team of ukraine he went to the quarter-finals of the world championship. he ended his career in 2012 as part of volyn, and in 2015 he opened his own football school. in may 2022, vladyslav vashchuk joined the national guard. dynamo coach's words. lobanovsky still remembers during difficult evacuations. i remember the words of lubanovsky , who said that for 15 minutes you are happy about a victory, for 15 minutes you get upset once in a while, that's it and forget it, the next game, the same here, you did your job, the next,
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the next, you already doing, doing, full-scale the invasion of the russians from... became a vashchuk at home in the city of gostomil, kyiv region, the epicenter of the battles at the beginning of the great war. he survived the occupation in the basement of his own house with two children. after the liberation of the region, he first volunteered, but within a month he joined the burevy brigade. no one knew, i told the children the day before, they studied in the morning and left in the evening. the commander, when i arrived, he asked one question, are you afraid of blood? i say no. ah, it's normal. well, he didn't say that... the other is much scarier, without legs, and with one leg, and when you translate, the guys themselves say that he doesn't feel the phantom leg, how to survive it, it's hard, that's why i do the way i played football, then i try like this, when there is time and the commander lets me go, then i run football,
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vashchuk invites his brothers to the game, to distract himself from the strict ones. weekdays commander vashchuk, 56-year-old academician, doctor of medical sciences, resuscitator vsevolod stebluk is at the gate. his military career spans almost 30 years. stebluk participated in the orange revolution and the revolution of dignity. they called him there maidan doctor. in the summer of 2014, colonel steblyuk headed the medical service of the special purpose police regiment, peacekeeper nad. in august of that year, during the battles for the city of ilovaisk , more than 80 wounded were taken out of the death corridor arranged by the russians for the ukrainian military. for this, in 2016 he received one of the highest state awards of ukraine - the order of freedom. then he retired and taught military medicine at the national medical university, after the start of the full-scale invasion he formed
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the medical staff of the national guard brigade hurricane. i came to ilovaisk and... the first experience of such large losses, it was ilovaisk, debaltseve, maryenka, avdiyivka, where i had to work, but of course there were no such massive injuries, the nature of the injuries changes, now it is mostly a mine-explosive injury with damage to many organs and systems, if at the beginning of the war in 14-15 years we asked for the experience and help of our foreign partners. today, our medicine has such experience that we are asked to share this experience and come to us to study. sevolod stebluk personally accompanies the wounded on evacuation. however, he finds time for his teaching activities. any war, it was a driver of progress in medicine, starting with,
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well, to say that the first anesthesia in sexual conditions was our compatriot, mykola pirogov during the crimean campaign, and all wars, they were an impetus to the development of medical science. i remain a professor of the department, i read online. courses, i manage scientific research, i have graduate students from a military hospital, we continue, nothing stands still, sevod stobluk calls motivation the main factor for selection into the medical team of boryv, vlad vashchuk's motivation remains the same, well, i have a goal, i came so that we win, so that my children do not do what i do, and the fact that we experienced in... then i wouldn't want this to happen all over the country, let's put it this way, many people don't understand why they came here, and i saw it in gostomel, and i
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understand that if they just came, then all the people were tied up and made the ukrainian army and went to europe, it is without question they they were striving for this. the evacuation group, where vladyslav vashchuk serves, works in the kyiv, donetsk and kharkiv regions. anna kostyuchenko for voice of america from kyiv region. and that's the end of it. thank you for watching voice of america in ukrainian. see you tomorrow, all the best, take care. pope!
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russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine. drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project for those who care and think, politklub. every sunday at 8 p.m. greetings, dear
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viewers, i did not run away, this is a program. today i will conduct it instead of serhii rudenko, serhii will definitely return to ether in the near future, but for now, as they say, we will try to replace him, at least at this stage, so the verdict today during hours we will be with you, we will have guests, very interesting, very important and the main thing is that the topics are relevant, well, we will start with a short announcement, what will be discussed, about the accounts of individual commanders, syrskyi outlined the reasons for the difficulties on... avdiivskyi direction, abudanov calls the dismissal of zaluzhnyi correct. painful for both parties. poland can completely close the border to ukrainian goods. tusk promises to consider banning the import of russian food. a new world order without russia. putin is blackmailing the west with nuclear weapons weapons, in response to the expansion of nato. how should the civilized world respond? fighters of the 63rd
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separate mechanized brigade hit a russian t-90 tank breakthrough, the explosive video was released in the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, let's watch it too.
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well, this is how the russian tank arrived , and now i will voice the question for you, and we will start, we will move on to a conversation with our guest, first, whether a new world order, novus ordum, cyclorum, as it is called in latin, is possible new world order without aggressive russia, yes or no, if you want to answer yes, then you dial 0 800 2113. 81 0800 211 381, if you say no, impossible, then your number is 0800211 382. please join, it is very important for us to know your opinion, and now it is very important for us to know the opinion of mykola knyazhyvskyi, that is why we invited him to the conversation, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the subcommittee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on cultural policy, head of the group of the verkhovna rada on interparliamentary relations with the republic of poland, mr. mykola,
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i congratulate you, i congratulate you. greetings vasyl, i, as your former colleague, always watch the broadcast with a professional eye and the question that you voiced and the question that was written on the screen, these were different questions, so i think that you will explain to the audience further, and we 'll fix it now, mr. mykola, thank you, we'll fix it now, i didn't write it, but my colleagues heard, they'll do everything now, but let's start with, or let's ask you to answer this question first , i am interested in your opinion, whether a new one is possible the world order without an aggressive russia , or is it... a new order, well, you see, those people from the formation, on whom his own formation of this order depends, this is a difficult question even for me, i don't even know how to tell the audience, i think that order is only possible without russia, because russia is a country that sows chaos, both in ukraine and the whole world, trying to oppose one part of society to another, and not only in
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ukraine, they work in social networks. in many countries in order to wreak havoc in of these countries, they can only survive in chaos, that is why order is impossible with russia, order is possible without russia, this may be a slightly different meaning of the word order than what you meant, but now we can have only one order, that is when there is democracy, the rule of law , the coexistence of democratic countries, the inviolability of borders, the right of nations to self-liberation, all this to self-determination and self-liberation, too, by the way , all this is possible without putin, well, let’s go to poland now, well, in fact , a decision was made that no exchange will be blocked goods, they will look for some kind of understanding, and actually, has this search for an understanding begun, and again, how long should we wait for it, because ukrainians are already used to the fact that if there are any key issues, russia and the local elites, then it is put in a very, very long chest, like let's say the story with the states, johnson again.


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