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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EET

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general zaluzhnyi in his essay to cnn, if you remember, he published and said that he needed 5 months for the technological rearmament of the armed forces and plus certain resources, it is obvious that this could not suit president zelensky, and general syrsky could, for example, to say that he can offer certain options for conducting operations, including with limited resources, that can change the situation on the front. well, general zaluzhnyi had his chance. in the 23rd year, when he conducted a counteroffensive, now general syrsky got a chance in the 24th year, i in in principle, i don’t see any problems here at all, we are talking about the intrinsic value of ukraine, that is, we are talking now about finding the most effective leader, the most effective options for the development of the situation so that we do not fall into a trap in the 25th year, when we will simply be to put her... at the table of capitulations, i
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would say so, not even negotiations, capitulations with russia, which was also talked about by trump, who can quite likely win the negotiations, so in the 24th year we must do our best to when trump came to power, he had no chance to start putting us at the table of surrender, still help us continue, and this is possible if we achieve success in the 24th year, so in principle... in principle, the logic of budanova's answer was clear, he says that if we are in a difficult situation here, then indeed, perhaps part of the responsibility lies with commander-in-chief zaluzhny, this is logical, budanov knows more, we can only assume the specifics of this situation, well, in any case, i we still have a few minutes here yes, i would like to ask you to comment on putin's statement today.
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he didn't say much there, well, he also talked about weapons, russian dictator vladimir putin said that the strategic nuclear forces of the russian federation were brought to a state of readiness, full readiness, and once again boasted about the development of new weapons. let's listen to the aggressor, and then discuss. thus, the kinzhal hypersonic aviation complex is not only put into service, but is also used with high efficiency to hit particularly important targets during svo. also in the battle had already used the zirkon sea-based hypersonic shock complex, which was not even mentioned in the 2018 message, but this system is already in service. avangard intercontinental-range hypersonic blocks and peresvet laser complexes are on combat duty. tests of the burevisnyk unlimited-range cruise missile and the poseidon unmanned aerial vehicle are being completed. these systems. we
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will soon demonstrate them in the areas of basing on combat duty. such old men sleep there when putin talks about his own stormtroopers, well, but in any case, to whom is he addressing, to ukraine or to the world, talking about stormtroopers, sarmatians, mace, voivode and all their other rockets? well. his traditional set of such ee facts , which he is proud of, apparently, this is basically a pre-election, pre-election speech like this, and therefore it is still an appeal more to the slaves , but of course he demonstrates the west, and there were also remarks about macron's statement that those who declare that some troops there will be used against russia, they can regret and so on, there will be tragic consequences, i.e.... he intimidates, of course
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, the west, which is part of his functionality today, but in fact, of course, it was also a demonstration to his slaves that everything is fine, the svo continues, weapons are produced, and goals will be achieved, although there is little he can say about the front, because there are actually no such victories that can be boasted at such a strategic level, he is very, very brief about the successes at the front there. somehow touched the course in passing, well, really, addressing the occupying country one-sixth or 1/5 of the landmass and to tell this country with a population of 140 million that in four months you were able to seize avdiivka, the district center or not even the district center, well, probably really, and even there you are fighting for a hurlivka with a thinka, there are three houses, two streets, then it is obvious, obviously it is definitely not, thank you very much for joining. thank you for
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your comments, mykhailo samus was with us, a military expert, deputy director of the army, conversions and disarmament research center, director of new geopolitics research network, he was in touch with us. and now we'll see, i'll remind you once again about the survey, we'll get the results of the survey already at the end of our broadcast, and the end of our broadcast will be in 20 minutes. so, is a new world order possible without an aggressive russia? yes or no, you can vote, i 'll say it again in latin, this is a novus ordum seclorum, a new world order, and everyone always said that there are some secret forces that are building this new world order, a secret government, a government 13-oh there and... anunak and that's it, but it's actually just the rules of the game by which a world that wants to live, develop and definitely not disappear as a result of environmental or nuclear cataclysms, well , actually closer to this topic, should live by volodymyr yelchenko, diplomat, ex-representative of ukraine at of the united nations in the 15th-19th
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years, then he was engaged in this there, the former ambassador of ukraine to the usa in the 20th-21th years, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, good evening, of course we will also mention putin today, but i i will ask you more about what we... should expect from johnson and his teams regarding aid to ukraine, but still, let's start with putin's address to the world first of all, because everyone is watching, despite the fact that he says a lot of clinical things, but it is worth understanding whether there is more aggression, or more that let us somehow agree, because we will not be sovereign and strong, and then you will all perish, and without russia you will not be able to, as you will comment from a diplomatic point of view, if you can say that today's statement of the path. there was more war or more talk about the fact that he does not mind talking about something on his own terms, of course, well, i personally heard only aggression , and the aggression was so weak, well , if you can combine these two concepts, it
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reminded me of a speech by brezhnev somewhere in the middle period of the former soviet union in the 70s, that is, not yet... not late, but not yet early, uh, not yet decline, but not yet development, something in the middle, uh, and, actually speaking, i was paying more attention to the faces of those people who were sitting in the hall, well, in addition to that, these are potential clients of the future international tribunal gasi, although there are a lot of them, i think that no tribunal can handle such a... number of people, but at least some of them, those who sat in the first rows, they will definitely be clients of this tribunal, if they live, of course, uh, and somehow i didn't see much optimism on those faces, uh, well, there was the thunderous applause that
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arose from time to time, they were also so, well, quite artificial, and again there were no smiles on the faces, well as a matter of fact, the whole situation was such, well, that did not set me up for anything joy there or some kind of gesture, well, what putin said, we did not hear anything new , all this has already been said thousands of times, at least during the last 10 years there, er, well , you know, my main impression is that uh, well you know, the impression is that he tried to avoid it in every way. the topic of the war in ukraine, well, what do they call it, er, that is, everything was said like this, you know, without any connection with the specific things that are happening today on the territory of ukraine, even if they do not consider it aggression, but
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the so-called special military operation, but the fact that three more were shot down today, two yesterday, 13 in a week, eh, and putin talks about heroism. and about the fact that a new generation of soldiers is growing up, which is the future of russia, and so on, that is , it is completely disconnected from reality, it was said quite a lot about nato, but also somehow so frivolously and unspecifically, well, again , no new threats didn't hear, all these budevesniks, zircons and everything else, again , we watched these cartoons before, eh , i think that it didn't scare anyone, eh... and it didn't suit anyone in the hall either some optimism, so my impression is that the speech was quite mediocre , he didn’t say anything new, i don’t know who it was all aimed at, but it’s clear that this is worship of the federal assembly, that is, first of all,
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it was about internal issues and, strictly speaking , the main part of the speech after the entry of such an international, it was related to internal issues, that's what i... i don't want to talk about, that is, let the russians analyze there, how their well-being is growing and so on, that's what we see, from those of those tv channels... which ones it is shown, not russian ones, i mean alternative ones, so that what was related, well , if it was such a message to the world, then it did not work unequivocally, eh, as, by the way, and the recent interview, takir kakansan, on which huge hopes were placed in russia, but it was also forgotten after a day or two and no one remembers about it, nor about the interview, nor about kartna, i think that this message will be forgotten in the same way. after one or two days there, and in any case, we in ukraine should not pay special attention to this, because nothing
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you won't find anything new there. by the way, it is important, well, he actually suggested to the united states what can be said, because without a sovereign, sovereign, strong russia , the world order will not take place, it will not be stable, although, again, once upon a time, perhaps the persian empire said that without the persian there will be no sovereign strong empire. of its own order, then the roman empire, then perhaps the impenes, the empire there, the chingizids or, this, the holy timur, timurlan, could also say that, well, but everything disappeared over time, somehow a new world was emerging, and without these empires it, this world order existed, but here is a very important phrase, we will now move on to macron, because he finally, in my opinion, said the phrase aljager, kumalager and decided that he was at war. .. so in a military way, and then you have to fight, this phrase, by the way, caused a lot of excitement both with a plus sign and with
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a sign, let’s talk about macron now, okay, because it’s important, and lloyd austin’s statement is also important, just recently he made a statement there regarding the war in ukraine, i will ask you to comment on it, but macron did not disappoint, what's interesting, he doesn't disappoint, he doesn't say , i didn't mean that, you know, and you simply translated my words incorrectly, i didn't say that we will send troops to ukraine, no, i meant that once , maybe some of our... troops will be able to train ukrainians on the territory of poland, no, he said that my statements about western troops in ukraine were considered and thought out, i wasn't er, i wasn't drunk and i wasn't under the influence of something, but i said this deliberately, and if he says so, then obviously this conversation already took place, as you think, and this an unexpected move on the part of macron, has he really thought it through, talked to whomever is needed and is ready here... to act further, i don't think it was impromptu, of course,
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a person like the president of france, or macron, or another person, in his place, just doesn't say anything, i think this is an attempt to show the leadership of france, eh, if we look at the evolution of france's position in the last two years, well, from almost nothing, that is, such a very serious caution, remember, how many times... macron tried and not only that tried, he called putin, well, two years ago, tried to talk to him literally every day, tried to poison some peace initiatives there, after he was convinced that it was all hopeless, he began to change, his position began to change and accordingly, the position of the whole of france , that is, the french government, and today macron is trying to regain his leadership, if you take into account the fact that... well, within nato , france has always had such a very special position, on the one hand, they even in their own
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at one time they left, well then it was called the military part of nato, they remained in the political union , then they returned, then france was one of those countries that was at the origin of the idea of ​​creating a european security force, or rather a european army of its kind. well, the military wing of the european union, and now, i think that he, he, he is trying not just to return the leadership of france in all these issues, but to really take the initiative and set an example for other countries, france is, you know, also a former empire , but of course, without all the features that inherent today in russia and some other former countries. france would very much like to
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regain such real leadership, not on paper, but real leadership in europe, and perhaps in the whole world. macron sees the weaker position of the united states of america, which is natural before the presidential elections and all the problems with the aid package and all the other opposition between the republicans and the democrats. it also does not go unnoticed, and he is trying, well, to occupy this niche, let's say, security, leadership in this niche, that is, to show that... that france is ready to go much further and stronger than one might think about it, so, well, again, taking into account the caution of france's position, which was typical of macron two years ago, i'm not saying already there before, during, say, the occupation of part of georgia in russia in in 2008
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or in 2014, then macron was not the president, that is understandable, but none the less. france's position has changed a lot, and this is positive for us. you know, i'm not talking about idiom, it's just about the constant statement of facts. and today, doctors in the united states americans found biden fit to carry out his mandate. well , no one checks putin there, maybe they do, they just don't give a voice there, but these are people who are 70 and 70 plus. macron, like me, he is 77 years old, five days younger, he is... six years old, and by the way, like zelensky, he is also 77 years old, these are young wolves in politics, i think , it's absolutely normal that, well, i'm not talking about biden now, but such an old and tired politician like putin, and the same, by the way, as biden, and they can lose leadership, and yes, zelensky does not have nuclear missiles there now and he has a war in the country,
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but these young politicians are about the same age, it is important that they can really try to seize this leadership. they have this welcome energy, they want to win, they want to be at the head, well , the politicians are already veterans, well, they want more peace somewhere, i don’t know if it will play, but i think that this is the blood that is boiling and i want to this, she can also play a plus somewhere for macron, well, actually for zelensky as well, so i completely agree with you, i would i also added to this list, for example, the new president of argentina, as well as a rather young person, such a person is unusual. he is a person who rather unexpectedly sided with ukraine, and completely, literally yesterday or even today, he proposed to convene some latin american summit there, he decided to transfer to us several helicopters, by the way, of russian
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manufacture, which were in the armed forces forces of argentina. he constantly, almost every day, he makes such bold statements and necessarily names ukraine in each of his statements among of such a rather short list of real partners and countries that are related to ukraine, argentina, of course argentina, he names the united states, israel, ukraine, some others, that is, it is also unexpected and pleasant, because in latin america, well... countries where know ukraine well, this, by the way, despite the fact that in some of them argentina, or in brazil, or paraguay, for example, there is a very large and quite influential ukrainian diaspora, but unfortunately, something of it, its role is not very noticeable, but this is also an example of a young leader of another country, a completely different one
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of the continent, which understands our values , shares them completely, we have literally 5 more minutes, i will now... still give us the opportunity to listen, to our viewers, to listen to putin, he still, like an old wolf , roared macron's words there about his troops in ukraine, let's listen. they talked about the possibility of sending nato military contingents to ukraine, but we remember the fate of those who once sent their contingents to the territory of our country, but now the consequences for possible interveners will be much more tragic. we have it too weapons that can hit targets in their territory. everything that they invent and scare the whole world with, really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, which means the destruction of civilization. i think that when he spoke about civilization, he did not mean russia, but i remember putin on february 23, on the night of the 24th, when he also
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said in his speech that those who will support ukraine, we will give them a hat , that they will never come to their senses at all, this will be a cruel answer. where was this brutal response, where is he on the third day of full-scale war put the nuclear troops on alert, and then immediately withdrew the nuclear troops from alert and continued his svo, i think it would be the same this time, if any nato country decides to send its troops into ukraine, we literally have three minutes , this is putin's intimidation, he still wants to stop the inevitable with his snarling, no, i think these are all completely empty words, you are absolutely right that for so many years... all new and new, but we see that absolutely all these words and threats do not correspond to reality and in fact, nothing happens. er, remember, well, you remembered, his statements in the first days of the war, that whoever helps ukraine will become our enemy, in relation to
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nato troops, well, it’s not a secret for anyone today, first of all, well, 90% weapons used by the ukrainian army, these are weapons that come from nato countries, well, from other countries, well, what about that, uh... it's no secret to anyone that, well, i'm not a military expert, in i do not have any confirmation of this, but we all must understand perfectly well that certain military personnel from nato countries, on territories of ukraine, starting with the advisers of the ministry of defense of ukraine, which is not a secret, this has been known for a long time, they were there even before the beginning of the large-scale destruction of russia, and they continue, mr. volodymyr, we have literally 40 seconds so that i... i would not take these threats seriously, and even more so, they are not taken seriously at all, well, in those nato countries to which they are, shall we say, directed or addressed,
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so i think this is a completely empty post, thank you very much thank you for your comments, volodymyr yelchenko was with us diplomat, ex-representative of ukraine at the un, he worked there in 15-19 years, former ambassador of ukraine to the usa in 20-21 years. ah, now we will sum up the results of our survey, we asked today if a new world order is possible without an aggressive russia, let's see, and 86% think that it is possible, and 14% think that without an aggressive russia, the world order is impossible, you know , everything flows, everything changes, there were many efforts in the world, i mean, such political associations, ah, starting from ancient times. sumerians and so on, babylon, who surrendered forever, but historically, the life of each
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empire is approximately, well, there is a maximum of 400, well, a maximum of 500 years, and in general it is somewhere around 300 or so years, it exists in the form of its power, there is an empire, the russian empire, let me remind you, it exists from of the beginning of the 18th century, i.e. 1700 there, let it be the 10th year, i.e. 800, 900, well, 300, 300 there are 10 years. it exists as an empire, yes, but it also existed before that as an aggressive state, just in smaller limits, as the russian kingdom, and then as a russian one, well, somewhere around time, as they say, it should have disappeared 100 years ago, the russian empire, but it revitalized itself with bolshevism and turned into the ussr, well, this time it should disappear, so obviously the world order is possible without and civilization is possible without anti-civilization ideology, which today there is the russian federation, but again, everything depends on us. lloyd austin said it very clearly. head of the pentagon, this is his latest statement that if ukraine loses, nato will have to fight with russia, i hope this is his message, these his words will be heard, first of all , by johnson and those countries that
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are thinking today to give aid or not to give aid, or maybe putin will stop, or maybe it's all just like that, someone, no, but it's important to act now, the time is now, then after the battle, as they say, fists are not waved, or on the contrary , a new battle begins, which i think the world does not want, it is better to end this story here, and if putin draws red lines for himself, we must wait for the moment when he draws himself. a red dot on the forehead, and then it will be different, thank you who were with us, it was the verdict program , today i was in place of serhiy rudenko, he will soon return to the air, i wish you a good evening and stay with us, bye, there are discounts on acc long, 15% in pharmacies for... in at psylshynic bam and oskad pharmacies, there are discounts on citramon darnytsia - 10% at psylshynic, bam and
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to learn about the war, now. we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world is living, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar, yuliy dobrevechor will talk in more detail, please word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, please welcome and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government on the restoration
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of ukraine. with pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestria au. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and westerners. intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, unequivocally, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. greetings, these are chronicles.
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len and i are asking you to join the collection for the 12th separate special forces unit, this is a unit that is constantly in combat, and we are asking you to join the collection on buggies for evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits, as well as for automobile and recuperation very important to defend against all kinds of enemy drones, please help, it will help a lot to save lives, increase the efficiency of the unit, you see all... there is data, qr code, there is a number, join throughout the program, it will be hanging in the corner. well, we are now, let's immediately go to the map of hostilities for the last days to see, and then, well, let's actually discuss all this. map of hostilities for the period february 21-28, 2024, consequences.
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the occupation of avdiivka and the war for control in the sky. on the eastern front , the situation remains critical for the armed forces, especially near the temporary ravine of novomykhaivka and the villages west of avdiivka. the avdiiv front is changing dynamically. after the occupation of the forces, the direction of the front to the west of the city is unstable, and the hostilities stretched to a width of 10 km. on the one hand, the occupiers are trying to use their numerical advantage and go as far as possible . for this, they entered on this one. yanukovych new forces, and on the other hand, it is also dangerous for the armed forces to be close to avdiyivka, which is located on the commanding heights. the nearest villages of stepove, lastochkine and severne are well shot from there. over the course of a week , the defense forces with deterrence fighting retreated westward to more advantageous positions where they would not be targeted. currently, this is a buffer zone is 3-3.5 km, and the temporary stabilization line of the front is built along
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the line of villages without. eagle and thin. however , it is not a fact that the situation will remain like this for a long time. on the outskirts of berdychi and orlivka , the rashists are already conducting assault operations. despite significant aviation losses, the armed forces of the russian federation continue to shell ukrainian positions. if earlier about 50 bombs per day fell on the heads of our heroes, now this number has almost doubled. even the use of air defense does not deter the russians. enemies understand that a window has opened in them. opportunities that may never exist again. bakhmut front battles during the time of yari shelling of kostyantynivka. another consequence of the loss of avdiivka was increased pressure of the occupiers on neighboring areas of the front, in particular on bakhmutska. the situation at the approaches to the temporal ravine has become significantly more complicated. the occupiers took hold of the eastern outskirts of the village.


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