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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EET

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they sign contracts, there are criminals, but they are not the majority either, the majority are mercenaries, so i don’t see any point in conducting any new mobilization for the russians, because they are now compensating for their losses entirely with mercenaries and migrants, they also receive a salary, a salary and a bonus to it russian citizenship, that is, this is what we have, so i do not see any particular sense for them to strengthen mobilization, while they, unfortunately, use mercenaries to cover holes, they press everywhere like this, avdiivka, bakhmud, klishchiivka, chasivyar, bohdanivka, hryhorivka, this here is this area, we they fought there somewhere, well, for quite a long time , about a year, until we were transferred near kupyanskyi, and i have photos with my brothers, from bohdanivka, from hryhorivka, from chasovyar, today the guys sent me photos, they say, for memory do you remember how we used to shoot videos there, walk around chasik, we used to go on vacation from bohdanivka, hryhorivka, i know these cities. yes, it is very hot there now and
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it is very hot in the avdiiv region, but who can say that it is cool and quiet in zaporizhzhia, for example, in roboton, no one will say that, it's very tough there, the marines who are on the krinks, on the left bank in the kherson region, there are also my comrades, my old friends, we are in constant communication, there is also a lot of pressure, and we are also very, very uncomfortable here, that is, the enemy is pressing everywhere, and they are waiting to break through somewhere , somewhere we will ... bend, somewhere someone will leak, as they say in our country, somewhere they will be able to break through the defense and the reserves will immediately go there, they are looking for a point where we are not, at the moment, on it's a pity, they have the strength to press everywhere, not to encroach en masse as if they were the last to attack at times, to press and wait for someone to falter , for the defense to be not strong enough , it seems to me that the situation is like this now, huh, and you said such an interesting thing about the fact that there are mostly people on... but has that
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impression changed their training, well that is, they are more prepared people, less prepared, how would you evaluate this, what has changed in relation to the enemy itself, which is actually attacking, because it has also constantly undergone changes during these two years, then it was some kind of, well, professional military, then there these are mobilized, i.e. different categories, as it were you have described them now, olya, i will say that nothing has changed in the last two weeks and... not the last, but from what you have seen during the time that you are already at the front, that's how the time is, i will say first the professional russian army was destroyed, about 40,000 who entered first were the most well-equipped and prepared, then there was a period when these people who were mobilized and trained for a week really left there is too
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these are mobilized more from the occupied territories, donetsk region, luhansk region, they are thrown first, they are poorly equipped, this happens , just to open up our fire positions, because it is the 41st brigade that has the thunder, our unit is tactical, it is a fire support company, we are everywhere, machine guns, anti-tank group, drones, mortars, so we work with by all units and we see that sometimes it's just a matter of finding out where our mortars are. where the machine gunner sits, where the positions are, they throw those who do not feel sorry for. when they already have an idea of ​​our positions, small groups of more trained soldiers go, and the main mass is already going all well, they are prepared, that’s all, there are no idiots , there are no stupid rusnyakovs, there is a sufficiently prepared army, it differs from those who entered in february, in march of the 22nd year in that they are not just prepared, they have already fought in this war, in modern warfare. about
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which our guys, my brothers, veterans who have been fighting since the 14th year, say that now the war is very different from the war of the 15th and 16th years, everything has changed very much, very new realities, so the one who is fighting now , has a modern experience, the most dangerous opponent and the most beautiful ally, therefore, well, i, for example, am very ironic when our boys go to study in poland, lithuania, great britain, with all due respect, our boys here have the experience of this very modern war with russia. in this particular area, they will train the recruits better than any special forces or police or military instructor somewhere else who has seen war two years ago, three years, five years, that's it, so we are fighting with a fairly trained, a well -equipped, well-trained opponent, unfortunately, i’m ol, you understand that i myself am from donetsk, then i lived in buch, i don’t have any warm feelings for the russians, i just hate them, why do i... the laptop already works with
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weapons, but i have to to say that the enemy there is quite tough, quite strong, and sometimes we are forced to... even respect them for how they can actually hold zelenka in three, hold the dugout, call fire on themselves, and we storm them with eight, and this very difficult, even difficult, the opponent is very strict, you should not underestimate him, and that is why we are now we are very tense for such posts in social networks, for journalistic materials, that a russian tramples, moni, undressed, not undressed, undressed, our positions climb, and we put them here in stacks, not always like that. it's just not always so good, especially since there are still more of them, they have more shells, not like at the beginning of the 22nd, then it was just tin, there was almost nothing to answer for, but they, as before, more shells, more of everything we compensate for, well i shout for victory, because we have nothing to throw here,
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because this is our land and every guy defends his home, i also have guys from kharkiv, mykolaiv, odesa, there are guys from kirovohrad oblast, there are... kyivans, there are buchanans, our irpians, there are guys from lviv, from frankiv oblast, there are even hungarians from zakarpattia, these are them sometimes it is very difficult to understand from their language, but everyone is not defending kupyansk, they are defending nekupyansk with knots, as they defended nebahmud then, everyone is defending their home, we understand that the rosnyans will stop, they will climb, climb, they will reach there, how far will we allow them, that's why we're keeping it here now, but the enemy is quite, quite difficult, but tell me that now, after all, it's among... the ranks, because it was, well, for a certain moment, it was a completely desperate situation, now it evened out, it evened out, well, that is , how would you rate it, it evened out and there was parity, when rusnia exclaimed that how do the ukrainians as many shells as we have, it's unfair, it's unfair, our
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counter-battery fight was almost always won very hard, it was somewhere at the beginning of summer, somewhere in the middle of july, that 's how we were then... not even on parity, in there were also a little less of us, but, well, i judge again anyway on the 41st brigade, but also on others and on the 115th and 57th, with which they worked, there are a lot of them in our artillery, i met a lot of compatriots from donetsk region there, because there are a lot of boys and girls there with a technical education, or secondary or higher education, and they work on arty, well, they are already trained by our experienced... guys, and ours behind works much more efficiently, especially, of course, with western, western ammunition, with western barrels, that is, if on to hit the target, according to the instructions, theoretically there are three shots, ours are covered from the second, sometimes from the first, our mortars
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work very, very well, so what the enemy spends time and a few volleys on, ours work faster, our artillerymen are much better trained. there are new guns, again from the allies, new ammunition, the same scalibur, which blocks the range, and artillery duels, battery fights, mortar fights are the same, this, how to put it censoriously, is now the principle , well, it does not sound censorious, censorious - it's hit and run, it looks like this, because now you will immediately get revenge, exactly with each other sniper and artillery work like this, ours work quickly. they left according to the coordinates, took off the drones, worked them out and quickly drove off, they arrived in that city, but they are no longer there. recently, guys , we were delayed a little bit, we had to evacuate for a while, it was very muddy, we climbed out there, and the delay is bad, well, yes, we have to work quickly, and
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it helps us, unfortunately, some of what happened western concepts on western weapons, does not work as planned, so, for example, tracked mortars with ... self-made orta, it is very cool, very cool, no one expected that, especially in the snow, they leave a mark behind them, this is the verdict, that is, many such nuances, some things turned out to work better, very simple, there is a mortar in the back, pickup trucks, drove away, the guys threw it away, i took a photox from the last exit, the guys threw out the mortar, fired quickly, threw it in the direction of the pickup truck, they jumped and everything went, everything flies there... these things work better than modern expensive tracked equipment, which is easier to find and arrives drone and all, well maybe you know, somehow it won't be so dramatic in the summer, we'll see
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, listen, well, it's been here for so long now, i don't believe that there is summer, that it's dry, that there might not be mud or snow, i think it's always been here, yes. there is a little bit, tell me, but now, in principle, such a very active discussion has arisen after ours, when the owners retreated, and it turned out that , well, not so good engineers. and fortifications, as i would like it to be, and well, this discussion, i think, continues throughout the front line, as far as it for you, this issue of fortification engineering structures is important, to what extent it is for you, well, let's say, critical, do you still assess your situation better, worse, that is , well, i understand that we cannot directly talk about it in detail, but still do you realize that this is such a hot topic right now? well , as a military man, you know what i have to say? i
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have to say, if we withdraw, then we withdraw to positions prepared in advance, and shut up, because there is no need to say more, but as a person, i will tell you, well, i understand very well, that these positions are not always available, we were taught back in the spring, at the beginning of the spring of 22, when we were still defending lysichansk, we were taught that you were thrown into the field in the green in... landing in some, anywhere, smoke breaks, breathers , coffee, drink the driver from the bag, then everything , then first you dig, dig like a crazy mole, you have to bury yourself, who thinks that burying up to the knee is good, dead, who thinks that burying up to the waist is good, dead in 10 minutes , who did not quit smoking anything, who buried himself up to his head and made a hole for himself there, he will survive, then smoke, drink coffee, we were taught break in immediately, of course. but no matter how hard you dig, no matter how hard you try , you will do it faster and better with a tractor, and i got stuck, i say, i don’t want
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to talk now about the leaders that we are talking about from my small family, but when we asked to make us another position behind our backs , they told us: well, there is a tractor, there are two, i say , you don’t have two tractors, well, i’m from here myself, i know how much equipment you have from the utility companies , but not all of it works, and our drivers, tractor drivers don’t want to go, and then tanks will come to you tomorrow, and we will not be able to hold them back. and there is nowhere to go, and now i see when they sometimes give out interviews, they say how hard it is, why did you lose your city, you didn't have tractors for us to bury ourselves, that 's how you have it, that's what happens, this there must be some forced story from your point of view, after all, the mobilization of tractors, eh, if we, under the same soledar, under the same bakhmut, under the same lysichansk, had the opportunity to expel the equipment, and for now the group of snipers that i was covering , restrained the enemy, restrained. for quite a long time it was the snipers who helped us with a little artillery, but very, very little, if we had equipment behind us
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that would dig fortifications and concrete them, then we would still not be able to hold bakhmut, we would still hold solidar, it seems so, but it seems to me that there is such a psychological moment here , society expects a counteroffensive from the politician, from the leadership, the liberation of our territories, therefore, of course, the leadership expects this from the military, if one of the commanders there... of the direction brigade says: guys, let's go, while you keep the military here, let's go behind in case we will have to retreat, make positions, ask him from above, you have to go forward, forward, it is such, yes, olya, if we reason that we have bad things left, then it will be long and difficult, we can talk propaganda for a very long time, let's not be negative. to dump, because people are also sick, also on their nerves , let them know, that's how the conclusions are made, and there are many
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new commanders now, who are not afraid to speak about it, who understand that they are responsible for life, so yes, well, again , some direction, some brigade depends a lot on the commander of the company you are in and from the brigade commander, this is a strategic and tactical approach, if we have such an approach in the 41st brigade, we dig ourselves into the ground like that. what are we from there , well, what are you trying to do with this, if the company commander considers the first task not to get a medal or a rank, but to preserve the personnel, then we have the smallest fathers in the company, probably of all my comrades, whom i know from other units , everything depends on the commanders, unfortunately, no one is safe from the fact that you will end up with a commander who is not the right one, that is why i always speak out and all the people who fight, who they do this, they say: mobilization through the tsk, through a training center where soldiers are taught to dig and build something from boards, this is not the same,
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we need recruiting, specifically brigades, so that people know where they are going, to what position, or as they joked with us to the people they are transferring to, thank you very much, kirill, and what kind of commander and where are you going, recruiting is the future, this is what the third assault, fifth assault charter of the national guard deals with, we are trying to do it, this is how it should be, i think it should work, people the brigades will go to the tcc, people will not go. thanks, that's it was kyrylo sazonov, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine , a political scientist, thank you for joining us , and actually civilians should also understand that joining the civilian authorities in order to... build fortifications behind our military is not only the task of the military, but also and the task of that civilian government and those civilian people who live there, and it is important, as it turns out, for them to understand this, and not to think that somehow the military will sort it out themselves. thank you all very much for the broadcast, see you in a week in this format, well, we still have a lot to do there will be something interesting on the air. there are discounts
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aircraft complexes of the state sapsan of the special service of transport appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our subway. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! glory! an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen! my name is mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let us have better roads , we will have even better ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, about what a world dreams, parman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15
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at espresso.
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big ether. two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast
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winters a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. good evening, we are from ukraine. three russian planes in a day, putin addressed the russians, what did he say there, the fair was burning, and the russian patrol boat was burning in the sea of ​​azov, and there were heavy battles on the front. the armed forces of ukraine took krasnohorivka. we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 45 minutes. this is the velikiy eter program, my name is vasyl zima, and we start with an announcement about the espresso collection, inviting you to join the collection. on the buggy for evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits, as well as for automobile and trench work for the 12th separate special purpose detachment. our defenders destroy the enemy in the east every day. direction, this collection will help save human lives and increase the effectiveness of the unit, so join in, every donation strengthens the shield with which we deter
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the aggressor, our goal is uah 480,000. and therefore during the entire program we can contribute, well , now i involve skad shurbekov in the conversation, he is a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, mr. askade, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, today... the enemy attacked the village of yuliivka, this is in the zaporizhzhia region, there was information that one person, unfortunately, died, and also there, if possible, more about this shelling, well, there were also shellings of other communities of the zaporizhia region, unfortunately, in fact, the enemy continues to shell the territories of the zaporizhia region every day, today was no exception, and there were more than 250 shellings of communities along the front line and one. such a shelling is a guided aerial bomb in fact led to the death of a person in the novooleksandrivska community, in yuliivka settlement, it is more than 25 km from the front line there, but the enemy is trying
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to push deep into the territory, well, in fact, again in the countryside, there are no private buildings there even infrastructural facilities, not to mention military or industrial ones, and besides that, there is information in zaporizhzhia that... curfew was reduced to 5 hours, on the one hand, well, supposedly, why talk about it , with on the other hand, it is not obvious, it indicates some positive points that are happening, or what do you think it is related to, is it related to some economic, economic factors, the key factor is the safety factor, definitely, in general, the whole last year, the curfew was almost exactly until 24, it started on the 24th, but after the escalation on the front line, i think... four months ago , a decision was made by the defense council to increase the duration of the curfew and make it after the 23rd , because and from the point of view there sabotage and reconnaissance groups and in general
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from the point of view of finding people on the streets and in case of increased shelling by the occupiers. now the situation has more or less stabilized, it is safe again, due to this there is an opportunity to reduce the duration of the temadan hour, of course this will have a positive effect on economic life, but the safety factor is key. i think this is also an important signal, because the last week around the zaporozhye front line there is a lot of information, let's say, such tension, because the russians emphasize that they will advance there, this is accompanied by the pso, that they will capture the nuts there, recapture robotinovo there and, as it were, reach zaporizhzhia, so of course we see an aggravation on the front line, they are intensively trying to increase the number of shelling, to break through the front line, but not a single meter of our land. the armed forces did not give them up, and due to this, this is the situation from the curfew, it is also a signal to the other side that the front line is firmly held in one way or another and in one way or another, but
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zaporozhye can live relatively peacefully , work to help the front, and in general people felt that there would be no advances there or any breakthroughs of the front by the russians, well, on the other hand, people can work calmly at the same time as a large taxpayer, a large the auchan network comes from zaporizhzhia, is it available here? information, is it a security factor , is it an economic factor, or some possible other factor will work here, you know, they look like that, a foreign company has decided to move from here, they probably know something obviously, something like that can happen, so we need to think carefully about whether we should move, as they say , a little further away from zaporizhzhia for a certain time in relation to the situation in zashanom, this is a purely business factor, in fact, in the 21st year. before the war , auchan announced that he would leave this particular trading platform, because there were some nuances related to rent, premises and other things. to
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date, ah, in fact, because of its economic interests, this chain is closing its store in zaporizhzhia, also in kryvyi rih, where well, the situation is definitely not safe or dangerous there, on the contrary, for sure, it is much further from the front line, that is, it is a story that is completely related to business, there are relevant explanations from. of the regional military administration, in general , network representatives there also emphasized that this was in no way related to the security factor. i am sure that in the place of this supermarket there will be other supermarkets, other retail chains, there, i do not know what their names are, which can be shown there, but i i am sure that the locals, even from this point of view, will not feel any discomfort, because in reality, despite the difficult situation there, and the proximity to the front line , the construction of housing stock, high-rise buildings continues in zaporizhzhia, and now... the construction of one of the shopping centers is being financed , these are business ideas, these are not government projects, not local projects, of course, because all the money goes either to defense or to
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support the municipal sector, but this is a very ... possible indicator that business believes in zaporizhzhia believes in our armed forces of ukraine, local residents should understand this, but there is information about money for defense that the region and the city will direct more than 1 billion uah to the armed forces of ukraine. decipher this amount , it is a lot, we understand very well that zaporizhzhia is not living at full economic potential, plus we know that now certain taxes and fees have been taken from local budgets to kyiv, well, to the government, so this is also a minus. step, because with the arrival of the new administration, the new military regional administration of the head of the regional state administration, in fact such shifts have begun, this has increased from last year's indicators, now there is a bar so that 17.5% of each local budget is actually directed to the defense needs of our region, to military units, to the construction of fortifications, this applies to the city of zaporizhia itself, this is very
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important , because... these very priority directions, to build more fortifications, bomb shelters, to generally help the military, these will be exactly the funds that will be used in this direction, this is where these funds came from, these are the funds that were free balances in local budgets, as well as this is a significant optimization of both regional institutions and local self-government institutions, today, well, in fact, this is a very powerful signal from zaporizhia, because for a very long time, zaporizhia, let's say, did not graze the hindquarters, probably this is a bad expression , but let's say in some... aspects we allocated less money than some regions, and now zaporizhzhia is showing that the security factor is a key priority, both for local communities and for the head of the regional military administration. thank you very much for your comments, thank you for joining us, skada shurbekov, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council was in touch with us, and we are moving on, now we still have sumyshchyna on our turn, and then we will have another very important conversation, which will related to the important statement of the european parliament regarding...
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the sending of ukrainian deputies abroad. volodymyr bitsak, deputy chairman of the sumy district council. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you. greetings from the north-eastern part of our country. glad to see. well, the information about the shelling today was written as follows: on production infrastructural, on the industrial infrastructure object of sumy oblast, she is wounded, if not revealing the details, what kind of hit it is, is it possible to have more information about the consequences of the enemy attack? well, is there? information that indeed, this is an agricultural enterprise that was engaged in the production of grain crops, and in warehouses, today there was a reshish flight, unfortunately, there is one person injured, but at the moment there is no information about the dead, thank god, there is one here, by the way interesting information is that sumy oblast state employees receive salaries thanks to donors, this means, how will the budget payments be financed in the region now?
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for donors, who are these donors, how is it generally envisaged, well, the idea is good, if people receive money, it's great, you just need to understand a little bit what is happening there, and why then do you need to ask donors to cover budget expenses? at the moment, i do not have such information about who the donors are, and to which state officials they will transfer these funds, so i will not be able to comment, well, then we will try to find out for ourselves, but it is also important that the metropolitan of the uoc mp of sumy oblast was suspected of inciting the enemy. as for you, well, here you know, this is like a reason for a question, and in general, the activities of this, as they call themselves, the ukrainian orthodox church of ukraine, in sumy oblast , to what extent they continue to work, whether there are transitions to the ukrainian orthodox church, and whether these facts really exist, when somewhere there the soldiers may not die , as we have seen more than once, some clashes are taking place somewhere, because the community wants a temple, and those are all over ukraine, i understand that it is also the sumshchyna, well, it is important that the suspicion is at least handed over, really, finally, thank god that
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some... it moved from some dead point question, because i have repeatedly emphasized that the kgb is telling us during the second year of the war, and we are still nanny and waiting with them, what are their thoughts, are they good or bad, do they have a good or bad flock, we have one big one in sumy the church of the resurrection, which many people can move to sing our heroes, for example, on monday i sang the hymn of my godfather, the heavenly kingdom of the deceased on... under the overseer, so not everyone could fit, there is such a trinity cathedral in sumy, which is already the second year, we ask the regional council to put this issue up for consideration in the session, and something doesn't work out for them, and that's the question , as i understand it, they redirect everything to the people's deputies, deep down there, and even before the war in the 21st year, i personally watched, i was one.


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