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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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that this is also the case, well, it is important that the suspicion was at least handed over, really, finally, thank god, that someone moved this issue from some dead point, because i repeatedly emphasized that the kgb is the father of us during the second year of the war, and we are all nanny and waiting with them , what they think, whether they are good or bad, whether their congregation is good or bad, we have one big easter church in sumy, which many people can move to sing... our heroes, that is for example, on monday, i sang it to my godfather, the kingdom of heaven the dead person was naked for nothing, so not everyone could fit in, there is such a trinity cathedral in sumy, which for the second year we have asked the regional council to put this issue before the session, and something is not working out for them, and i understand the issue here, they are all on the people's side deputies are redirected, those who fell there, and even before the war in the 21st year, i personally looked, i was one...
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church in sumy and went down to the basement and there was a portrait of gundyaev hanging there, i asked this father, father, what is it you have a portrait by gossipers, he says so, but we are all here kagebeshniks, and i understood, and then i analyzed how much this church costs, what is the outward appearance of this uncle, he is really kgb, and we are, there were unpleasant incidents in sumshchynitsa, the father was correcting the artillery fire on... the settlement, so what is this it is done, for two years we have to bury our dead boys nowhere, they don’t know what they are hiding there, weapons or propaganda , they are propagandizing their people against against sovereign ukraine, they are preaching in russian, so why, how can this be in our state, which is the second a year of war is going on, well, let's see what will happen next after this handed over... suspicions, maybe
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there will be some continuation of this story, i hope that people's deputies and regional deputies will see each other, respectively, respectively, well, because you know, i was there too yes, i went there to the kyiv region, and people say that they are already waiting for some kind of acceptable law to ban this russian church, because these are all half-measures, they do not lead to anything, and you know, the phrase of one priest, this is from the words of a person who was along who said when his they asked, why don’t you go to the ocu, his father came to the ocu there, it’s in the kyiv region, he says: and he says this in the presence of the leaders of the district’s security forces, and he says: who guarantees me that he will be here in two years, and that's all, and people sit, blink their eyes and say, well, really, who guarantees you, and the person frankly says, so maybe the russians will come at all, right before midnight, not far from belarus, and i, i'm already here i am sitting in ambush, you know, and this is information that they receive cards from them, on which they receive funds, where these funds, you only have to guess where these funds come from... and for what kind of work,
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and then we wonder why they allow us to exchange rubles for hryvnias for a while, i am very brief , but they write that in sumy oblast they are building ukries, they are building fortifications, i will not ask to hand over the locations , but this work is really happening, the work is being carried out at a frantic pace, in large volumes, i want to reassure everyone, well, all the residents of the sumy district, that everything will be fine, everything... ukraine, the fortifications are really reliable, they are being built, so with defense there is where there is something to keep and keep, so everything will be fine. thank you very much for your comments , thank you for participating, volodymyr bitsak , the deputy chairman of the sumy district council was in touch with us, and now there will be another important topic, well, in general, i will tell you that i am with you today for a long time, serhiy rudenko will not be here today, we hope he will return tomorrow, and today i will be with you until 9 o'clock, so... i will try not to bore you,
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on the contrary, i will inform you about the most important, most important things that will happen during, during these already 2.5 hours, well, the information that we will now discuss with our guest, i will present it as soon as it appears, it is public, and therefore, now one second, one second, we will talk today about the decision, about the advice, now where did i get it? the parliament decided that the ban on ukrainian deputies to carry out parliamentary activities and diplomatic parliamentary activities, because the verkhovna rada of ukraine has the authority to do so, people's deputies of ukraine can carry out these activities outside of ukraine, that the ban on ukrainian deputies, people's deputies to leave the country on diplomatic missions, with deputies within the limits of their parliamentary activities, it is inadmissible, unacceptable, and we see how, unfortunately, people's deputies are being humiliated.
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it doesn't matter which party they are from, opposition or non-opposition, this is the humiliation of a people 's deputy, who is told, don't go, go back, because somewhere someone has written a letter, and you can't go anywhere, ivana k'. deputy of ukraine, mrs. ivano, i congratulate you, good afternoon, well, this is what i am now cited, regarding the decision of the european parliament , how it is possible, how it can affect the change in the approach of the leadership of the verkhovna rada, first of all, to the implementation of activities by deputies of their powers outside ukraine, which is very important, please, well, you know, i am still i can only see that the leadership of the parliament is trying to... blame those deputies who began to speak out loud about these unreasonable restrictions and abuse of the power of the leadership of the parliament in relation to the permission or disallowance of trains in this or that way
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business trips and this translates, you know, from time to time into the road, because they are accused of what they do. those who talk about it, instead of abandoning such a practice, i would , of course, like colleagues to pay attention to the fact that, as clearly stated in the resolution of the european parliament, this is such a serious remark regarding the actual democracy in ukraine, violation of the basic principles of democracy in ukraine, violation of the law in ukraine, you know, this is not just about abuse, it is actually a violation of the law. about the status of a people's deputy, about the fact that this is a violation of the law on martial law, about the state of emergency, these are all those things that today, well, literally on a daily basis , are violated by the leadership of the parliament, i regret to state this, but we should also pay attention to what
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is also very clearly stated in the same resolution about the inadmissibility of curtailing decentralization, which has proven... its importance for the success of ukraine, and this is also another serious wake-up call for the authorities, well, it is possible not only for the legislative , but also for of the executive branch, and i would like , of course, that behind those serious, serious calls for further support to ukraine, which are the main narrative of this resolution, our colleagues would also see ... the growing concern that ukraine is today moving backwards in terms of democratic rights and freedoms, but i want to remind you that if we insist, and we all insist together, that the negotiating framework for ukraine be approved as soon as possible, then the first chapter, the first cluster, which will be
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opened for ukraine, as well as for any - which one of another country, it will be a cluster that will be about the basics, and that is about democratic principles. about the rule of law, about all those basic things that , unfortunately, continue to be violated in ukraine today, just by heartbreaking steps under the guise of martial law, this is not only the implementation of activities, but the other day i spoke with hanna gubko, she is a member of parliament from the past convocation, she told me how many meetings and talks she held, well, you see she can be released now, she is not an inactive deputy, but at... a security conference on the sidelines, and explaining something, but she is not there, you are not there, petro poroshenko is not there , there is no one else, and there is no one to explain, congressmen, senators, deputies of france and germany come there, and there is no one to talk to, and they are
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so between they talked among themselves, and they did not hear any other opinion, well, this is a minus, there will not be a fair or someone else running there, conditionally speaking , to explain to everyone and everyone, or arachamia, that's what the problem is, that's the question. in the fact that the deputies themselves are european, your colleagues, they say that we will meet in 10 years, ever, maybe, and how much they need this opinion of the ukrainian deputies, who know all this from the inside, who still have access to certain information, can tell more to the deputies, and you know, this is how the leadership of the parliament periodically resorts to such and such certain manipulations, he says: they say don’t eat it, it will turn on online, you can certainly make a speech online, but ah... you don’t really present additional arguments through online speeches, you feel what exactly is this or that skepticism of this or that country, this or that another representative of political forces, various political forces that work in different
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european countries, including at the pan-european level or in others in general in other countries of the world, and then you can answer these and these nuances and these details and... you know, there is no general message for everyone, you always need to find additional facts or additional words or additional wording for this or that. just yesterday i spoke before the labor audience in the british parliament, so i obviously prepared for that, analyzed, and which of what challenges can we face as ukraine in this labor environment, you have to understand, in the conservative environment there are other challenges, and therefore it is not just a speech, but you have to understand the nuances and you have to work with each... specific representative according to those or others, maybe even prejudices, and it is definitely
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impossible to do this simply by writing letters or communicating exclusively online, and it is not clear to me why today we have to constantly, constantly put such sticks in the wheels to protect the national interest of ukraine, we, unfortunately, we see... that ukraine does not currently have all that stockpile of weapons, stockpile of financial capabilities that would enable us to confidently continue our struggle, and we need to activate various societies, so it would be necessary for me to simply ask all those who is able to convey ukraine's positions in different audiences with different societies, ask for them. that they should work with foreign audiences as much as possible, and
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, unfortunately, our colleagues either do not want to understand this, or they deliberately, deliberately destroy it this system of protection of ukraine, even in the political field. we have literally two minutes, very briefly, this program performed by putin as a guest of skazky, which was on russian television today, how should ukrainians evaluate it? i will not ask you to comment on it. well, there the majority was turned inside the country, what he will do there, build, but in general, how should ukrainians now evaluate these speeches of putin, because everyone is waiting, he said that he will take over ukraine next, and that's all, yes, and we thought , what will he say now, i surrender and you won, be it please, we haven't heard anything new from putin, and that's why i think that there were no surprises at all in this, all the nonsense and delusion that he has been carrying, well , for decades, in an intensified form during... the last two years, it continues, so ukrainians should just focus on what we need
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to do in order to free ourselves from this enemy and free the country and have the opportunity to develop and live and create, this is what we have to take away from this next delirium , which putin demonstrated today, well, here literally, there is still time , you answered so promptly, what do you think about macron, he really tries on... a triangle, napoleon’s triangle on his head, or his words have something else, then i mean about sending french troops, at least of the french army to ukraine, to the borders of ukraine, as he said. you know, france has always had, well, its own position within, say, the north atlantic alliance. you remember that france once left nato, then returned, rejoined nato, although it was among the founders of this organization, then i think that... this is to some extent a search for a leadership position, it
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is not just, you see, being formed, but this definitely does not mean that france is ready to send its troops to ukraine today, this is an effort it is possible to feel those options, and how, in what way, france, maybe even in opposition to the united states of america, and we know that there is a certain, certain such - well, you know, competitiveness. between the french and the germans, between the french and the united states of america, between the french and the british, and this is the effort, the effort to find one's own word, with which it is possible to go down in history, this certainly indicates exactly that, but it is good that this discussion has started at all, that it has been published in the columns, well, a large number, let's say, of the foreign press, we, on unfortunately, we see enough...
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history, in contrast, with a plus sign, macron will make it, he will definitely go down in contrast to johnson, who so far enters history with a huge minus sign. thank you very much for joining, ivana klympushtentsadze, people's deputy of ukraine and chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine issues of ukraine's integration into europe. of the union, well, always like that, someone has to be a plus , someone has to be, someone has to be bright, someone has to be the kind of person who inhibits help, like, say, mike johnson, although again, maybe there is something brighter in him in the head well, actually, because due to the fact that johnson is blocking aid to ukraine, the chairman, speaker of the house of representatives of the us congress, the ukrainian troops today really lack ammunition and means on the battlefield, unfortunately, but they are fighting, and about the situation on at the front and around the front, serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military summaries of the day column. sergey, congratulations , please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we will
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talk about the destruction of enemy aircraft, about the situation on the front line, and in a conversation with the former chief. the main intelligence agency about whether there really are as many as 12 cia bases on the territory of ukraine, and what is behind the words of volodymyr zelenskyi, that the plan for our counteroffensive was on the table in the kremlin even before it began counteroffensive actions. more on that in a moment. i'll start with the fact that today our air... forces demonstrated a kind of combat hat trick. on february 29, the enemy did not count three su-34 front-line bombers at once, the first was shot down in the morning, two a little later. it was noted that these cars were shot down in different directions on vdiivsk and mariupol, and with regard to the first su of the 34th,
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the summary indicated a more general eastern direction. thus, since february 17, the enemy has already. already minus 10 su-34 front-line bombers, two su-35 fighters, as well as shot down a50 long-range reconnaissance aircraft, i.e. a total of 13 downed enemy aircraft. it can be stated that the destruction of the russian tactical aviation in the air force was not like that, not just a methodical work, but a real such massacre, let's remember that it was literally the day before yesterday. air force commander lyschuk said that the russians should definitely stop these meaty air assaults, taking into account such colossal losses, but we see that the enemy does not draw conclusions and continues to try to use aviation with such consequences as we can see today, due to which this population of russian aviation is decreasing, it is not known for sure,
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the main version is the so-called blocking patriot, although objectively it is the most... the probable range of destroying such high-altitude air targets with gmt anti-aircraft missiles from the patriot is just up to 160 km and we see that there are actually areas from where this zerk can be used to destroy russian fighters. at the same time, russia continues to actively use aerial bombs, because these planes are the carriers of these planners. cabbage and the statistics of the use of these cabs are quite indicative, oleksandr kovalenko from the information resistance group counted and he said that in the month of february there was a maximum use of these cabs compared to previous periods, more than 1,200 of these air bombs weighing from 200 to 1,500 kg were dropped, this is actually
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colossal number, and the largest number was exactly 16 on february 17, 150. one reset, of which 94 were in avdiivka, let me remind you that exactly on the 17th, our troops left avdiivka and are now occupying the defense line a little west of this populated point how many stolen planes 134 remain with the enemy. let me remind you that before the active phase of the war there were 140 such bombers, in two years they built another 16 and a certain number of them were destroyed. i haven’t found the exact numbers yet, but we still have to conclude that our political forces will still have to work hard to destroy even more of these enemy air targets in the form of the su-34, but our anti-aircraft defense must destroy not only fighter jets, because today the main criminal is the president of russia, volodymyr
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putin admitted that a strike was also used in the battle against ukraine. the hypersonic complex of sea-based zircon , just at the same time, putin mentioned it in this, in the message to the federal assembly, he said that this system is already in place, why is it really important, because in fact it is confirmation that the enemy is involved in terrorist strikes on ukraine with the use of various treacherous weapons, and these words will also be... another proof of the criminal actions of the russian federation, against the background of which we must understand that all putin's intimidation, which related to the mention of these different types of weapons that russia never really. will not lead to the technical level, in fact, these are rather attempts to intimidate our partners, i think , will have the opposite effect, namely to spread and deepen interaction with
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ukraine at the expense of strengthening our defense potential, our military mission at the expense of the use of various effective mechanisms that proven during hostilities, and this is not only a direct confrontation with the enemy, not only artillery, not only ammunition, but also in... the action of our special services, and now we will talk about the potential and opportunities that cooperation between various special agencies gives our country and our partners, what effect we have from this, and our next guest is a person who has a unique experience of working in different countries important positions, we are joined by valery kondratyuk, lieutenant general, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine at a certain time, head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, as well as head of the code intelligence department of the security service of ukraine. sir general, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear on the espresso channel. namzaem, mr. serhiy,
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glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. i would like to start with such a difficult question. when volodymyr zelenskyy's press conference was held on february 25, he said that in the autumn, or last year, when... a counteroffensive was being prepared, these plans for this counteroffensive were on the table in the kremlin quite quickly. does this indicate that we still haven't gotten rid of the enemy agents at the highest levels in ukraine, or is this some kind of reproach by the president towards our special services, which did not guarantee the security of our military plans. what do you think about this? i do not believe that this was a move by the president in the direction of our special services, but this is an understanding that today in the country, let's say, there is still no
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such powerful or guaranteed protection of information, that is, a counterintelligence regime, and the question is primarily about the military counter-intelligence of the security service of ukraine, which is responsible for ensuring the counter-intelligence regime of the ministry of defense of the general staff in the list of persons who, let's say, according to the version there, well the majority, let's say, of our journalists , had nothing to do with these plans, then there are definitely only five or seven people there, but if we approach this issue more professionally, then it is clear that the removal of information should not only be from the first persons, but also to their closest circle of assistants and those people who were directly involved in the training. documents on the combat planning of our counteroffensive. and in this context, i would like to emphasize the importance
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of reminding once again that the main function of the service of the security of ukraine is to unsuccessfully compete with the main intelligence agency on the launch of drones, but to create a powerful and reliable counterintelligence regime in the state, because counterintelligence is the main function of the security service of ukraine. thanks for that. explanation and then something to another topic very related to the use of the effectiveness of the potential of the special services of different countries. you must have seen, you must have carefully read the publication that appeared in the new york times under the title spy wars, how the cia secretly helped ukraine in the war with putin. this one the publication there is based on a conversation there with a number of officials. and the united states and ukraine, the material is quite complex and difficult to understand, but quite interesting. and in your opinion, why did it appear
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just now, does it pose any threat in terms of disclosing the terms of cooperation, in particular the cia and the central intelligence agency, at that time you were the head of this structure, or is this an impetus for some important changes, which now , well... it is necessary to ensure the conditions of those realities that are formed in the relations between ukraine and the united states? mr. sergey , regarding the content of the publication, there are indeed two prize winners, that is, people who approach their journalistic activities more than professionally, and according to their testimony, they conducted more than 200 surveys to prepare the materials for this article, and i understand that the materials were published maybe six months, and maybe the other way around... it took more than a year to conduct so many interviews, to collect this material, and it is clear that he already, that is, let's say, was ready, but in terms of time, why now...
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was directly published by the world's leading newspaper, this is not even a secret, because according to a senior official of the united states, this material was agreed at the level of the intelligence leadership of the cia, the united states, and it was also previously agreed with the office of president biden, and it was determined that it would be on sunday, the eve of this important week, when the next attempt in the congress would take place. of the united states to achieve there the support of ukraine and the provision of financing, and that's why this publication was published , why, because congressmen need to know that ukraine is not only, you know, a recipient of military aid from the united states, but also a contributor to the national security of the united states, and the materials that i have there , when he headed the main intelligence department, were transferred, they were estimated to be spectrum. allowed
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the american taxpayers to save thousands of dollars there, even their national security, and these things cannot be ignored, but if you go back to that, you know, sad year 94, when ukraine gave up nuclear weapons, and the states were the only country that benefited from this refusal and the so-called budapest memorandum was signed, that is, you know, i would say today as follows that i will never repay late... debts and this one today such things, they actually, well, have a common interest, and the interaction that has been arranged today between the intelligence services of ukraine and the united states is not only a matter of, you know, national interests, although the interests of each special services for protection, well there own national things, but also a high level of mutual trust and essentially strategic prospects, if they say that the example of...
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nato definitely needs to gain trust along the lines of separation of special services, joint operations, then i i want to say that we have these criteria, we passed them a long time ago and passed these exams, exactly as on, let's say, a confirmed level of partnership and compliance today with the criteria of western special services or special services of democratic countries. mr. valery, and there is a mention that probably needs an explanation, because... in fact , i think, some of the viewers and readers, at least diagonally, got acquainted with the material, and there is a statement that there are 12 secret cia bases operating on the territory of ukraine along the border with by the russian federation, what exactly is meant by this interpretation of the cia base, probably it is either a translation problem or some nuances that only you, mr. sergey, can know, i want to explain
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to our our tv viewers that ... in this case, i was definitely wrong used the term, it was never about any cia bases on the territory of ukraine, but starting from the 15th year, and there the main intelligence department under my leadership , realizing that we currently do not lack sufficient forces and means to track possible, let's say, preparations russia, and this has already taken place in crimea, according to our state's rise, surveillance. their further preparation for a possible large-scale aggression, and it was for this purpose that the decommissioning centers of the main intelligence department were created along the border ministry of defense of ukraine. and in the future, when the level of trust was already high enough between our departments, american and ukrainian, that is, at that time, the officers who served there, they also had the opportunity to undergo additional training in
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various places under threat. programs of our european partners, and from the united states, and to implement joint measures in the interests of our countries on the territory of russia, that is, it was never discussed that russian and american cia bases were created on the territory of ukraine, this was discussed, is still being discussed it is always the same as it was only about intelligence centers, that is, the capabilities of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. well, this is an extremely important explanation, i think that ... all the viewers heard and understood, and i would like you to comment on one more detail, which is actually, well, the visit of the director of the cia to ukraine, there were reports that he took place there last thursday, how important are such visits, why does a person personally come there, well, to ukraine, does this mean that some extremely important events are taking place now
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things that are somehow similar to... home, when the russian federation, well, where...


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