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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EET

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i can give an example from the time when i belonged to the leadership of the special service of kazakhstan. in kazakhstan, we had such a leader of the rudy almaz criminal group. nesybai nasenov. he had a conflict not only with the law enforcement agencies of kazakhstan. we then sent a special agent under deep cover to find a way to extradite him and thereby save his life. the employee, viktor avyarshin, whose last name can already be revealed, was next to the red diamond, but the conditions of the country. and
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the red diamond's personal safety conditions, which he neglected, these are beaches, walks, calling women to you for entertainment, all this was easily exposed by the sonnev group, and he was shot, as well as kuzminova, there are many such cases when people neglect personal safety, you have such cases on the territory of ukraine russia it is generally frequent and thick. some cases, such as the attempted assassination of the violinists in great britain, there skripal and the british special services provided a sufficiently large amount of personal security for skripal, but the summons of his daughter there, the arrival of his daughter, of course, revealed his whereabouts. and for an attempt on the life of a former employee of the special services of the russian federation was made with novach's help.
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therefore, the russian special services in spain and numerous sources quickly identified the criminal structures there that carried out this attempt and ultimately the murder of kuzminov. this is all connected and shows that people who have a threat to their personal safety should take at least elementary measures to ensure their personal life. dear mr. general musayev, i wanted to ask you how it might look, well, relatively speaking, it is? a certain, so to speak, special service x, which is trying to carry out something bloody and terrifying on the territory of another state, well, for example, there we take ukraine, the same one, and we understand that the enemy can use not only its personnel, but can use certain so-called dormant networks or dormant structures, yes, and accordingly, in your opinion, what directions should be worked out in order not to doz... use this instrument
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of murder. as for the sleeping agents, it is rather from a series of american and russian films. call it a cross-cutting method carrying out reconnaissance and subversive activities is probably not worth it. sleeping agents are used very rarely. it was very dangerous for ukraine in the period before the hot phase. such a number of sleeper agents was prepared within the scope of the future aggression against ukraine. and a very large number of them are found, especially at the first stage. special services of ukraine, sbu and gur. they worked very efficiently in the first stage. but what happens next is more complicated: what appears is not a sleeping agency, but hidden persons who support russia in its aggression against it.
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therefore, special attention should now be paid to the strengthening within the martial law of all processes related to the detection and prevention of threats that are part of the fifth column, it is better to call it that than the sleeping agency. dear mr. general musaev, well, the use of criminality, which is known to be international, for implementation. certain orders from the special services, so i know that there were, for example, at least two attempts on you, how this case looked, this is practically the main rule when an unofficial full-time an employee commits an assassination attempt, an assassination attempt is carried out under the leadership of special services personnel, in my case there were two assassination attempts, one armed. which was organized by the special services
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of the russian federation, in particular the fsb, at the request of the leadership of kazakhstan, specifically nazarbayev. at his request, the special services of russia. among those people was an fsb employee. they tried to carry out an armed attack, injured my wife, she tried to eliminate the opponent of the kazakh regime in my person. if you refer to this example, you can say that in this case i used all the necessary ones usual means of personal safety. that is, i predicted this attack, it was clear, i maintained contact with my connections, who informed me about the preparation of this attempt. not being able to apply the bunker method, i limited all possible connections.
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my only mistake was that i allowed such an attack to happen, but given that i was prepared for such an attack, i acted in advance and physically resisted the people, which... this helped to save me, unfortunately, my wife was injured. to perform this operation criminal persons were involved in the final phase. i can't tell the structure. from croatia, five people who carried out the last phase of the attack from two sides on our car. after i physically resisted, the austrian special services a day later. literally all these persons were identified, they were arrested and through diplomatic channels, austria protested to kazakhstan, specifically kazakhstan, because the order was from there, and the austrian president
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refused a planned state visit to kazakhstan in connection with this attempt. it was a powerful diplomatic blow that had an impact on the future. the actions of the kazakh authorities regarding me and my partner, grahat aliyev. they stopped these acts of assassination for a long time. regarding russia, of course, no diplomatic actions are effective today. there is a completely frozen government. they will act against ukrainian citizens on the territory of ukraine, on the territory of europe, and where they consider it effective to kill ukrainian citizens. in order to demoralize the country and strengthen its political positions there, but someone has to give the order, as far as i am concerned i understand, in writing and in this way to license this attempt, we understand that after the start of the war
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, certain rotations took place in the russian special services, perhaps a reorganization, so to speak, of the internal structure, in my opinion, of all measures of such... aggressive, intelligence-subversive activities of the russian special services has been used as much as possible today. in all areas , those structures that were active earlier are involved. and experience gained in previous events is taken into account. all these things were reformatted into a certain rigid scheme of execution reconnaissance and subversive actions. all of this in a complex is connected precisely with... the tasks that the russian federation currently performs in relation to ukraine: the use of the fifth column. a special unit has been allocated for it, which analyzes and works in this regard on a daily basis. new divisions within the gru and fsb, and even more so
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within the svr, are not being created on this issue. those structures that were created the day before are maximally involved. the only thing i noticed is that quite a large number of employees of the special services seek to move to other areas of work because of fears about working in ukraine. service on the ukrainian line is associated with personal security, a threat. we know this from the situation in the kazakh special services in the central asian ones , many people move there practically openly and with great
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pleasure work for the fifth columns that are in central asia, for the citizens of the central asian states, in particular in kazakhstan. and this line is the most. attractive to them. financial support is the same, but in ukraine death awaits them, to put it bluntly. that is why there are such changes, and the strengthening of the work of the special services. especially the svr, regarding western europe and the united states. as for the usa, in connection with high hopes for the arrival of trump, putin's great friend, work on the svr line has been intensified. there is no relaxation in ukraine, despite the expansion of the activities of the special services. therefore, it is necessary as the most severe countermeasures against the intelligence-subversive terrorist activities of the special services of russia against. after navalny's death, the diagnosis of blood clot was written in the zone even
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before the autopsy and so on, we understand that all these diagnoses are bogus, but in any case we also understand that the son died mysteriously urine, and a blood clot was also diagnosed. i will focus only on one thing that i am well aware of: how the control process works. an interdepartmental commission is created. navalny's level is putin's number one adversary. the commission includes many departments and structures. first of all, the ministry of internal affairs, the fsb, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of health and many others. imagine if such a commission works. the goal is not clearly set for her. the commission understands this very well, the goal is to destroy the political prisoner and make it look
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like a normal natural death with by all signs and evidence. and the commission is working on this goal. the commission is headed by the deputy head of the federal penitentiary service. as we imagine, it is not the most important structure in the hierarchy of the russian federation. the most important thing there is a clerk, full-time. an employee of the presidential administration, also a member of this commission, clearly, the fsb is present there. investigative committees of the ministry of internal affairs are much higher in status, but they are all members of the commission, and they are headed by sin. and in this person's place, it is very difficult to develop direct indications of hope. they sit for a long time, sit every month, use measures to limit contacts with the outside world'. and
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to ensure what i said at the beginning, a natural death. all these actions were visible in the process. at first, they tried to cause natural death due to hunger, restrictions on the distribution of food. in the end, when navalny took on the guise of a buchenwald prisoner at the end of last year, this method was rejected. because the release of the body in the form of a skeleton will immediately show that he was starved to death. this method was abandoned and they began to feed him a little, and he became more or less reclusive. the change in his political views is practical did not give anything, as is known, so the main goal remained murder. they tried to implement it in various ways, but for a long time nothing came of it. and it didn't work out, in the end, he was killed, all the same
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, he was hanged, or he was tripled as a novice, or a blood clot was artificially created with the help of drugs, it is not so important, the murder was carried out, and at the same time this bureaucratic commission, the system did not achieve its goal, which she has outlined for herself, they perfectly understand that the main interest is putin, and they must fulfill his tasks. like them performed, we all know today that this is a clear murder, and despite the fact that the head of the commission received an award from putin in a brazen way to show that no, we know how to work, we did everything competently and putin highly appreciated our work, all this is not does not matter, the very fact of the murder is clearly visible, and it will be used both by western countries and in order to... put pressure on the russian federation, and inside the country it manifests itself as a factor that
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destabilizes public opinion. dear mr. general, i would like to ask you about the vision of the further actions of the russian federation, in particular it is about preparation, possibly for new strategic activities against ukraine. finally, biden openly said that putin is mentally ill, and in connection with his insanity and the presence of a nuclear button. and the behavior of the west and the united states is appropriate. the changes that are possible or not possible after the elections, in my opinion, depend on many things. he does not have such an opportunity, if everything was fine with him, he would find a way to freeze the conflict, how to get out of the conflict with the least political and economic losses, but in
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due to his schizophrenia, he is unable to do so. primarily from ukraine and western countries, from their actions in the future. russia, of course, has some great military potential. the military-industrial complex works at its maximum. a great deal of money and opportunity has been expended to wage this insane war of aggression. and they have the ability to wage this crazy aggressive war for a certain period. how do such actions usually occur? when the negotiator persuades this madman with a gun, he resorts to certain psychological influences. all activity
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measures against russia and against putin, associated with a gradual increase in pressure. without causing any sudden movements of a crazy person, it is a gradual transition of red lines, the west gradually pushes them away. and in the event that trump is even elected in the usa, the actions of the west will move within the framework of the gradual strengthening of ukraine's ability to oppose the crazy, aggressive war against its homeland. ukraine has been performing a feat for two years. the whole world is amazed, although we forget that the first effect of ukraine's victories is somehow smeared today on waves of some successes of the russian army in avdiivka. the same kuzminov, the same mass-faced one, goes to the treasure chest of threats that come from the side of the russian federation. therefore, the decline in mood
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that is happening in the world and primarily in ukraine is, of course, temporary. certain changes are not far off. look, the wave has been going on for two years, then one side wins, then the other. today, i agree, the armed forces of both sides have faced a stalemate. i really don't like the term war of attrition. this term is a favorite in the russian federation. as he said at one time, a stalwart is a dead end. yes, dead end. and answers the situation today. and this wave-like movement, gradually not that of pacification, but a gradual influence on the crazy leader of the russian federation, today it is crazy in waves, and tomorrow there will be a certain movement and violation of red lines. the issue is being resolved gradually, slowly, with aviation, with the strengthening of long-range missiles in ukraine, if
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we stop at russia, as you asked, yes, there is a huge potential there. according to the estimates of many military experts and economists, they will have enough finances and activities of the military industry for another one and a half to two years. yes, these two, one and a half or two years must be survived and survived first of all by ukraine itself. many objective estimates show that the greater volume depends on ukraine itself. faster training of pilots and other specialists, strengthening of unmanned aviation, which have shown themselves well and many other things. and such successes, similar to the liberation of kharkiv region, kherson, the territory of the black sea, will definitely happen in ukraine. everyone accuses me of being too optimistic, saying things like that, but i'm just seeing concrete facts. recently, in one tv appearance, it seems, in gordon
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said: "i bought shares of the military-industrial complex of the west." i personally purchased no... i am now winning large sums because stocks are rising, this is strong financial evidence of the strengthening of the military-industrial potential of the countries of the west, and this is an overwhelming indicator that the prospect of winning this war, not to mention that is victory, simple. if today we are upset by some small successes of the russian armed forces. then this situation will change in the near future, i am sure. thank you very much, dear sir general musayev, for this extremely interesting and
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informative conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that general alnur musayev, former head of kazakhstan's special services, former adviser to the president of kazakhstan on national security issues, was currently working on espresso. well, the time of our program is over, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will see you. to inform about all the most important events of this day, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air, when i start to remember, well, it's more like this feeling. pavlo remembers the terrible thing with pain
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russian invasion of the native city. before the start of the great war, pavlo and his wife svitlana had a happy life. he taught physical education at school and was a martial arts coach. the wife had her own business. on february 24, 2022, a new life countdown began. paul says. those whom he considered his friends turned out to be traitors and marauders, they so actively traded in this loot, and with such joy, i wonder where it came from, this joy, did you not see that in our country we follow the european way, along the civilized path of development, traitors, these are traitors, these are denerchiks, these are the former donetsk region who took up arms . they were already going to kill us, and then they already pulled up the regular troops, they already pulled up the equipment, they pulled up not just modern equipment, they started as a mockery to get
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there, that's where they will get from the hut says , they will get there, what was the need, god knows, they were constantly searching the city shells, russians dropped bombs from airplanes, cannons and howitzers were not silenced, pavlo remembers the day when he and his wife miraculously stayed alive, and the pillar. fell on my house and broke the roof, all the windows were blown out, the doors inside were blown out, i was wearing a sports cap, i was outside at that time, well, i didn’t see it, i looked at what my cap was doing on the tree, then i began to analyze, this is my cap, i was determined to find out how i stayed alive, it was a millimeter, 2 mm, the woman at that time was uga. thus , the makukh family lived in the besieged mariupol for three months, because they could not leave svetlana's bedridden old mother. all who remained in the city
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had to pass a mandatory check, the so-called filtering. the couple helped the local and ukrainian military. pavlo was also on duty at his school. one day, svitlana, together with other people, was performing in a drama theater, which was soon destroyed by the russians. and the children already thought that she stayed there, and the woman came to the theater, thought, thought, i will stay alone with the mother-in-law, it is hard for me there, she leaves this drama theater, which is 13-15 kilometers away, goes under bombings, returns home, at the end may was already standing on the streets corpse stench, pavlo from friends. they were afraid that the city would be closed due to the risk of cholera spreading. however, the couple managed to leave mariupol on may 31, 2022. two days before leaving
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, svitlana's old mother died, and pavlo decided to bury her in his yard. i dug it myself and not very deep, i dug it in the hope that in september, i had some information that we would liberate mariupol in september. well, that year. and i buried myself in it out of boredom. and when in... they live in germany, for the first time during this time they
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met with... with relatives already here, in ukraine. svitlana and pavla's son and grandson left mariupol in march. 12-year-old maksym lives with his mother in drohobych, lviv region. his father went to serve in the army. the boy remembers those humiliations and the long journey outside the control territory of ukraine. there was a large column, all seats were occupied. we drove standing all night, and then, well, at night we arrived at the russian. checkpoint, there was a gas station there, and at that time we were told that we would not go any further, and we stood there in the pit for two days, the next morning they brought us water from sewage, which was not drinkable , then we, well, on the whole bus, they threw a loaf of bread so that we could just eat, on the day when that water was brought to us, a vehicle just drove in front of us, this is
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russian military, we are saw and we were not allowed to pass equipment. difficult circumstances and the war separated them because of this, that they simply drove the makukh family. each of them dreams of one thing, when they reunite and return to their native, ukrainian mariupol. i dream of restoring my home. this is my dream. and i perfectly understand that he is returning there will be replaced, the border is 40 km from russia.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about war, now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets will talk with us and what the world is going through now, about what happened in the world , yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrecher will speak in more detail, please give me the floor. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information.


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