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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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therefore, if you are in europe and want to report information about a missing child , or god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, do not delay and call the single european missing children line 11630 from your mobile phone. you will receive professional help , support and step-by-step instructions on how to act in such a situation.
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greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. we start the information day with news. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. three people were injured in donetsk region due to an enemy attack. the russians dropped an aerial bomb on the village of shcherbynivka bakhmut district and hit a private house, destroying it completely, the regional prosecutor's office reported. injured residents of neighboring buildings were hospitalized with a brain injury and a heart attack. a 33-year-old woman, two men, 65 and 76 years old, were also injured. at least 10 houses and farm buildings were damaged in the village. they plan to forcibly evacuate children from 18 villages in the kharkiv region. we are talking about the communities of velikoburlutsk and vilkhivka, which are shelled daily by the russians. currently there are more than one and a half hundred minors the issue of forced evacuation
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of families with children will be considered by the authorities of the kharkiv region in the near future. almost 20 volunteer organizations are expected to be involved in this. since the beginning of this year, we have evacuated several thousand people from that direction. well, our plans are to evacuate even more than a thousand people, if we take it by force. earthquake in poltava oblast, its magnitude is 3.6 points on the richter scale. earthquakes occurred at a depth of 10 m. they were recorded around two in the morning. the epicenter was shytyliv district. reported in the main center of special control of the national system of seismic observations. earthquakes of approximately the same strength were registered on the territory of the poltava region before, most recently in january of last year.
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a high-rise building was on fire in the dysnian district of kyiv, the state emergency service said. the common corridor on the 14th floor was occupied. rescuers evacuated five residents. previously , no one was injured. 100 million. this is exactly the amount allocated by the european union for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in ukraine since the beginning of the great war. in general, there are already thousands of companies received support, - said the head of cooperation programs of the eu representation in ukraine, stefan shlioning. small and medium-sized enterprises received grants for the purchase of equipment and necessary materials, relocation, and other needs. entrepreneurs also receive , within the framework of eu projects, consultations, support for entering european markets, search for partnerships, new eu grant programs that have already been launched and are still being prepared. i foresee even more
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significant grant support for small and medium-sized businesses. to become part of the european union, ukraine needs a strong economy, and small and medium-sized enterprises are vital to a strong economy. as we can see, throughout europe, they are engines of economic growth, therefore, through assistance to small and medium-sized businesses, we contribute to economic growth, the stability of the country, we support ukraine on it. on the way to the european union. can reach moscow. the chancellor of germany, olaf scholz, said that germany is not ready to provide long-range taurus missiles to ukraine, so that the armed forces do not target the russian capital with them. the local media write about it. he was also indignant criticism of himself in this matter. because he believes that germany supplies ukraine with more weapons than other european countries. as scholz noted, if the us congress
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does not allocate new funding to help kyiv, some allies will have to make more efforts. and france will not provide ukraine with mirage fighters, because it itself has few of them. in addition, the maintenance of aircraft is very difficult, - said the minister of the armed forces of france, sebastien lecornu. instead, the french side is ready to take over the general training of the ukrainians pilots, as well as focus on providing the armed forces with aerial bombs. we are talking about bombs of the air-to-earth class, their adaptation to soviet-type su-24 and mig2 aircraft. 29 was financed by the french government. every month , france will supply ukrainian defenders with fifty such aerial bombs. the us has warned russia about the consequences of using nuclear weapons. the state department of the united states
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called putin's threats irresponsible. as noted by state depot spokesman matthew miller. such rhetoric of the kremlin dictator is not the first time. until. a sign that the country is an aggressor is not preparing to use nuclear weapons, but the us is closely monitoring the situation. the day before, during his address to the federal assembly of the russian federation, vladimir putin boasted about missiles capable of carrying a nuclear charge. he threatened to demonstrate sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles, which are allegedly capable of flying 18,00 km. the espresso tv channel from... invites you to join the collection of fpv drones for a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special transport service. these courageous warriors are active are conducting combat operations in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to vpevidrons, our defenders have already destroyed
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a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor. so we have a goal: to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. remember, each of your donations is important. therefore, join, you can see all the details on the screen. the lviv regional territorial and electoral commission has finally started work. she approved two more deputies of the regional council. we are talking about oryslava khomiki from european solidarity and yuri buchka from servant of the people. representative the pro-ruling party was approved from the first time, but they could not vote for khomyk for three sessions. for more than two years, the lviv regional tec has been carrying out its work, but as of today, there are no suspended mandates in the lviv regional council, only in the future, if there are appropriate grounds for the deprivation or loss of the mandate
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of certain deputies, the lviv regional tec may have to meet again. such work of the commission, which was shown today, and such a turnout of the members of the commission, it should not be in... with an exception and some kind of miracle, it should be such a good tradition and, in principle, the usual work of the commission, which should look like this. ukraine proposes to introduce an international mission to help civilian hostages within the framework of the osce. the initiative will help investigate crimes, establish specific facts and the true scale of deprivation of liberty of civilians. this was reported by the coordination headquarters for the treatment of military personnel. prisoners, according to the verkhovna rada commissioner for human rights dmytro lubinets , at least 28,000 civilians are known hostages their exchange does not involve international humanitarian law, so ukraine is looking for other ways to return its citizens. latvia is considering replacing
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the border with belarus and russia, all because of the increase in numbers. saboteurs trying to enter the territory of the country, the state border guard reported, citizens of russia or belarus are increasingly being detained at the state border, who by all indications are military, although they stubbornly deny it. latvia also recorded attempts to disable it systems on the eastern border. and lithuania suggests that the european union adopt a law on the refusal of russian gas, as reuters writes, and the idea is to give national governments a firmer legal basis for reducing russian imports. the law obliges eu members to completely stop buying blue fuel from gazprom within several years. let me remind you that after the russian invasion of ukraine, the european commission
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suggested that europe end its dependence on russian resources by 2027. but some countries still avoid these recommendations. from countries such as austria and hungary are still heavily dependent on it. this is the end of the episode, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, further in the ether, welcome my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaiko, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. good morning. espresso viewers congratulate you on the first day of spring, we remember that on
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october 31, the russian-fascist occupiers said: "ukraine will freeze even without our missiles." here is the answer to them. here is the answer to them. and besides such an answer from our defenders, by nature, we have to give another answer, i am now talking about our team, about the fact that we continue to be united and continue to work together for victory. for this, we need something small or big from you, who can donate, we are currently collecting 50 combat drones for the soldiers of the 81st separate air mobile brigade, and what we need from you, please donate, here is the qr code, here is the card number, in total 800 00 hryvnias need to collect, at this moment 209, 914 uah are already there, yesterday for our morning ether with roman, you 108 were donated, perhaps. fantastic amount, let's try
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to beat it this morning. we, the fighters of the airborne assault troops of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine, are making a request to you. we are in the luhansk direction, we need fivi drones, due to the fact that borog has started to carry out very active combat operations. papaye infantry, artillery, as well as heavy armored vehicles, we will be very grateful to you for your concern and understanding, we need as many drones as possible, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, so help our defenders, the morning must always start with good news, necessarily, here in yakutia. a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, vitya savinov , came home, broke the head of a sobotiler
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with a crowbar, later destroyed, that is, killed the winner of the best teacher of russia competition, in a word, good news in the morning, as in the south, now we will learn about our first guest, the deputy head of berdyanska of the district council viktor dodukalov, mr. viktor, good morning, thank you for being with us, glory to ukraine, congratulations, congratulations to the heroes, glory, congratulations. mr. victor, how now we live in berdyansk, the coast of the sea, something regularly falls over the sea, and we already know that on the other side, on the other side , there is something else that can take off and fall, i am talking about the fact that they recorded another a50, which yesterday i was in taganrog, how does berdyansk live, how do berdyansk ukrainians live in such conditions, they have a lot of work to do. robots yes, no, well , you know, our, our people constantly report
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on what is happening there, both in the deployment of enemy troops and in the activity of aviation, including over the sea, well accordingly, such activity can be reported by people only at their own discretion, i think that it is unlikely to effectively help our military shoot down those planes, but more or less there is a general trend ... a general understanding, and i myself, when i was in the occupation , i remember when shelling began , brutal shelling from mariupol aviation, the whole sky in our country was painted with those traces of airplanes, and today over the sea of ​​azov, they also appear, there are, well, accordingly there were launches, or rather earlier over sea of ​​azov missiles in the direction of ukraine, then we started to shoot them down, and today, in reality, that aviation has significantly decreased. and attacks themselves destroyed the helicopters at the airfield and are afraid to fly up with airplanes and so on, but returning to
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civilian life in civilians , the so-called elections are on the agenda today, how to hide from them the president, the dictator putin is elected again, on the agenda is the total flourishing drug trade and the continuation of this decline and the catastrophe that the occupiers have led to during two years of occupation, unfortunately, the city has really been occupied for two years. well it's just life there, it's just a slipper, ugh, actually about yesterday, there were such crazy stories in the russian so-called. there were federations, there the stand-up was so boring and very long, for 10 trillion rubles the candidate for the putins, comrade putin, gave out some kind of promises, and there it was mandatory that public servants were driven into cinemas, and where they were driven, they made some kind of picture, but they themselves the russians write that in those cinemas where they forgot to drive the budget workers, the halls are empty,
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although the entrance was free, but it was so mandatory program in russia, in the temporarily... occupied territories, in particular in berdyansk, people were driven to listen to putin's stand-up, well, as far as i know, it was at most very local, and there were no such mass events, because they are afraid, and they reported that they also cannot hold elections in a standard format due to security measures, strangely enough, that is, they are all armed there, they have air defense, they have a lot of military equipment, a lot of orcs, and they still worry about some kind of security, therefore, there are a lot of measures, they are just like that they don’t conduct, here are all the polling stations regarding pre-election meetings, they officially opened the lock on the door there, well , what kind of pictures or movies could be in question there, they are really afraid, firstly, secondly, they understand that
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no one will come there, no one will go to our territories, well , subordinates will go there, yes, well, let's be honest, subordinates will go, but at will... no one will go, because people want to distance themselves from it as much as possible, hide and not at all not to have any contact with these tricolors, with those elections, with those dictators in general with the russians, because people there want pre-occupation, want to return to ukraine, full stop, that is, the occupiers want to paint a picture as if it is not local people who do not go to the elections, but they, worrying about their lives, health and security, they just restrict, and then they will just draw numbers, and here are all the members of the election? whose precincts, observers and everything else, these are local, local collaborators, local under duress, or brought out, and mainly in the occupiers, well, i immediately determine the trend, there is an incredible problem with by locals, the occupiers were counting on a different relationship, on a different attitude, therefore, by locals
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, they cannot close these relevant vacancies all at the elections, which are at one time at the previous ones. at local so-called elections , the occupiers promised even up to 100,000 rubles for literally 3-4 days of work, that is, about 40,000 uah plus or minus by our standards, but nevertheless they did not recruit people, today they are importing, well, already they actually brought the so-called vah workers on watch for the elections and not only because the locals did not go, there local, which are standard for all elections, for all elections. they drum, what flag is there, what party and who they work for, for whom, but today even these are not enough, so they bring in russians in shifts, and i note this incredibly important point, that there is no such trust in the locals, because the occupiers they understand that the locals will not help as faithfully, they will not be as faithful as the russians,
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and the occupiers understand that they need to plant this way only with their own people, with their own participation, because of this they continue and... to try to squeeze the local population because it is ukrainian and it did not accept that occupation, this is what is happening , unfortunately, but the locals today are really in the minority, the occupiers press, press and press them. mr. viktor, so what is happening in these beautiful resort places around berdyansk, i mean from kyrylivka to azov yalta, primorsk, i and kyrylivka, they continue to sit there, or after those... even last year’s cotton is somehow different it looks like, well, the trend was about theirs restrictions on the use of such audacious use of the infrastructure of the resort, but as of today there is less contingent there , i can’t say that it directly decreased, they sit, sit, sit, broke off, went somewhere
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, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, new ones will enter, and the resort sphere, i repeat, they not so defiantly, they don’t use it, but they can’t exist without it, so really the entire coast is covered with personnel, covered already today, look, helicopters used to stand on the airfield from berdyansk just of heaven, all together 30, almost 30 units, and today those they still have are simply scattered along the coast, they are hiding them, the same is happening with the personnel, they cannot help but use the coast. but they can't put a four-story hotel there, because they know that sooner or later a british or american missile will visit there. i liked it a lot before, well , the population, in residential development, because of this, they and us, respectively, too, so they try to hide among the local
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actively squeeze housing and turn it into barracks, all accommodations, at least in the villages that they squeeze out of people, but the contingent there, unfortunately, remains incredibly large, but you can see the trend that the officers are closer to the beach and. from genichesk to mariupol, it has already at least disappeared, that is, so that we understand from your words, but there was information from the center of national resistance that in the occupied part of zaporozhye, one way or another , mobile communication is sometimes jammed, sometimes not jammed, sometimes the internet disappears, sometimes there is, they are the ones who are testing something there, or this, how can it be done to explain, well, it can be explained first of all by the fact that they cannot organize it normally at all, that is... the internet, well, i understand that there are problems with highways, not only with the internet in the city or in populated areas, but with transit
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transit networks, trunk networks, they have this constant problem, absolutely, well, almost every day locals report that the internet is down, but hacking into mobile cellular communication is really attempts to hack into messengers, attempts to block messengers. at one time i remember about the fact that whatsapp practically did not work completely, this is definitely a continuation of attempts at total control, 1984 orwell and telekran, but look, their roskomnadzor did it on the territory of russia, and as a result they had a fool there, they even made such funny explanations there , they want to transform the internet into runet, here the option is that... there is a mobile connection, then you can always transfer something somewhere, one way or another, what goes where, where what is concentrated, for example, energy darts are very often there, but we understand,
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because there is an occupied zaporozhye atomic ship nearby, respectively yes, well i'm saying that they try to get into people's conversation, into their communication, into their messenger, messenger, messenger and into their message, respectively, so yes, it's really a constant problem, and more, more than that, they they are trying to keep people... simply in a vacuum, because the internet is a connection with the outside world, it is news, it is to watch an espresso, you know, the internet for people is information, so they try as much as possible to block people's access to the world, and this is their runet on the mainland in russia, we multiply this scenario by two due to the fact that there or they are afraid of arrivals, in addition to blocking, and we understand that they just want to close people in that bubble so that there are no coordinates. in the armed forces of ukraine and also so that these people do not look at what is happening in the world on the bbc or cnn website or somewhere else, and they want to create such an information
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bubble there so that they understand that only russia, only tv will tell you the truth , this is a plus-minus situation. mr. viktor, what is this story about the quadcopters that fly and accompany, not for the safety, as i understand it, of people in the city, about these metal fences, i.e. such designated paths, this road... you can go somewhere there to shorten the path, you cannot, because there is only a path, there are surveillance cameras above it, that we regularly mention orwell, and today it is again in my head, it really looks like this in practice, that all all all streets, but everything is completely under such a cap of observation? no, it doesn't really look like that, but the occupiers announced that they want to close the video surveillance. anything that is active on territory, well, on our territory , on the occupied territory, and well, they are generally on a roll, as to how and where to limit what,
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they can simply take and block the roadway, the sidewalk with a fence, put a fence there near there near the city court, that’s it there was a time, and be kind, do what you want, go around as you want, despite the fact that there was quite active traffic there, imagine any street in kyiv or lviv, where it is just across the street. they make a fence and that's it, goodbye, but let me repeat that their goal is to control everything and everyone on the streets and everywhere , they don’t leave it at that, and the last, the last was, the last was a partisan action, when they rattled two murzanbeks of the naryivs or whatever they are called there, but in fact it seems that for two hundred years more important orcs , then they want... to see it on cameras, so that the partisans and all the opposition knows, knows that it is dangerous to hold any actions there, but i don't understand how they will organize it,
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because they organize the internet '. neither can water supply, but this is the trend is being followed up constantly, the communication with mr. viktor is a little underwhelming, actually we are talking about this, and obviously they are somewhere there, mr. viktor is with us, literally half a word, we have already spent a little time, but i wanted to ask about the railway that is being pulled from russia through russia mariupol to crimea, along the land corridor, to berdyansk. have you reached it or not yet? no , they didn’t make it, and it most likely won’t enter berdyansk, because we have a dead end, the railway branch is a dead end, it will pass along berdyansk tangentially, so to speak, but today it hasn’t been pushed yet, nevertheless, they have recently intensified this construction, well, thank you, mr. viktor, for the information, for being with us at such an early time, the deputy head of the berdyansk district council, viktor dudukalov,
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the tv channel espresso, and i must add people ... that you are simply fantastic, because yes, we do not stop, we continue in the same spirit, 12,500 in these 15 minutes of our conversation, you donated for the 81st separate air mobile brigade, a great result, we need more, we need more, and eh for those who donate, it doesn't matter whether it's 10 00, 1000 or 20 hryvnias, you're in for a little surprise. such an award, thanks from the hosts of espresso, join the collection and see for yourself how it works, now we go further to collect information for you from our guests, but i wanted oksano, you know that tonight there was an earthquake in ukraine, in the poltava region , yes, 10 km from poltava, but as they say in the poltava region, you know, such a clumsy, clumsy farmer, only 3.6 points, so that seismologists recorded, the rest,
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fortunately, had the opportunity to sleep... to sleep after the strikes on myrhorod, well that's fine, we will to talk about how nikopol lives and struggles, but this is because of a short break , you will stay with the press, there are discounts on pulmo priz 20% in pharmacies psyllium, pam and oskad, there are discounts on valeriana bolgarska. 10% in pharmacies plantain pam and savings rose b. rose b. professional hair care at home . rogus b. buy plantain, bam, and save at pharmacies. there are discounts on lactial - 10% in pharmacies plantain for you and savings. there are discounts on parafast - 10% in psyllium pam and oscham pharmacies.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. it ship district, kherson. turn on live. here, we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the day using the telephone survey, turn on and
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on. the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. premium the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change
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the country. but each of us. the country has


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