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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, on the air. club on espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country has
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get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be disgusting. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, 2 hours. of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. we return to the studio, but in...
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tonight, well, something flew through the chicken coop, and we just remind you, maybe they can still hear us there, because they say that they are monitoring, remember, if there are any bepala flying, they are like your iranian-russian shaheds, the first thing to do is immediately run out to the balcony, then you take your mobile phone and shoot it, then the neighbors will not tell, they will not believe that some ukrainian drones were flying somewhere, moreover, they were not flying, they were shot down at... better, three ukrainian drones were shot down by one nizhny novgorod factory, which we can also tell you, you are the best at factories, factories are good, but why do we put so much emphasis on this, because it is not just a factory, it is a factory as well, but it is also geographically located like this, well, it is a good piece behind moscow, so you understand geography, scale and capabilities, yes by the way, your possibilities are also
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incredible, because the donations are flying and flying, here we see, 20 uah, 500 uah, 1000 uah are arriving, huge sums for combat buckets for our defenders, please continue, here is the qr code appears regularly during our broadcast, now we see it on the screen again, constantly scan it, as soon as you have a chance, scan the qr code, there is a card number, maybe our boys and girls are somewhere near beilohorivka. will know what to do with these drones, how to work with them, and then you in the news or in our analytical releases , you will hear about the results in which you will be involved. in the meantime, we are adding to the conversation the acting chairman of the nikopol district council, dmytro bochkov, in contact with us, mr. dmytro, thank you for the second time with our viewers, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, good morning, how is this extreme the day has passed, we know that... they like to shoot
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at nikopol with everything that reaches, like the last days and nights? unfortunately, the enemy continues to attack the nikopol-nikopol district every day, and during the day, both at night and late in the evening, these shellings take place, ah, sometimes there is a pause, of course, but for the most part this airy alarm hangs over nikopol and the nikopol district for a very long time, and... the enemy attacked nikopol very many times yesterday and the nearest settlements around, and one person was injured, unfortunately, during the shelling the day before yesterday, one person died, and therefore we understand in principle that the enemy is terrorizing our region, killing the economy, killing people, and the only way out is to continue to help the armed forces of ukraine in order for the transition to be closer
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and faster, and then we will be free from the shelling in nikopol region and from the terror that is going on in ukraine, and we see that in the dnipro, for example, there are some things that ... after all those shellings, well, something is being repaired, something is being switched over, in dnipro there are even some schedules and areas where the electricity will be temporarily turned off, as in nikopol after all those shellings, electricity and other basic needs are somehow provided, how quickly can it be restored , so basic needs are provided, we are very grateful to the utility workers and critical infrastructure workers who fix all these things very quickly, of course. there are certain pauses, certain interruptions, but i can say that i am very grateful to those who do it very quickly, so i can say that of course we expect the return of centralized water supply in the territory of the nikopol district to all territories, because currently there are territories of the district, where
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there is drinking water, where there is technical water, and where there are those who work on the underpass in order to provide this water, therefore... the end of this state of the main pipeline will be able to meet these needs of centralized water supply of drinking water in the nikopol district. well, of course , daily shelling brings the same consequences that you are now showing in the video, and of course this is such terror, it is constant. mr. dmytro, two questions in one, first, shaheds fly almost every night from the south and from the temporarily occupied crimea, so we understand that they fly over you. somewhere do they fly further up the dnipro to other regions, and secondly, we see, they recorded what is now more often in fact, not nighttime, but daytime shelling happens, but when it comes to the front-line territories and your communities, that it is during the day,
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it means that at night people can sleep, that morale has become a little easier, doesn't this affect people's lives, their mood , on the settings, so you are correct to sweep. that there are more daytime attacks than night attacks, and the enemy uses artillery and drones more per day on the territory, at least in the nikopol area, at night there are a little fewer such attacks, but they sometimes happen and happen late in the evening, this is actually what happens at night, and of the flying of shaheds and drones, well, as a rule, the vast majority of them still fly to nikopol and the nikopol district. and yes, sometimes, of course , they fly through the city, maybe some kind of intermediate missile or drone, but in the vast majority of attacks on the nikopol-nikopol district, they go exactly in the direction in which they attack private houses, industrial facilities, large
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businesses, buildings , this is what terror is doing in nikopol region, which can be seen and heard across the dnipro, where there is the energy gift that we just mentioned, in which, all the time, something... then they jam mobile communications, then they cut down the internet, well, so that there is no communication, which is evident there, well, from what we see somewhere in the telegrams, and from what is monitored by our respective groups, we see that there is a very large propaganda of everything russian, not only the seizure of houses there and the russian military who terrorize from there are settled there today . region and the whole of ukraine, but we see that there is already such total propaganda of colorado ribbons, propaganda of support for the russian soldier, that is, unfortunately, ukrainian children, who are ukrainians, who studied in our educational process,
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unfortunately, well, let's put it this way, are imposing a russian worldview, and unfortunately, this is happening entirely on the territory of the captured territories and in that... and here are your eyes their attempts to jam the connection are reaching, you are all right with the connection, with the communication, because we understand that in reality the energy supply and the currently occupied territory on the other side of the dnipro are not so far away, well, they actually use it very often, they disperse various there panic attacks on the territory of the nikopol district for that this is in addition to the attacks that from these are some kinds of attacks that occur constantly in the territory of the nikopol district, so they try extremely hard to do these actions in order to reduce the possibility of communication, they hit the appropriate directions, therefore, of course, such attacks
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and directions and constantly happens, but people, when it comes to such psychological attacks, do people react to it? because they are already tired, or because there is not enough information, informing and countering these psychological campaigns, what is the reason, why, why for it is difficult for people right now in this period. of course, there is a crisis of fatigue that is happening today, today, i think everyone has it, and we always talk about the fact that we should not be tired, well, try to reset, find some positive emotions, because if we are tired, if we become less effective, then we help the armed forces of ukraine less, we help the people less, because this fatigue, it really torments us a little, we have to fight it, and of course people... when they are psychologically tired, they are very well they perceive some enemies and dogs operating
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on the territory of ukraine and the nikopol district. yes, in many issues, people are already used to it, unfortunately, i can say that people are used to the corresponding shelling, to the corresponding what is happening, to the crisis that exists, it is difficult to get used to this, but some habits already to the fact that, unfortunately, this has already happened on the territory of the district, but when... there is this fatigue, sometimes there are some new stories about the possibility, you know, we have already experienced a lot of all this, about zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, regarding the problem with the water of the kokhovskaya ges, regarding the possible seizure of the territory of the nikopol district, and all this is constantly, constantly, constantly, sometimes it appears periodically, but i can say that the state authorities and local self-government bodies and the armed forces. countries that provide our support on the territory, well, let's say so, of our country, we will, we
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are sure of this, and a lot of people still react correctly and after a certain time calm down and perceive that these threats are only in social networks, i right i understood, in this case, the signal reaches through the dnipro, that is, it is possible to sit in nikopol or marganets, turn on the tv and watch this russian propaganda on television, or is there no such thing on the tv? well, it periodically appears, i can say that they try, let's say, to wedge themselves into the radio network, try to impose a suitable signal, of course, after a certain time it is there, then it all disappears, thanks to the relevant authorities working in ukraine, but they they try to impose and include so that people see that russian propaganda, which they include on general state and their own. in the shore they are planted together with colorado ribbons. mr. dmytro, thank you, have a peaceful day, we wish
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the residents of the nikopol region through dmytro bodkov, acting head of the nikopol region. although on the other side right away, this atomic bomb was captured by the russians. wow, the numbers are growing, the numbers are growing, you have donated almost 20,000 in the morning, we are going to take a break now, you will continue to donate, and then we will come back about midnight, about the kupyan region, we will talk, stay with us. tired of heavy and bulky saws , then the strong saw from rozpakuy tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 uah, also a reliable battery in the set, just call now and order, it is possible. news of free delivery, check with consultants: cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood,
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stronger together. separate consents of drones of the sapsan aviation complexes of the state special service of transport, appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the collection of crown funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine, heroes, an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones , a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some policemen on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. those who like to call themselves good russians write that the drones of the armed forces will try to attack the svirdlov plant in dzerzhynsk, that's right, my god, those are the names, it's all in the nizhny novgorod region of russia, and they say that it's fake. there were three drones, all destroyed, the plant continues to work, it was official address to the armed forces of ukraine , can we repeat, if you can repeat, the residents of dzirzhynsk ask, they also ask from belgorod, say four drones that attacked and attacked their territories this, not this night, but last night, in particular
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damaged the armor of c1, which were there was little shortage. pleasure, but unfortunately, we have other tasks, but again, if we talk about our boys and girls, about our heroic armed forces, then every day they mercilessly destroy the enemy, destroy equipment and give a decent repulse in the kupyan direction, if so regularly to damage these shells, for example, we
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now see one, how calmer it can be in the kupyan region, we understand that every day, there is probably a message. about what they are launching, launching, launching, and specifically in the direction of kharkiv, do you feel that it is getting easier, do they still have enough reserves, reserves, to terrorize the population? unfortunately, it does not get easier, the situation is difficult, very difficult, constant shelling, constant destruction, and if we talk about the nature of these destructions and the nature of the shelling, then it is cabs, yes, managed. the aerial bombs that they launch from airplanes that cause a very large amount of destruction, a very large amount of destruction, and unfortunately, civilians are injured and killed, because basically all that the terrorist country russia can do is fight against civilian infrastructure, against critical infrastructure and destroy our cities, our villages and kill
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our people, ugh, and here are the kabami, well, we were just now showing footage from this extreme strike on kupyansk by a guided aerial bomb, but after this dry fall in them began, when 11 days passed there, 13 dry spells, well, not only dry spells, but there were no more planes, that is, they are trying to fly up like this and pound kupyansk cabs or somehow, at least some window now they made a break for me , unfortunately they didn’t make a break for you . we are waiting for that reinforcement, yes, which is in the east of our country, and we are sure that it will be in the near future, and in our direction we also... we also see the same powerful work in our air defense forces, and this this number of planes, yes this number of killers in fact, it will be with everyone
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during the day it gets less and less, and then, most likely , we will be able to somehow be more or less calm there, but now the situation is difficult, as far as shelling is concerned, well, if we are talking about the rszzo artillery there, that is understandable. they are nearby 7-8 km, the front line from kupensk, they are constant, but as for the kabs, the destructive power of these bombs, yes, half-ton bombs, it is very great, and indeed, seeing the heroic work of our anti-aircraft forces in the east of the country, there is a great the number of downed planes, we are sure that in the near future there will be the kupyan one as well the direction will see the same powerful work, it still remains un... changeable, it's simple, you already mentioned that it is quite close to the front line, kupyansk, kupyansk is a hub, it's just a dream of the russians, but from
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you , from kupyansk to senkivka, it is really how much, because they have already made a cemetery of their equipment there, and senkivka is already such a serious point on this map, 7 km from kupyansk to senkivka, yes, it is a very close distance, but again, if we say there in the last... years, then they could not move almost a single centimeter there advance, our boys and girls have really already made a graveyard of the enemy's equipment and manpower there, their tactics actually do not change, these are meat assaults that they launch their people, whom they do not appreciate at all, there are certain local successes, if we talk about tabaivka there or about the same sinkivka, but these local successes of the enemy are not because... we retreat somewhere there, but because our commanders first of all think about our boys and girls, about our armed forces, and therefore tactical maneuvers, they always are are used, i can still see
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snow in our frame, and how is the weather now without snow or something like winter, how about you, well today is already spring, so yes, thank god, we have passed the second winter, it is very difficult, there is snow no, now all the efforts of our heroes. utility workers will be chained once again to maintaining order on the roads, on sidewalks, in parks, kupyansk, kupyansk community, despite the distance we talked about, despite shelling, destruction, kupyansk, kupyansk community lives, works, and communal services, critical infrastructure, and social sphere, so there is something to do, and there are no panicky moods or any other. no, who is currently in charge, who is currently engaged in defense structures, the construction of fortifications in the kupyan region, it is the military, it is the military
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administration, utility workers are helping, who is doing this, and do you have enough of everything, in particular, equipment? there is enough equipment, thanks to the support of the kharkiv regional military administration, the special support of the head of the regional military administration. hanigubov of international humanitarian organizations, the kupyan community is now provided with almost 100% of the utility equipment that the community needs, because from the moment of deoccupation, when we came to the city, there was a desert there, if we talk about critical infrastructure there, about utility companies, they were actually destroyed , for now this situation is stable, there is work to be done, if we are talking about fortifications, then this is a prerogative. of the armed forces of ukraine, they are engaged in this, and we, the kupyan city military administration and the kharkiv regional military administration, are trying
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to help everyone we can, and we do it in order to be a reliable rear. mr. andriy , but just the day before, we saw this appeal, a video, recorded by snowy, it talked about children, about the mandatory evacuation of children, he mentioned huge numbers in... several settlements were mentioned , and the numbers there are in the hundreds children and adults who are actually on the line of almost shelling, can you tell in more detail how it will be, what will be coming , searching, picking up, planting, taking away, how it will be and where? well, if we are talking about extremes in the interview of the head of the region, he spoke about slightly different communities, but of the kupyan... district, these are the vilkhovatsk and borlutsk territorial communities, where the issue of mandatory evacuation in a forced manner will now be considered, but i want to note that this issue
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is also about kupyang. about me, about the city of kupyansk itself, about the right bank, because on the left bank a mandatory evacuation of children was carried out, on the left bank, if we are talking about kivshars in the kupyansk region , there are no children now, the algorithm has been fully developed, the whole the mechanism has been worked out, starting with a hotline, a call center that people can call, a car will pick them up, bring them to the city of kharkiv, well, there are social workers, volunteers, psychologists, there are places of compact accommodation where we constantly visit, communicate, if we are talking about people from the kupyan community, we provide everyone with the necessary things, so i want to use the moment there to remind our people once again that the most important thing right now is to save life and health, so you have room for 18 villages
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to accommodate them in kharkiv, just one. say please, yes , well, i would like to post a question here, and we understand that just starting today, these payments from the state will be reduced to certain categories of idps, will those people who will be resettled now, maybe this is the first time, because we understand that this there are families with children, if they are children of preschool or primary school age and cannot, for example, go to kindergartens, schools, then the parents somehow have to take care of them, will those categories of people have the opportunity to ... some funds, to receive some kind of social security for the first time, while will they be able to adapt, find work? yes , if we are talking about children, yes, and about their education, then kharkiv region is currently studying online, there is actually no offline education, so if we are talking about payments for children, then they will remain 100%, if we are talking about parents who will be with them, then i
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am sure that there is also the same situation. because they are really internally displaced persons who are there without a stable salary, and until they find a job, there are special services, the employment center, will not help in this, all payments there will definitely be humanitarian aid, including from international funds and organizations, so if we are talking about relocation, temporary relocation, then they will be provided with everything they need and... the fear and uncertainty that they sometimes have when we communicate with them , it is really unfounded, we will really provide, we will really be in constant contact with them, and if we are talking about property, yes, about material values, then the state will definitely compensate them, there is restoration, it works, if we are talking about the kupyan community, this almost 50 million hryvnias have already been paid for damaged property, more than 10 people have already purchased new housing for themselves, 19 are currently searching. therefore, for now
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, it is necessary to leave the territory of the community to safer places in order to protect the life and health of yourself and your loved ones. thank you, mr. andrii, for this conversation. andriy besedi, head of the kupyan city military administration. a word, but in kharkiv , the population, the population has decreased recently, in the last two years, many people left at the beginning of the invasion, some returned, but not all, respectively, places. there is a place for people, but the question is to find some kind of employment, some kind of work and organize your life, now the news time is approaching, khrystyna parobiy will talk about the most important things, and i will remind you that we already have 21,000 in our account for the last half hour, thanks to you have accumulated, let's not stop, about good news, more good news, khrystyna in just one
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minute, congratulations colleagues. thank you, russia was attacked by drones again, they probably hit a strategic object, which i will tell you in the release, as well as about the situation at the front, already don't miss it in a moment. khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. russian terrorists killed a resident of the zaporizhzhia region. a 71-year-old man was killed and a 68-year-old woman was injured as a result of an enemy rocket attack on yulitsa, the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. the enemy shelled the region 200 times per day. 11 towns and villages were hit. 27 reports of destruction of infrastructure were received.


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