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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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for one minute, congratulations, colleagues, thank you , drones attacked russia again, they probably hit a strategic object, which i will tell you in the release, and also do not miss the situation at the front in a moment. news on the air espresso. khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. russian terrorists killed a resident of the zaporizhzhia region. a 71-year-old man was killed and a 68-year-old woman was injured as a result of an enemy rocket attack on yulitsa, the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. the enemy shelled the region 200 times per day. 11 towns and villages were hit. it arrived 27 reports of infrastructure destruction.
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and residential buildings. at night, the occupiers hit nikopol region with heavy artillery. about a dozen shells were fired at the district center and the marganets community. previously, no one was injured, informed the head of the dnipropetrovsk region, serhiy lysak. but the day before , a 72-year-old man was wounded due to enemy shelling in the area. more than 10 private homes and almost a dozen farm buildings were damaged. five country houses, several cars, power lines and a gas pipeline. three people injured in donetsk region due to an enemy attack. the russians dropped an aerial bomb on shcherbynivka of the bakhmud district and hit a private house, destroying it to the ground, the regional prosecutor's office reported. injured residents of neighboring houses with a craniocerebral injury and a heart attack hospitalized a 60-year-old woman,
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two men, 65 and 76 years old, were also injured. at least 10 houses and farm buildings were damaged in the village. they plan to forcibly evacuate children from 18 villages in the kharkiv region. it is about velykuborlutska and vilkhuvachka communities, which are shelled daily by the russians. currently, more than one and a half hundred minors remain there. the issue of forced evacuation of families with children will be considered by the authorities of the kharkiv region in the near future. almost 20 volunteer organizations are expected to be involved in this. something here, something there already. since the beginning of this year, we have evacuated several thousand people from that direction. well , we have plans to evacuate even more than a thousand people, to be exact, in a forced manner. drone attack on russia, possibly without... drones
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hit a strategic military object of the occupiers. at night, russian air defense allegedly intercepted one beplla over the belgorod region and three more over the nizhny nizhnyhorod region, at least that's what the defense chief of the aggressor country claims. on the other hand , at least two powerful explosions were reported in local public places in the city of dzerzhinsk, nizhny novgorod oblast. it is assumed that the drones hit the sverdlov factory, one of the largest manufacturers in russia. ammunition and explosives. russia is allegedly ready to hand over to ukraine the bodies of prisoners of war who died during the fall of il-76 in the belgorod region. at least, this is what the commissioner for human rights of the russian federation tetyana moskelkova said. she assures that she is in contact with ukrainian commissioner dmytro lubinets. moskalkova also stated that russia has all the dna necessary to identify the dead.
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let me remind you that a russian il-76 military transport plane crashed on january 24 in the korochan district of the belgorod region. the aggressors told the ministry of defense of the country that they had shot him down. an earthquake shook poltava oblast, its magnitude was 3.6 on the richter scale. earthquakes occurred at a depth of 10 m. they were recorded around two in the morning. the epicenter became the roshityliv district. reported in the main center of special control of the national system of seismic observations. earthquakes of approximately the same strength were recorded in the territory of poltava region before, most recently, in january of last year. 100 million. this is exactly the amount allocated by the european union for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in ukraine since the beginning of the great war. in general , thousands of companies have already received. support -
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said the head of cooperation programs of the eu representation in ukraine, stefan shloining. small and medium-sized enterprises received grants for the purchase of equipment and necessary materials. relocation, other needs. entrepreneurs also receive consultations, support in entering european markets, search for partnerships within the framework of eu projects. new eu grant programs, which have already been launched and are still being prepared, provide even more significant grant support to small and medium-sized businesses. to become part of the european union, ukraine needs a strong economy, both small and medium enterprises of life. important for a strong economy, as we can see, throughout europe, they are engines of economic growth, therefore , through assistance to small and medium-sized businesses, we contribute to economic growth, stability of the country, we support ukraine on its way to the european union. and operational
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information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine: 83 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest was on novopavlivskyi in... the direction of donetsk region. there, the enemy attacked in the area of ​​krasnohorivka, georgiivka, pobeda and novomykhaivka. tried to break through our defense 30 times. and in the avdiyiv direction, our soldiers repelled 25 enemy attacks in the area of ​​berdychi, orlivka, tonenko, pervomaisky and nevelsky settlements. another 12 on the lymansky and two - on the bakhmutsky directions. ukrainian soldiers continue to inflict losses on the occupiers. our aviation made 10 strikes in 10 districts. concentration of enemy personnel, and rocket launchers and gunners hit three areas of concentration of weapons personnel and of military equipment, three rocket salvo systems , two artillery units, two control points, one ammunition depot and one means of radio-electronic warfare
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of the occupiers. the espresso tv channel invites you to join the collection of fpv drones for a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aircraft complexes of the state special transport service. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to the semi-drones, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor. so we have the goal is to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. remember, each of your donations is important. therefore , join, you can see all the details on the screen. they can reach moscow, german chancellor olaf scholz said that germany is not ready to provide ukraine with long-range tauros missiles so that the armed forces do not target the russian capital with them. the local media write about it. he also resented
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criticism of himself on the issue, as he believes that germany supplies ukraine with more weapons than other european countries. as scholz pointed out, if the us congress will not allocate new finance. to help kyiv, some allies will have to make more efforts. and france will not provide mirage fighters to ukraine, because it has few of them. in addition, the maintenance of aircraft is very difficult, - said the minister of the armed forces of france, sebastien lycorniu. instead, the french side is ready to undertake the general training of ukrainian pilots, as well as to focus on the provision of the air force. bombs, we are talking about bombs of the air-to-earth class, their adaptation to soviet-type su-24 and mig-29 aircraft, financed by the french government. every month , france will supply ukrainian defenders with fifty such aerial bombs. the us has warned russia
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about the consequences of using nuclear weapons. the us state department called putin's threats irresponsible. as noted by the spokesman. state deputy miller, this is not the first time that the kremlin dictator has sounded such rhetoric, while there are no signs that the aggressor country is preparing to use nuclear weapons, but the united states is closely monitoring the situation. the day before, vladimir putin during the address to the federal assembly of the russian federation rained missiles capable of carrying a nuclear charge. he threatened to demonstrate sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles, which are allegedly capable of flying 18,00 km. ukraine proposes to introduce an international mission to help civilian hostages within the framework of the osce. the initiative will help investigate crimes, establish specific facts and the true scale of deprivation of liberty of civilians. this was reported by the coordination
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headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war. according to the commissioner for human rights of the verkhovna rada dmytro lubinets is known to have at least 28,000 civilian hostages. their exchange does not involve international humanitarian law, so ukraine is looking for other ways to return its citizens. latvia thought about it. to replace the border with belarus and russia, all because of the increase in the number of saboteurs trying to enter the country's territory, the state border guard reported. citizens of russia or belarus are increasingly being detained at the state border, who by all indications are military personnel, although they stubbornly deny it. latvia also recorded attempts to disable it it systems on the eastern border. see you at 10 o'clock. read on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences, and
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my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika will continue, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. we are coming back, thank you for watching espresso and reminding us about our collection, because something so... it started to go a little slower, we started, we just got used to it with roman that the donations just fly and fly, so you update and see the new amount, in a minute updating, the amount is several thousand more, now there is no such thing, so please be active , we understand that friday is a difficult day, the end of the working week, but this is no reason to stop in protecting our homeland and helping our defenders, qr code, card number in front of you, here are such combat fpv drones, you need to buy 50 of them, together they will cost 800 uah, at the moment 230 uah are in
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the account, and we see that it is not enough to accumulate the entire required amount still far we are soldiers of the amphibious assault troops of ukraine, armed forces of ukraine. we are asking you. we are located in luhansk. direction, we need drones , due to the fact that borog has begun to carry out very active combat operations, infantry, artillery, as well as heavy armored vehicles are advancing, we will be very grateful to you for your concern and understanding, we need as many drones as possible, glory to ukraine, glory to heroes. well, let's continue to report, and in the meantime we will say hello to our next guest, our colleague and
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members of the medzhaliso of the crimean tatar people, ayana yuksel, by the way, candidate of philological sciences and associate professor, congratulations, alicomsil, good morning, good morning, ms. goyano, yesterday's story touched me a lot, maybe it happened earlier, but i learned about it yesterday about the searches. in the crimea, the old crimea , the village of zhuravky came to the activists, to the imam, to people who are important for the life of the community, they came to the mosque, they are renewing some such, stricter measures , some filtering, maybe even measures, they are afraid of something, or it went on all the time, it's just that now this information has been disseminated, but not before spread, because it is for me... there was a time when the armed forces began to work more actively in crimea and a time when the occupiers entered crimea?
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indeed, you know, there was always pressure, searches, and repressions against the crimean tatars, 10 years of occupation, unfortunately, we had such a sad date, and during this entire period, all kinds of measures were used against the crimean tatars. pressure, repression, intimidation, but you really say that recently such measures have intensified, i have a personal impression that this is such a conditional, conditional third wave, because before that there were the first waves, then the second, criminal cases were formed on the basis of searches and detentions, now almost 180 crimean tatars are in pretrial detention centers and in... in prisons, and now the pressure is increasing again.
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the mother of the kyrym community came to lenur yakubov. before that , imil kurbedinov, a crimean tatar lawyer, was detained. even later, they came to the media activist lyutvie zodieva. members of the kurulta and mijlis system are subject to pressure, for example, they came to ilver ametov with the police. but what is important? these are only those facts that fall into information field. we have a lot of information, well, let's say internal, when they come home again, search, apply pressure. and they say that a person should not spread this information, there are also such cases, so all this is happening against the background of, well, first of all, a full-scale invasion and strengthening of russian legislation, the so-called russian legislation in crimea, because it is illegal, illegal, but also within
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the framework of the fight against the so-called propaganda and discrediting of the russian army by the russian authorities, and secondly, against the background of ukraine's active actions on in relation to the temporarily occupied crimea , including. therefore, unfortunately, unfortunately, these are the facts we state, and it really, really increases the pressure. mrs. goyanova, right after our broadcast ends, we finish raising funds for our soldiers, i will cross the road and go to kiremly to eat yantiks with the rams. ot. so that we know that, unfortunately, a large number of crimean tatars were forced to leave the peninsula, we see that there are certain studies both about displaced persons and about those who left ukraine, at least we understand how many of them are ready to return back to the small homeland, but in this case
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, do you have any statistics, any, any attitudes, how many kremlins, which ones? left for the mainland, will they be ready to return to the crimea? well, you know, the numbers are very complicated, because, i wouldn't say that any thorough studies of statistical data were conducted, we have, again, general such indicators, regarding the situation that is happening in crimea. before the full-scale invasion, we talked about the fact that approximately 30,000 crimean tatars had left the territory of crimea, now the number of 50 thousand has been announced. crimean tatars, the departure increased against the background of the so-called illegal, again, mobilization, which was announced in the crimea in the 22nd year, in the fall, and the crimean tatars who do not agree, who do not want to participate in illegal actions in the war against ukraine, unfortunately, they are forced to go abroad. now
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a new crimean-tatar diaspora is forming in other countries where... we knew that the crimean-tatar diaspora lives in 15 countries of the world, now we are talking about 22 countries, a new diaspora is forming in such countries, such as, for example, ireland, canada, germany. according to approximate estimates, there are about 4,000 crimean tatars living in ireland, and the vast majority of them are representatives of, let's say, such religious associations, people who pay more attention. on the question of religion, how many are ready to return from the moods that we feel, again, these are general, general indicators, or, let's say, emotions, most of them are ready to come to crimea after its deoccupation, and but what it is important here
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crimean tatars, they are not only leaving, crimean tatars are actively represented in the ranks of the armed forces. they fight, engage in volunteer activities, that is, they do not just leave, but also take an active part in the liberation of crimea, that is why the situation is like this, again i want to say that we do not have thorough research of any such situation, well, let's say, related to the analysis of the situation , in this sense, very, well, and what routes do they take, we understand that , well, hardly through the territory. they leave controlled kyiv through russia or across the sea somehow to georgia to turkey, what routes do they choose, how do they move, so as to end up in the countries you listed? now there is only one way, through the illegal kerch bridge, to this building, i understand that this is a violation of ukrainian legislation, but
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there is no other way, they go to through this building, they go to russia, they go to georgia. and leave for turkey, then from turkey to other countries in europe or even north america, they can cross the border to georgia, to turkey, how easy it is, and are there any documents there they are asking for additional ones, maybe they will all be released, no, not easy, not easy, the situation is difficult, it was especially felt. in the 22nd year, when this situation arose, because the situations are very different, someone has ukrainian documents, someone has ukrainian documents, there are no ukrainian documents for children, there are ukrainian passports with foreign chip, non- chip, in against the background of all this, another 200 crimean tatars went to kazakhstan,
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because they did not have, well, valid ukrainian documents, and kazakhstan accepted those illegal, so to speak, poparists, then they turned to the consulate of ukraine and tried to somehow solve their situation, but it is a very complicated situation, i won't say that... it is somehow so systematized, in each case there is an individual situation, because there is a family, there is a father, there is a mother, there are children, everyone has their own situation, sometimes they left with the whole family, sometimes only men, and, well , in the vast majority of course men went, so it is not a simple process, it is complex, and it consists of a lot of such factors and individual situations , madam... and not me, since you are an extremist and represent an extremist organization, well , at least that's how the russians consider the menjliz of the crimean tatar people, so maybe you
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can help us with this, we know how, for example, the sovkovs, the citizens of ukraine and the vatniks, how easily they there is cooperation, and sometimes just to earn money from the fsb. here , i wanted to ask you a little differently about another collaborative movement, because... the muslim spiritual leaders in russia are the same terrorists as kirill the orthodox, as well as their boss putin, so play this card with muslims, they somehow have to act in a specific way, we know that there are also collaborators and exactly along this church line, how they work, how they split the muslims themselves into the kremlin, who works with them, well, from where they work, from moscow , from kazan, where from? well, you know, for me, first of all, i want to note that it is an honor for me to be a representative
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of a so-called not so-called extremist organization in the russian federation, this proves our position and that we are doing the right thing. second, er, yes, there is collaboration. crimean tatar people - this the people, this is not some small group, but... this is a people, there are different people in the people, there is collaboration, but if we take, let's say, in the general percentage, or take people's attitude towards them, then respect, or some such tools influence, they don’t have it now, more precisely they do, they are actually in crimea, they do have it, but everyone understands that they are collaborators, it is primarily about... the spiritual administration of the muslims of crimea, which has been working there since 2014, the proposal of the mufti of muslims crimea, haji
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emir lee ablayev, and about these instruments which he applies in relation to other crimean tatars, the fsb stands behind him, ah, his work is fully controlled, supported, such a system has been created in crimea that it is a commune. or in mosques , only representatives of the clergy of the spiritual administration of the crimean muslims can be present, no other person, who , let's say, has respect, has knowledge, can lead people, but is not a representative of the spiritual administration, has an opinion, it is simply not given the opportunity to work against it they start cases, they put pressure on her, she is not included in the work, she is expelled, well, that is is used so that... there is no such person, and by the way, lenur yakubov, who was searched and accused, he is the imam of the community with kiry, and the accusations were about the fact that
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he does not have the right to head such a community, because he did not receive permission from the opinion of the spiritual administration of the muslims of crimea, so this is such a situation, and it is created artificially, it is created under pressure, if... to create, let's say, normal conditions, it remains to be seen how many people will come up with the idea, uh, but pressure is applied in a different way, and now they, well, de facto they control the situation, because they are backed by law enforcement agencies, and in this way they organize their work on the territory, and they do not know how to do otherwise, the chekists have always controlled any church in them, so they try to do the same work here. well, ms. gayana, we remember a good song, that's my sea, together we will sing the chorus of bezym kyrym, because crimea is ours, not theirs, so thank
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you for your participation. we will talk about our sea further, because dmytro pletenchuk will be with us, about how safe it is for us now and for them, but for this, about this in a few minutes, wait after a short pause, there are discounts on lactacyt 25% in pharmacies psyllium you and. there are discounts on parafast 10% in pharmacies plantain, pam and save, turn on the investigation, which makes the heart cool, the new chapter of the hbo series is already on mego, a real detective, find out what secrets the alaskan ice hides, exclusively in the mego subscription, there are discounts on lollipop , 10% in pharmacies, plantain, save money, there are discounts on valerian. 10% in
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do you want to understand? our today will affect our tomorrow see saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, and also respected. guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care, in the evening for espresso, we're coming back, yes, money is arriving on our account there in buckets, but it's not enough, so when the qr code appears and the number cards, you scan them, take a picture, rewrite and make a donation, and in the meantime we will talk, as promised, about the sea, dmytro pletenchuk, spokesman
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for the military. of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine , the captain of the third rank is in touch with us, mr. dmytro, we welcome you to our airwaves, good morning, studio, greetings to the audience, well, we couldn't wait to ask you what's up there, what's up with that boat in the sea of ​​azov, any details, please tell us, there is rarely any good news from azov, mainly from the black, that is why it is interesting how the boat burned there, well this this boat about the korsho 0350 project, in principle they even call it a ship, although it is... not of such large size, it is from the maritime guard, which belongs to the fsb, the so-called russian federation, everything there remained as it was in soviet times, mutual relations connection of the border guards and the kgb, and there was information that there was a fire on it, in general, yesterday they had something with ship fires in general.


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