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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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sea dmytro pletenchuk, spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, captain of the third rank is in touch with us, mr. dmytro, welcome to our airwaves, good morning, studio, greetings to the audience, well, we couldn't wait to ask you , what is going on with that boat in the sea of ​​azov, any details, please tell us, there is rarely any good news from azov, mainly from the black, that is why it is interesting how the boat burned there, well, this boat of project 0350, they in principle, even his ships. called, although he is not like that of large sizes, it is from the composition of the maritime guard, which belongs to the fsb, the so-called russian federation, everything has remained there, as in soviet times, the relationship between the border guards and the kgb, er, and there was information that there was a fire on it, in general, they somehow had ship fires yesterday...
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it didn’t work out, you know that a ship also caught fire in svyato leningrad, but this information is still being verified, colleagues from the main intelligence department of the negotiations submitted, there is a suspicion that maybe these were training actions, but still after all, most likely they smoked in the wrong place, and yet it looks like negligence on the part of the crew, or... technical reasons, and you mean the fact that in st. petersburg, as andriy yermak said, it was on fire cruiser yermak, yes, or something, and this, it’s not ours, it’s not our work, it’s just the stupidity of the russians, or something, i think that someone there just turned it on, just at that time putin was telling something in eteri, the tafin ship, he didn't last , probably just self-employed, well, clearly, the boiler was not turned on there, by the way. like now
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it looks like, well, this is the territory that we forgot about a little, since we will have to redirect a large agricultural export to it, not through the ukrainian-polish border, they talked about the maximum use of the danube again, and accordingly we remember that it was a zone that was fairly aggressively bombarded at one time, the russians tried to fight there and... with shaheds and others, like now about security in this part of the sea and the mouth of the river danube, how the situation looks there, well, in fact, in general, history once again emphasizes for us that we a maritime state, not a state near the sea, and not only sea, but also river navigation, it is very important for ukraine.
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very important for our economy, and so constantly, constantly, this corridor is working, exports are constantly taking place from these ports, and of course, the russians had only one component left there, which is air, with which they can try to inflict fire damage, because they cannot by land , they cannot go by sea, only the air remains, these are drones, these are missiles. it's airplanes, respectively, and yes, it's a challenge, it's a challenge, we're constantly talking about it we speak out loud and constantly work on it, we constantly do everything possible to protect our country from the air, that is, how the container caravans will go, in principle, ukraine will be able to provide this, because the government talked about this idea, no one can predict. will not
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be able to give you 100%, as it will be, of course, the enemy, he will try and continue to apply again, as you remember, the su-24 was destroyed in the black sea area, the last one was the one that carried out mining in the area of ​​the grain corridor , dropped, they took such a break after that enough serious, uh, they thought about all this, continued flights in this water area, even fighter flights. the aircraft worked because unfortunately the air over the black sea is still dominated by russian aircraft and recently they returned tu-22s there to continue their fire strike efforts accordingly, and yes of course the defense forces are working on this , and we, in principle, periodically repulse the same attacks of the shaheed.
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the naval forces, as well as other components of the defense forces, are involved in this, so there is a lot of work, and we do it. mr. dmytro, those exercises, which have been going on for several days in the mediterranean sea, at least nine. nato countries are training, let me remind you that in parallel, a little later, there will also be training in scandinavia, in general, a lot of nato exercises are currently being conducted. so, can we somehow adopt their experience, in general, the question of what can be useful for us from these trainings, how can we use their skills and experience? those foreign trainings in which we participate, on our representatives. as well as naval forces, it is an opportunity, first, to see how this system works, to take part in joint activities, and accordingly, it gives us the opportunity to increase the level of interoperability, and more during
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exercises, usually, if our side participates there, we undergo an appropriate external evaluation on interoperability, so that in the future... it was possible to conduct joint operations, this is especially important for ukraine on the way to nato, firstly, secondly , of course, our experience is just as interesting to our partners, and we have a lot of experience, and we share it accordingly, in our turn from partners, of course, you need to learn how to use weapons systems, the same foreign ships that we have to master, so of course this... the process is necessary, there is also a story with their ships, which were fleeing, so to speak, escorted by two ships, and here suddenly, i am talking about the territory near the bosphorus already, about the water area near the bosphorus and quickly scattered around the corners, not by a short
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route directly to themselves, but by some such longer routes along the turkish territory, they... are afraid to swim out into the open sea, the situation there is really strange , because so russian occupiers in in principle, in the central part and in the southwestern part, they have now reduced their presence as much as possible, but when they have to meet with convoy-convoy supply vessels from the so-called syrian express, when they carry some materials. cargo to their base in tartus, they always accompany them, it can happen there once a month, maybe a little more often, once every four weeks there, but they always accompany them, this time they went out to meet and at some point they just turned around, from which i am not
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ready to tell you the reasons yet, i can only confirm this fact, it's just that halfway south of crimea, two ships took a reverse course, and those... and the ships they were supposed to meet quietly crept along the turkish republic in their territorial waters, and are still there somewhere, so this is how the situation actually looks strange, huh, but in general , how actively they use the black sea now, i’m talking about some transportation, about trade, about some civilian vessels, how intensively they transport, well, please compare it with... the period before how we started to be more active, to be more active, actually in the sea. we pose a threat to civilian shipping. we must admit the fact that the black sea has officially recognized shores, there is an appropriate port infrastructure, the black sea for the russian
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federation remains a rather important hub for oil exports, 40%, it seems, is accounted for by russian exports. of nuclear oil to the black sea, and accordingly their civil shipping works, so they have such an element in civil shipping as the shadow fleet, it is also called, these are those the ships they use to plunder our occupied territories, using the closed ports, ukrainian bardyansk, mariupol, i'm not talking about the crimean ports, turn off the ai identification system. when they enter there, then they bring it to their official ports, there they unload it with these ships, which they do not show very much, which do not go, for example, to foreign ports, and from there they are already looted and exported as their own products, there are such facts,
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but directly those ships, that enter occupied ports, they do not enter foreign ports come in, because they perfectly understand that it will be... sanctions, accordingly, in principle, the processes take place there, we can say, in such a staff, according to international law, let's say so. and so civil shipping, of course, uses the ports of the russian federation, as well as our ports. ugh. mr. dmytro, in conclusion, i know that the investigative bodies and the security service of ukraine probably also have to answer us together. i am talking about yesterday's confirmed tragic information that on the tendrivska spit, in fact, in... the soldiers of the special operations forces of the 73rd marine center got into when they tried to land
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on the tendrivska spit , they were actually shot, including by snipers. on the tendriv spit, what is it in general, from a military point of view, in the occupied crimea , we are just interested in how it can be, do you know something? the only thing i can confirm is that, unfortunately , the enemy is interrupting there, we inflicted, by the way, fire damage there, if you remember, we were there these boats are russian, the tuna of the project, and two of them, ours, were destroyed by naval aviation at one time, that there, there, maybe they are some kind of air defense or something else, or something you know, they are holding something right there on this spit, actually on it is quite difficult to throw something at her.
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in order to conduct intelligence, observation, therefore, in principle , something is usually posted on them, but i am not ready to comment on operations with the sso, we do not and we do not ask you to, because we will wait for the results of the actual investigation. who, how, what, when, i just thought, maybe something there, from the military point of view of the enemy, interesting news appeared on the road along the tendriv spit. mr. dmytro, thank you for the conversation. dmytro platenchuk, spokesman of the naval forces, armed forces of ukraine was with us. in general, military analytics is not easy, because now the situation is difficult on all fronts. we will ask, and in principle also weapons, we will ask to comment in a few minutes. our next interlocutor, serhii zgurets, will do this analysis, don't forget the qr code -
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are back, and with us is the director of information consulting. defense express company serhiy zgurets. mr. serhiy, we congratulate you. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. you know, here we look at all the changes on the map, it looks the most catastrophic in terms of speed, because it is up to 6 km of captured territories, the russians did not advance so quickly, it's all around this, after avdiivka, around avdiivka. frontline, yes, no, sorry. this is the name of the company, which, maybe you know them, they are just analyzing, they say that the ukrainian troops are suffering a lot from the lack of fortifications under avdiyivka, we were told that ours went to the prepared line of defense, well, someone is telling us a lie , well
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, first of all, i would certainly not use words... a catastrophic situation, because, relatively speaking, we understand that ukrainian troops have withdrawn from avdiyivka, indeed from this pocket 6 km deep, our units of the unit went out, avoiding the encirclement, and after that entrenched themselves on a new line of defense, after that the enemy, using the advantage in manpower and equipment and geographical advantage, in particular, the fact that kochsohim is on the high ground, and now the enemy has are possible hiding in this koksokhim, rebasing tactical units, ensuring the placement of their groups there, which fly drones, command posts, and so on, then, relatively speaking, koksokhim acts as such, well, a platform for carrying out and putting pressure on our units, indeed, we left the northern
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steppes, and now our line of defense runs along berdychi, semenivka. orlivka, and our defense is now holding in this area. the enemy is really now using tactics that are somewhat similar to wagner's tactics, that is , in fact, constant assaults, but not so much even by individual fighters, but by units there as a summary and company, which indicates that the reserves are tightened, and now the enemy uses well, eh -e, the most favorable conditions for the offensive, which the enemy had with in the 22nd year, then... we are talking about the fact that , using the accumulated manpower, aviation and artillery, the enemy is trying to take advantage of the window of opportunity and break through to the west as much as possible, so relatively speaking, now we understand that there is no such advance now absolutely fast, as you say, so now the line of defense is holding, indeed, it
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was holding much better than if there was better fortification, and this is a serious challenge, absolutely right, because... in many areas of the front, we hear similar things, but also we also hear explanations, even individual ones engineers, or engineers who carry out fortifications, they say that conventionally speaking, wood, concrete, the availability of engineering equipment, the involvement of private companies in this work, each stage has significant complications, and in fact, with the forces of six engineering battalions there, it is easy to perform all this work impossible, and i think this is a really serious... challenge, the president spoke about this at the end of last year, that we are starting fortifications, we see that we are doing them much slower than we wanted, and then this officer tatarigami, who leads this resource, on which you... referred to, he actually says that we do not see continuous lines of defense, and this is one of the limiting factors for the effectiveness of our defense, that is, the lack
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of ammunition, the limited situation with fortifications, sometimes the lack of personnel in units and brigades, all this affects the situation on the front line, but at the same time we see active counterattacking actions, when in particular the third assault brigade literally on the 28th. knocked out the enemy from krasnohorivka, this is not the same krasnohorivka that is above the steppe, but just between avdiivka and marenka, the excellent assault actions carried out by the enemy there from the railway across the river, this just demonstrates that when there is ammunition, when there is a trained squad, it is quite possible to get the enemy's defense, although i repeat, the enemy has now changed tactics on all front lines, this is the use of tactics wagner scaled to the whole. it is clear, that is, in principle, first of all, this resource tells true information, but it uses epithets, well, such, you see, these were not my words,
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i just quoted them to you, and on the other hand, when the third assault 25th amphibious, that is we have results not only in krasnogohorivka, well, but we also wanted to ask you, because yesterday we had a blast at this show, i want one more quote now, the shock hypersonic complex of the sea was already used in the battle. cerkon putin told as news what we have known for at least three weeks, that they hit ukraine with zircons, he is now somehow trying to support himself to show off in front of his own people, to tell that we are still ugh, we can, or is it should be considered as a signal to the fact that it is possible that they do have those zircons more and can use them, because they have more missiles. is it really more worrying for us? well, in fact, this is really a quote from putin’s speech before the federal assembly, and there a large part of the speech of the main criminal
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was devoted to bravado, verbal weapons, then in fact he mentioned everything that they have conditionally new, zircon, sarmat, the laser complex , this a missile with a nuclear engine. which no one there saw, that is, in fact, it is this rhetoric, it has already been used several times in a row by the enemy, by the leader of the enemy countries, and it is directed primarily at its audience, that they all have such a significant potential for strength, means, and we can defeat ukraine there or ukraine together with nato, but the rhetoric that was used there. of nuclear weapons , it sounded quite loudly there again, because if there, relatively speaking, the troops of the nato countries enter ukraine, on the territory of ukraine, then he says
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that this will be, well, relatively speaking, a reason for the use of nuclear weapons, because they entered our land, that is, in fact, he already equates all of our ukraine with its land, which, let's say, is another such important factor of russian rhetoric that the enemy aims to seize ukraine. is not going to give up these goals, and this is only a conclusion for us that we should rally and prepare for defense, and for ours to conduct active defensive actions, offensive in the future, and for our partners that, in fact, we must ensure as much as possible effective support of ukraine, because even lloyd austin, when he seems to have met in one of of the committees yesterday said that if the situation in ukraine goes... not as planned, then nato will still be forced to fight with the russian federation. so , relatively speaking, now ukraine is the dam that holds back russian aggression, and i hope that
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our partners will still, well, assess these risks, potentials and opportunities of ukraine, and will provide the maximum possible assistance in these conditions. he has been talking about the use of nuclear weapons for a very, very long time and constantly threatened it, and two years ago he said: "just try to support there, help in". in ukraine, you will see, well, you did not see, fortunately, neither we nor they, what makes putin react to macron's words now, then if he talks, talks again, you know, it's like with that wolf, which they scare, scare, will he finally be ready to apply, or is this just another chatter? i think putin's reaction to me is because he thought he could draw some... there are red lines, and those lines are actually blurring further and further, they don't exist, and when we talk about that there is a possibility of sending
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contingents in the future. to the nato countries on the territory of ukraine, there in the context of the fact that then macron, there the minister of foreign affairs of france explained that this is about er, separate tasks that do not necessarily relate to the use of the military there on the front line, but there are some things , there is demining, there is management, there is interaction in cyber directions, all this may well be, that is, in fact o... this fact in general and the very discussion of macron really disturbed the prospects that the defense of ukraine can be realized on on many levels, on a larger scale, macron tried to emphasize this, and now putin , of course, is trying to draw some conditional lines there again, using the most resonant arguments, which is the use or
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threat of nuclear weapons. then it was actually not by chance that this financial times publication appeared, it is not known who was the main generator of this publication at the time , where it was written that russia has a sufficiently low threshold for the use of tactical nuclear weapons, but before that , let us recall that and i think the chinese and the americans explained quite clearly to putin last year that the use of tactical nuclear weapons is absolutely not the direction that the russian federation can hope for, but in any case, all these threats exist in space, they influence politicians , who have weak nerves, is partially reflected in the actions of certain countries, in particular, if we recall the same scholz with taurus, if in any case it is such a complex dynamic of the information space surrounding the confrontation with the russian federation, which has many components, of course , mr. serhiy, we still have a minute for one
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solution, a riddle, yesterday we... an aviation expert with a crooked paw came to a dead end, when within the framework of rusarizo, dry-cleaning began, three potential, effective things were called, sams patriot and modernized s200, but he broke down each of these versions point by point, like the one that leads to such a dry efficiency, so why do we do them so beautifully on the... ground air fleet, well i didn't actually hear your discussion , but in any case the a50 was shot down by the complex s200, not even modernized, it’s just that this complex fulfilled the task it had, for which it was created back in the days of the soviet union, but this is the a50, dry, dry, i think the main intrigue is here, and in any case , well, the left part of the experts is inclined to the version
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of the so-called blocking patriot, that is... this is a limited unit that has a launch radar and a data acquisition system for finding an enemy target, and this data acquisition point can, in principle, receive information from our radars, this the intrigue persists and i don't even i really want to delve into it, i understand that this is a system that demonstrates effectiveness on the battlefield, the enemy, if there is something in... hunting, then there are some launchers there that have nothing to do with the patriot, and i hope that this the practice of combating, interestingly, we accept , will be continued, because it is extremely important for our defense . thank you for the analysis, for the comments. 9 o'clock is approaching, 9 o'clock is a national moment of silence when we
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remember everyone. of our defenders and peaceful residents who died in this second russian-ukrainian war. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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