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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EET

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only to expand, showing even what you told about their plan to use nuclear weapons, they are drawing another red line, that when this happens, then there will be trouble, they say no-no-no there is something to look at our fleet, ours , and in the same way, from the side of europe, they draw these next imaginary lines, often not only for the enemy, but also for themselves, which they are afraid of crossing themselves later, i agree, but here it is necessary to understand that... because, well, the safe reality in which we we are, it is hybrid and nonlinear, respectively and red lines on both sides, they too, if they had these signs of hybridity, that is, we saw that the russians were already far away, well, they were already drawing red lines, burgundy, brown, there they already had all the different shades of these lines, and the west successfully crossed these lines and nothing happened, yes, that is, well, this is not some kind of stability on the part of the putin regime, in the same way we see that the red lines on the side of the west, they are also unstable, because... well, we see that the west
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today can say no, no, no, no tanks or planes for ukraine, yes, but because six months to a year to say how much you need, and how quickly we can supply it to you, and the same obviously applies to the troops of western countries on the territory of ukraine, that is, we are now seeing a hybrid approach of individual nato member countries to the issue of deploying this western contingent on the territory of ukraine. obviously, this will not be an alliance decision, but... we see at least four countries already, together with france, which in principle, well, if they are favorable to sending their troops to the territory of ukraine, and here it should be noted that even if we were to talk about the fact that there is a consensus at the nato level, as a whole, yes, about sending a contingent to ukraine, in fact, this does not mean that all 31 nato member countries take their certain military units all go to ukraine together, in fact it would also be a story about three or four countries. and the rest
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of the nato member countries simply biologically and financially provided all these things, that is , in fact, well, we see that there is a certain hybrid approach to understanding these red lines and restrictions, both on the part of the putin regime and, accordingly, on the part of the leadership of our western allies. mr. taras, thank you for such a thorough analysis. taras zhovtenko, an international security expert of the democratic initiative foundation, was with us. let's take a short break and continue this topic with our next guest. please leave. with espresso and be sure to enter the qr code and card number you see on the screen. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from unpack tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499. also that one.
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hours of broadcast on... time, two hours of yours of time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day for two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in the new one. in a two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and
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turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. literally in a moment we will interrogate, question our next guest about what such a terrible thing putin and russia can do, if. that the west will help us more actively, but for now we can remind you that you too you can help our defenders and yourselves, respectively, i am talking now about the collection, we are collecting 50 fpv drones for our defenders, this is luhansk region, belogorivka, there are very, very much waiting for such birds,
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you can see all the details on the screen now, you need to collect 800 00 hryvnias and at this moment 260,763. hryvnias are available, more than a third have already been collected, but this is not enough. we are fighters of the airborne assault troops of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine. we are asking you. we are located in the luhansk direction. we need figi drones. because of borog began to carry out very active military operations. infantry, artillery, and also. heavy armored vehicles, we will be very grateful for your concern and understanding, we need as many f5 drones as possible, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, and this is very important
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for the boy, just as they were talking, i watched how our drone captured moscow fascist occupier, beautiful, not only destroys. may even take him prisoner, so what, our next guest is already with us, political technologist oleksiy holobutsky, mr. oleksiy, good afternoon, welcome to our airwaves, good afternoon, what is so scary, what is the maximum in your opinion that russia and putin can achieve if something does not go the way he likes, although in my opinion he does not like anything that is happening on event, in what sense what to go for? well, he threatens with tragic consequences, tells every time that he will use nuclear weapons, that russia is a great powerful country and they can almost wipe the entire universe off the face of the earth and transfer hostilities into space, well, purely theoretically, he
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of course he can do it, but why not, well, these possibilities exist, these possibilities exist in our civilization. somewhere from the end of the 50s until now, this option has not been used , so we are talking on the air now, but it is not going anywhere, so to speak, this option, to end human civilization on the planet, it remains, so to speak, and regimes like putin's are based on this, and even such a regime, which in general, so to speak, cannot be compared either in terms of size or influence. like north korea, no there would be nuclear weapons, i think that the south korean troops together with the americans would solve the problem of north korea, well , quickly enough, but well, everyone understands the consequences, they use them, and soon
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iran will use them, i have no doubt, if the americans do not carry out israel will carry out some kind of preventive operation, and there will also be iran, and then the countries will step up and... countries, i think so , that's why, i think, i recently read about how pakistan's nuclear program was done, and when i hear words about what for us , for... ukraine, it would be too expensive, difficult and so on. well, i want to laugh, because even ukraine is three heads higher in terms of economic indicators, human indicators, than the same pakistan. so it all remains, the only thing is that, well, really, considering the fact that putin does not look like a suicide, a suicide, he is not a fanatic of some ideology. but again, all this can change after a certain period of time,
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well, but on the other hand, as they say, about nuclear ash, but there you can’t take a palace in a gelenjak with you, and it won’t stand, that is, it’s good god knows that him with this stand-up, he was very boring, something for 10 trillion was promised by presidential candidate putin in putin's election, which was announced by putin after putin's re-election, even dmitry medvedev. i think i ate and fell asleep during this performance. let's get back to our things, mr. oleksiy. so, when the main intelligence agency says that we have lists of people whom russia is trying to involve in the so-called special operation maidan 3, and immediately there is such a light feeling, and this is how the russians come up with the names of such special operations, or is it someone manipulates from the inside, well, we... the coup, the spring coup, then everyone was couped, now we know the coup that was announced to us
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in the autumn, someone is calling some kind of operation the maidan, the maidan is something else entirely, here it is as if they call it , as if this is some kind of decision-making center invented by us in the center of the anti-maidan, how to call all this a maidan, well , in a word, there is no strong trust in all of this, so can you give your analysis? tell us, how do you feel about such information inputs about maidan 3? well, like me i don't work at gur, so it's hard for me to comment on what data there is, maybe there is, it's clear that there is a huge amount of work by the russian special services to unbalance and destabilize the situation in ukraine, it's absolutely logical, because if the situation internally the political situation in ukraine will be ... complicated or so, well, let's say, threatening, then this will certainly be a huge plus for russia
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for many reasons, they will not even explain, not only from a military point of view, but also from a psychological point of view, ah, just point to ukraine , and as confirmation that the regime in in ukraine, it is unstable, and well, let's put it this way, there is no one hundred percent support of the people, ah , what is just, just a fact, well, sometimes it appears, here recently, i see, not recently, there a year or two , when real agents, agents of moscow, are arrested , something is done to them, but then again , just as many such agents continue to work, i just read and wrote a post by max buzhansky, yes, he does not like something there in the european union, behavior and so on, and there are many of them. just how many in informational, i.e. lists, in fact the lists are huge, yes, an agent is not
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necessarily a person sitting in a jacket with a parachute behind his back, these are people who often sit in embroidered jackets, some even in military uniforms, and they are waiting for their time , they are waiting, some do it deliberately, they do not need money, instructions there, they simply understand that they are used to the life that existed before the invasion, when they had popularity and fame for their pro-russian views and so on, some simply direct agents and again theirs too, just a problem in the fact that we, thank god, are not russia, and it is difficult, very often difficult to meet people whom everyone knows, i personally know people from a dozen of my professions, but it is very difficult to connect with them, because they are smart enough to directly, so to speak speak, but when the time is right. once they are, they will always start, always work for russia
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, regarding the maidan of this project, well, again, we have to wait for some names, for some actions, but the fact that this very name, oleksia, the very name did not alarm you, that is we used to know that russians are absolutely not stupid they understand, they think that they need to bring a lot of money, and the pichenkas are gone and the maidan begins, that is, they simply built that... empire with slaves to such an extent that they simply do not understand the mechanisms of popular resistance, popular uprising, and in this case, when the name maidan 3 appears, after the second maidan, after the revolution of the city. there is a feeling that this is some political technologist specifically out of fierce hatred, some anti-maidan activist could have invented such a name, but did the russians come up with it, or did someone in gura come up with it, or is it even a name for the media glued to some other thing , that's what's alarming, i don't know, i'm a little
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skeptical about something, because the name is just on, well, of course, maidan 3 looks a little different than the connecting rod, right? we remember very well, but the technologies of power, they, in principle and especially, do not change over time, independence from who is in power, the more so , again, this is done by special services, which, ah, me, my confidence , as an expert, as polytechnologists, that i am sure that the next, if there is a maidan in ukraine, it will certainly be completely different from previous maidans. we were then. a country without war , peaceful, relatively calm, yes, with a clear division according to political views, yes, that is, who is for european integration, who is against european integration, everything was clear, now this is a completely different country, well, it is completely different country, in principle, and here, if there will be maidans, they will be completely different,
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of course, yes, and therefore, use the word maidan? well, it is already used all over the world as a definition, i meet in such texts in both english and spanish, this and everyone invests in something of their own in this concept, well, some russians like to call their special operations ukrainian by nice words, so special operations that concern ukraine. mr. oleksiy, i want to ask you about government technologies, but what concerns us directly. is this scheme or not the scheme of the fact that very often our people's deputies do not have the opportunity to go abroad, i am not talking about vacations, i am talking about work, important trips, meetings, conferences, and we have already heard more than once that in the west they wonder why yours there are no deputies here, why are you not
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talking about it, well, the european parliament also said yesterday that all this is unacceptable and cannot be so... it will change, something will not change after that, we understand that there are some scenarios, how they must act, they must agree to certain theses , what they will talk about, but you have to go, you have to go, of course, this is normal work, i am not saying that it can be so effective there, but i simply understand the logic of the authorities, i don't want to take any political position, of course, from a human point of view. i i believe that if deputies have such a right , they have it, of course, they should use it and use it for the benefit of ukraine, but the logic of the authorities is clear, they want all international contacts to be from one source, and this is the office of the president, and it is entirely his to control, this is the source , yes, it is a completely logical and rational calculation, so i am not at all surprised here,
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everything is done correctly from their point of view, regarding the european union, well, let the european parliament... let them do something, no, listen, well, these statements, i remember when 50 billion was given, there was a line about the development of inter-party competition in the parliament, it seems that something like that sounds like, well, let's do something, let's not only about such and such, you know, a couple of experts, a couple of journalists and everything, of course, that it's general, it's generally. what is this information about, what is there, that there is some kind of resolution regarding the issue of the admission of deputies abroad, let them do something, if, but i simply do not believe that it will be used, because the logic is very simple, we are victims, we are offended very much anyway, me
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i am speaking now of the logic of the government, and we are doing everything possible, and let them not get confused under their feet, well , in principle, we have a team of five or six people, so they must go abroad, they must do this, all the others are superfluous and in general, if they are not traitors, then somewhere close to it, but we remember those efficient couple of managers for whom the whole country, it seems, did not vote or did not vote, voted, did not vote , but, yes, okay, one more one point which is more sensitive no. here, let stefanchuk think over this resolution as the chairman verkhovna rada, there is another point that is not clear to us. we understand that while blocked... politically blocked, financial and armed support of ukraine is very catastrophic for us. i mean american. there are allies in europe who are ready
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to provide funds, they do not support us, they have told us about it more than once, and as they say, just don't do stupid things, for example, very corruptly dangerous things, and we will give you help, and then there is a slap and a spit in the form of an appointment. example, head of the accounting chamber, when the big seven say no to this corrupt candidate, now something similar is being played out with the option of sending anti-corruption bodies and this bureau of economic security, which immediately fell under tatarovo, pass a normal law on bep so that it is instead of a tax a normal working structure, not the manual barking maggots that make business a nightmare in wartime, and what do we do? ok thank you we are waiting for your financial help but we are pushing a bill written somewhere from some office, which specifically received
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rejection from the committees of the verkhovna rada, anti-corruption activists and, most importantly, again from the same big seven, who say not only that, but they say, what kind of logic, when we depend on financial support, to demonstratively spit in the face those who in the evening che... with the video we will ask for help, well, because they are sure that all this will happen and all this is completely unrelated, well , let me ask you a question, how not to provide, not to provide money, not to vote by the congress by money for ukraine is connected with ukrainian corruption, well, just a simple question, they are looking, it is absolutely clear that this is in no way connected with ukraine, it is not ukrainian at all. problem, this is a purely american problem, which, even if tomorrow with the help of harry potter and his wand we turn into sweden, so to speak, according to
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the level of corruption, they will still depend not on this, but on domestic american political problems, that's all, and the same with european help, well, come on, well, they are just, again , i'm trying to make us understand the logic of the government, right? yes, the most important thing to understand is that you will not give us money, well, then the russians will come and fight corruption not only in ukraine, but after a while they will fight corruption in europe, what is more important to you , some of our small documents or how to say it, yes, this small business that we are engaged in here, because we are like that, well, we are like that, we are like that, we are very, we are very, how persistent, we are very, mr. oleksiy, but this scheme that you voiced this is the scheme of such a street... blackmail in the shopkeepers for a second, you can call it, you can call it a factory, the main thing is that it works, that's all, it works, and once again,
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there must be pressure, you understand, when the pressure is only external, yes, then the authorities always have the opportunity to break it, so to speak, this pressure, to get away from it, it must be from two sides, that is, it must be external and internal, so that there is opposition, the mass media are independent. yes, but all this is possible in peacetime, unfortunately, it is completely different now peeps, it is also possible during this time, during this time , perhaps the role of the parliament was, it was not reduced to a minimum during the war, yes, it was even before the war, mr. oleksiy, we have to, we don’t have enough time, but thank you as a matter of fact, as a political technologist revealed certain chains that are difficult for others to understand, oleksiy holobutsky was with us, do not switch further, leave espresso in a few minutes. will tell about another teacher-collaborator from the kharkiv region. be with us. tired of heavy and bulky
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11:00 am
sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. 11 o'clock is the time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. unrest since yesterday in occupied mariupol. in the evening , several explosions rang out there at once - informed the adviser to the mayor of the city petro.


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