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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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a powerful surge at the time of yar in the donetsk region. the occupiers consider this settlement as key for continuing the offensive on kostyantynivka and the kramatorsk-slavic agglomeration. disturbing news, well, what are we going to talk about now about an equally important direction, the mariyansky direction. serhiy voronov, an officer of the legion of freedom, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy. glory to heroes. marian direction. share, be kind, the operational situation you have. well , actually, today it is very difficult to see the direction on the map of the front, no matter how hot it is, in particular, our marinsky direction is also under heavy fire , as well as constant blows of the enemy, but our boys are now bravely resisting it, just the day before, probably we all watched how the enemy even entered krasnogohorivka, a village that is now controlled by the armed forces. of ukraine, but later by the forces
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of the armed forces of ukraine they were knocked out with losses, today they are also not in krasnohorivka, but this direction is constantly probing for weak spots, as in the rest of the front in order to make there are some movements, breakthroughs towards the defense of ukraine. mr. serhiu, i wanted to ask you a question that concerns... the area a little further south, let's say this is ughledar and these are all these settlements that go down from maryinka, what is the situation there now, because the ughledar direction is also experts say, is serious enough and necessary enough for the russians, are they currently trying to activate there, well, actually, along the entire front, the enemy is actively trying to probe with small assault groups, there are four or six...
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weak points and in particular on those areas of the front in order to see where we might have gaps in the defense somewhere, and in particular the southern ones, just south of maryanka, there the ughledar direction is strategically important for the enemy, in order to take the defense force is in a pinch, so to speak, but as of now, there are no breakthroughs there. it is not known that there will be any breakthroughs, the defense forces are holding their positions firmly and clearly, mr. serhiy, how much has the intensity of fighting in your direction increased, is it holding plus or minus on the same difficult but stable level? well, i want to tell you, during the last time the intensity of the fighting has really increased, but literally where our unit is located, it seems like there was a lull in the last day.
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but we perceive this lull as a harbinger of new attacks and new assaults, attempts to storm our positions, so we do not relax for a moment in order to constantly expect the enemy's offensive and to have the opportunity to repel them in full , well, if we are talking about the offensive activities of the enemy, here it goes about infantry operations, whether they use heavy equipment and maybe... aviation, well, i want to tell you that fpv, drones, drops, simply the front is teeming with these weapons, and when it comes to assault actions, then armored vehicles are involved, in particular , literally in our direction two days ago they burned two tanks with which the enemy was advancing on our position. well, in fact, they use
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such a wide range of different weapons in order to try to knock us out, but in principle, we also have something for now meet the enemy mr. sergey, if you allow me, we would like to clarify more about the use of tactical aviation, in particular the use of so-called guided air bombers, the enemy is now increasing its use of these missiles, we understand that the air force statistics indicate that... that the enemy is intensively using its planes, would you like to clarify and understand what is the current situation in your direction? well , earlier, as you know, the enemy concentrated his efforts precisely by dropping cabs there, in particular in the avdiivka direction, when avdiivka temporarily they occupied, today the greatest intensity is recorded precisely in the direction towards the temporal ravine. as they say,
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we get the same sometimes, and the cabs also fly to us, but, well, in the end, i can say that we do not have such an intensity of just using it. type of weapons, plus, as you could have noticed, february became, so to speak , a record and productive month for shooting down enemy aircraft, so i think that the pilots of the russian federation will think several times before going to new, new combat missions. look, mr. sergey, there is also a question of parity, in particular, when we talk about the work of artillery, well, it is not only a question of the number of barrels, the question of... the number of ammunition, what about heavy artillery parity? i can only say that we are covered by sufficiently high-precision types of weapons, and we would always like more ammunition, well, i
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served in the artillery for a long time, i can say that there is never enough ammunition for an artilleryman, so we would always like... to we had more bc, in order to so that we have more opportunities to impress precisely the enemy, well, we are waiting for support, just, you know, like a breath of fresh air, the support of western partners, in particular the united states of america, so that we have more opportunities, precisely to destroy the enemy, which today creeps closer and closer. mr. serhiy, well , according to your artillery experience, i would like to ask if there is... is it possible that the enemy is using shells produced by north korea in your direction, yes, because there is information from other directions, according to yours, i do not know, and if it is used, then of what quality are they? uh, well, we didn't record
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any of these, i know that there were some efforts in ballistics and so on, which flies a little further, in us, well, we mostly work with mortars and... tanks, mortars and rapiers. this is the enemy's main weapon, which is used directly in our direction. are the tanks older than the t-90s? that is, what basic, for example, mechanized machines do they use? ah, yes, of course, seniors, we are on our own path, so to speak we have already met different t-90, including, but today it is really a technique. quite a bit older than the t-90, so uh, the bekhs work, of course, they are newer, the ones produced there are the last ones, one might say, 20 years old, and the tanks, the tanks of the older soviet model, we would still like
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to know, mr. serhiy , what is the current situation with the additional staffing of units, we understand that the enemy is not wasting time, he is replenishing his reserves, and actually now on... people's deputies are thinking about strengthening mobilization, and as they say, justice there must still be mobilization. what is currently happening in your unit, in particular, is there currently such a shortage of people willing to replenish the reserves and what kind of personnel do you need? i would actually like to tell all ukrainians that our state will exist as long as there are brave people who will... go to defend it, unfortunately, i see that not all ukrainians intend to defend their state, but i want to say that today in the armed forces of ukraine there are a lot of vacancies, in particular, there are not attack fighters or shooters, there is a large shortage of even simple
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clerks, i can clearly tell you about this, people who will conduct proper provisioning, deal with the provision of units that will conditionally occupy... air defense, that is , we have a lot of vacancies, and therefore, in principle , everyone should understand that for sure , in this war , since the enemy is bigger , we will all have to fight if we want to save our state, so i urge everyone to look carefully, find your place in the armed forces, because it is very important to realize yourself, to find your place in which you will be the most useful to help. for the state to endure and for our country to survive as such , mr. serhiy, finally, i wanted to clarify with you, and whether, for example, the military administration of donetsk region helps you, in particular, when we talk about providing the necessary equipment, well , we understand that war also involves
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burial, so we understand that manually it's one story, maybe, maybe with technology they help you, if they don't help, then tell me about it, i can say that for several weeks... when we drove to these positions, i was very surprised, since i did not see the level of engineering facilities that is necessary for the protection of ukrainian cities, since today it is already... obvious that the enemy will still try to occupy the entire donetsk region, and that is why, in my opinion, we should do as much as possible to show the enemy as much as possible that it will be very expensive for him, and therefore it is necessary to build the maximum number of fortification structures, engineering structures, and i can tell you that literally there a few days ago, walking around all our positions there, i can already clearly to state that these fortifications near the locations
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where our units are located, they are still being built, being built in such an accelerated manner, because i think everyone understands that all of these structures should probably be in late or mid-2022 year, it is they who help our simple infantrymen who bear the entire burden of the war. to preserve one's life and health, and therefore i think that, well , maybe we all reached the authorities of all levels in order for these fortifications to be, to be of high quality in order to preserve personnel and so that we could cling even more to our land and knock out the enemy from here. thank you, mr. serhiy, serhii voronov, the officer of the legion of freedom from the mariinsky area was eteri espresso, talked about the situation in this area. well , in general, about the needs of the legion of freedom and the brigade in which serhii voronov serves. we will now go
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on a break and after it we will return to our broadcast, but as always, i will try to remind you about our collection at each break. it is important to understand that it is necessary to collect 50 for 50 fpv drones are 800,000 uah. the amount is not small, yes, but we understand that this is a very, very big help for our armed forces. so please, if you have the chance, get involved. now we are going for a... break and after it we will return to our studio, there are 10% discounts on lyzak at the pharmacies of psylsnyk, bam and oskad, there are discounts on voltaren forte 20% at pharmacies psylsnyk, bam and oskad. usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags, not for my sick back, from back pain, try dolgit cream. long-lasting cream with... reduces swelling and improves joint mobility with dolgit cream what do you want , i will lift dolgit - the only yellow cream for
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dr. tice's comfrey warming cream. proven tool. there are discounts on pulmopriz of 20% in pharmacies of travel stores and savings. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football together are stronger. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front.
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freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company. favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. in the evening meanwhile, the russian army is in full swing, accumulating reserves and making a powerful advance on
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donetsk region. the occupiers consider this settlement as key for the offensive on... tynivka and the kramatorsk-slavic agglomeration. ilya yevlazh, head of the press service of the khortytsia operational-strategic group of troops, told about it, i quote yevlazh. they are accumulating very powerful forces, and as of now, this can be considered one of their powerful thrusts during the yar era. access to the temporary ravine will open the way for the enemy to continue their offensive actions. a springboard for the next offensive on kostyantynivka. and of course, the main target in the donetsk region is the kramatorsk-slavic agglomeration, so the enemy spares no effort, tries to take advantage of the moment, uses it for a long time, uses the tactic of running where it can, looks for weak points, and at the slightest on occasion somewhere he will try to break through the defense and resort to assault actions. well, we will talk about all this today on our broadcast. we add to ours oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv
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regional council. congratulations, mr. oleksandr, on the air of espresso, glory to ukraine. congratulations. you have heroes glory. therefore, the authorities of the kharkiv region are considering the possibility of evacuating children and actually parents with children from two communities. this was said by the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, we would like to ask you which two communities we are talking about and what is the actual situation there that makes you think about evacuating families with children? this is exactly what we are talking about communities of the velikoburlutka united territorial community. and kupyansk association of the territorial community, according to the authorities, today 161 children remain there, and at the moment, such a story, a situation, that it is still necessary to declare forced mobilization, because the children and families are under constant shelling, shelling on top of that, on this part of the front
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, they have greatly intensified, there is constant shelling by guided aerial bombs, which are... powerful, they are, by the way, about three times more powerful than the s-300 missiles that the enemy constantly uses in kharkiv oblast, and living there in kupyanskyi and velikoburlutskyi communities, well it becomes practically impossible, because the intensity of shelling is simply critical, and it is impossible to withstand it either psychologically or morally. and this decision is long overdue, i believe that it should have been made earlier, because children cannot... be in such conditions, and not only children, but also look at those settlements that are close to the demarcation line, precisely with the front line, there the russians are literally demolishing the streets with guided bombs so that there is no opportunity for our military to gain a foothold,
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so the issue is urgent and as soon as possible it is necessary to do it and do it forcibly. because if we did an evacuation that was free, then a lot of people simply did not have the opportunity or simply did not want to evacuate, and today we are already talking about a forced evacuation, so i believe that it should be done as soon as possible, mr. oleksandr, if we talk about the intensity of the enemy's actions in the kharkiv direction, well, we understand that lyman the first and synkivka are extraordinary, there are extraordinary... harsh, there are certain actions not far from orlyanka and tabaivka, right? if we talk about kharkiv oblast, where is the most difficult and hottest now? well, in fact, the kupen conglomerate itself is complicated, there are the settlements you mentioned, but today the intensity of shelling along the entire
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border area has greatly increased. today, for example, starting from the border with sumy oblast, velikapysivska is united. community , which is located next to belodukhivskyi district, we also heard that there was intense shelling, that it worked, at least the rczv, because there were six, six powerful explosions, and along the entire demarcation line, and this is bogodukhivskyi district, zolochiv united territorial community, this is kazacha lopan, this is liptsi, dergachiv united territorial community, and vavchak. just a few hours ago it flew over the city of vovchansk again, a residential building was damaged, some intensity simply becomes impossible for a stay. civilians , and so that a person who is constantly swindling himself with enemy police at the expense of the fact that there will be
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a counteroffensive, that they are planning to attack kharkiv there, that they will still capture kharkiv, kharkiv and so on, therefore realistically it in order to support them, they just concentrated their shelling on the border areas, and they are constantly... creating tension, at the same time , planes are constantly taking off, and in kharkiv, for example, over the last day, well , for today, well, it almost sounds somewhere every two hours anxiety , and it is also psychologically very difficult, when you are constantly in a state of anxiety, when you are constantly anxious, you and you hear explosions, and at night you realize that chess is working on martyrs, and martyrs are flying, and in general such a tense enough situation in... kharkiv oblast very much tense, i would say, although, well, we all understand that our front line is dynamic there, it is in the kupin region, there are constant hostilities, and they have been going on for
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more than a month, and there is no success, no success of the enemy there, and the defense forces they stand strong there, but everything is fine in society, there is a certain tension associated with the constant informational pressure on the population, i would like to reassure the population , to say that we cannot be so ... nervous, because in such a state, it is very difficult to live in general , when you are constantly in a state of constant stress, now people are leaving, there are such, there is such a story that a certain number of people, and not only from kharkiv, but also from the kharkiv region, still cannot stand it emotionally, and these are families with children, after all, there is a movement from the kharkiv region to west, there is such information. and there are such cases, mr. oleksandr, you are talking about an enemy ipso, but in fact some people's elected representatives are also talking about a possible hypothetical threat to kharkiv, which also probably
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causes some such well, let's say, psychosis in people, we understand that the situation is really threatening, but on the other hand, we also understand that knowing the enemy's plans and understanding the enemy's plans and preparing for those plans is a completely different story than just sitting there and waiting for it to happen, if it actually happens, if we're talking about... fortifications, if we 're talking about defensive structures that can to be provided for, and actually make this kind of shield for the people, which they will be sure will hold them back from this influx, yes, if there will be, and actually there will not be such a panicked mood, as with this, as with fortifications, as the authorities are now trying provide these protective structures? well, i understand about all of them they understand what the people's deputy from the party is saying. your voice, you speak and i understand why it was said, it was said in my opinion for a western audience, but today we cannot level
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the opinion of the population, which is very scrupulous about each and every such and every such news, in kharkiv oblast we today we see that the intensity of the construction of fortifications has... increased a lot, plus today we can see on the entire line where we had, for example, a ring road, where we had a front line in the 22nd year, now we we see that the military is there, they are adjusting the fortifications already built in the 22nd year, and plus on the entire demarcation line, construction is going on here, and i believe that the better... the better we will be, the better we will be to prepare, the better we prepare, the less likely it is that the enemy will make such a decision as to how
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to attack kharkiv, so we keep the powder dry, we all prepare for the fight and do not in any way attack the enemy dog, we remain calm and will defend kharkiv as well ... was and will be ukrainian territory. mr. alexander. without a doubt, kharkiv is ukraine, kharkiv region is ukraine. but we understand that there is, well, a long road, so to speak, because the enemy is trying to deploy, and accordingly, what is the situation with mobilization in kharkiv and kharkiv region. mobilization is in full swing. well, for example, i am the head of the enterprise, we have been together since the beginning. nine people have already been sent to the armed forces, today we received an order that we need to allocate, for example, a bus for the armed forces of ukraine, and we
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will carry out such an order... of course, and today mobilization has increased, i want to tell you, by the way, that there is a certain number of people who, er , go voluntarily, who decided to stand up for the defense of their country, a very large number of people, after the units, the military are engaged in recruiting, go directly military units , because it is very convenient, and a person chooses... where he will go, to which unit and to which specialty, there is also a movement there in this, in this issue, i do not see panic among people who are not there want to mobilize, there is a certain category of people who do not want to fight, who will not fight, but today each and every man must answer for himself, for himself, the question
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of whether he is ready and will defend his country, whether he has the spirit for it, whether he has the it is a civil, civil obligation, because, well, by the way, we have a war and we were attacked, so i believe that we need to mobilize, concentrate and give the enemy a break or we will die. mr. oleksandr, golden words, but at the same time we understand that war is not only about human resources, but also about money. you are a deputy kharkiv regional council, do we understand? the kharkiv regional budget is at the disposal of the military administration, and so is the budget of the city of kharkiv, what is the current situation with local money, do they sometimes bury money in the asphalt or there to plant flowers. unfortunately, there is such information, we once again had a scandal in the city due to the fact that some fences are being changed in the middle of the city on
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gagarin avenue, gagarin. again allocated for some construction, construction works, again there was information that, for example, they wanted repair, there was a tender for the repair of tsirkunivska tsirkuniv lyceum, which is located, by the way, was under occupation, is located 20 km from the state border, and a large, large amount is planned for it, unfortunately... we have a lot of information, where irrational , in my opinion and in the opinion of society , funds are used today, today we must use funds exclusively for defense, exclusively for defense, i repeat, all funds are exclusively for defense and to provide the armed forces with everything necessary, and the needs of our armed forces are huge, today, well today due to the fact that we don't have enough resources, we don't have enough weapons,
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we don't have enough half-drones, well... there are a certain number of problems that the army has, and that's all about it they speak and know, so i don't know how else we need to prove to the authorities that we have no right today to use funds for anything, for anything, i repeat, for anything, except for the armed forces, but this is the situation from time to time, it turns out that it is shameful and demotivates society, completely demotivates it. and in the military, and among the population, because these are shameful phenomena that must be radically combated, i think that the time has come for a long time, when it is necessary at the legislative level to prohibit the use of funds for the so-called development budget, only for protected articles, social welfare, budget , schools, kindergartens and so on, everything else is needed exclusively for defense.
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thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was on espresso. meanwhile , it's news time for espresso, so let's get the word out to our colleague iryna koval, who together with the news editors have already prepared fresh and relevant information for you, iro, we are glad to see you, we congratulate you and pass on the word, tell us what this issue will be about. thank you marta, by the way, i will tell you about the situation in the avdiiv region and what is happening in the temporary yar. stay tuned, there will be more information in the news. in ukraine, it's 3 p.m. and we have a news release on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval.


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