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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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articles, social welfare, budget, schools, kindergartens and so on, everything else is needed exclusively for defense, thank you, thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was on espresso. meanwhile, it's time for news on spresso, so we'll pass the floor to our colleague iryna koval, who with the news editor has already prepared fresh and relevant information for you. iro, we are glad to see you, we congratulate you and pass on the word, tell us what this issue will be about. thank you. marto, by the way, i will tell you about the situation in the avdiiv direction and what not takes place in a time warp, stay tuned, more information will follow in the news. in ukraine. 3:00 p.m. and for your attention, a
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news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. the operational situation in the avdiiv region is dynamic. russian troops fire artillery more often and have some local successes. and the ukrainian units are holding the defense and in some places regaining the lost positions, said the commander of the tavria troops , oleksandr tarnavskyi. he emphasized that the enemy has a significant advantage in ammunition, builds things up. assault groups, throws new reserves into action, thus has some local successes, according to tarnavskyi, over the past day in the avdiyiv direction, ukrainian defenders repelled 25 enemy attacks. russia is accumulating reserves and making a powerful push for the times in the donetsk region. access to the city will open the way for an offensive on kostyantynivka, and the main goal is kramatorsk and slovyansk, he noted.
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ilya yevlash, head of the press service of the khortytsia military group. russia spares no effort and looks for weak points. at the slightest opportunity to break through our defenses, it strengthens its own group and resort to assaults. but our military has been preparing for the protection of the temporal ravine for a long time. several defense circles were erected near the city. there are minefields, both anti-tank and anti-personnel. embankments and anti-tank ramparts were also made. zelensky will not go to armenia and azerbaijan because of baku's decision, according to radar armenia. the visit of the ukrainian president was apparently canceled by the azerbaijani authorities. however, the exact reason was not mentioned there. earlier, the media wrote that zelenskyy should visit both countries on march 4, and this would be his first visit as of the president of ukraine to the region. information about price increases. three energies for the population -
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a fake. the ministry of energy emphasized that no preparation or discussion of potential increase calculations is being carried out. it was also noted that ukrainians passed this winter without large-scale blackouts with light and heat. the day before , the main intelligence agency reported that russia is massively buying up telegram channels and creating bot farms that breed destructive information in order to destabilize the situation in ukraine. a historical event. ukraine passed the winter on its own gas mining oleksiy chernyshov, head of the naftogaz administration of ukraine, stated this. according to him, 10 years ago no one would have believed in this, but the workers of the industry did it and in the future they plan to support the trend of energy independence of ukraine. last year , oil and gas reported the launch of three highly productive wells, and at the beginning of winter, the accumulation of
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16 billion cubic meters of gas in underground... gas storages. russian opposition politician oleksiy navalny was buried today in moscow at the borysiv cemetery. say goodbye to him hundreds of people came, including the ambassadors of the usa, germany and france. let me remind you that navalny died at the age of 47 in the arctic penal colony on february 16. supporters of the opposition believe that he was killed on purpose. however , the kremlin denies any involvement of the state in the politician's death. ecological and smart exercise bikes. the taiwanese company acer together with the local ministry of digital transformation presented such devices to the lviv children's hospital and two higher education institutions. our correspondents are against. see how it works
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smart exercise bike, let's watch together. not only will you become sporty, elevated, but so that our students in ukraine... playing sports is not the only function of this exercise bike, the device charges electronic gadgets when its user turns the pedals, this is the development of the taiwanese electronics company acer, as the manufacturer's representatives assure, such simulators make people's lives active, safe and ecological. thanks to this current, the battery accumulates energy and releases it to the usb or type-c ports, thanks to this, the mobile device or on... will charging, these devices are also implemented according to the height of the table, there are, that is, working modes , there are modes, look, we can do this, we can lift up, for example, that is, each person can use different
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modes according to his height, according to his weight , the team was prompted by the sad events in ukraine, when thousands of people were left without electricity due to missile attacks by russia, ukrainians... energy infrastructure, so the developers decided to create an exercise bike that not only benefits from playing sports, but also helps in in the event of a blackout. the first place we wanted to send these exercise bikes to was ukraine, because ukraine today uses backup power, and these exercise bikes are energy-independent and generate electricity themselves. yes, for six months we worked on this idea, together with the democratic forum and taiwan. modern electronics, and it happened, i think it is a wonderful invention, in particular for ukrainian youth. taiwanese partners donated 12 such exercise bikes to: lviv children's hospital of st. nicholas and two universities. this was made possible thanks to
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cooperation between taiwanese government officials and the all-ukrainian democratic forum public organization. the taiwanese and i implemented a lot of projects, these are projects to help school students. in lviv, in poltava, in many other regions, we are currently working on new projects, on training computer science teachers, on the supply of new computers. this separate project is interesting in that we delivered not just exercise bikes to some lviv higher education institutions and hospitals, but modern gadgets that allow you to maintain health, because it exercise bike, charge your computer, your phones, use it and work at it like a desk. the director of the st. nicholas children's hospital is sincerely grateful for the... gifts, because the institution tries to create such conditions where small patients would feel as comfortable as possible and have fun spending their free time. in the hospital, we try to create a space as close as possible to home conditions, so that the children do not
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feel that they are in the hospital, that they are sick, that they have to receive drips, eye drops, but in addition, they have to lead a normal life, study in the school that we have, er... have physical exercises, five more smart simulators were handed over to the ukrainian catory university, the students willingly tested the devices and say that they already have ideas on how to use them in a charitable way purpose we have an initiative to create batteries for the military, and we will put such batteries next to each other and charge them in parallel, because they need to be charged somehow, and this is a good way for students to have a good time and do something useful. matters as answered our values ​​of our university. for students of the lviv polytechnic, sport is the main component of life, because many of them successfully compete in international and all-ukrainian sports competitions, and the teachers and employees
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of the university will not give up physical activity on exercise machines in order to warm up and at the same time charge electronic devices. it is a very cool possibility that it is in the buildings of the military polytechnic that there will be such holy simulators that they are between couples. and can come, practice and at least practice minimally your body our film crew also decided to join the experiment and test how this smart exercise machine works. so, we take the cable, connect it to the simulator, we see that there is no charge, we start holing the petals. and so the charge went. we see speed, power that can be adjusted according to your strength. and while we pedal, our phone charges. and i have to add that the espresso tv channel continues to collect fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned air systems sapsan of the state special transport services. these courageous soldiers
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are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to drones, they successfully destroy a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower, so they have. the goal is to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. thanks to you, we already have more than uah 879 in our accounts. so i suggest you don't... stop, but together help speed up this collection and close it finally, maybe even today. such was the news at that time, we will see you at 4 p.m., especially you you can read on our website espresso tv, a summary of the highlights on our social networks, and also watch us on youtube. my colleagues antin borkovskii and marta oliarnyk continue the broadcast. thank you to rina
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koval, thank you to the news editor, well , there are so many events, some of them are extremely disturbing when we talk about the situation on the fronts, but we will talk about everything in more detail in the next few hours together with marta liyarnyk. antin borkovskyi works with me, traditionally in our studio, and now we will talk a little about other things, also not less important are ours. financial issues, since march 1, payments for internally displaced persons have been reviewed in ukraine, but pensions will also be indexed, how much they will increase, and whether it will really be something as significant as this addition, so those funds may affect the budgets of ukrainian pensioners, we will try to find out with andrii reva, minister of social policy of ukraine from 2016 to 2019. mr. andriy, welcome to the espresso airwaves, congratulations. ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. well, first of all wanted you to outline the situation. that is, on
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the one hand, they promise an increase, on the other hand, we understand that, well, purchasing power, it has not just fallen in our country, it has fallen for certain sections of the population, it is simply critical. what will this moment of regulation look like now. that is, well, by monetizing and recalculating certain payments. if we talk about pensions, then... a similar development of events is not only in wartime, but also in peacetime. and therefore, when the law on indexation of pensions was adopted on october 3, 2017, we provided for a new a mechanism agreed with the international monetary fund, which stipulated that pensions should be indexed every year according to the formula: 50% of the increase in the average salary of the previous year and 50% of the increase. inflation index for the previous year, these indicators are added, and
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the basic pension for those people who are on well-deserved rest is increased by this factor. why exactly such a mechanism was chosen, because previously there was an order in which pensions were indexed only when inflation, well, that is, when it is clear that prices grow there and so on, it is necessary to index, but there is a situation when inflation does not grow, wages grow, yes... also a situation, and it turns out that since there is no inflation, then there is no indexation of pensions, this is wrong, and that is why this mechanism was determined, and this mechanism operated from 2017 to the present day, it operates despite the conditions of war, but what happened this year, this year it was already traditionally calculated these coefficients, i.e. the amount of inflation and the amount of wage growth for the previous year, starting from the third year to index these indicators are taken not only for the previous year, but
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for the previous three years, that is, a slightly more complicated calculation, but it was clear that it was possible to calculate this coefficient already in january, which the government did, do you remember the statement of the prime minister of minister shmehal that this year pensions will be indexed by 13% from march 1, 2023. the same figure was then repeated by the minister of social policy, mrs. žilnovych. this figure was heard by pensioners, it fully corresponded to the indicators provided by the state, state statistics, knew about them the pension fund, i will say more, this indicator is predictive, funds were provided in the state budget, because the pension fund not only pays from a single social contribution, but also a number of state programs, for example, pensions of military personnel, which are paid from state funds budget, and they are also indexed to this one. disappeared, that is, these funds were provided for in the state budget, provided for in the state budget, in the budget
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of the pension fund, and everyone expected that from march 1, 2024, indexation would be carried out by 13%. and just last friday, the government issued a decree according to which the increase in pensions will be less than 8%, 7.96, that is, not 13%, as the law requires, but less than eight. i draw your attention to the fact that when we laid this mechanism, it was stipulated that this indicator is the minimum possible, that is , more is possible if we have high growth, but less than this indicator is not possible. and that was in peacetime, mr. andriy, and we understand that our budget now consists of subsidies, and that is how we understand what our pensioners would like to pay much larger pensions, because , excuse me, 2361 hryvnias, well, this is a very small amount of money, and we understand that our pensioners should receive more, but how, as they say, in these difficult wartime conditions , to increase these pensions, where to get the money, tell me,
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please, are you a representative of the government, as i understand it, no. and i draw your attention, i draw your attention to the fact that the government has foreseen these funds in the state budget, and they were laid there during the adoption of the budget in december 2023, that is, all these payments provided for in the budget are not necessary to look for money, it was necessary to simply index pensions, i will tell you more, now you named a scary figure, 2361 hryvnias, and you are aware that 29. hryvnias were withdrawn from the pension fund budget to the state budget of ukraine in december 2023, they turned out to be superfluous for the shmygal government, despite the fact that the minimum pension was not increased during the 23rd year, and having uah 29 billion, this public, instead of giving money to pensioners, took it to the state budget.
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you are aware that now there is a government that says there is no money, uah 17 billion was sent to the roads. that is, there is money, but not for pensioners, so i would beg you very much, no, that is why i am asking, that is why i am asking, i tell you again, there is money, but not for pensioners , look at the number of millionaires, which we have increased in 2023, look at those budget figures, which they simply stupidly take from social, social payments, now we will talk about idps, that is , they actually robbed pensioners, took this money and... no one said a word, think about it, there was a press conference of the president of ukraine, no one journalist present at the press conference did not ask a simple question to mr. president, the guarantor of the constitution, mr. president, the government violated the law on pensioners, instead of 13% indexation, he gave 8%, less than eight. you can influence the position of our
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government officials, or explain why this happened, not a single journalist believed that this was an issue that was of concern to 10 million... look, i would also like to clarify for you, and in general, the logic of indexing, well, we understand, there are poor pensioners, well , literally poor, and there are rich pensioners, well in particular, it is about judges and so on, i.e. people who receive, perhaps it is not me to evaluate, but it is orders of magnitude more than the minimum, and accordingly, the indexing will be carried out somehow, well, taking into account whether all, yes so to speak, they would draw 8% instead of 13, but it’s the same for everyone , let’s figure it out, because very often this question is heard on the air, and unfortunately, it turns out to be a very not very clear picture, the payments about which you you say, these are not pensions, today judges do not receive a pension, they do
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lifelong monetary maintenance, yes, which is not regulated by the law on mandatory state maintenance. insurance, and according to the law on the status of judges, the rules on pension recalculation do not apply to them, so when we talk about indexation of pensions, we are talking about indexation of pensions for those people who receive a pension under the law on mandatory state pension insurance, the principle of providing for military personnel, and now our government has renewed the indexation of special pensions for civil servants, people deputies, local self-government officials. and so on, that is, far from the poor themselves, why do they think not about the poor, but about the rich, as you say, this should be asked of the žilnovich government, the shmehal government and mr. zelensky, they care about these categories, and those who received 2,093 hryvnias, in the 23rd year of indexation, they did not have a penny at all, and 29 billion, which remained at the end of the year, were given to the state budget, mr.
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marchenko, and 17 of them have now been sent on the road, this is the government's policy, this is yours state policy, so when you... today they say, there is no money, i say, it 's not about money, they have no conscience, elementary order and responsibility to people. now let's move on to internally displaced persons. today, 5 million people are forced to leave their homes and move from the war zone to the interior of the country. plus , almost 6 million of us went abroad. so , out of these 5 million people who lost their homes and were forced to move, payments to internally displaced persons. receive only 2,600 thousand, half, but the government believes that this a lot, and therefore from the first of march, the rules for providing assistance have been changed. internally displaced persons. a number of categories of people will lose this assistance. and the government expects that
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only 1.5 million of the 2,600,000 people who receive this assistance will remain. that is, they will reduce by another million those who receive assistance as internally displaced persons. now look, they dumped the pensioners when they indexed the pension, they cut the number of people receiving benefits like internally displaced persons by a million. and now they are talking about what will increase tariffs for gas and electricity. so i ask a simple question. let's remember what ms. zhulnovich said about social policy in ukraine. we need to break all the social systems that exist in our country. you are witnessing the end of an era of poverty. and, i appeal to our dear citizens, please look at what is happening. covering up with war, covering up with troubles. they stupidly cut social benefits, not because they don't have any, but because they think it's inappropriate to give them to you in the current wartime, it's better to
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uah 33 billion of receivables will be embezzled from the ministry of defense, uah 17 billion for roads, uah 2 billion for a single marathon , for anything, but not for pensioners and not for socially protected, unprotected citizens, that is the trouble, in the political the position of the government under... the president and the majority in the verkhovna rada, that's all. thank you, thank you, mr. andrii, extremely, extremely clear and understandable. andrii reva, minister of social policy of ukraine in 2016-2019 about the indexation of pensions, respectively, its size, and payments for domestic displaced persons, well , there are a lot of events today, and accordingly , we will inform you now, dear tv viewers. yes, and by the way, about the confiscation of frozen russian assets, if... we have already touched on the issue of money, the us treasury secretary actually says that it will not be enough to replace the aid from the united states to ukraine, about that she
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said in an interview with bloomberg. i quote her: i see no real alternative to a decision by congress to provide ukraine with the aid it needs this year. i don't think anyone can fill this one the gap according to the minister of finance of the united states, although the european union has already approved very substantial funding for ukraine, so has japan. contributed, the total amount seems insufficient, in her opinion, these funds can help ukraine in the near future, while the country is waiting for more help. well, in the ovdiiv direction, the enemy is increasing the intensity of shelling and has some local successes. this was reported by general tarnavskyi. for their part, the defense forces continue to conduct a defensive operation , restoring lost positions in some places, therefore brigadier general, commander of the operational-strategic group of troops , tavriy tarnavskyi reported that in avdiivsk. direction, the enemy increases the intensity of artillery fire, has a significant advantage in ammunition and increases the number of assault groups up to a battalion-tactical group, throws in battle reserves and thus has
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some local successes. the operational situation is very dynamic, the defense forces continue to conduct a defensive operation. over the past day , our defenders repelled 25 enemy attacks in the avdiyivskyi direction in the novopavlivskyi direction 30, one attack in the orihiv direction. well, what a complicated village. it is a difficult situation, now we will go on a break and before it we will once again remind you about our collection, and actually antin quoted that the situation is very difficult now, so we need you and i to help, whoever can, if you have the opportunity to help with hryvnias, then whatever please do it, if you can join our collection for 50 fpv drones, 800 00 hryvnias need to be collected, then please make your contribution, qr code and bank card number, you see on your screens now. let's take a break and after that we return to the espresso studio. a lot of interesting things are ahead. there are
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10% discounts on lyzak in the psylansky, band and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on mebicar ic tablets. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. tired of heavy and bulky saws. then pilka strong from razpak tv is just for you. they drove with her. you can cut trees and bushes with high quality, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, also a reliable battery is included, call now and order , there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement with a strong saw, just look how quickly it copes with even thick branches once it is done and on unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use in hard- to-reach places. the set includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger. call and order
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a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery. check with consultants: a powerful strong saw is what you need! call! the premium sponsor of the national team is represented by: united by football. stronger well, the information day of the tv channel continues. now we will talk about ukrainian-polish relations and not only about them. people are in touch with us mp of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi. glory to ukraine, mr. mykola, congratulations. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, just a couple of days ago , a positive signal came from the trade representative of ukraine, taras kachka. i am quoting a duck now. he spent four hours very on...


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