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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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device, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, a powerful strong saw is what you need, call, the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, the information day of the tv channel continues. now we will talk about ukrainian-polish relations and not only about them. people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. mykola, congratulations. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, just a couple of days ago, a positive signal came from the trade representative of ukraine , taras kachka. i am quoting a duck now. he spent four hours very. rich negotiations with
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the minister of development and technology of poland krzysztof hetman and the minister of agriculture czeslaw sekerski. he called these negotiations one of the most intense and intense in his career. i quote a duck. we were able to find a common language and are working on a constructive solution, how to unblock the borders and take into account the interests of polish farmers and ukraine. it is not easy, but it is possible. well, he did not give details. mr. mykola, the signals are very different. from the side of polish politicians, from the side. ukrainian politicians , on the part of ukrainian trade representatives, you as a person who is involved in this issue, you have been to the border more than once and communicated with various circles, i would ask you to evaluate the progress of the negotiations now, if of course this is not an overly secret story , although i understand that you were not present at the negotiations that kachka wrote about, of course, kachka is the deputy minister economy, talked with my visas, with members of the polish government, but today i will have... part of the polish delegation in
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kyiv that arrived here, so i am trying to follow what is happening, unfortunately, unfortunately, in this his messages are like on a swing, you know, the poles are very offended by him when he says very harsh things in relation to poland, in this message it was not completely clear to me when we talked about the interests of ukrainian and polish rural workers economy first, the border overlaps not only for agricultural workers, and this is obviously a matter of national security for me, well , obviously then it is not a matter of the duck, it is a matter of other responsible persons both in ukraine and in poland, representatives of the national security and defense council, and possibly representatives of the ministry of defense, as for the reasons for this, i don't see any economic reasons for this, since most ukrainian products are not supplied to poland, and if we want to be members of the european union, then it has to start... even more,
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there should be negotiations about this, but not today, definitely for the future, because we will compete with representatives of the polish agricultural sector when we are in the european union, but today i do not particularly see this competition, i see the use, unfortunately, of ukraine as such a scumbag as an enemy in their political struggle by representatives of some polish farming and transport, so to speak, environments, and... i agree with what mr. lansbergis jr. said in lithuania, that when the poles said they would block the lithuanian-polish border, because they say that ukrainian grain is returning from there, then to him it immediately smelled like hybrid operations of the russian federation, to me too, these hybrid operations continue on the ukrainian border, so the fact that there is a conversation is very good, it is extremely positive, because the polish the government is not in an easy situation, because many polish citizens
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support these farmers, agricultural workers, the polish government cannot count on this. there are many other reasons why the polish government is in trouble situation, because on the eve of the local elections, the various parties of the government coalition will go to the elections separately, and the parties' positions, and everyone is trying to use this protest of farmers to raise their own rating, regardless of how much truth there is in those demands and in those accusations about ukraine and ukrainians ... there are lots of agricultural products, how many lies there are, no one cares about it anymore, and the voice of the public sounds very quiet, as well as the voice of independent journalists and journalists in poland in general, and this is definitely the case, on the other hand, the voices of provocateurs and pro-russian bots in social networks are loud, so the situation is not easy, and unfortunately it is still not resolved, despite the fact that i think the polish government would be happy to resolve it, because he really sincerely supports ukraine and wants our european integration. well, knowing
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donald tusk, knowing his team, there are a lot of people there, really sincerely pro-ukrainian, they are polish politicians, but they stand for basic things, such as the understanding between poland and ukraine. on the other hand, the situation with those protestors, it shows that donald tusk may not have enough leverage, well, if we use police methods, the situation can worsen, and we understand that he is obliged to do something, well, within the limits of what is called macroeconomic decision , so we understand that brussels has now unblocked money that was not allocated to poland due to violations by the previous government system, a number of assumed... without obligations, in particular, when we are talking about the same polish constitution, yes, well, the money was unblocked , as far as we understand, it is more likely not only about money, well, and accordingly, mr. mykola, if you evaluate the dynamics, you see some, so to speak, directions with
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the help or tools with the help of which it would be possible, well, to return a sane sense to the data business? well, it seems to me that the polish authorities are trying to do all this, but without an honest explanation. and answers to the questions that the polish government, including the ukrainian government, put to them, and the questions that the ukrainian government and those the demands set by the ukrainian government, so without an answer to these questions it will definitely be extremely difficult to change the situation, because we need to start talking honestly with our society, with polish society, with those farmers, because what is the point of ukraine, all this hatred for ukraine is built on myths , of course, well... it is unfortunate and unfair, especially in relation to a country that is fighting for its freedom and that of the whole of europe against the aggressor, and to which everyone showed and is showing solidarity, and this corridor of life on the western border, this is also a manifestation of solidarity, well, so far there is no such problem, because we use the sea, even more or
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at the pre-war level, the ports of the south of ukraine and grain is exported through romania, transport goes largely through hungary. which is definitely not a big fan of ours, to put it mildly, in the european union, but our transport through hungary moves, of course, russia would like to block us from all sides, and to block us from the polish side is just their dream, and unfortunately, strangely enough, polish society remained, and polish people politicians remained the most vulnerable to these russian special operations, which had under them a certain polish tradition of protests, and a tradition of protests by farmers, who very often demand additional to... additional money for themselves through protests and are already used to getting it for themselves in this way , this is such a complex, difficult tangle that is simply not fair to ukraine. and we understand that the situation does not only concern ukrainian industry, i mean ukrainian products, yes, but it is also about the fact that
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poland trades not only with ukraine, but at least the ukrainian truth, the latest investigation by makhail tykach showed that poland is very active in trade with russia. because of belarus, donald tusk even reacted and said that perhaps they will adopt the experience of countries such as, for example, latvia, which limited imports with russia, and the polish prime minister actually has such considerations, what do you think , whether restrictions on certain import ratios can calm down the mood of polish farmers a little, and perhaps this actually will help solve this problem with too much. products, and this is one of the demands, as far as we know, of polish farmers, it is precisely to regulate this competition. well, look , there are no products on the polish market, ukrainian and most of the agricultural products that create this grain competition, in particular, because there is an embargo, contrary to
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european rules and regulations, the products are russian, yes, i saw the story of kacha and it is shameful that she in general, it is delivered there, as a precedent, but compared to... with the ukrainian products that crossed border, this is very little, although it is obviously unacceptable, and it must be stopped, and it is not fair, when the ukrainian border is blocked completely, and the belarusian border is open, russian products go from there, the same russian products enter the markets of portugal, spain, and there it is much more than ukrainian products, and it is the struggle for european markets that stimulates the aggressor country to wage such hybrid wars against us, while there are dews on other european markets. products, there are markets where there are more russian products than ukrainian products, yes that to me, i do not see any reason to block ukraine at all, except that it is a russian special operation and attempts by farmers to make money for themselves now and to stop
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competition on the european markets in the future, when we will sign the association agreement, after all today in the evening at 9 p.m. i have mykola knyazhytskyi's youtube channel and we met there. portnikov, we will discuss this situation, so i invite everyone to subscribe to this channel and join our conversation, we will talk about it live and communicate with many people directly ether well, the key. history, expert internationalist andriy andreykiv wrote succinctly, but very clearly: if you started hating the poles, then the enemy has achieved his goal, we understand how important it is now to build, i don’t know, a coordinated, synchronized policy, but we see that without brussels it may not be possible to achieve key and quick results, mr. mykola, intervention and assistance to brussels, as far as it is active in your opinion, perhaps something additional could and should be done by the european commission, because we understand that
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well, in any case, it will be necessary to somehow redistribute the european markets, we understand that, on the one hand, they gave us the green light at one time, but we see that there will be strong pressure from various agro-industrial environments in the european union in general, well, there will be this pressure, until we just need to be ready for this, we can't do without brussels, but i still mean by brussels... in this war situation, after all, there is more nato than the european union, because the european union needs negotiations, they will be difficult, but blocking the roads of a warring country is related to the european union, but not directly, but directly to nato, therefore , of course, all the offices of all international organizations should be included in this, well, you will still have to negotiate with the poles, because the poles will be very influential in brussels, you have to understand that after the upcoming elections , tusk will have one there. from the largest factions, especially in the people's party, which nominated vonderlein, and because of that,
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the support of tusk and his party will be very important for us in the future, and we need to protect our interests, somewhere, not to make compromises where they are pointless, but to continue the dialogue with our future ally in the european union, so as not to turn it into an enemy, geopolitically this will not happen, but in the economic sphere, unfortunately, it can happen, well, if we talk , for example, about our capabilities, in particular institutional ones, only we are active at the government level, i understand that you are not in the government, that you are in the opposition, but how do you evaluate, for example, the work in order to be relevant the mechanisms worked, yes at one time, well, i don't know a few days ago, the visit of our government delegation to the border, which did not agree, according to its polish visas, but it caused a lot of questions and irony, in particular from our side, it is necessary that such things somehow work very, very clearly, like clockwork, well yes, theatrical performances should give way to serious conversations and negotiations, although the negotiations are going on, the ukrainian government is conducting negotiations, and
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at the same time the demands of the ukrainian government were absolutely fair, it's just that this form of photography on the border looked, to put it mildly, illogical and it might be insulting to the poles, who can cling to it and say: you see, you consider us fools here, and serious negotiations are not needed, they are going as far as the government can manage, well, so far we see that in some ways yes, in some ways no , that we saw minister solskyi there, minister solskyi is trying to actively work in these directions, the statements of shmygal were logical in principle, but this was not enough to move it, we know that the negotiating groups that worked on poland's entry into the european union , included hundreds of people, including from civil society, from scientific circles, i don't see that our government is open to the involvement of different circles to specialists from different circles. because they are trying to confine everything to themselves, to say that we have seven negotiators, er, maybe now they will expand this circle for integration into
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the european union, but this is obviously in favor. thank you, mr. mykola, mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, was on the air of espress, they talked about the difficult situation of ukrainian-polish relations, but we understand that it is necessary to improve these relations and work to ensure that the two countries emerge from this situation only as winners. we are going further, we will now go for a short break, after it we will connect. hrushetskyi, the executive director of kmis, we will talk with him about the mood of ukrainians, what ukrainians think about, yes , in fact, for the third year of a full-scale war, we will find out in just a few minutes. if you are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the tv unboxed strong saw is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use. and for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from
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oscham. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. most current topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on... the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu.
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vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. well, the information day of the tv channel in rozpala. yes, there are extremely many events, extremely high-quality and informed experts. well, now let's talk about the situation in our country. yes, sociology is a fairly precise science. well , we understand that there is something to measure and something to talk about. anton hrushetskyi, executive director of kmis, is in touch with us now. glory to ukraine, mr. anton, we congratulate you. good day, glory to the heroes. well, a fresh, extreme sociological survey, right? my understanding is that, well, the situation is generally stable in the country, right? well, tell me, please,
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about your, about your latest figures. well, you know, we've had a few. polls, the last one we published, it was about ukraine's support for the west, and in general the factors for ukraine's success in the war, and this is the last question that we talked about what factors ukrainians think are most important for ukraine to succeed in the war, and by the way, the majority is expected of ukrainians answered that it is a cash support for the event, almost 60%, and to be honest, the main audience of these results is our western partners, and they still understood the importance of this issue and understood it, and ukrainians understand it, but in addition to this, it is necessary.. . to pay attention to the fact that a third of ukrainians speak of the higher efficiency and transparency of the ukrainian authorities, that is, ukrainians place great responsibility on our authorities, and also ukrainians want unity, unity between the military command and political leadership, unity between the authorities and civil society, these are the main factors that ukrainians talk about, and by the way, factors such as the activities of the russian opposition, less than 10% of ukrainians believe that this
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would help ukraine achieve success, that this activity to destabilize the situation in russia may have a certain positive. effect for ukraine, mr. anton, i would like to ask you whether you asked ukrainians, in fact, how they evaluate the policy of the west towards ukraine, whether ukrainians think that maybe the west is not helping us enough now, and in principle, how you formulated these questions and what the ukrainians answered, you are now asking a great question, because one thing comes from the other, and to be honest, we had a separate question that we have been asking since september 22nd, and we are in september... in the 22nd year, it was defined as a narrative of division that russian propaganda tried to instill the idea that the west wants to abandon ukraine, is tired of ukraine, and how many ukrainians believe this. in september 22 , only 15% of ukrainians. believed in this, in this narrative. in october of the 23rd year, there were already 30% of them, as of the end of february, now there are already 44%. we still have 49% more people who
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believe that the west is on ukraine's side and wants ukraine to succeed on acceptable terms, but the fact that we are seeing such rapid growth is obviously even, you know, not even interests of ukrainians, nevertheless, ukrainians see and reflect on the situation that is happening, especially in the united states, in western europe. we had a survey in december. on another question, and in our country almost 90% of ukrainians believe that if the west will properly support ukraine, ukraine can achieve success in the war, and that is why it is very unfortunate for many ukrainians, it is often perceived as a kind of betrayal, ukrainians believe that russia can be fought, russia can be defeated if we are given some adequate support, but at the same time these figures show that ukrainians are gradually becoming disappointed in the position of the west, one would like to hope that some time will pass and... yes, they will approve the aid, other countries will provide it at a faster, more sufficient pace, and we will see certain reverse trends among the population, one must understand the far-reaching consequences, because due to
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that is, fewer people will believe in victory , fewer fewer people will be so optimistic inside, and by the way, we see that the majority of ukrainians remain optimistic, but optimism is becoming much more restrained, and primarily because of relations with the west, see, i i travel by public transport, so i regularly communicate with... with our common people, and i can talk about restrained optimism, i can only do so very, very restrained, extremely restrained, yes, well, accordingly, kmis recently held a very important, in my opinion, sociological survey, yes, as far as i understand, it was face-to-face, that is, they worked with the respondents, that is, not by telephone and not by social networks, so the research is devoted to the development of affairs in ukraine, rightly or wrongly. in the same direction, yes , well, i would ask you to voice the relevant figures, in particular taking into account the dynamics, we understand that very often it is not the pure indicators in themselves that are important, but
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what is called the dynamics of the process during, for example, the next six months, well , you understand that before the invasion , most ukrainians knew what was going on are moving in the wrong direction, immediately after the invasion in may 22, we had a majority of ukrainians, about 70%, who believed that things had started. in the right direction due to the complexity of the situation, then this indicator decreased, especially in the 23rd year, and only in december of the 23rd year we had more people who believed that things were moving in the right direction, and as of february for the first time more those who believe that things are moving in the wrong direction, about 46%, and about 44% who believe that is in the right direction, that is, in this case, we are once again seeing such an inevitable dynamic, as you rightly noted, more and more people, but if we look at... how you see the future of ukraine, we have, say, a year and a half that's why 90% saw the future of ukraine as optimistic, now 77% are so, and especially
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those who are completely convinced of this have significantly decreased, that is why we speak of restrained optimism, after all, most people still believe that after a certain time there, say 5 -10 years, ukraine will be a member of the european union, the situation will be better, there will be a prosperous economy and reconstruction, but tactically right now, of course, ukrainians have enough courage. views, although they do not go in parallel with the desire to capitulate or surrender, ukrainians still prefer to fight on, consult with russia, they still perceive russia as such a cruel and insidious enemy that must be fought. mr. anton, i wanted to clarify with you, look, you said that ukrainians are still optimistic, but there is a certain decrease in these percentages, and we understand that many ukrainians maybe now they are also rethinking for themselves, and what is our victory, and here i would actually like to refer to... your sociology, because it is important that we are not, as they say, silent, but rely on numbers, as far as now, if you asked, of course, there are certain
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, well, let's say, mood changes in terms of what is considered a victory, you know, there is a question of what is considered a victory, and what ukrainians consider a realistic victory, if we ask what is considered a victory, it is by the way , questions were recently published by our colleagues from the center razumkova, you get 80 or 90% who consider it a victory for ukraine, the restoration of full territorial integrity within the borders of 1991. if you ask the question now, what do you consider to be the most realistic, then six months ago more than 70% of ukrainians believed that this was a complete restoration of territorial integrity, now about 65% believe that this is a restoration of territorial integrity within the borders of 1991, that's all - still the majority of the population, but we see a certain decrease, at the same time, about a third of ukrainians feel that certain things may take place territories and again, this is such a general
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context, unmet expectations, certain problems with relations in the west, by the way, those respondents who believe that the west is tired of ukraine, they are much more pessimistic and to a much greater extent believe that there will be certain territorial losses . look, mr. anton, we would also like to ask you about the level of trust in the institutions and in the personnel, we understand that we live in, so to speak, our ukrainian specificity, well, it certainly happened. certain event and possible displacement, so to speak, vectors of trust, in particular, well, the survey is connected with the resignation of the until recently head of the armed forces of ukraine , general valery zaluzhny. well, fortunately there was no, i don't know, drop in ratings, well, but, but, the level, the level of trust, for example, in the same president. if we talk about institutions, we have absolute trust in the armed forces and volunteers. the armed
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forces will be trusted. 5% and trust does not decrease here, volunteers will also be trusted by about 90%, but if we talk about specific personnel, we did not have any more decline in the president, in december volodymyr zelensky was trusted by 77%, in february before his resignation on the background of his resignation , 64% were trusted, and if we take the last two days after his resignation as a matter of fact, our survey covered the period before and after resignations, in general trust has dropped to 60%, on the one hand, this is actually not such a bad indicator. the fact that the majority of ukrainians still trust the president, especially against the background of dispersing the narrative about the loss of legitimacy there in may, but on the other hand, this story the communication campaign was unsuccessful for the authorities, and therefore the authorities suffered enough tangible losses, but it is important to understand that at the same time, the majority of ukrainians who know oleksandr silskyi trust him, that is, there is a certain negative attitude towards the resignation of valery zaluzhnyi, but at the same time, ukrainians trust oleksandr silskyi and yet it is in common interests, ukrainians understand, so that
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he succeeds in his new position. mr. anton, we understand that now ukrainian society is very consolidated and united around the idea that the elections are not on time, and now we have a war, but still, if we assume that hypothetically the elections will come sooner or later, well, they must be held like this, of course not in war conditions, then what is the mood? in fact, in all our polls , respondents still say that when we try to ask political... questions, we hear enough comments that now the priority is to win the war, and then discuss politics, because ukrainians understand politics first as a certain conflict and destruction of unity, as well as these elections are wasteful spending of money, which now you see a sensitive reaction, instead of paving stones it is better to buy drones, and all these purchases cause an angry reaction, and i feel that the expenses for the elections will cause anger in the population, but if the elections were held all- among public figures who are really
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politicians, well, we have the most people... who trust volodymyr zelensky, that is , when he said that he could win the elections, if we assume that valery zaluzhnyi does not take part in the elections, he never declared about political ambitions, volodymyr zelenskyi is the most popular politician at the moment, and the majority of ukrainians would obviously vote for him, most likely, but again, if we were talking about the verkhovna rada, the situation would be much more complicated, because in among public personnel, we have high trust, for example, serhiy prytula, we have high trust in some other persons who, in the event of a trip there. political activity could receive sufficiently tangible support from the public there. thank you sir anton. anton hrushetskyi, executive director of the kyiv international institute of sociology. there was eteris of the press, they talked about the mood of ukrainians and most importantly, how much the mood has changed in two years, yes, since sociologists measure actually from the beginning of the full-scale invasion until now. well, i would like to say, returning to the conversation with mr. hrushetsky, that the ratings are holding, well, they are falling, this is understandable, during the war,
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various troubles. in crookedness and so on, but the fact that the ratings hold is generally there a certain evidence of the stability of our nation , this is an extremely important moment, yes, because during the war, maintaining ratings and trust in institutions is an extremely important story, well, let's give the floor, yes, yes, let's give the floor to irina koval, because the time has come news, we want to know more information from you, iro, we give you the floor, and tell us what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, well, in the temporarily occupied crimea. explosions rang out, i will tell you about the situation at the front and what is happening at the moment ukrainian-polish border, wait for everything in a moment.
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news time on espressu tv channel. iryna koval is in the studio, greetings to all viewers and...


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