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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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within the scope of the charity organization's project , the mercy and health charity fund will soon deliver six containers of valuable medical aid to 16 hospitals and clinics in ukraine. the cargo will be distributed among institutions that provide medical care in donetsk, chernihiv and kyiv regions. tetyana golunova, dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. this is such an important help, her important initiative, i wish there was more such help. good evening, we are from ukraine. the second hour of the great ether. big evening on the spresso tv channel continues, now is the time for the big broadcast and i will tell you in detail the news about the most important state for this hour. explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied sevastopol, an air raid alert was announced in the city. this is reported by local telegram. channels, according
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to eyewitnesses, they heard at least five loud explosions, movement. and it's more serious, and it says that an ambulance rushed somewhere in sevastopol. meanwhile, the occupation authorities claim about the work of anti-aircraft defense that they allegedly shot down eight missiles, they wrote specifically about the storm shadow over the black sea. there are also hits in the sag district crimea later, eyewitnesses reported an attack on the military base in gvardiysky, this is the simferopol district. the light went out in the village. 60. an eight-year-old man was wounded by enemy shelling in kharkiv oblast. on the day the russians attacked vovchansk, at least 30 explosions rang out in the city, according to the regional police. private houses were damaged. an investigative and operative group, forensic experts and explosives technicians are working on the ground. in the hot avdiiv direction, the operational situation is dynamic, russian troops fire more often with artillery, have some local successes, and ukrainian units are holding the defense and in some places they are returning. lost positions.
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this was reported by the commander of tavria's troop group oleksandr ternavskyi. he emphasized that the enemy has a significant advantage in ammunition, is increasing the number of assault groups, and throwing new reserves into battle. therefore, it has some local successes. according to ternavskyi , over the past day , ukrainian soldiers repelled 25 enemy attacks in the avdiiv region. and to the south of vdiivka, russia is accumulating reserves and making a powerful leap forward. yar in donetsk region, in donetsk region, access to the city will open the enemy's way for an offensive on kostyantynivka, and the main goal is kramatorsk and slavyansk, noted the head of the press service of the khortyce troops group, ilya yavlash. russia spares no effort and looks for weak points. in the defense of our army, at the slightest opportunity to break through our defenses, it strengthens its groups and resorts to assaults. but our military has been preparing for the protection of the temporal ravine for a long time. several defense circles were erected near the city. minefields, both
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anti-tank and anti-personnel, also made embankments and anti-tank ramparts. president ukraine's volodymyr zelenskyi will not go to armenia and azerbaijan due to baku's decision, as reported by the publication radar arminia, the visit of the ukrainian president has apparently been canceled by the authorities of azerbaijan. however, the exact reason was not mentioned there, earlier the media wrote that zelensky was supposed to visit both countries on march 4, and this would be his... first visit as the president of ukraine to this region, to the so-called transcaucasia, as it was called before. well, actually it is, and the situation on the border has escalated near the doctor's checkpoint in poland, reinforcements of the polish police have arrived, ukrainian carriers wanted to negotiate with the strikers, but the law enforcement officers do not let them through, according to the polish farmers, until monday they will not let a single ukrainian truck in... none at all,
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because they are going on a weekend, before that the poles let through one truck per hour, we have no leverage over them, but the only thing we can do is go to the police, talk to them, because there is no point in going to the protesters, they contact us there and then and there and that's it, i think it's paid for, there's nothing to do with it to speak with them, the only thing is that we can block the roads with the police, but the police see if we have 20-30 people going there at once. two more crews of some kind of help are already arriving and they are consulting there and seem to let it go , that is, until we go, if we don't go, don't stop us, let's go, we achieve something, at least one car per hour, then we know 2 -4 hours, 24 cars must go. the ukraine-poland conflict is intensifying, the dividing line is getting deeper and deeper , the situation on the border threatens national security of ukraine and harms both peoples.
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russia's presence in the conflict is obvious. today , march 1, at 9 p.m., politician mykola knyazhytskyi and publicist vitaly portnikov will discuss what is happening between ukraine and poland, what is the root of it. of this problem, who is interested in fanning the conflict and how to overcome it? at the end of the conversation, a question and answer session for subscribers. two families were evacuated in a week from the front-line areas of the zaporizhia region, among them there are children, they are all being taken to zaporizhzhia, then you can choose another place. free evacuation continues, as the number of russian shelling increases every day. every day, the enemy attacks near... your territory almost 200 times - noted the head of the region, ivan fedorov. local authorities and volunteers provide the evacuees with everything they need. and thanks to our partners, we help to evacuate, to place, and to provide material and
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humanitarian aid, so that the residents feel safer in the first days and weeks than they are currently. it is also significant that the family that was evacuated yesterday, and... one of the family members is a 15-year-old child, of course we understand that children should be taken to the safest places, as of today the government has started pension indexation , this month all ukrainian pensioners will receive increased payments, prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal announced this during the government meeting. as you know, according to the decision of the cabinet of ministers, the average pension will increase to uah 5,717. today we are starting the third indexation during the full-scale war. in march, all ours pensioners will receive increased payments, pensions will increase by 8%. we will continue to help those who need it most, and we will continue to rebuild our country.
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russian opposition politician oleksiy navalny was buried today in moscow at the borysiv cemetery. hundreds of people came to say goodbye to him, they walked from the church. up to the cemetery itself, but the law enforcement officers did not let them directly into the territory of the cemetery. among those who came to say goodbye were the ambassadors of the usa, germany and france. let me remind you that navalny died at the age of 47 years in the arctic correctional colony arctic wolf. it happened on february 16. supporters of the oppositionist believe that he was killed on purpose, but the kremlin denies any involvement of the state in the death. policy. by the way, at the request of the kremlin , whether representatives of the kremlin will be at the funeral , putin's spokesman, dmitry peskov, said that the kremlin
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has nothing to say, dear navalny, but indeed, a person died in prison, you imprisoned him, it is not known with what charges, well you nothing to say in any case, this man fought against putin, if that's what it's all about a push in the long term, then it will be a big plus, but the russian regime, as they say, does not become weaker because of this. ecological and smart exercise bikes. the taiwanese company acer, together with the local ministry of digital transformation, donated such devices to the lviv children's hospital and two higher education institutions. our correspondents protested. as they did not test, but did a test, how does a smart exercise bike work, see with us, positively, not only you will become sporty, elevated, but that our students will be like this great opportunities. playing sports is not the only
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function of this exercise bike. the device charges electronic gadgets when its user pedals. this is the development of the taiwanese company electronics. acer, as the manufacturer's representatives assure, such simulators make people's lives active, safe and ecological. thanks to this current, the battery accumulates energy and releases it to the usb or type-c ports. thanks to this, the mobile device or laptop will be charged. also, these devices are implemented according to the height of the table, there are, that is, there are working modes modes, look, we can do that, we can raise it up, for example. that is, each person can do according to his height, according to his weight, use different modes. the team was prompted by the sad events in ukraine, when thousands of people were left without electricity due to russia's missile attacks on the ukrainian energy infrastructure. so
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the developers decided to create an exercise bike that not only benefits from sports, but also helps in case of a blackout. first of all, where did we want to send these exercise bikes this is ukraine, because ukraine today uses backup power, and these exercise bikes are energy-independent and generate their own electricity. yes, we worked on this for six months. this idea together with the democratic forum and the taiwanese company acer, which produces high-quality modern electronics, and it happened, i think it is a great invention, in particular for ukrainian youth. taiwanese partners donated 12 such exercise bikes to the lviv children's hospital of st. nicholas and two universities. this became possible thanks to the cooperation of the taiwanese government officials with public organization. all-ukrainian democratic forum. we are taiwanese. implemented a lot of projects, these are projects to help school students, in lviv, in poltava, in many other regions, we are currently
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working on new projects, on training computer science teachers, on the supply of new computers, this particular project is interesting because we some lviv higher education institutions and hospitals have installed not just exercise bikes, but modern gadgets that allow you to maintain health, because it is an exercise bike, charge your computer, your phones, use it and work at it like a desk. the director of st. nicholas children's hospital is sincerely grateful for such gifts, because the institution tries to create such conditions where small patients would feel as comfortable as possible and have fun spending their free time. in the hospital, we try to create a space that is as close as possible to home conditions, so that the children do not feel that they are in the hospital, that they are sick, that they have to receive drips, injections, but in addition, they have to lead. ordinary life, study at school, which we have, to exercise.
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five more smart simulators were handed over to the ukrainian catholic university. the students eagerly tried out the devices and say they already have ideas on how to use them for charity. we have an initiative to create batteries for the military, and we will place such batteries next to each other and charge them simultaneously in parallel, because they need to be charged somehow. and this is a good way to do it. so that students have a good time and do useful things, as is consistent with our values ​​of our university. for for students of the lviv polytechnic, sport is almost the main component of life, because many of them successfully compete in international and all-ukrainian sports competitions. university teachers and employees will not give up physical activity on the exercise machines to stretch out and charge their electronic devices at the same time. this is a very cool possibility in cases. polytechnic university will have some exercise bikes, so that they can come, train and
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at least minimally train their bodies. our film crew also decided join the experiment and test how this smart exerciser works. so, we take the cable, connect it to the simulator, see that we don't have a charge, and start walking . and so the charge went. we see speed, power that can be adjusted according to your strength. and while we are driving away, our phone is charging, well, we continue, now briefly, i will remind the collection, and you will support briefly. espresso calls for participation in the collection of buggies for the evacuation of the wounded and the transport of combat kits, as well as for car and a trench guard for the 12th separate special forces unit, well, to knock it off the course of enemy drones. not only drones , or to intercept them in general, our defenders destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day,
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this collection will help save human lives, above all, it will increase the effectiveness of the unit, so join in, every donation strengthens the shield with which we restrain the aggressor, our goal is 480 00 hryvnias, i just found out that you have already collected more than 80 thousand, well, that is , good dynamics, let's move with such dynamics, i think that in a short time we we will be able to send this important message from you to our soldiers. gift, but now we will talk about an important thing, about the work of government, business in conditions of possible pressure and non-transparency, how to deal with it, radislav tkachenko, lawyer vb partners, contact us, mr. radislav, congratulations, good evening, glad to see and hear and hear, so recently the european business association joined the autumn parliamentary special commission on the protection of investors' rights, which is very important, what is the current situation with the rights of investors in... the country, how do they react to what's happening means opportunities and pressures, so what's more now?
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i would like to start with the fact that, in principle, the support of investors and the development of business in ukraine is an extremely important issue, because it is not just a question of our forward development, but it is a question in principle of our survival in modern conditions, because we need to support the national economy, we need to support... the armed forces to repel the aggressor, but we also need to think about how to restore what was destroyed by this aggressor, that is, we absolutely need investments. in order for our country to develop forward in the future, however, in connection with the war, this factor of course cannot be dismissed, the investment climate is currently in a terrible state, because business is forced to constantly face the risks of what war brings, so it is the destruction, it is the chaos that
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war brings with it, but unfortunately it is not, it is not the only problem that has to be faced... today our investors, our business, apart from the external enemy, they have also face internal risks, in connection with the fact that business constantly faces pressure from law enforcement officers, unfortunately, i am forced to state that ukraine is gradually turning into such a police state, and law enforcement officers are only using their powers , to put pressure on business and , accordingly, on investors, the bureau of economic security. the state bureau of investigation, the national police, the security service, all of them start trumped-up criminal proceedings, they suspect people of these trumped-up criminal proceedings, conduct searches, they seize property, thereby blocking business activities as a whole , sending businessmen to custody, and all this naturally has a negative effect on the investment climate, on
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the feeling of security of the investor, his investments and himself directly, for example, we don’t even have to go far for examples, we everyone saw the reaction of society and the business community to the arrest by the state bureau of investigation of investment banker ihor mozep, he repeatedly emphasized that ukraine has a problem with arbitrariness on the part of law enforcement officers, and that as a result, he was detained, the criminal proceedings against him are ongoing, and it is obvious to everyone that this is just a story of persecution, or for example, as with the case and you... on ferexpo, in particular, on the manager of the poltava gzk viktor lotous, who according to factually unfounded accusations of his was detained, and the law enforcement officers demanded that the judges choose a preventive measure for him in the form of a bail of hundreds of millions of hryvnias, and in order to pay such bails, people simply have to work, well, they would have to work
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for hundreds, if not thousands of years, just to to pay such a bail, it means that such a preventive measure... it will simply have no alternative, the person will be deprived of freedom, will be in sizo. as a result, judges today cannot adequately resist this pressure from the law enforcement officer, and in cases where they try to counteract such arbitrariness, surprise-surprise, the state bureau of investigation already comes to these judges with searches, as was the case recently, for example, in the example with the dnipro district court of the city of kyiv, when the judge made a decision that was not satisfactory the prosecutor of the prosecutor general's office, and the very next day they visited her with a search, so it is obvious that when law enforcement officers turn from law enforcement officers into law enforcers, no businessman will be sure that his investments are safe, well, by the way, law enforcement officers act like that, well, by the way things , there was a question from the ambassador of the big seven about the bureau of economic security, but this
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is not our topic now, the office of the attorney general informed that it has, it turns out, the investment protection department, which since the 20th year deals with violations by law enforcement agencies in relation to investors. please let me know if this body really fulfills the duties assigned to it, well, at least in relation to the cases that you deal with in your experience? you know, it is very good that such a body has existed for four years, but during these four years i must state that the situation with the protection of investments and the protection of investors' rights will only worsen. for these four years, and although the office of the attorney general states that this department is working on standards for the work of prosecutors with businesses, however, they have already been working on these standards for four years, and there are still no such standards, and they are actually admitting that they do not have any model of how to work with business and respect the rights, the rights
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of entrepreneurs, and it seems that this ... management is just some additional management of statistics, where they simply record the number and reasons for searches , what happens with this information in the future, how they can affect the actual violation of the rights of businessmen, is not clear, so i really wanted to, to see any real actions that would help investors protect their investments in their businesses, and what do you think should be changed into legislation in ukraine? in the implementation of certain decisions to attract investments, investors were not afraid to invest in ukraine, not only large investors, who, let's say, are a priori untouchable, yes, but also ukrainian investors who may attract foreign ones. funds from certain funds there, but work here. i wouldn't say that with the situation that we have, that we have untouchable investors, because in reality the threat of such a conditional
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police state affects everyone. and that is why it is extremely important for us to continue to affirm such rule of law in our country, and unfortunately, we no longer just need to affirm it, we need to fight for it. and really, who can prejudice their own. from the side of law enforcement officers - these are independent courts. justice must restrain investigators and prosecutors within the limits of the law. this is the only way to effectively counteract, in my opinion, abuse, abuse of authority on their part. and that's the only way we can return to restore the trust of foreign and domestic investors so that they invest in the development of ukraine, which will help us now and will continue to help and rebuild, because at the moment the office itself is the office of the president... and admits that investment interest in ukraine, he simply zero , which, for example, was recently stated by the deputy head of the president's office, this tells us one thing, that in order to recover,
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in order to survive in modern conditions, we need to change our attitude towards law enforcement agencies, we cannot remain silent violation on their part, because they will take it as tacit consent, we need to talk about it, we need to complain about it, we need to bring it to the public's attention, so that they have no choice but to act only within the limits of the law, as required by our legislation, and so they will be able to be transparent, and i am sure that this is the way we can ensure that investors both domestic, ours and foreign, thanks to this transparency , will be able to believe that their contributions to ukraine... the future will be protected in the future and they will trust ukraine with their funds so that we will continue to develop as a free and democratic state. thanks so much for
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joining, thanks for the comments. radyslav tkachenko, the lawyer of vb partners was in touch with us, we talked about the realities of business in ukraine, now we will talk about the situation outside of ukraine with reference to ukraine. the world about ukraine. yuriy fizar is next to many. yury, good evening, please. good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone, who joined us today vs. this will be strange, and for russia, perhaps, even alarming news continues to come from transcaucasia, in particular from armenia, which olaf scholz is afraid of, he himself said about it, and navalny was finally buried, about this and other things in a moment in the column world about ukraine. well , i am starting this transcaucasia, serious news comes from there, in particular from armenia, armenia by force. forced to join the union state created by russia and belarus. the speaker told journalists about this during the briefing
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alen simonyan of the parliament of ukraine. according to him, yerevan did not receive an official invitation, but in 2021 the russian government did everything to ensure that the armenian people elected a government that would make armenia a part of the union state. and then there is a quote from mr. speaker alain. simonyan in 2021 , the armenian people defeated a great geopolitical plan, the task of which was to bring us into this union state. well, already, apparently, the kremlin is beginning to tremble, well, not very much, but they are taking a nap, that, well, if they previously believed that armenia was in the transcaucasia, this is their country, and everything will be fine, so now the relationship is not between both countries, i mean... with armenia and russia, well, not as rosy as they would like in moscow. by the way, let me remind you that the day before , the same speaker of the parliament in armenia, alen simonyan,
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said that his country wants to establish relations with the european union and even bring cooperation to a higher level, which in the future could lead to that armenia would join the european union, he added that there is no need to hurry. but anyway, first talk about the fact that armenia wants to join the european union, today about the fact that russia forced armenia to join the union state, well, this is serious, i think, i will follow the development of this situation. now to one more country from the post-soviet space: russia is making every effort to prevent moldova from joining the european union, and moscow is doing it. constantly trying to keep the pocket in the "grey zone" quote. the president
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of the country, mae sanda, said about this on the air of the tv channel "journal tv". for her already in the words of moldova lost such a chance in the past, that is , to join the eu, when it could have joined it together with romania and the balkan countries, but according to her, now russia is simply trying to delay this process even further, and the president's quote: we are not against the russians, we have no something against them, we want russia to respect moldova, respect its citizens, respect the choice of our citizens, we are a democratic country, people choose here. democracy still needs to be changed, but people decide what to do and where to go, with whom to cooperate, sorry, but it seems to me, in my own opinion , some such naive moldovan children 's naivety, we are not against the russians, we are not against russia, we just want russia not to interfere in the internal affairs of moldova, and for putin to sneeze at the citizens of moldova and
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some internal affairs. we don't exist , well, it's just that we fight back, thank god, and that's why such phrases, we are not against the russians, we are not against the russian people, sorry, there are no good russians, and today's events in moscow, for example, showed this, came to navalny's funeral , asked for forgiveness in navalny, the ukrainians, who, god knows who else, the world and... parted ways, just parted ways, well, in one word, that's it, but don't miss navalny at the end of the column. german chancellor olaf scholz frankly admitted why he does not want to give long-range taurus missiles to ukraine. during a meeting with the residents of dresden the day before , the bundeschancellor said that to ensure control over the use of these missiles , it would be necessary to send bundeswehr servicemen to ukraine, however, he
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adds. the head of the german government is excluded and here's his short quote: in our case it would mean that we have to participate in this war, i think it's impossible, that's the end of olaf scholz's quote, well , let's listen to another motivation of the bundeschancellor in his direct speech. the hymars missile launcher is not the most powerful or long-range weapon, but it can do more than the taurus, which... flies up to 500 km. in addition, if taurus is used incorrectly, it can achieve a specific goal somewhere in moscow. well , this is the motivation: russians can go to kyiv they can shoot whatever they want in kharkov, they can fly to lviv, they can fly to transcarpathia, and they can fly to moscow, and
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valery, the ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-2019, commented very well on this explanation of olaf scholtz. on my facebook page, i will now quote his post to you: german chancellor olaf scholz is simply surprising. they are worried that their taurus missiles can, if used incorrectly , reach moscow, and the russian dagger can reach berlin, and there will be no supply of taurus missiles to ukraine in the necessary numbers, the germans will also fight themselves, and indeed the dagger can fly, and the cerkon can fly and... many russian weapons can fly, they are not accurate, but they will fall somewhere, so the motivation of chancellor scholz is, to put it mildly , surprising. let's go further: swimming across the ocean, american congressmen passed a bill on temporary funding of the government, and thus avoided the so-called shutdown, the termination of funding of government structures. first, he was voted for in the house of representatives, this is the lower house
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the american congress, then ... colleagues were supported by senators from the upper house. now the document has been given to the president of the united states of america, joe biden, for signature. let me remind you that this was one of the national priorities, at least according to the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson. another was the strengthening of security at the southern border. and because of this first priority , johnson refused to vote on the draft law on unblocking financial aid to ukraine, israel and other countries. of southeast asia, that is, now remains let's wait and see if speaker johnson will still delay the attitude of this bill to a vote, and it is also interesting from the united states of america that president joe biden wants the group of seven to develop a strategy for the use of frozen
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russian assets before the next summit in the summer of this year for. of ukraine, the agency reported.


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