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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EET

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there the warhead is separated, well, it is mobile, mobile launchers , a car drives up there and in fact, you are absolutely right when you say that this is a continuation of this rhetoric of putin, which was presented yesterday at the speech before the federal assembly, where he mentioned all the eyes for different bracelets that are in the russian federation, there is a missile, this is a nuclear storm petrel, there is a zircon, a tsarmat, and a voivode, well, i mean, they did not fly when , well, but there are actually eyes, i am sure that... . the left part of these samples will not be brought to mass production, because technologically and technically, russia is now not able to ensure the creation of a cruise missile with a nuclear power plant there or to ensure the operation of the laser system they installed there, which seems to be on the waiting list, but from the point of view of the influence on the europeans, which may have weak the nerves are there and i will remember to launch ballistic missiles. strategically, this is precisely
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an attempt to once again take up the nuclear arguments of influence on our partners, so that they would, relatively speaking, think or help us, but i think that our europeans understand that ukraine must be helped, because otherwise the war will come to their land, and this is the conclusion that they probably made a long time ago, that is why certain countries, such as france, come up with such good initiatives, although some countries, such as germany, if now we see the taurus missile, which we desperately need, after all... all the politicians and the military, even in germany, talk about the feasibility of transferring these missiles to ukraine, and scholz is still afraid and says that oh, oh, this missile can hit moscow there will be bad consequences, and then it is better not to transfer this missile to ukraine , i still think that the sholts will push back, but it is still the background, the lack of perception of the real situation, well, it is a little annoying, to be honest, by the way, i am a journalist for one of the german publications there, he... said about the fact that, well, he says, you need
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to understand scholz, but look, if this missile is put on a launcher, i don’t know whether it will be launched from an airplane or not, by the way, the problem is what to launch, but i think we found a way to launch it, let's launch it, give it to us, we will let's launch it, and they didn't launch it like that, but the point is that if there is, they say, if you put it on the border of chernihiv oblast, well, with belarus there or with russia, let's say, it borders, and chernihiv oblast borders russia, then it will be to moscow 500 km, well, this is actually the long distance of the flight range characteristics and if and how much. very technological, so if the goal , the goal of this missile is in the kremlin, then it will hit the kremlin, and it can be a window of putin's residence, for example, the one there, or the council hall or some other thing there, and that's it, and then well, we will be to blame, well, that is, such childish excuses, well, but scholz also says, look, this annoys me, says scholz, because germany provides the largest amount of military aid of military equipment, and it is true, because when we mention there about ammunition, remember sumpti. about armored vehicles, it seems that everything
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is true, but these things are related to the missile, it is also unclear against this background, because even britain says: "let's buy your taurus from germany for our arsenal, and the storm shed in larger quantities let's transfer it to ukraine, in this way we will strengthen the ukrainian potential, everything is fine, even this proposal for some reason is not interesting to scholz, and neither am i. only the very end on this topic, we will finish it already, because there are still important topics, 0.25% of the gdp of the eu countries for military aid to ukraine, this is such an initiative is important, i want to tell you that it is a lot, because only the gdp of germany is 80,900 billion euros, well, that is, count 1% of these eight trillion, that's 80 billion, let's say, let it be, but that's only germany, and there's also... the netherlands, well, there's austria, i don't know,
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it is not not, but not not in nato, but also other countries, italy, spain, france, these are large funds, i think they helped us a lot, well, but we will wait for taurus, so britain really appealed, if the sovereign the appeal to scholz was from britain, i think that the british will be able to convince olaf scholz, the great friend of ukraine, in fact it will help us a lot, and i think that we all understand that all these air defenses, armored personnel carriers. bakhmut, krasnohorivka, i understand that it was quite difficult to do, but they were able to do it to knock out the enemy, from there, what are the prospects further, krasnohorivka really, in fact, somehow it appeared unexpectedly, because a little while ago we were talking about avdiivka, about the enemy's actions from avdiivka and further west, we were talking about maryanka, which from maryanka in... which the enemy
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destroyed and captured, and the enemy there advanced in several directions, it is precisely in the direction of kurakhovo there to georgiyivka, then through the destroyed po... pobeda tries to move to kostyantynivka, a coal miner, this is one direction, then novomykhaivka , these are all settlements just after the hostilities in maryanka, and then, when krasnohorivka appeared, then actually it is just conventionally speaking, if so between avdiivka and marinka, this is one more of the directions where the enemy tried to push the front line and unexpectedly with this attack.. . tried to break through to the village from the south, entered, did not even reach this settlement, to the town, and literally once again the third separate assault
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brigade demonstrated its fighting qualities, when two battalions of the enemy were knocked out of krasnogorivka, there and from railway, it seems there and all the way to the river, that is, the situation has completely changed, that is, in fact, the prepared units with the presence of artillery, support, well, they are capable of working miracles on the battlefield, which was once again demonstrated by the third separate assault brigade, which we can see that our battalions are working in several directions, holding the enemy's defense, sometimes conducting active counterattacks, although such counterattacks were also carried out in other directions, which speaks of the activity of our defense, and here , again, the ammunition, which in these directions we have a little... more appeared, probably from the reserves, and due to the use of fpv drones, which also compensate for the lack of ammunition, that is, it is only important to understand that the third assault brigade has the same people as everyone is different, but there is a certain selection, of course not everyone can get there, as far as i understand, but i think that the experience could be adopted, because i
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looked at the statistics that of those people who are conscripted, which are millions people are actually in ukraine, but not all of them can be there are quite suitable, but are obliged to serve, 35. would like to serve, it is huge, that is , if you take all conscripts, 35% is a lot, it is hundreds of thousands of people, but the problem is that today they are not allowed to go to the military, although they should definitely do it, if there is such a desire , especially, they should, but if there is a desire, then even more so, this, forgive me, the idiot commander and his strange orders, this also happens, let's not pretend to be some people here from another world, it is the level of preparation and the time for preparation, not two are the same. with an ax in the forest, a well, with high-quality training and equipment with military salaries and in general funding and expenses, so that there is no later, as the military often writes to us, but help us , they do not pay money for the second month, and how can you help, i am not there, they do not pay for injuries , and there are still a number of issues , that is, if this is solved, it turns out that you can
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recruit motivated people and they will fight, maybe not like the third stormtrooper, but at least try to reach its level, well, what is positive about the third stormtrooper, in fact it accompanies a person from desire serve in the third storm brigade, training, combat operations, and suddenly, god forbid, something happened to a person, then the third storm brigade has a unique patronage service that basically helps families, i know families that we helped from analysis of remains to funerals and to help children, that is, this process is taken over by the third assault brigade, and here it has, conditionally speaking, a reflection of how the state should... act, that is, conditionally speaking, if the state accompanied from beginning to end, then surely everything - there was still a situation with mobilization somewhat different, because now there is mobilization , landing, injuries and all, then, if this is a prospect, it is frightening, but there are other prospects and there are other approaches to conducting
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mobilization and using the potential of every person who really wants to serve in the armed forces, well so really, when you understand, you remove all problems from yourself, you are just now devoted to the state. if your life is lost or in the name of the state, or you are injured, you, you will not think about where to raise money for an operation, but you will simply be treated and transfer the experience to other troops, or if you can, return to the front. yes, we still have a very important topic, which is nato troops in ukraine, let's have time to discuss it, because it is important, today was the last statement on this topic by the minister of foreign affairs. of the republic of ukraine, who said that we will not give ukraine-ukraine to russia, but french citizens, but the french military will not die in this war for ukraine, but there is a french legion, not all french citizens are there, for example, just plus canada is also ready for this topic to consider, here is actually this statement
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macron, i was somewhat skeptical at first, and then i realized that there are many components to these statements of the french president, and one of them actually really says that: first of all, the red lines that russia tried to draw are being blurred, when, so to speak, well , to ensure the fear of european countries, not to get close to ukraine, then... maybe some kind of new nuclear war will start there, and secondly, the readiness of the french to initiate processes that other countries are not yet ready, or are ready, but not ready, well, let's talk about it is universal, and when macron was told that this was not the time, a day later he said that every word was related to the statement about the possibility of sending units to the territory of ukraine, they were clearly calculated, and indeed later there were positive reactions from the baltic countries. the balts, who said that the reality could be different, and such scenarios should also be taken into account, and
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the comments from the french minister of foreign affairs, they actually related to the fact that paris is ready to consider new actions in support of ukraine, and these military actually indeed, they must not always be on the front lines, but things are related to training, exchange of information, cyber security,... weapons production, weapon repair, these are the components that can be implemented by the military of others countries on the territory of ukraine, and now, by the way, the ukrainian side there is working out various options in order to find options for the involvement of the military of other countries in the most necessary directions for strengthening within the framework of these security agreements with european countries, seven such agreements have already been signed there. armed forces of ukraine, so i think that we expected ukraine to join nato, this is absolutely true, but
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now there is an option when nato also enters ukraine, and now we are looking for such forums that strengthen our potential, not only weapons, but there and decisions that will be extremely necessary for the armed forces, so this is a good new initiative, the fact that it caused such a powerful resonance even among enemies indicates that it has such an effective rational grain. by the way, there are roads. eyes during this two hours with a maniac is called a program in them, well, an appeal to federal assembly, and he says that he once again scared poles, he said that if you lead troops, we will give you, but he also scared on the night of february 24, we all remember that video, he said that who will help ukraine, which we will try to tear apart, then we will give it to you, but he didn't give it then, and he won't give it now, and he says that already the troops, nato contingent troops entered russia, and what... everything ended, well he probably meant the second world war, then the napoleonic wars, but on the other
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hand, nato troops, crimea, in crimea won in in 1856, russia, and in 1854-1956, we remember, nato troops, by the way, helped germany not to lose then, if not for nato troops, well , globally, not for the help of the western world, as stalin biri once said, what if not for the usa and not britain, we would have fought back somewhere beyond the urals, well, that's true, it's just an objective fact, that's why it is, but let's remember the times when the poles... together with aghaidachny stood near moscow, and for some reason sahaydachny simply turned around and left, well obviously he wanted to earn money in turkey, so i think that he just went there turkey could earn normally, in moscow, what will you take, well, realistically, the cossacks have to pay money, and that's why putin wouldn't say that, we can repeat it too, and we literally have five minutes there, but i want , so that we can discuss more things, because the situation there is very difficult, and the enemy is trying to enter and it is important for him to take this point on the map, this is true, and just like that... the russian public was literally there yesterday saying that we are there they captured the works, they entered the works
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and they were repeatedly beaten out, but now it is extreme the information is that this is the western part of the work, but where there was fighting for two strongholds, the enemy there was completely knocked out, and these defenders there in the west are captured, in the western part of the work , our units are captured, there is none. there is an advance of the enemy, but in general it is really a wedge into the enemy's defense there 12 by 10 km, it is a rather difficult area for our defense, of course the enemy will try to outplay the results of our offensive there, will take measures to push our troops, but i think that now the general staff should rationally assess the area where our troops are located, where our troops are on defense, assess the risks, make some decisions that will optimally ensure the situation on this part of the front, i am not talking about
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the withdrawal of our troops, but we understand , that this wedge, it was supposed to be a bridgehead, now this bridgehead is located like this, well, in conditions where it is not easy to hold it, although all our brigades that hold this area there, well, they work very efficiently, there are many videos where fronts, artillery ditto on this one direction is working, but i repeat, this section is... not simple, although there is actually no other, no section of the front that can be considered simple or easy to defend there, but we understand that even in these conditions our soldiers provide protection, well and... we hope that our european partners will act faster with assistance. i see europeans with ammunition already a little more active and i think that probably we are already starting to receive european ammunition, or bought with european money for these ammunition, so i think the situation due to this, it will be more or less stabilized, and the plane crash of 13 planes
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shot down in the last 10 days, this is the work of unidentified people. now for your attention the plot: a forty-ton container with unique medical equipment arrived in kyiv, the cargo was delivered to one of the capital's hospitals, which handed over the much-needed medicine. our correspondents asked for help, we are listening. medicinal preparations, means for prosthetics, operating and rehabilitation tools. one of the military received unique medical equipment hospitals of kyiv. all this was purchased thanks to the project of the charitable foundation of charity and health. on the territory of the hospital
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, volunteers unloaded a forty-ton container with medical equipment worth more than uah 14 million. all containers are filled with medical consumables, means for surgical interventions, for rehabilitation, medicines and consumables. this is such a thrilling and important moment for our charitable organization, because we have been providing military medical units for two years now, but here we appreciate the sheer volume of what we 've brought, and of course, it's a serious thrill, and we've got the whole team together. the charitable fund of mercy and health takes care of medical institutions, hospitals and medical units of the defense forces of ukraine, mainly in the frontline territories and in the combat zone. volunteers provide the necessary equipment to more than 35 hospitals, as well as more than 100 military units. we well understand that the health care system
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now has a huge load and cannot cope with the entire volume of medical care, we... try to be as personalized as possible and implement the very closure of the very need that medical institutions provide us, one of our main directions is, of course, to find donors who are ready to help us, these donors are mostly foreigners, i do not want to offend which countries, because almost all of europe, the united states, great britain, civilian hospitals and... military hospitals of ukraine are constantly in need of medicines and special equipment, and the work of volunteers helps them a lot in this. there are a lot of guys who are protecting ours now the state, they not only protect the state, they protect their homes, and so that it does not spill over, the guys risk their lives, their health, and they also need to be treated, they should be given some respect, as in
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our country, well, not now we are coping, it would be very good, which would exhibit not only medicine. and expendable property, inventory, and equipment for both civilian hospitals and military hospitals need this. high-quality medical equipment allows ukrainian doctors to quickly put injured defenders on their feet. we can only thank the charitable foundation mercy mercy and health, for the great work they do, particularly for the military hospitals, because they gave one of the military hospitals equipment and... consumables to treat our wounded for a large amount of money, all from abroad, it is important that organizations such as this fund, like our fund, take care and help, because a very large number of these wounded soldiers, thanks to the high-quality, high-quality help provided, even return
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to the ranks back to their comrades in the army and continue to fight against the occupiers. within the project. in the near future , six containers of valuable medical aid will be handed over to 16 hospitals and clinics of ukraine to the charity fund of mercy and health. the cargo will be distributed among institutions that provide medical care in donetsk, chernihiv and kyiv regions. tetyana golunova, dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. this is such important help. her initiative is important, i wish there was more such help. good evening, we are from ukraine.
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when i start to remember, well, it's more like that a feeling of anger and some desire for revenge is present in me, 60-year-old pavlo from mariupol with the pain of memory. to the russian invasion of his hometown. before the beginning of the great war, pavel and his wife svitlana had a happy life. he taught physical education at the school and was a martial arts coach. the wife had her own business. on february 24, 2022, a new life countdown began. paul says: those whom he considered his friends turned out to be traitors and marauders. they were so actively trading this loot.
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they will fall like this, they will fall there from the house of the mountains god knows what kind of necessity they would get there, the city was constantly bombarded with shells, russians dropped bombs from airplanes, cannons and howitzers did not stop. pavlo remembers the day when he and his wife miraculously survived, and a pillar fell on my house and broke the roof, all the windows were rolled up, the doors flew inside, so that i was wearing a sports cap. i was on the street at that time, well, i didn’t see it, i looked at what my hat was doing on the tree, then i started to analyze it, it’s my
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mistake, it’s been solved, i’m alive remained, it was a millimeter, 2 mm, the woman was in the house at that time, she was rescued in a coma, so the makukh family lived in the besieged mariupol for three months, because they could not leave svetlana's bedridden old mother. all those who remained in the city had to pass a mandatory check, the so-called filtering. the couple helped the local and ukrainian military. pavlo was also on duty at his school. one day, svetlana, together with other people, hid in a drama theater, which was soon destroyed by the russians. and the children already thought that she stayed there, but a woman came to the home
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theater ... at the end of may, there was already a corpse stench on the streets, pavlo and his wife were afraid that the city would be closed due to the risk of cholera spreading, but the couple managed to leave mariupol on may 31, 2022, two days before leaving
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for ... this time they met with their relatives already here in ukraine. svitlana and pavla's son and grandson left mariupol in march. 12-year-old maksym lives with his mother in drohobych, lviv region. his father went to serve in the army. the boy remembers those humiliations and the long way to controlled ukraine territory there was a large column, all seats were occupied. we drove standing all, well, night, and then, well, at night already. we arrive at a russian checkpoint, there was a gas station there, and at that time we were told that we would not go any further, and we stood there at night for two days, the
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next day... in the morning they brought us water from the sewers, which is not possible we had to drink, then we, well, on the whole bus, well, they threw a loaf of bread so that we could just eat, on the day when they brought us that water, there was just a military vehicle driving in front of us russian, we saw it, and we were not allowed to pass because of this, that they simply drove the equipment, difficult circumstances and the war separated the makukh family, each of them dreams of one thing, when to unite again.
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i congratulate you! this is freedom! is it on radio svoboda? we have already approached the serpent himself. the following the footage may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life - frankly and impartially. you do it yourself. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect ours tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday
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on espress. premium sponsor of the national team represents united football together stronger. greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. the german chancellor is delaying sending the taurus to ukraine. why did they say goodbye to oleksiy navalny in moscow with shouts of "unfair" idol of the tsar, what does this mean. and how the front line in ukraine has changed over the past week, these are the main topics of the issue. we are leaving.


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