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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. the german chancellor is delaying sending taurus to ukraine. why did they say goodbye to oleksiy navalny in moscow with shouts of "neprasty" the idol of the tsar. what this means and how the front line in ukraine has changed over the past week are the main topics of the issue. we
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russian troops advanced to the west of avdiivki in donetsk region and even captured several settlements in the area. this is stated in the current report of the institute for the study of war. analysts refer to geolocation images from february 28 and 29 that show russian troops advancing south and southwest of stepovoy, which is located northwest of avdiivka, and also... northwest of lastochkino, which is west of avdiivka . at the same time, analysts say that there is not a shred of visual confirmation of russia's capture of berdychi settlements. about this, in particular, russian so-called warmongers and pro-war russian bloggers reported yesterday. ukraine has built defenses along the reservoirs to the west of avdiivka, osint analyst and columnist for bilt publication julian ryobke reports. during the last time, he writes, russian troops advanced to a distance of 5 km from avdiivka, capturing. the last villages are steppe,
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severne, lastochkine and water. they advance further to the west in a wide front with a total length of 10-15 km. the ukrainian command claims that they managed to stabilize the front on the line berdychi, semenivka, orlivka and tonenko, and also pervomaiske. there are ponds and small rivers, so it is more convenient to hold the defense. in the coming days, ryobky notes, it will be clear whether the ukrainian forces managed to build a line of defense there and stop it. big breakthrough at the same time, our colleagues, the military correspondents of radio liberty, report that on the right flank of the avdiiv direction , assaults by russian troops do not stop. this section of the front is held by infantrymen of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. listen their stories. our area of ​​responsibility is the right side from avdiyivka, the right front, let's call it that. this is our area of ​​responsibility. how is the situation there now? the situation is very difficult. drones, artillery, everything
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in them works so well that it is difficult, very difficult both in positions and on approaches, a difficult situation, we must train, the combat training of the boys is in the first place for us, only the boys leave the position, immediately , there they wash, rub off, in general, rest, the next day it is necessary... preparation, that without it is very difficult to prepare, well , little by little, they climb into the small huts, but with these small ones, not like before, when five tanks go, all plastered with infantry, they got it, returned back, now it is a little different, now without equipment they are walking in a more orderly manner, monitoring the situation, the second drone is flying, so to speak, covering our position. and at this moment they
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climb and climb under the noise, accordingly, at these moments their artillery is still working well, we lack artillery and fpv drones, ordinary drones, we really need them, they are absolutely essential they are changing the situation on the battlefield, they only have one problem with drones and artillery, people seem to be fighting, they want to fight, they have the equipment just right and... maybe the weather doesn’t allow them to go with the equipment, but they ask, well, it happens , they also go in small groups, sometimes they go with equipment, i think they will want to level the line, well, it will certainly be in our direction too, everything is taken in quantity, at the expense of which you then hold on, preparation, quality, again the motivation of people, so what... i'm saying that people
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know what they are here for, people have families, in people have their own land, which they protect, no matter how difficult it is, but we try, we try. hold shot, shot, shot, this is our reserve, we have weapons that are in one place, in the hospital all the time, and this is our reserve, it is used if, for example, the hospital is burned, the guys can't work, the second calculation that is here, sits down, takes ammunition with him, leaves for a previously prepared point. and begins to work from there to support the infantry, shot, everything is held on the infantry, if it wasn't difficult for her there, but everything is holding on to her, if it wasn't difficult there, but i think that we will persevere and everything will be fine with us,
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i would certainly like to do it as quickly as possible , but, but we have what we have, to our broadcast already... expert, good evening, good evening, we will start from avdiivka then, from the avdiivka direction, from your point of view, did the ukrainian forces still manage to build a line of defense there during this time and stop the big breakthrough precisely in the avdiiv direction, as you think, well, let's put it this way, there was no major breakthrough there, because a major breakthrough is a concept of the operational level and a major breakthrough means entering the operational space of the enemy, this did not happen and... and we continue to deter the enemy with our regular battles, despite the fact that he is in times prevails in the number of personnel, the number of weapons and military equipment, therefore, first of all, the betrayal is canceled, our guys are holding positions, we are withdrawing like this, we are trying to gain a foothold in
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those positions, regarding what we can build or cannot build positions, it is not a matter of one day, i would say more than one week if we are talking about capital positions. and now everything is being done to deter the enemy, to buy time to improve these positions, because you understand, well, it is impossible to build defense lines every 3-5 km, and to attract simply colossal resources to this, it is simply physically impossible , but wherever it is possible, wherever we have the opportunity, as in the video you have now to prepare these fortifications, we do it, and we can see it. because the rate of advancement of russian troops to date have slowed down a little, so we have the opportunity to create such positions now, i hope that we will use this time, which was gained by the colossal effort of our units, with high
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efficiency. we just listened to the report of our colleagues from the avdiiv region, and the military said, among other things, that they lack artillery and fpv. drones, and also, i want to ask you in this connection, taking this into account, how far the russian troops can advance after avdiivka and after the capture of these settlements, which were discussed earlier, and today i will also mention, there was a statement from the armed forces of ukraine that the russian army received reinforcements near avdiivka, but taking all this into account, how far can they still go? well, you know, it's better to ask our guys how much they can make our defense stand up. why, because there are a lot of factors to be taken into account here, including our battle formations, the level of readiness of our positions, the availability of additional forces and means that can be involved, i.e. reserves. commander, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general syrsky, transferred there, gave an order
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to transfer additional units there, accordingly, allocated a certain limit of ammunition, as far as the fpv is provided, well, you know that, it is already popular. initiative , so it is very difficult to say how many there will be and in what quantity they will be needed, but at the same time we note that the enemy has slowed down, he does not have the opportunity to advance far, far, even more, i will say that it depends on stretching his communication as much as they can to pull up their rear units to support the actions of the troops on the offensive, but we do not let them do it easily. and in accordance with this, we understand that it is not, i repeat again, not a cooperative breakthrough, it is a small tactical waste of our troops to maintain and equip new positions. then one last question specifically about avdiivka, from military
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observers you can often hear that the russian offensive on avdiivka, on avdiivka, showed that the russian troops were able to change the approach to conducting hostilities, do you agree with this, if yes? explain how fundamentally their tactics in the avdiyivka direction, and around it, around avdiivka differ from what, for example, was during the capture of bakhmut or during the capture of other ukrainian cities there. do you see this difference? well, you know, the only difference is that the enemy, and we have to talk about it, used aviation quite effectively, that is , the number of guided air bombs that were dropped on the widow, it is not in any way compared to what happened before that that is, the enemy invented an opportunity to use such a specific algorithm of combat operations exclusively in... based on the situation that arose when they could strike the aircraft from three sides.
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avdiyivka was in such a semi-encirclement, we know about it, that's why instead of bringing additional forces and means of anti-aircraft defense there, we could not prevent the strikes. now the situation, as we can see, according to the opinion of the enemy, is roughly the same, with the exception that our troops are not in a semi-encirclement, so they continue to use. control of the bomb, this is such a major difference from what we saw before in various areas of the front, but the situation has changed, including in view of the fact that we can now reach and the number of downed attack aircraft and bombers actually speaks of this , that is, beyond that, well , there are no special changes, the enemy also uses a large number of infantry, a large number. with the only, the only difference, well, this is already such a constant
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difference, tangential to the entire front line, which is that they are trying protecting our artillery, well, not bringing it closer to the front, where we could strike with fpv drones and other unmanned systems, so it's about this kind of use of forces and means, which is a little different from, different from what was on... of this war, in particular, during the north-donetsk and lysichan operations. you mentioned the downed aircraft, the armed forces of ukraine claim that in the last two weeks alone they have shot down 13 russian warplanes, which, compared to previous defeats by russian aircraft, is a lot more than in the previous months of the war. how do you explain this, especially since it is worth understanding the context here, because all this is happening against the background of very significant delays in the supply of western... ammunition, including missiles for air defense systems, how did this become possible?
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well, you know, this is roughly what i was talking about, that is, if the enemy used his tactical advantages in the conditions of avdiyivka, striking the air force, now he has fewer such advantages, because he can carry out attacks only from the frontal direction, that is, from the direction from which we can to predict its flight, moreover, i specifically noted that there was no opportunity ... to pull additional air defense resources to avdiivka itself, unlike what is happening now, when we are more free in our air defense maneuvers, striking, striking strikes deep into the rear positions of the enemy and at his air targets, it is connected with this and, let's say, also with the creative use of our weapons of all available. as a rather old soviet type of s200 complexes, yes and the latest more modern systems, against
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russian aircraft, and as we can see, this tactic of hunting russian aircraft turned out to be successful for the defense forces of ukraine. in the armed forces, it is often noted that in the armed forces of ukraine, that the russian troops quickly learn what conclusions they will draw from this, from this, from constant and frequent impressions. impressions of russian aircraft, well, they will be forced to take only one step so far, and this step will consist in the fact that they should reduce the intensity of the use of aviation, because they cannot cover themselves from our anti-aircraft weapons in the event of entering the affected zone, that is, a decrease in aviation activity can also lead to the fact that they will drop these bombs, which... air bombs at the limit of their capabilities, from that, accordingly suffers accuracy
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of strikes, because it will give some relief to our defenders who hold the first line, and one more question, it concerns the potential sending of western military to ukraine, the french president told reporters that his previous statement that the shipment is possible, that this issue had not been closed, that it was completely... thought out, serious, he did not slander, it was not some figure of speech, he does not refuse his words, and and and this means that in in principle, the discussion is launched, just as at one time only the discussion was launched. regarding tanks, then regarding airplanes, now we see that it is already becoming a reality, well, airplanes are not yet, tanks already are , please tell me under what circumstances the troops of nato or individual european states are realistic, do you believe in this prospect and for under what circumstances it can become a reality, i can tell you under what circumstances it will become a reality, in the event that the russian federation starts a war against the baltic countries,
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against poland, against possibly finland, and we can quite... consider it as a very likely situation , that the expeditionary corps of nato member countries, or groups, coalition groups of units of certain countries, can be involved in the territory of ukraine to conduct military operations against our common enemy. and this is precisely what president macron actually said, because on today , there is no way to say that we can expect any nato units to join us soon . there is no reason for this for nato countries and for other countries, but in the event of such a large-scale conflict, we can consider this issue, but then these troops will defend nato countries, you are talking about it, on the territory of ukraine, what is the difference, who will they be defend on the territory of ukraine? i didn't just not understand you, i thought you said that if i repeat again, repeat again, repeat again, in case
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the outbreak of war against the nato bloc, in particular , for example, against poland, against the baltic countries, we can... consider the possibility that coalition units, for example, the expeditionary corps of france, great britain, germany, can be moved to the territory of ukraine to support actions, flanking actions, the nato coalition in other areas of the front. thank you very much for your comment. serhiy grabskyi, a military expert, was on radio liberty. representatives of the government of great britain are privately calling. germany to provide long-range missiles to ukraine taurus this is reported by the bloomberg agency with reference to informed sources. high-ranking british ministers and officials have repeatedly made it clear to germany that ukraine desperately needs taurus missiles, the publication writes. zmi previously wrote that london even offered berlin such an agreement: great britain would transfer to ukraine more of its own storm shadow missiles, and in
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exchange for them, germany would transfer its long-range taurus missiles to london. germany has not yet responded to this. position, the publication writes. well, federal chancellor olaf scholz the day before stated publicly that berlin will not supply taurus to ukraine, because they can fly to moscow. i would like to remind you that the taurus missile can reach a speed of up to 900 km/h and has a firing range of up to 500 km. scholz also made it clear that other countries that supply weapons to ukraine also provide certain conditions for their use. and this means that when transferring tauruses to kyiv , it would be necessary to send them to ukraine as well. german military, and this is excluded. well, i will also remind you that last week the bundestag recommended that it be transferred to ukraine long-range missiles. in kyiv, this was immediately interpreted as berlin's willingness to hand over taurus. at least, this is what yehor cherniv, head of the permanent delegation of the verkhovna rada to the nato parliamentary assembly, claimed, but now it seems that taurus was not specifically mentioned. vasyl
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mykhailyshyn, a researcher at the konrad adenauer foundation in good ukraine, joins our broadcast. evening, good evening, let's start from the beginning, please explain to us what exactly the german parliament voted for on february 22, because several resolutions were voted there , first for what the opposition proposed, then for what the coalition proposed, then they said , allegedly, the german parliament gave the green light to taurus, then they say no, no, no, everything is not as you thought, can you explain this point to us in detail now, i will try... the fact that two resolutions were voted on, the only reason was that the coalition did not want to vote on the initiative put forward by the opposition, and that was the only, the only issue, why it was voted twice, so a resolution was eventually voted on and tabled from the coalition, it was essentially no different from what the opposition submitted, but the initiative came from the coalition, unfortunately,
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the vote in the bundestag is only advisory in nature, that is, the bundestag cannot... decide on the transfer of taurus or any other weapons to ukraine, this is determined by the federal security council, which is headed by chancellor olaf scholz and includes key ministers of the german government, i.e. the decision to supply taurus, like all other weapons that were previously provided to ukraine, is fully in the hands of the federal chancellor vasyl, may i clarify, after all , this decision, which resolution, for which i voted... in the bundestag, it did not provide for the sending of taurus, do you understand why some people in kyiv interpreted it a little differently, well, i think, just in ... they really wanted this decision, they really wanted to see that we will soon get taurus, and this is a kind of wishful thinking of a kind, of course, this
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has a certain symbolic meaning, that look, look, the coalition that formed this government, she is not against the transfer of long-range weapons to ukraine, but of legal significance this solution does not have in the sense that it coalition cannot overcome the desire or the sky. olaf scholz to transfer one or another weapon to ukraine. do you understand why, as of now, olaf scholz does not have such a desire. well , of course he explains it, he says that they can fly to moscow, but maybe, well , if, maybe it's fear, but maybe there are some other reasons. well, unfortunately, germany is known, the german government is known for finding many reasons why those other weapons cannot be transferred, because of what, and... germany's reputation has suffered in recent years, although germany, i would like to remind you, is the second largest supplier of arms to ukraine, and of course we are grateful to them for that, er, i would
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say that here it is a certain complex of reasons, first of all, it is the fear of escalation , it's real, and uh, and and and for germany it 's actually more important, this argument is more important than for other countries, they fear the involvement of their country, which... a man's war, they fear more than france and britain, which , who possess nuclear weapons, germany does not have its own nuclear weapons, they rely only on the us nuclear umbrella. there is another argument, about which we speak less, they say, it is usually certain sensitive technologies that are in the taus missile, and they are afraid that they will get into the hands of the russians in another way, for example, through the components of a downed missile, or if something does not work . for example, if the russians get this taurus missile, certain technologies can get to them. there is also fear and a certain mistrust that ukraine
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will use taurus not against the goals for which it was agreed. this one, that one mistrust and fear, of course, are completely groundless, because it is clear that ukraine needs long-term relations with its allies, and it will not destroy them for the sake of one or two strikes on some deep targets. russia, please tell me, or could it be that scholz is just waiting for some kind of a go-ahead, or a green light from washington, as you remember, it was with tanks when he said that german tanks would go to ukraine when a similar the decision will be made in washington, it is possible, although there is no such rhetoric now, that is, then they directly talked about it, that only after, only together with the allies, only together with america... the germans will hand over leopards, at the moment there is not even such rhetoric, that is , no one says that if the states, for example, hand over atakms missiles to us at a distance of 300 km , then
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scholz will transfer the taurus for 500 km, this option is possible, but i think that, that, that at the moment there is no reason to hope even for him, and the germans will consider their tauruses as a completely separate decision. which may be influenced by the position of the united states, but not by me i think it will be automatic, as in the case of the tank coalition. and what could change scholz's decision, where does this border, the red border, the red line pass, after which scholz says: yes, this is already too much, and we are giving tauruses to ukraine. unfortunately, even this is difficult to predict, because if we look at the german-ukrainian security agreement, there is not even there, there is no mention of far. well , weapons, and there is, in particular, the position that germany should help ukraine in case of renewed russian aggression, renewal is meant if there is ever
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an armistice has been concluded, and after that russia will break it, and even in the event of such a renewal of aggression, the germans are still afraid to threaten the transfer, the transfer of the tauruses, probably considering it still a sufficiently escalating argument, so unfortunately, how is this... it often happened before, new arms deliveries could be a reaction to some extraordinary cruelty or brutality of russia on the battlefield. of course, i would really not like it to be the same here, but for the time being, until in the coming months, i think, the question of the transfer of the tauruses for ukraine will not be considered, er, and of course, this this this this will be enough. failure to strengthen ukrainian capabilities, i have one last question, vasyl, tell me to what extent this categorical position of scholz reflects
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the position of german society, maybe? perhaps there is some kind of sociology, or of the entire german political community, which mood prevails there, or is there, so to speak, an agreement to transfer these missiles to ukraine, an agreement of the majority? german society is clearly also afraid of escalation, but an important point was important, as with the transfer of other weapons, german society was also very cautious and did not always support this or that decision before that. how it was implemented, but when the federal government went , for example, first to supply only lethal weapons to ukraine at the very beginning of a full-scale invasion, then to supply tanks, and this decision was communicated that it did not involve germany in the war, that it did not involve a major escalation , then the majority of germans supported uh-uh this decision of the federal government, i.e. currently some germans consider
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uh... aid for military aid for ukraine is sufficient, not opposing it , but considering it sufficient, but this does not mean that if a decision is made about taurus, that the germans will strongly oppose it, here is the whole question of internal communication in society, of course such words about escalation , that taurus will involve germany in the war, they do not help this communication within society, but in the same party, the social democratic party. the same pistorius the minister of defense or annelena burbok, they support the decision of the president about transmission of the taurus, and the key key deterrent is the position of olaf scholz. i understood you. thank you very much for the clarification. vasyl mykhailyshyn, a researcher at the konrad adanauer foundation in ukraine, was on radio liberty. thank you. today, russian...
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oppositionist oleksii navalny was buried in one of the warehouses in moscow. the farewell was as short as possible, the commemoration took 20 minutes, only relatives and friends were allowed into the church, although there were quite a few who wanted to say goodbye to navalny. later they were admitted to the cemetery, although this happened after 15 minutes before the closing of the cemetery, and not everyone got there. people ended up leaving flowers right outside the nearest metro station. they also chanted neprostim, without putin, tsar dalo and even glory to the heroes. how it... was, look. on the morning of march 1 , security forces began to gather near the temple in tali mayapichal in moscow. metal barriers were placed on the road from the church to the cemetery where oleksiy navalny will be buried. a few hours before the start of the funeral ceremony, a queue of those willing to say goodbye to the politician was already lining up at the church. journalists of publications that were at the scene of the events reported on hundreds of people in line.
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they went to the moscow temple. people from different russian cities. i came to moscow for oleksiy. i came to moscow for oleksiy's funeral, to see him on his last journey. it's important to me, it's important to many, so i didn't see any other option but to go to the funeral. i actually came here from kaliningrad, because for me today's event is both very sad and very important, because every person who came here today is a person who fulfills his civic duty. which is not afraid to express grief, even though it is now forbidden in our country. russian opposition politicians also came to the church, for example, the former mayor of yekaterinburg, evgeny roizman, as well as former candidates for the presidency of russia, boris nadezhdin and kateryna dontsova, were spotted there. the ambassadors of the usa, germany and france came to say goodbye to navalny with a bouquet of red carnations. on this day , journalists
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asked the press secretary of the president of russia, dmytro piskov. does the kremlin have anything to say to the family navalny on the day of his burial? no, no, what can i say. on the day of the catafalque, the coffin with the body of oleksiy navalny was brought to the church. when the house was brought to the territory, the crowd chanted the family name. navalny's parents came to the funeral, people who are not relatives or relatives of the politician, waited outside the temple. and when the coffin was taken from there to the cemetery, the car... the crowd went from the church to the borisovsky cemetery, the burial place of navalny, on the way people chanted navalny, putin is a murderer, putin, kill yourself, not a war, russia! will be free!


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